HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 18, 2021 Agenda Cultural Advisory Committee -draft May 18, 2021 7:00 pm Electronic Meeting Due to COVID-19 and the Premier’s Emergency Orders to limit gatherings and maintain physical distancing, the City of Pickering continues to hold electronic Council and Committee Meetings. Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by accessing the livestream. 1.Welcome & Call to Order J. St. Amant 2.Disclosure of Interest J. St. Amant 3.Approval of Agenda and Previous Minutes J. St. Amant Attachment 1: April 20, 2021 4.Delegations 5.Work Plan Review and Recommended Actions T. Ryce Committee Members are asked to review the attached CAC work plan, and the Cultural Plan – Strategic Directions and proposed actions. Committee Members are asked to present projects, programs, best practice municipal examples to align with goals and objectives for inclusion in the 2021 CAC action plan. Members wishing to present to the Committee must provide their presentation/links to the Clerk no later than noon on May 17 for the items to be displayed during the meeting. 6.Pickering Museum Village Update L. Gibbs 7.Other Business All For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator T: 905.420.4611 Email: clerks@pickering.ca T. Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services L. Gibbs, Supervisor, Museum Services E. Tayles, Conservator J. Currie, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder E. Forde, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder N. Holland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Moscote Freire, Cultural Advisory Committee Member C. Sabean, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder J. Sabean, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder A. Sardar, Cultural Advisory Committee Member D. Poole, Clerk-Typist (Recording Secretary) Absent: C. Cooper, Cultural Advisory Committee Member M. Francis, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder B. Sopher, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder V. Raees, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # Refer to Item 3 of the Agenda Draft Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee Tuesday, April 20, 2021 7:00 pm Electronic Meeting – Webex Platform Attendees: J. St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome and Disclosure of Interest T. Ryce welcomed everyone in attendance and called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. T. Ryce reviewed City Policy ADM 040, Section 14. No disclosure of interest was brought forward by any of the committee members. 2. Approval of Agenda and Previous of Minutes The committee reviewed the agenda and the minutes from the meetings held on Tuesday, February 16th , 2021 and Wednesday, February 24th , 2021. It was the consensus of the committee to approve the agenda and adopt the minutes as received. Page 1 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3. Pickering Museum Village Update L. Gibbs provided updates on the award of several grants, programs and projects:  $25,000 digital capacity top up grant from the Province for Wi-Fi, security cameras as well as virtual and audio programs.  $30,000 from the government of Canada to hire a Collections Officer to manage the move of three onsite collections.  $44,400 grant from the Province for the Blacksmith shop exhibit.  $16,000 from Central Counties Tourism for COVID recovery and to update the wayfinding signage.  $100,400 from the digital museum of Canada to embark on a design challenge with blacksmiths from 1822 – 2022 in the immersive STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) experience that explores the 200 year evolution of blacksmithing in Ontario. This project will be in partnership with the Fleming College Blacksmith artist program, Grey Roots museum and archives, Fanshawe Pioneer Village, Westfield Heritage museum and Lang Pioneer Village.  Virtual programming is being offered during the current lockdown, attendance is steadily improving.  Contingency planning has commenced on the drive-thru programs scheduled for June.  Staff have begun planning for the rehabilitation of the log barn as well as a travelling exhibit that aligns with the virtual blacksmith project.  Museum and Culture staff have applied for a grant to create an outdoor amphitheater and kinetic public art in the Millpond Meadow that would link with the salmon that run through Duffins Creek. Page 2 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate)  An application has been submitted for funding for tourism recovery and planning, which will include eight local partners. E. Tayles conducted a presentation on the proposed Blacksmith shop exhibit, which is scheduled to open in 2022. The presentation focused on the theme of the building, design features and changes. At the conclusion of the presentation a question and answer period occurred. E. Tayles requested that the committee members submit any additional questions to her at museum@pickering.ca in response to the questionnaire that was provided in advance of the meeting. Committee members to provide answers to the questions posed in the blacksmith shop presentation to museum@pickering.ca 4. Work Plan 2021 and 2020 Report T. Ryce reviewed the 2020 work plan and provided an update on the actions taken to date by staff and the committee as well as the planned actions going forward. T. Ryce advised that staff are proposing the following actions for the 2021 work plan:  Develop an action plan to initiate the recommendations related to Diversity within the cultural plan; Continue the work of the Indigenous relationship building action plan;  contribute to the work of the public art program and plan;  act as a stakeholder for the City’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategy;  act as a stakeholder for upcoming Community Engagement Initiatives regarding public art, development and planning;  support the development of the public art program and plan;  contribute feedback and ideas to Cultural planning; Page 3 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate)  connect community partners and organizations with the City related to cultural programs and initiatives;  provide feedback to staff on the development of entrepreneurial and economic developments initiatives related to culture;  provide feedback on existing programs through annual reports;  contribute comment and feedback to initiatives brought forward by the library and museum;  advocate for the reintroduction of virtual community networking sessions. No additional comments or recommendations were received in relation to the action plan therefore staff will draft a final version and provide it to the committee for review and comment. A motion was put forward to revise the Terms of Reference and request that stakeholder members be included as appointees and voting members of the Cultural Advisory Committee prior to the next term of Council. Moved by A. Moscote Freire Seconded by N. Holland That a request be put forth prior to the end of this term of the committee that an update to the Terms of Reference include the community stakeholders as appointees and request Council to appoint the stakeholders as appointees to the Cultural Advisory Committee. Carried. T. Ryce noted that moving forward a copy of the draft minutes, along with a call for agenda items, will be distributed within one week following each meeting. Agenda items and comments are due within one week of the meeting, as well the final agenda and attachments will be provided one week in advance of the next meeting. T. Ryce to review with the Clerks Department. Page 4 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 5. Sub-Committee Representation at Council T. Ryce advised that once the work plan and achievements are completed there will be a presentation and report to Council. It was requested that a member from each sub-committee attend the Council meeting on May 25th at 7:00 pm to present as a delegation. J. Currie, on behalf of the Indigenous Relationship Building Circle; J. Sabean on behalf of the Public Art sub-committee; and N. Holland on behalf of the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Preparatory sub-committee agreed to appear as delegates. T. Ryce to submit a delegation request. 6. City Centre Project Review T. Ryce provided an overview of the City Centre project. Discussion ensued pertaining to community engagement opportunities around the new spaces. Suggestions brought forward included:  Opportunities for various age groups to interact easily at the Youth and Seniors Centre.  Having a space for mindfulness and mental health.  Putting in a labyrinth.  Having a service level kitchen for events with easy access from the exterior of the facility within the Performing Arts Centre.  Capability to hook up to video screens internally and externally to conduct presentations.  Consulting performers during the design stage of the Performing Arts Centre to take into consideration their needs.  Placing a mural in one of the lobby’s that depicts Pickering’s history.  Putting together a virtual tour of the facilities prior to construction.  Looking at the Living Arts Centre in Mississauga to gain inspiration for the piazza. Page 5 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate)  Having interactive outdoor lighting.  Having an outdoor water/game play area. 7. Other Business No other business was conducted resulting in the adjournment of the meeting at 9:00 pm. Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: (Acting) Director, Community Services City Clerk Page 6 of 6