HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 17-22Report to Council Report Number: ENG 17-22 Date: May 24, 2022 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering Services Subject: Beachfront Park -Master Plan – Detailed Design -File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1.That Council approve the hiring of The MBTW Group for Consulting and Professional Services for the preparation of detailed design drawings and tender specifications for the implementation of the Beachfront Park Master Plan, in accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 10.03 (c), as the assignment is above $50,000.00; 2.That the fee proposal submitted by The MBTW Group for Consulting and Professional Services for the preparation of detailed design drawings and tender specifications for the implementation of the Beachfront Park Master Plan in the amount of $432,349.30 (HST included) be accepted; 3.That the total gross project cost of $549,587.00 (HST included), including the fee amount and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $494,920.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 4.That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the total net project cost of $494,920.00 as approved in the 2022 Capital Budget to be funded by a transfer from the Parkland Reserve Fund; and, 5.That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The City of Pickering retained The MBTW Group to complete the Beachfront Park Rehabilitation & Needs Assessment Study and the public engagement process in 2021. The study area extended along the lake front, from the Frenchman’s Bay Harbour Entrance to Alex Robertson Park. Following consultation with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and City staff, two rounds of public engagement were completed using the City’s Let’s Talk Pickering platform. Resident comments were considered in the preparation of the Final Preferred Design Option which was endorsed by Council as the Beachfront Park Master Plan at the December 13, 2021 Council meeting (Resolution #745/21). As part of the 2022 Parks Capital Budget, $500,000 was approved for the preparation of the detailed design drawings of the new elements proposed in the Master Plan. ENG 17-22 May 24, 2022 Subject: Beachfront Park Master Plan – Detailed Design Page 2 The MBTW Group have provided the City with a fee proposal and have assembled a design team that includes landscape architects, coastal, structural, electrical and civil engineers, and environmental consultants, for detailed design development and the preparation of tender ready drawings and specifications. In addition, an architectural firm is also being carried, to prepare a needs and assessment study of the existing Beachfront Park washroom. The Study will determine what building renovations will be required to make it more accessible, functional and suitable for all season use, and, considering it’s close proximity to the shoreline, what exterior building changes will permitted by the approval authorities. Staff are seeking Council’s approval to retain The MBTW Group to prepare the detailed design drawings and tender specifications. The MBTW Group have successfully completed several waterfront related projects for the City of Pickering many of which included professional design services. The MBTW Group also prepared the Master Plan for Beachfront Park. Staff are recommending that The MBTW Group be retained to prepare the detailed design drawings and tender specifications for this project at a total cost of $432,349.30 (HST included). The City will recognize considerable savings by retaining the same consultant who prepared the background studies and Master Plan. The total gross project cost which includes the consulting fees other associated costs, is estimated at $549,587.00 (HST included) and the total net project cost is estimated at $494,920.00 (net of HST rebate). Financial Implications: 1. Proposal Amount The MBTW Group Fee Proposal $382,610.00 HST (13%) 49,739.30 Total Gross Proposal Amount $432,349.30 2. Estimated Project Cost Summary The MBTW Group Fee Proposal $382,610.00 Associated Costs Topographic Survey (J.D. Barnes Limited) 14,950.00 Geotechnical Investigations (EXP Services Inc.) 30,400.00 Indigenous Peoples Consultation (allowance) 5,000.00 TRCA Permit Fees 7,500.00 Contingency 45,900.00 Sub Total $486,360.00 HST (13%) 63,227.00 Total Gross Project Cost $549,587.