HomeMy WebLinkAboutOPS 03-21 Report to Executive Committee Report Number: OPS 03-21 Date: September 13, 2021 From: Brian Duffield Director, Operations Subject: Quotation No. Q2021-12 -Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments-File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1.That Quotation No. Q2021-12 submitted by Amaco C onstruction Equipment Inc., in theamount of $514,374.87 (HST included) be accepted; 2.That the total gross quotation cost of $561,367.00 (HST included) and the total net projectcost of $505,528.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 3.That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the net project cost of$505,528.00 as follows: a)The sum of $168,510.00 as approved in the 2020 Property Maintenance CapitalBudget by a transfer from the Development Charges Reserve Funds – OtherServices Related to a Highway; b)The sum of $337,018.00 as approved funds in the 2021 Property MaintenanceCapital Budget by a transfer from the Major Equipment Reserve; and, 4.That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessaryactions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: One new Sidewalk Tractor with Attachments was approved in the 2020 Property Maintenance Capital Budget, but was deferred as a cost savings due to COVID-19.This new unit was included i n the 2021 bid solicitation for the replacement of unit #792 (2013 Trackless) and unit #753 (2012 Trackless) as provided for in the 2021 Property Maintenance Capital Budget. These units have met or exceeded their scheduled replacementdate. Quotation Q2021-12 was advertised on the City’s website on July 7, 2021 with a closing date of July 28, 2021 of which four companies have responded. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 06.11 (c), where the compliant quotation or tender meeting specifications and offering best value to the City is acceptable or where the highest scoring proposal is recommended and the estimated total purchase price is over $250,000.00, the Manager may approve the award, subject to the approval of the Director, Treasurer, CAO and Council. OPS 03-21 September 13, 2021 Subject: Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments Page 2 Financial Implications: 1. Quotation Amount Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with $455,199.00 Attachments HST (13%) 59,175.87 Total Gross Quotation Cost $514,374.87 2. Estimated Project Costing Summary Quotation No. Q2021-12 $455,199.00 Supply & Delivery of Snow Blower (3 units) 32,655.00 Supply & Delivery of Spray Tank (3 units) 8,931.00 Total Cost $496,785.00 HST (13%) 64,582.00 Total Gross Project Costs $561,367.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (55,839.00) Total Net Project Costs $505,528.00 3. Approved Source of Funds – 2021 Property Maintenance Capital Budget Description VAIL Account Code SAP Account Source of Funds Available Budget Required (1) Sidewalk Plow with Attachments 5311.2004.6178 C10305.2004.01 RF-Dev. Charges -Other Service Related to a Highway 175,000.00 168,510.00 (2) Sidewalk Plows with Attachments Repl. 5311.2102.6178 C10305.2102.01 R-Major Equip. 350,000.00 337,018.00 $525,000.00 $505,528.00 Net Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds $19,472.00 OPS 03-21 September 13, 2021 Subject: Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments Page 3 Discussion: One new Sidewalk Plow with Attachments was approved in the 2020 Property Capital Budget but was deferred as a cost savings due to COVID-19. This new unit is being added to service new sidewalks and public spaces coming on stream in Seaton. The replacement of two Sidewalk Plows with Attachments for unit #792 (2013 Trackless) and unit #753 (2012 Trackless) was provided for in the 2021 Property Maintenance Capital Budget. These units have met or exceeded their scheduled replacement date. An Evaluation Committee consisting of Operations staff has evaluated the quotation based on the rated criteria. It was determined that Amaco Construction Equipment Inc. is the top ranked respondent of the requested quotation. After careful review of the submissions received, Operations staff recommend the acceptance of Quotation No. Q2021-12 submitted by Amaco Construction Equipment Inc. for three Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments in the amount of $561,367.00 (HST included) and the total project cost of $505,528.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved. Attachment: 1. Supply & Services Memorandum dated August 11, 2021 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Matt Currer Supervisor, Fleet Operations Ray Rodrigues, CPPB Manager, Supply & Services Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Brian Duffield Director, Operations Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Finance & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By: Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer MC:nw Attachment #1 to Report OPS 03-21 Request for Quotations For Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments Request for Quotations Q2021-12 Issued: July 7, 2021 Submission Deadline: July 28, 2021 before 12:00 noon (local time) Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments Table of Contents Part 1 – Invitation and Submission Instructions ........................................................ 3 1.1 Invitation to Respondents ..................................................................................... 3 1.2 Request for Quotations Contact ........................................................................... 3 1.3 Type of Contract for Deliverables ......................................................................... 3 1.4 Request for Quotations Timetable ........................................................................3 1.5 Submission of Quotations..................................................................................... 3 Part 2 – Evaluation ........................................................................................................ 5 2.1 Stages of Evaluation............................................................................................. 5 2.2 Stage I – Mandatory Submission Requirements................................................... 5 2.3 Stage II – Evaluation ............................................................................................ 5 2.4 Stage III – Pricing ................................................................................................. 6 2.5 Selection of Top-Ranked Respondent..................................................................6 Part 3 – Terms and Conditions of the Request for Quotations Process .................. 7 3.1 General Information and Instructions.................................................................... 7 3.2 Communication after Issuance of Request for Quotations ................................... 8 3.3 Notification and Debriefing ................................................................................... 9 3.4 Conflict of Interest and Prohibited Conduct .......................................................... 9 3.5 Confidential Information...................................................................................... 10 3.6 Procurement Process Non-binding..................................................................... 11 3.7 Governing Law and Interpretation ...................................................................... 12 Appendix A – Form of Agreement ............................................................................. 13 Appendix B – Submission Form ................................................................................ 14 Appendix C – Pricing Form ........................................................................................ 18 Appendix D – Request for Quotations Particulars ................................................... 19 A. The Deliverables.................................................................................................... 20 B. Material Disclosures .............................................................................................. 20 C. Mandatory Technical Requirements ...................................................................... 20 Attachments Attachment No. 1 – Technical Specifications Page 2 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments Part 1 – Invitation and Submission Instructions 1.1 Invitation to Respondents This Request for Quotations is an invitation by the City of Pickering (“City”) to prospective respondents to submit non-binding quotations for the provision of the supply & delivery of sidewalk tractors with attachments as further described in the Request for Quotations Particulars (Appendix D) (the “Deliverables”). 1.2 Request for Quotations Contact For the purposes of this procurement process, the “Request for Quotations Contact” will be: City Contact: Lisa Chang, Capital Projects Buyer E-mail: supply@pickering.ca Respondents and their representatives are not permitted to contact any employees, officers, agents, elected or appointed officials or other representatives of the City, other than the Request for Quotations Contact, concerning matters regarding this Request for Quotations. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in the disqualification of the respondent and the rejection of the respondent’s quotation. 