HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 04-22Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: PLN 04-22 Date: January 10, 2022 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 Steele Valley Developments Ltd., 334979 Ontario Ltd., Pickering Square Inc., and Pickering Square (1986) Inc. (1300, 1360, 1450 and 1550 Kingston Road) Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment A 08/20, submitted by Steele Valley Developments Ltd., 334979 Ontario Ltd., Pickering Square Inc., and Pickering Square (1986) Inc., to increase the maximum permitted building height on lands municipally known as 1300, 1360 and 1550 Kingston Road, be endorsed, subject to the proposed zoning provisions contained in Appendix I to Report PLN 04-22, and that staff be authorized to finalize and forward an implementing Zoning By-law to Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The subject lands municipally known as 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road are located on the north side of Kingston Road, between Liverpool Road and Glenanna Road. The subject lands municipally known as 1450 and 1550 Kingston Road are respectively located at the northwest and northeast corners of Kingston Road and Valley Farm Road. Steele Valley Developments Ltd., 334979 Ontario Ltd., Pickering Square Inc., and Pickering Square (1986) Inc. have applied for a zoning by-law amendment to increase the maximum building height for 4 buildings, from 15 storeys to 25, 27, and 29 storeys at 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road. The applicants have also proposed to increase the maximum building height from 15 storeys to 23 and 27 storeys for 2 buildings at 1550 Kingston Road. The subject lands currently permit a broad range of uses, including high-density residential as permitted within the City Centre Zoning By-law 7553/17, as amended. Based on comments received from the public and City staff, the applicant has made several changes to their original proposal. The applicant has removed the following requests: • to allow a zero metre setback from Kingston Road; • to be exempt from the requirement to provide a 45-degree angular plane (for the height of a tower) when adjacent to residential uses; • to increase podium heights; and • to increase tower floor plate sizes. Report PLN 04-22 January 10, 2022 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 Page 2 The applicant has also removed the request to rezone the lands at 1450 Kingston Road. Any future development of this property will be in accordance with the current zoning provisions within the City Centre Zoning By-law, and will be subject to Site Plan approval. The proposed vehicular driveway on Glenview Road has also been removed. The Region of Durham has further requested that an "H" Holding symbol be placed on 1300, 1360 and 1550 Kingston Road. This Holding provision would require the owner to submit an updated Functional Servicing Report (FSR) prior to development of the subject lands, and to satisfactorily address how sanitary servicing capacity will be provided to enable the full development of each site. Staff support the zoning by-law amendment on the basis that the proposal meets the intent of the Official Plan, the City Centre Zoning By-law, and the City Centre Urban Design Guidelines. Accordingly, staff recommends that Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The initial zoning by-law amendment application included 4 individual properties municipally known as 1300, 1360, 1450 and 1550 Kingston Road, located within the City Centre Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment #1). After the Statutory Public Meeting, the applicant withdrew the property at 1450 Kingston Road from the application. 1.1.1. 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road The properties municipally known as 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road are located on the north side of Kingston Road between Liverpool Road and Glenanna Road, and have a combined area of 2.92 hectares. The 2 properties form part of a larger commercial block, containing the Hub Plaza, which also includes 1298 and 1340 Kingston Road. Existing uses on the subject lands include a grocery store, offices, retail stores and restaurant uses. The parcels municipally known as 1298 and 1340 Kingston Road are not included in this application. The surrounding land uses include (see Air Photo Map, Attachment #2): North: A medium-density residential development, consisting of 2-storey townhouses within a condominium development. Report PLN 04-22 January 10, 2022 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 Page 3 East: A medium-density residential development, consisting of 4-storey townhouses within a condominium development accessed from Glenanna Road. Further east is a veterinary clinic and a 6-storey retirement residence. South: Immediately south across Kingston Road is the Pickering Town Centre. West: Across Liverpool Road are single-storey commercial buildings, including a restaurant (within the Old Liverpool House), a commercial plaza, and a daycare. These lands are currently subject to an application for a Zoning By- law Amendment for a mixed-use development, containing a mid-rise building and a tower building. North of this property are 2 detached homes, which are currently subject to an application for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment for a proposed 13-storey mixed-use building. No decisions have been made on these applications, which are still under review. 1.1.2. 