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (54,667.00) Total Net Project Costs $494,920.00 ENG 17-22 May 24, 2022 Subject: Beachfront Park Master Plan – Detailed Design Page 3 3.Approved Source of Funds – 2022 Parks Capital Budget Expense Code C10320.2206-504700 Source of Funds Parkland Reserve Fund Budget $500,000.00 Required $494,920.00 Total $500,000.00 $494,920.00 Net Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds $5,080.00 Discussion: The City of Pickering retained The MBTW Group to complete the Beachfront Park R ehabilitation & Needs A ssessment Study and the public engagement process i n 2021. Following consultation with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and City staff, two rounds o f public e ngagement were completed using the City’s Let’s Talk Pickering platform. The first engagement process ran from June 14, 2021 to July 5, 2021, where both a passive and an active concept plan made available to the public for review and comment through an online survey. For the second round of public engagement, the consultant created a single revised concept plan based on the public responses received from the first round. An online presentation that provided a summary of the survey results from the first round and described the revised concept plan was posted and an online survey was also made available for public input and comment from August 27, 2021 to September 27, 2021. The Public Engagement Summary Report along with plans of the Final Preferred Design Option were presented to Council at the December 6, 2021 Executive Committee Meeting as part of Report ENG 25-21. The Final Preferred Design Option that was presented was endorsed by Council as the Beachfront Park Master Plan at the December 13, 2021 Council meeting (Resolution #745/21). As part of the 2022 Parks Capital Budget, $500,000 was approved for the preparation of the detailed design drawings of the elements proposed in the Master Plan. Funds for the implementation of the Master Plan will be included in future year Capital Budget requests. The MBTW Group, who completed the Beachfront Park Rehabilitation & Needs Assessment Study, were requested to provide a proposal. They have completed several waterfront related projects for the City of Pickering including the Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park Master Plan update, the Washroom Feasibility Study and detailed design, and the Phase 1 and Phase 2 implementation plans for this park. This company has provided excellent professional design services for the City. The City will recognize considerable savings and efficiencies by retaining the same consultant who prepared the Master Plan for this park. The MBTW Group has gained a thorough knowledge of the site through the preparation of various background studies, discussions with the landowners, stakeholders, and approval agencies and though the public consultation process that was completed as part of the master plan process. ENG 17-22 May 24, 2022 Subject: Beachfront Park Master Plan – Detailed Design Page 4 The MBTW Group have provided the City with a fee proposal and have assembled the following design team: •The MBTW Group – Project Manager and Landscape Architects •Beacon Environmental Ltd. – Environmental and Ecological •Shoreplan Engineering – Shoreline and Coastal Engineers •Blackwell Engineering – Structural Engineers •MJS Consultants Inc. – Electrical Engineers •MTE Consultants Inc. – Civil Engineers •Pylons Architect Inc. – Architects Separate to this contact, the City will retain J.D. Barnes Limited to prepare a topographic survey of the subject site and EXP Services Inc. to complete the geotechnical investigations of the site. An allowance has also been included in the associated costs for this project for Indigenous Peoples Consultations. The subject site extends along Lake Ontario shoreline, from the Frenchman’s Bay Harbour Entrance, east to Alex Robertson Park. The project scope includes the preparation of detailed design drawings of the master plan elements and tender specifications. The Master Plan elements include the following features: West of Millennium S quare: • improvements t o the 6m wide access driveway/trail; • improved plaza-to-trail transition area; • gathering and seating nodes; • beach access paths; • shoreline/bank s tabilization; • space for a small rental/retail kiosk; • children’s p lay area; • low level pathway lighting; and, • cultural and natural heritage interpretation. Millennium S quare: • shade structure with seating; • stage platform; • reconstruction of Millennium Square; • possible relocation of the Millennium Mast sculpture; • possible renovation of existing washroom building (see text below); and, • investigations f or possible water feature/play area. ENG 17-22 May 24, 2022 Subject: Beachfront Park Master Plan – Detailed Design Page 5 East of Millennium Square: •elevated 6.6m wide walkway structure with dedicated bike and pedestrian lanes; •pedestrian and maintenance beach access ramps; •observation platforms overlooking Hydro Marsh and the beach areas; •seating areas; •vegetative enhancements along the Hydro Marsh; •pathway lighting; and, •cultural and natural heritage interpretation. Many comments were received about the washroom facilities during the public consultation process. The public survey results indicated that the majority of the public would prefer that the existing washroom facility remain and be renovated rather than having a new washroom facility be constructed in a more distant location such as at the Liverpool parking lot. As such, included in the scope of this work is a user needs and assessment study for the existing washroom facility. The study will include analysis of the existing building and preparation of schematic design options for renovations