HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 13, 2022 - Special Council Special Council Meeting Agenda January 13, 2022 Electronic Meeting 7:00 pm Due to COVID-19, the City of Pickering continues to hold electronic Council and Committee Meetings. Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by viewing the livestream. A recording of the meeting will also be available on the City’s website following the meeting. The Special Council Meeting will take place in accordance with the Procedures for Nominations and Appointment for Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 and verbal delegations from members of the public are not permitted at this meeting. Members of the public may submit written correspondence to clerks@pickering.ca which will be circulated to Members of Council for their information p rior to the Special Council Meeting. Page 1. Roll Call 2. Disclosure of Interest 3. Opening Remarks from the Mayor 4. Presentations from Certified Applicants The following individuals have been certified by the City Clerk as being eligible for appointment to fill the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2. 4.1 Ramee Arbaji 1 -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 4.2 Shashi Bhatia 6 -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 4.3 Rawl Chan 11 -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 4.4 Diana Chin Fook 16 -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 4.5 Linda Cook -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca 21 Special Council Meeting Agenda January 13, 2022 Electronic Meeting 7:00 pm -Letter of Qualification 4.6 Bert Cortez (Manuel H. Araica-Cortez) -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 26 4.7 David Currie -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 31 4.8 Giuseppina “Pina” D'Intino -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 36 4.9 Christine Doody-Hamilton -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 41 4.10 Jake Farr -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 46 4.11 David Fellin -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 51 4.12 Michelle Leong Francis -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 56 4.13 Shahrez Hayder -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 61 4.14 Zeynab Kazi -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 65 4.15 Bruce Kinsman -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 70 For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca Special Council Meeting Agenda January 13, 2022 Electronic Meeting 7:00 pm 4.16 Frank McGillan -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 75 4.17 Michelle Mendonca -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 80 4.18 Wendy Mohammed -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 85 4.19 Mara-Elena Nagy -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 89 4.20 Shamin Naz -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 94 4.21 Timothy Silman -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 99 4.22 Gary Strange -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 103 4.23 Glenn Tate -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 108 4.24 Damian Williams -Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Form -Letter of Qualification 113 5. Matters for Consideration 5.1 Appointment to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 117 For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca Special Council Meeting Agenda January 13, 2022 Electronic Meeting 7:00 pm -Procedures for Nominations and Appointment for Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 6. By-law to Appoint City Councillor, Ward 2 6.1 By-law 7895/22 Being a by-law to fill the vacant seat for the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2. 7. Oath of Office for Newly Appointed Member of Council 8. Confirmation By-law 9. Adjournment For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca 123 .. -Cd;Jof­ Pl(KER]NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regu lar office hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a .m . to 4 :30 p .m. in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 . Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting cler ks@pi cke ri ng.ca. It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application . . Nominee Information (As it will appear on all documenta tion). , First Name Ramee Last Name Arbaji Qualifying Address (Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number , City/Town, Province, Postal Code) 622 Strouds Lane Pickering, ON, L 1V 4T3 Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Number , Street Name , Su ite/Unit Number , City/Town , Province , Postal Code Daytime Telephone Number 416-824-4 789 email rarbaji@hotmail.com Declaration of Qualification (To be completed in person). 1, Ramee Arbaji ,the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application , declare that I am presently legally qualified , or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 , for the City of Pickering , and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this _l_ day of Dec , 2021 Nominee Signature ~ ~j;,· Clerk or Designate Signature Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . o be completed in person).: Date Filed (yyyy-mm-dd) Time Filed Nomin o ~ :;2. J -I :2 -O 2-9 ~3o a .~ Attachments I am attaching a letter in support of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety. [Z] Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pi cke rin g C iv ic Comp lex I One The Esp lanade I Pi cker in g, Ontar i o L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.46 11 I F. 905.420.9685 I Tol l Fre e 1 .866.683 .2 760 I cle rk s@p i cke rin g.ca I p ic ke rin g.ca - 1 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 2 - -Cdt;of­ P](KER]NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies a11d I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates . 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Signature of Clerk or Designate Date (yyyy-mm-dd) The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 , and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office . Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meetinq. Questions about this collection can be directed to the City Clerk at cle r ks @ oic ke ri nq .ca . Picker i ng Civ i c Comp lex I One The Espla nade I Pi ckering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420 .9685 I To l l Free 1.866.683.2760 I c l erks@p icke ri ng.ca I p icke ri ng .ca - 3 - Ramee Arbaji RE: Notice of Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Dear City Clerk &Members of Council, My name is Ramee Arbaji and I have been a resident of Pickering for over 10 years. I am heartened to learn about the available City Councillor position at City of Pickering. In addition to my Bachelor of Sociology at York University, I'm a candidate at Dalhousie University pursuing my Master of Business Administration. Furthermore, I have 15 years of applied leadership experience at TD bank in various management roles across the bank. At TD, I've held numerous positions for over 15 years through a variety of lines of businesses such as TD Canada Trust (Retail Branch Banking), TD Auto Finance and currently at TD Wealth (Waterhouse). I strongly believe that it was within these positions combined with my previous education, that I've built the leadership skills and foundation required to be a City Councillor representing Ward 2 in the beautiful City of Pickering. At TD I'm currently seen as an innovative leader, making impact, and driving innovation forward. I've successfully led many projects and initiatives that are revolutionizing investment banking in North America. This type of demonstrated leadership to drive innovation and change I hope to bring to the City of Pickering. My vision for Pickering is for it to become a thriving city for my children and all its residents. I envision that Pickering will attract even more major corporations and medium to small businesses to start or expand their business here. By attracting diverse businesses and people will ultimately result in a new wave of job creation, added municipal services, and more importantly driving our economy forward. There are new demands for labour and business in Canada and around the world. Having experience in the private sector of what changes are currently driving forward, I can help redirect and influence these types of businesses and advocate positive economic changes to residents in Pickering. There are already some exciting projects in the pipeline to make Pickering a world class city, with my experience I can bring a new perspective and make Pickering a world class city not only in GTA, but in North America. I would want to address some of the current issues here locally such as the housing crisis and transportation. As someone who is very cautious of my carbon footprint, and a regular commuter to Pickering Go station via bike in the summer and bus and car by winter; I understand all commuter viewpoints when making decisions when it comes to transportation initiatives as an example. I understand the delicate balance of trying to get to net carbon zero, protecting rural areas and ensuring we drive our economy forward is my top priority for Pickering. I would like to build upon affordable and accessible housing, getting shovels into grounds, while maintaining and protecting the Pickering's rural area so we can attract many other families across all spectrums to this beautiful city. Being able to hear and empathize with all residents' concerns and actioning on the greater good for the City of Pickering is what I envision. Currently in my current role as Manager of reconciliations, I am responsible for managing a talented and diverse team of Operations Officers, 'Digital Workers' (Artificial Intelligence 'Robots') Analysts, and Team Leads within reconciliations. I'm consistently providing guidance, leadership and coaching and development to ensure operational results are achieved. I am accountable for oversight and management of various complex reconciliations across various Wealth Products (Le., Mutual fund Securities, Transfers, Equities, etc.) and Wealth Lines of businesses across Canada. Being heavily regulated by IIROC (Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada) and internal and Regulatory Finance, I keep staff motivated in their role while protecting the interests of the organization and its shareholders; identifying and managing risks and resolving high risk transactions/activities as needed. - 4 - As mentioned, I have an undergraduate degree at York University majoring in Sociology. Through my studies I personally feel that I built the strong foundation to be a good councillor and represent such a lovely, diverse group of people in Pickering. Earning my undergraduate degree majoring in Sociology, I'm fortunate to have specialized in courses that provides critical insight and perspective to the solution of social problems, as well as increases the understanding and power of social action and interaction. I have a thorough understanding of the complexity many residents' face on a micro and macro level. As an example, in one of my major courses I was especially astute at making fine distinctions which submitting a paper on education. I disentangled "equality" from "equity." In simple terms I wrote that "treating people 'equally' would be giving everyone the same education with the same teaching methods and resources, hoping everyone learns the material being taught. Treating people 'equitably' would mean fine tuning teaching methods for the students who may struggle to learn it the first time to ensure the whole class understands the material." My passion for justice is evident throughout my time obtaining my undergraduate degree. Having this important education credential, I can already anticipate and empathize on the high demand of the residents and be able to communicate effectively while maintaining objectivity. Another famous Major in Sociology was Rev. Martin Luther King Jr who I studied extensively throughout my time at York University. I look forward to applying my educational experience to work collaboratively with the community on City projects and initiatives. I'm currently pursuing my Master of Business Administration at Dalhousie University. The Rowe School of Business is one of the top business schools in Canada, here I'm currently building on my existing expertise to enable me to respond strategically to complex management issues and to devise innovative, relevant, and real-world solutions. Obtaining my M.B.A. and working in managerial leadership roles at Canada's leading financial institution the City of Pickering and the residents can benefit greatly from my transferable leadership skills and apply it to local government. Combined with my education and work experience I can represent Pickering Ward 2 and drive great change in my beautiful hometown City of Pickering. I would be pleased to communicate further of my education and skills with you. Sincerely, Ramee Arbaji - 5 - -C;4Jof­ p](KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday , 8 :30 a.m. to 4 :30 p .m. in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering , or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 . Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@pickering.ca . It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application . Nominee Information (As it will appear on all documentation). 1 First Name Last Name Qualifying Address (Street Number , Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, City!Town, Province, Postal Code) I '31 61+-1N8,( j l €' , f1~k??i JA}Ci . lo Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Number, Street Name , Suite/Uni t Number , City own, Province , Postal Code Daytime Telephone Number 4 11, -i i1 ✓cJ--qr · Con Declaration of Qualification (To be completed in person). I. 7)1:::\:A;SH-1 1_8t lAT -lf 1 ,the applicant mentioned in th is Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the City of Pickering, and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this / S-day of ~ 2021 Clerk or Designat~ Signature Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . Cler D d)t}cf1 I Date Filed (yyyy-mm -dd) OJ. I -I ;l.-/ t;'° Attachments I am attaching a letter ~ rt of my application acknowledg ing that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety. ~ Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario LlV 6K7 T: 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683 .2760 I clerks@pickering .ca I pickering.ca - 6 - -C~of­ p](KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public SeNice Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 7 - -C~ of ­ p](KERJNG I . Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7 . I am not a pe rson who was conv icted of a cor rupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or om ission with respect to a municipal election to which th is Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated fo r any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates . 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the eiection campaign financial requirements or violat ions for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Date (yyyy-mm-dd) ;;./-I 2..-I~ The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office. Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council MeetinQ . Questions about this collection can be directed to the City Clerk at clerks@oickerina .ca . Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683 .2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 8 - December 15, 2021 Dear Ms. Susan Cassel, Pickering City Clerk : Application for Council Opening My name is Shashi Bhatia. As a long time resident of Pickering with a proven record of genuine interest in the betterment of our community my application for appointment to the Ward 2 Council vacancy speaks to my 30 year commitment to the people of our City. My late husband and I chose to raise our children here and from day one of moving to Pickering I have always treated our fellow residents as members of my own family and strived to support local initiatives that make Pickering a place that all it's citizens will be proud to call home. My voluntary service encompasses a wide range of activities that is a reflection of my positive attitude and how I live my life. It has given mean me an unique opportunity to work with and learn from residents from across the entire municipality, from all walks of life and importantly from a wide cross section of our increasingly diverse and multicultural citizenry. This service includes my lead role in founding the lndo Canadian Cultural Association which provided a template for various cultural and heritage organizations that I cofounded in the Durham Region. I have been recognized as the driving force behind the highly successful 'Roots and Drums' concerts that for many years has supported the Durham West Arts centre and helped build bridges between the diverse cultures that make Pickering the vibrnat city that it is today . My memberships reflect my broad range of civic interests and include that of the Royal Canadian Legion and the Rotary Club of Pickering where as a member I have been honoured to chair initiatives that benefit the community. I have served and held office in many local causes without compensation always because I believe in those causes and that our City is a better home for all if the public is engaged. Service as a member of the Durham Regional Police Diversity and Community Advisory Committee has given me insight into the importance of good relations between our police and the public. In areas of health and culture I am a member of the McLaughlin Art Gallery and severed as a the Board of Trustees of Lakeridge Health. My Growth mindset coupled with international mindedness and multicultural understanding so important to good relationships in our diverse City of Pickering has been enhanced as a world traveller where I have been honoured to represent Durham abroad as an ambassador(influencer) to a number of countries including India, China, Trinidad and Turkey. - 9 - the Board of Trustees of Lake ridge Health and Over the years I have been the recipient of many awards and recognitions including "Queen Elizebth Diamond Jubliee" medal, "Life Achievement" award from City of Pickering, an recognization from Durham Regional Police Services for my recruitment efforts and a leadership award from Toronto Police services which lend additional credence as to my judgement and professionalism as does my past service on federal and provincial quasi-judicial boards and commissions including the Immigration and Refugee Board, the Social Benefits Tribunal and the Consent and Capacity Board. This application is submitted in the firm belief that my demonstrated background in a wide variety of concerns to the people of Pickering suggests that I have the requisite experience necessary to enable me to address those issues of City management and allocation of resources that Members of Council are called upon to address. Finally, in August 2020 Council unanimously approved the City's three pronged approach to address racism, diversity and inclusion but as the director of equity, diversity and inclusion at the Rotman School of Management puts it, policies are only words on paper that indicate intent. Although Pickering has a good record and the best of intentions that record will be very much enhanced when our citizens see actual diversity in race and gender in their Council representatives. For diversity is more that just talking the talk it's demonstrating by action and I welcome your so doing by deciding in favour of my application. Thank you. ~l-;£~ Shashi Bhatia - 10 - --C·~o/-­ Pl(KERlNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaratlori of Quallflcatlon Vacancy for City Counclllor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident , owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2. Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@pickerlng.ca . It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application. Nominee Information (As It will appear on all documentation). First Name Rawl Last Name Chan Qualifying Address (Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, City/Town, Province, Postal Code) 1182 Pebblestone Cres, Pickerina, ON L 1 X1 A7 Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, City/Town, Province, Postal Code Daytime Telephone Number 416 -707-3958 Email rawlchan@hotmail.com Declaration of Quallflcatlon (To be completed In person). I, '1?aw\ Char\ 'the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the City of Pickering, and hereby con ent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this /&:)'" day o~ . 2021 Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . Clerk or. Date Filed (yyyy-mm-dd) ~2.l-J 2 - l S- Attachments I am attaching a letter In support of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety.@ Should you be successful In being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you wlll be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covld-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 11 - --C·~o/-­ p](KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act, • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 12 - --C·~ otf-­p](KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates. 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. ANO I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of he same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence ct. Signature of Clerk or Designate Date (yyyy-mm-dd) The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal ct, 2001, and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office . Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meetin . Questions about this collection can be directed to the Ci Clerk at clerks ickerin .ca . Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683 .2760 I clerks@pickering .ca I pickering.ca - 13 - Why am I qualified to fill the Ward 2 vacancy? My name is Rawl Chan, and I have been a resident of Pickering for most of my life. Being the child of immigrants, my parents moved to Pickering in the 1970s where I grew up. I only left after I finished my schooling to explore the world. After establishing myself in my profession and family, I then returned to live. What makes me a qualified candidate for Ward 2? This is the question I struggle with the most, as I have seen the growth of Pickering from when I was young to now, raising my own family in this wonderful city. Partaking in the city programs, attending the city-run events, and even participating in a few parades, I can see the scope the council has upon the residents. Allow me to provide some insight on best to answer this question. I am currently a Special Education teacher in Toronto. With that experience, I have seen firsthand what is required to educate future citizens for our world. My profession which is not only academic has crossed into the non-academic areas to provide supports for my students and families to best provide for their child. As the old adage, 'It takes a village to raise a child'; I been witness to this many time as I have been part of teams to provide much needed aid to children and their families. Working as team player and providing everyone the tools to serve best is a skill which I feel I possess. Being a councillor in this position would provide me the opportunity to use these skills and experience to help guide Pickering through 2022 until the election. With the pandemic, there are challenges that arise and having a person who is adept to change is key to keep the council going until an elected member can be placed. I fully understand this is an interim position, but an opportunity like this to serve the community is hard to pass. Another point to consider is to provide a voice for those who do not have one. As a councillor, I would act on behalf of the constituents within the community, which are not only the taxpayers, but the others who reside within the boundaries. Being able to acknowledge and recognize that there are voices not heard is vital to the wellbeing of a city. Hearing the stories and understanding the struggles of those who live in Pickering is a responsibility I would not take lightly. Some of my past experiences have been with community groups and helping run and organize events. I'm currently involved with Scouts Canada as the Group Commissioner to support 8th Pickering Scouts with their programming. With the scouts, not only do they educate youth on outdoor activities, Rawl Chan 1 - 14 - but promote civic awareness with food drives, helping seniors and global initiatives. Being prepared is not only the motto, but a life skill. Along with the qualities that make for a successful councillor, I feel that if I am not chosen, it is in Council's best interest to find someone that can be not only be a voice of the people, but an active listener. Often it is the councillors that can deal with local issues which can positively affect the lives of the residents. Do I believe I am the best candidate? Maybe. I know my inexperience may be detrimental, but I am a quick learner and have the drive to help the greater community. With the current makeup of the council there is a great deal of experience with incumbent councillors who have seen many situations; I offer a new perspective from my myriad of lived experiences. I can be that councillor to help maintain the city until the 2022 election in the fall. Again, thank you for taking the time to read my position on why I would be the best choice. I have attempted to put in a few short words why you should select me, but if possible, I would be open to the opportunity to speak to this letter and provide other details. Rawl Chan, OCT. 1182 Pebblestone Cres. Pickering, ON L1X1A7 Rawl Chan 2 - 15 - -Cdt) of ­ p](KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday , 8 :30 a .m . to 4 :30 p .m . in the Office of the City Clerk , and no later than 4:30 p.m . on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qual ified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 . Please ma ke an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@pickering .ca . It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application . Nominee Information (As it will appear on all documentation). First Narpe °'b 1aM8..J Last Name umber , Street Name , Suite/Unit - Number, ?~ City/Town, Province, Postal Code) Daytime Telephone Number 90 S-~ Email • C OlAA n (To be completed in person). I, ~\~ )...:\.P--' ,the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally ~----y/1.._ qualified , or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the City of Pickering , and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this¾ day of N.ooe,.~ {021 NomineeSigna~ Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the unde rsigned Clerk of this mun icipality , do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nom inee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . Date Filed (yyyy-mm Jdd) Time Filed :).o~ -, - Attachments I am attaching a letter in support of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety .~ , Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanad e I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1 .866.683 .2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 16 - -C~of­ p](KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 17 - -Cdt) of ­ p](KER]NG ,. ,,·-' Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7 . I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act o r omission with respect to a municipal election to wh ich this Act applies and I am not a pe rson who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates. 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true , and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Signature of Clerk or Des ignate Date (yyyy-mm-dd) The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 , and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 . The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to mun icipal office . Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the publ ic agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meet inq . Quest ions about this collection can be directed to the Citv Clerk at clerks®oickerina.ca. Pi cke rin g Civi c Co mpl ex I O ne Th e Esp lanade I Pi cker in g, Ontari o L 1 V 6 K7 T. 90 5.420 .4 6 11 I F. 905 .4 20 .9685 I Toll Free 1 .866.683 .2760 I cl erk s@p ic kerin g.ca I pickering.ca - 18 - November 30th 2021 To the Pickering Council Ward, My name is Diana Chin F ook , I moved to Pickering more than thirty five years ago, when I first moved here, I was the owner of a hair salon that provided hair care services to the growing multi-culture clients that was growing in Durham region. Pickering was young, and ready to grow, and I have had the opportunity to grow with my home town. Pickering has become more diverse and as a woman from multicultural background ( my heritage stems from Chinese,East Indian, Portuguese and black lineage). I see myself as a great vessel and voice for those communities. I know I possess the skills required of this role along with the personal awareness that listening to the community helps the community move forward. I recognize that the position of ward council is not an easy position, nor one I intended to take lightly . I am aware this position only recently became available and I see it as perfect timing as I recently retired . The circumstances this position became available are tragic and with big shoes left to fill , I know I have the strong skill set and passion to not only fill but take it to the next level. While Rick Johnson was alive, I had the opportunity to work on his campaign, this gave me the opportunity to see what working in council offers. Knowing Mr. David Pickles showed me what good community service Pickering council provides and I like that . I would love an opportunity follow in their footsteps and be of service to my community. I currently sit on the board of the Chinese Hakka Tsung Tsin association of Canada, a social Chinese community of 500+ people ranging from 3 years old ( my grandson) to 90+ years old. We have a very rich history that has taught me many things about myself but also what it means to be apart of something bigger than yourself. At the moment, we are in the process of hosting the World Hakka Conference that will be meeting in Markham, date undetermined, under the present climate. - 19 - November 30th 2021 I have lived in the Pickering area of Altona and Shepard, for the last twenty three years. First with my daughter ,now, I am privileged to have my home with my daughter and her young family. We are privileged to be living as a multi generational family and seeing my grandchildren grow has been a blessing. This form of living is rooted in culture and shows them the beauty of family and ever growing change and generational wealth. Living in Pickering has allowed this form of living. If selected for the role of ward council , I have many ideas grounded in developing Pickering for the future while also remaining true to its heritage. I am keenly aware of the importance of staying true to your upbringing but also growing with the times. I would like to see Pickering grow towards a future that is even richer in diversity but, also cultural awareness, family, community and economic wealth that provides realistic benefits seen by every family in their daily doings. I thank you for this opportunity and I wish you the best in your search and hope to speak with the board again soon. Diana Chin F ook / encl. 905-509-1892 - 20 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday , 8 :30 a .m . to 4 :30 p .m . in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021 , and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for C ity Councillor, Ward 2 . Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting cl erk s@pic ke ring .ca. It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application. Nominee Information (As it will appea r on all documentation). First Name Linda Last Name Cook Qualify ing Address (Street Number , Street Name , Suite/Unit Number, Cityrrown, Province , Postal Code) 842 Miriam Rd, Pickering, ON L 1 W Jx6 Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Number, Street Name , Suite/Unit Number , Cityrrown , Province , Postal Code Daytime Telephone Number 64 7.466.4193 Email avenger_lc@hotmail.com Declaration of Qualification (To be comp leted in person). 1, Linda Cook ,the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 , for the City of Pickering, and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this /:J day ofJ&CPnbtY'. 2021 Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . Date Filed (yyyy-mm -dd) re ?o?.I-2--I 3 Attachments I am attaching a letter in support of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety . [2J Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Picker i ng Civ ic Co m p lex I O ne T he Esp lanade I Picke ri ng, Onta ri o L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.461 1 I F. 905.420.9685 I To ll Free 1 .866.683.2760 I cle rks@p icke rin g.ca I p i c k eri ng.ca - 21 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict, of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 22 - -Cd:fof­ p](KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates . 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Date (yyyy-mm -dd) The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office . Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meetinq. Questions about this collection can be directed to the Citv Clerk at clerk s@oickerin q .ca. Picke rin g Civic Co mp lex I One The Esp lanade I Picker i ng, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 9 05.4 20.4 6 11 I F. 905.420 .96 85 I To ll Free 1.866.68 3 .2760 I clerks@p icker in g.ca I p ic kerin g.ca - 23 - December 10th, 2021 Regarding Council Vacancy, Ward 2 Nominee Application I have been a resident of Pickering for more than 40 years, making my home in beautiful Bay Ridges. As a Bay Ridges resident, I have a vested interest in ensuring we have appropriate representation on council, as well as great respect for Ian Cumming, my late neighbour, and the office that he held. I believe I can bring value and importance to this role -not only do I live, work and volunteer here but I have a wealth of knowledge in business, diversity, and inclusion. Having raised a special needs child on my own, I understand the barriers to access and support for those living with both visible and invisible disabilities. I have 10 years of experience with Special Olympics, an often-marginalized group in any community. I believe that service to others is a calling, and that advocacy for those who cannot advocate for themselves is my duty. As a mother of a child with Cerebral Palsy & Autism, I am keenly aware of the challenges faced by those who may not have voice to advocate for themselves. This has led me to identify some of the key challenges that I believe are important to the constituents of Ward 2. • There is an emphatic need for responsible planning and infrastructure in South Pickering. As the intensification surrounds Ward 2 there is concern that the growth will outpace the infrastructure. We've seen past examples of this, with the development of San Francisco by the Bay. During my time as a member of PESCA (Pickering East Shore Community Association), where I served as both President and Past President, I had the opportunity to work with the TRCA and Ontario Ombudsman to successfully lobby for Douglas Creek Ravine top of bank requirements, to an acceptable outcome. • Need for community building. Pickering has the ability to redefine its approach to recreation1 particularly when it comes to accessibility. As Pickering grows, so too grows the necessity for green spaces to unwind and connect. The addition of new recreation facilities, art galleries, parks and trails can be designed to create a vibrant community of artists, chefs, and entrepreneurs -which drives economic growth, and improves the liveability score of Pickering. This includes the need for preservation of the waterfront recreation and study areas, specifically Millennium Square. • Affordable housing, which includes limits on waterfront development and restrictions on density and height in established neighbourhoods. While I may not have previous political experience, I do have board experience. I served one term (3 years) on the Durham Catholic School Board Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC). I was Parent Council Chair for 8 years, at both Holy Redeemer and Father Fenelon Catholic Schools. During my tenure, I was selected to participate in the community consultation process as the parent representative to the Board for the 2008 -2011 Accommodation Review - 24 - Committee (ARC). The ARC is a comprehensive community consultation process that makes accommodation options for schools in the Durham Catholic District School Board. To better understand our city and nation's shared history, I completed a certificate in Indigenous Canada, through the faculty of Native Studies at the University of Alberta last year. A lifelong leaner, I am currently enrolled in an open online psychology course -The Science of Well-being at Yale University, to gain insight into the effects of happiness and the measurement thereof, given the wake of depression, anxiety and stress produced by the global pandemic. To give back to my community, during the longest days of the lockdown, I worked with the Region of Durham Offices of Economic Development & Tourism on a special project called "Downtowns of Durham ". The project mandate was-and remains -to provide businesses in the downtown core of each community in the Durham region with visibility, to support these businesses and preserve our vibrant communities. In 2020 I was honoured to be a recipient of a City Service Award for Volunteer of the Year, for my involvement with Special Olympics Ontario where I am a proud NCC (National Competition Coach) Level 5 certified speed skating coach, with a specialization in coaching athletes with disabilities and fragile medical conditions. As a bonus, I have finished my Level One Ice Official certification. I have also been a volunteer with the Royal Canadian Legion #606 for three years. My professional career has focused mainly on the high-tech industry, ranging from Human Capital Management, Data Security, to Artificial Intelligence. My employer, Cologix, is one of the leading Data Centre companies in North America. I was recently promoted to Senior Director, Visual Brand Identity, Canada & Hyperscale Marketing, as a testament to my ability to mentor and manage teams, grow revenue, and manage revolving priorities. My professional CV can be viewed on Linkedln . I believe we rise when we elevate others. I thrive on building community and my superpower is building meaningful connections. Working with the community, Mayor and Council is the best way I can think to contribute to the growth and elevation of Pickering. Thank you, Linda Cook - 25 - I\ ,, Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8 :30 a .m. to 4 :30 p.m . in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident , owner or tenant of land in the City of Picker ing, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ si zed pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 . Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@pickering .ca . It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application . Nominee Information (As it will appear on all documentation). First Name Last Name M AV\ve_.\ H -,<A-} C:..A--c 'C> ~J-±=:.2::; Qualifying Address (Street Number, Street Name , Suite/Unit Number , City/Town, Province, Postal Code) , r 1 'f) 1 <2 fZt--C-~T"'-¼.: l- Mailing Add re s (if different from above) Sir I Number , Street Name , Suit ii /Town L?. 2 5JE7iCA- Daytime Telephone Number Email Declaration of Qualification (To be completed in person). I. MC{.}',v Q.j HJrr<i.~C+ h ~ applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified , or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 , for the City of Pickering, and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this _jg_ day of~ 2021 Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . Date Filed (yyyy-mm-dd) Time Filed .2 c, 2-I -/ 2... -/ 0 /I ~ 20 d , Attachments I am attaching a letter ~P of ~ my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety . LJd' Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T . 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683 .2760 I clerks@pickering .ca I pickering.ca r - 26 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office . 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown ; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from ·voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates . Pickering Civic Comp l ex I One Th e Esp lanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T . 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I To l l Free 1.866 .683.2760 I clerks@pickering .ca I pickering.ca - 27 - ,, Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act o r omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates. 8. I am not d isqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violat ions for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Signature of Clerk or Designate Date (yyyy-mm -dd) 2D2J f.}. · lo The Of:fiee of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act.~ '601, and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office . Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meetin . Questions about th is collection can be directed to the C it Clerk at clerks ickerin .ca . Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario LlV 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I To l l Free 1 .866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 28 - Pickering, December 9.2021 To: Members of Council From: Bert Cortez Ref: Filling of position on Council My full name is Humberto Araica-Cortez know as Bert Cortez In the past election I run as a candidate for Major of Pickering. I am a Canadian citizen living in Pickering for approximately 44 years with great love and attachment to our living area. Have a degree in Economics from the University of Nicaragua. I study Hospitality at George Brown College but mostly my activities were focusing in the transportation industry with approximately 28 years of experience. Certifications of training are mostly all of it enclosed. I run out of space for some more. In my long life had been volunteering for Meals on Wells, Canadian Cancer Society (my wife is a cancer survivor), Juvenile Justice Volunteer (helping kids in trouble with the Justice System). I run in past election thinking to mainly serve our citizens without a salary based mainly in the fact that I have from the railway a pension that allowed me to live decently on my investment, savings and pension I was the only candidate than finance his purpose with my own funds basically on the premise that any elected politician have to contribute not only his work but extend his benefits to less favoured members of our society. I am this time on the same platform to specifically put aside any income that this position have in a beneficiary legally determined aspect to create scholarships for brilliant student that don't have the means to advance his goals of education. Putting this in a different words" I am not interested in a salary but in a work that reflect on the benefits of our community" As any politician that has deserted or lost his position usually said; "I'd been honor serving our citizens" but without any plain results on the general population. All I want to be remembered is as a man that did his service really serving our most needed citizens' without any financial reward for me or my family. If there is any leftover of funds from the salary that this position had I would like to extend it to social programs that benefits our most vulnerable members of our society that are women and child. Having said all this the only thing I need is to put this in legal terms to orient my purpose to a reality and not just to see this as a dream. To extend the intention of this letter I am at your disposition to clarify concepts. Sincerely yours Bert Cortez - 29 - \ I ":I ~ ;, i- ; :, St ) .l > i::. ·\r; I>J ~ St.l><:I !~ 0 5 () m ~ :;; 0 ~ m 0.,, 0 C ►r:;; E 5 z ~ (Jpru1«m,r,~,n•.nfl f,«m.