1550 Kingston Road The property municipally known as 1550 Kingston Road is located at the northeast corner of Kingston Road and Valley Farm Road. The site has an area of approximately 2.06 hectares and contains 2 buildings, a single-storey commercial plaza, and a 3-storey building with various commercial uses on the ground floor and offices on the second and third floors. The surrounding land uses include (see Air Photo Map, Attachment #2): North & East: A condominium townhouse development, consisting of 3-storey townhouses, is located to the north and east of the site, accessed from Kingston Road. Further east is the Hydro Corridor. West: Immediately west of the site are 3-storey freehold townhomes fronting Valley Farm Road. Across Valley Farm Road is 1450 Kingston Road, which contains a 1 and 2-storey commercial building, containing various retail and restaurant uses. Further west is an established residential neighbourhood, consisting of detached dwellings fronting Glenview Road. South: Immediately across Kingston Road is a residential condominium development, consisting of 4-storey stacked townhomes. Another residential condominium development, consisting of 96 stacked townhouses, is under construction. At the southeast corner of Kingston Road and Valley Farm Road, the City is presently reviewing a site plan application for a 22-storey seniors residence. 1.2 Applicant’s Proposal The applicant has submitted a Zoning By-law Amendment application, requesting various site-specific exceptions to the City Centre Zoning By-law, to facilitate the future redevelopment of the subject lands for multiple mixed-use buildings and townhouses. Report PLN 04-22 January 10, 2022 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 Page 4 The applicant initially proposed the following exceptions to the various zoning performance standards: • increasing maximum building heights; • increasing maximum podium heights; • increasing maximum tower floor plates; • reducing building setbacks along Kingston Road; • requesting exemption from a 45-degree angular plane requirement adjacent to residences, and • removing an “H” – Holding provision. The applicant also requested that Council grant an exemption in accordance with Section 45 (1.4) of the Planning Act to permit the Committee of Adjustment to consider a minor variance application resulting from the review of any future site plan application. As noted in Section 1.1 of this report, the rezoning application included the property at 1450 Kingston Road (see Submitted Conceptual Plan and Revised Concept Plan – 1450 Kingston Road, Attachments #3 and #4). The applicant has since removed this property from the application, and therefore is not requesting any further changes to the current zoning by-law at this time. The proposed vehicular driveway on Glenview Road has also been removed. Any future development of this property will be subject to site plan approval, and is required to be developed in accordance with the current permitted uses and zoning performance standards. The City Centre Zoning By-law 7553/17, as amended, permits a range of commercial, office and residential uses, a maximum Floor Space Index of 5.75 and a maximum building height of 15 storeys. Following the Statutory Public Meeting, the applicant has revised the proposal to address various comments from the City, the Region and the public. The following is a summary of the changes to the three properties included in the application: 1300 Kingston Road First Submission Revised Submission Number of buildings • 2 towers, 2 mid-rise buildings and 2 blocks of townhouses. • 3 towers, 1 mid-rise building and 2 blocks of townhouses. Number of Towers and proposed building heights • 2 mid-rise residential buildings with a height of 12 and 15 storeys. • 1 mid-rise building with a height of 12 storeys, and 1 tower with a height of 29 storeys. • 2 residential towers with a height of 25 storeys each, connected by a 13-storey mixed-use podium. • 2 residential towers, 1 with a height of 27 storeys and 1 with a height of 25 storeys, connected by a 6-storey mixed-use podium. • 2 blocks of townhouses, 3 and a half storeys each. • 2 blocks of townhouses, 3 and a half storeys each (no change). Report PLN 04-22 January 10, 2022 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 Page 5 1360 Kingston Road First Submission Revised Submission Number of buildings • 2 towers, 1 mid-rise building and 1 block of townhouses. • 2 towers, 1 mid-rise building and 1 block of townhouses (no change). Number of buildings • 1 mid-rise building with a height of 12 storeys. • 1 mid-rise building with a height of 12 storeys. • 2 towers with a height of 25 storeys each, connected by a 13-storey mixed-use podium. • 2 towers, 1 with a height of 29 storeys and 1 with a height of 25 storeys, connected by a 6-storey mixed-use podium. • 1 block of townhouses, 3 and a half storeys each (no change). • 1 block of townhouses, 3 and a half storeys each (no change). (see Submitted Conceptual Plan and Revised Concept Plan – 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road, Attachments #5 and #6) 1550 Kingston Road First Submission Revised Submission Number of buildings • 4 towers and 4 blocks of stacked townhouses. • 3 towers, 1 mid-rise building and 4 blocks of stacked townhouses. Number of Towers and proposed building heights • 2 towers with a height of 16 storeys, connected by a 5-storey podium. • 2 buildings, 1 mid-rise building with a height of 12 storeys and 1 tower building with a height of 27 storeys with a 4storey podium. • 2 towers with a height of 22 storeys connected by a 12-storey podium. • 2 towers, 1 with a height of 23 storeys and 1 with a height of 14 storeys, connected by a 6-storey podium. • 4 blocks of 3-storey stacked townhouses. • 4 blocks of 3-storey stacked townhouses (no change). Angular plane Requirement • Request to be exempt from providing a 45-degree angular plane to the existing townhouses on Valley Farm Road. • The proposal will provide the 45-degree angular plane measured of existing adjacent residential dwellings. (see Submitted Conceptual Plan and Revised Concept Plan – 1550 Kingston Road, Attachments #7 and #8) Report PLN 04-22 January 10, 2022 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 