HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 13-21Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 13-21 Date: March 1, 2021 From: Brian Duffield (Acting) Director, Community Services Subject: Cultural Strategic Plan - Mid-term Update - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 31-20 regarding the City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan Mid-term Update be received for information; and, 2. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan (Plan) sets a vision for the place of arts, culture and heritage in the City and identifies strategic directions for policy, investment, partnerships and programs over the course of 10 years. The implementation of the Cultural Plan has resulted in a corporate shift towards greater integration and collaboration. A marked rise in collaboration and synergies through interconnection between departmental teams, programs, strategies, planning, and implementation. This organizational change has resulted in more sustainable action and operation. A culture of collaboration, creating a staff team who is more aware of and responsive to community culture. In effect, the Cultural Plan has changed corporate culture, and impacted community culture beyond the objectives of the Plan. The Cultural Strategic Plan was adopted by Council Resolution #247/14 dated June 18, 2014. The Cultural Strategic Plan details the important work of: 1. Defining Pickering’s identity and mapping out its cultural assets and resources; 2. Collecting input from Pickering’s valued partners that define its cultural opportunities, priorities and identity; and, 3. Developing a comprehensive strategy to reach Pickering’s economic, environmental and cultural goals. The Cultural Plan enables the City to retain its unique heritage and culture while keeping pace with the demands of the 21st century and globalization. Extensive research was conducted for the Plan and the findings revealed a wide array of cultural attractions and opportunities; a high level of cultural diversity; and, a strong commitment from organizations and individuals to the cultural life of the City. The research also identified gaps in support of arts, culture and heritage; some CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 2 fragmentation of the City’s cultural sector; a need to connect culture and economic development; and, barriers preventing the City’s arts, culture and heritage from reaching its full potential. City of Pickering staff identified six strategic directions that comprise the Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan: a) Broaden and deepen City leadership and investment; b) Build a strong and collaborative cultural sector; c) Strengthen culture-led economic development; d) Conserve and promote history and heritage; e) Celebrate and support diversity and inclusion; and, f) Culture opportunities for the creation, education and enjoyment of the arts. The City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan was presented in two documents: the first entitled “Cultural Strategic Plan, Final Report – June 2014” (Attachment 1) which summarized the research findings and details the six strategic directions and action plan; and the second entitled “A Cultural Map of Pickering: Background Information, Final Report – June 2014” which detailed the community profile and research findings used to support the development of the Plan. These documents were adopted by Council at the Council meeting of June 18, 2014, as per Council Resolution #247/14. Since that time, staff have worked collaboratively with each other and the community to move forward the strategic actions of the Plan. This mid-term report provides a broad overview of this work, and progress for Council’s information. Financial Implications: Many of the strategies within the Plan utilize existing staff resources and existing Current and Capital Budgets. Those strategies that require additional or new allocation of funds in the current and capital budgets are subject to the approval of Council through the annual Budget approval process. The recommendations to establish reserve funds will be further explored and incorporated within newly created policies; which will once again be subject to Council approval. Since the creation of the Cultural Strategic Plan, Council has approved the Public Art Policy (Council Resolution #167/19 dated November 29, 2019), and a reserve fund for Public Art. A Heritage Reserve will be contemplated in future years, and new positions such as a Diversity Coordinator and Tourism Coordinator will also be explored in future years. Discussion: Cultural planning is evident in many communities across the world and is rapidly spreading throughout North America. With the decline of heavy industry and the rise of the “creative economy”, decision makers understand the value of a culturally vibrant community to sustain the economy, protect the environment and attract creative thinkers. The City of Pickering is a vibrant community rich in diversity, history and the arts, featuring irreplaceable and unique natural heritage landscapes and is on the verge of tremendous growth and development. CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 3 Development of the Plan: The Plan was undertaken by an interdepartmental staff team. Community leaders in the field of arts, business, culture, ethno-culture and heritage participated in the preparation of the Plan as members of the Community Stakeholders. The role of the Community Stakeholders Committee was to provide feedback to the interdepartmental staff team on the development of the Cultural Strategic Plan. As such, they provided input, guidance and advice to City staff throughout the project. The services of Monteith Brown Planning Consultants were utilized to execute and summarize the findings of the community through online and telephone surveys in 2010. The services of Dr. Greg Baeker, Director Cultural Development, Miller Dickinson Blais was utilized to facilitate the City of Pickering staff visioning session on June 27, 2012 at which time the strategic directions were identified. Cultural Mapping: Cultural mapping is defined as a systematic approach to identifying, recording, classifying and analyzing a community’s cultural resources. The map was developed in the years leading up to the adoption of the Plan by a staff team. The Cultural Directory can be found on the City’s website and provides a comprehensive listing of Pickering’s cultural assets within the following categories: Creative Industries; Cultural Heritage; Facilities & Spaces; Natural Heritage; and Non-Profit Organizations. Due to extensive community engagement, approximately 300 Pickering cultural assets are profiled on this website for the world to access. Since its inception staff have promoted the directory, accepted new applicants, and undertaken an annual internal review. The Planning GIS Section have been approached to move the Cultural Directory into the open data portal. This first test of this system is in place in the form of the Public Art Directory. The proposed revision to the Cultural Directory will provide an interactive, layered map with search capabilities. Community Consultation: The foundation of the City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan is community consultation and public input. For this Plan to be successful and most importantly “authentic”, staff knew that the planning process must be “with the people” not “for the people”. As a result, consultation with all levels of municipal government, staff, community stakeholders and community residents was completed during the cultural planning process. The information was gathered utilizing a variety of methods and they include: • Online Surveys with stakeholders; • Community Telephone Surveys; • Interviews with Council, CAO and Senior Staff; • Questionnaires to Advisory Committees of Council; • Focus Group Sessions with Youth and Seniors; and, • The formation of a Community Stakeholders Committee. CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 4 Strategic Directions: Research findings revealed that Pickering has a wide array of cultural attractions and opportunities, a high level of cultural diversity, and strong commitment from organizations and individuals to the cultural life of the City. However, the research also identified gaps in the support of arts, culture and heritage; fragmentation of the City’s cultural sector, a need to connect culture and economic development; and better networking and collaboration to allow the City’s cultural sector to realize its full potential. For this reason, City staff identified six Strategic Directions: 1. Broaden and deepen city leadership and investment; 2. Build a strong and collaborative culture sector; 3. Strengthen culture-led economic development; 4. Conserve and promote history and heritage; 5. Celebrate and support diversity and inclusion; and, 6. Culture opportunities for the creation, education and enjoyment of the arts. For each Strategic Direction, the City has identified actions, timelines, and staff responsibilities on pages 33-53 in Attachment 1 for implementation. This update provides details on the actions undertaken to support the strategic directions. Implementation of the Plan: Culture creates the daily and accumulated experiences of our residents. It is the memory and story of their youth, adulthood and final years that tells the story of our communities, and creates the impression that guests take with them following their visit. The Cultural Plan sets the stage to create a richer and more diverse experience, more memorable welcoming and encompassing experience within Pickering’s borders. Since the inception of the Plan, a core team of employees from across the corporation have been working together to identify opportunities for culture and integrate initiatives into strategic plans and action plans. • Tanya Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services • Jesse St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services • Kathy Williams, Director Public Services, Pickering Public Library • Chantal Whitaker, Supervisor, Sustainability • Fiaz Jadoon, Director, Economic Development & Strategic Projects • Catherine Rose, Chief Planner • Kim Thompson, Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Services • Shauna Muir, Coordinator, Corporate Communications & Community Engagement • Laura Gibbs, Supervisor, Museum Services • Arnold Mostert, Senior Coordinator, Landscape, Parks & Development • Dale Quaife, Division Head, Information Technology CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 5 The implementation of the Plan utilizing a corporate wide team has resulted in full integration of the Plan into corporate priorities and strategies. The corporate culture has shifted, with cross- departmental teams aligning goals and objectives; thus creating a more cohesive approach to City business, a more sustainable approach to goal setting, strategy and program implementation. This is illustrated by the number of corporate plans, strategies, projects and programs which now integrate cultural aspects. • Parks & Recreation Master Plan • Museum Strategic Plan • Heritage Archives Master Plan • Age Friendly Community Plan • Amenities of Durham Live • Highway 407 Corridor Business Development Project • Development of Film Services • Pickering Downtown - A Plan for Development & Intensification • Sustainable Neighbourhood Program • Indigenous Relationship Building Action Plan • Anti-Black Racism Action Plan • Downtown Pickering - A Vision for Intensification and Framework for Investment • City Centre Urban Guidelines In 2021, staff intend to work with the community and partners to develop and implement the first stages of the following related plans and projects: • Public Art Program and Plan • Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan • Heritage Recognition Plan • Community Safety Plan • City Centre Project • Kingston Road Corridor and Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Plan • Draft Urban Design Study • Infill Housing Study • Housing Strategy Study • Integrated Transportation Master Plan • Museum Network and Wifi Project – Interactive Exhibits In addition the impact of the strategic directions of the Cultural Plan within the corporation, results are beginning to show their impact in the wider community. Community partners actively seek out City support and guidance for cultural initiatives. Developers express interest in Public Art as part of their planning process. This new shift in business lays a foundation for overall future success, as momentum builds within the corporation, and outside business and partnerships are engaged the implementation of cultural strategies and initiatives will develop greater momentum. CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 6 The results of this success can be seen already. Since the adoption of the Plan, the Cultural Advisory Committee (CAC) has been formed, and is now in its second term. The CAC is made up of stakeholders and community appointees. The group of experts and community advocates provides feedback to staff on the implementation of the Plan, and an update on their activities annually to Council. The CAC is responsible for providing community input on staff actions towards fulfillment of the plan, and are directly responsible for the initiation of the Pickering Anti- Black Racism, and the Indigenous Relationship Building action plans. Strategic Directions: 1. Broaden and deepen City leadership and investment 1.1. Expand communications efforts related to cultural resources and opportunities. a) A Cultural Portal has been established on the City website pickering.ca to expand, centralize, and simplify the delivery of cultural initiatives, and recognition of culture in Pickering. b) Developed and installed sustainability related interpretive signs within many parks, Sustainable Pickering eNewsletter, regular social media posts, dedicated section on City website, produced annual Year-in-Review, coordinated a minimum of 6 educational workshops (webinar platform in 2020 due to COVID-19, participation excellent as capacity for the platform was continually reached). c) New outreach and publications have been created to promote heritage and public art installations. These materials are available in library branches and online. d) Utilized the City’s social media channels, as well as outdoor digital signs to promote opportunities and resources as it relates to culture. e) A new layer has been added to the Open Data Portal to present and document Pickering’s public art work. f) Expanded promotions for opportunities for artists and performers promotions on City website, family calendar, community page and local signs. g) Regular communication on cultural initiatives and opportunities provided to cultural and community organizations. h) Round table and networking sessions offered between community and cultural organizations. i) Developed and installed interpretive signage at heritage and arts installations. j) The Pickering Community Banner Program celebrates the culture, heritage and beauty of our City, and is now an annual budgeted item. The City of Pickering invites Canadian artists of all ages, or artist teams, to create, design and submit artwork to be used for the Community Banner Program. CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 7 1.2. Form a Cultural Advisory Committee made up of staff, Council, and community representation that champions the implementation of the Cultural Strategic Plan. a) The CAC has been in place since 2016 with the following mandate: The CAC will assist City staff with the implementation of the City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan. The CAC will identify and coordinate opportunities for cultural industries, associations, and the community to engage and provide expertise and input on matters relating to the provision of cultural services in Pickering. The Committee submits a work plan and annual report to Council. 1.3. Establish a cross-departmental Culture Team to build the capacity of the City to “adopt a cultural lens” and support the implementation of the Cultural Strategic Plan. a) The Corporate Cultural Plan Committee is in place and is represented by Cultural Services, City Development, Economic Development, Engineering Services, Office of the CAO, Pickering Museum Village, and Library staff. Committee members meet in sub-groups to address individual projects and initiatives. 