HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 15-21Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 15-21 Date: April 6, 2021 From: Brian Duffield (Acting) Director, Community Services Subject: Emix Ltd. -Lease Amendment Agreement -File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1.That Report CS 15-21 respecting the City of Pickering’s Lease Amendment Agreement with Emix Ltd. at 1101 Kingston Road, Suite 280, Pickering, be received; 2.That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Lease Amendment Agreement with Emix Ltd. set out in Attachment 1 to this Report, subject to minor revisions as may be required by the Director, Community Services and the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor; and, 3.That the appropriate City officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The City of Pickering has an existing Lease Agreement with Emix Ltd. from January 1, 2016 to June 30, 2021 for the use of the commercial office space located at 1101 Kingston Road, Suite 280. The Lease Agreement is for a five year and six month term with the option for two additional renewal terms of five years (Attachment 2). Culture & Recreation staff have been occupying the space since July 1, 2016. The Community Services Department recommends to renew the Lease Agreement for a five year term beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2026, as per the conditions set out in the Lease Amendment Agreement included as Attachment 1. Financial Implications: As per the attached Lease Amendment Agreement, the lease at 1101 Kingston Road, Suite 280 is based on 2,853 of rentable square feet. The recommended lease renewal would obligate the City to pay rent at a rate of $72,815.00 per year ($6,067.91 per month), plus HST, for the five year term. The yearly basic rental rate will increase at $0.30 per square foot for the five year term of the Lease. Discussion: As per Council Resolution #117/15, the City of Pickering entered into a Lease Agreement with Emix Ltd. for the use of commercial office space located at 1101 Kingston Road, Suite 280 for a five year and six month term, with the option for two additional renewal terms of five years. The commercial office space is 2,853 square feet of rentable office space on -Cd:fof- p](KERJNG CS 15-21 April 6, 2021 Subject: Emix Ltd. Lease Amendment Agreement Page 2 the 2nd floor of a commercial office tower and features 7 enclosed offices, open space for multiple workstations, meeting room, reception area, photocopy area, kitchenette and storage room. Culture & Recreation staff have been occupying the space since July 1, 2016. The current Lease Agreement is set to expire on June 30, 2021. The Culture & Recreation staff located at 1101 Kingston Road may be relocated to offices within City Hall, subject to the timelines of the City Centre project. To better accommodate this eventuality staff negotiated a favorable term for a five year extension including a six month termination provision, starting on December 31, 2022. Staff therefore recommend that Council approve the extension of the Lease Agreement to accommodate the City’s need for space. The Community Services Department recommends that the Lease Amendment Agreement included as Attachment 1 to this Report be initiated for a five year term beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2026. Attachments: 1.Draft Lease Amendment Agreement 2.Emix Ltd. Lease Agreement dated January 1, 2016 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Brian Duffield Paul Bigioni (Acting) Director, Community Services Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor BD:as Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: LEASE AMENDMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN: EMIX LTD. (the “Landlord”) -and - THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING (the “Tenant”) WHEREAS the Landlord and the Tenant entered into a lease dated January 1, 2016 (the “Lease”) for 2,853 square feet of space known as suite 280 on the second floor of the building municipally known as 1101 Kingston Rd. Pickering, Ontario (the “Building”) and as more particularly described in the Lease; AND WHEREAS the parties hereto have agreed to extend the Lease for a period of Five (5) years pursuant to the terms hereof; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the exchange of two dollars ($2.00), and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. The parties hereto agree that the Lease shall be extended for a period of Five (5) years such that the Tenant shall have and hold the Premises for and during a term to be computed from and inclusive of July 1, 2021 and ending on June 30, 2026 (hereinafter the “Extended Term”). 2. During the Extended Term, the Tenant shall pay to the Landlord at the address designated by the Landlord, in lawful money of Canada, and without deduction, abatement, set-off or prior demand therefore, rent for the premises as follows: Year of Term Price per Sq. Ft. of Rentable Area per Annum Yearly Basic Rent Monthly Basic Rent July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 $12.00 $34,236.00 $2,853.00 July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 $12.30 $35,091.90 $2,924.33 July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 $12.60 $35,947.80 $2,995.65 July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 $12.90 $36,803.70 $3,066.98 July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026 $13.20 $37,659.60 $3,138.30 3. The Tenant shall pay applicable Goods and Services Tax ("GST") and /or Harmonized Sales Tax (“HST”). 4.For greater certainty and clarification, the Tenant acknowledges and agrees that with respect to the Extended Term, the Landlord shall have no obligation to pay to the Tenant any allowance or inducement, or do or perform any work in, on or to the Premises. Attachment #1 to Report CS 15-21 5.The Address for Service of Notice on landlord shall include: Emix Ltd. 164 Bentworth Avenue, Unit A Toronto, Ontario, M6A 1P7 Attention: Christian Hepfer with a copy to: chepfer@emixprop.com; pmccluskey@emixprop.com; leasing@emixprop.com 6.The Tenant shall have a right to terminate the Lease on December 31, 2022 or any time between January 1, 2023 and June 30, 2026 for any reason, providing that the Tenant submits to the Landlord, written notice to such effect at least Six (6) months prior to the date of termination. If the Tenant so terminates this Lease, it shall, deliver to the Landlord vacant possession of the Premises in accordance with terms and conditions of the Lease. 7.In the event of a conflict between the terms of the Lease and the terms of this agreement, the terms of this agreement shall prevail. Except as specifically provided herein, all other terms, conditions and provisos of the Lease as amended shall remain the same and unchanged. 8.Unless otherwise defined, the capitalized terms herein shall have the same meaning as in the Lease. 9.The recitals at the head of this agreement are true and accurate and form a part hereof. 10.This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, and each of such counterparts shall constitute an original of this agreement and all such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same agreement. This agreement or counterparts hereof may be executed and delivered by fax or email, and the parties adopt any signatures provided or received by fax or email as original signatures of the applicable party or parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have duly executed these presents as of the ____ day of February, 2021. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED In the presence of: EMIX LTD. Per: _______________________ Christian Hepfer, President THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING Per: _______________________ David Ryan, Mayor Per: _______________________ Name: Susan Cassel City Clerk Attachment #2 to Report CS 15-21 Project: Premises: EMJXLTD. -and- E.\1JX OFFICE MULTIPLE OCCUPANCY LANDLORD THE CORPORATIO:S OF THE CITY OF PICKERING LEASE 1101 Kingston Road, Pickering Currently known as Suite 280 TENANT TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE L ..................................................................................................................................... 1 l . LEASE SUMMARY ........................................ : .................................................................. 1 1.1 Lease Surnmary .............................. : .................................................................................... .l ARTICLE II ............. · .................................................................................. · ........................ ··········.3 2. DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................... .3 ARTICLE ill ................................................................................................................................... 9 3. Thi"TENT OF LEASE ............................................................................................................ 9 3.1 NetLease ...................................... · ....................................................................................... 9 ARTICLE IV ................................................................................................................................. 9 4. LEASE OF PREMISES ....................................................................................................... 9 4.1 Premises ............................................................................................................................... 9 4.2 Term ................................................................................................................................... 9 4 .3 Use Prior to Co=encement Date .................................................................................... 10 4 .4 Acceptance of Premises ..................................................................................................... 1 O 4.5 Licence to Use ConnnonFacilities .................................................................................... 11 4.6 Quiet Enjoyment ................................................................................................................ 11 · ARTICLE V ................................................................................................................................... 11 5. RENT ................................. : .............................................................................................. 11 5.1 Tenant to Pay ............................................................................................. , ....................... 11 S .2 Basic Rent ................................. • ....................................................................................... 11 5.3 Additional Rent ................................... : .............................................................................. 12 5.4 Deemed Rent and Allocation ............................................................................................. 12 Monthly Payments of Additional Rent .............................................................................. 12 5.6 PartialMonthsRent ........................................................................................................... 13 ARTICLE VI .................................................................................................................................. 13 6. TAXES ............................................................................................................................... 13 6.1 Taxes Payable by Tenant ................................................................................................... 13 6.2 Determination of Tenant's Taxes ......... , ..... , .. cc ...... , •• , •• , ........................... , .......................... 13 · 6.3 Eusiness Taxes and Sales Taxes ........................................................................................ 14 6.4 Tax Bills and Assessment Notices ..................................................................................... 14 6.5 Contest ofRealty Taxes ..................................................................................................... 14 ARTICLE VIl ................................................................................................................................ 15 7. OPERATIONOFPROJECT ............................................................................................. 15 7.1 Operation of Project by Landlord ............................................................... , ...................... 15 7.2 Tenant's Payment of Operating Costs ................................................................................ 15 7 .3 Adjustments to Operating Costs ........................................................................................ 15 7.4 Security (Office only) ......................................................................................................... 15 ARTICLE VIlI ............................................................................................................................... 16 8. USE OF PREMISES .......................................................................................................... 16 8.1 Use ofPremises .................................................................................................................. 16 8.2 Tenantjs Fixtures ·········••u••··························-······•·H••·························· .. ··•·········· ........ M .....•. 11 ii 8.3 Signs .................................................................................................................................. 17 8.4 WasteRemoval .................................................................................................................. 17 8.5 Pest Control ........................................................................................................................ 17 8.6 Waste and Nuisance ........................................................................................................... 18 8.7 Compliance with Laws ....................................................................................................... 19 8.8 Deliveries ........................... ; .............................................................................................. 19 8.9 Wmdow Coverings ............................................................................................................ 19 ARTICLE IX .................................................................................................................................. 19 9. . SERVICES ~'-11) UTILITIES ............................................................................................ 19 9.1 Utilities .............................................................................................................................. 19 9.2 Landlord's Services ..................... , .......................................................................... ; ........... 20 9.3 Non-Liability oflandlord ............ , ..................................................................................... 20 9.4 Landlord's Suspension of Utilities ..................................................................................... 20 9.5 Landlord's Services ............................................................................................................ 21 9 .6 Landlord's Charges for Services ......................................................................................... 21 ARTICLE X ................................................................................................................................... 21 10: MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ...................................................... 21 10.1 Maintenance and Repairs of Premises ............................................................................... 21 10.2 Approval ofRepairs and Alterations ................................................................................ .21 10.3 Repair According to Landlord's Notice .............................................................................. 23 10.4 Notice byTenant. ............................................................................................................... 23 10.5 Ownership of Leasehold Improvements .................................................................. ~ ......... 23 10.6 ConstructionLiens ............................................................................................................ .23 10. 7 Landlord's Repairs ............................................................................................................. .24 ARTICLE XL ............................................................................................................................... 24 11. END OF TERM ...................... , .......................................................................................... 24 11.1 VacatingofPossession ...................................................................................................... 24 11.2 Removal of Trade Fixtures ............................................................................................... .24 11.3 Removal of Leasehold Improvements ........................................ : ........ : ............................. 24 11.4 Overholdiug by Tenant ...................................................................................................... 25 ARTICLE XlI ..................................................................................... : ......................................... .25 .1:2. DAMAGEAND.DESTRUCTION ............................................................................. .,"'···25 12.1 Insured Damage to Premises ............................................................................................. .25 12.2 Uninsured Damage and Last Two Years ........................................................................... 26 12.3 Damage to Project ............................................................................................................... 27 12.4 Restoration of Premises or Project. .................................................................................... 27 12.5 Determination ofMatters .................................................................................................. .27 ARTICLE Xlil .............................................................................................................................. .27 13. JNSURA""1CE Ai"'l"D INDEMNITY ........ , ................................. ,. ............ : .......................... 27 13.1 Landlord's Insurance ........... : ............................................................................................. 27 13.2 Tenant's Effect On Other Insurance ................................................................................... 28 13.3 Tenant's Insurance .............................................................................................................. 28 13.4 Landlord's Right to Place Tenant's Insurance ................................................................... .30 13.5 . Landlord's Non-Liability .................................................................................................... 30 13.6 lndemnityofLandlord .......................................................................................... : ..... : ...... 31 iii 13. 7 Landlord's Employees and Agent$ .................................................................................... .31 ARTICLE XIV ............................................................................................................................... 