Page 6 All Sites Tower Floor Plate • Increase maximum tower floor plate over 850 square metres for storeys 7-12. • The proposal complies with the maximum tower floor plate (850 square metres) for all storeys above the podium, in accordance with the Zoning By-law. • The tower floor plate will be restricted to an average of 650 square metres for all storeys at and above the 25th floor. Podium Heights • Increase podium heights to 13 storeys. • 6-storey podium height, in compliance with the Zoning By-law. Setback to Kingston Road • A 0-metre setback to Kingston Road above grade. • No longer requesting to reduce the minimum setback to Kingston Road to 0 metres and will comply with the required minimum 1 metre setback to Kington Road. Holding provision • 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road are subject to an “H1” Holding provision requiring the landowners to submit a block development plan demonstrating the orderly development of the lands and providing details such as: Street and block pattern; Parking strategy; Community uses such as parks, Public and private street right-of-way design, and Phasing of the proposed development. • 1550 Kingston Road is not subject to an existing “H” Holding zone. • “H1”Holding Zone to be maintained at 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road. • An “H” Holding Zone to be applied to all 3 subject properties requiring the completion of an updated Functional Servicing Report (FSR), and that the FSR include recommendations on how sanitary servicing capacity will be provided to enable the full development of each site as proposed by the Zoning By-law amendment to the satisfaction of the Region. Variance Relief • Request to allow the applicant relief from the site-specific Zoning By-law, within two years of passing (through a minor variance). • Request to allow the applicant relief from the site-specific Zoning By-law, within two years of passing (through a minor variance). Report PLN 04-22 January 10, 2022 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 Page 7 2. Comments Received 2.1 Public Open House, Statutory Public Meeting and Written Comments On October 27, 2020, an Electronic Public Open House meeting was hosted by the City Development Department to inform area residents about the development proposals. A total of 9 individuals provided a delegation at the meeting. Subsequently, the Electronic Statutory Public Meeting was held on February 1, 2021, where 6 individuals provided a delegation. In addition, staff received written comments from over 50 individuals and businesses expressing their concerns with the proposed developments. Subsequent to the Statutory Public Meeting, the applicant amended their rezoning application to increase building heights for select buildings along the Kingston Road frontage. To ensure interested parties were kept appraised of the requested change, a second Electronic Public Open House Meeting was hosted by the City Development Department on November 2, 2021. At this meeting, a total of 3 delegates provided additional comments and concerns. The following is a list of key comments and concerns expressed by members of the public and in written submission: • concerned that businesses and amenities that currently serve the community will be displaced during and after construction; • concerned about the safety of pedestrians due to proposed vehicular entrance on Glenview Road; • concerned about lack of surface parking on all sites that may be needed to support the proposed retail shops within the mixed-use buildings; • concerned about construction management including parking and volume of construction vehicles, vibrations, and drainage; • concerned about the increased shadows, lack of privacy, and wind effects as a result of the proposed buildings; • opposed to the request to be exempt from providing a 45-degree angular plane at 1550 Kingston Road; and • owner at 1340 Kingston Road (lands located in between 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road) expressed concerns regarding: the reduction of proposed height on their lands; requested clarification of location and reasons for proposed public road and public park shown on the submitted concept plan, and expressed intention to participate in block plan development. Detailed responses to the various comments and concerns received and comments from the Planning & Development Committee are included in Attachment #12 to this report. Report PLN 04-22 January 10, 2022 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 Page 8 2.2 Agency Comments 2.2.1 Region of Durham • The proposed developments generally conform with the policies of the Regional Official Plan (ROP), subject to the availability of sanitary servicing capacity to enable the full development of each site. • The Region recommends that the proposed “H” Holding Zone be applied to require the completion of an updated Functional Servicing Report (FSR), which would include recommendations on how sanitary servicing capacity will be provided to enable the full development of 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road, and 1550 Kingston Road, to the satisfaction of the Region. • There is limited capacity within the existing sanitary sewer system. Downstream system capacity improvements will likely be required, which may affect the timing for the redevelopment of these lands and neighbouring proposed developments. • An updated FSR is necessary, with recommendations for the best servicing option, and a summary of all servicing options that would include: the approximate size of the drainage area, service population, and the net reserved capacity of the sanitary sewer(s) that connect to the proposed Glenanna Road servicing relocations. This should be compared to the estimated length of sanitary sewer to be constructed and the number of service connections to be replaced or installed. An updated FSR should also include recommendations on how proposed works or existing infrastructure within the municipal right-of-way could affect each servicing option. 