>t,,,,,.,.p\W-"'""' a reussi le cours de completed the Boom Truck has successfully formation relative aux Training Course grues sur camion ,CEiRTtFtcAre OF 'mA1NiNo Operations This cer!lf1es lhat ··HI l l<~-~R,~' ,' C? 0~2.., ,;, '7°RA0-fs,M:i~ t · 80\'p \0 Occupabon ·· PIN- ·, ,: has successfully completed·,raming requi~mentdo • · authorize a train or engine over rail surface·irregutarrnes ln accordance with Company standards. • , : ,,. Operations Exploitation 8ei\'.?.il0 P.I.N. I Matrk:ule Occupation/ Fonctions has successfully completed CWA La personne susmentionnee a suivl avec Training In accordance wtth CN succbs le ou las cours d• formation sur las 'Regulations to lhe followtng le;vel(s) LAS lndiqu~(s) au verso, conlorm~menl as indicated on reverse. aux prescriptions de la Compagole. A -CWA-Supervisor A •LAS, superviseurs / superviseures B •CWA -FQrernan B •LAS, contremaitres I contremailresst,s C -CWA -Spring Review C ·LAS, rappel prlntamps D -CWA -Fall Review D •LAS, rappel automne_ Name Is Certified In EMERGENCY FIRST AID CPR/AED Level 0'A □ B □ C Thi~ card is invalid tt more than one level of CPR is checked. •, Date of ue l~;;;a 12Ai'-\o!) fH I\ lnstructo · D YOU MAY RECERTIFY SOONER IF REQUIRED FOR EMPLOYMENT CN ·Operations •Niii448Hil!ffli 4Sl ..... ±\is IY\bc:: itc) CoR le?· ""7VMJ<&4&: So 18 I 9 ticcupa ion PIN • has successfully completed training req~irements t(i supervise track repairs and inspect track ,IP accordance ~ with co_ mpany stan.dards._ . :~~ ~.· ~E,t,22,0\ District Engineer Date • 1-888-CHARbA.S , , ·Association Crane & R~9ging Prolessionals Q'1 Ci::RTl,"=ICATE OF QU.:,LIFICATION NAME: tLCORTEZ_ --.,.-:_,:...~_-P.1.N. 8018'i0 QUALIFICATION: MACHINE OPERA TOR , · HAS PASSED THE REQUIRED EXAMINAT!Of'/S o('/ T,HECROR . DATE:C>Af.31, 1996 ~OCAl}ON:TORONTO, ONT, APPLICABLE ON: Toronto Terminals Railway Co./CN Rail Musr ei:;:Re:ouALll'IED ~EFPR~:,ocroe!i'R-11. 19~n, ,' AUTHORIZED SIGNATU~~~~- St. John Ambulance St John Ambulance certifies that HUMBERTO ARAICA-CORTEZ has completed a course in SAFETY ORIENTED FIRST AID STANDARD FIRST AID & HEARTSA VER CPI Course Number: 200304007140 Expiry Date: 01/14/2006 Annual retraining in CPR js recommended. • I - . ~mall Tools • Gasoline & Hydraulic r 7 - 30 - -~of­ P](KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a .m . to 4 :30 p.m. in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2. Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@pickering .ca . It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application. Nominee lnfonnation (As it will appear on all documentation). First Name Last Name ~ u tz..l<..I £ Qualifying Address (Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, CityfTown, Province , Postal Code) 135' Mailing Address (if different from above) Street N1,1mber, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number , CityfTown, Province, Postal Code Daytime Telephone Number {)S-6;).t-909 ~ Email Declaration of Qualification (To be completed in person). I, ~v,·of (!.l< r r i ,c... ,the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the City of Pickering, and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this / ~ ay of ~t.Ml:tr,2021 Nominee Signature Clerk or Designate Signature Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . Clerk Date Filed (yyyy-mm-dd) 2-0 2 /-/2-,~ Attachments I am attaching a letter in su rt of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety. Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be require<I to show proof of receipt of all recommen<led <loses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources . Department. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K 7 T. 905.420.46 11 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683 .2760 I clerks@p i cker in g.ca I pickerir,g.ca - 31 - -~ of­ PJ(KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Election s Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen , a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not in eligibl e or disqualified under the Municipal El ections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be e lected to or hold the above-mention ed Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an emp loyee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act, • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (th e close of appli cation s). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my app lication for the above-mention ed Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and , • I am not a Crown emp loyee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown emp loyee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of impri sonment in a penal or correctional in stitution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years fo llowin g Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pi cke ri ng C iv ic Comp l ex I O ne Th e Esp l anade I Pi cke rin g, O ntar io L 1 V 6K7 T. 9 05.420.461 1 I F. 905.420.9685 I To ll Free 1.866.683.2760 I cle rks@p i cker in g.ca I pickering.ca - 32 - ======af1tj Bf==== P1CKER1NG Sea&eat et Nemift&.e Apptieati6ft and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates. 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Nominee Signature 'f-9 . Signature of Clerk or Designate Date (yyyy-mm •dd) 2021-/2.-I~ The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal ct, 2001, and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office. Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meetin . Questions about this collection can be directed to the Cit Clerk at c lerks ickerin .ca . Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683 .2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 33 - David Currie 1135 Harvest Drive Pickering, Ontario LlX 1B5 currie9092@gmail.com T: 905.420.9092 C: 905.626.9092 Monday December 13, 2021 RE: Notice of Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 In submitting my name for consideration to fill the City Councillor, Ward 2 Vacancy, I do so with the utmost respect for Ian Cummings, who served the constituents very well, before passing on. As a long-standing resident of Pickering, my family and I have seen tremendous growth in the community . We have a diverse population and a thriving municipality. As a Ward 2 resident who campaigned and ran in the most recent election, for the vacant position no less, I feel I am the ideal candidate to fill the Vacancy . I will provide a breath of fresh air at Council meetings, contributing thoughtfully and constructively. I believe that a united, community-minded effort from Council will bring about community­ focused and community-engaged results. The most recent tree planting and resultant resident concerns with tobogganing at Glendale Park, illustrates the need for proactive community engagement and consultation. Reactive engagement and consultation, although better than none, does not sit well with residents. I have been a resident of Ward 2 for 35 years . I raised four children in Ward 2. My children and grandchildren love this City and I would like to give back to the residents of Pickering and specifically, Ward 2, by serving as City Councillor, Ward 2. As a City Councillor, Ward 2 candidate in the most recent election, I knocked on doors and spoke to residents. I have and will always continue to speak to residents. I have also previously ran for School Board Trustee. As a husband and father of four children, I have been an active member of the community and over the years, have volunteered for the Pickering Hockey Association, Pickering Skating Club, and most recently the newly branded, Pickering Football Club, as Head Coach of my granddaughter's soccer team. My children and their families reside in the community, some even in Ward 2, and this alone gives me incentive enough to do my part and try and make Pickering and Ward 2, the most forward thinking, community-engaged municipality in all of Ontario. I have worked in construction as a bricklayer in both the private and public municipal sector. If chosen to fill the Vacancy, I will tap on my experiences as a resident, as a union member, as a tradesman, as a volunteer, as a parishioner, as a coach, as a neighbour, as a parent, as a grandparent but most importantly, I will tap on my experiences as a person who has lived and breathed Pickering's Ward 2 for over half my life. As a frequent user of public transit, I would look to make positive contributions for both the passengers and employees of our transit system. I commit to addressing Ward 2 residents' safety concerns related to 11 Page - 34 - high speed vehicles and stop sign violations. This could be achieved by implementing traffic calming zones, additional traffic lights, increased police presence and/or the employment of additional crossing guards. Frequent community engagement here is the key. Our community's response to the fight against COVID has largely been a concerted effort to contain the spread and I will provide any and all information I can to assist residents in this battle. I will provide a voice to enforce proper compassionate care, including security and guardrails in our seniors' homes. Our seniors should not suffer any further due to a lack of proper care. I believe that with my family, community, work and life experience, I have a deep appreciation for the complexity and challenges that face our municipality. I aim to help resolve my constituents' issues and concerns in a timely, respectful and professional manner. I am passionate about serving the community and contributing to the economic growth of the city of Pickering. I have the resources, support and time to dedicate to this position. I am committed to representing the best interests of Ward 2 Pickering residents. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and thanks again for considering me, David Currie, to fill the City Councillor, Ward 2 Vacancy . Dave Currie 21 Page - 35 - --C~r/-­p](KERlNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m . on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2. Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@pickering.ca . It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application. Nominee Information (As it will appear on all documentation). First Name Giuseppina "Pina" Last Name D'lntino Qualifying Address (Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, City/Town, Province, Postal Code) 950 Mink St, Pickering, ON, L 1W 2G5 Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, City/Town, Province, Postal Code Daytime Telephone Number 905-492-2772 Email pina.dintino@gmail.com Declaration of Qualification (To be completed in person). 1, Giuseppina D'lntino , the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor , Ward 2, for the City of Pickering, and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this /1 day of l)l~,2021 Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . Filing (To Date 1oa Filed (yyyy-m l -/:J - Attachments I am attaching a letter in support of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety . [Z] Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1 .866 .683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 36 - -~oj ­ P](KER]NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2 . Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant ; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public SeNice Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates . Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I picke r ing.ca - 37 - -Cdt;of ­ p](KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates. 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Signature of Clerk or Desi nate Date (yyyy-mm-dd) t Nomine The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office . Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meetinq . Questions about this collection can be directed to the City Clerk at clerks@o ickerina .ca . Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T . 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420 .9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I p ickering.ca - 38 - Pina D'lntino, MDes, PMP, CPACC 950 Mink Street Pickerin~, Ontario L 1W 2G5 Ph: 905-492 -2772 I Cell: 416-948-3348 Fax : 905-492-2755 pina .dintino@gmail .com City of Pickering Office of the Clerk 1 The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 December 17, 2021 Subject: Appointment to City Councillor -Ward 2 Dear Clerk, We are in rapidly changing times for Pickering and the demands on our city are great. I sincerely believe, and hope , my skills, education , and my proven ability to engage and listen to the voices and needs of diverse stakeholders -while using my aptitude for consensus-building -would help advance Pickering and keep it moving in the right direction . I have maintained my Master's Certificate in Project Management, achieved in 2002 from the Project Management Institute. In addition, I completed my Masters in Accessible Design from OCAD-University with direct work in OCAD-U's Inclusive Design Research Centre and continue to engage in many research projects on marginalized and under-served populations. I am also a woman entrepreneur, fluently bi-lingual , with my own successful business. In addition to subject matter expertise, my work requires notable skills in motivational team building and conflict resolution, while influencing transformational cultural change for my customers and their organizations . While providing consultative services, I leverage current and emerging technologies with stakeholder needs , to cooperatively build roadmaps to their goal accomplishments. I would bring all this, and a woman's voice to City Council in representation for Pickering residents. As a resident and business owner, I want our city to prosper and be as vibrant, and inclusive and as possible . As a mother, a young grandparent of teens and young ones , and a person with a disability, multi-generational needs, inclusion and accessibility play a big role in all that I do. I know what it is like to be a marginalized stakeholder and will always recognize the unique needs of this diverse populational segment while recognizing it is differently experienced in different cultures and situations. With elections always on the minds of the city , I think it is important to note my experience with Elections Canada. I worked directly with Elections Canada to ensure Canadians have inclusive access to the election process. This experience should be very helpful when trying to increase participation in our upcoming elections and ensure our citizens' right to vote is protected and is inclusive to all , regardless of their differences and abilities. My ability to mobilize people of diverse backgrounds is a skill that is transferable to all other types of public engagements. - 39 - City Councillor Ward 2 Appointment Pina D'lntino Page 2 In Pickering, we are actively engaged in significant growth. We know this in building new sites, developments, and programs -such as the new Pickering City Centre, the growing Pickering Casino Resort, beautiful and frequented new waterfront parks, protecting while developing our Ward 2 waterfront, growing the Seaton Community, and numerous housing projects to respond to new residents and the changing needs of existing residents. Pickering is experiencing enormous and unprecedented change, transforming and modernizing existing establishments to respond to this growth while also meeting inclusion and accessibility requirements -positioning itself as one of the most diverse, inclusive and accessible communities in Ontario if not all of Canada. I am applying for this office of appointed City Councillor because I firmly believe that I can wholly contribute to these changes, bring forward the voice of all stakeholders, including those who are not always heard, and ensure that Pickering Ward 2, and Pickering as a whole, consider the needs of all people as they move forward with their plans. We also have a great number of barriers to address, and to achieve the inclusion we value. Looking at Ward 2, the number of building projects on the go to attract new residents is significant. Issues around transportation, parking areas, recreational needs for young and elders are key to a prosperous and active life. When I think of inclusion, I think of how we need to ensure that the investments we make in Pickering and Ward 2, are sound and do not leave anyone behind. Preserving our existing charm, and protecting our waters and environments is key. We must also think of affordable housing and services that can be accessed and meet the needs of our citizens and ensure that there is quality of life in Pickering for everyone who live here and visit us. As a catalyst for change, I thrive when I can help influence others to achieve systemic and cultural change. By effective communication and transparency, we gain the trust of our citizens and bring them along with the changes. I am a people-person at my core. I can bring different perspectives to the conversation, and have the necessary skills 1 and a vast network of business and public service networks that is essential to do this. Being the City Councillor, Ward 2, would give me great honour and would allow me to voice my and others' opinions on the changes that are occurring in Pickering and Ward 2, while working closely with City Council. I am enthusiastic about what is coming and know that while this is an exciting time, there is lots to do to ensure that there is a return on our investments in Pickering, while ensuring our citizens are safe, can grow and live a fulsome life in a city that represents them and speaks to them. I am attaching my resume for your consideration and am available to answer any questions. I look forward to hearing from you on this very important opportunity . .sincer~ ·--~ Pina Attachment: Resume - 40 - -Ct%of­ p](KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a .m . to 4:30 p.m. in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2. Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@pickering.ca. It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application. Nominee Information (As it will appear on all documentation). First Name CH~<~--r1A.16 Last Name ])oo Df-HftMtt--ro,J Qualifying Address (Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, Cityrrown, Province, Postal Code) lb I~ 'JJAGG11il5' "ST.'\ P; ck£/t.1 ,JG-, ON L;y z_e~I Mailing Address (if different from above) Stree t Number, Street Name, Suite/Onit Number,t ityrrown, Province, Postal Code Daytime Telephone Number Email ~ lb -S5'%-7,d-97 fc_e 11 ') I I ~6 cd /2 (i) c?jrna// # CdJ//h '.. , Declaration of Quallf1cat1on (To be completed in person). I, C:i+ril ST1 JG 1Joo]> Y-H A,}{ f cro J.he applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the City of Pickering, and hereby consent to such appointment. - Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this /0 7 : ay of p6 c&i1~~ 021 Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . Clerk Date Filed (yyyy-mm -d d) ture 6.:2.1-/2-/() I am attaching a letter ~pport of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety. W Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Picke ring Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 41 - -Ci%of­ p](KER]NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 42 - -C~of­ p]( KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates. 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Signature of Clerk or Designate Date (yyyy-mm-dd) The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office . Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meetin . Questions about this collection can be directed to the Cit Clerk at clerks ickerin .ca . Pi cke rin g Civi c Co m p l ex I On e Th e Esp l anad e I Pi c ke rin g, Ontari o L 1 V 6K7 T. 90 5 .4 2 0.4 6 11 I F. 90 5 .4 2 0 .9685 I Toll Free 1.8 6 6 .6 8 3.276 0 I cl erk s@p i c kerin g.ca I pickering.ca - 43 - 1616 Baggins Street, Pickering, ON, L 1X 2E2 Dec. 10,2021 Ms. Susan Cassel Clerk's Office, City of Pickering One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON, L 1V 6K7 Dear Ms. Cassel: I would like to submit my name for consideration for the position of City Councillor, Ward 2. I believe I am well qualified to serve in this capacity. Specifically: I have a public service track record. I am a volunteer member of DEAC (the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee) (2020 -present). I am a Toronto Zoo volunteer (2018 -present). I am a volunteer member of LEAF (Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests) (2019 to present). I served as a volunteer member of the Seneca College Research Ethics Review Board (2015 -2019). I continue to serve as a volunteer member of the Sustainable Seneca Advisory Board (2015 -present). I served as the coordinator of 'Women in Technology' outreach initiatives to teenage girls on behalf of the School of Civil Engineering Technology (2001 -2005). I served as a volunteer member of the Duffin Creek Watershed Task Force (2001- 2003) under the leadership of Gary Bowen, TRCA. I served on various parent committees in support of student activities at St. Wilfrid R.C. School (1998 -2009). I am active in my community. I have lived at the same address in Pickering for over 30 years. I have raised my family in Pickering. I am a regular supporter of community events, such as Remembrance Day at the Cenotaph, Haunted Walks at Pickering Museum, Canada Day at Kinsmen Park, Christmas Lights at Esplanade Park, etc. I have a solid understanding of the municipal planning process. I have several years experience working in the engineering department at Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) reviewing Official Plans, Subdivision and Site Plans, - 44 - stormwater management plans, By-laws and Variances for regulatory compliance and technical feasibility. I have a solid understanding of engineering principles and practices for the design, construction and operation of municipal infrastructure; again, through my work experience at TRCA and my foundational academic training in water resources engineering technology at Seneca College. Plus, I have 30 years of teaching experience in civil engineering technology and environmental planning at Seneca College. I have a solid understanding of environmental impact assessment for municipal infrastructure works, and of best practices for impact mitigation. My work at TRCA focussed on environmental impact assessment. I also worked with Ministry of the Environment staff to develop and deliver a workshop in Class Environmental Assessments for industry. I have developed and taught courses in environmental assessment of engineering works. I am currently a certified CISEC-Can instructor (Certified Inspector of Sediment and Erosion Control), and I am currently teaching a course in sustainable municipal infrastructure in a post-graduate certificate program at Seneca College. I have a solid understanding of project management, including scheduling, budgets, deliverables and project/program evaluation. I served as the principal investigator on two applied research projects exploring the impacts of biofiltration on indoor air quality. In this capacity, I wrote the proposals, secured the funding, supervised student researchers, co-wrote and edited the draft and final reports, and followed-up with our industry partners on project results and next steps. I am hard-working and solutions-oriented. I served on numerous Academic Integrity Committee investigations during my teaching tenure at Seneca College. This committee was charged with the responsibility of upholding Seneca's Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism. This involved meeting with students and faculty, assessing the validity and severity of the violation, evaluating the evidence, and mediating a final resolution. I am now retired from full-time teaching. I have the time, the energy and the interest, to serve my community. Please accept my application for the position of City Councillor, Ward 2. I thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Christine Doody-Hamilton - 45 - -C4of­ PJ(KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday , 8 :30 a.m . to 4 :30 p .m. in the Office of the City Clerk , and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident , owner or tenant of land in the C ity of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 . Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@pickering .ca . It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application . Nominee Information (As it will appear on all documentation). First Name Jake Last Name Farr Qualifying Address (Street Number, Street Name , Suite/Unit Number, City/Town, Province, Postal Code) 922 Vistula Drive, Pickering, ON L 1 W 2L5 Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, City/Town , Province , Postal Code Daytime Telephone Number 416-678-2340 Email jakefarr@authenticselfcs.com Declaration of Qualification (To be completed in pe rson). 1, Jake Farr ,the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Leg islative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 , for the City of Pickering , and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this It day of!(~(. 2021 Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . Clerk or Bo dO Date Filed (yyyy-mm-dd) ure ,_ 2, ('}- Attachments I am attaching a letter in support of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety. [Z] Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T . 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1 .866 .683 .2760 I clerks@pickering .ca I pickering.ca - 46 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public SeNice Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683 .2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 47 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates. 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Signature of Clerk or Designate Date (yyyy-mm-dd) The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 , and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office . Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meetin . Questions about this collection can be directed to the Ci Clerk at clerks ickerin .ca . Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K 7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420 .9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering .ca I pickering.ca - 48 - City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON LlV 6K7 December 16th, 2021 TO: Susan Cassel, City Clerk Mayor Ryan Members of Council Re: Qualifications to fill the Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Thank you for accepting my Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualifications Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2. I am seeking nomination to fill the vacancy in Ward 2 left by the passing of the late Ian Cummings. My name is Jake Farr. I have been a full-time resident in the City of Pickering since 1994. reside in Westshore with my husband and children. Although Westshore is not located in Ward 2, it shares many of the same characteristics and challenges as those in Ward 2. My academic and work experiences provide me with deep knowledge in both business and social work. I understand fiscal responsibility, budgeting, accounting, and forecasting. My management skills will support work that requires oversight or organization by myself and/or with others. As a social worker, I will bring a vision of how municipal government can not only represent residents on business decisions but by engaging fellow council members and city staff, we can strive to bring forth all voices of Pickering residents. Ward 2 is very diverse. With its well-established waterfront community, varying socio­ economic housing, both older and newer, a large business sector, and the city centre within the boundaries, Ward 2 offers it all. This ward deserves a councillor who has a unique and well­ developed perspective of how economics and people can co-exist and flourish. My vision to represent Ward 2, is to seek engagement from residents and businesses, listen to what is being said, bring these ideas forward in the capacity as a councillor and then report back to the community as to the outcomes. This will offerfull transparency. My skills as a social worker will be used to work within the current systems, question those systems that are not serving residents well and offer solutions to help close those gaps. I have proven skills to build community connections. l am involved on numerous local committees in Pickering and throughout Durham. This has allowed me to gain knowledge and understanding of what each level of government is responsible for and what local organizations offer as services to residents. - 49 - As a representative for Ward 2, I would bring my lens of personal lived experiences. Living, working, and raising my family in Pickering, I understand that we must support the growth of Pickering but we must do this while ensuring we are keeping up with or holding those accountable for the infrastructure to support enviable population growth and all that comes with it. This includes supporting our unhoused, low-income, youth and seniors. As well this means taking a lead on connecting and establishing stronger relationships to build an understanding of the needs of minority communities that often are not seen or heard. Every resident is part of the fabric of our city. I will offer Ward 2 residents and council colleagues, a kinder more inclusive way to be part of the processes to continue to have Pickering be a place where people want to live, work and stay. I will commit to the work at hand for the next 10 months, always looking at what the decisions being made today will bring for the future of our city and residents. My lived experiences as a transgender person will be a start to reflect a more inclusive representation on the council that city residents are calling. I am a well-rounded, self-reflective, and open-minded individual who, that if, given the opportunity to be part of the City of Pickering Council as the Ward 2 representative, I would offer new perspectives and pave the path to a more diverse council for Pickering. I would be honoured to have the opportunity to serve and support the residents of Ward 2 and the City of Pickering to reach our best potential, both economically and socially. Thank you for this opportunity. ~ Jake Farr, BSc-BA, MSW Pronouns: He/They I respectfully acknowledge the work I do takes place on the traditional territory of the Land of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation, Mississauga Peoples and treaty territory of Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nations . I am grateful to the Mississauga and Chippewa Peoples for their long-standing teachings and care for this land, and recognize my responsibility as a settler on this territory to take meaningful action towards reconciliation. - 50 - -C~of­ p](KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 . Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@pickering .ca . It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application . Nominee Information (As it will appear on all documentation). First Name Last Name Qualifying Address (Sir umber, City/Town, Province , Postal Code) (rr, Daytime Telephone Num L 2 />E~e/lt. ??@ oc.Ll!P Pk r ((J/-, Declaration of Qualification (To be completed in person). I, /'L-,-:-A..tv, d rc.-f_Jt....!_ !~, the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 , for the City of Pickering, and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this /]_ day of~celY\W:'2021 Clerk or Designate Signature Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . D Date Filed (yyyy-mm-dd) Time Filed Nominee initial ture~D., -Id--I -=1-o:zoa.~ X Attachments I am attaching a letter~ of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety.~ Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pickering C iv ic Co mpl ex I One Th e Esplanade I Pickering, O ntari o L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.46 11 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Fre e 1.866.683.2760 I c lerk s@picke rin g.ca I pickering.ca - 51 - -Ci;Jo/­ PJ(KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public SeNice Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 52 - -C~of ­ p](KER]NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7 . I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates . 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Signature of Clerk or Designate Date (yyyy-mm-dd) The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 . The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office . Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council MeetinQ . Questions about this collection can be directed to the City Clerk at clerks@oickerina .ca. Picker in g C ivic Comp l ex I O ne Th e Esp lanade I Picke rin g, O ntario L 1 V 6K7 T . 905.420.461 1 I F. 905.420 .9685 I To ll Free 1.866.683.2760 I c lerk s@p icke rin g.ca I picker i ng .ca - 53 - - 54 - - 55 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8 :30 a .m. to 4 :30 p.m. in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2. Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@pickering .ca . It is the responsibility of the nom inee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application. Nominee Information (As it will appear on all documentation). First Name Michelle Leong Last Name Francis Qualifying Address (Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, CityfTown, Province, Postal Code) 1658 Portland Crt. Pickering Ontario L 1 V 2R2 Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, CityfTown, Province, Postal Code 1740-54 Kingston Rd, Pickering Ontario L 1V 2R2 Daytime Telephone Number 416.728.6720 Email ttg@rogers.com ..Declaration of Quallf1cat1on (To be completed 1n person). I, Michelle Francis , the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the City of Pickering, and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering ~ in the Region of Dur~ ~ this @$~:!of ~O¥Om b ' , 2021 c;t or Designate Signature Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . Date F ed (yyyy-mm-dd) Time Filed d-0:l-l-l '2. -0"2.. l l ·.L¥.,a . " Attachments I am attaching a letter in support of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety. [ZJ Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Picke ring, Ontario L1V 6K7 T . 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420 .9685 I Toll Free 1 .866 .683.2760 I clerks@pi c kering.ca I pickering.ca - 56 - -C¾ of ­ p](KER]NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2 . Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant ; 3. I am not ineligible or d isqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4 :30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Co rporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignat ion by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5 . I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6 . Without limit ing the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution . • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates . Pickering Civic Comp l ex I One The Esp lanade I Picke ring, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T . 905.420.46 11 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I c lerks@p ickering .ca I pickering.ca - 57 - -C¾of­ p](KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7 . I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates. 8 . I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada ~idence Act. No Date (yyyy -mm -dd} The ice of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 , and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office . Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meetin . Questions about this collection can be directed to the Cit Clerk at clerks ickerin .ca . Pickering Civic Comp l ex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.461 1 I F. 905.420.9685 I To ll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 58 - MICHELLE LEONG FRANC IS, CHRP, CHRL Q.MED, Pl, Pl BACKGROUND The daughter of a First Responder and Jubilee Award-winning Civil Rights Recipient. Michelle has had the distinct pleasure to have Stood on the Shoulders of Giants at an inaugural visit to Toronto's Queens Park to meet one Nelson Mandela. Early on Michelle became aware Qf.the need for global Social Justice activism; IDEA -Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, shrouded in the governance of Human Reso~ices. With 4100 members in attendonce this LSO Facilitator supported. ihdustry at the 2021 Mental Health Summit as a panelist sharing insights on the inleJ$ec tionalities of Human Rights through fhe lens of Landlord & Tenant, Health'& Employment Law. Michelle's use of Organizational Effectiveness advances Transformational Leadership. Michelle's 20-year journey in Cross­ Cultural Intelligence permeates her broad sectoral knowledge evidenced in her certification in Health Equity through Ontario College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario and Governance through Ontario Hospital Association. As a tenured DiverCity on Board Mentor, Markham Board of Trade Diversity Member, BNI Plecl@e and HR .Peer. Michelle supports the advancement of business & community. PASSIONS # 1 Nature Adventurism #2 Board Volunteerism #3 Heutagogy Design #4 Gardening PANDEMIC ERA HIGHLIGHTS 2019-2021 Havergal College, Governor -EDI Leadership & Governance Private Education Governors steward the College; financial and administrative oversight and establishing college direction and priorities, support its accreditation compliance and ability to remain inclusive, enhc;:1nce its diversity and uphold its equity focus. Talent Company, HR Consultant & Investigator -Harassment & Discrimination Private Corporate , HR Practitioners guide Organlzational Development. Conduct investigations that are routed in Human Rights protected grounds, draft policy, reports, and provide recommendatto.m. City of Pickering, Co-Chair Business Leadership & Governance -ABR Task Force & Cultural Advisory Committee Publlc Government "' Advisor's establish Task Force Terms or Reference, strategic cultural plan, business partriershlp,"mediation, and city leddership & governance policy support. Durham Family Court Clinic, President -EDI Leadership & Governance Private Charity Chairs govern & lead within th'e Charity; EDI focused Accreditation Canada compliant counseling & mediation RrOQramming for outreach, retreats, therapeutic counseling, and court mandated m13ntol health assessments. BUSINESS PART "IENEFITS Navigating business operation gaps against the ackdrop of a new wor_kplace reality; anxiety, depression, policy gymnastics, novel work models and global emotional shakeup and economic shake down has never been more challenging •. TTG Consulting Sroup Inc. and Michelle's network team has the tenured and livec:J experience that allows business to feel supported to successfully address the nuances and demands of business and the workplace. T: 416.728.6720 BOX 54, STN MAIN, PICKERING, ON L1V 2R2 WWVV.ABOUT.ME/MICHELLELFRANCIS 0:905.683.6720 - 59 - Professional and Community Engagement • Mentored by Rick Johnson -Worked his campaign • Supported Councillor Shaheen Butt with Drive Along Community Introduction • Queens Park Pack Member on Financial Literacy • Supported MPP Mike College Members Bill -Press Release • Father Jubliee Award Recipient Community Volunteerism • Chair, Pickering Village East .. Spirit of Community • Community Advocate & Event fundraising Coordinator Supporting Mailett Family home fire and family loss Ciommittee Involvement • Cultural Advisor Committee, Culture & Tourism Member • Inaugural prepatory Pickering Anti Black Racism Taskforce Business and Governance & Leadership Lead • Town of Markham Asian Cultural Diversity Member • Black North Initiative Corporate Signatory & HR Peer to Peer member Diversity History -IDEA • Business & Education Director, Cultural Intelligence • DiverseCity onBoard Member • Maytree Foundation 1 consortium TRIEC Newcomer settlement mentor Public Recognition • Top 100 Black Women to Watch 2020 -Jean Augustine • RBC Women of Influence Consecutive Year Nomination • City of Pickering Sustainability Award, Living Green -Violet Elizabeth Dowdeswell • Energy Efficiency Proclamation, City of Pickering Certifications • OHA Governance Certified • Havergal Governor • Institute of Corporate Directors [ICD] Board Trained • Human Resource Professional Association -HPRA, Certified Human Resource Profession, Certified Human Resource Leader • Law Society of Ontario, CAN Advisor & Mentor • Law Society of Ontario, Crisis Peer • Scarborough Health Network, Certified Health Equity Ontario Health Team, Patient Family Advisor - 60 - -C-~o/ ­ p](KER]NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8 :30 a .m . to 4 :30 p .m. in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2. Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting cler~_s@p ickering .ca. It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application . Nominee Information (As it will appear on all documentation). First Name Shahrez Last Name Hayder Qualifying Address (Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, City/Town, Province, Postal Code) 2119 Saffron Drive, Pickering, ON, L 1 X0E2 Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Number, Street Name , Suite/Unit Number, City/Town, Province , Postal Code Daytime Telephone Number 647-819-2721 Email shahrez.hayder@gmail .com Declaration of Qualification (To be completed in person). 1, Shahrez Hayder ,the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the City of Pickering, and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering Nominee Signature /...-----. ,r ,...--,, I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . D Date Filed (yyyy-mm-dd) Time Filed tl.O -l~-1-:J-q:()d4.~ Attachments I am attaching a letter in support of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the . public in their entirety . Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pi cke rin g Civic Corn pl ex I O ne The [~pl<1 11<1de I Pickt>.ring, Onu 1'io LI V bl (7 T. 90 5 .,12 0.4611 I F. 905.4 20.9685 I To ll Free I .866.6B3.276 0 I clerks<1:;1pi cke ri11g.G1 I pickering.ca - 61 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2PlCKERlNG Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor,.Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Cornpl('X I One !he [~pl,m<ide I F'ick()1i11g, Ont,iri() L 1\I 61<7 T. 90S.420A6 I I ! I. 'JO'i.4'.!0.9h8'i I Toll FrPe I J}66.6BL!760 ! ciPrk•;@pickering.c1 I pickering.ca - 62 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7 . I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates . 8 . I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Signature of Clerk or Designate Date (yyyy -mm-dd) The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office . Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meeting . Questions about this collection can be directed to the City Clerk at clerks@oickerino.ca. Pi c ke1·i11g Civic Cor npl ex I One The Espl ,1n,1de I Pick(~ring, O nt.1ri o LIV 61(7 T. 90 5.•-12(H6 1 I I F. 905.420.9685 \ Toll Free 1.866.683.2 760 I cl(!rk s(?/i pi cke ri11g.c 1 I pickering.c,1 - 63 - Hello, My name is Shahrez Hayder, and I'm seeking the appointment for the seat of the City Councillor, Ward 2, in Pickering. I'm an entrepreneur with a great future in mind for the city of Pickering. I am a second-generation immigrant who grew up in Ajax and went to Ajax elementary schools. I then had to move to Oakville with my family. Their intention to move there was due to my older brother's IB / International Baccalaureate diploma program, as it's not offered in the Durham Region. I did run as a Regional Councillor in Oakville for Ward 7. I finished second and lost, unfortunately by 68 votes. After the elections were concluded in 2019, we moved to Pickering to reunite with my Durham connections, and I have been living with my parents there since, as, in our culture, we usually stay with our parents. However, I have purchased a property in Pickering, located at 1124 Baltic Lane. It is closing on May 24th, 2022, and I plan to move out to that property in June, when it's officially closed. I'm currently residing with my parents, who are long-time Pickering residents. My high school picked me to attend the exclusive Youth Leadership and Diversity Camp in Indiana, USA, leading to mentoring my peers. Being a seasoned basketball player who played in over 35 U.S states, I began giving back to the community by coaching a basketball team at my old elementary school. This inspired me to coach kids throughout the GTA, become an active volunteer in community leagues and Boy and Girls clubs, spreading positivity and team spirit through sport. My energy, experience and enthusiasm will go hand in hand with the bright plans I have in mind for this city. I also believe that I can be a great addition to the Pickering Council as a young person. I am pro-development as development brings more opportunities at the doorstep with my vision. I supported the casino resort and Durham live. I genuinely believe that Durham must have an airport in Pickering, and I also fully support the Pickering Development Program. If Pickering wins the bid, I will fully support the hospital. I will help the council and support the mayor in his endeavours of urbanization and the development of Pickering. I will coordinate with the other levels of government to promote the enhancement of highway 401. I'm a team player, and under the leadership of Mayor Dave Ryan, I will do what's necessary for Pickering. I was born a fighter, and I will continue to fight for what I believe in. I am a strong advocate for diversity, inclusion, and multiculturalism. Join me in the pledge to connect the missing link. Together, let's build a stronger community for a unified, safer and most liveable Pickering. - 64 - --Cd~of-­ p](KER]NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8 :30 a.m. to 4 :30 p .m . in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering , or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 . Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@pickering.ca. It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application . . Nominee Information (As ii will appear on all docum~ntat ion). NAf3 Last Name First Name J<A.;zf_ A.£Y Qualifying Address (Street Number, Street Name , Suite/Unit Number, City/Town, Province, Postal Code) b \) AfV1J3G 1~ W:)Dt> CJ~ fs p.rc Ktf2.1NG, <J\\J L1 v 8Yb Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, City/Town, Province, Postal Code Daytime Telephone _Number /{)q 1 -CJb4 -52b0 Email U!NAR K~ V\ll.LL-. co~ Declaration of Qualification (To be completed in person). I, Mrf1cth Kazi ' the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare tat I am presently legally qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the City of Pickering , and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this JJ4' day of '/)t(!~Jflb-, 2021 Nominee Signature Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . Date Filed (yyyy-mm-dd) Time Filed Nominee initial ~D;ll-12--01 2 ·· 2-0 .~ Zs?.. ' Attachments : I am attaching a letter in support of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety .~ Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pickering Civic Co m p lex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, O ntario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I To ll Free 1.866 .683 .2760 I cle rk s@picke rin g.ca I pickering.ca - 65 - --Ctij 06-­ Pl(KER1NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act, • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow alt the relevant provisions of Part 111 of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17 (3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 66 - --Ciftof-­ P](KER]NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates . 8 . I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Nominee Signature Signature of Clerk or Designate Date (yyyy-mm-dd) ,2()2-) -12 -01 The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 , and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office . Your information w ill be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council MeetinQ . Questions about this collection can be d irected to the City Clerk at clerks@oicke rinQ.ca . Pickeri ng Civic Comp lex I O ne Th e Esp lanade I Picke rin g, Ontar io L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.46 11 I F. 905.420.9685 I To ll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@p icker in g.ca I picke rin g.ca - 67 - My name is Zeynab Kazi, and I am applying for the position of City Councillor for Ward 2 for the City of Pickering. I have talents, experiences and qualifications that make me an ideal candidate for this position! I was born in the 80s, raised by parents who had immigrated from India to [ to this land of opportunities] Canada. I helped my parents with their convenience store business in Toronto, getting first hand invaluable business and community experience at a young age. I studied to become a Social Worker, volunteering with places that had a meaningful impact within my community (The East Scarborough Storefront, Dr. Roz's Healing Place, and tutoring ESL students) and had 3 beautiful children. Once my kids started school at William G. Miller P.S., my passion for volunteering became more focused. I started out as a co-chair, and then became chair of the school Parent Council. I also joined the French as a Second Language Advisory Committee, where I co-chaired and helped to consult with and advise the Toronto District School Board on how to better implement French as a Second Language programs. Being multilingual myself, I was a positive advocate. Through many volunteering and advocacy projects, I developed leadership and fundraising skills. . I recruited for committees, delegated tasks, reviewed, developed and evaluated policies and programs while identifying points of improvement and helping to amend them. I have learnt how to read a balance sheet, maintain financial integrity and adhere to financial goals through my early experiences in working in my parents' small businesses and from being self­ employed for most ofmy adulthood. I have interacted with people in public service through my work and I understand the responsibilities and impact serving the public can have and I will take these duties very seriously. I moved to Pickering (Amberlea neighbourhood) in August of 2020. When considering our options of where to move, providing my family with a safe, family-friendly, suburban lifestyle were important factors. As newcomers, my family and I have fallen in love with Pickering. Despite the pandemic, my children and I have already made many strong friendships within our community. We are one of many growing families that have moved for the same purpose as us. My kids were able to continue their education in French and consequently love their single-track French Immersion school (I look forward to post-pandemic days so that I can enter the school and start making connections!). The move to Pickering has also allowed my children to balance education and religious studies with ease. As of September 2021, the kids have enrolled in the Pickering Islamic Centre for their Evening Quran classes, where they learn to read Arabic, and also attain basic knowledge of Islamic Studies. That's not all that Pickering has to offer my children! We are a hockey family, from watching to playing! My kids were playing at West Hill prior to the move and although we were unable to this year, we WILL be registering with the Pickering Minor Hockey Association in the coming season! Pickering provides us with a very specific and inclusive 'family-oriented' lifestyle. My career goals were put on hold for a while, however in August 2019 I got licensed as a Realtor with Royal LePage Connect Realty. More recently, I have rebranded as a 'Durham Living Specialist', and I continue to showcase family-friendly Durham, the beautiful trails, parks and - 68 - the dynamic small businesses. As a Realtor, I have a good understanding of Municipal planning and development, which I believe would be an asset in a City Councillor position. Recreationally, I spend most of my weekends exploring new restaurants, businesses and parks with the kids; they LOVE skating on Frenchman's Bay in the winter and swimming at Rotary Park in the summer! Durham has also provided my thrill-seeking side with flying lessons at the Oshawa Airport! I have been a pioneer in my own Muslim community, bridging the gap between the culture of my parents and the culture I recognize as my own. I embrace my cultural and religious side but I want to tie that into broader community building as well. I regularly highlight to my children that although culture is important, cultural norms-not so much! As such, another winter family favourite of ours is viewing all the beautiful homes decked out with Christmas lights! We had the honour of experiencing the 'Winter Nights, City Lights' at the beautiful Esplanade Park, and immediately thought of how to go about helping to put together an Eid (an Islamic holiday) festival that would help include more families; looking into this took me to the Council page, where I discovered this position! A karmic happenstance! Although I am fairly new to Pickering, it has not taken me long to become a part of the community. I hope to deepen that connection post-pandemic. I want to start to give back by sharing my insights and working hard as a City of Pickering councillor. I am a newcomer to Pickering, a second generation Canadian, a visible minority, a realtor and a mother. I want to contribute to making life easier for the diverse families moving here and help Pickering bridge gaps seamlessly. I feel that I would be a great addition to the City Council because I can connect with this new, diverse community and would be able to hear, understand and share their needs. I bring diversity, first-hand experiences and skills. I love this country and the opportunity it gives me and my family to be who we are, that there is no cookie-cutter definition to being Canadian! I am representative of today's Pickering and can balance the well-being of all residents and the interests of the municipality. I am applying to this City Councillor position to build an even better Pickering as it embraces the largest and most diverse population growth in its history! - 69 - --C-~o/-­ p](KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for Cay Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8 :30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Frid ay , December 17, 2021 , and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident. owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2. Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@plckering.ca . It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application. Nominee Information (As it will appear on all documentation). First Name Bruce Last Name Kinsman Qualifying Address (Stre et Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, CityfTown , Province, Postal Code) 1822 Storri ngton Street, Pickerin g , ON. L 1V 2Y5 Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, Cityrrown , Province, Postal Code Daytime Telephone Number 905.621.2788 Email bkinsman0102@rogers.com Declaration of Qualification (To be completed in pe rso n}. 1, Bruce Kinsman , the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified , or would be presently lega lly qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed lo and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the City of Pickering, and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this .1k_ day of Jxc~2021 Nominee Signature- Clerk or Designate Signature Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering. Clerk or Date Filed (yyyy-mm-dd) Time Filed Nominee initial re ~02-{ -/'2 -I b q ;05"O•""-X tJ;4 Attachments I am attaching a letter in support of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety. 0 Shou ld you be successfu l in be ing appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 , you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Cov id -19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Reso urce s Department. Pickering Civic Comµlex I One Thf: Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario l 1V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll FrnQ 1.866.683.2760 I dNk,;@pickQring.ca I pickering.ca - 70 - --C-~ of -­ p](KER]NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the C ity of Pickering, Office of City Councillor. Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee.-0f The Corporation of The. City .of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17 , 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline ; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisi ons of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pic ke rin g Civ ic Comp lex I ne Th!= Esplanade I Picker ing, O ntar io L1 V 61<7 T. 9 0 5.42 0 .4 611 I F. 90 5.420.9685 I To ll Frnn 1.866.683.2760 I c:kirks@ pi c:ke ring.<:a I picker ing.ca - 71 - --C·~ o/-­ p](KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Dec:laration of Qualification Vacancy for CHy Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal e lection to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for .any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Vot ing Day to which the offence relates. 8. I am not disquaJified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal E lection s Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Nominee Signature X. ~.A/ Signature of Clerk or Designate Date (yyyy -mm-dd) .!l l -/2 - / /, The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nom inee may be ap pointed to municipal office. Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be publi shed on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council MeetinQ. Questions about this collection can be directed to the Citv Clerk at clerks@~. Pickering Civic Comp lex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I r-. 905.420.9685 I To ll Frnr. 1.8G6.G83.27G0 I (forks@p i ck<>ring. . a I pickering.ca - 72 - Wednesday December 15, 2021 Clerks Department, One The Esplanade, City of Pickering, ON, L1V 6K7 Subject: Vacant City Councillor Position Ward 2 Attention: Susan Cassel, City Clerk Good morning, please allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Bruce Kinsman, I have lived in the City of Pickering Ward 2 for over 30- years. I personally know most of the members of Council and the Mayor over my career at the City of Pickering as a Firefighter. On December 1, 20211 retired from the Pickering Fire Services as a Platoon Chief. Throughout my career which started back in April 1990, f was atso involved with the Pickering Professional Firefighters Assocjation (PPFA). Positions I held were President for 12-years 1 Secretary and bargaining member since 1999, also the Bargaining Chair of the Committee during my tenure. I also held the position of the Health and Safety Co•Chair for many years. One of the many duties in the PPF A was working on budgets every year within the organization. I keep active with the Municipal, Provincial and Federal elections as a helper. l1 m up to date on most current issues in Pickering as I have an interest in the Community. Now that I'm retired from the Fire Service l will be able to serve the residents of Ward 2- 24/7! I have no part time job or full time job to keep me away from representing the residents in Ward 2. - 73 - Some of my continuing education that will assist me with this new position on City Council will be that I have my Master's Certificate in Municipal Management which I earned at UOIT. I also took the Ontario Management Development Program at Seneca College which will be very useful for my transition to City Council. It is important to me to be involved in the community so I have coaching experience in the Pickering Hockey Association (PHA) for over 12 years as head coach during my career as a firefighter. My involvement with the PHA was not only coaching but also a member of the selection committee and coaching development. Furthermore, I was an assistant coach of the Pickering Panthers JR A team for two seasons. This year I was the recipient of the Patrick J. Defazio Award. This award is presented to one member of the Ontario Professional Fire Fighters Association each year for their dedication to the health and safety regarding firefighters. Some of my accomplishments for this award were I was the Co-Chair of the Joint Health and Safety Committee in the Fire Services, I worked on getting firefighters two sets of bunker gear, personal regulators and facemasks. Working as a team we were able to get headsets into all fire apparatus and implemented an after fire decontamination protocol for the safety of all personnel. Most recently I was kept busy to ensure the safety of the Pickering Firefighters during the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring the firefighters had proper PPE and access to front line testing. In closing I would like to thank you for this opportunity to put my name forward to represent the residents of Ward 2 for the position of City Councillor. If there is anything else you need from me please contact me. Thank you /'/ 8----/\~ Bruce Kinsman 905.621.2788 - 74 - -Cdpof ­ p](KER]NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m . to 4:30 p.m. in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2. Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to subm it your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@picke ring .ca. It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application . t Nominee information (As it will appea~ on ail documentatio~).' J First Name Frank Last Name McGillan Qualifying Address (Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, City/Town, Province, Postal Code) 1139 Can borough Crescent, Pickering, ON L 1 V 3H4 Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number , City/Town , Province , Postal Code Daytime Telephone Number 416-788-0295 Email frank@franmac.ca ' . ~Declaration of Qualification (To be completed .in person). ' 1, Frank McGill an ,the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the City of Pickering, and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this /I)_ day o~ W', 2021 i Certification by Clerk ot Designate l I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering. Date Filed (yyyy-mm -dd) Time Filed ~omin '7j1~l c)..o~ -Cl -l O ( •, oi.r .t'l"-r.. 'cft/ ( , Attachments j I am attaching a letter ~of ~ my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety, L.M" Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pi cke rin g Ci v ic Co mp l ex I O ne The Espl anade I Picke rin g, On tar i o L 1V 6 K7 T. 90 5.42 0 .461 I I F. 90 5.42 0 .9685 I To ll Free 1.866.683.27 60 I clerks@ pi c ker in g.ca I pick erin g.ca - 75 - -C~of­ p](KER]NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The C~rporation of the City of. Pickering, Office pf City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L1\/ 6K7 T. 905.420.461 ·1 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free ·1 .866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 76 - -C14of­ p](KER]NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates. 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 2')2.1 -I z.. -I O · The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office. Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meetin . Questions about this collection can be directed to the Cit Clerk at clerks icke rin .ca. Picker i ng C ivic Comp lex I O ne The Esp l anade I Pickering, O ntar io L 1 V 6 K7 T . 90 5.420.46 1 'I I F. 90 5.420.9685 I To ll Free ·1.8 66.683 .2 760 I cl erks@ pi c kerin g.ca I pickering.ca - 77 - Frank McGillan 1139 Canborough Crescent Pickering, ON L 1V 3H4 December 6, 2021 Susan Cassel City Clerk City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1V 6k7 Dear Madam Clerk, Please find enclosed my letter of support regarding my qualifications to fill the vacancy in Ward 2 left by the passing of Councillor Cummings. My name is Frank McGillan, and I have been a resident and homeowner in Pickering for over 18 years. I am a father to 5 adult children and a grandfather of 4. I am well known in my community and can be often found standing on the street talking with fellow residents about various issues and concerns within the neighbourhood. I have a strong sense of community and set up elaborate holiday decorations to bring joy to neighbourhood. For the past 38 years I have operated two successful businesses, Franmac Construction and Decks R Us, both of which have served many residents throughout the City of Pickering and GTA As a business owner I have been managing the everyday operations and logistics of both companies which employ 6 workers and subcontractors at various jobsites throughout the GTA I am responsible for the time management of the projects and managing the expectations of my clients on a daily basis. As part of my community involvement, I have had the opportunity to help many residents in their time of need. In 2016, Pickering resident Trevor Chambers suffered a medical episode that left him in a wheelchair and unable to work. His loving wife Sharon was working limited hours as she was providing care to Trevor in his time of need, with limited funds, they looked to have an accessible ramp built to allow Trevor to be able to leave for appointments and improve his quality of life. The first quote they received was for $6000 dollar, Sharon contacted me, and I was able to get the materials donated by a company and was going - 78 - to donate the labour to have the ramp installed and gave her a quote of $0.00. Sadly, the company backed out at the last minute and my company ended up donating the materials in addition to the labour. For this work, Decks R Us received the 2016 Local Business Award from Pickering Council. In 2019 I was given the opportunity to assist a young nursing student named Danielle Kane. Danielle was a shooting victim from Toronto who became paralyzed and I was tasked with renovating her new home in Oshawa and making it accessible to her and her wheelchair. As part of this renovation, I worked to create a fund raising campaign called Durham Region Adopts Danielle Kane and was able to help raise funds as well as solicit local businesses in Durham Region to make the renovation affordable and cost effective on their limited budget. For the past 40 years I have been volunteering for elections and heavily involved in politics at the Federal and Provincial levels and have made numerous strong connections within both levels of government. I have also worked with local councillors regarding various issues within the community. In the past I have volunteered with the Royal Canadian Legion and continue to offer free repairs and maintenance within their facility as I value the good work done by the Legion and the support they provide our veterans and citizens. I have also participated in the local Santa Claus parade and in the past I have made financial donations to the Santa Claus and Easter parades. I feel these are important events and feel it is vital to support organizations that promote a sense of community within our city. In conclusion, I feel my strong business sense and ties to the community in addition to my political connections make me a strong candidate for Local Councillor Ward 2. Respectfully submitted, Frank McGillan - 79 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person du ring regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 :30 p .m . in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering , or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacan cy fo r City Councillor, Ward 2. Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting cl e rks @picke ring .c a. It is the responsibility of the nominee to fil e a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application. Nominee Information (As it will appear on all documentation). First Name Michelle Last Name Mendonca Qualifying Address (Street Number , Street Name , Su ite/Un it Number, Cityrrown, Province, Postal Code) 189 Nature Haven Crescent, Pickering, Ontario L 1 X OA5 Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Numbe r, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, City/Town, Province, Postal Code Daytime Telephone Number 416-994-5249 Email michellemendonca 12@gmail.com Declaration of Qualification (To be completed in person). 1, Michelle Mendonca ,the applicant mentioned in th is Consent of Nominee Application , declare that I am presently legally qualified , or would be presently legally qual ified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 , for the City of Pickering , and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Picker ing in the Region of Durham th is / 6 day oflJta.,J»( 202 1 Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . Clerk or itial Attachments I am attaching a letter in support of my appl ication acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public i n their entirety. 0 Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine , in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pic ker i ng Civ i c Co m p lex I O ne Th e Esp lanade I Picke ri ng, O nta ri o L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.46 11 I F. 905.420 .9685 I Tol l Free 1.866.683.2760 I cle rks@p ic ke rin g.ca I picke rin g.ca - 80 - -~t>f­ PlCKERlNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 81 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which th is Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates. 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Date (yyyy-mm-dd) bJ~l-/i -It The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office . Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meetinq. Questions about this collection can be directed to the City Clerk at clerks@oickerinq.ca. Pi cke ring Civ ic Complex I One The Esp lanad e I Pick er i ng, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T . 905.42 0 .4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Fr ee 1.866.683.2760 I cl erk s@pickering.c a I pickering.ca - 82 - December 16, 2021 City of Pickering Council One The Esplanade Pickering ON L1 V 6K7 Nominee Application for the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 As an active member of this community, I wish to join the City Council, and contribute to the ongoing tremendous efforts being made to continuously grow Pickering into a more vibrant community. I believe my experience and background, together with my passion for this community, can add a positive and fresh view to the great work being done for Pickering's future. I have lived in Pickering for 13 years. My husband and I chose Pickering all those years ago as the place to start our family. I loved the City then and I love the City today. I have had the pleasure of watching my children grow up in Pickering1 s diverse and accepting community. As a first generation Canadian of immigrant parents, these are important things to me. Diversity is a key driver for success in all aspects of society. The diversity of this City is what attracts people to live here and to raise their families here. Diverse experiences, perspectives and backgrounds can truly provide an inclusive environment for all. As decision-makers on behalf of the community, I know City Council constantly strives to represent the full community in everything they do, and it is important that representation on the City Council reflect our ever-growing and diverse community. My training and professional experience as a lawyer has provided me with skills that I believe would help me contribute effectively and meaningfully on City Council. Attributes such as leadership, and strategic, critical and collaborative thinking, helped me thrive in my legal career, and gave me the confidence and skills needed to pursue my entrepreneurial drive and start a small business. I believe it is these same attributes that will serve me well on City Council, and benefit this City. I have been fortunate to be able to stay home with my children since they were born, which has afforded me the opportunity to be involved more directly in our community. I was on the board of directors of the Gingerbread Nursery School, which operated out of the West Shore Community Centre, while my children were in attendance. In that capacity I was involved in finance planning, the hiring of new staff, and negotiated the lease renewal with the City of Pickering on behalf of the school. For the past six years, I have been an active member on the parent council of my children's school and have been elected co-chair of the parent council for the past three years. ln this role, I have chaired meetings, coordinated and communicated with staff and parents at the school on a variety of issues, and have helped to organize and implement various events, - 83 - including fundraisers. I have always been community oriented and have made the effort to be actively involved in my communities. I am actively involved in the Pickering community and have enjoyed attending the many community events that can be found in Pickering such as the farmer's market, Canada Day celebrations, the fireworks at the winter light festival and the Rib Fest . I am also a frequent visitor to our City's libraries. As an active and passionate member of this City, I look forward to the opportunity to provide meaningful contributions to important questions and decisions as we continue to grow and evolve Pickering. For example, how do we address development while finding the balance of maintaining the history and character of our community? What are the impacts of population and development growth -what does the future of Pickering look like? I have appreciated the fact that City Council has sought community feedback as I believe it is very important to consider the community's sentiments when contemplating major planning decisions, such as that of our waterfront. I believe that members of City Council are entrusted with a special role; a role that seeks to better our City and act in the public interest. I would welcome the opportunity to serve my City in this role. While I do not have a background in public service, I believe that my legal training and experience, and community service has given me a solid foundation to bring a novel and agile perspective that will make a positive and lasting impact on the City Council and our City as a whole. Yours Very Truly, ~ - 84 - -04 61- PlCKERlNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a .m. to 4:30 p.m . in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 . Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@p icke rin g .ca. It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application. Nominee Information (As it will appear on all documentation). Fi rst Name Wendy Last Name Mohammed Qualifying Address (Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Un it Number, Cityffown, Province, Postal Code) 1742 Silverthorn Square Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Numbe r, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, Cityffown, Province , Postal Code Pickering, ON L 1V 5C6 Daytime Telephone Number 905-409-8728 Email rwkm@rogers.com Declaration of Qualification (To be completed in person). 1, Wendy Mohammed ,the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 , for the City of Pickering , and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this~ day of December ,2021 Certification by Clerk or Designate Nominee Signature X Clerk o f Designate Signature I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . Clerk or Date Filed (yyyy-mm -dd) Time Filed Nominee initial ~ 1-12 -l '1 ti: a.,.,... .()-( . Attachments I am attaching a letter ~~f my appl ication acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety. ~ Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Picker in g C iv ic Comp l ex I One Th e Esp lanade I Pic ker in g, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I To ll Free 1.866 .683.2760 I cl erks@p ic ker i ng.ca I p ickering.ca - 85 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 lNG Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 61<7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 86 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates. 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Nominee Signature Signature of Clerk or Designate Date (yyyy-mm-dd} The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office. Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meeting. Questions about this collection can be directed to the City Clerk at clerks@nickerina.ca. Pi ckerin g Civic Co mp l ex j One Th e Esp lanad e I Pi ck erin g, Ontario L 1 V 6 K7 T. 905 .42 0.4611 I F. 905.420 .9685 I Toll Fr ee 1.866.68 3.2760 j c lerk s@pi c kerin g.ca j picker in g.c a - 87 - Statement of Intent for City Council Submitted by: Wendy Mohammed December 17, 2021 To whom to it may concern, I have lived in the City of Pickering for more than 25 years, and as an immigrant from Trinidad I feel very fortunate to belong to a community that has embraced me as its own. Over the years, I have been actively involved in numerous community projects and services, including facilitating health and wellness events, bringing people together from diverse backgrounds and supporting educational activities. If selected to run for City Council for the City of Pickering, the focus of my platform will be mental health advocacy, community engagement for newcomers and education for our most vulnerable members of society. As a registered nurse and entrepreneur, I have worked with CAMH, local mental health organizations, federal and regional government officials and city councillors to showcase mental health resources in our community. I have been fortunate enough to bring together many levels of government from across the region to talk openly about the stigma surrounding mental health in our community. I am a co-founder of the Pickering-Ajax Caremongers and work closely with many local organizations, health-integrated networks, Ontario disability programs, senior centres and newcomer groups to provide food donations to residents in need and food delivery service through local food banks. I am also regularly involved with the Islamic community in organizing events that foster diversity and inclusion in the community. Throughout my career, I have created programs and fostered relationships to support the health and wellness of local and international students in Canada. When my children were younger, I was the Chair of School Community Council (SCC} -William Dunbar Public School, where I organized numerous wellness events that brought the community together. Most recently, I was asked to join the board of the Victim Services of Durham Region, which allows me the opportunity to provide education to parents and youth about human trafficking, violence and abuse. In all the work that I do, making sure that people know about services and how to access them is always my priority. Building networks, supporting local businesses, bringing together diverse groups and fostering long-term relationships are the strengths I believe I can contribute to the City of Pickering and its residents. I look forward to working with other councillors and leaders to reduce the stigma of mental health, promote diversity and inclusion and supporting our youth and vulnerable members of the community. Thank you for considering my application and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Wendy Mohammed R.N. (CPMHN} - 88 - -C-~o/­ p](KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday , 8 :30 a .m . to 4 :30 p .m . in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17 , 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a res ident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 . Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@pickerinq .ca. It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application . Nominee lt1formation (As ii will appear on all documentation). First Name Mara-Elena Last Name Nagy Qualifying Address (Street Number , Street Name , Suite/Unit Number , CityfTown, Province , Postal Code) 1514 Eagleview Drive, Pickering, Ontario, L 1V 5H5 Ma iling Address (if different from abov e) Stre et Number, Stre et Nam e, Suit e/Unit Numb er, CityfTown , Provinc e, Postal Cod e 1514 Eagleview Drive, Pickering, Ontario, L 1V 5H5 Daytime Telephone Number 416-795-8589 Email mnagy005@gmail.com ·Declaration of Qualification (To be completed in person), I, fvl Dre.-e:,i-e_A c~ (\)a.~ ,the applicant mentioned in th is Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qu~ed, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the City of Pickering, and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickeri ng in the Region of Durham this C/7\ ay of~ 2021 c .ertification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . Da Date Filed (yyyy-mm-dd) ~ me Filed NomiJA!J.nitial .20 ~ I -/2 - O ct i:1.f~q. •· Attachments I am attaching a letter in support of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety . [2J Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pi ckerin g C iv ic Co m plex I O ne Th e Esp lanade I Pi cke r i ng, O nta ri o L 1 V 6K7 T . 90 5.42 0 .46 1 ·1 I F. 905.42 0 .9685 I To ll Free 1.866.683.2760 I c lerks@ pi cke r i ng.ca I picker i ng.ca - 89 - --CltJ r>/-­ p] (KER 1 NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.461 'I I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 90 - --Ctfg o/-­ p](KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward_ 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates . 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Signature of Clerk or Designate Date (yyyy-mm-dd) The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 , and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 . The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office . Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the publ ic agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meetin . Questions about this collection can be directed to the Cit Clerk at cl erks icke rin .ca. Picker i ng Civ ic Comp lex I One The Esp lanade I Picke ri ng, O ntar io U V 6K7 T. 905.420.46 11 I F. 905.420.%85 I To l l Free 1.866.683.2760 I c lerks@picker i ng.ca I p ickering.ca - 91 - To the City Clerk and Members of Pickering Council, My name is Mara-Elena Nagy, and I am a lifelong resident of Pickering. I am a teacher, I am a PhD candidate, I am a Teaching Assistant at York University, I am a barista, I am a community member, I am politically involved, I am a woman, I am an immigrant, and I don't just believe that I would be qualified to fill the role, I know that I am qualified. My family and I moved to Pickering when I was four years old; it was tinier then, as was I. I've grown up in this city, in this ward, even, and I've always been extremely passionate about working to better the lives of those around me, which is something I will bring as a city councillor. I have consistently been an activist and volunteer since I was in middle school, and worked as a staffer and ghostwriter on Parliament Hill before going on to be a teacher! I've worked a myriad of jobs, from minimum wage retail to teaching contracts, and I've brought the same passion to everything I do. I still work 4 jobs concurrently, all while pursuing my PhD in community development and local history full-time, because I believe in lifelong learning, and that education does not only take place in the classroom; I am not afraid of new ideas and of new ways of understanding, in fact I am excited to see the ways that this world is constantly changing, and seeing how we can effect change within that. As a food service drive-thru employee in Pickering, I've been front-facing all throughout the pandemic, serving my community and seeing the effects, medical and social, of the pandemic firsthand. My work places me in a unique position to best represent the community, and to build connections with the community, because I already am so involved with the neighbourhood and the people of Pickering, in particular those of Ward 2. The food service work I refer to is the Starbucks at Liverpool and Bayly, where I consistently demonstrate my ability to hear, listen, and take in what people are looking for, not just in their coffees, but in forming a bond with them and gaining their trust! I am the face of customer service, and that comes also from my work as an educator. I have been in education for almost a decade now. Working also simultaneously as an occasional teacher, or supply teacher, has given me the best and most immersive way to really understand these wards, because even the neighbourhoods I haven't lived in, I still know them all, through my time talking to students and parents about their concerns and needs for the ward. Questions and concerns I have followed and heard from constituents, ones that I want to acknowledge and begin tackling myself, include the lakefront, the city's vision of Nautical Village (and growth around it to be decided with Pickering residents' voices at the table), building from the standpoint of environmental sustainability, as well as working mindfully within the intensification of Kingston Road (understanding that we need to expand and grow, we need to build along this main existing route, but that we must do so in a way that maintains the spirit of Pickering, as well as working towards improved infrastructure to support the growing population), among a plethora of others. I speak with the residents of Pickering every single day as one of them, I listen to them, and I work incredibly hard, every day, to accomplish everything I have so far. I am here for the long run, and - 92 - I am open, honest, and understanding. Transparency and inclusiveness are how I will succeed in my position as Ward 2 councillor, through engaging with and building trust in the community, and continuing to build and foster trust for me, for us, within our neighbourhood. As a teacher and a doctoral candidate, I bring a unique skill set, through my constant learning and development, my understanding and readiness for acceptance of new ideas, my ability to connect and meet people where they are, my knowledge and my distinct ability to support a growth mindset (which in teaching, means learning through hard work, good strategies, and input from others; we just need to differentiate our teaching and help learners grow and understand in a way that works for them), as well as my comfort in diving into new and unfamiliar situations or scenarios and learning along the way, and my ease with admitting when I am wrong and when I need to think again or make a different decision. We must recognise the safety of communities as our number one job, and we need to make sure, as councillors, that the City of Pickering is doing its job to make people feel safe and secure in their homes. This community trusts me, they trust my judgment, and they believe in my ability to lead. People are excited for the new city centre, as am I. This shows and encourages that we must be building, we must be developing, but it must be done so with the residents, with the various communities of Pickering, as well as the larger community as a whole, in mind, and we need to consistently be encouraging local businesses and economic development for the city. We need to not just grow and encourage small businesses, but support them and their growth in order to both reduce resident taxes, and also to make Pickering a place that people want to come and spend time, rather than somewhere they wake up to get in their cars and drive to Toronto. Pickering has always provided me with opportunity, and I intend to be the voice Pickering needs now. Pickering has changed, and I am here to be that change on council, because I am the result of that change in the city. I have seen this change, moved with this change, and pushed myself into this change. With that, I am poised to bring a new and fresh perspective to council, from the perspective of someone who understands the system, but is outside of it. To solve complex problems, we need a diversity of ideas at the table. My experience and my past allow for that diversity of experience and a diversity of opinion, because I am representative of those I serve. I will be able to onboard voices and opinions of those who feel unheard, and I will do it by being firm, fair, and friendly. I will stand firm in my convictions, I will be fair and hear what everyone has to say, and I will be friendly in my approachability for new and seasoned residents of Pickering, and will help round out the voice of Pickering at the table. I truly love Pickering, and there is nothing more important than loving where you live and supporting local. If selected as councillor, I will be my firm, fair, and friendly self, and work as hard as I can to amplify voices and provide platforms for others to speak, for everyone to come up together. Yours respectfully, Mara-Elena Nagy - 93 - -UOjo/­ PJ(KERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8 :30 a .m . to 4 :30 p .m . in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021 , and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident , owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 . Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@p icke ring.ca . It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application . • Nom-inee lnformation-(As it will ap;;;r ~n all doc ~mentation) First Name Shamin Last Name Naz Qualifying Address (Street Number , Street Name, Suite/Unit Numb er, City/Town, Provinc e, Postal Code) 1870 rosefield rd, Pickering, ON, L 1 V 3H6 Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Number, Street Name , Suite/Unit Numb er, City/Town, Provin ce, Pos tal Code Daytime Telephone Number 647-856-5119 Email shamin-naz1@hotmail.com .Declaration of Qualification (To be comp leted In per$on),! I, ~ Cl f.. ,S hA AA.1' r\ ~ql.the appli cant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Appli cation, declare that I am presently legally qual ified , or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada , to be appointed to a nd to hold th e Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 , for the City of Pickering, and hereby consent to such appointm e nt. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this / l:> day o;b~ W. 2021 Nominee Signature : Certification by Clerk or Designate 1 I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Appl ication of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Offi ce of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering. Clerk or Date Filed (yyyy-mm-dd) Time Filed :2021 -/"l--l /O !OO c.. Nominee initial s.,1,1 . Attachments I am attaching a letter ~ rt of my application acknowledging that these records will be made avail a ble to the public in their entirety.~ Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pickering Civ ic Complex I One The Esp lanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K 7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Tol l Free 1.866.683.2760 ! cl erks@pickcring.ca I pickerin g.ca - 94 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation ofthe City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 · · · · I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 ! clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 95 - --U~o/-­Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2PJ(KERJNG 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to wh ich this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place follow ing Voting Day to which the offence relates . 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or v iolations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Nominee Signature Signature of Clerk or Designate Date (yyyy-mm-dd) :2021-12 -I h The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Mun icip al Act, 2001 , and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 . The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office. Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council MeetinQ . Questions abo ut this collection can be directed to the City Clerk at clerkstmnickerina .ca . Pickering C ivic Comp lex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L lV 6K7 T. 905.42 0.4 6 11 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683 .2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 96 - "Identifying the reasons, you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward ,, Profile: I am qualified to fill the vacancy of City Councillor because I grew up in Pickering. I completed my high school diploma from Pine Ridge Secondary School, where I received an international language award in 2008. I Majored in philosophy and graduated in 2017 from York University. Moreover, I went to the England to pursuit further education. I obtained my Law degree LL.Bin 2017 from University of Leicester. In addition, I am the founder and CEO of Bright Education and Legal Services, which I founded (BELS). I intend to continue working as a freelancer. Immigration law interests me because it focuses on people and connections. I began my legal career by working for a criminal defence lawyer in downtown Toronto, where I got the opportunity to appear in court for the first time. After that, I did my Articling in real estate law for a period of time. My interest in immigration law grew quickly. While working at a prominent immigration consultancy firm, I had the opp011unity to engage with international clients and deal with foreign individuals over the years. I believe I am qualified for the position of City Councillor because I am passionate about giving back to the community. In the year 2020, I worked at 'Community Living York South' as a social worker/personal worker. I was in charge of looking after senior adults in their everyday activities, such as assisting them with their weekly grocery shopping or acting as their driver for the day and transporting them to various locations. I want to make a difference in the community. During my time as a law student. I competed in a number of debate and negotiation tournaments. At the University of Leicester, I was the founder of the Debate Society and the vice-president of the Child-reach non-profit organization. I undertook charity work with Childreach international challenge events to 'Climb Kilimanjaro' for kids and helped enhance children's access to healthcare, education, and child rights. As a result of my leadership abilities, I am an excellent candidate to fill the role. When I returned to Pickering from England, my desire to help my community remained; I continued to strive toward volunteer jobs and assisting in the construction of others for a good purpose. I am a dedicated community volunteer who believes in assisting those in need. I organized food-drive for Pickering­ wide on November 21, 2021. I collaborated the food-drive with a non-profit organization, Feed the Need. I'm here to assist make Pickering a better place to live by working with the city's management. I am a better applicant for the city councillor position because I have a vision for Pickering. I want to work towards the better future for Pickering by having more say in administrative of City's resources. I put my human resource management skills to the test during a food drive I organized on November 21, 2021. I concentrate on the needs of organizations such as "Feed the Need'', a non­ profit organization that would respond to the region's expanding need for emergency food assistance. I was in charge of overseeing the volunteers' performances. On the day of the food drive, volunteers had to drive around the block where the flyers were distributed a week earlier to collect food from people's driveways and deliver it to the Feed the Need truck. I had a fantastic - 97 - "Identifying the reasons, you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2." group of volunteers and an efficient crew, and we'll be having a drive eve1y year from now on. I was thinking of Covid 19 and the warmth of people's homes, consequently I went out and met the long-term requirements of our vulnerable community while dealing with the pandemic's ongoing challenges. I was in charge of keeping track of the volunteers' performances. Furthermore, my volunteer work with Hifza Musa (MPP Nomination Campaign) was quite beneficial. I was in charge of the human resources division's planning, organization, and management. I was able to track my progress and design an improved programme for a better work environment by looking at the measuring effects of programmes. I'm a 30-year-old woman who has overcome numerous obstacles in her life and wants to see Pickering grow into a vibrant community with huge dreams. I am qualified to serve on the municipal council because I am an excellent leader who can handle any situation while remaining calm. I make reasonable adjustments, thinking through the problem and making the most of their resources. Awards and Achievements: • Founder of AkFiit Food-Drive, non-profit organization (2021). • Founder President of the Debate Society -University of Leicester School of Law (2017). • A vice-president of Child-reach non-profit organization -University of Leicester (2017). Education: • LL. B (Hons) -University of Leicester-Law School (2017) • BA in Philosophy-York University (2013) Languages Spoken • English, French, Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi - 98 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m . on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2. Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@pickering.ca. It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application. i:fi<fffiffii'liJ:nf6.'.iiffiatlo'ii{AlWWiliia~-d¥~fSKW1:~a~utif~Ht~ii6rij:••··••:l First Name Timothy Last Name Silman Qualifying Address (Street Number, Street Name , Suite/Unit Number, City/Town, Province, Postal Code) 435 Third Concession Road Pickering, ON L 1X 2R4 Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, City/Town, Province, Postal Code Daytime Telephone Number 416-453-6702 Email t_silman@hotmail.com I, Timothy Silman ,the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I .ere-o a ember of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canaga, o be a ointe to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the City of Pickering, and hereby co sent to sue poin ent. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this 11_ day of ~ 2021 I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering. Date Filed (yyyy-mm-dd) 2-2.l-l'2.-t1- I am attaching a letter in support of my application acknowledging 'that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety. v Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pickering Civic Compl e x I On e Th e Esplanad e I Pi c ke r ing, Ontario L 1 V 61(7 T. 905.4 2 0.461 'I I F. 90.5.4 2 0 .9685 I Toll Free 1.86 6.683.2 760 I clerks @pi c k erin g .ca I pickering.ca - 99 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 61<7 T. 905.420.461 'I I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 100 - Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates. 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Deel ation conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the__..sa , rce and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence ~-. Signature of Clerk or Designate Date (yyyy-mm-dd) )l The Office f the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Mun icipal Act, 2001 , and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office. Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meetin . Questions about this collection can be directed to the Ci Clerk at clerks ickeri n .ca. I l Picke ring C ivic Co mp lex I O ne T he Esp lanade I Pi c ker in g, Ontario L1V 6 1<7 T . 905.42 0.46 1 'I I F. 905.420.9685 I To l l Free 1.866 .683 .2760 I cle r ks@p i cker in g.ca I pi ckerin g.ca - 101 - December 17, 2021 City Clerk City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario UV 6K7 Re: Consent of Nominee Application-City Councillor. Ward 2 Good afternoon, My name is Tim Silman, and I am applying to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2. As a recently retired banker and long-term resident of Pickering I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to the city and the constituents of Ward 2. During my 35-year career in financial services I developed and lead business teams, created policy and process and contributed to the overall success of the organization. My work included both corporate initiatives as wen as client experience. My years spent collaborating with people from all walks of life and from multiple communities and cultures, have positioned me well to understand peoples' needs and to address them in a timely manner. I always stand by the motto that by utilizing resources, available collateral, and the expertise of team members all problems or issues that arise can be resolved. Although I do not have any political experience on my resume, I am a very adaptive learner and believe that by putting the interest of others first so much can be accomplished. I look forward to contributing to the success and accomplishments of the community I call home. Thank you for your consideration. Regan:is,- Tim Silman Pickering, ON LlX 2R4 416-453-6702 - 102 - ..__..,,_ii -v PICKERING Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Quallflcatlon Vacancy for City Counclllor, Ward 2 This fonn must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2. Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@pickering.ca . It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application. Nominee Information (As it will appear on all documentation). Qualifying Address (Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, City/To , · W r.J -RO-l ~ SQ· ,c..~,~ o...J Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, Cityffown, Province, Postal Code Declaration I, a~ of Qualification (To be completed in person}. 5ft-itn ae. ,the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declaretl am presently gaily qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the City of Pickering, and hereb~ con nt to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering In the Region of Durham this &_day otk,ceNJ,v2021 Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering. Clerk Date Filed 2~1-2.-l (yyyy-illm-dd} Attachments I am attaching a letter in s pport of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety. Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickeri ng.ca - 103 - ._,...,.,,ti ·u P1CKERING Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Quallflcatlon Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a memb~r of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3} of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Espfanade I Pickeri ng, Ontar io L1 V 6K7 T . 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683 .2 760 I clerks@pi ckeri ng.ca I picke ring .ca - 104 - ~ --;; -u P1CKER1NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaratlon of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates. 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and nowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the anada Ev:d ce Act. k C Date (yyyy-mm-dd) ,ce f Cit Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal nd the nicipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office. Your information will be filed with he City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meetin . Questions about this collection can be directed to the Ci Clerk at clerks ickerin .ca . Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering .ca I pickering.ca - 105 - My name is Gary Strange and I am submitting my application for the vacant City Councillor Ward 2 position that is open for nomination. I submit this application with mixed emotions as Ian Cumming was my local councillor for the past 2 terms of Council. As a resident of the Ward, Ian was visible and accessible and understood the needs of the local residents. He actively advocated for the issues that impacted Ward 2 and was passionate about protecting our waterfront and encouraging more business development to relieve the tax burden on the residential taxpayer, which are positions that I have long advocated for as well. As somebody who believes that all politics is local, I feel it is imperative that the appointed candidate be a resident of Ward 2. Not only do I hold this position personally, this was a message I heard resoundingly from the residents who I had the pleasure of meeting as I knocked on over 9,000 doors as a candidate for Ward 2 Regional Councillor in the 2018 election. I have proudly lived in the Ward (Maple Ridge community) for 25 years. My wife Connie and I have raised our family here -our daughters attended Maple Ridge Public School and Pine Ridge Secondary School. I have tremendous passion for the City of Pickering and was humbled to receive the most votes of any candidate who opposed an incumbent councillor. The local insight and constituent relationships I established during the campaign were gratifying and would serve as an important asset in allowing me to get to work quickly, executing the duties of Ward 2 local councillor. Service above self is a value I hold dearly. I have had the privilege of working with many of our outstanding community organizations that include: • Ajax Pickering Board of Trade -2012 President/2013 Chair/Founding member of the Eco Business Task Force/long term member of Government Relations Committee/current member of Transportation Task Force • Rotary Club of Pickering -Past Treasurer • Frenchman's Bay Festival -Past Treasurer • Pickering Easter Parade -Co-Chair • Durham West Arts Centre Foundation -Vice Chair 2013 to present • City of Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee member • Wounded Warriors Canada -Ambassador • Synchro Chair-Pickering Ice Rockets/Ajax Ice Waves synchronized skating teams My time spent volunteering in the community has afforded me the opportunity to work collaboratively with the Staff at the City of Pickering. I have witnessed firsthand the important work they do every day and the importance of a strong working relationship between Council and Staff. The opportunity for me to build upon my experience and positive rapport with Staff would, I believe, be an asset to this Council, which is in the midst of managing key issues such as the Kingston Road Corridor intensification bylaw, the City Centre Project, Economic Development Strategic Plan and the 2022 City of Pickering Budget. - 106 - My professional career has been spent in the Insurance Industry as a Commercial Insurance Broker and I was Branch Manager for a large Durham-based brokerage in Pickering. Throughout my career I have been front facing with the public and as a broker have excelled in understanding opposing viewpoints and achieving solutions. Both my business background and time with APBOT has shone light on the issues facing our local business community. What's more, having personally closed a retail office during the pandemic, I understand what many local businesses are experiencing during this unprecedent time. The effects of COVID-19 on our local businesses cannot be understated and require a whole of government approach to ensure we have a sustainable and fulsome economic recovery. This includes ensuring more employment lands are allocated for development, transportation infrastructure is in place to allow for the free movement of goods and services throughout the GTA. One of the greatest aspects of my time in Pickering has been the outstanding personal and professional bonds I've made. The level of encouragement I've received to be part of this appointment process has been humbling and I am honoured to have received written support of my nomination from the following community members: Honourable Tracy MacCharles -former MPP for Pickering-Uxbridge Catherine Schnippering -President -Pine Ridge Arts Council Lori Ellis -Ward 2 resident Neil Samson -President -Monarch Kitchen and Bath Leon Presner -Past President -Pickering Rotary Club Evelyn Smith -Current member of Pickering Rotary Club and Ward 2 resident Don and Sherrie Gleed -Ward 2 residents Dominik and Grace Machek -Ward 2 residents Chris Vale -Chair-Ajax Pickering Board of Trade Transportation Task Force Brian and Jeanette Evely -Pickering residents/owner-operators of Pickering Online Glenn Brown -Ward 2 resident Azeem Khan -Pickering resident Aisha Heywood -Pickering resident I thank you for the opportunity to participate in this democratic process. Democracy is a privilege that we should never take for granted and rest assured, if I'm fortunate enough to be selected to represent Ward 2, I will be ready to go on Day 1 to continue the important work that Ian started and the residents deserve. - 107 - I " Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m . to 4:30 p.m . in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2. Please make an appointmeM with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@pickering.ca. It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application . :·<Nolriioi~f lnfijf:frildiiifoiJ\iWi1J~pp~;r:sw~wH&iitiR\ijBti@hM} First Name Glenn Last Name Tate Qualifying Address (Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, City/Town, Province, Postal Code) 1241 Fieldstone Gire Mailing Address (if different from above) Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, City/Town , Province, Postal Code Daytime Telephone Number 416-712-4800 Email gt@gtmanagement.com 1, Glenn Tate , the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada , to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the City of Pickering, and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering ayof bw .2021 I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering . r Date Filed (yyyy-mm-dd) Time Filed 20 '2. \ -17-. ... I 4 I'· 00 I am attaching a letter in support of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety. v Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pick ering Civic Com pl ex I One The Esp l a nade I Pi ckeri ng, Ontario L 1 \/ 6K7 T . 905.420.4611 I F. 90.5.420 .9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 108 - ---,..--04; 0 /­P](KER] NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; •· I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 61<7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 109 - .. ~-.Cdp tJt-- PJ[ KE Rl NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates . . 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Signature of Clerk or Designate Date (yyyy-mm-dd) The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office. Your information will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meetinq. Questions about this collection can be directed to the City Clerk at cle rks@ nicke r ina.ca. Pi c keri ng Civic Com p lex O ne The Esp lanade Pickeri ng, Ontario L 1 V 6K7J J T. 905.420.4 611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.8 66 .683.2760 I cler ks@picker in g.ca I picke ring.ca - 110 - Glenn Tate 1241 Fieldstone Gire Pickering, On (416) 712-4800 • gt@gtmanagement com Dec 14th, 2021 Susan Cass~I -City Clerk City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1V 6K7 Dear Ms. Cassel, Please find attached my application form for the position of City Councillor Ward 2. Elevator Pitch: • "Dynamic, entrepreneurial management strategist with a record of achievement and demonstrated success driving million-dollar sales growth while providing leadership in highly competitive markets. Adept at driving growth of company revenues while controlling costs. Exceptional mentor and coach. Tenacious in building new business, securing customer loyalty, and forging strong relationships with internal and external business partners." Background: I have resided in Pickering for 16 years since relocating from Halifax to take a job at Honda Canada. For 12 years I have been a Management Consultant working from home while raising our daughter Jacquelynn, now aged 13. She attends Maple Ridge Public Public School (Gr. 8) and will be moving on to attend Pine Ridge High School next year. I'm very active at the School volunteering for many activities including field trips, building sc~ool stage sets, sec meetings, and most importantly I was instrumental in stopping the DDSB from converting our school to a French only facility. Of course I didn't do that alone, I had the support and hard work of many others in our community. I still enjoy that support and have made many strong connections along the way . I'd like to give back and believe I can make a worthwhile contribution to the City and my fellow Constituents. - 111 - Qualifications: Management Consultant: Accounting, Financial Statements, Auditing, Costing, Training. Computer Technologies, Web Development, SEO, Media Relations. Former Licensed Real Estate Agent: Versed in Contract Law, Home Inspections, Surveys, Market Evaluations, Tax Rates, By-Laws, Urban Renewal, Development & Highest Land Use. Educator/ Communicator: Commercial Pilot and former Flight Instructor. Instructional Designer (Honda Canada). In closing, I'm a well rounded individual with a wide range of experience. I believe in fairness, inclusiveness 1 due diligence 1 and due process. I was President of a Homeowners Association for a number of years and so I'm familiar with Robert's Rules. Motions, Amendments, Voting etc. In that capacity I made presentations to the N .S. Provincial Law Amendments Committee and we were successful in changing the Residential Tenancy Act to the benefit of thousands of people. Principles are only real if you're willing to follow them at your own disadvantage. I don't care who is right -I care what is right. i.e. I have no axe to grind with the City over future developments and welcome the discussion (not the mud slinging) that was most recently illustrated by the Pickering Harbour Companies development application. Trust the process or improve it. Lastly, I'm a LifeTirne Learner and know I'll have to work hard to get up to speed as City Councillor. I look forward to the challenge and the honour. __,,,,,,­ Glenn Tate - 112 - -04;~/­ PJCKERJNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 This form must be filed in person during regular office hours Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Office of the City Clerk, and no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 17, 2021, and must be accompanied by two (2) pieces of identification confirming you are a resident, owner or tenant of land in the City of Pickering, or the spouse of an owner or tenant of land (1 piece of ID must contain a photo); and a letter no longer than two (2) letter­ sized pages identifying the reasons you feel you are qualified to fill the vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2. Please make an appointment with the City Clerk to submit your application and any supplementary documentation by contacting clerks@pickering.ca. It is the responsibility of the nominee to file a complete and accurate Consent of Nominee Application. Nominee Information (As it will appear on all documentation). First Name Damian Last Name Williams Qualifying Address (Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, Cityrrown, Province, Postal Code) 485 Mahogany Court, Pickering ON, L 1X OA2 Mailing Address (tf different from above) Street Number, Street Name, Suite/Unit Number, Cityrrown, Province , Postal Code Daytime Telephone Number (647) 631-5516 Email damian.williams@outlook.com Declaration of Qualification (To be completed fn person). 1-;J.> a IV\t4 4" W' i l lI A M. 5> , the applicant mentioned in this Consent of Nominee Application, declare that I am presently legally qualified, or would be presently legally qualified if I were not a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario or the Senate or House of Commons of Canada, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the City of Pickering, and hereby consent to such appointment. Declared before me at the City of Pickering in the Region of Durham this / l day otDtf.akb<.f', 2021 Nominee Signature Clerk or Designate Signature Certification by Clerk or Designate I, the undersigned Clerk of this municipality, do hereby certify that I have examined the Consent of Nominee Application of the aforesaid nominee filed with me and am satisfied that the nominee is qualified to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the City of Pickering. Cler Date Filed (yyyy-mm-dd) Nominee initial ~O~l-/2 -I 1 >c Dw Attachments I am attaching a letter in su rt of my application acknowledging that these records will be made available to the public in their entirety. Should you be successful in being appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, you will be required to show proof of receipt of all recommended doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, in accordance with the City's Mandatory Vaccination Procedure, to the Human Resources Department. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 113 - -Ci4/of­ P]( ERlNG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 Declaration of Qualification for.The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Office of City Councillor, Ward2 I Do Solemnly Declare That: 1. I am qualified pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, to be appointed to and to hold the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2; 2. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1, I am at least eighteen years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of the City of Pickering or the owner or tenant of tand in the City of Pickering or the spouse of such owner or tenant; 3. I am not ineligible or disqualified under the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act or any other Act to be elected to or hold the above-mentioned Office. 4. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3, • I am not an employee of The Corporation of The City of Pickering, or if I am an employee of the Corporation of The City of Pickering, I am on an unpaid leave of absence as provided for by section 30 of the Municipal Elections Act; • I am not a judge of any court; • I am not a member of the Assembly as provided in the Legislative Assembly Act or of the Senate or House of Commons of Canada or, if I am such a person, I will provide proof of my resignation in a form satisfactory to the Clerk of the Corporation of The City of Pickering prior to 4:30 p.m. on December 17, 2021 (the close of applications). I understand that the Clerk of The Corporation of The City of Pickering will reject my application for the above-mentioned Office if I fail to provide proof of resignation by this deadline; • I am not a member of the Executive Council of Ontario or a Federal Minister of the Crown; and, • I am not a Crown employee within the meaning of the Public Service Act, or if I am a Crown employee, I have followed and will continue to follow all the relevant provisions of Part Ill of such Act. 5. I am not prohibited from voting in a municipal election under subsection 17(3) of the Municipal Elections Act. 6. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 5, • I am not a person who is serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution. • I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice described in subsection 90(3) of the Municipal Elections Act, that occurred less than five years following Voting Day to which the offence relates. Pickering Civic Complex I One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 61<7 T. 905.420.4611 I F. 905.420.9685 I To!I Free 1.866.683.2760 I clerks@pickering.ca I pickering.ca - 114 - --CitJo/-­ p](KER]NG Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2 7. I am not a person who was convicted of a corrupt practice under the Municipal Elections Act, or of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), in connection with an act or omission with respect to a municipal election to which this Act applies and I am not a person who is ineligible to be nominated for any Office until the next two (2) regular elections have taken place following Voting Day to which the offence relates. 8. I am not disqualified from being appointed to or holding office by reason of any violations of the election campaign financial requirements or violations for not filing the financial statement pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and nowing that is of the same force and effect as if made under oath by virtue of the anada Evidence Act. k C Signature of Clerk or Designate Date (yyyy-mm-dd ) i..,/-/2-/ The Office of the City Clerk collects personal information on this form under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The information will be used by the City Clerk for the purpose of assessing whether a nominee may be appointed to municipal office. Your informatio n will be filed with the City Clerk and will be published on the public agenda for the appropriate Special Council Meetina. Questions about this collection can be directed to the City Clerk at cl erk s(ri)ni ckerin a.ca. Pickeri n g Civic Co mp l ex I O ne Th e Espl an ade I Pi c keri ng, O nt ari o l.1 V 6K7 T. 905.4 20 .46 11 I F. 905.420.9685 I Toll Free 1.866 .683 .2760 I clerks@ pickering.ca I picke rin g.ca - 115 - Damian Williams 485 Mahogany Court, Pickering, ON LlX 0A2 (647) 631-5516 damian. williams@outlook.com City of Pickering-Ward 2 City Councillor Dear City of Pickering, I am a highly skilled Paralegal, and the Chief Advocacy Officer of the Non-Profit Organization Ontario Tenant Rights. I'm in good standing with the Law Society of Ontario, and graduated from the Paralegal program hosted at Durham College. I am also a former Candidate for City Council Ward 3 for Pickering. I am interested in securing a position within the City of Pickering as the Ward 2 City Councillor. I believe I'm the right choice for this position based on my qualifications and eagerness to assist my future constituents. I have spent countless hours campaigning and connecting with the wonderful constituents of Pickering and my passion has not ceased since I last ran for a Councillor position withing the City. All of this experience is accompanied by my vast experience as a Paralegal and with my NPO I am confident I can be an asset to the City Of Pickering. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Kind regards, Damian Williams - 116 - Procedures for Nominations and Appointment for Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 These Procedures have been created to outline the process that will be undertaken for the nomination and appointment of qualified individuals who have submitted a Consent of Nominee Application and Declaration of Qualification for the Vacancy for City Councillor, Ward 2. Note: These Procedures may be amended as required and determined by the City Clerk. The City Clerk, or designate, shall be responsible for interpreting, and where appropriate, facilitating the appointment application process as well as the nomination and appointment process as outlined in these Procedures. Special Council Meeting (Electronic Meeting): 1. An electronic Special Meeting of Council will be held to hear presentations and review the applicants who have applied and consented to the appointment for the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2. 2. No verbal delegations will be permitted from the public at this meeting. Members of the public may submit written correspondence to the City Clerk by noon on the business day prior to the Meeting. Any correspondence received from the public will be provided to Members of Council as supplementary information prior to the Special Council Meeting. 3. The Agenda for the Special Meeting will include the following items: (a) Roll Call (b) Disclosure of Interest (c) Opening Remarks from the Mayor (d) Presentations from Certified Applicants (Copies of all application documents for each applicant will be included in this section of the public Meeting agenda) (e) Matters for Consideration – Appointment to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 (f) By-law to Appoint City Councillor, Ward 2 (g) Oath of Office for Newly Appointed Member of Council (h) Confirmation By-law (i) Adjournment 4. Under Presentations, each applicant will be allowed to provide a 5 minute presentation to Council. Applicants will be invited into the Electronic Meeting so that they can appear on camera before Council and the public through the Livestream. The applicant’s presentation will be verbal and applicant’s may display a PowerPoint presentation by Page 1 of 6 Updated – January 5, 2022 - 117 - Procedures for Nominations and Appointment for Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 sharing their screen. If an applicant has a presentation aid, it must be approved by the City Clerk and submitted by noon, 2 business days prior to the Meeting. Should an applicant be unable to successfully connect to the electronic Meeting, the City Clerk, or designate, will attempt to connect the individual via audio/telephone. If this attempt is not successful, and the applicant has not joined the Meeting prior to the beginning of the presentations, they will no longer be included in the list of applicants to be considered for appointment to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2. 5. The order of presentations by the applicants will be determined alphabetically based on the applicant’s last name, starting with A through Z. 6. After each applicant has provided their presentation, each Member of Council shall be permitted to ask one question per applicant. 7. Once the presentations and questions are complete, the applicant will be permitted to remain in the electronic meeting with their microphone muted and their camera turned off. The Clerk shall have the authority to remove an applicant from the Meeting if necessary. Presiding Officer for the Nomination and Appointment Process: 8. Following the presentations and question period, the Mayor, as the Chair, will relinquish the Chair to the City Clerk who shall preside over the Meeting until the appointment process has been completed. Call for Nominations: 9. Under Matters for Consideration, the Clerk shall call for nominations for the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, to be opened and will request a mover and seconder for the following motion: “That the nominations for the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, be opened.” 10.The following procedures will apply to this portion of the Meeting: (a) Each nomination must be moved and seconded. If a nomination is not seconded, it will not move forward and the applicant’s name will not be included on the final list of candidates who may be voted on. (b) A Member of Council may make more than one nomination. Page 2 of 6 Updated – January 5, 2022 - 118 - Procedures for Nominations and Appointment for Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 (c) When all nominations are complete, the Clerk will call for any other nominations and when no others are made, the Clerk will advise that nominations are closed and will ask for a motion, duly moved and seconded, that nominations be closed. The motion will read as follows: “That the nominations for the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, be closed.” 11.Should there only be one nomination, a vote will be taken on the nominee and they must achieve a majority vote of Council to be appointed. Process for Voting on Multiple Nominees: 12.If there is more than one nomination, the Clerk will proceed to take a vote on the nominees in accordance with the following: (a) The vote shall be a recorded vote of all Members present, the order of which will be decided by random draw by the Clerk. When a Member of Council is called upon, they will state the name of the nominee in which they are voting for. All Members of Council must vote for one nominee and no Member may abstain from voting. (b) In order to be appointed, a nominee must receive a majority of the votes of Council. (c) If there are only 2 nominees: i. the nominee who receives the majority required to be appointed, shall be declared appointed and a motion, duly moved and seconded will be required by Council as follows: “That ___________________ be appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the remainder of the 2018-2022 Term of Council ending on November 14, 2022.” ii. If there is an equal number of votes for the 2 nominees, a 10 minute recess shall be held followed by a second vote. If on the second vote there is still an equal number of votes, the Clerk shall conduct a draw by lot of the nominees and the nominee who is drawn, shall be declared appointed and a motion, duly moved and seconded will be required by Council as follows: “That ___________________ be appointed to the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2, for the remainder of the 2018-2022 Term of Council ending on November 14, 2022.” (d) If there are more than 2 nominees: i. The first nominee who receives the majority required to be appointed, shall be declared and appointed; Page 3 of 6 Updated – January 5, 2022 - 119 - Procedures for Nominations and Appointment for Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 ii. If no nominee receives the majority required to be appointed, the name of the nominee receiving the least number of votes shall be dropped and Council shall proceed with the next vote on the remaining nominees. Nominees receiving zero votes shall also be removed from the remaining list of nominees; iii. If 2 or more nominees are tied with the least number of votes, the Clerk shall conduct a lot of the tied nominees until there is one not drawn, and the nominee who is not drawn, shall be dropped off the list and Council shall proceed with the next vote; iv. Voting shall continue until either a nominee receives the majority required to be appointed or it becomes apparent by reason of an equal number of votes that no nominee can be appointed, in which event the Clerk shall conduct a draw by lot, of the tied nominees and the nominee not drawn shall be removed from the list of nominees. Voting will continue on the remaining nominees until a nominee receives the majority vote required to be appointed. v. After each round of voting, the Clerk’s designate shall display the remaining list of nominees in alphabetical order, based on the applicant’s last name, for viewing by Members of Council and the public until a nominee receives the required votes to be appointed. By-law to Appoint City Councillor, Ward 2: 13.The Clerk will ask for a mover and seconder to adopt a By-law appointing the successful candidate who has been appointed in accordance with these Procedures. Oath of Office: 14.The Clerk shall administer the Oath of Office to the newly appointed Member of Council. 15.The newly appointed Member of Council will be permitted 5 minutes to address Council and the public to provide their remarks on being appointed to the seat. Return of the Chair to the Mayor: 16.The Clerk shall relinquish the Chair back to the Mayor at this point in the meeting so that the remaining agenda items can be completed. 17.Where a situation occurs that is not otherwise accounted for in these procedures, the City Clerk shall recommend an alternate process to Council. Page 4 of 6 Updated – January 5, 2022 - 120 - Procedures for Nominations and Appointment for Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 Examples and Explanation of Voting Process/Results: The following tables provide an explanation and examples of how the results would be interpreted as a result of the recorded votes called by the Clerk as outlined in these Procedures. Should all 6 Members of Council be present, 4 votes would constitute a majority. Example 1: In this scenario, 2 candidates were nominated and Candidate A would be declared to have the majority vote required to fill the vacant seat. Candidate A Candidate B Councillor A X Councillor B X Councillor C X Councillor D X Councillor E X Councillor F X Example 2: In this scenario, 2 candidates were nominated and there is an equal amount of votes. In accordance with Section 12 (c) ii, a 10 minute recess would be held and a subsequent vote taken. If the results were the same, the Clerk would conduct a draw as per Section 12 (c) ii, and the nominee who is drawn would be declared the successful candidate. Candidate A Candidate B Councillor A X Councillor B X Councillor C X Councillor D X Councillor E X Councillor F X Example 3: In this scenario, 3 candidates were nominated and Candidate C would be eliminated as they received only 1 vote. Further voting would take place for the remaining 2 candidates (Candidates A and B) as neither received the majority vote required. Page 5 of 6 Updated – January 5, 2022 - 121 - Procedures for Nominations and Appointment for Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 Candidate A Candidate B Candidate C Councillor A X Councillor B X Councillor C X Councillor D X Councillor E X Councillor F X Example 4: In this scenario, 4 candidates were nominated and the Clerk would conduct a draw with the nominees with the least votes (Candidates C & D) as per Section 12 (d) iii of these Procedures, and the nominee who is not drawn would be eliminated and the next vote would occur for the remaining 3 candidates. Candidate A Candidate B Candidate C Candidate D Councillor A X Councillor B X Councillor C X Councillor D X Councillor E X Councillor F X Page 6 of 6 Updated – January 5, 2022 - 122 - ________________________________ ________________________________ The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. 7895/22 Being a by-law to fill the vacant seat for the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 Whereas at its meeting held on November 22, 2021, Pickering City Council declared the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 vacant; And Whereas the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, (the “Act”), requires that within 60 days after the day a declaration of vacancy is made, the municipality must fill the vacancy by holding a by-election or by appointing a qualified individual who has consented to accept the office if appointed; And Whereas at its meeting held on November 22, 2021, City Council authorized the filling of the vacant seat by appointing an individual from the public by soliciting applications; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: _________________________ is hereby appointed to fill the vacant seat of the Office of City Councillor, Ward 2 for the remainder of the 2018 – 2022 Term of Council. By-law passed this 13th day of January, 2022. David Ryan, Mayor Susan Cassel, City Clerk - 123 -