31 14. ASSIGNMENT, SUBLETTING AND CHANGE OF CONTROL ................................. .31 14 .1 Consent Required ............................................................ : .................................................. 31 14.2 Obtaining Consent ........................................................................................ ,. ................... .32 14.3 Landlord's Option .............................................................................................................. .32 14.4 Terms ofConsent ............. : ................................................................................................ .33 14.5 Effect of Transfer .............................................................................................................. .33 14.6 No Advertising ofPremi.ses ............................................................................................... 34 14.7 Mortgage ofLease ............................................................................................................. .34. 14.8 Corporate Tenant .............................................................................................................. .34 14.9 Assignment by Landlord ................................................................................................... .34 ARTICLE XV ............................................................................................................................... .34 15. STATUS A.'ND SUBORDINATION OF LEASE ............................................................. .34 15.1 Status Statement.. ................................................................................................... : .......... .34 15.2 Subordination andAttornment .......................................................................................... .35 15 .3 Tenant's Failure to Comply ............................................................................................... .35 15.4 Registration ........................................................................................................................ 35 ARTICLE XVI .............................................................................................. · .............................. .35 16. . DEFAULT AND REMEDIES ....................... , .................................................................. .35 16.1 Default and Remedies ....................................................................................................... .35 16.2 Interest ................................................ · .......................................................................... 37 16.3 Coots ...................................................................................... _ ........................................... .37 • 16.4 Distress and Tenant's Property ........................................................................................... 38 16.5 Security Deposit ................................................................................................................ .38 16.6 Remedies to Subsist .......................................................................................................... .39 16.7 Impossibility of Performance ............................................... , ............................................ .39 ARTICLE XVII ............................................................................................................................. ,9 17. CONTROL OF PROJECT ........................................................................... · ..................... .39 17.1 Landlord's Control ....................................................................... , ..................................... 39 17.2 Alterations oftheProject ...................................................... , ........................................... .40 .17.3 .. CQJ:®1011 Fa&.ilitfosand Parking ....................... : ................................................................. 40- 17.4 Rules and Regulations ..................................................................................... : .................. 41 17.5 Access to Premises ............................................................................................................ .41 17.6 Expropriation ......... · ........................................................................................................... 41 17. 7 If the whole or any part of the Project shall be expropriated ........................................... ..42 17.8 Landlord's Consent.. ........................................................................................................... 42 17.9 Telecommunications Carrier's Access ............................................................................. ..42 17.10 Wireless Frequencies ..................................................................................................... 43 .ARTICLE XVIlI ............................. : .............................................................................................. 44 rn. :MISCELLANEOUS .......................................................................................................... 44 18.1 Notices ............................................................................................................................... 44 18.2 Complete Agreement ......................................................................................................... 44 18 .3 Time of the Essence ........................................................................................................... 44 18.4 Applicable Law .................................................................................................................. 44 1V 18.5 Severability ............................................................................. · ....... : ............................ 44 18.6 Section Numbers and Headings .................... : ................................................................... .45 18. 7 Interpretation....................................................................................................................45 18.8 Successors ............................................................................. : ........................................... .45 ARTICLE XIX .............................................................................................................................. .45 19. INDEMNITY ....................................................................................................... : ............. 45 Schedules Schedule A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PRE1:ITSES Schedule B OUTI,INE PLAN OF PREMISES Schedule C LANDLORD'S WORK Schedule·D ROLES A.ND REGULATIONS Schedule E OPTION TO Ra"EW THIS LEASE dated the 1st day of January, 2016 BETWEEN: EMIXLID. (hereinafter called "Landlord") -and- , EMIX OFFICE MULTIPLE OCCUPANCY OF TIIB FIRST PART THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING (hereinafter called "Tenant'~ OF TIIB SECOND PART ARTICLE! 1. LEASE SL"MMARY LI Lease Summary The following is a summary of some of the basic terms of this Lease, which are elaborated upon i.n the balance of this Lease. ( a) Premises: The suite currently known as Suite 280 on the 2nd floor of the building municipally know as 1101 Kingston Road, Pickering and as shown outlined on Schedule "'B" attached hereto; (b) Term: Five (5) years and Six (6) months; (c) Commencement Date: ( d) Expiry Date: (e) Basic Rent' Year of Term January I, 2016 June 30, 2021 Price per sq.ft. of the Rentable Area of the Leased : Premises per \ annum{$) Januarv 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 ! $10.00 Julv 1, 2017-June 30, 2018 • $10.50 July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019 $11.00 , July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020 $11.50 July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021 Sl2.00 Yearly Basic J Monthly Rent($) : Basic Rent ($) ! $28,530.00 $2,377.50 $29.956.50 $2,496.38 i $31,383.00 $2,615.25 I $32,809.50 $2,734.13 j $34,236.00 $2,853.00 2 (f) Rentable A.rea of Premises: approximately 2,853 square feet; (g) Deposits: (i) . Prepaid Rent to be paid by certified cheque to Landlord on or before execution and delivery of this Lease (to be held without interest and applied on account of the first months' Basic Rent and Additional Rent andGST): (ii) Security Deposit to be paid by certified cheque to Landlord on or before execution and delivery of this Lease (1D be held without interest and applied to damages suffered by Landlord as a result of Tenant's default of its covenants and obligations hereunder including but not limited to its obligations to deliver vacant possession of the Premises at the expiry or earlier termination of the term in first-class appearance and condition in accordance with the provisions in Article XJ) and in the event of any bankruptcy, insolvency, winding up or other creditor's proceeding, the · Security Deposit shall be the absolute property of the Landlord and shall be deemed to have been automatically applied against Basic Rent and any other amounts payable hereunder in respect of the period at what would have been the end of the Term, but for any disclaimer, repudiation or termination of the Lease pursuant to such proceeding: Total: $ 6,447.78 $7,500.00 $13.947.78 (h) Use of Premises:-·· · Standard office use for typical and normal City of Pickering administrntion and operational uses; (i) Address for Service ofNotice on Tenant and/or Indemnifier: One The Esplanade, Pickering ON LIV 6K7 Address for Service of Notice on tan·dlord: cio Emix Ltd. l 004 Eglinton Ave West Toronto, ON M6C 2C5 telecopier No. 416-352-6021 v,rith a copy to chepfer@.entixprop.com 3 or such other address as the Landlord may advise from time to time (j) Special Provisions: (i) The Landlord shall install at the Landlord's expense, standard building signage on the Directory Board in the lobby of the Building and at the entrance to the Premises. (ii) The Landlord will complete the work outlined on Schedule C at its own expense, in a good and workma:olike maru;ier. The Landlord &hall make every reasonable effort to complete the Landlord's Work on or before the Co=encement Date. Other than the Landlord's work, the Tenant accepts and the Landlord shall deliver the Premises in "as is" condition; (iii) The Tenant shall be entitled to occupy the Premises for a period ofup to.six months on an Additional Rent-free basis for the period from January 1, 2016 to the earlier of (i) the date on which the Tenant's staff begins to occupy the Premises and (ii) June 30, 2016 (the "Additional Rent-Free Period"); the Tenant shall not be responsible for Additional Rent during the Additional Rent-Free Period but shall be responsible for payment of Basic Rent (iv) The Tenant and its employees, suppliers and other persons not customers having business \Vith the Tenant, shall park their cars only in those portions of the parking area designated for that purpose by the Landlord The Landlord shall have the right to assign parking spaces and to restrict fue Tenant to the use of 11 patking spaces during the term of the Lease and any renewal thereof. (v) Vvithout in any way limiting the provisions of Article 17 of this Lease, Tenant shall not itself and shall not permit any of its employees, servants, agents, contractors, invitees or persons having business with Tenant, to drive or park any truck or other commercial vehicle on, in or adjacent to any portion of the Project, including the Common-Facilities other than such areas as e;xpressly authorized by Landlord in writing, which authorization may be unreasonably withheld Landlord shall have the right, at Tenant's expense payable on demand, to remove any such truck or other commercial vehicle, without any liability for any damage caused thereby. ARTICLE II 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1 Definitions \\'here used in this Lease, the following words or phrases shall have the meanings set forth in the balance of this Axticle. 4 "Additional Rent" shall have the meaning given to it in section 5.3. 2.3 "Architect" means a professionally accredited architect, engineer or, surveyor appointed by the Landlord from time to time. Any certificate provided by the Architect and called , for by the terms of this Lease shall be final and binding on the parties hereto 2.4 "Basic Rent" shall have the meaning given to itin section 5.2. 2.5 "Building" means the building in which the Premises are located. 2.6 "Commencement Date" shall have the meaning given to it in section 1. L 2.7 "Common Facilities" means the Project, excluding only Lea.sable Areas, and including, without limitation: (i) all areas, facilities, systems, improvements, furniture, fixtures and equipment in or on the Project; and (ii) the lands forming part of the Project, including parking areas and facilities. Common Facilities shall include those areas, facilities, utilities, improvements, equipment and installations in the Project which from time to time are not designated or intended by the Landlord to be leased to teoants of the Project, and those areas, facilities, utilities, improvements, equipment and installations which serve or are for the benefit of the Project whether or not located in,,.adjacent to or near the Project and which are designated from time to time by the Landlord as part of the Common Facilities. Without limiting the geJ;).erality of the foregoing, Common Facilities includes all parking areas and parking garages, all entrances and exits thereto and all structural elements thereof, employee parking areas; access roads, track courts, driveways, truckways, delivery passages, the roof, exterior weather v.ralls, exterior and interior structural elements and bearing walls in the building and improvements comprising the Project, package pick-up stations, loading and related areas, pedestrian sidewalks, landscaped and planted areas, bus kiosks, if any, roadways and stops, signs, equipment and fixmres, stairways, ramps, electrical, telephone, meter, valve, mechanical mail storage service and janitor rooms and galleries, fire prevention, security and commlinication:systems,-columns, pipes, electrical, plumbing, drainage, any central system for the provision of heating, ventilating or air conditioning to leasable premises or any enclosed Common Facilities and all other installations, equipment or services located therein or related thereto as well as the structures housing the same. 2,8 "Fiscal Year" means the twelve (12) month period used by Landlord for fiscal pUiposes in respect of the Project. Unless otherwise determined by Landlord by written notice to Tenant at any time or times, each Fiscal Year shall be a calendar year, In the event of a change in the Fiscal Year, or with respect to a partial Fiscal Year at the beginning or end of the Tenn, all appropriate adjustments resulting from a Fiscal Year being shorter or longer than twelve (12) months shall be made. 2.9 "Laws" means all statutes, regulations, by-law-s, orders, rules, requirements and directions of all governmental authorities havingjurisdiction. 5 2.10 "Landlord's Work" means any leasehold improvements·which Landlord is required, by a previous written agreement with Tenant, to make to the Premises prior to the Commencement Date. 2.11 "Lease Year" shall mean each consecutive period of three hundred and sixty-five (365) days, the first Lease Year commencing on the Commencement Date, or ou the fust day of the next month if the Commencement Date is not the first day of a month, and each successive Lease Year commencing on the anniversary of the first day of the first Lease Year. 2.12 "Leasable Areas" means all areas and spaces of the Project to the extent designated or intended from time to time by Landlord to be leased to tenants, whether leased or not, but excluding parking areas. 2.13 (a) "Operating Costs" means the aggregate of all expenses and costs of every kind for each Fiscal Year designated by Landlord, as determined without· duplication, incurred by or on behalf of Landlord with respectto the operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and management of the Project, and all insurance relating to the Project, calculated as if the Project was fully completed, fully occupied and fully operational by tenants for the whole of such Fiscal Year. Without in any way limiting the generality of the foregoing, Operating Costs shall include all costs in respect of the following: (i) all remuneration _of employees directly engaged in the operation, maintenance, repair and management of the Project; (ii) heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and humidity control, if any, of the Project; (iii) . cleaning and janitorial services in respect of the Co~on Facilities, including, without limitation, exterior-cleaning, parking lot sweeping, window cleaning, waste removal, landscaping, grass cutting, snow and ice clearing and removal and salting; (iv) all utilities, including water, gas, electricity and sewer charges, excluding those charged directly to tenants of the Project; (v) depreciation or amortization, over a reasonable period of time in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, of all costs, including capital costs, of all improvements, furnishings, fixtures, equipment, machinery, systems and facilities constructed or installed in or used in connection with the Project, which by their nature require periodic or substantial repair or replacement, or which are constructed or installed or used primarily to reduce the cost of other items included in Operating 6 Costs, whether or not such other costs are in fact reduced, and interest on the undepreciated cost of all items in respect of which depreciation or amortization is included herein.at two (2%) percent in excess of the prime rate of interest charged by Landlord's bank at Toronto from time to time; (vi) all insurance which Landlord obtains and the cost of any deductJ.ole arno=ts payable by Landlord in respect of any insured risk or claim; (vii) policing, supervision, security and traffic control; (viii) maintenance, repairs and replacements in respect. of the Project; (ix) all costs in the ual.ure of Operating Costs in respect of areas, services and facilities outside the Project, such as sidewalks and boulevards, off-site utilities and other service connections, and in respect of areas, services and facilities shared by users of the Project and users of any other property, to the extent Landlord perfunns or contributes to the same as a result of its ownership of the Project, the cost of providing additional parking or other Co=on Facilities for the benefit of the Project, whether such costs be land rent, Taxes or other type of costs; (x) engineering, accounting, legal and other consulting a:nd professional services related to Co=on Facilities; (xi) holiday decorating; (xii) Intentionally deleted; (xiii) capital costs incurred for any of the above, provided that such costs are to be depreciated or amortized, over a reasonable period of time in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, of all such costs and interest-On the undepreciated · cost of aJl. items in respect of which depreciation or amortization is included herein at two (2%) percent in excess of the prime rate of interest charged by Landlord's bank at Toronto from time to time; (xiv) Sales Taxes payable by Landlord on the purchase of goods and services included in Operating Costs ( excluding any such Sales Taxes which are available to a:nd claimed by Landlord as a credit or refund in determining Landlord's net tax liability on account of Sales Taxes, but only to the extent that such Sales Taxes are included in Operating Costs; (xv) repairs or replacements to the non-structural portions of the Building, including, without limitation, roof membrane but not the roof deck and 7 other parts of the roof or any the weight-bearing portions of the structure such as foundations, columns, beams and weight bearing slabs and walls; (xvi) costs incurred on behalf of the Landlord to contest the establishment of any future competitive or detrimental entity or project 'which in the Landlord's opinion would be detrimental to the Project or any of the Tenant's therein; and (:xvii) an administration and management fee of fifteen percent (15%) of the total of all of the above Operating Costs ( exclusive of this clause (xvii) and interest on undepreciated or unamortized costs), Realty Taxes and utilities not paid directly by the Tenant (b) Operating Costs, however, shall be reduced by the following to the extent actually received by Landlord: (i) proc~ of insurance and damages received by Landlord from third parties to the extent of costs otherwise included in Operating Costs; (ii) contributions from parties other than tenants of the Project, if any, in respect of Operating Costs, such as contributions made by parties for sharing the use of Common Facilities, but not including rent or fees charged directly for the use of any Common Facilities such as parking fees and rent for Storage Areas; and (iii) amounts in the nature of Excess Costs, as defined in subsection 7.3(a), to the extent received by Landlord from tenants of the Project ( c) Operating Costs, however, shall exclude the following: (i) Realty Taxes; (ii) expenses incurred by Landlord in respect of other tenants' leasehold improvements; (1ii) capital costs except to the extent included as set forth above; (iv) depreciation, except to the extent included as set forth above; (v) repairs or replacements to the extent that the cost of the same is recovered by Landlord pursuant to originsl construction warranties; and 2.14 "Premises" shall have the meaning given to it in section 4.1. 