HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 10-21Report to Council Report Number: PLN 10-21 Date: February 22, 2021 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: The Municipal Comprehensive Review of the Durham Regional Official Plan: Major Transit Station Areas Proposed Policy Directions, December 2020, and the Framework for a new Regional Official Plan File: A-2100-020 Recommendation: 1. That Council support the Region of Durham’s Major Transit Station Areas Proposed Policy Directions and endorse staff comments contained in Table 1 of Appendix I to Report PLN 10-21; 2. That Council welcome the proposed restructuring of the new Regional Official Plan, and congratulate the Region on this new approach; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: On December 1, 2020, the Regional Municipality of Durham released the report on “Major Transit Station Areas Proposed Policy Directions”, the first in a series of policy directions reports released as part of Envision Durham, the Municipal Comprehensive Review of the Durham Regional Official Plan (see Report of the Regional Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development 2020-P-27 and its Attachment #1 – Major Transit Station Areas Proposed Policy Directions, Attachment #1 to this report). City staff recommend that the comments in Appendix I to this report be endorsed as the City comments. In addition, this report responds to Council’s direction to the Director, City Development & CBO to review the Envision Durham – Framework for a New Regional Official Plan as per Regional Report 2020-P-24, as it pertains to the City of Pickering, and report back with comments as requested by Council at its meeting in December 2020. Financial Implications: The recommendations of this report do not present any financial implications to the City of Pickering. Report PLN 10-21 February 22, 2021 Subject: The Municipal Comprehensive Review Page 2 of the Durham Regional Official Plan Discussion: 1. Purpose The purpose of this report is: a. to obtain Council’s endorsement of staff’s comments on the Region of Durham’s Major Transit Station Areas Proposed Policy Directions (see Attachment #1 to this report). Appendix l to this report contains staff’s comments and recommendations on the Major Transit Station Areas Proposed Policy Directions (MTSA Report). b. to report back to Council on the Envision Durham – Framework for a New Regional Official Plan, as per Regional Report 2020-P-24, as it pertains to the City of Pickering, in accordance with Resolution #479/20 (see Attachment #2). 2. Background 2.1 “Envision Durham” – The Municipal Comprehensive Review of the Durham Regional Official Plan The Region of Durham is in the midst of reviewing its Official Plan. An official plan provides a vision for the future orderly development of a municipality through a set of policies and maps. The Planning Act, which is provincial legislation governing land use planning in Ontario, requires that a municipality regularly review and update its Official Plan. Once the Region has completed its Official Plan review, the City will be in a position to review the Pickering Official Plan. The first stage of the Region’s Official Plan Review was titled “Discover”, and focused on public consultation. The second stage, titled “Discuss”, focused on the preparation of a series of discussion papers, addressing the following major areas: agriculture and rural systems; climate change and sustainability; growth management; the environment; transportation; and housing. The City provided comments on each of these discussion papers through 2019 and 2020. The release of the proposed Policy Directions report ushers in the third phase of the Region’s Municipal Comprehensive Review process, titled “Direct”. Based on the review of best practices, stakeholder and public feedback, the proposed Policy Directions will provide guidance for draft policies to be incorporated into the Regional Official Plan (ROP). 3. The Major Transit Station Areas Policy Directions (MTSA Report) The Region’s release of the MTSA Report is the first in a series of proposed policy directions. The MTSA Report provides an overview of the proposed MTSAs in Durham, addresses trends, development guidelines and best practices, and presents proposed policies on MTSAs for review and comment. The Provincial Growth Plan defines a MTSA as the area including and around any existing or planned high order transit station within a settlement area, and are generally defined as the area within a 500 to 800 metre radius of a transit station, representing a 10 minute walk. Report PLN 10-21 February 22, 2021 Subject: The Municipal Comprehensive Review Page 3 of the Durham Regional Official Plan Durham’s current ROP provides policy direction for transportation hubs and commuter station areas to be at higher densities and optimize walkability to