1.3 Type of Contract for Deliverables The selected respondent will be requested to enter into a contract for the provision of the Deliverables on the terms and conditions set out in the Form of Agreement (Appendix A) (the “Agreement”). 1.4 Request for Quotations Timetable Issue Date of Request for Quotations July 7, 2021 Deadline for Questions 5 business days before closing. Deadline for Issuing Addenda 3 business days before closing. Submission Deadline July 28, 2021 before 12:00 noon (local time) Within five (5) business days of written Rectification request by the City The Request for Quotations timetable is tentative only, and may be changed by the City at any time. 1.5 Submission of Quotations 1.5.1 Quotations to be Submitted at the Prescribed Location Email: supply@pickering.ca Page 3 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments 1.5.2 Quotations to be Submitted on Time Bids will be deemed to have been received when the email is delivered to supply@pickering.ca. The email received time is the official time piece. Bids not received at this email will not be considered. 1.5.3 Quotations to be Submitted in Prescribed Format Respondents should submit one (1) electronic copy in .pdf format via email. Quotations should be prominently marked with the Request for Quotations title and number with the full legal name and return address of the respondent. 1.5.4 Amendment of Quotations Respondents may amend their quotations prior to the Submission Deadline by submitting the amendment in an email prominently marked with the Request for Quotations title and number and the full legal name and return address of the respondent to the location set out above. Any amendment should clearly indicate which part of the quotation the amendment is intended to amend or replace. 1.5.5 Withdrawal of Quotations At any time throughout the Request for Quotations process until the execution of a written agreement for provision of the Deliverables, a respondent may withdraw a submitted quotation. To withdraw a quotation, a notice of withdrawal must be sent to the Request for Quotations Contact and must be signed by an authorized representative of the respondent. The City is under no obligation to return withdrawn quotations. [End of Part 1] Page 4 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments Part 2 – Evaluation 2.1 Stages of Evaluation The City will conduct the evaluation of quotations in the following stages: 2.2 Stage I – Mandatory Submission Requirements Stage I will consist of a review to determine which quotations comply with all of the mandatory submission requirements. If a quotation fails to satisfy all of the mandatory submission requirements, the City will issue the respondent a rectification notice identifying the deficiencies and providing the respondent an opportunity to rectify the deficiencies. If the respondent fails to satisfy the mandatory submission requirements within the Rectification Period, its quotation will be excluded from further consideration. The Rectification Period will begin to run from the date and time that the City issues a rectification notice to the respondent. The mandatory submission requirements are as set out below. 2.2.1 Submission Form (Appendix B) Each quotation must include a Submission Form (Appendix B) completed and signed by an authorized representative of the respondent. 2.2.2 Pricing Form (Appendix C) Each quotation must include a Pricing Form (Appendix C) completed according to the instructions contained in the form. 2.2.3 Other Mandatory Submission Requirements Each Quotation must include a fully completed Attachment #1. 2.3 Stage II – Evaluation Stage II will consist of the following two sub-stages: 2.3.1 Mandatory Technical Requirements The City will review the quotations to determine whether the mandatory technical requirements as set out in Section C of the Request for Quotations Particulars (Appendix D) have been met. Questions or queries on the part of the City as to whether a quotation has met the mandatory technical requirements will be subject to the verification and clarification process set out in Part 3. Page 5 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments 2.3.2 Rated Criteria The City will evaluate each qualified submission on the basis of the rated criteria as set out below: Rated Criteria Category Weighting (Points) Conformance to specifications 70 Pricing 30 Total Points 100 In the event of a tie score, the selected respondent will be determined in accordance with the City’s Purchasing Procedures 2.4 Stage III – Pricing Stage III will consist of a scoring of the submitted pricing in accordance with the price evaluation method set out in the Pricing Form (Appendix C). The evaluation of price will be undertaken after the evaluation of mandatory requirements and rated criteria has been completed. 2.5 Selection of Top-Ranked Respondent After the completion of Stage III, all scores from Stage II and Stage III will be added together and respondents will be ranked based on their total scores. Subject to the process rules contained in the Terms and Conditions of the Request for Quotations Process (Part 3), the top-ranked respondent will be invited to enter into the Agreement in accordance with Part 3. The selected respondent will be notified in writing and will be expected to enter into the Agreement within the timeframe specified in the selection notice. Failure to do so may result in the disqualification of the respondent and the selection of another respondent or the cancellation of the Request for Quotations. [End of Part 2] Page 6 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments Part 3 – Terms and Conditions of the Request for Quotations Process 3.1 General Information and Instructions 3.1.1 Respondents to Follow Instructions Respondents should structure their quotations in accordance with the instructions in this Request for Quotations. Where information is requested in this Request for Quotations, any response made in a quotation should reference the applicable section numbers of this Request for Quotations. 3.1.2 Quotations in English All quotations are to be in English only. 3.1.3 No Incorporation by Reference The entire content of the respondent’s quotation should be submitted in a fixed form, and the content of websites or other external documents referred to in the respondent’s quotation but not attached will not be considered to form part of its quotation. 3.1.4 References and Past Performance In the evaluation process, the City may include information provided by the respondent’s references and may also consider the respondent’s past performance or conduct on previous contracts with the City or other institutions. 3.1.5 Information in Request for Quotations Only an Estimate The City and its advisers make no representation, warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy of the information contained in this Request for Quotations or issued by way of addenda. Any quantities shown or data contained in this Request for Quotations or provided by way of addenda are estimates only, and are for the sole purpose of indicating to respondents the general scale and scope of the Deliverables. It is the respondent’s responsibility to obtain all the information necessary to prepare a quotation in response to this Request for Quotations. 3.1.6 Respondents to Bear Their Own Costs The respondent will bear all costs associated with or incurred in the preparation and presentation of its quotation, including, if applicable, costs incurred for interviews or demonstrations. 3.1.7 Quotation to be Retained by the City The City will not return the quotation or any accompanying documentation submitted by a respondent. 3.1.8 Trade Agreements Respondents should note that procurements falling within the scope of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) and Canadian European Union Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) are subject to the applicable trade agreement Page 7 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments requirements but that the rights and obligations of the parties will be governed by the specific terms of this Request for Quotation. 3.1.9 No Guarantee of Volume of Work or Exclusivity of Contract The City makes no guarantee of the value or volume of work to be assigned to the successful respondent. The contract with the selected respondent will not be an exclusive contract for the provision of the described Deliverables. The City may contract with others for goods and services the same as or similar to the Deliverables or may obtain such goods and services internally. 3.2 Communication after Issuance of Request for Quotations 3.2.1 Respondents to Review Request for Quotations Respondents should promptly examine all of the documents comprising this Request for Quotations, and may direct questions or seek additional information in writing by email to the Request for Quotations Contact on or before the Deadline for Questions. Questions shall include a Bidder’s request to use an approved alternate product. Without stating the source of the enquiries, the questions and answers and whether or not the City considers to be “an approved alternate” will be available in an addendum. The decision whether a product is an approved alternate rests solely with the City. No such communications are to be directed to anyone other than the Request for Quotations Contact. The City is under no obligation to provide additional information, and the City is not responsible for any information provided by or obtained from any source other than the Request for Quotations Contact. It is the responsibility of the respondent to seek clarification from the Request for Quotations Contact on any matter it considers to be unclear. The City is not responsible for any misunderstanding on the part of the respondent concerning this Request for Quotations or its process. 