8 2.15 "Project" means those lands described in Schedule "A" hereto as such lands and premises may be altered, expanded or reduced from time to time, and all buildings, structures, improvements, equipment and facilities of any kind erected or located thereon from time to time, as such lands, buildings, structures, improvements, equipment and facilities may be expanded, reduced or otherwise altered by Landlord in its sole discretion from time to time, including, without limitation, the expansion of any parking :facilities, whether or not located in, adjacent to or near the Project . 2.16 "Proportionate Share" means a fraction which has as its numerator the Rentable Area of the Premises and which has as its denominator the aggregate of rented Leasable Areas within the Project 2.17 "Realty Taxes" means all taxes, rates, duties, levies, fees, charges, local improvement rates, levies and assessments whatever ("Taxes''), whether municipal, provincial, federal or otherwise, which maybe levied, assessed or charged against or in respect of the Project -or any part thereof or any fixtures, equipment or improvements therein, or against Landlord in respect of any of the same or in respect of any rental or other compensation receivable by Landlord in respect of the same, and including all taxes which may be incurred by or imposed upon Landlord or the Project in lieu of or in addition to the foregoing including, ,;vithout limitation, any Taxes on real property rents or receipts as _ such (as opposed to a tax on such rents as part of the income of Landlord), any Taxes based, in whole or in part, on the value of the Project, and any licence fee measured by rents or other charges payable by occupants of space in the Project 2.18 "Rent" shall have the meaning given to it in section 5.1. 2.19 "Rentable Area" when applied to the Premises or any Leasable Areas means the aggregate of (i) the area measured from the exterior face of exterior walls and windows, from the exterior face of all walls and windo,vs dividing any Leasable Areas from Common Facilities, and from the ce:ritre line of all interior walls separating any Leasable Areas from other Leasable Areas, all ·without deduction for any space occupied by structures, columns, beams, .conduits, -ducts or projections of any kind, and all without-deduction for the recessing of any entrance way or boundary wall from the lease line ( sometimes - referred to as the "Usable Area") plus (ii) a Pro Rata share, of the floor area of those areas in the Project not leased to anyone, including without limitation. hallways, elevators, lobbies, washrooms, janitor closets, electrical closets, telephone, air conditioning and fan rooms, but excluding parking areas. For the pmposes of this clause, ''Pro Rata" means the proportion of the amount which the total Usable Area of the Premises is of the total Usable Area of all premises in the Project (including the Premises). Every Rentahle Area shall be as determined by the Architect or by a surveyor, or space llll:asuring company or other qualified person appointed by Landlord from time to time, or measured and · calculated by the Landlord's architect in accordance Vvith the most recent B.O.M.A.standards, as the landlord may decide. 9 2.20 "Sales Taxes" means. all business transfer, multi-stage sales, sales, use, consumption, value-added or other similar taxes imposed by any federal, provincial or municipal government upon Landlord ·or Tenant or in respect of this Lease, or the payments made by Terumt hereunder or the goods and services provided by Landlord hereunder including, without limitation, the rental of the Premises and the provision of admin:istrative services to Tenant hereunder. 2.21 "Term" sh.all have the meaning given to it in section 4.2. ARTICLEID 3. nrrEN10FLEASE 3.1 NetLease It is 1he intent of the parties hereto that, except as expressly herein set out, this Lease be absolutely net to Landlord, and Landlord not be responsible for any expenses or obligations of any kind whatsoever ln respect of the Premises or. the Project. ARTICLE IV 4. LEASE OF PREMISES 4.1 Premises Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases from Landlord those premises ("Premises") being part of the Project and shown outlined on the plan attached hereto as Schedule "B". The pw:pose of Schedule "B" is to show the approximate location of the Premises and its contents are not intended as a representation a~ to the precise size or dimensions of the Premises or any other aspects of the Project The Premises shall extend from the upper surface of fue structural sub floor to the lower surface of the structural ceiling within the bouridaties of the Premises determined: as providedin section 2.19. -subjecno·section 10:1, tbe Premises shall - exclude 1he exterior faces of all exterior and interior walls and windows, notwithstanding the manner in which Rentable Area is measured_ 4.2 Term · (a) Toe tetm of this Lease (the "Term") shall be for the period descnbed as the T= in section l .1 hereof, commencing on the Commencement Date and ending on 1he Expiry Date, both dates as descnbed in section 1. 1. (b) Landlord shall make every reasonable effort to obtain vacant possession of the Premises and to have any Landlord's Work substantially complete by the Commencement Date, but if Landlord is unable to do so then the Commencement Date may be deferred by Landlord for a reasonable period or periods of time, not exceeding a total of ninety (90) days. 10 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Lease, the Landlord shall not be deemed in default if it is unable to give possession of the Premises on the date fixed for cmnmencement of the Term because repairs, improvements or decorations of the Premises or of the Building are not completed, or for any reason other than the Landlord's wilful act . or neglect In such circumstances, the Rent will not commence until possession of the Premises is given to the Tenant or the Premises are available for fixtnring by the Tenant, and no failure to give possession of the Premises on the date fixed for co=encement of the T= shall in any way affect the validity of this Lease or the obligations of the Tenant under this Lease or the Terms or conditions of this Lease, nor shall it extend the Term. The Landlord shall diligently exercise its rights to obtain completion of the Premises as soon as reasonably possible. There shall be no abatement of Rent for any delay in occupancy due to the Tenant's failure to complete all or any installations or other work required to be completed by the Tenant in accordance with the provisions of this Lease or required for the . purpose of carrying on its business operations in the Premises. The Tenant shall not be entitled to any abatement of Rent where the Landlord's failure to complete or deliver vacant possession of the Premises on the Co=encement Date is due to any act or omission on the part of the Tenant The decision of the Landlord's Architect shall be final and binding on the parties hereto as to whether or not the Premises are ready for oq:upancy by the Tenant, and as to the extent to which any delay in completion of the Premises or in the delivery of vacant possession is due to any act or omission of the Tenant or its agents, servants or contractors. The Tenant shall, promptly on the request by the Landlord, execute an acknowledgement of the date on which complete and vacant possession of the Premises is delivered to the Tenant. If the Landlord has not delivered possession of the Premises within 90 days of the date or"this Lease, the Landlord shall have the right and option at any time to cancel this Lease and any money or security deposited with the Landlord under or on account of this Lease shall be returned to the Tenant and neither party shall have any liability to the other. 43 Use Prior to Co=encement Date If Tenant uses or occupies the whole or any part of the Premises in any way prior to the Commencement Date without entering into a lease with Landlmd inrespectof such use or occupancy, then during that period Tenant shall be a tenant of Landlord subject to all the terms and conditions contained in this Lease, provided that the inclusion of this section shall not be deemed to authorize or permit Tenant to use or occupy the whole or any portion of the Premises in any way prior to the Co=encement Date. 4 .4 Acceptance of Premises Tenant accepts the Premises in the state and condition in which they are received from Landlord and, except only to the extent of any deficiency in the Landlord's Work, if any, particularly set out in a written list given by Tenant to Landlord within thirty (30) days after Tenant takes possession of the Premises, Tenant's entering into possession of the Premises shall be conclusive evidence of the acceptance by Tenant of the condition and state of repair of the Premises. 11 4.5 Licence to Use Co=on Facilities Subject to all otherrelevant provisions of this Lease, Landlord grants to Tenant the non- exdusive licence during the Term to use for their intended pUiposes, in co=on with others· entitled thereto, such portions of the.Common Facilities as are reasonably required for the use and occupancy of the Premises. 4.6 Quiet Enjoyment Subject to Tenant's complying with all of the terms of this Lease, Tenant may peaceably possess and enjoy the Premises for the Term without interruption by Landlord or any person claiming through Landlord. ARTICLEV 5. RENT 5.1 Tenant to Pay Tenant shall pay in lawful money of Canada at such address as shall be designated from time to time by Landlord Basic Rent and Additional Rent ( all of which is herein sometimes referred to collectively as "Rent") as herein provided without any deduction, set-off or abatement whatsoever, Tenant hereby agreeing to waive any set-off rights it may have under any statute or at law. On the Commencement Date and the first day of each Fiscal Year thereafter and at any time during any Fiscal Year when required by Landlord, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord as requested by Landlord post-dated cheques for all payments of Basic Rent and estimates by Landlord of Additional Rent or any portions thereof payable during .the ba).ance of such Fiscal Year. 5 .2 Basic Rent Co=encing on the Commencement Date Tenant shall pay to Landlord a fixed minimum annual rent ("Basic Rent") for each Year of the Term in the annual amount(s) described as Basic Rent in section 1.1., to be paid in equal monthly instalments, as described as Basic Rent in section 1.1, in advance on the first day of each month during the Term. On the Co=encement Date, if it is other than the first day of a calendar month, Tenant shall pay to Landlord for such partial month Basic Rent computed on a per diem basis. 1f an amount per square foot is specified in the description of Basic Rent in section 1. 1, then the Basic Rent is intended to be such amount per square foot ofRentable Area of the Premises per annum, and the Basic Rent shall be subject to adjustment based upon the certificate of Rentable Area of the Premises to be delivered pursuant to section 2.19. Within thirty (30) days after delivery of such certificate all necessary adjustments will be made and Tenant shall pay to Landlord any deficiency in previous payments 12 of Basic Rent and Additional Rent, and if Tenant is not in default under the terms of this Lease the amount of any overpayment by Tenant of Basic Rent and Additional Rent shall be paid to Tenant or credited to the account of Tenant. Notwithstanding the forgoing, in the event of an overpayment by Tenant of Basic Rent and Additional Rent, the Landlord shall b.e required to repay such overpayment to Tenant only with regard to the one year period innnediately preceding the issnance of the certificate ofRentable Area of the Premises delivered pursuant to section 2.19. 5 .3 Additional Rent In addition to Basic Rent Tenant shall pay to Landlord, or as Landlord shall direct, all other amounts as and when the same shall be due and payable pursnant to the provisions of this Lease or pursuant to any other obligation in respect of the Premises, all of which shall be deemed to accrue on a per diem basis; all of such amounts are herein sometimes referred to as "Additional Rent". Tenant shall promptly deliver to Landlord upon request evidence of due payment of all payments of Additional Rent required to be paid by Tenant hereunder. 5.4 Deemed Rent and Allocation 1f Tenant defaults in payment of any Rent (whether to Landlord or otherwise) as and when the same is due and payable hereunder, Landlord shall have the same rights and remedies against Tenant upon such default as if such sum or sums were rent in arrears under this Lease. Landlord may allocate payments received from Tenant among items of Rent then due and payable by Tenant. No acceptance by Landlord of payment by Tenant of any amount less than the full amount payable to Landlord, and no endorsement or direction on any cheque or other written instruction or statement respecting any payment by Tenant shall be deemed to constitute payment in full or an accord and satisfaction of any obligation of Tenant. 5.5 Monthly Payments of Additional Rent Landlord may from time to time by written notice to Tenant estimate or re-estimate any amount( s) payable by Tenant to Eandlord hereunder including without limitation; -amounts in respect of Operating Costs, Realty Taxes and utilities, for the then current or next following fiscal period used by Landlord in respect of each of the said amounts. The fiscal period used by Landlord may correspond to a shorter period within any twelve month period where an item, for example Realty Taxes, is payable in full by Landlord over such shorter period. The amounts so estimated shall be payable by Tenant in advance in equal monthly instalments over the fiscal period on the same days as the monthly payments of Basic Rent. Landlord may, from time to time, alter the fiscal period selected in each case. As soon as practicable after the expiration of each Fiscal Year, Landlord shall furnish to Tenant a statement of the actual amounts payable by Tenant in respect of Operating Costs, Taxes, utilities and any other relevant provisions hereof for such Fiscal Year .. 1f the amount determined to be payable by Tenant as aforesaid shall be greater or less than the payments on account thereof previously made by Tenant, then the appropriate adjustments will be made and Tenant shall pay any deficiency to Landlord within thirty (30) days after delivery of such statement and if Tenant is·not in default under the terms of the Lease, the 13 amount of any overpayment shall be paid to or credited to the account of Tenant within thirty (30) days after the delivery of such sta:temenl Such statement of Landlord shall be final and binding and Tenant shall have no right to dispute the accuracy or propriety of any amounts or calculations included therein, except to the extent that Tenant shall, within sixty (60) days after being given such statement, have demonstrated to the satisfaction of Landlord any error in such statement. 5.6 Partial Months Rent If the Co=encement Date is a day other than the first day of a calendar month, the Tenant shall pay all Basic Rent and Additional Rent calculated on a per diem basis, from the Commencement Date to the last day of the month in which the Co=encement Date occurs and thereafter all payments of Rent shall be made on the first day of each month throughout the Term unless otherwise specified herein. ARTICLE VI. 6. TAXES 6.1 Taxes Payable by Tenant Commencing on the Co=encement Date and thereafter throughout the Term, Tenant shall pay to Landlord as and when due all Realty Taxes and other taxes, if any, levied, corifirmed, imposed, assessed or charged (herein referred to as "charged") against or in respect of the Premises and all fixtures, equipment, improvements and alterations in the Premises, and including any such Realty Taxes and other taxes charged against or in respect of the Premises in respect of any Co=on Facilities. In addition, Tenant shall pay the Proportionate Share of Realty Taxes, if any, separately charged against Co=on Facilities. To the extent of Realty Taxes received by Landlord from Tenant, Landlord shall pay same to the taxing authority. For clarity, nothing in this Lease shall require the Tenant to pay income taxes or capital tax associated with the Landlord's ownership of the Project. 6.2 Determination of Tenant's Taxes Tenant's obligation to pay Realty Taxes charged against or in respect of the Premises shall be determined on the basis of a separate bill if available. If the relevant taxing authority does not issue a separate bill for the Premises then Tenant's obligation in respect thereof shall be computed by applying the relevant tax rate to a separate assessment of the Premises, if any. If there is neither a separate bill for Realty Taxes for the Premises nor a separate assessment of the Premises for any period of time, then for such period the Realty Taxes charged against or in respect of the Premises shall be determined by Landlord, acting reasonably, on the basis of :the then ·current established principles of assessment used by the relevant assessing authorities and on the same basis as the assessment actually obtained for the Project as a whole or the part thereof in which the Premises are locaied. Provided that Tenant shall be solely responsible for any increase in Realty Taxes resulting from any act or election of Tenant or from any fixtures or 14 improvements in the Premises, and Tenant shall not be responsible for any such increase resulting from any act or election of Landlord or any other occupant of the Project or any fixtures or improvements in other Leasable Areas. Any amounts payable by Tenant on account of Realty _ _ Taxes shall be adjusted on a per diem basis in respect of any period not falling wholly within the Term. 6.3 Business Taxes and Sales Taxes (a) Tenant shall pay to the relevant taxing authority as and when the same are due and payable all taxes charged in respect of any business conducted on, or any use or occupancy of, the Premises. (b) Tenant shall pay to Landlord when due all Sales Taxes imposed on Landlord or Tenant with respect to Rent payable by Tenant hereunder or in respect of the rental of space under this Lease. 