transit facilities. The Province has committed to investment in rapid transit infrastructure, and the Growth Plan stipulates that public transit will be the first priority for transportation infrastructure planning and major transportation investment. The Growth Plan has elevated the significance of MTSAs to prioritizing intensification and increased densities in these areas. There are currently four MTSAs within Durham Region – the Lakeshore GO Transit stations located in Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, and Oshawa, and four planned MTSAs at future GO Transit station stops along Oshawa to Downtown Bowmanville. These MTSAs represent significant opportunities to direct intensification and growth that maximizes the benefits of being within proximity to higher-order transit. The proposed policy directions that are addressed in the MTSA Report include: • A Vision for MTSAs; • Land Use policies; • Urban Design and Built Form; • Public Realm and Open Space; • Mobility and Active Transportation; • Rail Corridors; • Implementation; • Inclusionary Zoning; and • Monitoring. The MTSA Report can be found online at: https://www.durham.ca/en/regional- government/resources/Documents/Council/Reports/2020-Committee-Reports/Planning- and-Economic-Development/2020-P-27.pdf City Development staff has undertaken a detailed review of the MTSA Report (see Appendix I), and the recommendations of Report PLN 10-21 seek Council’s endorsement of staff’s review and responses to the proposed policy directions for MTSAs. 4. The Proposed New Framework of the Regional Official Plan The framework of the current ROP dates back to the early 1990s, which has its roots in the structure of the 1976 ROP. The Region is introducing a new framework and structure for the new ROP based on the following guiding principles: being progressive, streamlined, and accessible. The new ROP will also establish the need to anticipate change, focus on results, have a strong online presence, and articulate meaningful Regional priorities. The current ROP will be repealed and replaced with the new ROP that will consist of a framework that will support a well-defined structure of urban areas and rural settlements, a system of connected environmental features, extensive agricultural areas, a variety of open spaces and an integrated and multi-modal transportation network. A Public Opinion Survey which was completed in early 2019 indicated that residents supported the values of this framework which would foster building a complete community where residents want to live, work, play, grow and invest. Report PLN 10-21 February 22, 2021 Subject: The Municipal Comprehensive Review Page 4 of the Durham Regional Official Plan The Regional Report regarding the proposed Framework for the New Regional Official Plan can be found online at: https://www.durham.ca/en/regional- government/resources/Documents/Council/Reports/2020-Committee-Reports/Planning-and- Economic-Development/2020-P-24.pdf 4.1 Proposed Framework The new ROP will be based on a proposed framework that consists of: • A Regional Vision – presenting Durham as a “community of communities” – diverse, distinct and connected. • Strategic Directions – Seven Strategic Directions will serve as chapters in the new ROP consisting of outcome-oriented themes and reflective of the Region’s diverse characteristics in land use, the economy, communities, infrastructure, and transportation. • Goals, objectives, and policies – will be introduced through proposed policy directions to be released for comments throughout 2021. The new ROP is also planned to incorporate language that will present the proposed objectives in a consistent and clear structure and to convey a stronger policy direction. 4.2 Staff Comments Staff welcome the proposed restructuring of the ROP to focus on being more progressive, streamlined, and accessible. The new ROP will be an essential planning document anticipated to provide stronger policy direction to area municipalities and to meaningfully articulate how Durham Region will grow to 2051. Staff acknowledges that not only will a conformity exercise be undertaken to update the Pickering Official Plan with new Regional policies, but there may also be an opportunity to incorporate an approach similar to the Region’s Official Plan restructuring proposal, or elements thereof, to improve the Pickering Official Plan. More details regarding the proposed timing of the comprehensive review of the Pickering Official Plan will be provided when staff bring forward a report to Council later this year or early next year. Planning staff currently serve on the Envision Durham Municipal Working Group and continue to provide staff-to-staff feedback on the various policy matters that are brought forward for discussion as part of the Region’s Municipal Comprehensive Review process. Appendix Appendix l Staff Review of the