1.4. Increase investment in cultural development. a) $4,000,000 secured from the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund (Department of Canadian Heritage) in 2019 for the Pickering Heritage & Community Centre. $100,000 secured from the Museum Assistance Program for COVID-19 relief funding in 2020 by the Pickering Museum Village. b) The new Performing Arts Centre is one of three municipal facilities that comprises the new City Centre project. c) The Durham Live site will be home to one of Canada’s largest purpose-built film studios that could cater to tent-pole productions, as well as multiple performance venues of varying sizes that will be able to accommodate a variety of different performers, acts, and shows both indoors and outdoors. d) The City will construct 40 new parks in the next several years. Many of these parks will include public art and heritage features. e) Development staff work with applicants to include public art works within areas identified as priority areas for public art. 1.5. Development of City Tourism Program. a) City staff have formed a sub-group to undertake a tourism inventory for Pickering and develop a strategy in 2021/2022. The sub-group includes representatives from Pickering Museum Village, Economic Development, Cultural Services, Pickering Museum Village, Engineering Services, Durham Tourism and Central Counties. CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 8 1.6. Increase the City’s role in supporting and facilitating networking and collaboration among cultural groups. a) Cultural Services has in place an ongoing call to local community groups to participate in the Community Mentorship Program that is creating Opportunities for Community Organizations to Collaborate & Thrive. Community and Non-profit organizations who are interested in developing their event planning skills, that want to share their message and create a lasting impression on the residents of Pickering are encouraged to apply. Successful applicants will partner with a business or community organization and the City event planning team to plan and execute an activity during a City-operated event. b) The Place4Arts program launched in 2018 was developed by Cultural Services as part of the Cultural Plan. The Place4Arts program encourages local organizations to enhance their space, encourage new interest, and promote culture, by hosting local artists and performers. 1.7. Appoint a dedicated cultural staff position. • Supervisor, Cultural Services position established in 2014 • Coordinator, Cultural Services position established in 2015 • Supervisor, Museum Services position established in 2018 1.8. Ensure the Cultural Strategic Plan is well integrated into the City’s five Corporate Priorities. a) The Cultural Plan staff team met in 2017 to review the corporate priorities and look for areas to better improve the integration of culture. The team determined that culture is well represented within the priorities. 1.9. Identify leading practices (in Canada and abroad) in cultural planning. a) Cultural Services staff research best practices annually, along with modern cultural presentation methods, that align with community inquires and requests. The City is a member of Creative Cities, which highlights Cultural Programs/Events best practices across Canada, and globally. Findings are shared with relevant internal and external stakeholders. 1.10. Identify a strategy to address transportation issues that occur at venues hosting major events, and consider transportation in the selection and design of new venues. a) The City is finalizing its Integrated Transportation Master Plan (ITMP). This is a key strategic planning document that will shape Pickering’s long-term transportation issues. The ITMP will provide direction for transportation policies, programs, and infrastructure. The Plan addresses various transportation issues for existing venues that host major events and creates a template for future venues. Strategies include a proposed city-wide CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 9 cycling network, improving the safety of streets to attract users to non-automobile modes of travel, and initiatives that aim to reduce trip demand by single-occupant vehicles. 2. Build a strong and collaborative cultural sector 2.1. Convene networking and peer-to-peer learning events for a cross-section of the cultural sector. a) Ten Cultural Networking Meetups have been arranged for cultural groups to increase information sharing and to create the opportunity for community groups to work on shared events. Since 2014, two aspirational meetings have been held to identify key topics of interest, such as grant funding opportunities, grant writing tips, volunteer management, marketing and promotion. 2.2. Address a need for more small venues to support cultural activities (e.g., for exhibitions and performances). a) The design (to date) of the Performing Arts Centre, as part of the City Centre, includes two performing spaces, and outdoor space for busking and small scale presentations. The new Pickering Heritage and Community Centre at Pickering Museum Village has a dedicated events space that includes a stage. b) Cultural Services staff have expanded performance venues into parks, trails and at smaller City facilities with impromptu performances in 2020. Likewise, Sustainability staff have included performances at the Farmers Market since its inception in 2017. c) Due to the pandemic, the summer concert series was moved online in 2020. The series garnered an increased audience of more than 10 times by moving into social media, and expanded opportunities to attend to those unable to travel to City parks. d) In 2018, staff introduced the Place for Art program which identifies opportunities for local businesses to partner with performers to provide entertainment venue, and increase community draw. e) Although the Central Library has not expanded to date, in 2017 staff re-arranged the physical collections to create a new area that doubles as a study and events space. This space has been used for a weekly drop-in for youth and weekly seniors’ socials. The Central Library lobby is available for small table-top cultural displays. In pre-pandemic times, music recitals were often booked in the Central Library auditorium which has a baby grand piano. f) The Reading Garden was added to the George Ashe Library to create a new area for leisure reading, studying and programming in 2017. It continues to be used for preschool story times during the warmer months. g) In 2018, a Makerspace was opened at the Central Library. This new digital learning space allows Pickering residents to develop their digital skills, develop maker skills and express creativity in a safe learning environment. The sound-proof recording booth is extremely CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 10 popular for podcasting and music creation. Pickering residents also enjoy: 3D printing, using the vinyl cutter and carvery machine for signage and design creations, the large scale printer for photographic printing and posters, a sewing machine, a digital conversion station and button maker which allow for self-expression. We also provide a Mac design center with dedicated Macs loaded with creative software for graphic, video and sound editing. h) In 2020, the Pickering Public Library was able to move their events online for all ages to continue connecting with the community during the pandemic. Highlights include: Stay at Home Storytimes, a Drag Queen Storytime, virtual summer reading clubs, genealogy workshops and bibliotherapy. A staff team called The Disruptors are working to prototype new online events and to establish the strategic direction for virtual programming. This community has engaged with online events and has shown that this format is here to stay. i) This year Pickering Public Library ran its third annual Makerfest but for the first time ever it ran as a fully online festival. A highly anticipated program by the community and a day filled with online maker themed programs. j) The Library recently hosted the 2nd annual 5-Minute Film Festival (5MFF) also completely online. This event engaged 130 guests throughout the event, shared an amazing night of screening films made by community members and industry experts, and gave out 4 awards for outstanding entries. 5MFF is a culminating event for a series of filmmaking workshops held from April to July 2020. 2.3. Develop and implement a “module” on culture and heritage that could be easily delivered in the school system. a) Pickering Museum Village welcomes on average 10,000 school children to the museum annually, who participate in the museum’s education program. The museum delivers an immersive, hands-on education program that features Pickering’s culture and heritage. In 2020 the museum converted existing education programs to a virtual model, during COVID-19 to be delivered in schools. 2.4. Engage cultural groups in the development of strategies that stimulate and cultivate resident cultural engagement between north and south Pickering. a) In 2017, staff along with the Claremont Community offered Party in the Park with Tom Thompson. The event built new partnerships between the City and Claremont resident groups, as well as between south and north Pickering organizations. b) In 2018, staff engaged members of the Whitevale Community on the CAC, and have expanded pop-up events into the community. Staff are engaging resident organizations in the operation of events in both north and south Pickering. Prior to the cancellation of 2020 events due to COVID-19, Claremont groups were planning to participate in Canada Day celebrations in Kinsmen Park. Since that time staff have worked directly with the organizations to offer community pop-ups within the hamlets to maintain relationships pending the ability to collaborate further. CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 11 c) Pickering Museum Village is leading a tourism initiative, partnering with cultural attractions, local businesses and tourism agencies to collectively package and promote tourism experiences in Pickering and surrounding areas. This project aims to encourage visitors to lengthen their stay by visiting more attractions and businesses in the area. The project runs from 2020 – 2022. 2.5. Expand the Central Library to include community and cultural meeting spaces. a) Tentative plans are underway to create a new Central Library that includes meeting rooms where community and cultural groups can meet. In the interim, the Library launched a new website in October. This new virtual branch will help reach out to the community during the pandemic and promote online resources: ebooks, audiobooks, music, movies and magazines and our virtual events. 3. Strengthen culture-led economic development. 3.1. Examine the opportunity to leverage cultural festivals to define a strong cultural brand for Pickering and increase its reputation as a significant cultural destination. a) This is a long-term goal of the Plan. As part of the tourism strategy, staff will identify and undertake an events strategy to address this goal. 3.2. Integrate cultural and economic planning related to growing the creative economy and increasing the number of creative cultural industries in Pickering. a) Over the past five years, film location activity has been steadily on the rise in the City of Pickering. As such, in 2019 the City took initial steps to establishing a formal Film Office, with the intent of attracting increased investment from the Film Industry and elevating the City’s profile as a ‘film friendly community’. The provision of online, digital application processes, to ensure expedited approvals, kept the City open for business despite the restrictions imposed by COVID-19 emergency protocols. The City has also leveraged the opportunity to promote City-owned lands for use as a ‘back stage’ to attract larger productions. b) Pickering City Centre Farmers’ Market was started in 2011 by the Pickering Town Centre. The City of Pickering took over operation of the Market in 2016. The award-winning market was designed to be a comprehensive weekly event to feature local farmers and food producers and showcase local artisans, crafters, and musicians. 3.3. Examine opportunities to engage the private sector and encourage corporate sponsorships that will maximize resources/investment for cultural initiatives. a) In 2017, the City adopted a sponsorship policy and procedure to undertake sponsorship work for primarily events and programs. In recent years, the program focus pivoted towards facility naming rights. The program has been successful with naming rights secured for what is now the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex. CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 12 b) Work with corporate sponsors for various sustainability events (e.g. Sustainable Seaton): Community-Building Series and plantings (e.g. annual pollinator planting & butterfly tagging with Canada Bread Ltd.). The former Celebrating Sustainable Neighbourhoods Program was largely supported though sponsorship. c) Pickering events such as the annual Tree Lighting, Canada Day and Summer Concert series are supported by sponsorship dollars. 3.4. Create and introduce online user-friendly tools such as a Community Events Application and Community Media Guide to encourage community organizations, residents, and corporate partners to take the lead in the provision of cultural initiatives. a) Complete - Cultural Services within the Corporate Events Team developed the Community Festivals and Events manual and Policy to assist event organizers to plan public events and activities within Pickering. Festivals and events are a significant investment of resources. The contents of the manual assist with the safe and successful operation of festivals and events within the City of Pickering. This manual clearly outlines all areas of responsibility for Community Festival and Event Organizers. The manual includes information on permits, policies, and procedures along with critical paths, checklists, tips, and contact information. This valuable information assists organizations to complete the event planning process ensure all of your necessary approvals are in place prior to a community event. This tool is reviewed annually, and expanded to ensure safe operation of community events. 3.5. Sustain and promote Pickering’s online Cultural Directory as a means of celebrating and increasing the profile of Pickering’s cultural assets. a) Over the last six years, staff have maintained and promoted the existing Cultural Directory, however, the format of the present Directory is not user friendly or compatible with advancing technology. As such, staff sought out an alternative, or updated program. Staff see the Open Data Portal as a solution to the needs to replace the Cultural Directory as is, and support the need for a Corporate wide GIS strategy. b) Open Data is digital data that is made available with the technical and legal characteristics necessary for it to be freely used, reused, and redistributed by anyone, anytime and anywhere. 3.6. Establish tourism as a corporate priority (with a strong emphasis on cultural tourism). a) City staff have formed a sub-group to undertake a tourism inventory and develop a strategy in 2021/2022. The sub-group includes representatives from Economic Development, Cultural Services, Pickering Museum Village, Engineering Services, Durham Tourism and Central Counties. CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 13 b) Food plays an important part in many cultural initiatives. Economic Development is advancing a local food security strategy, as well, there is a Region-wide local food strategy group. It may be appropriate to integrate elements into this action section. c) $44,440 secured from Rural Economic Development Fund (Ontario Government) in 2019 to develop a permanent exhibit and attract tourists to the Pickering Museum Village’s Blacksmith Shop. d) $150,000 secured from the Canada Cultural Investment Fund (Department of Canadian Heritage) in 2020 by Pickering Museum Village to lead a cultural tourism initiative and attract tourists to Pickering. e) Pickering Museum Village became a formal partner in Central Counties Tourism “Temperance and Temptation” packaged tourism experiences in South Durham in 2020. 3.7 Ensure a strong focus in the Cultural Strategic Plan on the needs of commercial cultural activities and enterprises. a) Over the last 5 years, ongoing efforts to increase Pickering’s profile to the domestic, national and international film industries resulted in a near tripling of permitted film activity on our roads and private properties in 2019. This activity, together with the City’s review and support of a new film production studio on Durham Live lands, will increase the opportunity for local job creation in this creative industry, and further the profile of the City as a place to invest by the filming industry. 4. Conserve and promote history and heritage 4.1 Strengthen the promotion of local history assets. a) A dedicated page has been developed on the Cultural Portal at pickering.ca/culture. This page links heritage assets across the website. b) A heritage panel including images and information on the history and changes to the Whitevale Bridge was included at the site, along with remnants of the old structure. c) History of Frenchman’s Bay and the history of Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park was included in a series of interpretive signs that were installed at the site. d) Information on the history of boating on Frenchman’s Bay was included in an interpretive sign that was installed in Frenchman’s Bay Ratepayer’s Memorial Park as part of the parks reconstruction e) Visits to the Pickering-Ajax Digital Archive website held steady over the first 3-year period of the Cultural Strategic Plan until a technical failure in March of 2017 made it inaccessible to anyone outside of the Library or City facilities. This meant a much lower number of visits to the Digital Archive in 2017. A new solution, in partnership with the City, was launched to the public at the end of November 2017. The new Pickering Local History Collection Digital Archive provides improved searching and availability of materials. The site provides access CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 14 to 8,904 community newspaper issues, 4,006 images, and 2,468 documents dating to between 1798 and 2010. Usage statistics show an average of 21,000 unique user sessions each month and a total of 620,000 items viewed since the new site launched. f) Programming and community outreach has increased each year since the adoption of the Strategic Plan. This includes both a higher number of programs run each year over the previous year and greater attendance overall. g) The number of in-person and remote requests for information have also increased each year. Since 2015, 3,500 residents have attended local history programming and outreach events and 1,700 people have had their information requests answered. 