3.2.2 All New Information to Respondents by Way of Addenda This Request for Quotations may be amended only by addendum in accordance with this section. If the City, for any reason, determines that it is necessary to provide additional information relating to this Request for Quotations, such information will be communicated to all respondents by addendum. Each addendum forms an integral part of this Request for Quotations and may contain important information, including significant changes to this Request for Quotations. Respondents are responsible for obtaining all addenda issued by the City. In the Submission Form (Appendix B), respondents should confirm their receipt of all addenda by setting out the number of each addendum in the space provided. 3.2.3 Post-Deadline Addenda and Extension of Submission Deadline If the City determines that it is necessary to issue an addendum after the Deadline for Issuing Addenda, the City may extend the Submission Deadline for a reasonable period of time. Page 8 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments 3.2.4 Verify, Clarify and Supplement When evaluating quotations, the City may request further information from the respondent or third parties in order to verify, clarify or supplement the information provided in the respondent’s quotation, including but not limited to clarification with respect to whether a quotation meets the mandatory technical requirements set out in Section C of the Request for Quotations Particulars (Appendix D). The City may revisit and re-evaluate the respondent’s response or ranking on the basis of any such information. 3.3 Notification and Debriefing 3.3.1 Notification to Other Respondents Once an agreement is executed by the City and a respondent, the other respondents will be notified of the outcome of the procurement process. 3.3.2 Debriefing Respondents may request a debriefing after receipt of a notification of the outcome of the procurement process. All requests must be in writing to the Request for Quotations Contact and must be made within sixty (60) days of such notification. The intent of the debriefing information session is to aid the respondent in presenting a better quotation in subsequent procurement opportunities. Any debriefing provided is not for the purpose of providing an opportunity to challenge the procurement process or its outcome. 3.4 Conflict of Interest and Prohibited Conduct 3.4.1 Conflict of Interest The City may disqualify a respondent for any conduct, situation or circumstances, determined by the City, in its sole and absolute discretion, to constitute a Conflict of Interest, as defined in the Submission Form (Appendix B). 3.4.2 Disqualification for Prohibited Conduct The City may disqualify a respondent, rescind notice of selection or terminate a contract subsequently entered into if the City determines that the respondent has engaged in any conduct prohibited by this Request for Quotations. 3.4.3 Prohibited Respondent Communications Respondents must not engage in any communications that could constitute a Conflict of Interest and should take note of the Conflict of Interest declaration set out in the Submission Form (Appendix B). 3.4.4 Respondent Not to Communicate with Media Respondents must not at any time directly or indirectly communicate with the media in relation to this Request for Quotations or any agreement entered into pursuant to this Request for Quotations without first obtaining the written permission of the Request for Quotations Contact. Page 9 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments 3.4.5 No Lobbying Respondents must not, in relation to this Request for Quotations or the evaluation and selection process, engage directly or indirectly in any form of political or other lobbying whatsoever to influence the selection of the successful respondent(s). 3.4.6 Illegal or Unethical Conduct Respondents must not engage in any illegal business practices, including activities such as bid-rigging, price-fixing, bribery, fraud, coercion or collusion. Respondents must not engage in any unethical conduct, including lobbying, as described above, or other inappropriate communications; offering gifts to any employees, officers, agents, elected or appointed officials or other representatives of the City; deceitfulness; submitting quotations containing misrepresentations or other misleading or inaccurate information; or any other conduct that compromises or may be seen to compromise the competitive process provided for in this Request for Quotations. 3.4.7 Past Performance or Past Conduct The City may prohibit a supplier from participating in a procurement process based on past performance or based on inappropriate conduct in a prior procurement process, including but not limited to the following: (a) illegal or unethical conduct as described above; (b) the refusal of the supplier to honour its submitted pricing or other commitments; or (c) any conduct, situation or circumstance determined by the City, in its sole and absolute discretion, to have constituted an undisclosed Conflict of Interest. 3.5 Confidential Information 3.5.1 Confidential Information of the City All information provided by or obtained from the City in any form in connection with this Request for Quotations either before or after the issuance of this Request for Quotations (a) is the sole property of the City and must be treated as confidential; (b) is not to be used for any purpose other than replying to this Request for Quotations and the performance of any subsequent contract for the Deliverables; (c) must not be disclosed without prior written authorization from the City; and (d) must be returned by the respondent to the City immediately upon the request of the City. Page 10 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments 3.5.2 Confidential Information of Respondent A respondent should identify any information in its quotation or any accompanying documentation supplied in confidence for which confidentiality is to be maintained by the City. The confidentiality of such information will be maintained by the City, except as otherwise required by law or by order of a court or tribunal. Respondents are advised that their quotations will, as necessary, be disclosed, on a confidential basis, to advisers retained by the City to advise or assist with the Request for Quotations process, including the evaluation of quotations. If a respondent has any questions about the collection and use of personal information pursuant to this Request for Quotations, questions are to be submitted to the Request for Quotations Contact. 3.6 Procurement Process Non-binding 3.6.1 No Contract A and No Claims This procurement process is not intended to create and will not create a formal, legally binding bidding process and will instead be governed by the law applicable to direct commercial negotiations. For greater certainty and without limitation: (a) this Request for Quotations will not give rise to any Contract A–based tendering law duties or any other legal obligations arising out of any process contract or collateral contract; and (b) neither the respondent nor the City will have the right to make any claims (in contract, tort, or otherwise) against the other with respect to the award of a contract, failure to award a contract or failure to honour a quotation submitted in response to this Request for Quotations. 3.6.2 No Contract until Execution of Written Agreement This Request for Quotations process is intended to solicit non-binding quotations for consideration by the City and may result in an invitation by the City to a respondent to enter into the Agreement. No legal relationship or obligation regarding the procurement of any good or service will be created between the respondent and the City by this Request for Quotations process until the execution of a written agreement for the acquisition of such goods and/or services. 3.6.3 Non-binding Price Estimates While the pricing information provided in quotations will be non-binding prior to the execution of a written agreement, such information will be assessed during the evaluation of the quotations and the ranking of the respondents. Any inaccurate, misleading or incomplete information, including withdrawn or altered pricing, could adversely impact any such evaluation or ranking or the decision of the City to enter into an agreement for the Deliverables. 