Envision Durham Major Transit Station Areas Proposed Policy Directions Report PLN 10-21 February 22, 2021 Subject: The Municipal Comprehensive Review Page 5 of the Durham Regional Official Plan Attachments: 1.Report of the Regional Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development 2020-P-27 and its Attachment #1 – Major Transit Station Areas Proposed Policy Directions 2. Council Directive – Resolution #479/20, dated December 14, 2020 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Doris Ho, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Planner I Chief Planner Déan Jacobs, MCIP, RPP Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Manager, Policy & Geomatics Director, City Development & CBO DH:DJ:ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Original Signed By Original Signed By Original Signed By Original Signed By Original Signed By Appendix I to Report No. PLN 10-21 Staff Review of the Envision Durham Major Transit Station Areas Proposed Policy Directions Staff Review of the Region of Durham’s Major Transit Station Areas – Proposed Policy Directions 1. Major Transit Station Areas – Proposed Policy Directions On December 1, 2020, Durham Region, as part of the third stage (“Direct”) of their public engagement program, released the Major Transit Station Areas – Proposed Policy Directions (MTSA Report), the first in a series of policy directions to be released as part of “Envision Durham”. The MTSA Report builds upon the Urban System Growth Management Discussion paper released in June 2019 through Envision Durham. The MTSA Report provides an overview of the proposed MTSAs, summarizes best practices, trends and guidelines for MTSA development, refines certain delineations, and presents a set of draft policies for review and comment. The report was released to stakeholders and the public for review and comment. In October 2020, Pickering staff provided comments to Durham Planning staff on the Draft MTSA Report. The following section provides a high level overview of the MTSA Report, followed by a table providing additional staff comments and responses to the proposed policy directions that should be considered through the Region’s Municipal Comprehensive Review. 2. MTSA Report Overview As part of Envision Durham and the topic area of Growth Management, the review and development of policies for MTSAs are required to address the significant future growth opportunities in these areas. The Province has identified eight MTSAs along the Lakeshore East GO Rail within Durham: four existing MTSAs at Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, and Oshawa GO Stations, and four planned MTSAs along the future GO Transit rail line extension to Bowmanville – Thornton’s Corners, Central Oshawa, Courtice, and Bowmanville. 2.1 Policy Context There are various provincial and regional land use and policy frameworks to guide the development of identified lands within MTSAs in Durham. The Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshow (Growth Plan), Metrolinx’s Regional Transportation Plan, Durham Regional Strategic Plan, Durham Regional Official Plan (ROP), and Durham Transportation Master Plan supports the establishment of MTSAs and the incorporation of land uses and infrastructure that are conducive for transit-oriented communities. Key policy directions that inform the development and redevelopment of MTSAs include the following: • MTSAs shall be planned to achieve a minimum density target of 150 residents and jobs combined per hectare for those served by GO Transit rail network (a place to Grow – Growth Plan). In case where a MTSA and designated Urban Growth Centre or Regional Centre overlap, the higher density requirements shall apply. • Land use and built form that would adversely affect the achievement of transit supportive densities in MTSAs are prohibited (A Place to Grow – Growth Plan); • The official plan of an upper tier municipality may include policies that identify the area surrounding and including an existing or planned higher order transit station as a protected MTSA and delineate the area’s boundaries, as well as related policies that require lower-tier municipalities to include policies pertaining to minimum development densities and permitted uses within delineated MTSAs (The Planning Act); • The implementation of Inclusionary Zoning is limited to protected MTSAs (Bill 108 – More Homes, More Choices Act). In Durham, the existing GO stations would be considered protected MTSAs. The current ROP provides broad policies which support the establishment of MTSAs, and development adjacent to transportation hubs, commuter stations and transit spines designated on the transit priority network in accordance with transit supportive provisions (ROP Policy 11.3.19). Through Envision Durham, the update to these policies are required to conform to the Growth Plan policies regarding MTSAs, and to advance the Region’s direction for transit oriented development. The Region undertook a Best Practices review to examine other Canadian municipalities with respect to how density typologies, tools and program, and incentives and regulations are being applied within these municipalities to achieve transit oriented development. A detailed summary of the Best Practices Review is contained in Appendix A of the MTSA Report. Feedback from area municipal staff, local agencies, members of the public and stakeholders were also received to help inform and shape the proposed MTSA policy directions. 