HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 18, 2022Agenda Cultural Advisory Committee January 18, 2022 7:00 pm Electronic Meeting For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca Due to COVID-19, the City of Pickering continues to hold electronic Council and Committee Meetings. Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by viewing the livestream. 1.Welcome and Call to Order J. St. Amant 2.Review and Approval of Agenda J. St. Amant 3.Disclosure of Interest J. St. Amant 4.Approval of Minutes – November 16, 2021 See page 1 of this Agenda J. St. Amant 5.Delegations 5.1 Sarah-Douglas Murray, Director, Community Services Re: Introductions to the Committee 6.General Business 6.1 Pickering Museum Village Update L. Gibbs 6.2 My Main Street – Community Accelerator Grant Proposal review & Community Stakeholder letters of support request See page 6 of this Agenda J. St. Amant 6.3 Piano Project - Review 2021 program and request artist/designer references, to commission the next piano design. J. St. Amant 6.4 2021 CAC Work Plan – Request comments from the committee on 2021 achievements for council report J. St. Amant 6.5 See page 21 of this Agenda February committee meeting will be focused on the final review of the current Cultural Strategic Plan 2014, and recommendations for a new cultural plan going forward. https://www.pickering.ca/en/discovering/cultural-strategic- plan-updates.aspx# J. St. Amant Agenda Cultural Advisory Committee January 18, 2022 7:00 pm Electronic Meeting For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca 6.6 Community Banner Program 2022 – will be launched later this month under the theme “The Nature and Culture of Pickering” J. St. Amant 7.Correspondence 8.Other Business 9.Next Meeting – February 15, 2022 10.Adjournment Page 1 of 5 Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee November 16, 2021 Electronic Meeting 7:00 pm Attendees: A. Moscote Freire, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Sardar, Cultural Advisory Committee Member D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder E. Forde, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder C. Sabean, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder J. Sabean, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder J. St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services R.Perera, Deputy Clerk (Recording Secretary) T. Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services E.Tayles-Armstrong, Conservator, Pickering Museum Village Absent: J. Currie, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder M. Francis, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder N. Holland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member V. Raees, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder B. Sopher, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome and Call to Order J. St. Amant welcomed members and guests and called the meeting to order. 2. Review and Approval of Agenda J. St. Amant reviewed the Agenda. Agenda approved. 3. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 4. Review and Approval of Minutes -September 21, 2021 Moved by N. Holland - 1 - Page 2 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) That the Minutes of the September 21, 2021 meeting of the Cultural Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 5. Delegations 5.1 Ellen Tayles-Armstrong, Conservator, Pickering Museum Village Re: Presentation of concept for a new permanent exhibit in the Log Barn at the museum Ellen Tayles-Armstrong, Conservator, Pickering Museum Village, joined the meeting via electronic connection to provide a presentation regarding the concept for a new permanent exhibit in the Log Barn at the museum. Through the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Tayles-Armstrong provided an overview of the various aspects of the Roots of Rebellion - Log Barn Permanent Exhibit 2023. Members expressed appreciation for the concept plan and suggested the use of a digital Escape Room to target a broader demographic. Further discussion ensued regarding the black history of the rebellion and approaching the topic in a sensitive manner. 6. General Business 6.1 Public Art Consultation - Cultural Background Document Chestnut Hills Development Recreation Complex (CHDRC) T. Ryce provided an overview of the Public Art project taking place at the Chestnut Hills Development Recreation Complex in 2022-2023 which would complete the renovations of the building. She provided details of the locations where the Art would be displayed and the public implementation process. - 2 - Page 3 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) A question and answer period ensued regarding: • the significance of the name of Valley Farm Road; • celebrating athletes affiliated with the CHDRC and ensuring that thorough research on individuals is conducted; and, • whether there was an overarching list of themes that the Public Art display process could follow. 