3.6.4 Cancellation The City may cancel or amend the Request for Quotations process without liability at any time. Page 11 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments 3.7 Governing Law and Interpretation These Terms and Conditions of the Request for Quotations Process (Part 3): (a) are intended to be interpreted broadly and independently (with no particular provision intended to limit the scope of any other provision); (b) are non-exhaustive and must not be construed as intending to limit the pre- existing rights of the parties to engage in pre-contractual discussions in accordance with the common law governing direct commercial negotiations; and (c) are to be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. [End of Part 3] Page 12 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments Appendix A – Form of Agreement Page 13 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments Appendix B – Submission Form 1. Respondent Information Please fill out the following form, naming one person to be the respondent’s contact for the Request for Quotations process and for any clarifications or communication that might be necessary. Full Legal Name of Respondent: Any Other Relevant Name under which Respondent Carries on Business: Street Address: City, Province/State: Postal Code: Phone Number: Fax Number: Company Website (if any): Respondent Contact Name and Title: Respondent Contact Phone: Respondent Contact Fax: Respondent Contact Email: 2. Acknowledgment of Non-binding Procurement Process The respondent acknowledges that the Request for Quotations process will be governed by the terms and conditions of the Request for Quotations, and that, among other things, such terms and conditions confirm that this procurement process does not constitute a formal, legally binding bidding process (and for greater certainty, does not give rise to a Contract A bidding process contract), and that no legal relationship or obligation regarding the procurement of any good or service will be created between the City and the respondent unless and until the City and the respondent execute a written agreement for the Deliverables. 3. Ability to Provide Deliverables The respondent has carefully examined the Request for Quotations documents and has a clear and comprehensive knowledge of the Deliverables required. The respondent represents and warrants its ability to provide the Deliverables in accordance with the requirements of the Request for Quotations for the rates set out in the completed Pricing Form (Appendix C). Page 14 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments 4. Non-binding Pricing The respondent has submitted its pricing in accordance with the instructions in the Request for Quotations and in the Pricing Form (Appendix C). The respondent confirms that the pricing information provided is accurate. The respondent acknowledges that any inaccurate, misleading or incomplete information, including withdrawn or altered pricing, could adversely impact the acceptance of its quotation or its eligibility for future work. 5. Addenda The respondent is deemed to have read and accepted all addenda issued by the City prior to the Deadline for Issuing Addenda. The onus is on respondent to make any necessary amendments to their bid based on the addenda. The respondent is requested to confirm that it has received all addenda by listing the addenda numbers, or if no addenda were issued by writing the word “None”, on the following line: ____________________________. 6. No Prohibited Conduct The respondent declares that it has not engaged in any conduct prohibited by this Request for Quotations. 7. Conflict of Interest For the purposes of this Request for Quotations, the term “Conflict of Interest” includes, but is not limited to, any situation or circumstance where: (a) in relation to the Request for Quotations process, the respondent has an unfair advantage or engages in conduct, directly or indirectly, that may give it an unfair advantage, including but not limited to (i) having, or having access to, confidential information of the City in the preparation of its quotation that is not available to other respondents, (ii) communicating with any person with a view to influencing preferred treatment in the Request for Quotations process (including but not limited to the lobbying of decision makers involved in the Request for Quotations process), or (iii) engaging in conduct that compromises, or could be seen to compromise, the integrity of the open and competitive Request for Quotations process or render that process non-competitive or unfair; or (b) in relation to the performance of its contractual obligations under a contract for the Deliverables, the respondent’s other commitments, relationships or financial interests (i) could, or could be seen to, exercise an improper influence over the objective, unbiased and impartial exercise of its independent judgement, or (ii) could, or could be seen to, compromise, impair or be incompatible with the effective performance of its contractual obligations. For the purposes of section (a)(i) above, respondents should disclose the names and all pertinent details of all individuals (employees, advisers, or individuals acting in any other Page 15 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments capacity) who (a) participated in the preparation of the quotation; and (b) were employees of the City within twelve (12) months prior to the Submission Deadline. If the box below is left blank, the respondent will be deemed to declare that (a) there was no Conflict of Interest in preparing its quotation; and (b) there is no foreseeable Conflict of Interest in performing the contractual obligations contemplated in the Request for Quotations. Otherwise, if the statement below applies, check the box. The respondent declares that there is an actual or potential Conflict of Interest relating to the preparation of its quotation, and/or the respondent foresees an actual or potential Conflict of Interest in performing the contractual obligations contemplated in the Request for Quotations. If the respondent declares an actual or potential Conflict of Interest by marking the box above, the respondent must set out below details of the actual or potential Conflict of Interest: Page 16 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments Appendix C – Pricing Form 1. Instructions on How to Complete Pricing Form (a) Rates must be provided in Canadian funds, inclusive of all applicable duties and taxes except for Harmonized Sales Tax, which should be itemized separately. (b) Rates quoted by the respondent must be all-inclusive and must include all labour and material costs, all travel and carriage costs, all insurance costs, all costs of delivery, all costs of installation and set-up, including any pre-delivery inspection charges, and all other overhead, including any fees or other charges required by law. (c) Licence fees will be charged as an additional cost on the invoice based on the time of the delivery. 2. Evaluation of Pricing Pricing is worth 30 points of the total score. Pricing will be scored based on a relative pricing formula using the rates set out in the Pricing Form. Each submission will receive a percentage of the total possible points allocated to price for the particular category it has bid on, which will be calculated in accordance with the following formula: Lowest total price ---------------------------x Total available points = Score for quotation with the second-lowest Second-lowest total price price Lowest total price ----------------------------x Total available points = Score for quotation with third-lowest Third-lowest total price price And so on, for each quotation. In the event of a tie score, the selected Respondent will be determined in accordance with the City’s Purchasing Procedures Page 18 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments 3. Pricing Form – Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments Respondents should provide pricing for the Deliverables described hereunder. Pricing Table #1: Description Quantity Unit Price Extension Supply and Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors 3 $ $ Supply and Installation of Snow Plows 3 $ $ Supply and Installation of Salt/Sand Hoppers 3 $ $ Subtotal $* HST $ Total Price $ * This value will be used for evaluation purposes Delivery Time: ________________________weeks Pricing Table #2: Optional Attachments Description Unit Price Supply and delivery of Snow Blower $ Supply and installation of Spray Tank $ Pricing Table #2 is not a consideration of Award. Page 19 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments Appendix D – Request for Quotations Particulars A. The Deliverables Supply and delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments in accordance with terms, conditions, and specifications contained herein, to the satisfaction of the City. Delivery Location Delivery will be FOB to the Pickering Operations Centre, 1955 Clements Road, Pickering, Ontario L1W 4C2. B. Material Disclosures The City may request a demonstration of the equipment being quoted upon, including provision for City staff to operate the equipment being quoted upon. Such demonstration shall be provided at no charge to the City. Price to include parts and service manuals which may be provided upon delivery of equipment. C. Mandatory Technical Requirements The mandatory technical requirements that apply to this Request for Quotations, if any, are set out below. 1. The basic equipment requirements must include, but not limited to, the specifications as listed. Some items listed may be included as standard equipment and some may be optional. It is the respondent’s responsibility to ensure that all specifications listed are included in the delivered equipment and included in the quoted price. 