2.2.2 Durham Region Transit (DRT) • The property at 1450 Kingston Road may require a road widening along the entire frontage of Kingston Road for the Durham-Scarborough Bus Rapid Transit project. This would be determined through the site plan stage. Since this specific property has been removed from the re-zoning application, staff will take DRT’s comments under advisement for any future development applications the City may receive. 2.2.3 Durham District and Durham Catholic District School Boards • no comments received 2.2.4 Ministry of Transportation (MTO) • The MTO has reviewed the site locations and has no comments to provide, as these sites are outside of MTO permit jurisdiction. No MTO permits or approvals would be required by the proponent for any development at the above addresses. 2.3 Comments from City Departments 2.3.1 Engineering Services Department • Engineering Services has no concerns with the requested zoning amendments. Technical matters can be addressed through the Comprehensive Block Plan Review and Site Plan Approval process. Report PLN 04-22 January 10, 2022 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 Page 9 • A Record of Site Condition (RSC) must be filed for each property before the detailed design is approved. • The feasibility and request for the public road and the location, size and configuration of the park block will require further review through a comprehensive block plan review for all four properties at 1298, 1300, 1340 and 1360 Kingston Road. 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 Proposed development conforms to the City’s Official Plan Policies The subject lands are designated as “Mixed Use Areas – City Centre” within the City’s Official Plan. This designation permits high-density residential uses, retailing of goods and services, offices and restaurants, hotels, convention centres, community, cultural and recreational uses, community gardens and farmers’ markets. The designation has a minimum net residential density of 80 units per hectare and no maximum density; a maximum gross leasable floor space for the retailing of goods and services of up to and including 300,000 square metres; and a maximum Floor Space Index (FSI) of over 0.75 and up to and including 5.75. The proposed Zoning By-law amendment contributes to the vision for the City Centre by accommodating spaces for public parks and squares, creating a more walkable environment and including opportunities for the highest mix and intensity of uses. The proposed increase in heights on the subject lands satisfies the Official Plan criteria for buildings taller greater than 5-storeys as follows: • buildings are designed in such a way that shadowing impacts are minimized; • upper levels of buildings are set back from the streetwall through the use of a podium to help create a human scale at street level; • sufficient spacing is provided between the building face of building towers to provide views, privacy for residents, and to minimize any wind tunnel impacts on surrounding development, streets and public spaces; and • buildings are oriented to optimize sunlight and amenity for dwellings, private open spaces, adjoining open spaces and sidewalks. Matters concerning shadowing and privacy impacts are discussed further in Section 3.4 of this report. The proposal conforms to the policies of the City’s Official Plan. 3.2 The requested increase in building height is consistent with the approved City Centre Urban Design Guidelines The applicant is proposing to increase the maximum building height. The City Centre Urban Design Guidelines provide design direction for intensification, to guide buildings and private development. The proposed development maintains the key urban design objectives of the Guidelines by: Report PLN 04-22 January 10, 2022 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 Page 10 • locating and massing buildings in such a way that limits any shadowing on the public realm, parks and public spaces to achieve adequate sunlight and comfort in the public realm through all four seasons; • gradually transitioning the building in height away from established low-density residential areas; • proposing tall buildings at the intersection of Kingston and Liverpool Roads, which is designated as a gateway to the City Centre; • designing upper levels of buildings to be set back, with a podium or point tower form to help create a human scale at street level; and • providing sufficient spacing between the building face of building towers to provide views, privacy for residents and to minimize any wind tunnel impacts on surrounding development, streets and public spaces. To ensure the proposal conforms to the City's approved City Centre Urban Design Guidelines, the applicant has agreed to eliminate requests to increase maximum podium heights, increase maximum tower floor plate sizes, reduce building setbacks along Kingston Road, and maintain the required 45-degree angular plane provision. As noted, the applicant is only requesting an increase in the maximum building height for select buildings along Kingston Road. The request to increase building heights meets the urban design objectives within the City Centre Urban Design Guidelines. The applicant has proposed to locate tall buildings away from adjacent residential buildings to ensure a gradual increase in height to prevent increased shadowing and overlook on the established residents. The tower buildings are designed with a distinguishable 6-storey podium base to create a human scale at street level and the tower portion with a slim tower floor plate to reduce shadowing. Furthermore, buildings greater than 25 storeys will have reduced tower floor plate sizes of 650 square metres further reducing the appearance of the increase in building height and any other impacts to the surrounding community. Building separation distances are being maintained, where 25 metres is required between 2 towers. This reduces wind-tunnel effects and provides future residents with more sunlight and views. The applicant’s request to increase building heights along the Kingston Road frontage is in keeping with the urban design objectives of the City Centre Urban Design Guidelines. 