HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 16, 2021Agenda Accessibility Advisory Committee June 16, 2021 7:00 pm Electronic Meeting Due to COVID-19 and the Premier’s Emergency Orders to limit gatherings and maintain physical distancing, the City of Pickering continues to hold electronic Council and Committee Meetings. Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by viewing the livestream. 1. Review and Approval of Agenda 2. Disclosure of Interest 3. Approval of Minutes 3.1 Minutes of May 19, 2021 See Page 1 4.1 Presentations/ Delegations 4.1 Ashley Creed, Parks Canada Re: Rouge National Urban Park – Beach front Project 4.2 Jeannette Campbell, The Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN) Re: Employment of People with Disabilities 4.3 Seana Haley Re: Request for an Accessible Playground in Pickering 5. New Business 5.1 Site Plans Review: Isabelle Janton • S 04/21-Highmark (Pickering) Inc. (1640 Kingston Rd. & 1964 Guild Rd.) • S 03/78(R21) Submission # 1 DWK Holdings Inc. (1735 Orangebrook Court) • S 10/83(R21) Submission # 1 DDSB - Bayview Heights Public School (1400 Garvolin Ave) 5.2 Accessible Playgrounds Arnold Mostert For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca Agenda Accessibility Advisory Committee June 16, 2021 7:00 pm Electronic Meeting 5.3 Esplanade Park Project Tanya Ryce 5.4 Pickering Museum Blacksmith Shop Project Ellen Tayles-Armstrong 5.5 Service and Support Animals Initiative (SSAI) David Wysocki/Tim Higgins 5.6 Awards Tim Higgins 6. Correspondence 7. Other Business & Updates 7.1 Member Updates 8. Next Meeting – September 15, 2021 9. Adjournment For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca Minutes/Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee May 19, 2021 Electronic Meeting 7:00 pm Attendees: Peter Bashaw Saima Fatima Dan Hughes Glenn Lang Anthony Lue Tammy Lyle-Gravlev Phyllis Milton Anna Taverna John McLellan, Ajax-Pickering B oard of Trade Arnold Mostert, Manager, Landscape & Parks Development Margaret Kish, Principal Planner, Policy Tim Higgins, Accessibility Coordinator (Staff Liaison) Rumali Perera, Committee Coordinator (Recording Secretary) Absent: Megan Thorpe Ross David Wysocki Guests: Jeannette Whynot, Accessibility Coordinator, Municipality of Clarington Peter Feldmann, Assets and Projects Manager, Parks Canada Larry Noonan, Altona Forest Tara Joy Knibbe, Director, Research, Abilities Centre Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Review and Approval of Agenda T. Higgins reviewed the agenda items. Agenda approved. 2. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 3. Review and Approval of Minutes - April 21, 2021 Moved by D. Hughes Seconded by A. Lue Page 1 of 6 - 1 - Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) That the Minutes of the April 21, 2021 meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 4. Presentations/ Delegations 4.1 Jeannette Whynot, Accessibility Coordinator Municipality of Clarington Re: Enhancing Accessibility by Installing Mobile Device Charging Stations at Local Trails Jeannette Whynot, Accessibility Coordinator, Municipality of Clarington, joined the meeting via audio connection and presented the Committee with a PDF presentation regarding the installation of Mobile Device Charging Stations at Local Trails. She noted that the goal was to install up to eight accessible charging stations for mobility devices (motorized wheelchairs, scooters) in local parks and along paths and trails in Clarington to provide the opportunity for individuals to charge their mobility devices while outside accessing parks and public spaces. She discussed the design, site locations, and, signage. 4.2 Peter Feldmann, Assets and Projects Manager, Parks Canada Re: Enhancing Accessibility by Installing Mobile Device Charging Stations at Local Trails Peter Feldmann, Assets and Projects Manager, Parks Canada, joined the meeting via audio connection to present questions regarding t he Mobile Device Charging Stations Initiative by Clarington. Discussion ensued between Mr. Feldmann and Ms. Whynot, regarding: • outlet specifications for the C harging Stations; • whether the charging stations had been installed yet; and, • the average capacity of the charging station. Page 2 of 6 - 2 - Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 4.3 Larry Noonan, Altona Forest Re: Mobile Charging Stations in Park Trails Larry Noonan, Altona Forest, joined the meeting v ia audio connection to discuss Charging Stations in Park Trails. Mr. Noonan noted that he works for Altona Forest and volunteers for Rouge National Park. Mr. Noonan discussed concerns regarding possible vandalism to these charging stations and noted that the charging stations should be placed in high traffic areas to avoid vandalism. A discussion ensued between Committee Members regarding: • the distance between the e ach charging station; • the timeline for the stations to be placed in the parks; and, the possibility of providing charging pads in bulk at maps or signage areas. 