6.4 Tax Bills and Assessment Notices Tenant shall deliver to Landlord forthwith upon Tenant's receiving the same copies of all assessment notices, tax-bills, receipts and other documents received by Tenant relating to Realty Taxes on the Premises or the Project. 6.5 Contest of Realty Taxes (a) Landlord may contest any Realty Taxes and appeal any assessments related thereto and may withdraw any such contest or appeal or may agree with the relevant authorities on any settlement in respect thereof. Tenant will cooperate with Landlord in respect of any such contest and appeal and shall provide to Landlord such information and execute such documents as Landlord requests to give full effect to the foregoing. All costs of any such contest and appeal by Landlord shall be included in Operating Costs. _ (b) _ Tenant will not.contest.any.RealtyTaxes or-appeal any assessments related thereto without first notifying Landlord in writing at least twenty (20) days prior to filing such contest or appeal and delivering to Lapdlord such security as may be required by Landlord, acting reasonably, against any costs, liabilities or damages which may be incurred by Landlord or any other person arising out of such contest or appeal. Unless directed otherwise by notice -from Landlord within such twenty (20) day notice period, Tenant shall include in any such contest or appeal in respect of the Premises a corresponding contest or appeal in respect of the Realty Taxes for the Project. Tenant shall promptly upon request pay all costs and expenses, including without limitation legal expenses, incurred by Landlord as a result of any such contest or appeal by Tenant and indemnify Landlord against all costs, liabilities or damages which may be incurred by Landlord or any other person arising out of such contest · or_appeal. \Vhile any such contest or appeal by Tenant is in progress Tenant shall continue to pay RealtyTaxes in respect of the Premises as if such contest or appeal had not been co=enced. 15 ARTICLE VII 7. OPERATION OF PROJECT 7 .1 Operation of Project by Landlord Landlord shall repair, maintain and operate the Project, other than Leasable Areas, in a reasonable manner having regard to its size, age, location and character. 7.2 Tenant's Payment of Operating Costs Co=encing on the Co=encement Date and thereafter at all times throughout the Term Tenant shall pay to Landlord the Proportionate Share of Operating Costs, The amounts payable by Tenant pursuantto this section 7.2 may be computed on the basis of such periods of time as Landiord shall determine from time to time and shall be paid to Landlord within ten (10) days after the submission to Tenant of a statement showing the amount payable by Tenant from time to time. All amounts payable under this Article VIl in respect of any period not falling entirely within the Term shall be adjusted on a per diem basis. 7 .3 Adjustments to. Operating Costs (a) If by reason of the particular nature of Tenant's business conducted on the Premises or the particular use or occupancy of the Premises or any of the Co=on Facilities by Tenant or by Tenant's employees, agents or persons having business with Tenant, additional costs in the nature of Operating Costs, such as utilities charges, security costs, or costs of maintenance, repairs and replacements, are incurred in excess of the costs which would otherwise have been incurred for such items ("Excess Costs"), then Landlord shall have the right to determine on a reasonable basis and require Tenant to pay such Excess Costs. (b) If Tenant or any other tenant of the Project, pursuant to its lease or otherwise by arrangement withLandlord, pro:vides.atits cost.anygoods.or-services.thecostof which -- would otherwise be included in Operating Costs, or if any goods or services the cost of which is included in Operating Costs benefit any portion of the Project to a materially greater or lesser extent than any other portion of the Project, then either the denominator for detennining a Proportionate Share, or alternatively the amount of Operating Costs, may be · adjusted as determined by Landlord acting reasonably to provide for the equitable allocation of the cost of such goods and services among the tenants of the Project. 7.4 Security (a) The Landlord shall permit the Tenant and the Tenant's employees and all persons lawfully requiring co=unication with them to have the use, during Normal Office Hours in co=on with others entitled thereto, of the main entrance and the stairways, corridors, elevators, escalators, or other mechanical means of access leading to the 16 building and the Premises. At times other than during Normal Office Hours the Tenant and the employees of the Tenant shall have access to the Building and to the Premises only in accordance with the Rnles and Regulations and shall be required to satisfactorily identify themselves and to register in any_ book which may at the Landlord's option be kept by the Landlord for such purpose. If identification is not satisfactory, the Landlord is entitled to prevent the Tenant or the Tenant's employees or other Persons lawfully requiring co=unication with the Tenant from having access to the Building and to the Premises. In addition, the Landlord is not required to open the door to the Premises for the purpose of permitting entry therein to any Person not having a key to the Premises. (b) The Tenant shall not place or cause to be placed any additional locks upon any doors of . the Premises without the approval of the Landlord. Two keys or access cards shall be supplied to the Tenant for each entrance door to the Premises and all Jocks shall be Building standard to permit access by the Landlord's master key. If additional keys are required, they must be obtained from the Landlord at the cost of the Tenant. Keys or other means of access for entrance doors to the Building will not be issued without the written authority of the Landlord. ARTICLE VITI 8. · USE OF PREMISES 8.1 Use of Premises (a) To the intent that this covenant shall run with the Premises for the benefit for the Project, excluding the Premises, Tenant covenants that it shall not use and shall not permit the Premises to be used for any purpose other than as described as Use of Premises in section 1.1 hereof. The Tenant shall satisfy itself that the use as described in l.l(h) complies with all applicable zoning by-laws. (b~ __ No one shall use.the Premises for sleeping apartments or residential-purposes, or for the- storage of personal effects or articles other than those required for business purposes. b) No cooking or heating of any foods or liquids ( other than the heating of water or coffee in coffee makers or kettles) shall be permitted in the Premises without the written consent of the Landlord. c) The Tenant shall not install or permit the installation or use of any machine dispensing goods for sale in the Premises or the Building or permit the delivery of any food or beverage to the Premises ( other than reasonable quantities of beverages or food to be consumed by occupants of the Premises such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, snacks, employee meals, etc.) without the .written approval of the Landlord or in contravention of the rnles and regulations. d) The Tenant shall not permit or allow any odours, vapours, steam, water, vibrations, noises or other undesirable effects to emanate from the Premises or any equipment or installation therein which, in the Landlord's opinion, are objectionable or cause any interference with the safety, comfort or convenience of the Building to the Landlord or the occupants and tenants thereof or their agents, servants, invitees or employees. 17 ( c) Unless otherwise specifically set out in this Lease to the contrary, nothing contained herein shall (i) confer upon the Tenant the exclusive right to sell or provide in the Building any of the products or services permitted to be sold or provided from the Premises pursuant to this section; nor (ii) prevent the Landldrd from Leasing any other premises in the· Building to any other tenant( s) carrying on business which is similar in whole or in part to the business permitted to be carried on from the Premises pursuant to section l.l(h). 8.2 Tenant's Fixtures Tenant shall install and maintain in the Premises at all times during the Term first-class trade fixtures including furnishings and equipment adequate and appropriate for the business to be conducted on the Premises, all of which shall be kept in good order and condition. Tenant shall not remove any trade fixtures or other contents from the Premises during the Term except, with the prior written consent of Landlord, in the ordinary cowse of business or for the purpose of replacing them with others at least equal in value and function to those being removed. 8.3 -Signs Tenant shall not erect, install or display any sign on or visible from the exterior of the Premises, including any signs hanging or paint on windows, without the prior written approval of Landlord as to size, design, location, specifications and method of installation. Provided that Landlord shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to prescribe a uniform sign policy applicable to all tenants of the Project At Landlord's option any exterior signage identifying Tenant's business on the Premises shall be supplied and erected by Landlord at Tenant's expense in accordance with section 10.2(d) hereof. 8.4 Waste Removal Tenant shall not allow any refuse, garbage or any loose, objectionable material to accumulate in or about the Premises or the Project and will at all times keep the Premises in a clean and neat condition. __ Tenant shall comply with Landlord's regnlations respecting the storage anci removal ofwasteand shallbe responsliiie for aiCcosi:s of rem.oval. of waste from the --- Premises other than costs of routine waste removal included in Operating Costs. Until removed from the Project all waste from the Premises shall be kept in appropriate containers within the Premises. 8.5 Pest Control Landlord shall be responsible for pest extermination in respect of the Premises and shall engage, for such pmpose, such contractors at such intervals as Landlord may require. Tenant shall not bring or permit to be brought onto the Premises or the Project any animals or birds of any kind. 8.6 Waste and Nuisance ( a) Tenant shall not cause, suffer or permit any waste or damage to the Premises or leasehold improvements, fixtures or equipment therein nor permit any overloading ·of the floors thereof and shall not use or permit to be used any part of the Premises for any dangerous, noxious or offensive activity or goods and shall not do or bring anything or permit anything to be done or brought on or about the Premises or the Project which results in undue noise or vibration or which Landlord may reasonably deem to be hazardous or a nuisance or annoyance to any other tenants or any other persons permitted to be on the Project, and Tenant shall immediately take steps to r=edy, r=ove or desist from any activity, equipment or goods on the Premises to which Landlord objects on a reasonable basis. Tenant shall take every reasonable precaution to protect the Premises and the Project from risk of damage by fire, water or the elements or any other cause. (b) Tenant shall not itself, and shall not permit any of its =ployees, servants, agents, contractors, or persons having business with Tenant, to obstruct any Common F aci!ities nor to use or permit to be used any Common Facilities for other than their intended pmposes. Without limiting the foregoing, nothing shall be placed or stored anywhere in or on the Common Facilities, including without limitation on the loading docks and other outside areas adjacentto the Premises. Tenant shall not, and shall not permit anyone else to, place anything on the roof of the Building or go on to the roof of the Building for anypmpose whatsoever, without Landlord's prior written approval, which may be arbitrarily withheld in Landlord's sole discretion. ( c) Tenant shall not use any advertising, transmitting or other media or devices which can be heard, seen, or received outside the Premises, or which could interfere with any communications or other. systems outside the Premises. (d) For the purposes of this provision "Hazardous-Substance" means any contaminant, pollutant, dangerous or potentially dangerous substance, noxious substance, toxic substance, hazardous waste or material, flammable or explosive substance, radioactive material, or any other waste, sub~taJ:tce _or material w®tsoever, covered by _or regulated under alLmunicipal provincial or federal Laws. · The Tenant covenants with the Landlord that it shall not use or permit or suffer the use of the Premises or any part thereof to generate, manufacture, refine, treat, transport, store, handle, dispose of, transfer, produce or process any Hazardous Substance except in strict compliance with all Laws including, without limitation, the Errvironmental Protection Act (Ontario) and all other Laws in respect of environmental, land use, occupational or health and safety matters. If the Tenant fails to comply with any such Laws, the Landlord may, but shall not be obligated to, do such things as necessary to effect such compliance, and all costs and expenses incurred by the Landlord in so doing shall be payable forthwith by the Tenant to the Landlord as Additional Rent In any event, the Tenant covenants to indemnify and save harmless the Landlord and persons for whom the Landlord is in law responsible against any and all liabilities, claims, damages, interest penalties, fines, 19 monetary sanctions, losses, costs and expenses whatsoever arising out of: (i) any breach• by the Tenant of any provisions under this Lease or any non-compliance with any Laws; or (ii) any act or omission of any person on the Premises or any use or occupancy of or any thing in, on, under or about the Premises, including, without limitation, the generating, manufacture, refinement, treatment, transportation, storage, handling, disposal, transfer, production or processing of any Hazardous Substance by the Tenant or any person in, on, under or about the Premises, and any nuisance arismg therefrom. The aforesaid indemnity shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease. 8.7 Compliance with Laws Tenant shall be solely responsible for obtaining from all authorities having jurisdiction all necessary permits, licences and approvals as may be necessary to permit Tenant to occupy the Premises and conduct its business thereon, as required by all applicable Laws. Tenant shall comply at its own expense with all applicable Laws respecting the use, condition and occupation of the Premises, and all leasehold improvements, fixtures, equipment and contents thereof. 8.8 Deliveries All deliveries to and from the Premises, and loading and unloading of goods, merchandise, refuse, materials and any other items shall be made only by way of such driveways, access routes, doorways, corridors or loading docks as Landlord may from time to time designate and shall be subject to all applicable rules and regulations made by Landlord from time to time pursuant to section 17.4. 8.9 Window Coverings Tenant shall comply with all rules and regulations from time to time prescribed by Landlord in respect of window coverings on the interior of the Premises, in order to maximize the efficiency of the climate control equipment in or serving the Premises or to maintain an attractive and uniform appearance of the Project from the exu;rior thereof. ARTICLE IX 9. SERVICES AND UTILITIES 9.1 Utilities (a) Subject to Landlord's ability to do so, Landlord shall supply or cause to be supplied to the Premises electricity, water and gas for the reasonable use of the Premises for their intended purposes. Tenant shall promptly pay for, as and when they fall due, to Landlord or as Landlord shall from time to time direct, all costs of supplying water, electricity, gas, steam and other utilities to or in respect of the Premises, and all costs for all fittings, connections and meters and all work performed in connection with any services or utilities provided to the Premises. Tenant shall promptly execute and deliver any agreements required by 20, Landlord or by utilities suppliers in respect of the supply of any utilities to the Premises. Tenant's use of any such utilities shall not exceed the available capacily of the existing systems from time to time. (b) Should there be no individual meters for the measurement of the consumption of any · utilities supplied to the Premises then Landlord, acting reasonably, may allocate the cost of such utilities among the various users thereof. If required by Landlord, Tenant shall install at its expense a separate meter or meters to measure the consumption of any or all utilities in · the Premises. The cost of any utilities which are not charged to tenants of the Project individually shall be included in Operating Costs. 9.2 Landlord's Services The Landlord shall provide climate control to the Premises during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, statutory holidays excepted (herein ''Normal Office Hours") to maintain a temperature adequate for normal occupancy, except during the making or repairs, alterations or improvements, provided that the Landlord shall have no liabilily for failure to supply climate control service when stopped as aforesaid or when prevented from doing so by repairs, or causes beyond the Landlord's reasonable control. Any re balancing of the climate control system in the Premises necessitated by the installation of partitions, equipment or fixtures by the Tenant or by any use of the Premises not in accordance with the design standards of such system will be performed by the Landlord at the Tenant's expense. Should the Tenant require climate control, including heat and, where applicable, air-condition to the Premises outside of Normal Office Hours, the Landlord may provide such services, provided that the additional. costs incurred in providing such services, such as utilities charges or costs of maintenance, repairs and replacements, shall be determined by the Landlord on a reasonable basis and paid by the Tenant 9.3 Non-Liabilily of Landlord Landlord_shall not beliablefor_any_damages, director.indirect, resulting from or contributed to by any interruption or cessation in supply of any utilities or heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and hurnidily control. Without limiting the generalily of the foregoing, Landlord shall not be liable for and Tenant shall indemnify Landlord against any and all indirect or consequential damages or damages for personal discomfort or illness of Tenant or any persons permitted by it to be on the Premises, by reason of the suspension or non-operation of any utilities, heating, ventilating, air-conditioning or hurnidily control. 