2.2 Importance of Transit Oriented Development The Region referenced research findings from the firm N. Barry Lyon Consulting, which presented findings that higher order transit (i.e., heavy rail such as GO Rail) and light rail transit (LRT) stations, generate more development on surrounding lands compared with surface transit stops. Heavy rail and LRT stations attract high capital investments, allow permanent transit service for stronger ridership potential, and serve as transit hubs for other transportation connections. Transit oriented development (TOD) provides opportunities for high density, compact and mixed use development close to higher order transit. The benefits of TOD includes a wider range of housing options, enhancing active transportation, pedestrian oriented streets and spaces, optimizing transit and infrastructure while reducing automobile dependency. In order to enable TOD, a number of factors influence positive outcomes, including reliable transit service, strong economic fundamentals, supportive planning frameworks, adequate infrastructure, and available land to support development. The development of the MTSAs will rely on adopting TOD planning and design principles to optimize the economic, social, and environmental benefits to the surrounding community. 2.3 Delineation of MTSAs The Region proposed delineation of MTSAs within the Urban Systems Discussion Paper for Envision Durham in June 2019. The delineation of MTSAs were determined through a refined approach developed by the Region and a preferred recommendation by Metrolinx. The delineation approach that was followed included criteria such as: • A 500- and 800-metre radius from the centre of the rail platform was applied, to identify a generalized walking distance of approximately 10 minutes. • Non-developable areas were avoided, where appropriate (such as natural areas, highways, utilities, rail corridors, etc.) to form the outer boundaries of the MTSA. • Areas unsuitable and unplanned for significant intensification, such as stable neighbourhoods intended to remain as low density, were identified and excluded. The Region’s methodology of delineating MTSAs and the resultant proposed boundary of Pickering’s MTSA, as reflected in Figure 2 of Appendix B to the MTSA Report (see Attachment #1 to this report), was supported by Council through Resolution #205-19 (Report PLN 32-19, dated December 16, 2019). 2.4 Proposed Policy Directions The proposed policy directions are intended to serve as a guide for the planning and development of MTSAs in Durham Region. A future Regional Official Plan Amendment will establish the land use and policy framework for MTSAs based on principles of Transit Oriented Development (TOD). MTSAs represent significant opportunities to create TOD in proximity to rapid transit stations, consisting of a wide range of housing options, mixed uses, street-oriented commercial uses, and a range of public amenities to support an active pedestrian streetscape. Since each MTSA has unique characteristics, scope and context, the proposed policy directions are broad in nature to account for these variations. The Region has outlined general policy directions for the MTSAs, followed by specific directions pertaining to: • land use; • urban design and built form; • public realm and open space; • mobility and active transportation; and • rail corridors. The proposed policies and recommendations for MTSAs are based on TOD principles and best practices to ensure the vision of the MTSAs is achieved through area municipal planning processes. 2.5 Implementation and Monitoring The Region will provide area municipalities with policy guidance to help achieve the objectives of each MTSA within their respective Official Plan updates and conformity exercises, and through development application reviews. The Region is considering other planning tools to assist in achieving the vision for MTSAs. A Regional Community Improvement Plan is being considered to establish incentives to support the principles and policies of the ROP, such as affordable housing, high density mixed use development, and sustainability measures, as permissible under the Planning Act. Inclusionary zoning may also enable area municipalities to include affordable housing units in new residential developments. Recent changes to the More Homes, More Choices Act have also enabled municipalities to implement inclusionary zoning in Protected MTSAs, Development Permit System Areas, or an area ordered by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Finally, the effect of the new policies applicable to MTSAs will be monitored by the Region in consultation with area municipalities. 