2. The specifications provided in Attachment #1 lists the major details of the equipment. The respondent is responsible to deliver equipment equipped with compatible components to comply with the specification in all respects and to provide dependable, efficient service to the satisfaction of the City. 3. Where a minimum is called for, the item shall meet or exceed the capacity, size or performance specified. a) An answer of "yes" shall mean compliance with the specification and can be further detailed in the SPECIFY space. b) An answer of "no" shall mean a deviation from the specification and must be further detailed in the SPECIFY space. Deviations will be evaluated and acceptance of these deviations is within the discretion of the City 4. All items must be bid and information must be provided where requested. Page 20 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments 5. In order to substantiate equivalency of any item, the respondent agrees to submit samples, printed product description(s), and test data, installation instructions, standards, certification, guarantee/warranty information, evidence of successfully incorporating such items for use and similar information that may be requested by the City. 6. The respondent will provide qualified personnel to instruct operator training sessions and maintenance sessions to designated City staff until such staff is familiar and competent in the operation and maintenance of the equipment at no additional cost to the City. Page 21 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments City Of Pickering Standard Quotation Terms and Conditions 1. Definitions City -The Corporation of the City of Pickering, its successors and assigns. Company -The person, firm or corporation to whom the City has awarded the Contract, its successors and assigns. Contract -The purchase order authorizing the Company to do the work, the quotation, the bonds or security (if any), the Company's quotation and change notices, appendices, and addenda (if any). Subcontractor -A person, firm or corporation having a Contract with the Company for any part of the work. Quotation Document -The documents issued by the City in response to which quotations are invited for the performance of Work. Work -All labour, materials, products, supplies, goods, articles, equipment, fixtures, services, acts, required to be done, furnished or performed by the Company, which are the subject of the Contract. 2. Contract Documents and Order of Precedence The contract documents shall consist of the purchase order; and the Company's quotation accepted by the City. The documents and portions thereof take precedence in the order in which they are named above, notwithstanding the chronological order in which they are issued or executed. Amendments to the Contract, in the form of purchase order alterations, shall take precedence over the documents or portions thereof amended thereby. Purchase order alterations, appendices and addenda to any contract document shall be considered part of such document. The intent of the contract is that the Company shall supply work complete for a particular purpose, be fit and suitable for the City's intended use. None of the conditions contained in the Company’s standard or general conditions of sale shall be of any 'effect unless explicitly agreed to by the City and set forth in the purchase order or specifically referred to therein. Page 22 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. 3. Delivery Unless otherwise stated, the Work specified or called for in or under the quotation shall be delivered or completely performed by the Company as soon as possible and in any event within the period set out herein as the guaranteed period of delivery or completion after receipt of a purchase order therefore. A detailed delivery ticket or piece tally, showing the exact quantity of goods, materials, articles, or equipment, shall accompany each delivery thereof. A receiver's receipt shall not bind the City to accept the Work, covered thereby, or the particulars of the delivery ticket or piece tally therefore. Unless otherwise stated, all work pursuant to a purchase order based on the quotation, shall be subject to inspection by the City at the point of unloading, or the site of work or service. The Company shall be responsible for arranging the Work so that completion shall be as specified in the Contract. 4. Pricing Requirement Prices shall be in Canadian Funds, quoted separately for each item stipulated, F.O.B. destination. Prices shall include all incidental costs and the Company shall be deemed to be satisfied as to the full requirements of the quotation. No claims for extra work will be entertained and any additional work must be authorized in writing prior to commencement. Payment shall be full compensation for all costs related to the Work, including operating and overhead costs to provide work to the satisfaction of the City. All prices quoted shall include applicable customs duty, excise tax, freight, insurance and all other charges of every kind attributable to the work. Harmonized Sales Tax shall be extra and not shown, unless otherwise specified herein. If the Company intends to manufacture or fabricate any part of the Work outside of Canada, it shall arrange its shipping procedures so that its agent or representative in Canada is the importer of record for custom purposes. Page 23 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments Should any additional tax or duty or any variation in any tax or duty be imposed by the Government of Canada or the Province of Ontario or any increase or decrease in the rate of foreign exchange become directly applicable to goods, material, articles or equipment specified or called for in this quotation subsequent to its submission by the Company and before the delivery of goods, material, articles or equipment or the completion of the work or services covered thereby, pursuant to a purchase order issued by the City, the appropriate increase or decrease in the price of such goods, material, articles or equipment, shall be made to compensate for such changes as of the effective date thereof. 5. Terms of Payment Payments made hereunder, including final payment, shall not relieve the Company from its obligations or liabilities under the Contract. Acceptance by the Company of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of claims by the Company against the City, except those previously made in writing in accordance with the Contract and still unsettled. The City shall have the right to withhold from any sum otherwise payable to the Company such amount as may be sufficient to remedy any defect or deficiency in the Work, pending correction of it. Invoices shall be forwarded via mail to: The Corporation of the City of Pickering Attn: Accounts Payable Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 or via email to: accountspayable@pickering.ca 6. Patents and Copyrights The Company shall, at its expense, defend all claims, actions or proceedings against the City based on any allegations that the Work or any part of the Work constitutes an infringement or any patent, copyright or other proprietary right, and shall pay to the City all costs, damages, charges and expenses, including its lawyer’s fees on a solicitor and his own client basis occasioned to the City by reason thereof. The Company shall pay all royalties and patent licence required for the Work. Page 24 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments If the Work or any part thereof is action or proceeding held to constitute an infringement, the Company shall forthwith either secure for the City the right to continue using the Work of shall at the Company’s expense, replace the infringing Work with non-infringing work or modify it so that the Work no longer infringes. Quotations for equivalents may be considered but the mark or brand thereof must be specified. 7. Assignment The Company shall not assign the Contract or any portion thereof without the prior written consent of the City. 8. Laws and Regulations The Company shall comply with relevant Federal, Provincial and Municipal statutes, regulations and by-laws pertaining to the work and its performance. The Company shall be responsible for ensuring similar compliance by its suppliers and Subcontractors. The Company shall comply with all Federal, Provincial and Municipal statutes, regulations and by-laws whether or not specified and/or shown on drawings, obtain all permits and notices as may be required for the work. The Company shall be responsible for ensuring similar compliance by its suppliers and Subcontractors. All fees, taxes, duties and other expenses related thereto shall be the responsibility of the contractor. No additional costs to the City will be incurred as a result of such undertakings. 