6.2 Public Art Consultation - Cultural Background Document Universal City T. Ryce noted that Universal City developments had included in their concept plan a design for a piazza which included a public art shade structure and asked members for input on areas the public art piece should focus on. Members expressed placing significance on natural elements, the waterfront, diversity, and exploring the environmental history of the site. 6.3 Update on Public Art Projects - Dorsey James Kijimba Kind Restoration Project T. Ryce noted that the goal of the project was to complete all of the restoration next year. She added that one of the considerations of the Project was due to the Region brining a sewer line through the sites of the Public Arts and noted that the three of the Kijimba Kind works would need to be removed and restored at a later date. T. Ryce provided the Committee with an overview of the timelines and further details of the Project. Brief discussion ensued where Members expressed support for the Project. - 3 - Page 4 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 6.4 2022 Meeting Schedule J. St. Amant provided a brief over of the 2022 Meeting Schedule and added that the next year would be the last year for the current membership term. 6.5 Review of 2021 Work Plan and Discuss 2022 Draft Work Plan and 2021 Council Report J. St. Amant asked that the Members review the 2021 Work Plan and asked Members to provide their input on the documents. 7. Correspondence Krystal Roberts, Coordinator, Community Partnerships, City of Pickering Re: Cultural Events Strategy to assist Future Cultural Event Programming J. St. Amant asked members to complete the survey to provide input on building a Cultural Events Strategy to assist future Cultural Event Programming. 8. Other Business E. Tayles-Armstrong provided a brief update on the Pickering Museum Village. J. Sabean spoke to a pavilion in West Shore where signage regarding the history of indigenous peoples may be incorrect and asked that the City look into the matter. J. Sabean noted that Robert Hinves had created four paintings of lands in Pickering and asked whether there were any plans to place the Arts in a public space. - 4 - Page 5 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) J. Sabean enquired about the status of the Lishman Sculpture Project. 9. Next Meeting – January 18, 2022 10. Adjournment – 8:15 p.m. - 5 - pickering.ca Grant proposal Mural project at the CHDRC Place4Arts - 6 - pickering.ca Place4Arts is a long-term investment by the City to utilize multiple visual art programs as place-markers to a healthy, engaged & safe community. The 4 in Place4Arts signifies the four driving forces behind the program; •Place-making •Artistic Opportunity •Community Engagement •Economically Sustainable A funding opportunity is currently available through the My Main Street/Community Accelerator grant. The following project would qualify for this funding as it focuses on above grade enhancements that will support the transformation of the geographic area around the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex by using murals and lighting to enhancing the physical and visual assets that will set the area apart. Place4Arts - 7 - pickering.ca This proposal is to have murals and lighting placed around the perimeter of the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex (CHDRC) to: •Connect the building as one facility, •Connect the local community that lives around the facility, •Connect the whole community that lives in Pickering, •Connect all the facilities in Pickering, •Connecting to Pickering through Art My Main Street / Community Accelerator - 8 - pickering.ca The location - 9 - pickering.ca How big? - 10 - pickering.ca- 11 - pickering.ca How long? - 12 - pickering.ca- 13 - pickering.ca How complex? - 14 - pickering.ca 9 exterior wall locations are highlighted in this presentation. The cost associated with completing a mural, or series of murals with lighting elements will be based on multiple factors, but scale and type of application will be the biggest influence on how many murals are installed, and at which locations. Hand painted, digital reproduction onto banners, or projection murals will all be considered. The funding request is for $150,000 to start the project in April 2022, and be completed by December 2022. Murals will remain up for a period of 1-3 years depending on the final installation type, possible longer. Some lighting elements may be removed after one year, but upgrades to the electrical system will remain. Call to Artist - 15 - pickering.ca Project example: “Curiosity” Commissioned outdoor mural by local artist Location: West Shore Community Centre Installed fall 2020 Design submission fee -$557.00 Canvas (back board 8’x12’), transportation