4.2 Leverage opportunities to connect culture and heritage programming with the new Rouge Park. a) Currently, the Rouge National Urban Park has proposed a new Northeast Trail system. The proposal is an 11 km wilderness/backcountry trail within the northeast quadrant of Rouge National Urban Park located within the rural areas of Pickering and Uxbridge. b) Sustainability, Museum and Culture Teams have supported Rouge National Park through participation in their events as well as inviting them to participate in City events help to raise awareness about their efforts. c) Collaboration is underway with the Region of Durham, Heritage Pickering and Parks Canada to establish a Heritage Path linking the Rouge National Urban Park entrance to the west part of the Kingston Road corridor in accordance with the Council endorsed intensification plan for the corridor. 4.3 Develop strategies to highlight and celebrate Pickering’s heritage properties that include additional or improved signage to identify arts, cultural, and heritage designations and public properties. a) A residential development at the northwest corner of Finch Avenue and Altona Road resulted in the loss of a historic farmhouse. Through the Site Plan Approval process, City Development staff worked with Heritage Pickering and the developer to establish a commemorative feature within the amenity area that will include fieldstone from the original historic farmhouse and a plaque with a description of the property and historical timelines. 4.4 Develop funds to acquire and preserve heritage properties. a) $450,000 secured from Canada Cultural Strategic Fund (Department of Canadian Heritage) to retrofit the Gas & Steam Barn into the Conservation Lab at Pickering Museum Village (2017 – 2019). This project established climate-controlled collections storage, an operational conservation lab and wood shop at the museum. b) City Planning and Development staff have prepared a Heritage Property Tax Relief By-law in consultation with Heritage Pickering. Following review with City Finance Department, a CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 15 draft by-law to establish the program was prepared for Council’s consideration in December 2020. The program provides an incentive for owners to make regular investments in the ongoing maintenance and conservation of their properties. c) There is a growing trend for municipalities to develop Heritage Preservation policies and reserve funds. This is an area that could be considered by the City. 4.5 Establish a Visitors’ Centre at the Pickering Museum Village. a) The City has designed the Pickering Heritage & Community Centre at Pickering Museum Village. The originally conceived Visitor’s Centre is being called the Pickering Heritage & Community Centre (PHCC) with multi-purpose community spaces, intended to replace aging infrastructure at the Greenwood Community Centre. The PHCC meets the criteria of the originally conceived visitor’s centre with collections and archival storage space, office spaces, rental facilities including catering and cooking, exhibition and program spaces. The PHCC will provide visitor services including: museum admissions, gift shop, washrooms, cloak room, and parking. 4.6 Develop programs and facilities to house and conserve archival collections. a) The Library has obtained climate controlled, off-site storage to accommodate a growing archival collection. Library and City staff are also working together to plan for the upcoming purpose-built Pickering Heritage & Community Centre which will ensure the long-term preservation of cultural heritage materials. 4.7 Establish an Indigenous Peoples Interpretive Centre and archive room, with appropriate partnerships. a) The City has become the first municipal member of HIP (Honouring Indigenous Peoples). b) As per Council Resolution #372/20, the Supervisor, Cultural Services was directed to work with the Cultural Advisory Committee to develop an Indigenous Land Acknowledgement Statement. The advisory committee members approved the creation of an Indigenous Relationship Building Sub-committee, and have (with support from staff) finished a public call for sub-committee members. 4.8 Continue to operate the Doors Open program. a) Declining attendance and increased event costs did not warrant continuing the Doors Open program through 2019. Staff continue to monitor the community desire to participate and would welcome a community partnership to once again deliver the program. CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 16 5. Celebrate and support diversity and inclusion 5.1 Ensure representation from diverse communities on the proposed CAC. a) The CAC composition includes a diverse membership, by inviting a mixture of community appointed membership and community stakeholders. Each term membership provides the opportunity to revise the composition and make recommendations to change based on the needs of the community. b) The current composition allows for 12 Committee members: 4 members from the public, and 8 representatives from related community organizations. Members from the public must reside in Pickering and represent a broad range of interests and experience in the cultural sector. Community organization representatives must be from organizations who serve the City of Pickering. Where possible, appointments to the Committee shall include representatives of the following organizations/associations: • PineRidge Arts Council • Durham West Arts Centre • Pickering Historical Society • Pickering Public Library • Ajax/Pickering Board of Trade • Diversity and Ethno-Cultural Organizations c) In 2020, 2 additional sub-committees were formed to address specific needs of the community. d) The CAC, with the support of designated City staff, prepared an action plan and the terms of reference for a taskforce, which included committee composition, selection and recommended areas of focus. The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Preparatory Sub- committee will lead the process of community engagement, recruitment and recommendation, and have developed an action plan to support successful implementation of the PABRT. The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce will be a community driven initiative, where City staff will act as a liaison providing operational and organizational support. The Anti-Black Racism Taskforce also worked in partnership with the Pickering community, Durham-based organizations, businesses, stakeholders, and the City: • to identify barriers and areas of opportunity, in order to enhance the shared experience and opportunities afforded to Black residents; • to identify and coordinate opportunities for stakeholder and community engagement; • to provide expert input and action on matters relating to the provision of anti- Black racism initiatives within the community; • to celebrate and promote the Black community, and promote Black culture; and, CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 17 • As per Council Resolution #513/21, Council appointed 20 individuals to PABRT for a term ending November 2022 at the council meeting of January 25, 2020. e) As per Council Resolution #372/20, the Supervisor, Cultural Services was directed to work with the Cultural Advisory Committee to develop an Indigenous Land Acknowledgement Statement. The advisory committee members approved the creation of an Indigenous Relationship Building Sub-committee, and have (with support from staff) finished a public call for sub-committee members. 5.2 Actively engage these communities in defining cultural interests, needs, and opportunities. a) Pickering Museum Village secured $4,000 from the Canada Cultural Investment Fund, Spark Initiative, in 2019, to establish a temporary Indigenous Steering Committee, comprised of 8 members, who advised the museum on Indigenous partnerships, programs and planning. b) The action plans listed above provide staff direction for actions in the coming 3 years. 5.3 Work closely with the school system to increase understanding of, and appreciation for, the importance of local culture and heritage among youth. a) Pickering Museum Village established a teacher’s focus group in 2020 to advise City staff on trends, priorities and practical program delivery of the museum’s education programs. b) Pickering Museum Village established relationships with educational consultants in the Durham District School Board in 2019 to advise City staff on trends, priorities and practical program delivery of the museum’s education programs. c) In 2020, Pickering Museum Village initiated the development an education web page and its promotion to educators. Content on the web page included videos, online lesson plans, worksheets and activity pages that can be accessed for free by formal and informal educators of youth from Grade 2 level to high school age – all content has curriculum connections. d) A Pickering Environmental School Grant was newly implemented and is resulting in further engagement from local schools in actions that help further sustainability goals. In addition to the grant, the Sustainability staff continues to work with schools for other environmental initiatives (e.g. Take Back the Salmon, plantings, pollinator garden care, litter cleanups). 5.4 Develop cross-culture programming by connecting heritage, historic and arts businesses/organizations. a) Cultural Services executed the Tom Thompson Celebration in Claremont under the direction of City staff in partnership with Lions Club of Claremont, Rotary, Claremont District Residents Association, local churches, Owasco Scouts, local businesses, and Masons. CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 18 This one-off event was used as a community mentorship project, and provided hands-on training on public event production. b) Cultural Services continues to operate and execute several community festivals that include programming and developed by heritage, historic and arts businesses/organizations, Winterfest, Mayor’s New Year’s Day Levee, Artfest, Canada Day, continue our traditional celebrations, and continue to develop new community partnerships. c) Pickering Museum Village has engaged many community partners in running cultural events on-site at the Museum from 2014 to 2019. Events of significance include: Museum Minecraft, Christmas in the Village, and History in Action Saturdays. 5.5 Support programming in cultural centres through marketing and event guidelines for community engagement. a) Cultural Services developed, implemented and provided guidance on Marketing and Event Guidelines for Community Engagement. b) The @PickeringEvents social media channel has been set up to promote cultural programming, local tourism, and community partners. 6. Cultivate opportunities for the creation, education and enjoyment of the arts 6.1 Develop and implement a public art policy, program, and funding formula. a) Cultural Services established: CUL 130 Public Art Policy, which was approved by Council at their Council meeting of November 25, 2019. 6.2 Establish Public Art Reserve Fund. a) A reserve fund has been established. b) Once the Public Art Program is established, a Council endorsed policy or guidelines will be drafted to establish new development-based funding strategies for public art located either in public areas or private publicly accessible areas within the City. The example of “The Percent for Public Art Program” established by the City of Toronto, could act as a precedent of means to provide funding to include and maintain public art not only in prominent areas, as identified by the Official Plan and the City’s Urban Design Guidelines, but in other areas within the City. 6.3 Develop connections with local colleges and universities to foster arts education. a) Economic Development & Strategic Projects staff are currently building connections with Durham College staff to promote their School of Media, Art and Design, to attract arts/cultural businesses to the City and stimulate entrepreneurial talent. CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 19 b) Staff have met with Durham College to connect local businesses with students for potential co-op placements. 6.4 Encourage public art in appropriate private developments within the City. a) Through the design process, negotiate with private developers to include Privately-Owned Publicly Accessible Spaces, as part of the development application review. These are a specific type of open space to which the public is welcome to enjoy, but remains privately owned. Many of these spaces in the City of Toronto include street furniture, public art or water features. b) Staff have confirmed three works in private developments in the past year. A procedure will be developed and submitted to Council as an amendment to the Public Art Policy. 6.5 Use art to enhance public spaces, particularly within the City Centre. a) City Development staff will work with Cultural Services and developers to include public art at strategic entrances and gateways and as identified in the Pickering Official Plan and Council endorsed City’s Urban Design Guidelines. b) Staff have committed three new works at Treasure Hill Development, a new Chartwell facility, and at the Shell at Highway 2 and Whites Road. A third piece is planned for the front of Zents Fire Hall following construction. c) Six public art pieces have been installed in Esplanade Park as part of the Ontario Main Street Revitalization Initiative. Two metal sculptures having a pollinator theme were created by Ron Baird. Geordie Lishman created four individual metal figures representing the City Centre’s theme of Live, W ork, Gather and Inspire. The artwork was placed amongst new raised planters and site furniture to create a new gathering space at the east end of the park. d) A public art piece called “Our House” by wood sculptor Dorsey James was installed in Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park. The piece was donated by the Rotary Club of Pickering. 6.6 Ensure that the City plays a leadership role in addressing the need for a new performing arts or multi-purpose cultural facility preferably in the City Centre. a) The City Centre project, reflected in the City’s 2020 Capital Budget, includes a new Performing Arts Centre facility. b) Community Services Department established the position of Executive Director, Performing Arts Centre. A great deal of progress has been achieved to-date with respect to the City’s Cultural Plan, with the support of staff, the community and Council. This Mid-term Update to the Cultural Strategic Plan has been prepared a progress update to Council. CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 20 Attachment: 1.Cultural Strategic Plan, Final Report – June 2014 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Tanya Ryce Brian Duffield Supervisor, Cultural Services (Acting) Director, Community Services Jackie Flowers CEO/Director of Public Libraries Richard Holborn Director, Engineering Services Fiaz Jadoon Director, Economic Development & Strategic Projects Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Original Signed By:Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: Original Signed By: CS 13-21 March 1, 2021 Subject: Mid-Term Update Cultural Strategic Plan Page 21 TR:bd Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Original Signed By: Cultural Strategic Plan Final Report ● June 2014 Attachment #1 to Report CS 13-21 City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 1 Contents Executive Summary 3 1 Introduction 5 1.1 Why Cultural Planning? 