9.4 Landlord's Suspension of Utilities In order to effect any maintenance, repairs, replacements or alterations to any of such utilities, heating, ventilating, air-conditioning or humidily control systems or any other part of the Project, Landlord shall have the right to modify or temporarily discontinue or suspend any such systems as required from time to time. 9.5 (a) (b) 9.6 21 Landlord's Services Tenant shall pay Landlord on demand all charges as determined and allocated by Landlord acting reasonably in respect of all special services provided to or for the benefit of Tenant beyond standard services for the Project the costs of which are included in Operating Costs. Any services in respect of the Premises requiring drilling or otherwise penetrating floors, walls or ceilings, or for locksmithing, security arrangements or waste removal, shall be performed only by persons first approved in writing by Landlord, which approval sball not be unreasonably withheld. Landlord's Charges for Services Unless otherwise expressly agreed between Landlord and Tenant to the contrary in respect of any specific matter froin tim_e to time, all work performed and materials supplied by Landlord for Tenant or otherwise respecting the Premises pursuant to .the provisions hereof or otherwise shall be paid for by Tenant to Landlord forthwith on demand at Landlord's cost for the same plus fifteen (15%) percent for inspection, supervision, overhead and profit or such other reasonable amounts as may be charged by Landlord for overhead and profit from time to time. ARTICLEX 10. MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS 10.1 Maintenance and Repairs of Premises At all times throughout the Term Tenant at its sole expense shall perform such maintenance (including painting and repair or replacement of any interior finishings), repairs and replacements as required to keep the Premises, all contents thereof and all services and equipment located in or primarily serving the Premises, in first-class appearance and condition, and in accordance with all Laws and-Landlord's reasonable requirements,-subject-0n!yt-0 the . obligations of Landlord expressly provided in section 10.7. For purposes of this section 10.1, but without affecting the interpretation of any other provision of this Lease, Premises shall include, without limitation: all leasehold improvements; all exterior and interior walls, windows and doors, including the exterior faces thereof; loading docks and bumpers; stairs; surrounding or enclosing masonry or other materials; and all such areas and facilities adjacent or proximate to · and serving exclusively the Premises. 10.2 (a) Approval of Repairs and Alterations Tenant shall not make any repairs, replacements, changes, additions, improvements or alterations (hereinafter referred to as "Alterations") to the Premises without Landlord's prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld unless such proposed Alterations might affect the structure of the Building, the coverage of the Project for zoning 22 purposes or the parking requirements for the Project, or impair the value or usefulness of the Premises or the Project, in any of which cases Landlord's consent may be unreasonably withheld in Landlord's sole discretion. (b) With its request for consent Tenant shall submit to Landlord details of the proposed Alterations including plans and specifications prepared by qualified architects or engineers, · and such Alterations shall be completed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved in writing by Landlord.. Unless expressly authorized in writing by Landlord to the contrary, all Alterations which might cost in excess of TWENTY TIIOUSAND ($20,000.00) DOLLARS to complete or which may affect the structure or mechanical, electrical, utility, sprinkler, co=unications or other similar systems of the Building, shall be conducted under the supervision of a qualified architect or engineer approved by Landlord., such approval not to be unreasonably withheld.. ( c) All Alterations shall be planned and completed in compliance with all Laws and Tenant shall, prior to comID,encing any Alterations, obtain at its expense all necessary permits and licences. Prior to the co=encement of any such Alterations Tenant shall furnish to Landlord such evidence as reasonably required by Landlord of the projected cost of . Alterations and Tenant's ability to pay for same, together with such indemnification against costs, liens and damages as Landlord shall reasonably require including, if required by Landlord, a performance, completion and labour and materials bond acceptable to Landlord guaranteeing completion of such Alterations. ( d) All Alterations shall be performed at Tenant's cost, promptly and in a good and workmanlike manner and in compliance with Landlord's rules and regulations, by competent contractors or workmen who shall be first approved in writing by Landlord, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.. If any Alterations affect the structure or any external portions of the Building or any mechanical, electrical, utility, sprinkler, co=unications or other similar systems within the Premises or the Project, they shall, at Landlord's option, be performed at Tenant's expense by Landlord or by contractors desigoated by Landlord and under Landlord's supervision. For all Alterations performed by Landloni or at Landlord's expense or.under Landlord's supervision, Tenant shall pay forthwith upon request all amounts paid or'payable by Landlord to third parties and all reasonable charges of Landlord for its own personnel plus fifteen (15%) percent for inspection, supervision, overhead and profit All Alterations, th~ making nfwhich might disrupt other tenants or occupants of the Project or the public, shall be performed outside normal business hours. (e) If Tenant performs any such Alterations without compliance with all of the foregoing provisions of this Article X, Landlord shall have the right to require Tenant to remove such Alterations forthwith. · · (f) Tenant shall pay to Landlord forthwith upon request all of Landlord's reasonable costs including, without limitation, fees of architects, engineers and designers, incurred in dealing with Tenant's request for Landlord's consent to any Alteratio.ns, whether or not such consent 23 is granted, and in inspecting and supervising any such Alterations and Landlord shall have the right to require Tenant to pay Landlord a deposit on account of such costs as a precondition to Landlord's granting such consent 10.3 Repair According to Landlord's Notice Landlord or any persons designated by it shall have the right to enter the Premises at any time to view the state ofrepair and condition thereof and Tenant shall promptly perform according to Landlord's written notice any maintenance (including painting and repair or replacement of any interior finishings), repairs or replacements in accordance with Tenant's obligations hereunder. 10.4 Notice by Tenant Tenant shall give immediate written notice to Landlord of any accident, defect or damage in any part of the Premises or the Project which comes to the attention of Tenant or any of its employees or contractors notwithstanding the fact that Landlord may have no obligation in respect of the same. 10.5 Ownership of Leasehold Improvements Ail leasehold improvements installed in or about the Premises shall forthwith upon the installation thereof become the property of Landlord but without Landlord's thereby accepting any responsibility in respect of the maintenance, repair or replacement thereof. The expression "leasehold improvements" where used in this Lease includes, without limitation, all fixtures, installations, alterations and additions from time to time made or installed in or about the Premises, and includes all of the following, whether or not they are trade fixtures or easily removable: doors, partitions and hardware; mechanical, electrical and utility installations; heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and humidity control equipment; sign installations and equipment; lighting fixtures and built-in furniture. 10.6 . ConstructionLiens Tenant shall make all payments and take all steps as may be necessary to ensure that no lien is registered against the Project or any portion thereof as a result of any work, services or materials supplied to Tenant or the Premises. Tenant shall cause any such registrations to be discharged or vacated immediately after notice from Landlord, or within ten (I 0) days after registration, whichever is earlier. Tenant shall indemnify and save harmless Landlord from and against any liabilities, claims, liens, damages, costs and expenses, including legal expenses, arising in connection with any work, services or materials supplied to Tenant or the Premises. If Tenant fails to cause any such registration to be discharged or vacated as aforesaid then, in addition to any other rights of Landlord, Landlord may, but shall not be obliged to, discharge the same by paying the amount claimed into court, and the amounts so paid and all costs incurred by Landlord, including legal fees and disbursements, shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord forthwith apon demand. 24 10.7 Landlord's Reparrs Subject to the provisions of Article XIl herein and subject to Tenant's obligations hereunder, to the extent that the failure to do so would materially detrimentally affect access to or use of the Premises, Landlord shall reparr all of the following: (i) the structural elements, exterior walls and roof of the Building; and (ii) damage to the Premises, excluding all leasehold improvements, against which and to the extent to which Landlord is required to be insured pursuant hereto or is otherwise insured and against which Tenant is not required to be insured and is not otherwise insured. The base Building services serving the Premises shall be in good working order as at the Commencement Date but otherwise the Tenant agrees to accept the Premises in "as is" condition. Landlord's costs of compliance with this section 10.7 shall be included in Operating Costs to the extent set out in section 2.13. Provided that to the extent that such reparr is necessitated directly or indirectly by any act or omission of Tenant or any servant, employee, agent, contractor, invitee or licensee of Tenant, Tenant shall be solely responsible for the cost of such reparrs in accordance with section 9.6 and shall indemnify Landlord in respect thereof. ARTICLEXI 11. END OF TERM 11.1 Vacating of Possession Forthwith upon the expiry or earlier termination of the Term, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord vacant possession of the Premises in such condition in which Tenant is required to keep the Premises during .the Term pursuant hereto and shall leave the Premises in neat and clean condition and shall deliver to Landlord all keys for the Premises and all keys or combinations to locks on doors or vaults in the Premises. 11.2 Removal of Trade Fixtures Provided Tenant has paid all Rent and is not otherwise in default hereunder, or if otherwise authorized or requested by Landlord, at the expiry or earlier termination of the Term Tenant shall remove its trade fixtures and repair all damage resulting from the installation or removal of such trade fixtures. If at the expiry or earlier termination of the Tenn Tenant does not remove its trade fixtures or any of its other property on the Premises, Landlord shall have no obligation in respect thereof and may sell or destroy the same or have them removed or stored at the expense of Tenant; at the option of Landlord, such trade fixtures or property shall become the absolute property of Landlord without any compensation to Tenant. · 11.3 Removal of Leasehold Improvements Notwithstanding that the leasehold improvements become the property of Landlord upon installation, at the expiry_ or earlier termination of the Term Tenant shall remove any or all of 25 such leasehold improvements made or installed in or about the Premises by Tenant, including, without limitation any wiring or teleco=unication equipment installed by Tenant, or by Landlord as Tenant's contractor, as required by Landlord and in so doing shall repair all damage· resulting therefrom. 11.4 Overholding by Tenant If Tenant remains in possession of all or any part of the Premises after the expiry of the Term with the consent of Landlord but without any further written agreement, this Lease shall not be deemed thereby to have been renewed and Tenant shall be deemed to be occupying the Premises as a monthly tenant on the same terms as set forth in this Lease insofar as they are applicable to a monthly tenancy except the monthly Basic Rent shall be twice the montlily Basic Rent payable during the last twelve months of the Term. ARTICLE XII 12. DAMAGE AND DESTRUCTION 12.1 Insured Damage to Premises (a) If there is damage to or destruction of the Premises caused by an occurrence against which, and to not more than the extent that, Landlord either is required to insure pursuant to this Lease or is otherwise insured ("Insured Damage"), then the following provisions of this section 12) shall apply. (b) If such damage or destruction is such as to render the whole or any part of the Premises unµsable for the pUipose of Tenant's use and occupancy thereof; Landlord shall deliver to Tenant within thirty (30) days following the occurrence of such damage or destruction its reasonable opinion as to whether or not the same is capable ofbeing repaired, to the extent of Landlord's repair obligations hereunder, within one hundred and eighty (180) days following such occurrence. ( c) If this Lease is not terminated as herein provided, Landlord, to the extent of insurance proceeds which it receives or would have received had it maintained such insurance as . required hereunder, shall diligently proceed to perform repairs to the Premises to the extent ofits obligations pursuant to section l 0. 7 hereof; and Tenant, co=encing as soon as practicable but without interfering with Landlord's repairs, shall diligently perform such · repairs as are Tenant's responsibility pursuant hereto. ( d) ff, (i) in Landlord's reasonable opinion, the Premises are not capable of being repaired as aforesaid within one hundred and eighty (180) days following such occurrence, or (ii) Tenant was at the time of such damage in breach of this Lease and fails within fifteen (15) days after notice of such default to remedy same to the extent possible in view of such damage, Landlord-may, at its option, and in the case of (i) above, Tenant may, at its option, elect, by written notice to the other within thirty (30) days after delivery by Landlord of the 26 opinion provided for in subsection 12.l(b) above, to terminate this Lease, whereupon Tenant shall i=ediately surrender possession of the Premises and Basic Rent and all other payments for which Tenant is liable pursuant hereto shall be apportioned to the effective date of such termination. ( e) If the <lamage is such as to render the whble or any part of the Premises unusable in whole or in part for the purpose of Tenant's use and occupancy thereof then the Basic Rent payable _ hereunder shall abate to the extent that Tenant's use and occupancy of the Premises is in fact diminished, which determination shall be made by Landlord, until the earlier of (i) the thirtieth (30th) day after fue Premises are determined by Landlord to be ready for Tenant to commence its repairs to the Premises, and (ii) the date on which Tenant first co=ences the conduct of business in any part offue Premises which had been damaged. (f) The respective obligations of Landlord and Tenant with respect to repair of the Premises following any damage or destruction shall be performed with all reasonable speed and in accordance with all applicable obligations to repair contained herein. Tenant acknowledges that its obligations to repair the Premises after such damage or destruction shall be performed at its sole cost without any contnoution by Landlord whether or not the damage or destruction was caused by Landlord's fault and whether or not Landlord had at any time -made any contribution to the cost of any leasehold improvements in the Premises. In any event, within thirty (30) days after Landlord has completed its repairs to the Premises as aforesaid, Tenant shall complete its repairs to the Premises and shall recommence fue conduct of business thereon. 12.2 Uninsured Damage and Last Two Years If there is damage to or destruction of the Premises and.if, in Landlord's reasonable opinion, of which notice is given to Tenant within fifteen (15) days after the later of the date of such damage or destruction and the date upon which Landlord is notified by Tenant of such damage or destruction, the Premises are not capable of being repaired to the extent of Landlord's repair obligations within thirty (30) days following the giving of such notice and if (i) such dan:tage_or destru~tiouis J19t:fmw::ed_D_arnage, or (ii) such damage or destruction occurs within __ the last two (2) years of the T= and either Tenant has no r"maiuiug rights to renew this Lease or, having the right to renew this Lease fails to do so within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the said notice, then Landlord, at its option to be exercised by written notice given to Tenant within thirty (30) days after the later of the date of such damage or destruction and the date.upon which Landlord is notified by Tenant of such damage or destruction, may terminate this Lease -whereupon Tenant shall immediately surrender possession of the Premises and Basic Rent and all other payments for which Tenant is liable hereunder shall be apportioned to the effective date of such termination. If this Lease is not terminated as aforesaid the parties shall repair as provided in subsection 12. l ( c) hereof and there shall be no abatement of any Rent unless the damage or destruction is Insured Damage and then only to the extent expressly provided in subsection 12.l(e) above. 27 12.3 Damage to Project If twenty-five (25%) percent or more of the Rentahle Area ofLeasable Areas of the Project is damaged or destroyed by any cause whatsoever, whether or not there is any damage to the Premises, Landlord may, at its option, by notice given to Tenant within sixty ( 60) days after such occurrence, terminate this Lease as of a date specified in such notice, which date shall be not less than thirty (30) days and not more than one hundred and eighty (180) days after the giving of such notice. In the event of such termination Tenant shall surrender vacant possession of the Premises by not later than the said date of termination, and Basic Rent arid all other payments for which Tenant is liable hereunder shall be apportioned to the effective date of termination. If Landlord does not so elect to terminate this Lease, Landlord shall diligently proceed to repair and rebuild the Project to the extent ofits obligations pursuant hereto to the extent of insurance proceeds which Landlord receives. or would have received had it maintained such _insurance as required hereunder, and to the extent that any mortgagee entitled to be paid such insurance proceeds consents to the use of same for such purpose. · 12.4 Restoration of Premises or Project If there is damage to or destruction of the Premises or the Project and if this Lease is not terminated pursuant hereto, Landlord, in performing its repairs as required hereby, shall not be obliged to repair or rebuild in accordance with the plans or specifications for the Premises or the Project as they existed prior to such damage or destruction; rather, Landlord. may repair or rebuild in accordance with any plans and specifications chosen by Landlord in its sole discretion provided that Tenant's use of and access to the Premises and the general overall quality of the Project are not materially detrimentally affected by any difference in plans or specifications of the Premises or the Project 12.5 Determination of Matters For the purpose of this Article XII all matters requiring determination such as, without limitation, the extent to which any area(s) of the Premises or the Project are damaged or are not capable of beingused, or the time within which repairs may be made, unless expressly provided- to the contrary, shall be determined by Landlord's Architect, such determination to be final and binding on the parties. ARTICLE XIII 13. JNSURANCE AND JNDEMNITY 13 .1 Landlord's Insurance Landlord shall obtain and maintain in full force and effect during the Term with respect to the Project insurance against such occurrences and in such amounts, on such terms and with such deductib!e(s) as would a prudent owner of such a project Such insurance may include, without limitation: (i) insurance on the Building and any improvements therein which Landlord desires to 28 insure, against damage by fire and other risks covered by extended coverage fire insurance policies or, at Landlord's option, all risks insurance; (ii) boiler and machinery insurance; (iii) rental income insurance; and (iv) public liability insurance. Notwithstanding that Tenant shall be contributing to the costs of such insurance pursuant to the terms of this Lease, Tenant shall not have any.interest in or any right to recover any proceeds under any of Landlord's insurance policies. 