3.3 The proposed maximum building heights comply with the 45-degree angular plane requirement A 45-degree angular plane is an invisible line drawn from the rear yards of adjacent dwellings towards the proposed development to limit the height of the buildings, creating a gradual increase in height. The purpose and intent of the angular plane requirements are to minimize any potential adverse impacts to abutting properties concerning shadowing, overlook, privacy and wind. Figure 1 below demonstrates that the proposed 29-storey Tower ‘A’, at 1300 Kingston Road, (at the corner of Liverpool Road and Kingston Road) remains within the required 45-degree angular plane, measured from the north property line. Tower ‘F’ is a 25 storey tower at 1360 Kingston Road. All proposed towers on these lands are within the required angular plane from the established residential development to the north. Report PLN 04-22 January 10, 2022 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 Page 11 Figure 1 – 45 degree angle at 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road 45 Degree Angular Plane Tower ‘A’ Tower ‘F’ Building ‘A’ Building ‘J’ Figure 2, below, demonstrates the proposed 27-storey Tower ‘B’ (27 storeys), at 1550 Kingston Road, also remains within the required 45-degree angular plane, measured from the north property line. All proposed towers at this block fit within the required angular plane. Figure 2 – 45 degree angle at 1550 Kingston Road 45 Degree Angular Plane Tower ‘B’ Report PLN 04-22 January 10, 2022 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 Page 12 The requirement for the proposed towers to be within the 45-degree angular plane, along with further reduced tower floor plate size of 650 square metres above 25-storeys and with appropriate stepback, provides for a gradual transition in building height, that will minimize impacts concerning shadowing, privacy and overlook. 3.4 The proposed increase in building heights will have minimal shadow impacts on adjacent residential properties In support of the tower locations and building heights, the applicant has submitted a Shadow Study, illustrating the shadow impacts of the proposed tower location on the three sites and the adjacent residential neighbourhoods. The applicant provided a comparative shadow analysis that compares the first submission with the new proposal. At 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road, the analysis demonstrates that the increased shadowing on the residential uses to the north is minimal and that the impact to those residences is during the morning hours before 11:00 a.m. The majority of the increased shadowing will be on Liverpool Road and future mixed-use lands west of the site. At 1550 Kingston Road, the analysis demonstrates that the revised proposal results in a reduction of shadows on 1899 and 1903 Valley Farm Road, due to the compliance with the angular plane requirements and reduction of the tower floor plate. Shadowing is present on the properties to the north and west in the morning hours before 11:00 a.m., and no shadow is cast during the afternoon and evening hours. Staff concur with the findings that the shadow impact has been reduced and that the additional increase in building height is appropriate. 3.5 Future Development will require a full Block Plan to be submitted The subject lands at 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road are currently subject to an “H1” Holding Zone. The lands may not be further developed until the Holding Zone is removed. Prior to its removal, the landowner must submit to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering, a block development plan that demonstrates the orderly development of the lands and provide details such as: • street and block pattern; • pedestrian, landscape and open space connections; • parking strategy; • community uses such as parks, community centres and other public uses; • public and private street right-of-way design; and • phasing of the proposed development. While the applicant has shown a potential public road, public park, pedestrian and vehicular connections, a full block development plan must be submitted by all landowners prior to further development. Report PLN 04-22 January 10, 2022 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 Page 13 3.6 A Holding Zone is required to determine future servicing The Region of Durham has requested that an appropriate Holding (H) symbol be imposed on the sites to require the completion of an updated Functional Servicing Report (FSR). The implementing zoning by-law amendment will include an additional Holding Zone for the lands at 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road, and a new Holding Zone will be placed on 1550 Kingston Road. This new Holding provision will ensure that, before any further approval, the applicant provides an updated FSR to ensure sufficient sanitary servicing capacity is available to service future redevelopment of these lands. 