2.6 Next Steps The above provides a synopsis of the Region’s Major Transit Station Areas Policy Directions Report. Staff comments, specifically to the proposed policy directions, is contained in the following Table 1, for consideration through the Region’s Municipal Comprehensive Review process. Table 1: Pickering Staff Comments on the Region of Durham’s MTSA Proposed Policy Directions # MTSA Report Section MTSA Policy Direction Staff Comments 1. 8.3 General Policy Directions 6. The Region will require area municipalities to complete secondary plans and/or block plans to include detailed land use designations and policies consistent with the policies of the Durham Regional Official Plan that help to achieve the objectives of Transit Oriented Development. A master planning exercise was fairly recently completed for the Pickering City Centre (Urban Growth Centre), through the adoption of Amendment 26 to the Pickering Official Plan, a City Centre Zoning By-law, and Urban Design Guidelines, which addresses most of the lands within the Pickering MTSA. Staff acknowledge that the City will be updating the Official Plan in the context of the new Growth Plan and Regional Official Plan. Staff request the Region to revise the policy direction to allow completion of Secondary Plans, block plans or equivalent. 2. 8.3 General Policy Directions 5. The Region will encourage the provision of alternative development standards to support TOD, including reduced minimum parking requirements and the establishment maximum parking requirements for both privately-initiated development applications and area municipal zoning by-laws. This policy direction is consistent with the approach that was followed for the Pickering City Centre Zoning By-law in which reduced parking standards, shared parking arrangements and required bicycle parking requirements have been introduced. Although the notion of maximum parking requirements is supported, it may still be challenging to implement it, since many of the services offered in the Pickering MTSA are offered at a Citywide and Regional scale, and predominantly accessed by private vehicle. # MTSA Report Section MTSA Policy Direction Staff Comments 3. 8.3.1 Land Use Policies: Permitted Uses 4. Commercial uses including retail, both convenience retail and small scale retail uses, restaurants, personal and professional service shops, and day care uses. It is recommended that, for greater clarity, the Region include free standing “offices” in addition to permitting them as part of a mixed use development in MTSAs. 4. 8.3.1 Land Use Policies: Permitted Uses 8. Public uses including infrastructure, parks, libraries, recreation/community centres, urban squares, trails and conservation uses. It is recommended that the Region confirm that “infrastructure” includes district energy systems. 5. 8.3.1 Land Use Policies: Prohibited Uses Automobile-oriented uses, including drive- through establishments, service stations, land extensive vehicle-oriented uses, car washes, warehousing, public self-storage facilities, similar uses and lower density and land extensive uses are not permitted. The prohibition of drive-through establishments may be too restrictive. There are various banks and restaurants with drive-through facilities that are operating compatibly within the Pickering’s MTSA. It is recommended that the Region forego the prohibition of drive-through establishments within MTSAs and allow the ancillary use to be addressed by area municipalities through area municipal policy or site-specific zoning by-law provisions. 6. 8.3.1 Land Use Policies Prohibited Uses Despite prohibiting warehousing, self-storage, and similar uses, it is requested that the Region clarify that self-serve parcel storage lockers/kiosks for ground-based parcel deliveries that are part of last mile delivery networks, be permitted as an accessory use to the main development. 7. 8.3.2 Urban Design & Built Form 3. Buildings will frame streets, with frequent pedestrian entrances; Please clarify whether the reference to “streets” is only to public streets, or both public and private streets. On large redevelopment sites, some buildings will front private streets or aisles. # MTSA Report Section MTSA Policy Direction Staff Comments 8. 