13.2 (a) (b) (c) 13.3 (a) Tenant's Effect On Other Insurance Tenant shall not do or permit anywhere on the Premises or Project anything which might: (i) result in any increase in the cost of ai;iy insurance policy of Landlord on the Project; (ii) result in an actual or threatened cancellation of or adverse change in any insurance policy of Landlord on the Project; or (iii) be prohibited by any insurance policy of Landlord on the Project If the cost of any insurance policies of Landlord on the Project is increased as· a result of any improvements made by Tenant or anything done or permitted by Tenant anywhere on the Premises or Project, Tenant shall pay the full amount of such increase to Landlord forthwith upon demand. Tenant's responsibility for any increased cost of insurance as aforesaid shall be conclusively determined by a statement issued by the organization, company or insurer . establishing the insurance rates for the relevant policy. If there is an actual or threatened cancellation of or adverse change in any policy of, insurance of Landlord on the Project by reason of ai;iything done or permitted by Tenant anywhere on the Premises or Project, and if Tenant fails to remedy the situation giving rise to such actual or threatened cancellation or change within twenty-four (24) hours after. notice from Landlord, then Landlord may, at its option, either (i) terminate this Lease forthwith by written notice; or, (ii) remedy the situation giving rise to such actual or threatened cancellation or change, all at the cost of Tenant to be paid to Landlord forthwith upon demand, and for such purpose Landlord shall have the right to enter upon the Premises without further notice. Tenant's.Insurance Tenant shall, at its sole expense, maintain in full force and effect at all times throughout the Term and such other times, if any, as Tenant occupies the Premises or any portion thereof, such insurance as would be maintained by a prudent tenant of premises such as the Premises, which insurance shall include af least all of the following: (i) comprehensive general liability insurance on an occurrence basis with respect to any use and occupancy of or things on the Premises, and with respect to the use and occupancy of any other part of the Project by Tenant or any of its servants, agents, employees, invitees, licensees, subtenants, contractors or persons for whom Tenant is in law responsible, with coverage for any occurrence of not less 29 than FIVE MlILION ($5,000,000.00) DOLLARS or such higher amount as Landlord may reasonably requrre on not less than one (1) month's ·notice; (ii) all risks insurance covering the leasehold improvements, trade fixtures and contents on or about the Premises, and all portions of the Premises and the Project which Tenant is obliged to maintain, repair or replace pursuant to section 10.l or any other provision hereof, for not less than the full replacement cost thereof and with a replacement cost endorsement; (iii) broad form comprehensive boiler and machinery insurance on all insurable objects located on or about the Premises or which are the property or responsibility of Tenant, for not less than the full replacement cost thereof and with a replacement cost endorsement; (iv) Intentionally deleted; (v) tenant's legal liability insurance for the full replacement cost of the Premises, and the loss of use thereof; (vi) "plate glass" insurance,.including exterior glass and vitrolite, lettering and frames and plate glass doors. If the Tenant does not carry plate glass insurance, Tenant will be responsible to replace all damaged and/or broken interior and exterior glass and vitrolite lettering and frames and plate glass doors with similar qua.!ity at its own expense, with due dispatch; and (vii) any other insurance against such risks and in such amounts as Landlord or any mortgagee of Landlord may from time to time reasonably requrre upon not less than thirty (30) days' notice to Tenant. (b) Each of Tenant's insurance policies shall name Landlord as an additional named insured, and shall be taken out with insurers and shall be in such form and on such terms as are satisfactory to Landlord from time to time. Without limiting the.generality of the foregoing, each of Tenant's insurance policies shall contain: (i) the standard mortgage clause as may be required by any mortgagee of Landlord; (ii) a waiver by the insurer of any rights of subrogation to which such insurer might otherwise be entitled against Landlord or any person for whom Landlord is in law responsible; (iii) an undertaking by the insurer that no material change adverse to Tenant or Landlord or any mortgagee of Landlord will be made and the policy will not lapse or be terminated, except after not less than thirty (30) days' written notice to Tenant and Landlord and to any mortgagee of Landlord; 30 (iv) a provision stating that Tenant's insurance policy shall be primary and shall not call into contribution any other insurance available to Landlord; (v) a joint loss endorsement, where applicable; (vi) a severability of interests clause and a cross-liability clause; and (vii) a waiver, in respect of the interests of Landlord and any mortgagee of Landlord, of any provision with respect to any breach of any warranties, representations, declarations or conditions contained in the said policy. ( c) . Tenant shall ensure that Landlord shall at all times be in possession of either certificates or certified copies of Tenant's insurance policies which are in good standing and in compliance with Tenant's obligations hereunder. The Tenant shall provide to the Landlord evidence of such insurance on each anniversary date of this Lease or such other times as the Landlord · mayrequest ( d) Tenant hereby releases Landlord and its servants, agents, employees, contractors and those for whom Landlord is in law responsible from all losses, damages and claims of any kind in respect of which Tenant is required to maintain insurance hereunder or is otherwise insured. 13.4 Landlord's Right to Place Tenant's Insurance If Tenant fails io maintain in force, or pay any premiums for, any insurance required to be maintained by Tenant hereunder, or if Tenant fails from time to time to deliver to Landlord satisfactory proof of the good standing of any such insurance or the payment of premiums therefor, then Landlord, without prejudice to any of its other rights and remedies hereunder, shall have the right but not the obligation to effect such insurance on behalf of Tenant and the cost thereof and all other reasonable expenses incurred by Landlord in that regard shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord forthwith upon demand. 13-5 Landlord'sNoncLiability Tenant agrees that Landlord shall not be liable or responsible in any way for any injury or death to any person or for any loss or damage to any property, at ·any time on or about the Premises or any property owned by or being the responsibility of Tenant or any of its servants, agents, customers, contractors or persons for whom Tenant is in law responsible elsewhere on or . . about the Project, no m.atter how the same shall be caused and whether or not resulting from or contributed to by the negligence of Landlord, its servants, agents, employees, contractors or persons for whom Landlord is in law responsible. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Landlord shall not be liable or responsible for any such injury, death, loss or damage to any persons or property caused or contributed to by any of the following: fire, explosion, steam, water, rain, snow, dampness, leakage, electricity or gas. Without limiting or affecting the generality or interpretation of the foregoing, and notwithstanding the foregoing, it is agreed that 31 Landlord shall in no event be liable for any indirect or consequential damages suffered by Tenant. 13.6 Indemnity of Landlord Tenant shall indemnify Landlord and all of its servants, agents, employees, contractors and persons for whom Landlord is in law responsible against any and all liabilities, claims, damages, losses and expenses, including all reasonable legal fees and disbursements, arising from: (i) any breach by Tenant of any of the provisions of this Lease; (ii) any act or omission of any person on the Premises or any use or occupancy of or any things in the Premises; (iii) any act or omission of Tenant or any of its servants, agents, employees, invitees, licensees, subtenants, contractors or persons for whom Tenant is in law responsible on the Premises or elsewhere on or about the Project; or (iv) any injury or.death of persons, or any loss or damage to property of Tenant or any of its servants, agents, employees, invitees, licensees, subtenants, contractors or persons for whom Tenant is in law responsible, on the Premises or elsewhere on or about the Project. · 13. 7 Landlord's Employees and Agents Every indemnity, exclusion or release of liability and waiver of subrogation contained in this Lease for the benefit of Landlord shall extend to and benefit all of Landlord's servants, agents, employees, and others for whom Landlord is in law responsible. Solely for such purpose, and to the extent that Landlord expressly chooses to enforce the benefits of this section for.the foregoing persons, it is agreed that Landlord is the agent or trustee for such persons. ARTICLE XIV 14. ASSIGNMENT, SUBLETTING AND CHANGE OF CONTROL 14.1 Consent Required ( a) Temmt shall nQt assign this I.ea,;~ lll.Wl:J.oleor in part and shall not sublet or part_with or share possession of all or any part of the Premises and shall not grant any licences or other rights to others to use any portion of the Premises (all of the foregoing being hereinafter referred to as a "Transfer"; a party making a Transfer is referred to as a "Transferor" and a party taking a Transfer is referred to as a "Transferee") without the prior written consent of Landlord in each instance, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld; provided that it shall be reasonable for Landlord to withhold its consent to a Transfer unless it is shown to Landlord's satisfaction that: (i) the proposed Transferee has a good business and personal reputation and has financial strength at least sufficient to satisfy all the obligations of Tenant hereunder; (ii) without affecting the interpretation of section 8.1 or any other provision hereof, the business proposed to be carried on by the Transferee on the Premises will not be incompatible with the uses of other tenants of the Project, and will not be more burdensome on the Project, in terms of parking requirements or any other factor, than the business previously carried on by Tenant on the Premises; and (iii) the proposed Transferee is not an 32 existing occupant of any part of the Project and has not then recently been a prospect involved in bona fide negotiations with Landlord respecting the leasing of any premises in the Project and is not in anyway affiliated with such existing occupant or bona fide prospect The provisions of this Article XIV shall apply to any Transfer which might occnr by inheritance or operation oflaw. (b) If Landlord withholds, delays or refuses to give consent to any Transfer, whether or not Landlord is entitled to do so, Landlord shall not be liable for any losses or damages in any way resulting there:from and Tenant shall not be entitled to terminate this Lease or exercise any other.remedy whatever in respect thereof except to seek the order of a court of competent jurisdiction compelling Landlord to grant any such consent which Landlord is obliged to grant pursuant to the terms of this Lease. ( c) No Transfer may be made where any portion of Rent is lower than that provided for herein or otherwise on terms more favonrahle to the Transferee than the terms· set forth herein. 14.2 Obtaining Consent All requests to Landlord for consent to any Transfer shall be made to Landlord in writing together with a copy of the agreement pursuant to which the proposed Transfer will be made, accompanied by such information in writing as a landlord might reasonably require respecting a proposed Transferee including, without limitation, name, business and home addresses and telephone numbers, business experience, credit information iand rating, financial position and banking and personal references, description of business proposed to be conducted by the Transferee on the Premises and parking requirements for such business. Tenant shall promptly pay all costs incurred by Landlord in considering and processing the request for consent including legal costs and all costs of completing any documentation to implement any Transfer, which shall be prepared by Landlord or its solicitor if required by Landlord, and as a prior condition to considering any request for consent Landlord may require from Tenant payment of a reasonable deposit, of at least FIVE HUNDRED ($500.00) DOLLARS, on account of Landlord's said costs. 14.3 Landlord's Option Notwithstanding the other provisions contained in this Article XIV, after Landlord receives a request for consent to a Transfer with the information and copy of agreement hereinabove required, it shall have the option, to be exercised by written notice to Tenant within fifteen (15) days after the receipt of such request, information and agreement, to terminate this Lease as it relates to the portion of the Premises which is the subject of the proposed Transfer effective as of the date on which the proposed Transfer by Tenant was proposed to occur. If Landlord elects to terminate this Lease as aforesaid, Tenant shall have the right, to be exercised by written notice to Landlord within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice of termination, to withdraw the request for consent to the Transfer, in which case Tenant shall not proceed with such Transfer, the notice of termination shall be null and void and this Lease shall continue in full force and effect. 33 · 14.4 Terms of Consent In the event of a Transfer Landlord shall have the following rights, in default of any of which no such Transfer shall occur or be effective: (i) to collect a deposit or further deposit to be held as a security deposit pursuant to section 16.5 such that the security deposit held by Landlord shall be equivalent to at least the last two (2) months' Basic Rent payable in respect of the premises which are the subject of the Transfer; (ii) to require Tenant and the Transferee and Indemni:fier, if any, to enter into a written agreement to implement any amendments to this Lease to give effect to Landlord's exercise of any of its rights hereunder; (iii) to require the Transferee to enter into an agreement with Landlord in writing and under seal to be bound by all of Tenant's obligations under this Lease in respect of the portion of the Premises which is the subject of the Transfer; (iv) to require the Transferee to waive any rights, pursuant to subsection 39(2) of the Commercial Tenancies Act (Ontario) and any amendments thereto and any other statutory provisions of the same or similar effect, to pay any Rent less than any amount payable hereunder; (v) to require, if the Transfer is a sublease or other transaction other than an assignment, that upon notice from Landlord to the Transferee all amounts payable by the Transferee each month shall be paid directly to Landlord who shall apply the same on account of Tenant's obligations under this Lease; 14.5 Effect of Transfer ( a) No consent of Landlord to a Transfer shall be effective unless ·given in writing and executed by Landlord and no such consent shall be presumed by any act or omission of Landlord or by Landlord's failure to respond to any request for consent or by Landlord's accepting any payment of any amount payable hereunder from any party other than Tenant No Transfer and no consent by Landlord to any Transfer shall constitute a waiver of the necessity to obtain Landlord's consent to.any subsequent or other Transfer. (b) In the event of any Transfer or any consent by Landlord to any Transfer, Tenant shall not thereby be released from any of its obligations hereunder but shall remain bound by°all such obligations pursuant to this Lease for the balance of the Term. If this Lease is renewed or extended by any Transferee pursuant to any option of Tenant, each Transferor shall be liable for all of the obligations of Tenant throughout the T= as renewed or extended. 34 ( c) Every Transferee shall be obliged to comply with all of the obligations of Tenant under this Lease, and any defanlt of any Transferee shall also constitute a default of Tenant hereunder. If this Lease is ever disclaimed or terminated by a trustee in bankruptcy of a Transferee Tenant shall nevertheless remain responsible for fulfilment of all obligations of Tenant hereunder for what would have been the balance of the Term but for such disclaimer or termination, and shall upon Landlord's request enter into a new lease of the Premises for such balance of the Term and otherwise on the same terms and conditions as in this Lease. 14.6 No Advertising of Premises Tenant shall not advertise this Lease or all or any part of the Premises or the business or fixtures therein for sale without Landlord's prior written consent 14.7 Mortgage of Lease The restrictions on Transfer as aforesaid shall apply to any assigning, subletting, mortgaging, charging or otherwise transferring of the Premises or this Lease for the purpose of securing any obligation of Tenant. 14.8 Corporate Tenant Intentionally deleted. 14.9 Assignment by Landlord If Landlord sells, leases, mortgages or otherwise disposes of the Project or any part thereof or assigns its interest in this Lease, to the extent that the purchaser or assignee agrees with Landlord to assume the covenants and obligations of Landlord hereunder, Landlord shall thereupon be released from all liability pursuant to the terms of this Lease. ARTICLEXV 15. STATUS AND SUBORDINATION OF LEASE 15.l Status Statement Tenant shall, within ten (10) days after written request from Landlord, execute and deliver to Landlord, or to any actual or proposed lender, purchaser or assignee of Landlord, a . statement or certificate in such form as requested by Landlord stating (if such is the case, or stating the manner in which such may not be the case): (i) that this Lease is unmodified and in full force and effect; (ii) the date of co=encement and expiry of the Term and the dates to which Basic Rent and any other Rent, including any prepaid rent, have been paid; (iii) whether or not there is any existing default by Landlord tinder this Lease and, if so, specifying such default; and (iv) that there are no defences, counter claims or rights of set---off in respect of the obligations hereunder of Tenant. 