3.7 Staff do not support the request to permit Minor Variances within 2-years of By-law passing The applicant has requested to permit applications for minor variances within 2 years of the passing of the new Zoning By-law on the subject properties. Section 45 (1.4) of the Planning Act prohibits Minor Variances on a property that has an applicant-initiated Zoning By-law under 2 years old, unless the Council of the municipality passes a resolution to do so, on a case-by-case basis. Staff are of the opinion that granting this exemption at this time is pre-mature. The applicants have not prepared any future detailed site plans, architectural drawings, landscape plans, and engineering drawings to demonstrate the final development plans conform with the City Centre Zoning By-law and Urban Design Guidelines. Any exemptions are reviewed on a case-by-case basis to ensure that Council has an opportunity to comment on any zoning provisions being reversed through the minor variance process. 3.8 Conclusion Staff supports the Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20, and recommends that a site-specific implementing by-law, containing the standards set out in Appendix I to this report, be finalized and brought before Council for enactment be approved 3.9 Applicant’s Comments The applicant supports the recommendations of this report. Appendix Appendix I Recommended Zoning Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 Report PLN 04-22 January 10, 2022 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 Page 14 Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Air Photo Map 3. Submitted Concept Plan – 1450 Kingston Road 4. Revised Submitted Concept Plan – 1450 Kingston Road 5. Submitted Concept Plan – 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road 6. Revised Submitted Concept Plan – 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road 7. Submitted Concept Plan – 1550 Kingston Road 8. Revised Submitted Concept Plan – 1550 Kingston Road 9. Submitted Colour Rendering – 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road 10. Submitted Colour Rendering – 1550 Kingston Road (North View) 11. Submitted Colour Rendering – 1550 Kingston Road (South View) 12. Responses to comments from the public and Planning & Development Committee Prepared By: Original Signed By Elizabeth Martelluzzi, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner, Development Review & Heritage Original Signed By Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Original Signed By Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO EM:ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Appendix I to Report No. PLN 04-21 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/20 That the implementing zoning by-law permit mixed-use condominium developments in accordance with the following provisions: A. Zoning Provisions Maximum Building Height 1. The maximum building height at 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road shall not exceed a building height of 89 metres (29 storeys) for 2 buildings, 83 metres (27 storeys) for 1 building and 77 metres (25 storeys) for 2 buildings along the Kingston Road frontage. 2. The maximum building height at 1550 Kingston Road shall not exceed a building height of 83 metres (27 storeys) for 1 building and 71 metres (23 storeys) for 1 building along the Kingston Road frontage. Tower Floor Plate 3. The maximum Tower Floor Plate for floors located above 77 metres in height (25 storeys) shall not exceed 650 metres. B. Holding Provisions 1. A “H8” Holding Symbol is to be applied to the subject lands at 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road. The “H” symbol shall, upon application by the landowner, be removed by City Council passing a By-law under Section 34 of the Planning Act. The following condition shall first be completed to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham: the completion of an updated Functional Servicing Report (FSR), and that the FSR include recommendations on how sanitary servicing capacity will be provided to enable the full development of each site as proposed by the Zoning By-law amendment. 2. A “H9” Holding Symbol is to be applied to the subject lands at 1550 Kingston Road. The “H” symbol shall, upon application by the landowner, be removed by City Council passing a By-law under Section 34 of the Planning Act. The following condition shall first be completed to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham: the completion of an updated Functional Servicing Report (FSR), and that the FSR include recommendations on how sanitary servicing capacity will be provided to enable the full development of each site as proposed by the Zoning By-law amendment. Attachment #1 to Report #PLN 04-22 Valley Farm Road Glenview Road Memory L a n e Everton Street F ieldlight B oulevard G le n a nna Road Kingsto n R o a d Liverpool R oad R o s efield Road Brands Court Diefenbak er Court Pickering Park w a y Highway 401 A n t o n Square GlendalePark EsplanadePark DianaPrincess OfWales Park GlengrovePark RecreationComplex 1:6,750 SCALE: © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers all rights reserved.; © Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers all rights reserved.; City DevelopmentDepartment Location MapFile: Applicant: Property Description: A 08/20 THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. Date: Dec. 07, 2021 Steele Valley Developments Ltd., 334979 Ontario Ltd., 1300, 1360, 1450, & 1550 Kingston Rd Subject Property1300 Kingston Road L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\A\2020\A 08-20 Steele Valley & Pickering Square\A08_20_LocationMap.mxd Subject Property1360 Kingston Road 1450 Kingston Road Subject Property1550 Kingston Road Pickering Square Inc., and Pickering Square (1986) Inc. (Applicant has removedthis property from theZoning By-law Amendmentapplication) Attachment #2 to Report #PLN 04-22 Liverpool Road Kingsto n R o a d G le n a nn a Road Glenview Road Me m o r y L a n e Everton Street Ro s e f i e l d R o a d Field l i g h t B o u l e v a r d Va l l e y F a r m R o a d Lo d g e R o a d P oppy Lane Pickering Park w a y Brands Court Diefenbaker Court Avonmore Sq u a r e The Esplanade S Anton S q u a r e The Esplanade N Glengrove Road Fay lee Cresc ent 1:6,000 SCALE: © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers all rights reserved.; © Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers all rights reserved.; City DevelopmentDepartment Air Photo MapFile:Applicant: Property Description: A 08/20Steele Valley Developments Ltd., 334979 Ontario Ltd., 1300, 1360, 1450, & 1550 Kingston Rd THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. Date: Jan. 14, 2021Pickering Square Inc., and Pickering Square (1986) Inc. L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\A\2020\A 08-20 Steele Valley & Pickering Square\A08_20_AirPhoto.mxd ¯ E Subject Property1300 Kingston Road E Subject Property1360 Kingston Road E Subject Property1450 Kingston Road Subject Property1550 Kingston Road E Attachment #3 to Report #PLN 04-22 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2020 Jan. 12, 2021DATE: Applicant: File No: Submitted Concept Plan - 1450 Kingston Road FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 08/20 Steele Valley Developments Ltd., 334979 Ontario Ltd., Pickering Square Inc., and Pickering Square (1986) Inc. N Attachment #4 to Report #PLN 04-22 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2020 Dec. 20, 2021DATE: Applicant: File No: Revised Submitted Concept Plan - 1450 Kingston Road FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 08/20 Steele Valley Developments Ltd., 334979 Ontario Ltd., Pickering Square Inc., and Pickering Square (1986) Inc. N Attachment #5 to Report #PLN 04-22 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2020 Jan. 12, 2021DATE: Applicant: File No: Submitted Concept Plan - 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 08/20 Steele Valley Developments Ltd., 334979 Ontario Ltd., Pickering Square Inc., and Pickering Square (1986) Inc. N Attachment #6 to Report #PLN 04-22 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2020 Dec. 07, 2021DATE: Applicant: File No: Revised Submitted Concept Plan - 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 08/20 Steele Valley Developments Ltd., 334979 Ontario Ltd., Pickering Square Inc., and Pickering Square (1986) Inc. N Attachment #7 to Report #PLN 04-22 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2020 Jan. 12, 2021DATE: Applicant: File No: Submitted Concept Plan - 1550 Kingston Road FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 08/20 Steele Valley Developments Ltd., 334979 Ontario Ltd., Pickering Square Inc., and Pickering Square (1986) Inc. N Attachment #8 to Report #PLN 04-22 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2020 Dec. 07, 2021DATE: Applicant: File No: Revised Submitted Concept Plan - 1550 Kingston Road FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 08/20 Steele Valley Developments Ltd., 334979 Ontario Ltd., Pickering Square Inc., and Pickering Square (1986) Inc. N Attachment #9 to Report #PLN 04-22 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2020 Dec. 20, 2021DATE: Applicant: File No: Submitted Colour Rendering - 1300 and 1360 Kingston Road FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 08/20 Steele Valley Developments Ltd., 334979 Ontario Ltd., Pickering Square Inc., and Pickering Square (1986) Inc. Attachment #10 to Report #PLN 04-22 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2020 Dec. 20, 2021DATE: Applicant: File No: Submitted Colour Rendering - 1550 Kingston Road (North View) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 08/20 Steele Valley Developments Ltd., 334979 Ontario Ltd., Pickering Square Inc., and Pickering Square (1986) Inc. Attachment #11 to Report #PLN 04-22 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2020 Dec. 20, 2021DATE: Applicant: File No: Submitted Colour Rendering - 1550 Kingston Road (South View) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 08/20 Steele Valley Developments Ltd., 334979 Ontario Ltd., Pickering Square Inc., and Pickering Square (1986) Inc. Attachment #12 to Report #PLN 04-22 Responses to comments from the public and Planning & Development Committee Please find responses to public submission and the Planning & Development Committee regarding the redevelopment of 1300, 1360 and 1550 Kingston Road Concern Response Residents and the Planning & Development Committee expressed concerns that businesses and amenities that currently serve the community will be displaced during and after construction. The applicant has advised that they will be matching or exceeding the existing commercial floor space in any new development. Through the Site Plan approval process City Development staff will request that the applicant consider providing a variety of unit sizes to accommodate a wide range of non-residential uses within these buildings in the future. Residents noted concerns about the safety of pedestrians due to proposed vehicular entrance on Glenview Road. Based on feedback from residents and the Planning & Development Committee, the applicant has withdrawn their application to amend the Zoning By-law at 1450 Kingston Road and has also removed the request for a vehicular access at this location (see Revised Submitted Conceptual Plan – 1450 Kingston Road, Attachment #4). Should the property be developed in the future, there are available accesses from Valley Farm Road and Kingston Road. Residents commented that adequate surface parking spaces be provided on all sites to support the proposed retail shops within the mixed-use buildings. The applicant has advised that they will consider providing adequate surface parking spaces when the owners apply for a site plan application. Residents expressed concerns about construction management including parking and volume of construction vehicles, vibrations, and drainage. Before the construction of any buildings, the applicant will be required to apply for Site Plan Approval. As a part of the detailed site plan application submission, the applicant will need to prepare and submit a Construction Management Plan to the satisfaction of the City’s Engineering