9. Correction of Defects If at any time prior to one year after the actual delivery date or completion of the Work, (or specified warranty/guarantee period if longer than one year) any part of the Work becomes defective or is deficient or fails due to defect in design, material or workmanship, or otherwise fails to meet the requirements of the Contract, the Company upon request, shall make good every such defect, deficiency or failure without cost to the City. The Company shall pay all transportation costs for Work both ways between the Company’s factory or repair depot and the point of use. 10. Default by Company (a) If the Company commits any act of bankruptcy or if a receiver is appointed on account of its insolvency or in respect of any of its property, or if the Company makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors; then, in any such case, the City may without notice, terminate the Contract. Page 25 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments (b) If the Company fails to comply with any request, instruction or order of the City, or fails to pay its accounts, or fails to comply with or persistently disregards statutes, regulations, by-laws or directives of relevant authorities relating to the Work, or fails to prosecute the Work with skill and diligence, or assigns or sublets the Contract or any portion thereof without the City’s prior written consent, or refuses to correct defective Work; or is otherwise in carrying out its part of any of the terms, conditions and obligations of the Contract, then, in any such case, the City may, upon written notice to the Company, terminate the Contract. (c) Any termination of the Contract by the City, as aforesaid, shall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies the City may have and without incurring any liability whatsoever in respect thereto. (d) If the City terminates the Contract, it is entitled to: i take possession of all Work in progress, materials and construction equipment then at the project site (at no additional charge for the retention or use of the construction equipment), and finish the Work by whatever means the City may deem appropriate under the circumstances: ii withhold any further payments to the Company until completion of the work and the expiry of all obligations under the Correction of Defects Section; iii Recover from the Company loss, damage and expense incurred by the City by reason of the Company’s default (which may be deducted from any monies due or becoming due to the Company any balance to be paid by the Company to the City). (e) City reserves the right to not consider a company for an indeterminate period of time who has been terminated by the City or has been deemed by the City to have provided unsatisfactory Work, goods, services, or health and safety practises in accordance with the City’s Purchasing Policy. (f) The City reserves full discretion as to when Work, goods or services are deemed to be unsatisfactory and exercising its rights related thereto without liability or settlement. 11. Contract Cancellation The City shall have the right to cancel any uncompleted or unperformed portion of the Work or part thereof, upon providing written notice to the Company. The City shall not be liable to the Company for loss of anticipated profit on the cancelled portion or portions of the Work. Page 26 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments 12. Quantities Where quantities are shown as approximate, they are not guaranteed to be accurate and are furnished without any liability on behalf of the City and shall be used as a basis for comparison only. Payment will be by the unit complete at the quoted rate on actual quantities deemed acceptable by the City. 13. Surety The Company shall, if the City in its absolute discretion so desires, be required to satisfy surety requirements by providing a deposit in the form of a certified cheque, bank draft or money order or other form of surety, in an amount determined by the City. This surety may be held by the City until 60 days after the day on which all Work covered by the Contract has been completed and accepted. This surety may be returned before the 60 days have elapsed providing satisfactory evidence is provided that all liabilities incurred by the Company in carrying out the Work have expired or have been satisfied, discharged or provided for and that a clearance certificate from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board has been issued. Failure to furnish the surety within two weeks from date of request thereof by the City shall make the award of the Contract by the City subject to withdrawal. 14. Workplace Safety & Insurance All of the Company’s personnel must be covered by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board at the Company’s expense. The Company shall provide the City with a Clearance Certificate from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board prior to the commencement of work, certifying that all assessments and liabilities payable to the Board have been paid, and that the bidder is in good standing with the Board. The bidder shall provide the City with a Clearance Certificate prior to final payment certifying all payments by the Company to the Board in conjunction with the subject Contract have been made and that the City will not be liable to the Board for future payments in connection with the Company’s completion of the project. A Company deemed to be an Independent Operator by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board is to provide a copy of such letter to the City containing the Independent Operator identification number issued by the Board. An Independent Operator must be covered by WSIB optional insurance and provide proof of this coverage upon request. Page 27 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments 15. Liability The Company agrees to at all times defend, fully indemnify and save harmless the City from all actions, suits, claims and demands, losses, costs, charges and expenses arising by reason of injury or death to any person or any property or charges brought or made against or incurred by the City from or relating to the Work performed or to be performed herein. 16. Insurance Upon request by the City, the Company shall take out and keep in force a policy of liability insurance in the amount of $2,000,000 inclusive each occurrence (or such larger amount as may be required), and not less than two million ($2,000,000.00) automotive liability insurance coverage. Certificate(s) of insurance shall be provided upon request by the City. (a) The policy shall include The Corporation of the City of Pickering, as additional named insured without subrogation in respect of all operations performed by or on behalf of the Company, a certificate of insurance shall be completed by the Company’s agent, broker or insurer. (b) The policy shall not be altered, cancelled or allowed to expire or lapse, without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. (c) If the City is not provided with a renewal of the policy at least thirty (30) days prior to its expiration date, then the City may arrange a public liability policy insuring the City in the amount of $2,000,000.00 and an automotive liability policy insuring the City in the amount of two million ($2,000,000) at the expense of the Company, which may be recovered from amounts owed to the Company or from any form of security still in the City's possession. 17. Unpaid Accounts The Company shall indemnify the City from all claims arising of the unpaid accounts relating to the Work. The City shall have the right at any time to require satisfactory evidence that the Work of which any payment has been made or is to be made by the City is free and clear of liens, attachments, claims, demands, charges or other encumbrances. 18. Suspension of Work The City may without invalidating the Contract, suspend performance by the Company from time to time of any port or the whole of the work for such reasonable time as the City may determine. The resumption and completion of Page 28 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments the Work after the suspension shall be governed by the schedule established by the City. 19. Changes in the Work The City may, without invalidating the contract, direct the Company to make changes to the Work. When the change causes the increase or decrease in the Work, the contract price shall be increased or decreased by the application of unit prices to the quantum of such increase or decrease 20. Accessibility Regulations for Contracted Services In accordance with Ontario Regulation 429/07, Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Sect. 6, every provider of goods and services shall ensure that every person who deals with members of the public or participates in the developing of the service providers policies, practices and procedures governing the provision of goods and services to members of the public, shall be trained on the following: (a) How to interact and communicate with persons with various types of disability (b) How to interact with persons with disabilities who use assistive devices or require the assistance of a guide animal, or a support person; (c) How to use equipment that is available on the premises that may help in the provision of goods or services; (d) What to do if a person with a particular type of disability is having difficulty accessing the provider's goods or services; and Information on the policies, practices and procedures governing the provision of goods and services to people with disabilities. A Company dealing with members of the public on behalf of the City of Pickering or engaged in Work for the City must meet the requirements of Ontario Regulation 429/07 with regard to training. A document describing the training policy, a summary of the contents of the training and details of training dates and attendees will be requested within 2 to 3 days of the closing date and must be submitted to the City, generally within two (2)days