35 15.2 Subordination and Attornment At the option of Landlord to be expressed in writing from time to time this Lease and the rights of Tenant hereunder are and shall be subject and subordinate to any and all mortgages, trust deeds and charges (any of which is herein called "Mortgage") on the Project or any part thereof now or in the future, including all renewals, extensions, modifications and replacements of any Mortgages from time to time. Tenant shall at any time on notice from Landlord or holder · ·of a Mortgage attorn to and become a tenant of the holder of any such Mortgage upon the same t=s and conditions as set forth herein and shall execute promptly on request any certificates, agreements, instruments of postponement or attornment or other such instruments or agreements, including without limitation any short form or notice of this Lease for the purpose of registration · on title to the Project, as requested from time to time to give full effect to this Article XV. Provided.Tenant is not in default hereunder, Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to obtain from the holder of any Mortgage, in respect of which tenant has executed and delivered an instrument of postponement, subordination or attormnent as required hereby, its agreement to permit Tenant to continue to occupy the Premises in accordance with the terms of this Lease. 15.3 Tenant's Failure to Comply If Tenant fails to execute any certificate, agreement, instrument, or other document as required by the foregoing provisions of this Article XV within ten (10) days after request by Landlord, then Landlord shall have the right, without limiting any other rights of Landlord hereunder or at law, to terminate this Lease or to execute any such certificate, agreement, instrument or document on behalf of Tenant and in Tenant's name, for which purpose Tenant hereby appoints Landlord as Tenant's attorney pursuant to the Powers of Attorney Act (Ontario). 15.4 Registration Tenant shall not register on title to the Premises or the Project this Lease or any short form or notice hereof without the express written consent of the Landlord, which consent may be unreasonably withheld. 16. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES · 16.1 Default and Remedies . ARTICLE XVI If any of the following shall occur. (i) Tenant fails, for any reason, to make any payment of Rent as and when the same is due td be paid hereunder and such default continues for seven (7) days after such payment was due, whether or not notice is given to Tenant; 36 (ii) Tenant fails, for any reason, to observe or perform any obligation of Tenant pursuant to this Lease other than the payment of any Rent provided that if the Tenant's default can be cured by only the performance of work or by the furnishing of materials, and if the work cannot be reasonably be completed or the materials reasonably obtained and/or utilized within _5 days, the default shall not be deemed to continue if the Tenant proceeds promptly with and diligently completes the work necessary to cure the defanlt; (iii) any of Landlord's insurance policies on the Project are actually or threatened to be cancelled or adversely changed as a result of any use of or articles on or about the Premises; (iv} Tenant shall purport to make a Transfer affecting the Premises, or the Premises shall be used by any person or for any purpose, other than in compliance with this Lease; ( v) Tenant or any other occupant of the Premises makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors or becomes bankrupt or insolvent or takes the benefit of any statute for bankrupt ·or insolvent debtors or makes any proposal or arrangement with creditors, or Tenant makes any sale in bulk of any property on the Premises (other than in conjunction with a Transfer approved in writing by Landlord and made pursuant to all applicable legislation), or steps are taken for the winding up or other termination of Tenant's existence or liquidation of its assets; (vi) a..Jrustee, receiver, receiver-manager, or similar person is appointed in respect of the assets or business of Tenant or any other occupant of the Premises; (vii) Tenant attempts to or does abandon the Premises or remove or dispose of any goods from the Premises, so that there would not be sufficient goods on the Premises subject to distress to satisfy all arrears of Rent and all Rent payable hereunder for a further period of at least six ( 6) months, or if the Premises are vacant or unoccupied for a period of five (5) consecutive days or more without the prior writtenconselit of Landlord; (viii) this Lease or any other property of Tenant is at any time seized or taken in execution which remains unsatisfied for a period of five ( 5) days or more; (ix) termination or re-entry by Landlord is permitted under any provision of this Lease or at law; then the then current and the next three (3) months' Rent shall be forthwith due and payable and, in addition to any other rights or remedies to which Landlord is entitled hereunder or at law, Landlord shall have 'the following rights and remedies, which are cumulative and not alternative, namely: 37 (x) to terminate this Lease in respect of the whole or any part of the Premises by written notice to Tenant; (xi) as agent of Tenant to relet the Premises and take possession of any furniture, fixtures, equipment or other property thereon and, upon giving notice to Tenant, to· store the same at the expen,se and risk of Tenant or sell or otherwise dispose of the . same at public or private sale without further notice, and to make alterations to the Premises to facilitate their reletting and to apply the net proceeds of the sale of any fumiture, fixtures, equipment, or other property or from the reletting of the Premises, less all expenses incurred by Landlord in making the Premises ready for reletting and in reletting the Premises, on account of the Rent due and to become due under this Lease and Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for any deficiency and for all such expenses incurred by Landlord as aforesaid; nothing done by Landlord shall be construed as an election to terminate this Lease unless written notice of such termination is given by Landlord to Tenant; (xii) to remedy any default of Tenant in performing any repairs, work or other obligations of Tenant hereunder, and in so doing to enter upon the Premises, without any liability to Tenant therefor and without constituting a re-entry of the Premises or termination of this Lease or breach of the Landlord's covenant of quiet enjoyment, and, in such case, Tenant shall pay to Landlord forthwith upon demand all reasonable costs of Landlord in remedying or attempting to remedy any such default plus fifteen (15%) percent for inspection, supervision, overhead. and profit or such other reasonable amounts as.may be charged by Landlord for overhead arid profit from time to time; (xiii) to obtain damages from Tenant including, without limitation, if this Lease is terminated, all deficiencies between all amounts which would have been payable by Tenant for what would have been the balance of the Term, but for such termination, and all net amounts actually received by Landlord for such period. 16.2 Interest All amounts of Rent shall bear interest from their respective due dates until the dates of payment at the rate of three (3%) percent per annum in excess of the prime rate of interest charged by Landlord's bank in Ontario from time to time. 16.3 Costs (a) Tenant shall pay to Landlord forthwith upon demand all costs incurred by Landlord, including, without limitation, legal expenses on a solicitor and his own client basis and reasonable compensation for all time expended by Landlord's own personnel, arising as a result of any default in Tenant's obligations under this Lease. 38 (b) Without compelling the Landlord to accept any payment of Rent in arrears, if any cheque given by the Tenant to the Landlord in payment of Rent is refused payment by the Tenant's bank for any reason, the Tenant shall immediately replace that · cheque wi1h a certified cheque or bank draft and shall pay, in addition, as Additional Rent, 1he sum of $250.00 as a service charge to 1he Landlord; ( c) Intentionally deleted . 16.4 Distress and Tenant's Property Tenant hereby waives and renounces 1he benefit of any present or future statute taking away or limiting Landlord's right of distress and agrees with Landlord that, notwi1hstanding any such statute, all goods and chattels from time to time on the Premises shall be subject to distress for Rent. All Tenant's personal property on the Premises shall at all times be the unencumbered property of Tenant 16 .5 Security Deposit ( a) Tenant has deposited, or will upon execution of 1his Lease deposit, with Landlord the sum described as Security Deposit in section 1.1 hereof ("SecurityDeposit"). The Security Deposit shall be held by Landlord without interest as security for the performance by Tenant of all obligations of Tenant under 1his Lease during the T= and any renewals and any tenancy resulting from an overholding. (b) If at any time any Rent shall be overdue Landlord may, at its option, apply all or any portion of1he Security Deposit to 1he payment of the said Rent Fur1her, if Tenant defaults in the performance of any of its obligations under 1his Lease then Landlord, at its option, may apply all or any part of the Security Deposit on account of any losses or damages sustained by Landlord as a result of such default If all or any part of 1he Security Deposit is applied by Landlord on account of Rent or losses or damages sustained by Landlord, then Tenant shall, within three (3) days after demand from Landlord, remit to Landlord a sufficient amount to restore the Security Deposit to the original sum deposited or required ;;; be deposited as herein set forth. ( c) If Tenant complies wi1h all of its obligations under 1his Lease, the Security Deposit or the balance remaining thereof shall be returned to Tenant within 1hirty (30) days after the later of(i) the end of the Term or (ii) Tenant's vacating the Premises. ( d) Landlord may deliver the Security Deposit, or such portion thereof r=aining on hand, to any purchaser, mortgagee or assignee of Landlord's interest in the Premises or the Project and thereupon Landlord shall be discharged from any further liability with respect to the Security Deposit 39 16.6 Remedies to Subsist No waiver of any of Tenant's obligations under this Lease or of any of Landlord's rights in respect of any default by Tenant hereunder shall be deemed to have occurred as a result of any condoning, overlooking or delay by Landlord in respect of any default by Tenant or by any other act or omission of Landlord including, without limitation, the acceptance of any Rent. less than the full amount thereof or the acceptance of any Rent after the occurrence of any default by Tenant The waiver by Landlord of any default of Tenant or of any rights of Landlord, which shall be effected only by an express written waiver executed by Landlord, shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any term, covenant or condition in respect of which such default or right has been waived and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent default of Tenant or right of Landlord. All rights and remedies of Landlord under this Lease and at law shall be cumulative and not alternative, and the exercise by Landlord of any of its rights pursuant to this Lease or at law shall at all times be without prejudice to any other rights of Landlord, whether or not they are expressly reserved. Tenant's obligations under this Lease shall survive the expiry or earlier termination of this Lease and shall remain in full force and effect until fully complied with. 16. 7 Impossibility of Performance If and to the extent that either Landlord or Tenant shall be delayed in the fulfilment of any obligation under this Lease, other than the payment by Tenant of any Rent, by reason of unavailability of material, equipment, utilities, services or by reason of any Laws, or by reason of any other similar cause beyond its control and not avoidable by the exercise of reasonable foresight ( excluding the inability to pay for the performance of such obligation), then the party being delayed shall be entitled to extend the time for fulfilment of such obligation by a time equal to the duration of such delay and the other party shall not be entitled to any compensation for any loss or inconvenience occasioned thereby. The party delayed will, however, use its best efforts to fulfil the obligation in question as soon as is reasonably practicable by arranging an alternate method of providing the work, services or materials. ARTICLE XVII 17. CONTROL OF PROJECT 17 .1 Landlord's Control The Project is at all times subject to the exclusive control and management of Landlord. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Landlord shall have the right to obstruct or close off or restrict entry to all or any part of the Project for purposes of performing any maintenance, repairs or replacements or for security purposes or to prevent the accrual of any rights to any person or the public or any dedication thereof; provided that in exercising any such right Landlord shall use reasonable best efforts to minimize interference with Tenant's access to and · use of the Premises. 40 17.2 Alterations of the Project (a) At any time or times Landlord shall have the right to make any changes in, additions to, deletions :from or relocations of any part of the Project including the Premises and any of the Common Facilities (any of which are herein referred to as "Changes") as Landlord shall consider desirable. If Landlord makes any Changes to the Premises, including relocation of the Premises, Landlord shall ensure that the Premises, as affected by such Changes, shall be substantially the same in size and shall be in all other material respects reasonably comparable to the Premises originally demised hereby. If the Premises are relocated as a result of such Changes, Landlord shall be responsible for the direct cost of moving Tenant to the relocated Premises and constructing replacement leasehold improvements therein, but not for any indirect costs or losses of Tenant. Tenant shall not have the right to object to or make any claim on account of the exercise by Landlord of any of its rights under this section 17.2, except that Tenant shall be entitled to an abatement of Basic Rent for any period of time in excess of ten (10) consecutive days that Tenant is unable to conduct business in the Premises as a result of the making of such Changes. Landlord shall make any such Changes · as expeditiously as is reasonably possible and so as to interfere as little as is reasonably possible with Tenant's business on the Premises. (b) Tenant acknowledges that portions qf the Project may be under construction during the T=, and that such construction activities may cause temporary noise and disturbance to existing tenants of the Project. Landlord will use reasonable efforts to roiniroiz<> interference with Tenant's occupation of the Premises as a result of such construction activities, but Tenant acknowledges that in no event shall any noise or other disturbance caused by such construction constitute a breach of Tenant's right to quiet enjoyment of the Premises. 17.3 Common Facilities and Parking Tenant shall not itself and shall not permit any of its employees, servants, agents, contractors, or persons having business.with Tenant, to obstruct any Common Facilities including driveways0 laneways or a.ccess _ routes, o_r to_per~_yehlc;ks in any portion of the Common Facilities other than such areas as expressly authorized by Landlord. Landlord shall have the right to designate the number and location of parking spaces available for use by Tenant, its employees, customers and others doing business with it, provided that Landlord shall have no responsibility whatsoever for supervising or policing the availability of such parking spaces. Landlord shall have the right, at Tenant's expense payable on demand, to remove any such obstruction or improperly parked vehicles, without any liability for any damage caused thereby. The Tenant and its employees, suppliers and other persons not customers having business with the Tenant, shall park their cars only in those portions of the parking area designated for that purpose by the Landlord. Within five (5) days after taking possession of the Leased Premises the Tenant shall furnish the Landlord with the automobile license numbers of the Tenant and its employees and shall thereafter notify the Landlord of any changes within five (5) days after such changes occur. Should the Tenant, its employees, suppliers and other persons not-customers 41 having business with the Tenant park vehicles in areas not allocated for that purpose, the Landlord shall have the right to remove the said trespassing vehicles and the Tenant shall save harmless the Landlord from any and all damages therefrom and the· Tenant shall pay the costs of such removal. 17.4 Rules and Regulations Landlord may from time to time make and amend reasonable rules and regulations for the management and operation of the Project and Tenant and all persons under its control shall comply with all of such rules and regulations of which notice is given to Tenant from time to time, all of which shall be cleemedto be incorporated into and form part of this Lease. Landlord shall not make any rules orregulations which conflict with any express provision of this Lease unless and only to the extent required by any applicable Laws. Landlord shall act reasonably in enforcing such rules and regulations but shall not be liable for their non-enforcement. 17.5 Access to Premises (a) Without limiting any other rights Landlord may have pursuant hereto or at law, Landlord shall have the right to enter the Premises at any time for any of the following purposes: (i) to examine the Premises and to perform any maintenance, repairs or alterations to any part of the Premises or to any equipment and services serving the Premises or any other part of the Project; (ii) in cases of emergency; (iii) to read any utility or other meters; (iv) during the last twelve (12) months of the Term to show the Premises to prospective tenants and to permit prospective tenants to make inspections, measurements and plans; and (v)at any time during the Term to show the Premises to prospective purchasers or lenders. (b) Landlord shall have the right to run through the Premises conduits, wires, pipes, ducts and other elements of any systems for utilities, heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and humidity control, telephone and other co=unications systems and any other such systems to serve the Premises or the Project. ( c) Landlord shall exercise its rights pursuant to this section 17.5 in such manner and at such timesasLaitdlord; actingreasoii.ably oiifiii its-sole discretion, shallclefonnme, but shall use its reasonable best efforts not to interfere with or obstruct the Tenant's operations on the Premises. At any time that entry by Landlord is desired in case of emergency, and if no personnel of Tenant are known by Landlord to be present on the Premises or if such personnel fail for any reason to provide Landlord immediate access at the time such entry is desired, Landlord may forcibly enter the Premises without liability for damage caused thereby. 17 .6 Expropriation (a) If the Premises or any part thereof shall be expropriated (which for the purposes of this Article XVII shall include a sale by Landlord to any authority with the power to expropriate) by any competent authority then: 42 (i) Landlord and Tenant shall co-operate with each other so that Tenant may receive such award to which it is entitled in law for relocation costs, business interruption, and the value ofleasehold improvements paid for by Tenant and so that Landlord may receive the maximum award to which it may be entitled in law for all other compensation arising from such expropriation including, without limitation, all compensation for the value of Tenant's leasehold interest in the Premises; (ii) except for such compensation to which Tenant shall .be entitled as aforesaid, all Tenant's other rights in respect of such expropriation are hereby assigned to Landlord, and within ten (10) days after request by Landlord Tenant shall execute such further documents as requested by Landlord to give effect to such assignment, failing which Landlord is hereby irrevocably appointed, pursuant to the Powers of Attorney Act (Ontario) Tenant's attorney to do so on behalf of Tenant and in its name; and (iii) Landlord shall have the option, to be exercised by written notice to Tenant, to terminate this Lease, effective on the date the expropriating authority talces possession of the whole or any portion of the Premises. 