HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 21, 2021For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator T: 905.420.4611 Email: clerks@pickering.ca Agenda Accessibility Advisory Committee April 21, 2021 7:00 pm Electronic Meeting Due to COVID-19 and the Premier’s Emergency Orders to limit gatherings and maintain physical distancing, the City of Pickering continues to hold electronic Council and Committee Meetings. Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by accessing the livestream. 1.Welcome & Introductions Tim Higgins 2.Review and Approval of Agenda All 3.Disclosure of Interest All 4.Review and Approval of Minutes -March 17, 2021 All 5.New Business 5.1 Site Plan Review Application for Site Plan Approval S03/21, R & K Pahal, Carousel Drive 5.2 Site Plan Review Application for Site Plan Approval S03/87 (R21) - Joriki Holdings Inc. 885 Sandy Beach Road 5.3 Capital Budget – Accessibility 5.4 Five-Year Accessibility Plan 2021-2025 5.5 Annual AAC Report to Council 5.6 Awards Isabelle Janton Isabelle Janton Scott Booker Tim Higgins Tim Higgins Tim Higgins Revised Agenda May 13, 2020 Accessibility Advisory Committee Page 2 of 2 For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator T: 905.420.4611 Email: clerks@pickering.ca 6. Other Business & Updates 6.1 Member Updates All 7. Adjournment Refer to Item 4 of the Agenda Minutes/Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee March 17, 2021 Electronic Meeting 7:00 pm Attendees: Peter Bashaw Saima Fatima Dan Hughes Glenn Lang Megan Thorpe Ross John McLellan, Ajax-Pickering B oard of Trade Tim Higgins, Staff Representative Rumali Perera, Recording Secretary Absent: Anthony Lue David Wysocki Guests: Margaret Kish, Principal Planner, Policy, City of Pickering Margaret Parkhill, IBI Group Sue Wilkinson Sinead Zalitach Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Introductions T. Higgins welcomed members and guests to the electronic Committee meeting. 2. Review and Approval of Agenda T. Higgins reviewed the agenda items. Agenda approved. 3. Disclosure of Interest G. Lang advised that he may have a potential conflict of interest pertaining to Agenda Item 5.1 as he works for the Regional Municipality of York. G. Lang noted that should he feel that there is a conflict of interest, he would excuse himself from the discussion pertaining to Agenda Item 5.1. 4. Review and Approval of Minutes Page 1 of 6 - 1 - Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) - February 17, 2021 Moved by D. Hughes Seconded by P. Bashaw That the Minutes of the February 17, 2021 meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 5. Presentations/Delegations 5.1 Margaret Parkhill, IBI Group Re: Durham-Scarborough Bus Rapid Transit Project M. Parkhill joined the electronic meeting via audio connection to provide information on the Durham Scarborough Bus Rapid Transit project, and to present the preferred design in the City of Pickering and the ac cessibility components of the project. Through the aid of a PDF presentation, Ms. Parkhill discussed key objectives, project benefits, public input to date, and preliminary designs of the project. Ms. Parkhill noted that the project would improve connectivity, r emove existing g aps in the active transportation network, and upgrade the sidewalks and cycling facilities to meet AODA standards. Ms. Parkhill concluded her delegation by providing an overview of the next steps of the project. A question and answer period ensued between Members of the Committee, Tim Higgins, and Margaret Parkhill, regarding: • whether a two stage crossing would be provided to mitigate the increased distance to intersection crossings; • whether the bus stations would be equipped with accessible features such as audible and visible cues; • employing individuals with disabilities to work in the operational activities of the project; • the effect to small businesses during the construction period of the project and whether there would be funds allocated to support small businesses; Page 2 of 6 - 2 - Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) • whether there would be connectivity provided between bus routes and GO bus stations and ensuring that such connectivity is given priority; • ensuring that sidewalks are provided on the project routes; • the project implementation date and ensuring that the Committee continue discussions regarding i nterim measures for transit connectivity between regions until the project is implemented; and, • how the project would interface with the specialized transit system in Durham and ensuring this interface is simplified as much as possible. 