from time of request. If not available, the on-line training module set up by the Ministry of Community Services and Social Services – Access Canada – http://www.mcss.gov.on.ca/mcss/serve-ability/splash.html shall be completed by the Company, who will need to be trained prior to any Work is undertaken for the City. At the end of the training module, Company to print the Certificate of Completion and provide it to the City as instructed. Page 29 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments 21. Statement of Understanding The Company agrees the quotation it submitted was made without connection, knowledge, comparison of figures, or arrangements with any persons submitting a quotation and it is in all respect fair and without collusion or fraud. The Company agrees that no member of City Council or any officer of the Municipal Corporation is, shall be or become interested, directly or indirectly in, or in the performance of the contract, or in the business to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof, or in any of the monies to be derived there from. 22. Freedom of Information The Company acknowledges that any quote submitted shall become a record belonging to the City of Pickering and therefore is subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This provincial law gives individuals, businesses and other organizations a legal right to request records held by the City, subject to specific limitations. The Company should be aware that it is possible that any records provided to the City, including but not limited to, pricing, technical specifications, drawings, plans, audio-visual materials or information about staff, parties to the bid or suppliers could be requested under this law. Records relating to the contract could possibly be released under MFIPPA. If the Company believes that all or part of the quote should be protected from release, the relevant parts should be clearly marked as confidential. Please note that this will not automatically protect the submission from release, but it will assist the City in making a determination on release if a request is made. The identity of all companies, as well as total prices, may be available to the public subject to the City’s Purchasing Policy. 23. Respect in the Workplace The Company shall ensure all employees undertaking the work of this contract are respectful to City employees and residents. City Policy No. HUR 070, Respect in the Workplace, is applicable to contractors, as identified in Section 05 of the Policy. Page 30 of 31 Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments Appendix E – References The City may request Respondents to provide three (3) references from clients who have obtained similar goods or services to those requested in the RFQ from the Respondent in the last 5 years. Reference #1 Company Name: Company Address: Contact Name: Contact Telephone Number: Date Work Undertaken: Nature of Assignment: Reference #2 Company Name: Company Address: Contact Name: Contact Telephone Number: Date Work Undertaken: Nature of Assignment: Reference #3 Company Name: Company Address: Contact Name: Contact Telephone Number: Date Work Undertaken: Nature of Assignment: State the number of years your Company has been in business: ________ *Information received on this form and obtained from reference checks will be considered during evaluations and will be used to serve the best of interests of the City and no liability shall accrue to the City from such an undertaking and all decisions derived therefrom.* ***This Information Does Not Have To Be Submitted With The Quotation*** Page 31 of 31 Attachment No. 1 - Technical Specifications Q2021-12 Supply & Delivery of Sidewalk Tractors with Attachments Description Specify Specify Model CX Specify Make 75 Specify Manufacturer Multihog Specify Year 2021 Item No. Criteria Yes No Specify Engine 1.1 4CYL. minimum, 75 HP, Tier 4 diesel engine not requiring diesel particulate filter or selective catalys reduction systems Yes 4 Cyl Kohler 75hp Tier 4 final diesel with NO DPF, DEF or SCR 1.2 The engine cover to provide quick and easy access to all engine related level checks Yes Wide open access doors on both left and right side, top access through hydraulic liftiing platform 1.3 Air cleaner is to be a dry type with restriction indicator and have a pre-cleaner Yes 1.4 Fuel tank is to have a capacity of approx. 75 litres Yes 75 Litre 1.5 Fuel filter, water separator to be located in area for easy access and replacement Yes Transmission 2.1 Transmission shall be full electron hydrostatic with variable speed (foot controlled) Yes 2.2 High Torque option for low speed. High load operations for snow blowing and cold planing Yes 2.3 Shall be capable of controlling the tractor ground speed simultaneously with the engine RPM for lower fuel consumption Yes 2.4 Transmission/engine shall be equipped with a neutral safety engine start system Yes 2.5 Unit is to have a travel speed of 40 km/hr. minimum Yes 40km/hr 2.6 Unit must be 4WD. Yes Cab and Chassis 3.1 Minimum width – 46” dependant on tire size Yes 48" 3.2 Maximum height of cab roof 78” Yes 78" 3.3 Overall length approximately - 145” Yes 145" 3.4 Tire track width approximately - 50” Yes 48" 3.5 G.V.W. approximately - 5,750 lbs. Yes Unladen 5512, GVW 7716 ** as per addendum #2 3.6 A fully dampened trailing arm torsion bar style suspension will be on all axles and adjustable Yes 3.7 Unit will have an anti roll function to help balance heavy off center attachments Yes 3.8 Fully enclosed insulated weatherproof cab with side doors and sliding side windows. Cab shall be equipped with a full cab sound insulation. Cab shall be certified to current ROPS standards Yes 3.9 Cab will be rubber mounted and feature a hydraulic tilt control Yes 3.10 Cab glass panels to provide all-around visibility for operator, when driving and utilizing attachments. Yes 3.11 Provide excellent visibility and ease of operation of dash board and switches Yes 3.12 Engine oil temperature gauge, hydraulic oil gauge, engine coolant gauge, engine tachometer, odometer, hour meter and fuel gauge, installed in dash Yes 3.13 Air ride seat with lumbar support with 3 point seat belt Yes 3.14 A seat safety switch is required to shutdown engine in the event the operator tries to leave seat without placing shifter in neutral Yes 3.15 A safety switch must automatically shut down PTO shaft if operator leaves seat Yes 3.16 HVAC system shall provide heating and air conditioning functions Yes 3.17 Unit shall have an integrated air conditioning/heater system with replaceable cabin air filtration and shall be controlled by an electronic thermostatic system Yes 3.18 Heavy duty heater/defroster system Yes 3.19 All cab windows shall be safety glass with sliding windows on either side. Yes 3.20 Intermittent windshield wipers and washers on front and standard wiper and washer on rear windows Yes ** No rear wiper as per addendum #2 3.21 Sun visor Yes 3.22 Supply and install - one inside rear- view (convex type) and two outside (break away type) rear-view mirrors Yes 3.23 Door handles will be lockable Yes 3.24 Inside dome/map light dual color Yes 3.25 Standard AM/FM radio with Bluetooth Yes 3.26 Signal lights front and rear with steering column mounted “self- cancelling” signal switch Yes 3.27 Tilt / Telescopic steering wheel for ease of entry and egress Yes 3.28 The frame is to be constructed of high strength steel and shall be shot blasted and powder coated Yes 3.29 Frame design has to allow for bending and oscillation of unit minimum +/- 6 degrees Yes 3.30 Unit will have a hydraulically activated access platform mounted above the engine bay (Per Addendum No. 1) Yes 3.31 Access platform will be able to accept other attachments.ie water tank. (Per Addendum No. 1) Yes Electrical 4.1 Alternator to be rated for unit and intended tasks, 100 amp minimum. Yes 100 amp 4.2 Heavy Duty 12 volt battery, 950 CCA minimum Yes Heavy Duty 12 volt battery, 1000 CCA minimum 4.3 Low oil and high heat audible alarm, with automatic safety shut down via electronic engine protection system Yes 4.4 All wiring shall be professionally manufactured, permanently coded (color or numbered) and all connections shall be weatherproof “packard” type Yes 4.5 All circuits shall be blade fuse or circuit breaker protected and contained within a waterproof enclosure and clearly marked Yes Steering 5.1 Articulated and oscillating centre frame via spherical grease able hardened bearings with hardened pins Yes 5.2 Steering must be dual cylinder power assisted Yes 5.3 Steering system to allow approximately: Yes 5.4 +/- 6 degrees of oscillation Yes 5.5 Steering system to provide approx. +/-45 degrees turning Yes 5.6 Turning circle 3150 mm max. (outside diameter) approx.. (124”) Yes 120" Brakes 6.1 Four wheel hydraulic multi disc acceptable additional hydrostatic dynamic braking shall be applied upon activation of the service brakes Yes 6.2 Parking brake (inside cab) c/w audible alarm when applied Yes 6.3 Parking brake to automatically apply when operator moves from seat and or shuts unit off Yes 6.4 Manual pump jack to release park brake in the event of break down or engine failure Yes Tires 7.1 Four (4) winter radial tires and rims mounted on 8 stud wheels. Tires shall be a minimum of LT245/85R16 with an appropriate load rating Yes ** 5 Stud as per addendum #2 Hydraulics 8.1 Unit shall have a variable displacement