17.7 If the whole or any part of the Project shall be expropriated, then subject to the foregoing . provisions respecting expropriation of the Premises: (i) (ii) all compensation resulting from such expropriation shall be the absolute property of Landlord and all of Tenant's rights, if any, to any such compensation are hereby assigned to Landlord and within ten (I 0) days after request by Landlord Tenant shall execute such further documents as requested by Landlord to give effect to such assignment, failing which Landlord is hereby irrevocably appointed, pursuant to the Powers of Attorney Act (Ontario), Tenant's attorney to do so on behalf of Tenant and in its name; and if the expropriation of part of the Project is such as to render undesirable, in Landlord's reasonable opinion, i:he continuing operation of the portion of the Project in which the Premises are situate, Landlord shall have the right to terminate this Lease as of the date the expropriating authority talces possession of all or any portion of the Project. 17.8 Landlord's Consent Intentionally deleted. 17.9 (a) Teleco=unications Carrier's Access The Tenant's right to select and utilize teleco=unications and data carrier (the "Carrier") shali be conditional on the execution by such Carrier of a license agreement, in 43 form and substance acceptable to the Landlord, pursuant to which the Landlord shall grant to the Carrier a license (which shall be coextensive with the rights and privileges granted to the Tenant under the Lease) to install, operate, maintain, repair, replace and remove cable and related equipment within the Leased Premises and vertical and horizontal path ways within the Building but outside of the Leased Premises that are necessary to provide teleco=unications and data services to Tenant at the Premises). (b) The license contemplated herein to be granted to the carrier shall p=i.t the Carrier to provide services only to the Tenant and not to any other tenants or occupants of the Building and shall require all of the Carrier's equipment ( other than connecting wiring) to be located in the Tenant's Premises. Tue License shall not grant an exclusive right to the Tenant or to the Carrier. Landlord reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to grant, renew, or extend licenses to other teleco=unications and data carriers for the purposes of locating teleco=unications equipment in the Building which may serve the Tenant or other tenants in the Building. ( c) Except to the exte~t expressly set forth herein, nothing herein shall grant to the Carrier any greater rights or privileges than the Tenant is granted pursuant to the terms of this Lease or diminish the Tenant's obligations or the Landlord's rights hereunder. ( d) The Tenant shall be responsible for ensuring that the Carrier complies with the terms and conditions of the license agreement relating to the use of the Leased Premises or the making of any physical Alterations imposed upon the Tenant under this Lease to the extent the Carrier operates or maintains any equipment or delivers• any services in the Leased Premises. Any failure by the Carrier to observe and comply with such terms, conditions, agreement and covenants on behalf of the Tenant, to the extent the Carrier operates or maintains any equipment or delivers any services · in the Premises or the Licensed Areas, shall be a default under the Lease. 17 .10 Wireless Frequencies (a) The Landlordmay reguiJ:e__the Tenant to. modify_ or tern:miate any syste_m of short range radio :frequencies (herein ''Wireless System") used by the Tenant in the Premises or in the Project it; in the Landlord's sole· discretion, such Wireless System interferes with the Wireless System of other Tenants in the Project. (b) Landlord may from time to time make and amend rules and regulations for the management and operation of Wireless Systems within the Project and Tenant and all persons under its control shall comply with all of such rules and regulations of which notice is given to Tenant from time to time, all of which shall be deemed to be incorporated into and form part of this Lease. Landlord shall act reasonably in enforcing such rules and regulations but shall not be liable for their non-enforcement. ( c) Withour limiting the foregoing, nothing contained herein shall impose upon the Landlord any obligation to ensure Tenant's Wireless Systems are free from interference from other tenants in the Project or otherwise. 44 ARTICLE XVIII 18. MISCEILANEOUS 18.l Notices All notices, statements, demands, requests or other instruments ("Notices") which may be or are required to be given under this Lease shall be in writing and shall be delivered in person or sent by prepaid registered Canadian mail addressed, if to the Tenant, at the Address for Service of Notice on Tenant, ifto the Indemnifier, if any, at the Address for Service of Notice on Indernnifier, and if to the Landlord at the Address for Service of Notice on Landlord, all as provided in section I. I hereof · All such Notices shall be conclusively deemed to have been given and received upon the day the same is personally delivered or, if mailed as aforesaid, four ( 4) business days ( excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and days upon which regular postal service is interrupted or unavailable for any reason) after the same is mailed as aforesaid. Any party may at any time by notice in writing to the other change the Address for Service of Notice on it If two or more persons are named as Tenant or Indemnifier, any Notice given hereunder shall be sufficiently given if delivered or mailed in the foregoing manner to any one of such persons. 18.2 Complete Agreement There are no covenants, representations, agreements, warranties or conditions in any way relating to the subject matter of this Lease or the tenancy created hereby, expressed or implied, collateral or otherwise, except as expressly set forth herein, and this Lease constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and may not be modified except by subsequent written agreement duly executed by Landlord and Tenant. 18.3 Time of the Essence Time is of the essence of all terms of this Lease. 18.4 Applicable Law This Lease shall be governed by and inteipreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. The parties agree that the Courts of Ontario shall have jurisdiction to determine any matters arising hereunder. 18.5 Severability If any provision of this Lease is illegal, unenforceable or invalid, it shall be considered separate and severable and all the remainder of this Lease shall remain in full force and effect as 45 though such provision had not been included in this Lease, but such provision shall nonetheless continue to be enforceable to the extent permitted by law. 18.6 Section Numbers and Headings The table of contents and all section numbers and headings of this Lease are inserted for y0nvenience only and shall in no way limit or affect the interpretation of this Lease. 18. 7 Interpretation Whenever a word importing the singnlar or plural is used in this Lease such word shall include the plural and singnlar respectively. Where any party is comprised of more than one entity, the obligations of each of such entities shall be joint and several. Words importing persons of either gender or firms or corporations shall include persons of the other gender and firms or corporations as applicable. Subject to the express provisions contained in this Lease, words such as "hereof", "herein", "hereby", "hereafter", and "hereunder" and all similar words or expressions shall refer to this Lease as a whole and not to any particular section or portion hereof. 18.8 Successors This Lease shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, assigns and other legal representatives except only that this Lease shall not enure to the benefit of any of such parties unless and only to the extent expressly permitted pursuant to the provisions of this Lease. ARTICLEXIX 19. INDEMNITY (a) Intentionally deleted. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Lease. EMIXL epfer, President THE CORPORATION F THE CITY OF PICKERING Per: S). bb+; U..o Name: Debbie Shields, City Clerk SCHEDULE "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES 1101 Kingston Road, Pickering, Ontario: Part of Lot 24, Concession 1, Pickering Ontario, being Parts 1, 2 and 3, Plan 40R-12678, Pickering PIN 26317-0070 (LT) SCHEDULEB OUTLINE PLAN OF PREMISES .,...-....., T-11'" ' ,~_,. 9'-10'" X 1-4'-Ur 2 SCHEDULEC LANDLORD'S WORK The Landlord will provide the Premises with the following items at its expense, all such work in compliance with the Ontario Building Code applicable at the time the wotl: is being carried out. 1. Paint throughout the Premises in a neutral colour. 2. Curved wall in back of Premises removed and flooring under such wall repaired. 3. Open office closed in with a door and wall to reasonably match the existing office glazed wall detail. 3 SCHEDULED RULES AND REGULATIONS The Tenant covenants and agrees that the rules and regulations shall in all respect be observed and performed·by the Tenant, its employees and agents and to the extent the Tenant can require the same, by its invitees and others over whom the Tenant has control. Landlord shall have available to it, all remedies provided in this Lease and all other legal remedies available at law or in equity upon a breach of the rules and regulations by the Tenant. The Landlord may terminate this Lease forthwith upon such breach if, after Notice of such breach, the Tenant fails to remedy such breach within fifteen (15) . business days or fails to diligently continue to rectify such breach. , The rules and regulations shall include, without limitation, the following: I. Animals or Birds: No animals or birds shall be kept in fue Premises. 2. Care of Interior and Exterior (if applicable) of Premises The tenant shall keep the interior and exterior (if applicable) of the Premises clean, orderly and tidy. The tenant shall keep perishable items properly refrigerated. The Tenant shall deposit all debris, trash and refuse in areas, at times and in such manner as the Landlord shall reasonably delegate. 3. No one shall use the Premises for sleeping quarters. 4. The Tenant shall observe strict care not to allow windows admitting light into fue Premises to be left opened or remain open so as to admit rain or snow, or so as to interfere wifu the heating of the Premises or the air conditioning of the Premises m: offue Building. The Tenant will be responsible for any injury caused to fue property of other Tenants or to the property of fue Landlord by failure on fue part offue Tenant to observe this rule. 5. Furniture, effects and supplies shall not be taken into or removed from the Premises except at such_time_o,-_inthe normal course of business andin_such manner as may be previously approved by the Landlord. 6. The Landlord shall have fue right to require all persons entering and leaving fue Building at hours other than normal business hours, which are defined as between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday, to identify fuernse!ves to a watchman or security guard (where applicable). 7. Electrical and Communications Wiring: The Landlord shall direct fue location and manner of installation of all wiring and equipment in the Premises. There shall be no boring, cutting or installation of telephone, telegraphic, electric or other wiring wifuout fue written consent offue Landlord. 4 8. Loading, Unloading, Delivery (if applicable): Deliveries, shipments and all loading and unloading of items to and from the Premises by means of such doorways, corridors and in such manner as the Landlord shall reasonably designate. 9. Use of Elevator (if applicable): Elevators shall not be used without the prior approval of the Landlord for the movement of furniture, freight, supplies or equipment and shall be left in clean condition following use. 10. Obstruction of Plumbing and WashroomFacilities and Co=on Areas The Tenant agrees that it will not use or permit its employees, agents or invitees to use the plumbing or washroom facilities of the Premises or co=on areas for any purpose other than that for which they are constructed. 11. .Overloading of Floors (if applicable) The Tenant shall not permit any floor of the Premises to be loaded to more than (250) pounds per square foot live load. All safes and other heavy objects liable to injure or destroy any part of the Premises or the Project shall be moved at such times, by such means and by such persons as the Landlord shall reasonably direct. Upon the termination of this lease and the Tenant shall forthwith inform the Landlord in writing of the combination of all locks, safes and vaults in or on the Premises. 12. Restriction on Dangerous Materials: The Tenant shall not keep, use, sell or offer for sale in-the Premises, anything of a dangerous, inflammable or explosive nature. · 13. Signs, Advertising and Displays: The Tenant shall not, in or about the Premises without the written consent of the Landlord, erect exterior signs, install window or door signs, affix window or door lettering, erect awnings or canopies or display advertising media or devices which may be seen or heard outside the Leased I'remises. -The Tenant shall.remove forthwith all-signs, lettering, awnings, canopies and displays which are found by the Landlord to be objectionable. The Tenant shall indemnify and save harmless the Landlord from all claims, demands, loss or damage to any person or property arising out of or in any way caused by the erection, maintenance or removal of any sign or other installation erected or installed on or about the exterior of the Leased Premises. The Tenant shall at its own expense, maintain in good condition and repair all such signs, lettering, awnings, canopies and displays, and shall observe and comply with all requirements of any competent authority regarding the erection and maintenance of signs including the payment of license or other fees. 14. Use of Entrances, etc.: The sidewalks, entrances, lobbies, elevators, stairways and corridors of the Premises, Building or Project shall not be obstructed by the Tenant or used by it for any other purpose than for ingress and egress to and from the Premises and the Tenant shall not place or allow to be placed in any 5 such areas any waste paper, dust, garbage, refuse or anything whatever that shall tend to make such areas appear clean or untidy. 15. Legal Compliance The Tenant shall comply, at its own expense with all federal, provincial and mnnicipal, fire, sanitary and safety laws and regulations and by-laws pertairring to the use of the Premises and surrounding area 16. Odours The Tenant shall not permit or allow odours, vapours, steam, water, vibrations, noises or other desirable effects to emanate from the Premises or any equipment or installation therein which, in the Landlord's opinion, are objectionable or cause any interference with the safety, comfort or convenience of the Building by the Landlord or any occnpants thereof or their invitees. 6 SCHEDULE "E" OPTION TO RENEW Landlord covenants with Tenant that if Tenant duly and regularly pays the rent and performs all of the covenants, provisos and agreements on the part of Tenant to be paid and performed in the Lease, and provided the Tenant is not then in default under the terms of the Lease, Landlord, at the expiration of the T=, and upon Tenant's written request, mailed by registered post, return receipt requested, to, or delivered to, Landlord and received by Landlord at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of the Term, grant to Tenant a renewal Lease of the Premises on an "as is" basis for two (2) further periods as follows: i. The First Renewal Term shall be for a period of five (5) years; ii. The Second Renewal Term shall be for a period of five (5) years; with the First Renewal Term commencing upon the expiration of the initial Term and the Second Renewa]. Term commencing upon the expiration of the First Renewal Term on the same terms and conditions as are contained in the Lease, save and except for: (a) the Tenant shall not be entitled to the benefit of orto receive any rent free period or any payments by the Landlord to the Tenant as set out in the original Lease; (b) the Basic Rent for the First Renewal Term shall be the greater of ( a) Basic Rent in the immediately preceding year of the Term or (b) fair market rental rate ("FMRR") based on the prevailing market rental rates for similar space in a similar area at the time of exercise by the Tenant of the first option to renew, · ( c) The Basic Rent for the Second Renewal Term will be the greater ( a) Basic Rent in the immediately preceding year of the First Renewal Term or (b) fair market rental rate ("FMRR") based on the prevailing market rental rates for similar space in a similar area at the time of exercise by the Tenant of the second option to renew; and ( d) there shall be no further right ofrenewal or extension after the Second Renewal Term. If th« pfil"(ic,S_a.r_e_ll!lable to _agre_e as to_FMRR, SJ1chrenewal_rent shall be determined b}c arbitration using the ADR Chambers Expedited Arbitration Rules. The parties agree that the . ADR Chambers Expedited Arbitration Rules give the parties a fair opportunity to present their case and respond to the case of the other side. The arbitration shall be held in Toronto and shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act (Ontario). Judgrnent upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. It is agreed that whether such FMRR is agreed upon or determined by arbitration, such FMRR shall in no event provide for a Rent plus percentage rent, if any, in an amount less than the Rent, for the last year ofthe·Term. Pending agreement of the parties as to, or as to the determination by arbitration of the FMRR, Tenant shall continue to pay the Rent for the last year of the Term or the First Renewal Tenn, as the case may be, and upon agreement or determination by arbitration as aforesaid shall commence to pay the FMRR retroactive to the commencement of the applicable renewal term. Any underpayments by the Tenant shall be adjusted retroactive to the commencement of the applicable renewal term. 7 Notwithstanding the forgoing, the Tenant shall have an option (the "Termination Option") to terminate the Lease on the following terms and conditions: (a) The Termination Option is exercised either during the First Renewal term or the Second Renewal Term; (b) The Tenant gives the Landlord not less than 12 months irrevocable written notice (the "Termination Notice") of its exercising the Termination Option. Upon giving the Termination Notice, and complying with the provisions of this paragraph, this Lease shall terminate at 11 :59 p.m. on the last day of the calendar month in which the notice period expires (the last day of such calendar month being called the "Termination Date"; If the Tenant so terminates this Lease, it shall, surrender this Lease, and all the remainder of the Term of any, yet to come and unexpired, as of the Termination Date and will, subject nevertheless to the provisions hereinbefore contained thereupon vacate the Premises and yield up to the Landlord peaceable and vacant possession thereof.