7 1.2 A Made-in-Pickering Cultural Plan 9 1.3 Definitions 11 1.3.1 Culture 11 1.3.2 Cultural Planning 11 1.3.3 Cultural Resources 12 1.3.4 Cultural Mapping 12 1.3.5 Arts 12 1.3.6 Heritage 13 1.3.7 Ethno-culture 13 2 The Value of Culture 14 2.1 Impact on Community Character 15 2.2 Impact on Social Capital 17 3 Summary of Research Findings and Public Input 18 3.1 Background 20 3.1.1 Pickering’s Geography 20 3.1.2 Pickering’s History 21 3.1.3 Pickering’s Demographics 21 3.1.4 Pickering’s Economy 21 3.1.5 Pickering’s Natural, Cultural and Recreational Assets 22 3.1.6 Pickering’s Cultural Organizations 24 3.2 Public Input 25 3.2.1 Community Telephone Survey 25 3.2.2 Stakeholder Group Survey 26 3.2.3 Interviews: Council Members 28 3.2.4 Interviews: Senior Managers 28 3.2.5 Committee of Council Questionnaires 29 3.2.6 Focus Group: Youth 29 3.2.7 Focus Group: Seniors 30 City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 2 4 Vision and Strategic Directions 31 4.1 Vision 32 4.2 Strategic Directions 33 4.2.1 Strategic Direction 1: Broaden and Deepen City Leadership and Investment 34 4.2.2 Strategic Direction 2: Build a Strong and Collaborative Cultural Sector 35 4.2.3 Strategic Direction 3: Strengthen Culture-led Economic Development 36 4.2.4 Strategic Direction 4: Conserve and Promote History and Heritage 37 4.2.5 Strategic Direction 5: Celebrate and Support Diversity and Inclusion 38 4.2.6 Strategic Direction 6: Cultivate Opportunities for the Creation, Education, and Enjoyment of the Arts 39 5 How to Use These Strategic Directions: Integrating Planning for Culture in City Decision-Making 40 Appendix A: Members of the City of Pickering Staff Committee 54 Appendix B: Members of the Community Stakeholders Committee 55 Appendix C: List of Organizations that Completed the Survey 56 Appendix D: Participants in Visioning and Strategy Session 59 Over the past 22 years, Young Singers has worked with over 800 talented young children, enriching their lives through the power of music. They have also acquired an appreciation for the arts, and developed life skills which will serve them in their future as upstanding and caring leaders of our community. Contributed by the Young Singers “ ” City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Cultural Strategic Plan establishes a vision for the place of arts, culture and heritage in the City and strategic directions for policy, investment, and City programs in the next few years. Cultural planning is intended to help the City retain its unique heritage and culture while keeping pace with the demands of the 21st century and globalization. It is also part of the City’s Journey to Sustainability, intended to balance the needs of the environment, the economy, and the social community and achieve sustainable growth. The research conducted for this plan was wide-ranging and highly detailed. Pickering staff first gathered background information from statistics, historical documents, and other sources to help define Pickering’s cultural make-up, as well as its cultural and heritage assets. The City also canvassed opinion from the community through a telephone survey of Pickering residents; online surveys for community organizations; interviews with members of Council and senior City managers; and focus group sessions with youth and seniors. The findings (which are summarized in this report and presented in more detail in a separate report titled A Cultural Map of Pickering) revealed a wide array of cultural attractions and opportunities, a high level of cultural diversity, and strong commitment from organizations and individuals to the cultural life of the City. However, the research also identified gaps in support for arts, culture and heritage, some fragmentation of the City’s cultural sector, a need to connect culture and economic development, and barriers preventing the City’s arts, culture and heritage from reaching its full potential. City staff drew on these findings in a final visioning session and used them to identify six Strategic Directions. 1. Broaden and deepen city leadership and investment 2. Build a strong and collaborative cultural sector 3. Strengthen culture-led economic development 4. Conserve and promote history and heritage 5. Celebrate and support diversity and inclusion 6. Cultivate opportunities for the creation, education and enjoyment of the arts City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 4 For each Strategic Direction, the City has identified concrete actions that the City can undertake to support and promote culture, arts and heritage. These include: • creating new staff positions related to Culture • forming a Cultural Advisory Committee • developing educational programs for youth focused on local heritage • expanding the Central Library to provide additional meeting space • completing a Tourism Strategy • establishing a Visitors’ Centre at the Pickering Museum Village • creating a Cultural Roundtable with representation from diverse communities • using art to enhance public spaces • addressing the need for a new performing arts or multi-purpose cultural facility Leading hikes of interested students or adults into the [Altona] Forest to study plants, animals or natural features such as ponds, is extremely enjoyable, especially when seeing the enthusiasm and appreciation of the environment of young people who will be stewards of our environment in the future. Contributed by a member of the Altona Forest Stewardship Committee “ ” City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 5 1 Introduction The City of Pickering has embarked on a Journey to Sustainability to integrate the needs of the environment, the economy, and the social community and achieve sustainable growth. The City boasts unique and irreplaceable built and natural heritage; a thriving economy with a strong cluster of energy, environmental and engineering businesses; and a diverse community with a passion for multiculturalism, arts, heritage, and our environment. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 6 Pickering has developed this Cultural Strategic Plan to answer the following questions: • How can the City of Pickering retain its unique heritage and culture while keeping pace with the demands of the 21st century and globalization? • How can the City of Pickering ensure that sustainability (environmental, social and economic) remains at the forefront of the City’s agenda, considered in a integrated, holistic way and held paramount in decision making, not an afterthought? Arts, culture, and heritage define a community and create a sense of place and belonging. These cultural resources send a clear message to the world about the community – its values, beliefs, and customs. The creation of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan involved: • mapping the City’s cultural resources • collecting input from residents and valued partners to define cultural opportunities, priorities, and identity • developing a comprehensive, strategic approach to achieve the City’s vision for culture Pickering’s place in Canada as a cultural centre will be measured by its ability to promote artistic expression. We can achieve cultural prominence through the funding of public places where artistic performance can occur. Contributed by a member of Pine Ridge Secondary School “ ” City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 7 1.1 Why Cultural Planning? Cultural planning, which is believed to have emerged first in Europe in the 1960s and 1970s, is the strategic and integral use of cultural resources in holistic community development.1 Economists and urban planners know that culture provides vitality to a community and has important economic and social spinoffs. A culturally vibrant community attracts artists, innovative thinkers, and educated citizens, and contributes to urban renewal, economic regeneration, and environmental improvements. Cultural planning spread to Australia in the 1990s.2 Government officials there understood that civic departments could no longer work in silos, but need to adopt a common vision to ensure sustainable growth and development. More recently, cultural planning has spread to North American communities. With the decline of heavy industry and the rise of the “creative economy,” decision makers understand the value of a culturally vibrant community to attract the creative class, sustain the economy, and protect the environment.3 A new model for economic and social development has emerged, and culture is its central driving force. Decision makers realize that culture is at the heart of any community, not just a fringe activity. The Canadian and Ontario governments have endorsed municipal cultural planning and provided resources to municipalities to support cultural planning processes, as outlined on the website of the Ontario Ministry of Culture in 20084: 1 Sirayi, Mzo, “Cultural Planning and Urban Renewal in South Africa,” Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, vol. 47, no. 4 (Winter 2008): 333-45. 2 Baeker, Greg. “Municipal Cultural Planning: Combating ‘The Geography of Nowhere,’ ” Municipal World, 2005. 3 Wilenius, Markku, “Cultural Competence in the Business World: A Finnish Perspective,” Journal of Business Strategy, vol. 27, no. 4 (July-August 2006): 43-50. 4 The original document was posted in 2008, but is no longer available on the website of the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 8 Many people today are feeling disconnected and looking for their spiritual or cultural connections to help connect them to like- minded people, but [this] often further disconnects them from other groups. As we create silos, we only see our perspective and lose sight of our commonalities. Culture defines people, communities, and neighbourhoods through creative expression, traditions, and specific viewpoints… Girls Rights Week is an opportunity to showcase activities that encourage the development and understanding of each of the rights. Having the right to resist gender stereotypes, take pride in success, appreciate my body, have confidence in myself and be safe in the world, have the right to prepare for interesting work and economic independence. Contributed by Girls Incorporated of Durham Municipal Cultural Planning creates a place where people want to live, work, and visit and where students can return to find work. Municipal Cultural Planning contributes to: a. Economic Development (Tourism, Downtown Revitalization, Creative Jobs) b. Cultural Vibrancy c. Community Safety d. Enriching and Engaging Children and Youth e. Citizen Engagement f. Population Growth/Retention g. Sustainable Placemaking h. Walkable Communities Pickering has a wealth of cultural resources. It is time to map those resources, craft a clear identity for this community, and develop a plan that identifies strategies that will foster our community development. “ ” City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 9 1.2 A Made-in-Pickering Cultural Plan The City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan builds upon existing municipal plans and drew on the cooperation of all departments. The foundation of the City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan was community consultation and public input. The overwhelming research in the field of cultural planning indicates that cultural planning is best pursued with a “bottom-up” strategy; a process developed “with the people, not for them.”5 Great care was taken to incorporate consultation with all levels of municipal government and staff, community stakeholders, and community residents. The information was gathered through various methods. • Online surveys were used for community cultural organizations, businesses, and individuals. • A telephone survey was used to collect ideas from a random sample of Pickering residents. • Interviews were used to gain insight from all members of Council, the Chief Administrative Officer, and all department heads. • Focus group sessions were conducted with youth and seniors in Pickering. • Regular meetings were conducted with a Community Stakeholders Committee, the members of which represented the heritage, arts, ethno-cultural, business, education, and environment sectors in Pickering. This comprehensive approach has helped ensure that the City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan is inclusive and reflects the community’s ideas and values. 5 Sirayi, Mzo, op. cit. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 10 The planning process began in fall 2007 and was spearheaded by a team of staff that reflected the entire organization. See Appendix A for members of the City of Pickering Staff Committee. Regular consultation was sought from a Community Stakeholders Committee throughout the process. See Appendix B for the list of Community Stakeholders Committee. See Appendix C for those who participated in the survey. Finally, on July 27, 2012, a Cultural Strategic Plan Visioning Session took place at the Pickering Museum. The session involved 16 City of Pickering staff members from across a range of departments, all of whom were involved in the cultural planning process. See Appendix D for a list of participants. The purpose of the session was to consider the results of the community consultation and use these insights to develop Strategic Directions to guide the Cultural Strategic Plan. Dr. Greg Baeker, Director of Cultural Development at Millier Dickinson Blais, facilitated the session and prepared a summary report. The four-hour session generated rich and insightful discussion. It began with a review of the work completed to date in the cultural planning process by Marisa Carpino, Manager of Culture and Recreation. Dr. Baeker outlined core concepts and tools in municipal cultural planning. Following the presentation, participants were divided into smaller groups to generate ideas related to the following questions. 1. What did the community consultations tell us about what we are doing well in culture in Pickering? What are our strengths? 2. What did those consultations suggest we are not doing or not doing as well as we could? 3. What key words have emerged from our research that must form part of a vision statement to guide the Cultural Strategic Plan? 4. What “big ideas” or strategies have been put forward to advance this vision? 5. What are some signs that we are moving in the right direction? The results of this discussion are described in the section on “Vision and Strategic Directions.” City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 11 1.3 Definitions 1.3.1 Culture Culture is defined as “the values, attitudes and behaviours shared by a people.”6 It includes customs, beliefs, language, way of life and traditions that serve to distinguish a community. Culture enables members of the same community to interact and communicate with each other. Culture is a resource that can be leveraged to fuel human and community development. It is no longer considered as a product that should be subsidized, but a community resource in which to invest.7 1.3.2 Cultural Planning Cultural planning is “the strategic and integrated planning and use of cultural resources in community development.”8 It involves identifying a community’s cultural resources, through community consultation, and leveraging those resources to support economic and community development to help a community achieve its civic goals. Cultural planning supports sustainable communities, because communities with a shared and valued culture retain existing residents and businesses, while attracting new residents, new businesses, skilled workers, innovative thinkers, and tourists. 6 Hoffman, Richard C., “The strategic planning process and performance relationship: does culture matter?” Journal of Business Strategies, vol. 24, no. 1 (Spring 2007): 27-49. 7 Cultural Planning Toolkit, Creativecity.ca: A partnership between 2010 Legacies Now and Creative City Network of Canada, 2008. 8 Municipal Cultural Planning website: http://www.ontariomcp.ca/what-is-mcp/ City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 12 1.3.3 Cultural Resources Cultural resources are “all those things that together define a community’s unique identity and sense of place.”9 They may be tangible, such as natural environment, heritage assets, and institutions (landscapes, historic buildings, museums, libraries, organizations), or intangible (stories, values, beliefs, customs, identities).10 1.3.4 Cultural Mapping Cultural mapping is the foundation for municipal cultural planning. It is defined as “a systematic approach to identifying, recording, classifying and analyzing a community’s cultural resources.” There are two kinds of cultural mapping: • Mapping tangible resources: identifying and recording physical (or tangible) cultural resources across a range of categories • Mapping intangible resources: identifying and exploring the stories and traditions that help define a community’s unique identity and sense of place 1.3.5 Arts The arts represent only a single facet of culture. Art is the process of human creation or invention of an original idea with aesthetic content.11 The arts include visual arts, performance arts, media arts, dramatic arts, and related disciplines. 9 Baeker, Greg. “Municipal Cultural Planning,” see above. 10 Municipal Cultural Planning website: http://www.ontariomcp.ca/what-is-mcp/ 11 Arts, Heritage and Culture Master Plan. Region of Waterloo and Goldsmith Borgal and Company Ltd. and NetGain Partners Inc., October 2002. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 13 1.3.6 Heritage Heritage includes both tangible and intangible elements of the natural and cultural past. Tangible assets include buildings, cemeteries, monuments, artifacts, specimens, collections, archaeological sites, cultural landscapes, and sacred spaces. Intangible aspects include beliefs, ideas, customs, traditions, languages, and religions.12 1.3.7 Ethno-culture Every person belongs to one or more ethnic groups and each identifies with some cultural heritage shared with others from similar national, religious, or language backgrounds. The term ethnocultural refers to an ethnic identity supported by cultural practice, tradition, and institutions. Canada’s population includes a wide variety of ethnocultural groups among people of indigenous Northern, Central, and South American backgrounds and those who have originally come (or whose forebears came) from African, Asian, or European countries.13 12 Arts, Heritage and Culture Master Plan. Region of Waterloo. 