8.3.2 Urban Design & Built Form 8. Developments within MTSAs will conform to the land use designations and the Urban Design requirements specified within area municipal official plans and urban design guidelines. In view of the fact that urban design guidelines are non-mandatory, it is recommended that the Region consider revising the policy direction in Section of the MTSA Report to require developments to meet the intent and principles of municipal urban design guidelines. 9. 8.3.3 Public Realm & Open Space 3. Encourage area municipal policies to require high quality, compact streetscape design form with suitable pedestrian and cycling amenities that complement the establishment of Transit Oriented Communities, including sidewalks or multi-use paths on both sides of all roads, appropriate landscaping, the provision of cycling lanes where appropriate, pedestrian- scaled lighting, and consideration for pedestrian amenities. It is recommended that the Region consider including the provision for public art in the public realm. 10. 8.3.3 Public Realm & Open Space It is recommended that the Region consider a policy direction encouraging station areas and public spaces to be designed according to Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles where those principles are complementary to the urban design principles and guidelines. 11. 8.3.3 Public Realm & Open Space 8.3.4 Mobility & Active Transportation It is recommended that the Region consider a policy direction ensuring public spaces and pedestrian networks/connections are designed to be accessible and barrier-free. # MTSA Report Section MTSA Policy Direction Staff Comments 12. 8.3.4 Mobility & Active Transportation 8. Pedestrian areas will be designed to ensure that wind and thermal comfort conditions are not adversely affected. Since there is no guarantee that the design of pedestrian areas could ensure comfort for all users under all circumstances, it is recommended that the Region consider revising the policy direction to maximize wind and thermal comfort conditions to the extent feasible. 13. 8.3.6 Implementation 1. Approval of development will be contingent on the availability of services and transportation facilities. The Region and the area municipalities may require phasing of development on the basis of the capacity of the transportation system and/or servicing availability, and/or the timing of required infrastructure. The Region and the area municipalities may require the coordination of development applications through measures such as Master Development Agreements or other similar approaches, to ensure an orderly, coordinated and phased approach to the provision of transportation, servicing and other infrastructure requirements are provided prior to or coincident with development. In terms of syntax, it is recommended that the words “are provided”, which appear in the 2nd and 3rd last line in the proposed policy, be deleted. # MTSA Report Section MTSA Policy Direction Staff Comments 14. 8.3.7 Inclusionary Zoning The Policy Directions Reports identifies an opportunity to develop an inclusionary zoning approach for MTSAs in Durham, and states that subject to the interest of the area municipalities on such an approach, the Region could prepare the required assessment report and enabling policies for implementation by the local area municipalities, outside of the MTSA ROPA process. Inclusionary zoning could be helpful tool to facilitate affordable housing within MTSAs. Staff strongly support the preparation of a housing assessment report by the Region. 15. 8.3.8 Monitoring The effect of new policies, implementing by- laws and projects within MTSAs will be monitored in consultation with the area municipalities based on the following metrics: a. the amount, type and pace of development; b. the mix and diversity of land uses in the area; c. the re-use and demolition of existing buildings, including heritage buildings; d. the amount and type of employment; e. the overall population; f. the unit count and mix of unit types; g. the population to job ratio; and h. parking spaces, loading facilities, transit improvements and active transportation infrastructure. It is recommended that the Region elaborate if targets and timelines for the proposed monitoring metrics will be established and reported on, and how the data will be used to ensure the vision, goals, and objectives of MTSAs are achieved. Attachment #1 to Report #PLN 10-21 If this information is required in an accessible format, please contact 1-800-372-1102 ext. 2564 The Regional Municipality of Durham Report To: Planning and Economic Development Committee From: Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development Report: #2020-P-27 Date: December 1, 2020 Subject: Major Transit Station Areas – Proposed Policy Directions, File: D12-01 Recommendation: That the Planning and Economic Development Committee recommends: That this report be received for information. Report: 1. Purpose 1.1 The purpose of this report is to advise Committee members that the Proposed Policy Directions for Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs) are being released for public comment. The proposed policy directions are contained within the MTSA Policy Directions Report, (see Attachment #1). These MTSA policy directions are a key component of Envision Durham, the Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) of the Regional Official Plan (ROP). 