4.4 Tara Joy Knibbe, Director Research Abilities Centre Re: National Disability Survey Tara Joy Knibbe, Director, Research, Abilities Centre, joined the meeting via audio connected and delivered a PowerPoint presentation regarding the National Disability Survey. She provided an introduction of the Abilities Centre and the Canadian Disability Participation Project. She discussed the c ore components of the Access Project, the National COVID-19 Disability Survey, and the results of the survey pertaining to demographics, main stressors, needs and unmet needs, general health, Social Isolation & Physical Activity, and the COVID-19 Vaccine. She concluded her delegation by outlining the next steps of the project. 5. New Business 5.1 Enhancing Accessibility by Installing Mobile Device Charging Stations at Local Trails Page 3 of 6 - 3 - Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Arnold Mostert, Manager, Landscape & Parks Development, noted that the City would be installing Mobile Device Charging Stations and would be conducting further research on the matter. Mr. Mostert discussed wiring specifications that would be used and noted that these stations would be part of the Beachfront Park Study. Mr. Mostert noted that the locations for the stations could be promoted through the City’s website. Discussion ensued b etween Committee Members regarding: • Jackery portable power stations; • whether research had been conducted in regards to thinking outside the box and possible damage and safety concerns with placing the charging stations near water; and, • the convenience of providing charging pads in bulk and accessing grants and programs to cover the associated costs. 5.2 National Disability Survey T. Higgins surveyed members for comments regarding the National Disability Survey and building the Five Year Accessibility Plan. Discussion ensued regarding: • the high costs of accessible devices; • the importance of recreation and the COVID- 19 pandemic presenting new innovative opportunities; • incorporating accessible recreation programs; • possible ways to incorporate equipment lending and whether the Abilities Centre offer equipment lending; • communicating accessible program opportunities to families and supporting the families as a whole and incorporating the families to these programs; • offering online programs; and, • online programs at times not being feasible for individuals with Autism. Page 4 of 6 - 4 - Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 5.3 Pickering Housing Strategy Staff Delegation: Margaret Kish, Principal Planner, Policy City of Pickering Margaret Kish, Principal Planner, Policy, provided an update on the Phase 2 of the City’s Housing Strategy Study. She discussed the three phases of the project and noted that it is now in the second phase. Ms. Kish provided information on the housing gaps that were identified in the first phase and noted that the tools identified in the draft housing strategy and action plan included planning policy, financial incentives, partnership, education, advocacy, and other actions. She concluded her delegation by outlining the next steps of the strategy. A question and answer period ensued between the Committee Members and Margaret Kish, regarding: • updating the AAC on the components of the accessibility and affordability section requirements in the application prior to launching the strategy; • increasing the City’s standards for accessibility and affordability; • concrete actions to encourage developers to pursue accessibility and affordability; and, • housing being a complex issue and concerns regarding the parties involved. 5.4 2020 Year End Report and 2021 Proposed Work Plan. T. Higgins surveyed members for additional comments to the 2020 Year End Report and 2021 Proposed Work Plan. Moved by G. Lang Seconded by P. Bashaw That the 2020 Year End Report and 2021 Proposed Work Plan be approved and forwarded to Council’s consideration at the May 25, 2021 Council Meeting. Carried Page 5 of 6 - 5 - Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Discussion ensued regarding delegating at the May 25, 2021 Council meeting on the 2020 Year End Report and 2021 Proposed Work Plan. 5.5 Service & Support Animals Initiative (SSAI) - Update This Item was deferred to the June 16, 2021 AAC Meeting. 5.6 The Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN) This Item was deferred to the June 16, 2021 AAC Meeting. 5.7 Awards This Item was deferred to the June 16, 2021 AAC Meeting. 6. Correspondence 7. Other Business & Updates 7.1 Member Updates There were no updates from Committee Members. 8. Next Meeting – June 16, 2021 9. Adjournment The meeting adj ourned at 9:12 pm. Page 6 of 6 - 6 -