Services, which addresses a variety of mitigation measures to be implemented during the construction process to minimize any negative noise, dust and traffic impacts. The mitigation measures could include a gravel mud mat and a construction staging area, and sediment fencing. As part of the Site Plan Approval process, the applicant will be required to enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the City. A condition of the Site Plan Agreement will require that the applicants implement the measures outlined in the submitted Construction Management and Erosion/Sediment Control Plan as approved by City staff. Concern Response A number of residents indicated concerns about the increased shadows, lack of privacy and wind effects as a result of the proposed increase in buildings. The applicant has revised their application to reduce the previously requested amendments. The proposed towers fit within the required 45-degree angular plane which allows for a gradual transition between the new buildings and existing residents. Furthermore, for towers greater than 25 storeys, the tower floor plate has also been reduced to a maximum floor plate size of 650 square metres further minimizing the visual impact of the tall buildings. See Sections 3.3 and 3.4 of Report PLN 04–22 concerning shadowing and privacy impacts. Residents noted that they are opposed to the request to be exempt the applicant from providing a 45-degree angular plane at 1550 Kingston Road. The applicant has revised their application to adhere to the requirement to provide a 45-degree angular plane at 1550 Kingston Road. The owner at 1340 Kingston Road (adjacent to 1300 & 1360 Kingston Road) expressed concerns regarding: the reduction of proposed height on their lands; clarification of location and reasons for proposed public road and public park shown on the submitted concept plan, and intends to participate in block plan development. Staff advised the owner’s planning consultant that the submitted rezoning application is a privately initiated application and cannot include their lands. The owner of 1340 Kingston Road is required to submit their own rezoning application should they wish to consider increase building heights on their lands. Staff encourage the owner to work with their adjacent land owners of 1300 and 1360 Kingston to prepare and submit a formal comprehensive block plan to determine appropriate public and private roads, location of parks, servicing, stormwater management, on-site parking, phasing, and technical requirements. The Planning & Development Committee requested staff to provide information regarding the planned improvements to Kingston Road as it relates to Durham Region Transit and the potential centre median along this corridor. Once the centre median is complete for the Durham Bus Rapid Transit Lane, properties along Kingston Road will be restricted to a right-in-and-right-out access. Stops are planned at Liverpool Road and Glenanna Road, however the full design has not completed. The Planning & Development Committee requested staff to ensure that sanitary sewers and storm water management systems are sufficient to accommodate the proposed development. The Region of Durham has required that an “H” Holding Zone be applied to the subject properties. The Holding Zone will require the applicant to submit an updated Functional Servicing Report prior to development taking place. This report would also include recommendations on how sanitary servicing capacity will be provided to enable the full development of each site as proposed by the Zoning By-law amendment to the satisfaction of the Region. Concern Response The Planning & Development Committee requested that the applicant provide more realistic renderings of the proposed development to the public. The applicant has submitted renderings for the proposal (See Submitted Colour Renderings, Attachments #9, 10 and 11). Detailed architectural drawings will be prepared and submitted as part of a Site plan application. The Planning & Development Committee requested the applicant to consider whether a hotel could be incorporated into the development in light of the fact that the zoning uses were supported and that this amenity was not part of the City Centre project across from City Hall. A hotel is a permitted use on site. The applicant has advised that they may explore more specific uses for the properties during detailed Site Plan Review stage. The Planning & Development Committee requested the applicant to provide creative ways to accommodate appropriate residential housing for seniors in the area. The applicant has advised that they will explore options for seniors housing at the site plan approval stage. The Planning & Development Committee commented whether business owners who are in long term leases on the subject lands would be given preference over new tenants. The applicant has advised that they will work with the existing tenant, where feasible and reasonable, to accommodate them in any future development plans. The Planning & Development Committee requested clarification regarding the number of parking spaces that would be provided above and below grade level. The applicant is not requesting any amendments to the current parking ratios as required within the City Centre Zoning By-law. The applicant acknowledges that the residents would prefer some amount of at grade related parking to be provided for retail uses which can be reviewed at time of the site plan application. The Planning & Development Committee commented the importance of future developments ensuring that the subject lands are accessible and walkable. The City Centre Urban Design Guidelines require mobility and ease of access throughout the site. Further review of accessibility and walkability will be reviewed in greater detailed through the comprehensive block development plan and the site plan review process.