13 Glossary of Access and Equity Terms, City of Toronto Task Force on Community Access and Equity (1998-1999). Torontoartscouncil.org. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 14 2 The Value of Culture 2 The Value of Culture City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 15 2.1 Impact on Community Character Over the past few decades, societal shifts have led to a new appreciation of the value of community and culture. These shifts include increased mobility and immigration, free trade, non-traditional families, workplace transitions, and new technologies. As the traditional ways of connecting with others are changing, people look for opportunities to feel a sense of belonging in their communities. Arts and cultural activities provide these opportunities for people to connect with the “community of humanity.”14 These opportunities also allow people to share their experiences, recognize common cultural values as well as cultural differences, and reflect on the past. Culture contributes to the quality of life and reflects the “health” of a community.15 It helps create a strong sense of identity and belonging in a community. Each community has its own unique, “authentic” identity. The goal is to identify and reinforce the authentic identity of Pickering through the cultural planning process. The process must identify community relationships, shared memories, and a sense of place.16 Cultural planning can support citizens who want to give back to their community. A 2008 study by Hills Strategies Research Inc., funded by the Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, and the Ontario Arts Council, found that those who participated in cultural activity were more likely than non-participants to volunteer, donate, do a favour for a neighbour, and have a sense of belonging to Canada. 14 Milner, Jennifer, “Arts Impact: Helping Us Determine Who We Are,” Performing Arts & Entertainment in Canada, Summer 2002. 15 Culture: Passion That Inspires Us. Cultural Policy of the City of Gatineau, 2003. 16 Sirayi, Mzo, see above. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 16 There is a very broad base of capable volunteers across a broad range of heritage and cultural groups that would willingly volunteer their efforts to enable growth in this sector, but investment in the basic infrastructure is a necessary starting point. The timing is right in that there have never been more people with the right skills and right energy to support such an endeavour. Such a plan would be welcome by educators, arts and culture advocates and industry, but it needs leadership from the City to get started. Contributed by the Pickering Gas & Steam Club “ ” Culture is important for youth as well. Through the arts and culture sector, youth find ways to belong and to express themselves. This is especially important for youth who feel isolated or marginalized, but it is true of all young people. And as some of these young people become professionals in the cultural sector, they give back to their communities. Crafting a clear cultural identity and attracting those who share in that vision to our community will increase community capacity and community development in Pickering – both key components of a sustainable community. Our cultural identity will be reflected in the City beyond our people; in our streetscapes, street plans, public spaces, historic sites and buildings. It is what makes it distinct from any other place on earth. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 17 2.2 Impact on Social Capital The World Bank distinguishes four basic forms of capital: • natural capital, consisting of a locality’s endowment of natural resources • constructed capital, which is generated by human beings and includes infrastructure, capital goods, financial capital, and trade capital • human capital, which is determined by the levels of nutrition, health, and education of the population • social capital, defined by the networks, norms, and social trust in a community that facilitate cooperation for mutual benefit Some studies consider that the last two forms of capital are responsible for most of the economic development of nations since the late 20th century and assert that they represent the keys to technological progress, competitiveness, sustained growth, good government, and stable democracy. Research on the social impact of the cultural sector remains in the early stages of development. Many studies have tended to focus on the economic significance of the arts (for example, in boosting tourism and creating jobs). More recently, however, studies in Canada and elsewhere have shown that a strong cultural sector adds to the development of a community that has lower crime rates, greater tolerance for diversity, and higher levels of civic engagement.17 17 See, for example, Jones, Ken, Tony Lea, Tim Jones and Sue Harvey. Beyond Anecdotal Evidence: The Spillover Effects of Investments in Cultural Facilities. Centre for Commercial Activity, Ryerson University, Toronto, 2003. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 18 3 Summary of Research Findings and Public Input The research conducted for this plan was wide-ranging and highly detailed. In order to keep this Cultural Plan as concise and accessible as possible, we have summarized the findings here; the full results are available in a separate document. Interested readers are encouraged to consult this document to appreciate the wealth of information, insight, and passion of all those who contributed to the Plan. A few of those insights and comments have been selected and highlighted in this plan, to show how it reflects the community consultation process. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 19 A strong and positive volunteer sector breeds success and sustainability from within… I don’t think anything says more than the value of the volunteer in-kind donation that supported this museum’s operation in 2009… $585,000 dollars of time is not insignificant… 305 volunteers believe this facility is worth investing in, and we could not receive the awards, the accolades, or offer the public programs without those volunteers and their commitment. Contributed by volunteers from Pickering Museum Village ” “ Woodworking was a major activity in 19th-century rural society. The Woodwrights have completed 53 on-site projects since inception in 2007. This doesn’t include the many hours involved in constructing the new Woodwrights shop. These are outstanding accomplishments from a small group of volunteers. The quality of our work has been noted by all those who remember “how it was like.” Contributed by the Woodwrights’ Guild “ ” Pickering staff first gathered background information from statistics, historical documents, and other sources to help define Pickering’s cultural make-up, as well as its cultural and heritage assets. The research also included canvassing opinion from the community through a telephone survey of Pickering residents; online surveys for community organizations; interviews with members of Council and senior City managers; and focus group sessions with youth and seniors. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 20 3.1 Background 3.1.1 Pickering’s Geography Pickering’s environmental heritage includes the waterfront on Lake Ontario, the nationally renowned Rouge Park, and the provincially significant Oak Ridges Moraine. Within its boundaries are 79 parks and four conservation areas. These areas support recreational opportunities such as paddling along the shores of Frenchman’s Bay, walking the West Duffins Trail and Seaton Trail systems, cycling the Waterfront Trail, hiking through Altona Forest, and swimming in Ontario’s largest outdoor pool at Petticoat Creek Conservation Area. Pickering’s 231.59 square kilometres of land and waterways are situated within five watersheds: Petticoat Creek, Frenchman’s Bay, Duffins Creek, Carruthers Creek, and Lynde Creek. Watershed plans have been or are in the process of being completed for each of these areas. The urban part of Pickering is focused on the “Downtown”, which we now refer to as the “City Centre”. The City Centre includes the Pickering Civic Precinct (City Hall, Main Central Library, Esplanade Park and the Pickering Recreation Complex), and Pickering Town Centre (a large regional shopping centre with more than 200 stores and services), as well as office buildings and a bridge to the Pickering GO Station. Approximately 5,000 people live in the City Centre today, and 5,000 people are currently employed here. Pickering’s rural area occupies about two-thirds (15,200 hectares) of Pickering’s land mass. In 1996, Pickering’s rural residents made up approximately 6% of Pickering’s population, mostly in rural hamlets, rural clusters, and country residential settlement areas. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 21 3.1.2 Pickering’s History The first people to live in Pickering settled there approximately 4,000 years ago. By the mid- 17th century, the Huron were driven away by the Five Nations Iroquois, who established villages throughout the area. By the late 1600s, French explorers made their way into the area and established trade and missionaries. English settlers followed, fought against the French settlers, and defeated them, which ultimately led to the acquisition of Pickering Township by England in 1785. The Township of Pickering was settled by farmers, most of them from Great Britain or Ireland, starting in the 18th century. In addition to a settlement focused on the harbour at Frenchman’s Creek, there were hamlets scattered throughout the rural area, many of which have survived to this day (such as Brougham, Cherrywood, and Whitevale). The harbour declined in importance in the 19th century, but the growth of the City of Toronto led to a rise in the number of summer cottages in the Pickering area. New suburban communities were built, starting in the 1960s. By the 1990s, in response to concerns about environmental impacts and the loss of farmland, the City began a Journey to Sustainability to chart a new course for the City. 3.1.3 Pickering’s Demographics At the end of 2013, the City of Pickering had a population of approximately 95,000. Between 2006 and 2011, Pickering’s population increased by 1%. Pickering is planned to grow to approximately 225,000 people by 2031. Of this number, 61,000 people (about 25%) are expected to live in the Seaton Community by 2031. The Seaton Community is nearing the end of the planning stage. Two important trends are evident: the population is aging and is becoming more ethnically diverse. The majority of Pickering’s population is between the ages of 45 and 59. More than 35% of Pickering’s population is made up of a visible minority and more than 24% (statistic 21,240/87,920 working numbers) of the population speaks a language other than English or French. Pickering’s largest visible minority is Black Canadians with Caribbean origins, followed closely by residents from South Asia. 3.1.4 Pickering’s Economy Pickering is a leading centre for energy in Ontario. Its core business sectors include companies in Energy, Environment, and Engineering (known as the EN3 Cluster). It is home to Ontario Power Generation (OPG), the City’s largest employer and one of the largest electricity producers in North America, as well as Eco-Tec, Siemens/Trench Canada Ltd. and Intellimeter. Other important industries and sectors include advanced manufacturing, logistics, pharmaceuticals, electronics, and consulting. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 22 3.1.5 Pickering’s Natural, Cultural and Recreational Assets Pickering has a range of natural, recreational, heritage, arts, and cultural attractions for residents and visitors that include, but are not limited to, the following: • Frenchman’s Bay is a shallow coastal lagoon on the Lake Ontario shoreline, protected by a barrier beach that is well used by residents and visitors for walking, boating and fishing. • Waterfront Trail is a scenic haven for cycling, in-line skating, and leisurely strolls. • Altona Forest is an environmentally significant area that provides essential habitat for many plants and animals and is used for hiking, bird watching, wildlife photography, and educational interpretative walks. • The Seaton Trail is located along the West Duffins Creek and follows historic hunting and fishing routes on the creek. The trail passes heritage buildings from Pickering’s pioneer days, such as the grist mill at Whitevale. • Petticoat Creek Conservation Area on the shores of Lake Ontario offers spectacular views of the coastal bluffs, and opportunities to see wildlife and enjoy picnics and walks in a 70-hectare park. The 35-year-old swimming pool, one of Petticoat Creek's main attractions, was recently reconstructed as a new aquatic entertainment facility. The new facility includes a 3,200 square metre wading pool, a 750 person capacity swimming area, and a splash pad with interactive water features. • Greenwood Conservation Area on Duffins Creek is managed by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and open to the public for hiking, cross-country skiing, fishing, and bird watching. • Claremont Field Centre is located on the banks of the Duffins Creek East and Mitchell Creek and is on the Trans Canada Trail. The Centre is managed by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Outdoor education programs are offered for school, Scouts, Guides, and other groups. • Diana Princess of Wales Park is a well-used park adjacent the City Centre that offers a ball hockey rink, basketball court, mini soccer pitch, skateboard park, soccer/football field, tot equipment, and volley ball court. • Millennium Square is a large public square at the southern tip of Liverpool Road, on the shores of Lake Ontario. From the Square visitors can access the Waterfront Trail system, or picnic at the adjacent Beachfront Park. Events such as concerts are often held here in summer. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 23 • Beachfront Park, south of Hydro Marsh, offers an elevated beachfront boardwalk, beautiful views across Lake Ontario, generous seating and picnicking areas. In addition to the beach, children can enjoy the recently constructed splash pad play area, modern accessible play structures, swings, and beach volleyball. • Alex Robertson Park is home to the popular art installation "Homeplace” and the newly created Butterfly Garden. Alex Robertson Park includes hiking and running trails and is popular with cricketers, dog walkers, cyclists, and hikers on the Waterfront Trail. • Homeplace, located on the north side of Alex Robertson Park, is a structural design by Canadian artist, Dorsey James, which was installed in 2001. The different designs of the structure symbolize a variety of periods, cultures, and beliefs. The most recognizable is the hydro pole arrangement atop the hill. The poles grow in height toward the centre, acknowledging individual growth as well as the growth, evolution, and prosperity of the community. • Nautical Village is a community of residences, shops, services and marinas anchored by a core of live/work units, located at the base of Liverpool Road. Nestled between the edge of Lake Ontario and the western shores of Frenchman’s Bay, Nautical Village offers a waterfront lifestyle including recreational opportunities for boating, paddling, fishing and cruising, all supported by specialty shops, full service restaurants and cafes. • Frenchman’s Bay Marina was established on the north shore of Lake Ontario in Frenchman's Bay during the summer of 1972. The Marina serves several hundred boating customers. • Wind Turbine: This 117-metre turbine (measured from the ground to the highest blade tip) can produce enough emission-free energy to supply the annual electricity needs of about 600 average Ontario homes. • Pickering Museum Village is located on the banks of Duffins Creek in historic Greenwood. The largest living history museum in the Durham Region, this award-winning site has 20 restored heritage buildings dating from as far back as 1810, including a blacksmith and woodworking shop, a general store, a schoolhouse, houses, barns, and places of worship. Tours at PMV re-create the daily life of Pickering Township’s settlers from the early pioneer days onward. • Whitevale Heritage Conservation District contains more than 50 buildings dating from the 19th century, which are listed on a heritage inventory. The district is located on West Duffins Creek and retains traces of its past as an important rural centre and mill site. • Heritage Properties listed on Pickering’s Cultural Directory range from Victorian schoolhouses to unique modernist properties to historic cemeteries. • Pickering Town Centre Farmers’ Market was started in 2011, and was designed to be a comprehensive community event to feature local farmers and food producers, support local food banks, and showcase local artisans, craft workers, and musicians. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 24 • Pickering Recreation Complex, a nationally accredited fitness centre in the heart of Pickering, offers world-class training to athletes such as Olympian Perdita Felicien. The Complex celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2013. It offers more than a quarter-of-a-million square feet of facility space and top-of-the-line cardio and fitness equipment, twin ice pads, and programs for all ages and abilities, including fitness, aquatics, tennis, squash, and racquetball. • Durham West Arts Centre in the Pickering Recreation Complex showcases local, national, and international talents, ranging from visual to performing arts. • Pickering Public Library: Pickering has one central public library and three branches. A Central Library Expansion and Renovation Study was completed with stakeholder and community input in 2012. The Library’s current Strategic Plan is moving services away from a more traditional model of providing physical materials to providing access to technology and training to produce creative and intellectual products. • Shopping and Dining: The Pickering Town Centre offers more than 200 stores, restaurants, and services. Pickering is also home to a SmartCentre, The Shops at Pickering Ridge, and Brookdale Centre, the Pickering Markets, and many stand-alone shops and restaurants. 3.1.6 Pickering’s Cultural Organizations Pickering’s Culture & Recreation Department offers thousands of programs each year, promoted through the City of Pickering Leisure Guide. Programs include culinary arts, visual arts, performing arts, language, and heritage programs (offered by the Pickering Museum Village). The Department coordinates many free events, including Theatre in the Park, Waterfront Concert Series, Treble in the Park, Heritage Day, Artfest, Spirit Walk, Steam Up & Opening, The Settler Trail, and Christmas in the Village. The stakeholder survey completed for this plan identified 79 other cultural organizations in Pickering, listed in Appendix C. These include schools, places of worship, ethnocultural groups, businesses focused on the arts, recreational organizations, and environmental groups. The diversity of Pickering’s cultural fabric and the commitment of its volunteer sector are evident in the list and in the responses to the survey. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 25 3.2 Public Input 3.2.1 Community Telephone Survey In January and February 2010, a household telephone survey of Pickering residents was conducted by the firm of Monteith Brown Planning Consultants; 450 households participated, making the findings statistically significant.18 Participation in cultural activities: The most popular activity was singing or playing music (33%), followed by painting, drawing, crafts, sculpture, pottery, or other visual arts (27%), and multi- cultural activities (19%). The top two activities can generally be undertaken in an unstructured and unscheduled manner, which is becoming increasingly important as people have less free time. Place of participation: Most people participated in cultural activities in the City of Pickering, but some went outside the City to participate in multicultural activities (45%); acting or theatrical performance (36%); and heritage activities, such as classes or workshops at a museum or historic site (35%). If respondents participated more often outside Pickering, they were asked to provide reasons. The top three responses were: facility/program not available in the area (29% of those participating outside Pickering); connected to the other community/used to live there (18%); and special events/variety (16%). Most popular events: The top three most-attended facilities, events, or performances were: community events (e.g., Canada Day, Santa Claus Parade, RibFest, etc.) (65%); a musical performance, such as a concert or opera (57%); and a dance performance, such as a recital (54%). 18 These 450 households represent approximately 1,400 Pickering residents. Although this accounts for only 1.5% of the City’s population, statistical modelling proves that this is a significant figure and it would take thousands more completed surveys to improve survey confidence (and only marginally at that). The survey response level is similar to those frequently used to report on regional or provincial research polls. In statistical terms, this represents a confidence interval of ±4.6% (that is, the survey provides for an accuracy of ±4.6%, 19 times out of 20). City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 26 Gaps: When asked about events that they would like to see in Pickering that are not currently offered, respondents most often suggested musical performances, theatre, art exhibits and galleries, educational programs, and ethnic or multicultural festivals and events. Awareness: The most common ways in which people learn about cultural offerings are newspapers (42% of all households); mail outs (21%); e-mail (13%); newsletter/magazines (12%); and bulletin boards/posters/flyers (12%). Households with children were more likely to feel that their household is generally aware of the heritage, arts, and culture opportunities that are available in Pickering than households without children. Barriers to participation: The most common reason given for not participating as often as they would like was lack of personal time (59%), followed by health problems or disability (16%) and lack of desired facilities or programs (8%). Spending on culture: Respondents were asked how much money their entire household spends on heritage, arts, and culture in a typical month. This spending includes subscriptions, tickets, donations, program fees, and materials, but excludes movies. We learned that 54% of respondents spent $0– $50 per month, followed by 15% each for those that spend $50–$99 per month and $100–$199 per month. Only 8% of households spent more than $200 per month on heritage, arts, and culture. Spending priorities for the City: The facility type thought to be most in need of additional public spending was parkland for festivals and special events (66%), followed by a performing arts centre for theatrical and musical performances (55%), museum or heritage sites (43%), rehearsal spaces for dance, theatre or music (43%), art galleries and exhibition space (31%), and art studios for creating visual arts, crafts, and other works (31%). 3.2.2 Stakeholder Group Survey Between January and March 2010, the City contacted cultural groups and community organizations and asked them to complete a survey about their activities. A total of 79 organizations completed the surveys. Of those organizations completing the survey, 22% were incorporated not-for-profit, followed by not incorporated not-for-profit (19%), other (16%), for profit (15%), school/educational institution (15%), government (9%), and church/place of worship (4%). The most common primary discipline of the organizations represented by respondents was cultural heritage (39%), followed by community events (37%) and other (34%), such as education, ethnocultural groups, photography, and environment. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 27 I propose to establish a big enough place in which Jewish, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs may be allowed to one day teach in order to offer their heritage, arts, and culture events and participated by community and City officials who would like to participate. Contributed by a member of the Muslim Youth & Community Centre for Pickering/Durham “ ” Participation trends: Of the sample that provided feedback, 44 respondents (67%) reported an increase in their organization’s participation, attendance, and membership over the past five years, 25% saw no change, and 8% experienced decreases. Cultural assets: 39 organizations (49%) reported owning or managing significant collections or other physical heritage, arts and culture resources, from buildings to costumes to musical instruments to archival materials. Funding: 23 organizations (29%) stated that they had received government funding from federal, provincial, and/or municipal sources in 2009. The total amount of funding received by the 23 organizations was $50,615,876, for an average of $2,200,690 per organization. Need for City support: 48% of the 62 respondents that provided feedback regarding this question stated that their organization required additional support from the City of Pickering relative to heritage, arts, and culture, including: • Promotion and increased awareness • Facility upgrades/expansion • Financial assistance/lower fees • More cultural staff at the City • Partnership for marketing and sponsorship • Grants • Expanded programming • Long-term planning Challenges: Respondents were provided a list of 8 options and asked to select the 3 greatest challenges facing their organization relative to heritage, arts, and culture. Lack of community awareness and promotion (56% of all organizations) was the primary challenge, followed by shortage of facility space (42%), level of funding (40%), and staff or volunteer resources (36%). City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 28 3.2.3 Interviews: Council Members In May and June 2011, interviews were conducted with members of Pickering Council. Pickering’s strengths: When asked to identify the strengths of Pickering’s current cultural community, the most common response was Pickering’s diversity. Gaps: Many members of council felt that a gap in the current delivery of cultural services and facilities was Art Facilities (performing arts, visual arts, art studios, meeting spaces, etc.). Pickering’s city centre was identified as the ideal location for an Arts Centre and so a strategic use of municipal and provincial lands in the city centre must be considered. Priorities: All members of Council felt that culture should be a high priority for the City of Pickering, but recognize that it is not, as is evident in current budgets, facilities, and staff allocations. Many feel that active recreation holds a greater priority than the arts, culture, and heritage. But members are not sure that is where the community is headed – as diversity continues to grow, cultural services will become increasingly important. 3.2.4 Interviews: Senior Managers In May and June 2011, interviews were conducted with seven senior management staff members with the City. Pickering’s strengths: The diversity of its people was once again recognized as a strength of Pickering’s cultural community. Staff also recognize and value the engagement of our residents and community organizations as a major strength. Gaps: Many staff felt that the development and support of the arts was a critical gap and opportunity for the City of Pickering to address in this plan. Dedicated space is needed for proper artifact storage, archives, and visual and performing arts programs and services. Challenges: Staff wanted to see more engagement of cultural community members, better development and promotion of Pickering’s natural heritage (trail maps, sites), better historical connections, ways to overcome the urban and rural split within the community, and more funding for artistic placemaking in the municipality. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 29 3.2.5 Committee of Council Questionnaires In June 2011, Pickering staff invited committees of Council to participate in a questionnaire related to the cultural plan. The committees included Heritage Pickering, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee, and the Accessibility Advisory Committee. Four completed surveys were returned to staff. Pickering’s strengths: Respondents indicated that Pickering’s diverse community, parks, waterfront, museum, and library are all invaluable. Gaps: Respondents suggest that more be done to promote and support these pillars of the community. This includes better access to the waterfront, more programs at the Recreation Centre, increased park safety, and development of the arts through an arts centre, better collaboration and communication among like-minded groups (i.e., Heritage Pickering, Pickering Museum Village, Pickering Historical Society, the Central Library) and the creation of an economic plan to support tourism. One respondent also recommended increased support and funding for Pickering heritage so that a specific staff member is responsible for heritage matters. Challenges: Respondents suggested that the Cultural Plan should address the need to include northern Pickering in activities that take place in the city centre and the waterfront; to include advisory committee participation in the planning of cultural services; and to assign a coordinator who can facilitate cultural development. Also, housing developments should be designed to support residents through their lifespan and not segregate seniors, but integrate them in the community. 3.2.6 Focus Group: Youth In September 2011, youth from Pickering Activity Council for teens (PAC4Teens) and Pickering’s youth programs were invited to participate in a focus group session led by Pickering staff. Preferred activities: Many youth reported participating in the following cultural activities during their free time: dancing, drawing, painting, playing music, writing, visiting historic sites, and attending multicultural events. Youth most often participated in these cultural activities at home, at a friend’s house, at a City facility and to a lesser extent, at school. Awareness: Many youth reported becoming aware of cultural programs and services through their friends, schools, parents, leisure guide, and newspapers. They also recommend that the City promote programs and services to them through schools, Facebook, and Twitter. Gaps: When asked what cultural activities they think should be offered, the responses included dances (for kids older than pre-teens), breakdancing, ballroom dancing, and a new facility for art classes. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 30 I have been involved with the Pickering Museum Village as staff and volunteer for 20 years. It always surprises me that at each event there, I run into someone who is attending the site for the first time, and “never knew” that Pickering had a museum; has lived in Pickering for years and paid taxes to help support the museum (unknowingly) and has now discovered what a wonderful, enjoyable, educational experience the museum is! … This must happen in other cultural groups also. Are we missing an opportunity for communication or promotion here? Contributed by a member of Bloomers & Britches Heritage Gardeners, Pickering Museum Village “ ” 3.2.7 Focus Group: Seniors In June 2012, seniors from the South Pickering Seniors Executive Committee were invited to participate in a focus group session led by Pickering staff. Preferred activities: The seniors reported the following cultural activities as important to them: crafts, heritage activities that include Scottish and Irish events (Robbie Burns Supper and St. Patrick’s Day Celebration), Pickering Concert Band performances, dancing, playing music, computer courses (which include assistance with photos), graphics, honour library (where books are available to borrow without the need to sign them out), and theatrical performances. Restrictions: Seniors Club Executive members did not feel particularly restricted from participating in cultural activities. They feel that they have the support and resources to offer their membership cultural activities of interest. They also appreciate the programs the City of Pickering offers and are often invited by other agencies to attend specific activities or events. Gaps: When asked what City of Pickering programs could be offered to seniors but currently are not, the following programs were listed: line dancing (club led), Zumba, Tai Chi, clog dancing, art classes, and a pole walking club (inside during winter). When asked what cultural facilities should be offered to seniors, the response was a theatre in Pickering featuring an accessible location, with weekday and weekend matinee show times. The membership also wanted a dance hall that would be accessible and large enough for big events. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 31 4 Vision and Strategic Directions City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 32 A community that offers opportunities to live, work and engage makes for an ideal destination for many families and a strong heritage, arts and culture sector plays a key role in achieving that balance. Contributed by Durham College “ ” 4.1 Vision Staff considered all of the information collected through the cultural planning process and have identified the following vision statement: Pickering will collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighbourhoods. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 33 An image: a cheerful streetscape inducing people to smile, bringing them together, making them feel part of the community, people sitting on park benches enjoying each other’s company, concerts in the park, children playing unstructured games. Wishes: parks & public gardens, gathering places, bicycle trails, theatres, upgraded outdoor sports facilities. Contributed by a member of the Pickering Horticultural Society “ ” 4.2 Strategic Directions From the visioning session and the discussions that followed, six Strategic Directions were proposed for the Cultural Plan. 1. Broaden and deepen city leadership and investment 2. Build a strong and collaborative cultural sector 3. Strengthen culture-led economic development 4. Conserve and promote history and heritage 5. Celebrate and support diversity and inclusion 6. Cultivate opportunities for the creation, education and enjoyment of the arts For each Strategic Direction, there are recommended actions (not listed in any order of priority). City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 34 4.2.1 Strategic Direction 1: Broaden and Deepen City Leadership and Investment Where we are now During the public consultation phase and interviews with Pickering Council members and municipal staff, we heard that Pickering’s unique advantages in the area of leadership and investment include: • the active engagement of Culture and Recreation staff, with strong networks and connections in the community • increasing understanding on the part of Council and senior management about the importance of culture • a strong belief in community engagement and transparent decision-making (evident in the recently launched Virtual Town Hall meetings) We also heard that there is a need to broaden and deepen the City’s role and commitment to cultural planning and cultural development. Recommended actions • Expand communications efforts related to cultural resources and opportunities. • Increase the City’s role in supporting and facilitating networking and collaboration among cultural groups. • Form a Cultural Advisory Committee made up of staff, Council, and community representation that champions the implementation of the Cultural Plan. • Increase investment in cultural development. • Appoint a dedicated cultural staff position with the following responsibilities: • serve as a champion for the implementation of the Cultural Strategic Plan • play a community development and capacity-building role within the cultural sector in Pickering • support ongoing cultural planning and the integration of culture across departments (the focus of this position would not be on the delivery of cultural programs or services) • Ensure the Cultural Strategic Plan is well integrated into the City’s five Corporate Priorities. • Identify leading practices (in Canada and abroad) in cultural planning. • Establish a cross-departmental Culture Team to build the capacity of the City to “adopt a cultural lens” and support the implementation of the Cultural Strategic Plan. • Identify a strategy to address transportation issues that occur at venues hosting major events, and consider transportation in the selection and design of new venues. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 35 As Spanish-speaking immigrants, we share a common language, culture, food, music and the challenge to learn a new language and integrate into our new homeland: Canada. Contributed by the Hispanic-Canadian Alliance of Ontario “ ” 4.2.2 Strategic Direction 2: Build a Strong and Collaborative Cultural Sector Where we are now The cultural mapping project completed by the City revealed a large and diverse range of cultural organizations and activities in the community (see, for example, the list of organizations that participated in our survey, provided in Appendix C). However, the survey indicated that some of these organizations are working in isolation from others. Among the barriers preventing the cultural sector from reaching its potential, organizations cited problems such as “lack of cohesion” and “the need for more information sharing.” In other words, the cultural sector in Pickering tends to be fragmented. Combating this fragmentation through stronger networking and collaboration helps strengthen individual organizations and the sector as a whole. The Visioning Session also identified a range of specific needs including those related to new or expanded cultural spaces and facilities. Recommended actions • Convene networking and peer-to-peer learning events for a cross-section of the cultural sector. • Address a need for more small venues to support cultural activities (e.g., for exhibitions and performances). • Engage cultural groups in the development of strategies that stimulate and cultivate resident cultural engagement between north and south Pickering. • Develop and implement a “module” on culture and heritage that could be easily delivered in the school system. • Expand the Central Library to include community and cultural meeting spaces – ensure the library is seen as one of the City’s strongest cultural assets. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 36 4.2.3 Strategic Direction 3: Strengthen Culture-led Economic Development Where we are now Research and reports produced to date for the Cultural Strategic Plan acknowledge the important role played by creativity and culture in strengthening the local economy. However, there is still a lack of broad community understanding of the economic importance of culture, and the need for concrete strategies and actions to leverage these opportunities. For example, in our survey of Council committees, we heard that there needs to be a connection between economic development, heritage and culture, and not such a singular focus on business development. Integrating all three can help the City sell a lifestyle to newcomers and new business. Recommended actions • Shift the mindset in the community toward thinking about culture as an asset; change the thought process from culture as an expense to culture as an investment. • Establish tourism as a corporate priority (with a strong emphasis on cultural tourism). • Examine the opportunity to leverage cultural festivals to define a strong cultural brand for Pickering and increase its reputation as a significant cultural destination. • Ensure a strong focus in the Cultural Strategic Plan on the needs of commercial cultural activities and enterprises. • Integrate cultural and economic planning related to growing the creative economy and increasing the number of creative cultural industries in Pickering. • Examine opportunities to engage the private sector and encourage corporate sponsorships that will maximize resources/investment for cultural initiatives. • Sustain and promote Pickering’s online Cultural Directory as a means of celebrating and increasing the profile of Pickering’s cultural assets. • Create and introduce online user-friendly tools such as a Community Events Application and Community Media Guide to encourage community organizations, residents, and corporate partners to take the lead in the provision of cultural initiatives. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 37 4.2.4 Strategic Direction 4: Conserve and Promote History and Heritage Where we are now Pickering has a rich and diverse history and heritage that is not sufficiently supported or promoted. For example, we heard of many first-time visitors to the Pickering Museum Village who had not previously heard about it, and were astonished at the quality of the experience available there. And more than 80% of the respondents in the household survey agreed that more should be done to publicize and promote heritage, arts and culture activities in Pickering. Respondents also felt that the City, cultural groups, and private businesses all have a role to play in promoting culture and heritage. The vision of history and heritage in the community must be a broad and inclusive one – one that includes early history (and settlement) in addition to more recent developments (including the arrival and rich cultural traditions of diverse communities). Recommended actions • Develop programs and facilities to house and conserve archival collections. • Strengthen the promotion of local history assets. • Establish a Visitors’ Centre at the Pickering Museum Village. • Leverage opportunities to connect culture and heritage programming with the new Rouge Park. • Develop strategies to highlight and celebrate Pickering’s heritage properties that include additional or improved signage to identify arts, cultural, and heritage designations and public properties. • Allocate funds to acquire and preserve heritage properties. • Establish a First Nations Interpretive Centre in partnership with relevant stakeholders. • Continue to operate the Doors Open program. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 38 4.2.5 Strategic Direction 5: Celebrate and Support Diversity and Inclusion Where we are now Over and over again in our research, we heard that cultural diversity represents one of the community’s greatest strengths and opportunities. Our Community Profile found that approximately 35% of Pickering’s population belongs to a visible minority. Greater efforts must be made to engage diverse communities in determining their cultural needs. The City (working in partnership with community groups) must move to address these needs. An inclusive approach to cultural planning and development must also address the needs of youth and seniors in the community. Recommended actions • Ensure representation from diverse communities on the proposed Cultural Roundtable. • Actively engage these communities in defining cultural interests, needs, and opportunities. • Work closely with the school system to increase understanding of, and appreciate for, the importance of local culture and heritage among youth. • Develop cross-culture programming by connecting heritage, historic and arts businesses/ organizations. • Support programming in cultural centres through Marketing and Event guidelines for community engagement Creating with power is more than just learning how to use the tools. The students learn about themselves through the expression of their own ideas and the telling of their own stories. They also learn patience, empathy for others and how to focus. Our youth today have become accustomed to instant gratification…. Taking one’s time to achieve a finer final product results in higher marks and positive recognition. This same patience, when shown in the home, also produces rewards... Ultimately, the youth begins to feel better about himself or herself, which results in better citizenry for our community. Contributed by a local sculptor “ ” City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 39 4.2.6 Strategic Direction 6: Cultivate Opportunities for the Creation, Education, and Enjoyment of the Arts Where we are now Pickering has a dynamic and energized arts community that includes performance, fabric, visual and media arts. Many of the artists in the City participated in our public consultation program, offering insights and suggestions. However, the household survey identified a need for more cultural opportunities: more than half of respondents were only “somewhat satisfied” or were not satisfied with the available opportunities in Pickering. In particular, teens were the least satisfied with the cultural opportunities. We also asked about gaps in the current array of cultural offerings. The top five identified gaps were concerts and musical performances; theatre and plays; art exhibits; educational programs; and ethnic or multicultural festivals and events. Existing organizations and individuals need municipal, community, and corporate support to sustain and showcase their activities and educate the next generation of artists. Support is also needed to develop the next generation of artists, artisans, and audiences. The City needs policies, partnerships, and programs that support the artists of Pickering and leverage their art for the enjoyment and education of others. Such strategies could help organizations such as the PineRidge Arts Council whose volunteers operated the SilverStone Gallery for 3 years until it closed in 2013 due to a lack of funding and available space. Recommended actions • Develop and implement a public art policy, program, and funding formula. • Use art to enhance public spaces, particularly within the City Centre. • Assign a 1% contribution to public art from the capital budgets of applicable new or renovated facility and park projects. • Establish Public Art Reserve Fund. Public art is considered to include, but is not limited to, sculpture, fountains, architectural components, special lighting or landscaping and murals. • Ensure that the City plays a leadership role in addressing the need for a new performing arts or multi-purpose cultural facility preferably in the City Centre (this must become a City responsibility and priority rather than being driven by the community). • Develop connections with local colleges and universities to foster arts education. City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 40 5 How to use the Strategic Directions: Integrating Planning for Culture in City Decision-Making 5 How to use the Strategic Directions: Integrating Planning for Culture in City Decision-Making City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 41 A defining feature of municipal cultural planning is integrating culture and cultural resources across many aspects of municipal planning and decision-making. At a fundamental level, this requires asking three questions: 1. How can cultural resources contribute to addressing broader municipal goals and priorities (e.g., economic diversification, retaining youth, growing cultural tourism, etc.)? 2. How do local planning decisions affect cultural resources (e.g., what is the impact of new developments on existing and valued natural or cultural heritage resources)? 3. How can cultural resources enhance the quality of place, form and function of the built environment and the public realm (e.g., through commissioned public art, strong urban design guidelines, interpretive materials related to local history, cultural programming in public spaces, etc.)? The Municipal Cultural Plan will help build the capacity of staff to integrate culture into ongoing planning by: • Establishing a set of shared definitions and assumptions to support cross-departmental planning • Supporting more informed planning through sustained cultural mapping of cultural resources “ ” When I visited Chicago, I was so impressed by the power of the physical space to inspire. Everywhere I went in the downtown area, I saw images that provoked and engaged me… There was a sense that this environment could make you better, more creative.... not just yourself but the whole community together. This type of vision takes strong leadership to get community alignment… I hope that the Cultural Strategic Plan can provide this vision. As a community leader, I would do whatever I could to support such vision. Contributed by a member of the Pickering Public Library City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 42 The following Strategic Directions chart provides more details on the proposed actions within this 10 year plan: Strategic Direction Action Responsibility Resources Timeline Measurement Guidelines 1. Broaden and deepen City leadership and investment Expand communications efforts related to cultural resources and opportunities City Development Culture & Recreation Current Budget (existing) Short Number of people attending cultural events Investment in Pickering Cultural awareness in local businesses Form a Cultural Advisory Committee made up of staff, Council, and community representation that champions the implementation of the Cultural Plan Culture & Recreation City Clerk section and Council for resources (approval of positions) Short Establishment of the Cultural Advisory Committee with monthly meetings Established committee mandate and terms of reference Establish a cross- departmental “Culture Team” to build the capacity of the City to “adopt a cultural lens” and support the implementation of the Cultural Strategic Plan Culture & Recreation Supervisor, Cultural Services as lead of the “Culture Team” Staff Time Short Establishment of the Culture Team with regular staff meetings Increase investment in cultural development City Development Culture & Recreation Library Current Budget ($30,000 additional) Consultant Report required Short Completion of Financial Impact Report Development of a Financial Incentives Report Development of City Tourism Program Cultural Services City Development Current Budget ($100,000 additional) Medium Completion of Corporate Tourism Strategy City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 43 Strategic Direction Action Responsibility Resources Timeline Measurement Guidelines 1. Broaden and deepen City leadership and investment (cont’d) Increase the City’s role in supporting and networking cultural groups within the community Library Meeting Space Staff Time Short Host meetings with each cultural sector throughout the year Maintain and promote comprehensive cultural calendar of events Appoint a dedicated cultural staff person Culture & Recreation Current Budget (existing) Short Position of Supervisor, Cultural Services was established in early 2013 and is a dedicated resource to the City’s cultural affairs Monitor ongoing workload to assess need for additional staff resources in the long term Ensure the Cultural Strategic Plan is well integrated into the City’s five Corporate Priorities All Departments Lead is Culture & Recreation Staff Time Short Reports to Council regarding integration of five Corporate Priorities Identify leading practices in cultural planning in Canada and abroad Culture & Recreation Staff Time Short Updates to the City’s Cultural Plan Identify a strategy to address transportation issues at venues that host major events. Consider transportation in the selection and