1.2 Comments on the Proposed Policy Directions are being requested by March 1, 2021 (a 90-day commenting period). 1.3 Staff will provide an overview of the proposed MTSA delineations and policy directions at the December 1st Planning and Economic Development Committee meeting. Report #2020-P-27 Page 2 of 4 1.4 MTSAs are defined in the Provincial Growth Plan as “The area including and around any existing or planned higher order transit station or stop within a settlement area; or the area including and around a major bus depot in an urban core. Major transit station areas generally are defined as the area within an approximate 500 to 800 metre radius of a transit station, representing about a 10- minute walk.” There are eight MTSAs proposed within Durham, four of which will be established along the future GO East extension to Bowmanville at Thornton’s Corners, Central Oshawa, Courtice, and Bowmanville. The four existing MTSAs are located around the Pickering, Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa GO train stations. 2. Previous Reports and Decisions 2.1 In November 2019, Council directed Regional Planning staff to accelerate the development of MTSA policies, including delineations and density targets as part of the Envision Durham process (See Report #2019-COW-26). 3. Background 3.1 In 2019, Metrolinx announced that it would be proceeding with further planning for the extension of all day GO Train service along Lakeshore East line with a connection to the CP Rail Line, including new stations at Thornton’s Corners, Central Oshawa, Courtice and Central Bowmanville. 3.2 In June 2019, draft delineations for MTSAs were presented by Regional staff within the Urban System – Growth Management Discussion Paper. These draft delineations were based on extensive consultation with area municipal planning staff. When planned and executed properly, MTSAs will provide significant opportunities to direct intensification and growth in a manner that maximizes the benefits of being within proximity of higher-order transit. This approach to development is generally referred to as “transit-oriented development”. 4. Overview of MTSA Proposed Policy Directions 4.1 The MTSA Proposed Policy Directions Report provides an overview of the proposed MTSAs, summarizes best practices, trends and guidelines, refines certain delineations, and presents a set of draft policies for review and comment. 4.2 While policies for commuter stations are provided in the current Regional Official Plan, the profile of MTSAs as premier locations for mixed use, transit-oriented development have been amplified through provincial investment in rapid transit infrastructure and stronger Provincial policy direction. Report #2020-P-27 Page 3 of 4 4.3 The proposed policies for MTSAs would: • Establish the vision, goals and objectives for MTSAs; • Implement provincial policy as appropriate; • Delineate the geographic extent of MTSAs; • Update definitions (and associated policies) to reflect provincial plans; • Identify housing types and built form that support intensification within MTSAs; • Recognize best practices for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD); • Enable a variety of transit-oriented land uses; • Prioritize active transportation; • Optimize parking; • Promote an inviting and pedestrian oriented public realm, to enhance connectivity, generate employment and guide residential growth; and • Provide clear policy guidance to local area municipalities for inclusion within their respective official plan updates. 4.4 The policy principles and recommendations for MTSAs will enable the development of transit supportive communities that meet the future needs of the Region. 5. Relationship to Strategic Plan 5.1 This report aligns with/addresses the following strategic goals and priorities in the Durham Region Strategic Plan: a. Under the goal of Community Vitality, 2.1, Revitalize existing neighbourhoods and build complete communities that are walkable, well- connected, and have a mix of attainable housing; and b. Under the goal of Economic Prosperity, 3.3, Enhance communication and transportation networks to better connect people and move goods more effectively. 6. Next Steps 6.1 Following a 90-day consultation period, Regional staff will prepare and release a draft Regional Official Plan Amendment. A statutory public open house and public meeting process is anticipated in the Spring of 2021. Report #2020-P-27 Page 4 of 4 6.2 Following Council’s consideration and adoption of the Regional Official Plan Amendment, it will be submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval. 6.3 A copy of this report and the MTSA Proposed Policy Directions will be forwarded to Durham’s area municipalities; the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, Metrolinx, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and the Envision Durham Interested Parties contact list for review and comment. 