HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 16, 2021Agenda Cultural Advisory Committee November 16, 2021 7:00 pm Electronic Meeting For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca Due to COVID-19 and the Premier’s Emergency Orders to limit gatherings and maintain physical distancing, the City of Pickering continues to hold electronic Council and Committee Meetings. Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by viewing the livestream. 1.Welcome and Call to Order J. St. Amant 2.Review and Approval of Agenda J. St. Amant 3.Disclosure of Interest J. St. Amant 4.Approval of Minutes – September 21, 2021 See page 1 of this Agenda J. St. Amant 5.Delegations 5.1 Ellen Tayles-Armstrong, Conservator, Pickering Museum Village Re: Presentation of concept for a new permanent exhibit in the Log Barn at the museum 6.General Business 6.1 Public Art Consultation - Cultural Background Document Chestnut Hills Development Recreation Complex (CHDRC) T. Ryce 6.2 Public Art Consultation - Cultural Background Document Universal City See page 5 of this Agenda T. Ryce 6.3 Update on Public Art Projects -Dorsey James Kijimba Kind Restoration Project T. Ryce 6.4 2022 Meeting Schedule See page 6 of this Agenda J. St. Amant 6.5 Review of 2021 Work Plan and Discuss 2022 Draft Work Plan and 2021 Council Report Link to 2014 Cultural Strategic Plan updates: J. St. Amant Agenda Cultural Advisory Committee November 16, 2021 7:00 pm Electronic Meeting For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca https://www.pickering.ca/en/discovering/cultural-strategic- plan-updates.aspx 7. Correspondence 7.1 Krystal Roberts, Coordinator, Community Partnerships, City of Pickering Re: Cultural Events Strategy to assist Future Cultural Event Programming Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PYKKGJ3 8. Other Business 9. Next Meeting – January 18, 2022 10. Adjournment Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Call to Order J. St. Amant welcomed everyone to the meeting and called the meeting to order. 2. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 3. Approval of Agenda and Previous Minutes -June 15, 2021 Moved by A. Moscote Freire That the Minutes of the June 15, 2021 meeting of the Cultural Advisory Committee and the September 21, Page 1 of 4 Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee September 21, 2021 Electronic Meeting 7:00 pm Attendees: A. Moscote Freire, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Sardar, Cultural Advisory Committee Member C. Sabean, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder J. Sabean, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder K.Williams Director of Public Services, Pickering Public Library L. Gibbs, Manager, Cultural Services J. St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services R.Perera, Committee Coordinator (Recording Secretary) Absent: J. Currie, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder E. Forde, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder M. Francis, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder N. Holland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member V. Raees, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder B. Sopher, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder - 1 - Page 2 of 4 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 2021 Cultural Advisory Committee Agenda be approved. Carried 4. Delegations 4.1 Tammy Lyle -Gravlev, Pickering Football Club Re: OTF Innovation Grant Tammy Lyle-Gravlev, Pickering Football Club, joined the electronic meeting via audio connection and noted that she was a members of the City’s Accessibility Advisory Committee. She noted that in 2019 the Pickering Football Club was awarded an Ontario Trillium Fund Grant allowing the Club to study barriers to sports and recreational opportunities. She added that the Club is seeking input from seniors, new comers, people with disabilities, the LGBTQ community, the indigenous community, and other cultural groups. Ms. Lyle-Gravlev, spoke to the challenges presented through the COVID-19 Pandemic in relation to conducting public consultation and added that the report to the Government was due in December. She provided an overview of a number of community engagement initiatives which include a survey, online focus groups, and free recreational opportunities. Brief discussion ensued between Members of the Committee and Ms. Lyle-Gravlev regarding placing flyers for the programs in the Pickering Public Library. 5. Pickering Museum Village 5.1 Pickering Museum Village L. Gibbs provided an overview of the a-MAIZE-ing Exhibit, adding that Staff would be submitting a grant application form in November for the project proposal. Ms. Gibbs spoke to the purpose of the program, the planned acitivties, and the need for partners. She added that the proposal was intended to target elementary school teachers, students, and non-traditional museum visitors and surveyed the Committee for feedback. - 2 - Page 3 of 4 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) A brief question and answer period ensued between the Members of the Committee and L. Gibbs regarding: • the program providing good exposure for the museum and the hands on activities being a positive initiative; and, • cooking corn in various ways complementary to other cultures. L. Gibbs further spoke to feedback received from the Committee regarding integrating public art in the museum for the 175th year of the Greenwood Blacksmith shop. She added that Staff had submitted a proposal to legacy fund and applied for community banners, playable sculptural art, and murals. 5.2 New Mobile Museum Proposal J. St. Amant noted that item 5.2 was the same as item 5.1. 5.3 Deaccession List L. Gibbs spoke to the Deaccession list and its process adding that the City’s conservator would first review the list, with L. Gibbs further reviewing prior to the list coming in front of the Committee. Once approval was granted from the Committee a report would be presented to Council for approval. She added that once Council approval is given, the City would reach out to other organizations that may want the artifacts and auction items that are not given to other organizations, with remaining items being disposed in an ethical way. L. Gibbs provided a brief overview of the artifacts noted in the deaccession list. Moved by A. Moscote Freire That the presented Deaccession List be approved by the Cultural Advisory Committee. Carried - 3 - Page 4 of 4 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 6. Update on the City Centre Consultation and Project Proposal L. Gibbs noted that consultation had taken place in the summer for the City Centre buildings, and that a financial report would be presented to Council in October. 7. Other Business K. Williams Director of Public Services, Pickering Public Library, noted that the Pickering Library would remain open to the public on Truth and Reconciliation day to provide an opportunity for public education and added that the Library had created a video in collaboration with three indigenous authors on speaking to children about residential schools. Meeting Adjourned: 7:47 pm - 4 - Tatra Drive Pickering Park w a y Drava Street Mo d l i n R o a d K r o s n o B o u l e v a r d R e y t a n B o u l e v a r d Morden Lan e Bayly Street Poprad Avenue Alliance Road Fordon Avenu e Highway 401 Mitchel Park Bayview HeightsPublic School © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers all rights reserved.; © Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers all rights reserved.; City DevelopmentDepartment Location MapFile:Applicant:Municipal Address: A 06/21 Date: May. 28, 2021 ¯ E Unique AT Holding Corporation1470 Bayly Street SubjectLands L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\A\2021\A 06-21 Unique AT Holding Corp (UC 4 & 5)\A06_21_LocationMap.mxd 1:4,000 SCALE:THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. Future Celebration Drive Sa n d y B e a c h R o a d Sa n d y B e a c h R o a d Draft 2022 Cultural Advisory Committee Schedule January 18, 2022 - 7:00 p.m. February 15, 2022 - 7:00 p.m. March 15, 2022 - 7:00 p.m. April 19, 2022 - 7:00 p.m. May 17, 2022 - 7:00 p.m. June 21, 2022 - 7:00 p.m. September 20, 2022 - 7:00 p.m. - 6 -