design of new venues Engineering & Public Works Culture & Recreation City Development Corporate Services Staff Time Medium Development and implementation of strategy; reduction in the number of complaints City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 44 Strategic Direction Action Responsibility Resources Timeline Measurement Guidelines 2. Build a strong and collaborative cultural sector Convene networking and peer-to-peer learning events for a cross- section of the cultural sector Library Staff Time Short Number of meetings Number of participants Address a need for more venues to support cultural activities (e.g., for exhibitions and performances) Culture & Recreation Library Staff Time Medium Inventory of cultural spaces in Pickering (City and private), including restaurants Develop a communications program Develop and implement a “module” on culture and heritage that could be easily delivered in the school system Culture & Recreation Staff Time Medium Development and use of module Engage cultural groups in the development of strategies that encourage resident cultural engagement between north and south Pickering Culture & Recreation Current Budget (existing) Medium Research and development of strategies Expand the Central Library to include community and cultural meeting spaces Council Library Capital Budget Medium / Long Library expansion Amount of new meeting space as well as meetings scheduled in new space City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 45 Strategic Direction Action Responsibility Resources Timeline Measurement Guidelines 3. Strengthen culture-led economic development Examine the opportunity to leverage cultural festivals to define a strong cultural brand for Pickering and increase its reputation as a significant cultural destination City Development Culture & Recreation Staff Time Current Budget (existing) Medium Increase participation in City events by 10% Increase number of existing and new vendors/ participants Measure feedback though participant satisfaction Integrate cultural and economic planning related to growing the creative economy and increasing the number of creative cultural industries in Pickering City Development Culture & Recreation (as resource) Staff Time Medium Identify existing business with Durham Region Business Information Track business openings in Pickering and achieve 10% increase in creative cultural industries Examine opportunities to engage the private sector and encourage corporate sponsorships that will maximize resources/ investment for cultural initiatives Culture & Recreation Staff Time Medium Completion of Corporate Sponsorship Package/Program Increased sponsorship revenue and number of sponsors by 20% City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 46 Strategic Direction Action Responsibility Resources Timeline Measurement Guidelines 3. Strengthen culture-led economic development (cont’d) Create and introduce online user-friendly tools such as a Community Events Application & Community Media Guide to encourage community organizations, residents and corporate partners to take the lead in the provision of cultural initiatives Culture & Recreation Staff Time Short Applications completed and launched on website Number of applications returned Sustain and promote Pickering’s online Cultural Directory as a means of celebrating and increasing the profile of Pickering’s cultural assets & cultural community organizations Culture & Recreation Staff Time Short Track number of website visits, number of listings, economic impact of cultural events Establish tourism as a corporate priority (with a strong emphasis on cultural tourism) Culture & Recreation City Development (as resource) Current Budget ($65.000 dedicated to additional staff resources) Long Implementation of Corporate Tourism Strategy City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 47 Strategic Direction Action Responsibility Resources Timeline Measurement Guidelines 3. Strengthen culture-led economic development (cont’d) Ensure a strong focus in the Cultural Strategic Plan on the needs of commercial cultural activities and enterprises City Development Staff Time (existing) Long Measure the number of new businesses and level of investment We recognize that in order for art and culture to survive and prosper, we need a healthy community where everyone feels at home and that’s exactly what our members have, a sense of belonging. Contributed by the Indo-Canadian Cultural Association of Durham “ ” City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 48 Strategic Direction Action Responsibility Resources Timeline Measurement Guidelines 4. Conserve and promote history and heritage Strengthen the promotion of local history assets Culture & Recreation Library Related Advisory Committees Current Budget ($12,000 additional for signage) Staff Time Short Increase of the following: number of website visits (PMV & PADA) Number of attendees Number of heritage events Number of questions submitted to Library relating to historical documents Improve signage for heritage districts Leverage opportunities to connect culture and heritage programming with the new Rouge National Park Engineering & Public Works Staff Time Long Number of programs and events in Rouge Park of cultural and natural heritage significance Develop strategies to highlight and celebrate Pickering’s heritage properties that include additional or improved signage to identify arts, cultural, and heritage designations and public properties City Development Heritage Pickering Staff Time Current Budget (existing) Medium Completion of Council-adopted program strategies City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 49 Strategic Direction Action Responsibility Resources Timeline Measurement Guidelines 4. Conserve and promote history and heritage (cont’d) Develop funds to acquire and preserve heritage properties City Development Reserve Fund (new) Long Council-adopted program to establish reserve fund Establish a Visitors’ Centre at the Pickering Museum Village Culture & Recreation Capital Budget Medium / Long Opening of Visitors’ Centre Develop programs and facilities to house and conserve archival collections Culture & Recreation Library Heritage Pickering (as a resource) Capital Budget Medium Opening of facilities (Library & Visitor Centre) Establish a First Nations Interpretive Centre and archive room, with appropriate partners Culture & Recreation Heritage Pickering Pickering Village Museum Advisory Committee (as resource) Capital Budget Long Opening of Interpretive Centre (as part of the Museums’ Visitors Centre) and number of artifacts displayed Continue to operate the Doors Open program Heritage Pickering Staff Time Current Budget (existing) Short Host Doors Open Event City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 50 Strategic Direction Action Responsibility Resources Timeline Measurement Guidelines 5. Celebrate and support diversity and inclusion Ensure representation from diverse communities on the proposed Cultural Advisory Committee Council Staff Time Short Promote advisory committee appointment opportunities to the general public but also to the full range of Pickering’s community cultural organizations Actively engage diverse communities in defining cultural interests, needs, and opportunities Culture & Recreation Staff Time Medium Incorporate into the Advisory Committee Terms of Reference Conduct data analysis & prepare report Work closely with the school system to increase understanding of and appreciation for the importance of local culture and heritage among youth Culture & Recreation Staff Time Medium Develop, promote and offer school presentations and develop website content that educate youth Albert Camus said, “Without culture, and the relative freedom it implies, society, even when perfect, is but a jungle. This is why any authentic creation is a gift to the future.” And John F. Kennedy said, “If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him [or her].” Contributed by the Backwoods Players “ ” City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 51 Strategic Direction Action Responsibility Resources Timeline Measurement Guidelines 5. Celebrate and support diversity and inclusion (cont’d) Develop cross-culture programming by connecting heritage, historic and arts businesses/ organizations Culture & Recreation Library City Development Staff Time Medium Support Cultural sector initiatives and relationships developed in stakeholders group meetings Encourage partnerships by promotion of opportunities to cultural sector groups through Cultural Directory eBlasts Support programming in cultural centres through Marketing and Event guidelines for community engagement Culture & Recreation Library Staff Time Current budget (existing) Medium Development of a community event resource Tracking of related events and participation rates Development of City outreach program for community engagement similar to Destination Pickering City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 52 Strategic Direction Action Responsibility Resources Timeline Measurement Guidelines 6. Cultivate opportunities for the creation, education and enjoyment of the arts Develop and implement a public art policy, program, and funding formula City Development Council Capital Budget Medium Adoption of policy/programs to include a contribution of 1% of all major municipal buildings and parks projects be dedicated to public art and will encourage the private sector through planning and site plan approvals to do the same Number of art installations Catalogue development Establish Public Art Reserve Fund Culture & Recreation Council Reserve Fund (new) Medium Establish Public Art Reserve Fund to be used to purchase and/or commission public art for display in public spaces Develop connections with local colleges/ universities to foster arts education City Development Staff Time Long Development of courses/seminars/ information sessions Encourage public art in appropriate private developments within the City City Development Staff Time Short Private contribution to public art in new development projects within identified areas City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 53 Strategic Direction Action Responsibility Resources Timeline Measurement Guidelines 6. Cultivate opportunities for the creation, education and enjoyment of the arts (cont’d) Use art to enhance existing public spaces, particularly within the City Centre City Development Engineering & Public Works Staff Time Medium Established Public Art Policy and Program The total number of public art commissions by the City and the total value of those public art commissions Ensure the City plays a leadership role in addressing the need for a new performing arts or multi-purpose cultural facility in the City Centre City Development Culture & Recreation Current Budget ($30,000 additional) Short Complete Business Case for an Arts Centre in Pickering City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 54 Appendix A: Members of the City of Pickering Staff Committee Marisa Carpino – Director, Culture & Recreation Kathy Williams – Director of Public Services, Pickering Public Library Catherine Rose – Chief Planner Darrell Selsky – Manager, Capital Projects & Infrastructure Kim Thompson – Manager, By-law Enforcement Services Tanya Ryce – Supervisor, Cultural Services Arnold Mostert – Senior Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development Catherine Hodge – Coordinator, Economic Development Michelle Pearce & Jesse St. Amant – Coordinator, Environmental Awareness Chantal Whitaker – Coordinator, Sustainability Melissa Markham – Principal Planner, Development Review Ashley Yearwood – Planner II Even in this age of multiculturalism, the heritage of Pickering must include the fact of the churches’ foundational presence in Pickering and its binding together of the community. Contributed by a member of Dunbarton-Fairport United Church “ ” City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 55 Appendix B: Members of the Community Stakeholders Committee Cathy Grant – Chief Executive Officer, Pickering Public Library Cathy Schnippering & Mary Cook – PineRidge Arts Council Pamela Fusselli – formerly of Heritage Pickering John Sabean – Pickering Historical Society Kathy McKay – Ajax/Pickering Board of Trade Laura Drake – Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Pat Dunnill – formerly of the Pickering Museum Village Foundation Shashi Bhatia – Indo-Canadian Cultural Association of Durham Without the maintenance of our history, we are a community without a past. It is critical for Pickering to ensure the further development of the Museum and the maintenance of the significant heritage homes, landscapes, cemeteries, archaeological sites and artefacts, stories and descriptions of who we were and what made us as a community. Contributed by a member of Heritage Pickering “ ” City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 56 Appendix C: List of Organizations that Completed the Survey Altona Forest Stewardship Committee Artists and Poets Ltd. Backwoods Players Bayview Heights Public School Bloomers & Britches Heritage Gardeners, Pickering Museum Village Canadian Multicultural Forum Canadian Progress Club - Durham South Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority City of Pickering - Culture & Recreation City of Pickering - Engineering & Public Works City of Pickering - Municipal Operations City of Pickering - Operations & Facilities Claremont District and Community Association Community Development Council Durham Conseil Scolaire District Catholique Centre Sud - French Catholic School Board D. James Sculptor Dalebrook Neighbourhood Association Dunbarton High School Dunbarton-Fairport United Church Durham College Durham Mountain Biking Association Durham Radio Inc. Durham Region Branch Ontario Genealogical Society Durham West Arts Centre Foundation Entertainment Unlimited Fusion Art Ganadatsetiagon Public School Girls Incorporated of Durham Glengrove Public School Great Walls of Art City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 57 Heritage Pickering Hispanic-Canadian Alliance of Ontario Hurst Communications Indo-Canadian Cultural Association of Durham Jehovah’s Witnesses L’Amicale du Centre Communautaire Francophone de Durham(ACCFD) Legend Music Enterprises Corp. Managhan Design Solutions Inc. Mary Cook Photography Muse on Design Muslim Youth & Community Centre for Pickering/Durham (MYCC) one twin design PAC 4 Teens Pickering Ajax Italian Social Club Pickering Community Concert Band Pickering Gas & Steam Club Pickering Horticultural Society Pickering Italian Senior Association Pickering Museum Village Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Pickering Museum Village Singers Pickering Potters Studio Pickering Public Library Pine Ridge Arts Council Pine Ridge Secondary School PMV Woodwrights Guild RAI Architect Inc. Rosebank Road Public School Rouge Valley Chapter IODE Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Sir John A. Macdonald Public School St. Isaac Jogues Parish - Roman Catholic Church St. John Ambulance St. Monica Catholic School St. Nedela Macedonian Orthodox Church Sunshine Publishing The Arms of Jesus Children’s Mission Inc. The Conservation Foundation of Greater Toronto The County Town Singers The Driftwood Theatre Group The Woodwright’s Guild City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 58 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Toronto Scottish Country Dance Association UOIT - University of Ontario Institute of Technology Vaughan Willard Public School Vintage Victuals Westcreek Public School Young Singers Zahra’s School of Middle Eastern Dance Working out of Pickering since I began over 15 years ago, I have seen the effect technology has had on musicians’ ability to stay in the town they love with their families and still have the opportunity to have a global impact with their work. Just 15 years ago, there were no MP3 downloads, and largely no websites, so networking was really difficult with a small budget… The advent of new tools has made global marketing more affordable and in many cases possible where it was almost impossible back then… With these advances, artists who are world-class, and often come from towns just like Pickering, no longer have to relocate to larger cities to have their music be made and heard, and that’s a relief, because I never wanted to do that. Contributed by a member of Artists and Poets Ltd. “ ” City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan 2014 59 Appendix D: Participants in Visioning and Strategy Session June 27, 2012 Dr. Greg Baeker – Director, Cultural Development – Miller Dickinson Blais - Speaker Tony Prevedel – Chief Administrative Officer Tom Melymuk – Director, City Development Everett Buntsma – Director, Community Services Neil Carrol – Director, Planning & Development Bill Douglas – Fire Chief Debbie Shields – City Clerk Kathy Williams – Director of Public Services Steve Reynolds – Department Head, Culture & Recreation Jen Parent - Division Head, Human Resources Stan Karwowski – Treasurer Marisa Carpino – Director, Culture & Recreation Catherine Rose – Chief Planner Chantal Whitaker – Coordinator, Sustainability Katrina Pyke – Coordinator, Museum Operations Jody Morris – Supervisor, Facility Programs Ashley Yearwood – Planner II