load sensing hydraulic pump 0 - 100 litres/ min (minimum) – direct drive (belts not acceptable) Yes 8.2 System shall operate at optimum efficiency Related to road speed and implement load Yes 8.3 Inline replaceable filter Yes 8.4 Three double acting low volume hydraulic outlets and a high volume (sets) on front Yes 8.5 All hydraulic circuits protected by relief valves Yes 8.6 Reservoir shall be large enough to accommodate continuous operation without overheating Yes 8.7 Hydraulic oil cooler shall be provided Yes 8.8 Kinks or flat spots in lines will not be accepted. Yes 8.9 Main hydrostatic lines between pump and drive motor shall be formed corrosion resistant steel tube and secured to the frame rails Yes 8.10 All hydraulic lines inside operators compartment shall be shielded Yes 8.11 Hydraulic system shall be capable of operating two (2) hydraulic attachments simultaneously. Yes 8.12 A direct drive 1000 rpm right hand rotation 6 spline PTO will be front mounted Yes 8.13 A Programmable weight transfer system will be incorporated to reduce wear and tear on implements Yes 8.14 Hydraulic functions shall be controlled through a single “joystick” control which is programmable and be equipped with backlit indicator lights Yes Front 9.1 Category (1) 3 - Point hitches, with two (2) double acting cylinders or acceptable equivalent Yes 9.2 Hydraulically controlled pendulum arm movement allowing attachment to follow contour of ground Yes 9.3 Lift capacity 1200 kg (2645 lb.) minimum Yes 9.4 Shall provide positions for lift, down pressure and float Yes Axles & Differential Lock 10.1 Axles shall be independent hydraulic type with a minimum 5,500 lbs. capacity each Yes 5512 10.2 4 wheel hydro stat drive will have center lock mechanism Yes Power Take Off (Independent) 11.1 Minimum 1000 RPM delivering full engine horsepower. Access to the PTO shaft shall be readily accessible for service and repairs as needed Yes 11.2 Standard 6 spline P.T.O shaft to be used Yes 11.3 Full load engagements via electric over hydraulic actuation of a cushioned mechanical clutch drive PTO system Yes Lighting 12.1 Shall have two (2) LED headlights with high and low beams Yes 12.2 Two rearward facing LED work lights Yes 12.3 Brake lights mounted for clear visibility Yes 12.4 Four way flashers Yes 12.5 Two LED strobe lights ,one BLUE one Amber will be mounted to provide360 degree visibility with separately switched blue and amber lights Yes 12.6 All lights have to be provided with guards where there is a possibility of contact with branches, etc. Yes 12.7 All lighting must be LED Type Yes Warranty 13.1 Includes a minimum warranty of two years, or 2000 hours whichever comes first. For the duration of the warranty period, all labour, parts, freight, and service, shall be FOB Pickering. Yes Attachments - Snow Plow 14.1 Double trip sidewalk snow plow with replaceable cutting edge. Plow to be capable of angling left or right and oscillate by means of double acting hydraulic cylinders Yes 14.2 Specify Make, Model, Manufacturer Metec, 3-Point Hitch Angle Plow 60" wide for Multihog CX75 Mouldboard style 2 Attachments - Salt/Sand Hopper 15.1 Hydraulic rear mounted sand/salt spreader Yes 15.2 Auger to be hydraulically driven with speed adjustment and engagement from within the cab Yes 15.3 Spread pattern to be adjustable. Yes 15.4 Spread distance per hopper shall be 4-6 miles Yes 15.5 Specify Make, Model, Manufacturer Metec, 1/3 cu yd Drop Sander for Multihog CX75, powdercoated Yellow RAL 1023 Optional Attachments - Snow Blower 16.1 51” ribbon style auger with hydraulic height and direction control for snow chute Yes 16.2 Specify Make, Model, Manufacturer Metec, 50" Wide Single Auger Box Blower for Multihog CX75, PTO Driven Optional Attachments - Spray Tank 17.1 80 gal. (US) with pump and front mounted spray bar for brine spray application Yes 17.2 All appropriate safety warning decals, instructing stickers and signs shall be installed Yes 17.3 The supplier to operate a service facility capable of performing all major and minor repairs associated with the equipment they represent. Yes 17.4 Must be able to supply on site custom support and mobile repairs within 24hr of notice Yes 17.5 Specify Make, Model, Manufacturer Metec, Brine Sprayer attachment, 3 point hitch, 60” spray width, 100 gallon tank, powder coated MULTIHOG LTD – Warranty Statement Multihog Ltd (Ireland) warrants new equipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship under conditions of the following provisions. WARRANTY Multihog parts and labour warranty shall be for twenty four months (24) or 2000 hour (whichever first occur). Warranty commencement date shall be the day of delivery to the end user. Approved warranty value will be at the sole discretion of Multihog Ltd. OBLIGATION Multihog Ltd shall have the obligation to repair or replace at Multihog’s option, any defect in material or workmanship at no charge by an authorized Multihog Dealer, during the specified warranty period. Repair times per Multihog Ltd. repair time schedule. LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS This warranty is not applicable or inclusive of any of the following: 1. Equipment which has been subjected to alterations and/or modifications not approved in writing from Multihog, neglect, unauthorized repair, misuse, accidents, lack of reasonable proper maintenance, improper repairs or replacements, use of parts which do not conform to Multihog’s specifications. 2. Normal replacement of any and all consumable parts such as but not limited to light-bulbs, filtering elements, belts, hoses, lubricating and hydraulic oil, engine coolant and/or parts required to perform a regular maintenance service. 3. Tyres. 4. Attachments, components, parts or accessories of products or equipment not manufactured by Multihog Ltd. 5. Used products or equipment. LIMITED LIABILITY 1. Any and all other express, statutory, and implied warranties applicable to the product, including, without limitation, all implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for use, are expressly disclaimed. 2. In no event shall the dealer, its customers or users be entitled to recover incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, damages or inconvenience, rental or replacement equipment, loss of profits, or any other commercial loss. 3. Multihog neither assumes nor authorizes any other to assume for it any other liability in connection with the sale or service of the equipment. 4. No modifications, alterations, or changes to this limited warranty by an approved Multihog dealer are permitted or authorized. 5. No warranty claim will be honored unless a completed warranty registration card has been returned to Multihog Ltd within 14 days of delivery to the end-user. 6. No warranty will be honored unless it is submitted by a Multihog distributor, together with service order signed by the customer, within 30 days of the defect being corrected. One Machine - One Driver - Endless Applications CX 55 SPECIFICATION ‹ Engine: Kohler, 55 hp (1.9 litre) ‹ Emissions class: Tier 4 final ‹ Length: 3490 mm (137.4 in) ‹ Width: 1150 - 1560 mm (45 - 61.5 in) ‹ Height: 1980 - 2040 mm (78 - 80 in) ‹ Wheelbase: 1710 mm (67 in) ‹ Unladen weight: 1950 - 2300 kg (4299 - 5071 lb) ‹ Axle capacity, front: 2300 kg (5071 lb) ‹ Axle capacity, rear: 2500 kg (5512 lb) ‹ Gross vehicle weight: 3500 kg (7716 lb) ‹ Outer turning radius: 2663 - 2863 mm (105 - 113 in) ‹ Maximum speed: 40 km/h (25 mph) ‹ Load-sensing PTO hydraulics front & rear, with optional front mechanical PTO ‹ Hydraulic flow up to 100 litres (26.4 gal), operating pressure up to 220 bar (3190 psi) Your local authorised dealer is: Due to our policy of continuous improvement, reasonable alterations & changes to the specifications of our products may take place subsequent to the publication of this brochure & we reserve the right to make such changes without prior notice. © Multihog Limited 2018 CX 55 L / CX 75 SPECIFICATION ‹ Engine: Kohler, 55/75 hp (1.9/2.5 litre) ‹ Emissions class: Tier 4 final ‹ Length: 3680 mm (145 in) ‹ Width: 1150 - 1560 mm (45 - 61.5 in) ‹ Height: 1980 - 2040 mm (78 - 80 in) ‹ Wheelbase: 1900 mm (75 in) ‹ Unladen weight: 2200 - 2500 kg (4850 - 5512 lb) ‹ Axle capacity, front: 2500 kg (5,512 lb) ‹ Axle capacity, rear: 2500 kg (5,512 lb) ‹ Gross vehicle weight: 3500 - 4000 kg (7716 - 8818 lb) ‹ Outer turning radius: 2938 - 3134 mm (115 - 123 in) ‹ Maximum speed: 40 km/h (25 mph) ‹ Load-sensing PTO hydraulics front & rear, with optional front mechanical PTO ‹ Hydraulic flow up to 100 litres (26.4 gal), operating pressure up to 220 bar (3190 psi) Multihog Global Headquarters, Finnabair Business Park, Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland. info@multihog.com +353 42 9386738 www.multihog.com Features & Technical Specification CX RANGE CX RANGE THE FEATURES 1 2 3 4 5 6 Heavy duty tractor, ideal for snow clearing, grass mowing, sweeping, pressure washing and much more. 55 - 75 hp Kohler engine, meeting tier 4 final emissions standards without requiring a particle filter. Ergonomic joystick-controlled hydraulics for easy operation. Spring and damper suspension for smooth drive and ultimate operator comfort. Articulated body with compact width for easy operation on sidewalks and in narrow areas. EU type-approved tractor with gross vehicle weight of 3500 - 4000 kg (7716 - 8818 lb). POWER, COMFORT & INNOVATIVE DESIGN