HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 02-22Report to Council Report Number: CS 02-22 Date: January 24, 2022 From: Sarah Douglas-Murray Director, Community Services Subject: Pickleball Update -File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1.That Report CS 02-22 regarding Pickleball Update be received for information; and, 2.That the appropriate City officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: At the Council meeting of November 22, 2021, Council received Correspondence 57-21 regarding the Pickering Pickleball Petition (see attached) and passed Resolution #727/21 directing staff, through the CAO, to report back to Council by January 24, 2024 regarding the options available to accommodate indoor Pickleball along with the associated financial obligations. This report will provide Council with an update regarding the existing options available to accommodate indoor Pickleball, as well as expanded offerings, for 2022. It will also provide information on other existing opportunities for Pickleball play in the community and future planned facilities that will be able to accommodate Pickleball. Financial Implications: There are no direct financial implications to this report. Revenues and expenses for Pickleball programming have been included in the 2022 Current Budget. Opportunities for future indoor courts in gymnasiums at the Seniors & Youth Centre and future Seaton Recreation Complex will be considered for approval as part of the Capital Budget program. Discussion: While all municipal recreational programming is currently on pause due to the public health guidelines set out as part of the Province’s modified Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopen, the City of Pickering typically runs the following indoor Pickleball programs and opportunities on an ongoing basis: •City of Pickering Registered Programs for Pickleball 55+ and Pickleball 55+ Level 2. These programs operate on a sessional basis at East Shore Community Centre (ESCC) and George Ashe Community Centre and a 10 week session is $55. •The South Pickering Seniors Club offers drop-in Pickleball in the gymnasium at ESCC. A South Pickering Seniors membership ($20/year) is required and there is no charge to play. Drop in play is offered Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for 2.5 hours each day. CS 02-22 January 24, 2022 Subject: Pickleball Update Page 2 •City of Pickering Registered League Play is offered in the gymnasium at ESCC. Players pay $60 for six weeks and can book a court time to play with up to 7 other players. Fourteen hours of play (28 courts) are available per week. Recreation Programming, including Pickleball, will be launched again once current restrictions are lifted as per the relevant public heath guidelines and restrictions. Once renovations of the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex (CHDRC) are completed in February 2022, staff plan on resuming the following Pickleball programming in 2022 as public health guidelines and restrictions allow: •Indoor Drop-in Pickleball in the CHDRC Banquet Hall Monday 9 am - 1 pm and 6:30 pm –8:30 pm and Tuesday 9 am - 1 pm. Drop-in play will be available for $3 per person/drop-in. As the facility has gone cashless, staff will work to develop a 10 visit pass option. As per standard practice, the Pickleball group will line the courts and the courts will remain lined Mondays and Tuesdays. Due to camp programming, the Banquet Hall will not be available during the march break or the summer months of July and August 2022 and other exceptions/dates may apply for large events. •Indoor Drop-in Pickleball at Don Beer Arena Pad 1 will be offered from May through mid-August 2022. The model of play and hours of availability will be discussed at a meeting with Pickleball players in February 2022. It should be noted that this facility is not equipped with staff to conduct cash handling activities. For this reason, the model would likely be similar to the sessional Registered League Play currently offered at ESCC. Staff met with representatives of the Pickleball Community in December 2021 and received positive feedback on the additional opportunities for play in the CHDRC Banquet Hall and Don Beer Arena in 2022. In order to ensure interested residents are informed about opportunities for Pickleball play in the municipality, staff have developed a new dedicated Pickleball webpage at https://www.pickering.ca/en/living/pickleball.aspx. Staff also conducted a thorough review of all City owned facilities and spaces that would be appropriate for Pickleball. Appropriate spaces would need to include a large enough floor space for multiple courts and ceiling height appropriate for play. As a result of this review, there were no additional opportunities to expand programming without displacing other existing municipal programming, member