and/or additions to the existing structure, or reconstruction of the building to provide a more accessible and functional building. As the structure is located within the shoreline hazard area, the TRCA will be consulted, to confirm what work they will permit on the existing structure. The preparation of detailed design of the preferred option is beyond the scope of this work and is not included in this fee proposal, but the selection of the preferred option will inform the design of the site work required surrounding this facility. A separate fee proposal for the detailed building design of the preferred option will be obtained after the preferred option has been determined and after funds for this design exercise have been approved in a future Capital Budget. The design team recommends a two stage approach for the detailed design process. The first stage of work, the Initial Detailed Design Development/Constructability Exercise, includes reviewing and analyzing the existing site conditions, determining the best design/structural solution for the elevated walkway based on the site conditions and cost analysis of the various options, design development of the Millennium Square and the area west of the square (shade structure, children’s play area and stage configuration, washroom alterations, possible water feature/play area, possible sculpture relocation, and reviewing site drainage issues), and consultation with staff, stakeholder groups, approval agencies and Indigenous Peoples. The second stage of work, the Detailed Design and Tender Document Preparation Stage, includes the preparation of detailed design drawings and specifications, submissions to the approval agencies, and preparation of detailed cost estimates of the work to better inform of the amount required to include in future year capital budget requests for construction. The cost for Contract Administration during construction has not been included for approval in this Report. Approval for these costs will be requested at a later date, in conjunction with the approval to award a tender for construction. The first stage of the work is proposed to commence upon award and proceed through to the fall of 2022, followed by the second stage, which will take place over the winter months and be complete in the spring of 2023. ENG 17-22 May 24, 2022 Subject: Beachfront Park Master Plan – Detailed Design Page 6 Staff are seeking Council’s a pproval to retain The MBTW Group to prepare the detailed design drawings i n accordance with Purchasing Policy item 10.03 (c) which states: The Manager may obtain the services o f a particular consultant selected by the initiating Director without going through a competitive process. Where the funds a re available in the approved budget and the project or annual cost of a consulting or professional service assignment is e xpected to be: (c) Above $50,000 is s ubject to the additional approval of Council. The initiating Director shall submit the Report to Council to obtain approval. Staff are recommending that The MBTW Group be retained at a total cost of $432,349.30 (HST included). The total gross p roject cost which includes t he consulting fees other associated costs, is e stimated at $549,587.00 (HST included) and the total net project cost is estimated at $494,920.00 (net of HST rebate) and falls w ithin this l evel of approval. Attachments: 1. Council Resolution #745/21 dated December 17, 2021 2. Location map Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Arnold Mostert, OALA Manager, Landscape & Parks D evelopment Richard Holborn, P Eng. Director, Engineering Services Cathy Bazinet Manager, Procurement Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Finance & Treasurer AM:mjh Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Original signed by:Original signed by: Original signed by:Original signed by: Original signed by: Attachment #1 to Report ENG 17-22 Legislative Services Division Clerk’s Office Directive Memorandum December 17, 2021 To: Richard Holdborn Director, Engineering Services From: Susan Cassel City Clerk Subject: Direction as per Minutes of the Meeting of City Council held on December 13, 2021 Director, Engineering Services, Report ENG 25-21 Beachfront Park Rehabilitation & Needs Assessment -Summary of Public Engagement Process and -Endorsement of the Beachfront Park Master Plan Council Decision Resolution #745/21 1.That Report ENG 25-21 regarding a summary of the Public Engagement Process for Beachfront Park, as a follow-up to Report ENG 21-21, be received for information; 2.That the Final Preferred Design Option that was prepared in response to the input received through the public engagement process, be endorsed as the Beachfront Park Master Plan; and, 3.That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Please take any action deemed necessary. Susan Cassel Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Attachment #2 to Report ENG 17-22 LI V E R P O O L R O A D ANNLAND STREET WHARF STREET 1:5,000SCALE: Engineering ServicesDepartment Beachfront ParkLocation MapFeb 12, 2021 DATE: q Frenchman'sBay Lake Ontario