5.2 Margaret Kish, Principal Planner, Policy City of Pickering Re: City of Pickering Housing Strategy M. Kish joined the electronic meeting to provide an overview of the Pickering Housing Strategy Study. Ms. Kish discussed the background of the Study, noting that Council had directed Staff to undertake a Housing Strategy through Report PLN 05-20. She further outlined the purpose and the objectives of the Study, and provided an overview of the three phases of the Study noting that the Study was currently in its first phase. Ms. Kish discussed the housing continuum, adding that affordable housing means annual housing costs (rent or mortgage payments) that do not exceed 30 percent of Gross household income. Ms. Kish also discussed the Federal, Provincial, and Regional Government roles in housing, and highlighted a number of key findings to date from the Study. Ms. Kish concluded her delegation by discussing the next steps of the Study and added that members could email their comments regarding the Study directly to her. Sue Wilkinson, a former member of the Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee, joined the meeting via audio connection and noted that she had provided her comments via email to Margaret Kish. Ms. Wilkinson discussed concerns regarding stacked Page 3 of 6 - 3 - Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) housing, noting that stacked housing was not accessible. T. Higgins noted that much o f the s ite plans that are considered by the Committee are presented to the Committee with limited consideration of accessibility. He further added that it was important to ensure that a mix of housing was available for the ageing population in Pickering. A discussion period ensued between Members of the Committee and Margaret Kish regarding: • concern regarding combining affordable housing and accessible housing together, and ensuring that these issues are considered separately to an extent to avoid building segregated communities; • the senior population relocating from Pickering due to the lack of affordable and accessible housing in the City; • the City exploring the concept of prefab housing for those who may fit an affordable housing criteria; • ensuring that the Study creates specific goals for affordable housing and specific goals for accessible housing in an effort to separate the two issues to an extent; • ensuring that the Committee Members are included as stakeholders during the circulation of the Draft Strategy and Action Plan; • the Strategy also considering other factors such as proximity to jobs, transportation, hospitals, and other necessary services; • looking beyond the ten year horizon of the Strategy as there may be legislative changes that could impact the Strategy; • deficiencies with respect to the Ontario’s Building Code pertaining to accessibility requirements for residential accommodation; T. Higgins to review David • the findings of David Onley’s Report regarding Onley’s Report and highlight the independent review of the implementation comments pertaining to and enforcement of the Accessibility for people with disabilities and Ontarians with Disabilities Act; residential and commercial • accommodation, and how specific standards regarding accessible design as outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Page 4 of 6 - 4 - Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Act (ADA) and useful information being found individuals generate income regarding accessible design through the ADA, to afford living in Pickering. and the H uman Rights Tribunal, as opposed to the AODA; D. Hughes to provide additional information T. Higgins suggested that Margaret Kish also reach regarding ADA standards out to John McLellan, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade, pertaining to accessible to receive his input on the subject matter. design. Discussion ensued r egarding the Metrolinx Accessibility Advisory Committee and the process undertaken by the Committee to assess accessibility of infrastructure. 6. New Business T. Higgins along with Sinead Zalitach provided the Committee with an update on the Service and Support Animal Initiative and added that the Post Innovation Lab Consultation was ongoing and that the next phase of the project included t he writing of the Monograph. T. Higgins further added that the Taskforce was working towards launching the findings of the Initiative during National Accessibility Awareness Week at the end of May. 7. Other Business & Updates 7.1 Member Updates P. Bashaw noted that he was engaged in discussions pertaining to the Rouge National Urban Park and the new Welcome Centre, and that the Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee was included in the list of stakeholders for the project. T. Higgins provided the Committee with an update on the three vacancies in the Committee. R. Perera advised that the Committee appointments would be done through Council resolution at the March 22, 2021 Council meeting. T. Higgins provided a further update on the Service and Support Animal Initiative noting that they are currently in the process of amending the Transfer Payment Agreement with the Province to extend Page 5 of 6 - 5 - Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) project funding beyond the Ministry’s March 31st year end. T. Higgins advised that he was putting together an award nomination for John McLellan for the David Onley Award. The Committee Members noted their support for the nomination. T. Higgins advised members that he was working on the Five Y ear Accessibility Plan and the 2020 Year End Report and the 2021 Proposed Work Plan. R. Perera added that the Report should be submitted to the Clerk’s Office by May 14, 2021 to be included in the May 25, 2021 Council Meeting Agenda. Due to lack of quorum, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm. Informal discussion ensued however, no decisions of the Committee were made. Meeting Adjourned: 8:50 pm Page 6 of 6 - 6 -