play or private rentals. Melati Mas: In addition to indoor opportunities being offered by the City, Melati Mas Sports is a privately owned facility located at 1420 Bayly Street. The facility offers eight rental courts for Badminton and Pickleball and allows up to eight players per court. Court rental is $16/hour for non-prime time and $25/hour for prime time. Staff have spoken with Melati Mas Sports and the facility has indicated that they are not operating at capacity and that court booking times are available. CS 02-22 January 24, 2022 Subject: Pickleball Update Page 3 Leased Commercial Space: Staff also investigated costs to lease a property of approximately 20,000 square feet that would provide provision for eight indoor Pickleball courts. The annual cost to lease would be in the order of $240,000 to $300,000. Leasehold improvements will depend on the property but would be in the order of $600,000 to $750,000. This option is not recommended due to the high cost of leasing an appropriately sized space, the leaseholder improvements needed, the expected completion of the Seniors & Youth Centre in 2025 as well as opportunity for gymnasium play at the Seaton Recreation Complex. Future Opportunities for Expanded Play: Seniors and Youth Centre - The planned Seniors and Youth Centre will have a large double gymnasium that will be lined for basketball, volleyball, badminton and Pickleball courts. Staff will be programming registered and drop in program times when the facility opens in 2025. Seaton Community Centre - The Recreation and Parks Masterplan has also identified that a double gymnasium is to be included in the Multi-Use facility to be built in Seaton. When completed the gymnasium will be lined for basketball, volleyball, badminton and Pickleball courts. Design for the Community Centre is planned for 2024 with construction concluding in 2026. Pickering Football Club - The Pickering Football Club is exploring capital improvements to their facility that would include the reconfiguration of their fields to create an indoor hard surfaced space at the east end of their facility to accommodate numerous indoor sports offerings and to enhance their revenue generating opportunities. The modifications to the facility would need to include a relining of their fields as well as substantial modifications to their netting. Estimated Capital costs and their planning has not been finalized by the club, however the club has applied to the Ontario Trillium Foundation Community Building Fund – Capital Stream to support this project. The club have indicated that if their plan proceeds they would be open to offering some indoor daytime Pickleball opportunities. As the club finalizes their planning and possible capital costs staff can provide relevant updates to Council. The combination of existing programming, the return of drop-in Pickleball to the CHRDC, expanded programming at ESCC and summer indoor play at Don Beer Arena provides numerous opportunities for indoor Pickleball play. Staff met with representatives from the Pickleball group who were satisfied with the offerings for 2022. Attachment: 1.Correspondence 57-21. CS 02-22 Subject: Pickleball Update January 24, 2022 Page 4 Prepared By/Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Sarah Douglas-Murray Director, Community Services SDM:snc Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment 1 Corr. 57-21 From: John Singleton Date: November 8, 2021 at 1:14:39 PM EST Subject: Pickleball in Pickering Please find attached a petition addressed to the Mayor of Pickering, members of City of Pickering Council, the City of Pickering Chief Administrative Officer and the City of Pickering Director of Community Services. This petition expresses the signatories' concern over the City of Pickering’s lack of support for the sport of Pickleball and requests attention to the development of practical, near-term solutions. Specifically, the signatories are recommending the allocation of tennis court space at Chestnut Hill Recreation Center to the sport of Pickleball as a short term and/or interim option pending more permanent solutions. This petition has, to date, been signed by over 200 Pickleball enthusiasts within the Pickering area and environs, with additional signatures being received every day. We note that these signatures have been provided within the space of less than two weeks, indicative of the interest and urgency of the petitioners. We acknowledge the announcement last week that a new, city sponsored Pickleball program will be starting in mid November at East Shore Community Center. We welcome this recent announcement, however, we also believe that two courts at ESCC fall short of meeting the needs of the very large community of Pickleball players in Pickering. We also note that the nature of the program starting at ESCC does not support ‘drop in’ Pickleball (the approach taken by the majority of municipalities), nor does it support ‘club-type’ play. Our recommendations remain the same – specifically, the multi-purpose use of existing tennis court space at Chestnut Hill Recreation Center, ideally under a ‘drop in’ format of play. We look forward to your response. Pickering Pickleball Petition This petition is being respectfully submitted on behalf of the Pickering Pickleball community, which includes the 300 some members of the 1st Pickering Pickleball Club and the (estimated) equal number of ‘non-club’ Pickleball enthusiasts who reside in the City of Pickering and play in other locales due to the lack of venues within the City of Pickering. Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in North America. Though it has historically been characterized as a sport for the “Active Over 55” population and remains a hugely popular sport within that demographic, its popularity is growing exponentially within all age groups and demographics. Pickleball provides the opportunity for exercise and social camaraderie, at a relatively low cost, to any participant regardless of age, gender or previous athletic experience. This petition is being submitted to express the disappointment of the petition signatories in the City of Pickering’s historic lack of support for Pickleball and to request City Leadership attention (at both the Political and Administrative levels) to the development of solutions to support the game within the City of Pickering. At the current time, the City of Pickering provides no dedicated facilities, either indoor or outdoor, for Pickleball. For outdoor play (which will soon not be an option in any event), venues are limited to a small number of courts spread disparately across the City, shared with tennis players, basketball players and other users. These are (generally) older, asphalt surfaced courts, some in less than optimum condition, and some with no nets, fences or windscreens. (In some cases, Pickleball players must bring their own nets and, in some cases, tape the PB lines onto the courts themselves.) For indoor play there are currently no venues. Courts previously available in the ‘Salon’ rooms at the Recreation Center are no longer available. For a short period of time, an indoor tennis court at the Recreation Center was allocated to Pickleball, however, that has also not been available for some time. A City sponsored Pickleball program at East Shore Community Center has recently restarted, however, this is aimed primarily toward ‘learn to play’ beginners and the two courts at ESCC do not support the wider Pickering Pickleball Community. We understand that the City of Pickering has longer term plans for expanded recreational facilities (potentially including Pickleball) in the City Center and Seaton area. We applaud this longer-term planning if it includes Pickleball, however, it does not solve the short-term need. The signatories of this petition respectfully request that the City of Pickering Leadership Team look for near term opportunities to provide both indoor and outdoor venues to support the game of Pickleball. Our view is that the allocation of one indoor tennis court at Chestnut Hill Recreation Center to Pickleball is an easy short-term solution. One tennis court, shared with Pickleball for (say) 3 or 4 days per week, 3 or 4 hours per morning, would provide an acceptable short-term solution … supporting both the - 59 - Pickleball community and not disrupting the tennis community. The allocation of tennis court #1 at Chestnut Hill Recreation Center would provide room for 4 Pickleball courts. We thank you for your consideration of this petition and look forward to your response. Addressees (Political): Mayor Dave Ryan mayor@pickering.ca Kevin Ashe kashe@pickering.ca Bill McLean bmclean@pickering.ca David Pickles dpickles@pickering.ca Maurice Brenner mbrenner@pickering.ca Ian Cumming icumming@pickering.ca Shaheen Butt sbutt@pickering.ca Addressees (Administrative): Marisa Carpino, Chief Administrative Officer, City of Pickering mguinto@pickering.ca Sarah Douglas-Murray, Director of Community Services, City of Pickering sdouglas- murray@pickering.ca PICKERING PICKLEBALL PETITION 2021 Timestamp First Last Name Street address and unit City Postal Phone Email Address Name Code number optional 1 10/22/2021 Pickering 16:34:15 2 10/22/2021 Pickering 17:34:19 3 10/22/2021 Pickering 18:05:21 4 10/22/2021 Pickering 22:11:35 5 10/23/2021 Pickering 11:23:57 6 10/23/2021 Pickering 11:24:01 7 10/23/2021 Pickering 11:24:02 8 10/23/2021 Pickering 11:25:38 9 10/23/2021 Pickering 11:26:07 10 10/23/2021 Pickering 11:31:29 11 10/23/2021 Pickering 11:31:47 12 10/23/2021 Pickering 11:33:30 13 10/23/2021 Pickering 11:35:41 14 10/23/2021 Pickering 11:46:10 15 10/23/2021 Pickering 11:50:34 16 10/23/2021 Pickering 12:03:51 17 10/23/2021 Pickering 12:27:10