and installed Cost -$900.00 Supplies for mural –$900.00 Artist Fee – $1100.00 Total Cost -$3457.00 - 16 - pickering.ca- 17 - pickering.ca Lynnette Postuma is a landscape architect, designer and muralist.https://www.lynnettepostuma.ca - 18 - pickering.ca SARAH CANNON https://sarahecannon.com/ - 19 - pickering.ca Jesse St. Amant Coordinator,Cultural Services 905.420.4660 ext. 3607 jstamant@pickering.ca - 20 - Memo To: Susan Cassel May 14, 2021 City Clerk From: Tanya Ryce Supervisor, Cultural Services Copy: Chief Administrative Officer (Acting) Director, Community Services Cultural Plan Staff Committee Cultural Advisory Committee Members Subject: Cultural Advisory Committee -2020 Report & 2021 Work Plan File: A-1410 The Cultural Advisory Committee (CAC) is pleased to submit, for Council’s information, the 2020 Committee Report and 2021 Work Plan as outlined below. In 2020, the committee continued to contribute to the goals of the City’s Cultural Plan in the following ways: •The CAC addressed a public concern regarding global racism and the impact on the community. The CAC reviewed, contributed to, and supported staff report CS 27-20 on Anti-Black Racism Initiatives, and endorsed the creation of an Anti -Black Racism Taskforce Preparatory Sub-committee, undertaking the actions in the report. •The CAC recommended CS 30-20 Report and Action Plan – Indigenous Relationship Building. The Sub-committee on Indigenous Relations Building was initiated to make recommendations on building relations with the Indigenous Community. Through these efforts, the committee was able to endorse the Indigenous Land Acknowledgement statement and through that process, create a strong relationship with the Mississaugas of Scugog Island. The Land Acknowledgement statement was adopted by Council and is now used prior to Council Meetings, and the Committee has taken on the new title, Indigenous Relationship Building Circle. •The CAC continued to reach out to the community through contributing to the Directories of Black Business, Artist Performers. They also took the initiative to participate in a conversation regarding how the city and community can best support underfunded, or unsupported, cultural and community partners during COVID–19 by providing advice related to virtual events, drive through events, online market place, and pop-up program. - 21 - May 14, 2021 Page 2 of 3 Cultural Advisory Committee 2020 Report & 2021 Work Plan •The CAC further discussed the creation of a public art sub-committee, and selected members of the committee to begin the process. The initial goal of the group was the recruitment of local professional artists to be part of the inaugural committee and to finalize the terms of reference. •Provide comments, feedback and, when requested, recommendations to Council related to the Pickering Museum Village 2020 and 2019 annual reports, Combination Barn exhibit proposal, Blacksmith Shop exhibit proposal, Master Site Use Report (2019), Museum deaccessions, and regular reporting, as recorded in committee minutes. •Advised on the Kingston Road Corridor and the Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Plan, policies, and future decisions; specifically regarding the design and development of the gateways, the proposed heritage path, and public art opportunities. •Participate in annual updates to Council. 2021 Work Plan 1.Continue the work of the Indigenous Relationship Building Action Plan, through the Indigenous Relationship building Circle Sub-committee. 2.Continue to support the newly formed Anti-Black Racism Taskforce which was appointed in January of 2021 with an executive membership made of community leaders, and have now commenced meetings with a revised terms of reference, which identified key areas for the action plan. 3.Contribute to the work of the public art policy and formation of the Public Art Sub-committee terms of reference, and Work Plan. 4.Act as a stakeholders for the Diversity Equity Inclusion Strategy. 5.Act as a stakeholder for Community Engagement Initiatives. 6.Contribute to the city wide plans for Culture Days. 7.Connect community partners to the culture team to deliver in park and online programming related to cultural initiatives. 8.Provide feedback to staff on the medium term goals of the Cultural Plan, including the development of heritage recognition activities, entrepreneurial and economic development initiatives and providing feedback on existing programs through the annual reports. 9.Continue to review, make recommendations and provide feedback to the standing agenda items regarding the Pickering Museum Village. - 22 - May 14, 2021 Page 3 of 3 Cultural Advisory Committee 2020 Report & 2021 Work Plan 10. Review the terms of reference of the CAC, voting rights of community stakeholders, and prepare for 2022 end of term, and future plans. 11.Report to Council Annually. :jsa - 23 -