7. Attachments Attachment #1: Major Transit Station Areas - Proposed Policy Directions Respectfully submitted, Original signed by Brian Bridgeman, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development Recommended for Presentation to Committee Original signed by Elaine C. Baxter-Trahair Chief Administrative Officer DURHAMENVISION December 2020 Durham Region Planning and Economic Development Department Major Transit Station Areas Proposed Policy Directions 1 | Envision Durham Table of Contents Executive Summary .............................................. 2 1. Introduction .................................................. 3 2. Provincial Planning Policy Context ................... 5 2.1 Growth Plan ................................................ 5 2.2 Metrolinx Regional Transportation Plan, 2041 .................................................................. 6 3. Regional Policy Context .................................... 7 3.1 Durham Region Strategic Plan .................... 7 3.2 Current Durham Regional Official Plan ....... 9 3.3 Transportation Master Plan ........................ 9 3.4 Long Term Transit Strategy and Transit Oriented Development Study ......................... 10 4. The Importance of Transit Oriented Development ...................................................... 11 5. Best Practices Review ..................................... 12 6. Delineation Approach ..................................... 12 7. What we have Heard ...................................... 13 8. Proposed Policy Directions ............................. 14 8.1 Purpose ..................................................... 14 8.2 Vision ........................................................ 14 8.3 General Policy Directions .......................... 15 8.3.1 LAND USE POLICIES ............................ 16 8.3.2 URBAN DESIGN AND BUILT FORM ..... 17 8.3.3 PUBLIC REALM & OPEN SPACE .......... 17 8.3.4 MOBILITY AND ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION ...................................... 18 8.3.5 RAIL CORRIDORS ................................ 18 8.3.6 IMPLEMENTATION ............................. 19 8.3.7 INCLUSIONARY ZONING ..................... 19 8.3.8 MONITORING ..................................... 20 9. Next Steps ....................................................... 20 List of Acronyms ................................................. 21 Appendices Appendix A – Best Practices Review Appendix B – Overview of MTSAs and Proposed Delineations Appendix C – What We Heard Envision Durham| 2 Executive Summary Regional Council has directed staff to accelerate the review and development of policies, for Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs) through Envision Durham - The Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) of the Regional Official Plan (ROP). This document builds on the Urban System- Growth Management Discussion Paper released in June, 2019 through Envision Durham, by providing an overview of the proposed MTSAs, summarizing best practices, trends and guidelines for MTSA development and by introducing a set of draft policies for review and comment. Commuter Stations and permissions for higher density mixed-use development within proximity of stations are provided for in the current Regional Official Plan. However, the significance of MTSAs and related intensification and densities around transit stations has increased in recent years, not only due to improved service along the GO East Rail line in Durham but also through enhanced Provincial policy direction on MTSAs. MTSAs represent significant opportunities to curb sprawl and direct intensification and growth in a manner that maximizes the benefits of being within proximity to higher- order transit. There are eight MTSAs identified within Durham. There are four existing MTSAs in Durham, and include: • Pickering GO Station; • Ajax GO Station; • Whitby GO Station; and • Existing Oshawa GO Station. Four of the proposed MTSAs are located along the committed GO Transit rail line extension to Bowmanville, and include: • Thornton’s Corners; • Central Oshawa; • Courtice; and • Bowmanville. Several factors affect planning for the MTSA areas, including, density, proximity to transit and ability to improve access to transit, mixed-use development, provincial direction and changes to policies and Provincial Plans. The Region has proposed a new set of policies for MTSAs to: • Establish the vision, goals and objectives for MTSA areas; • Implement provincial policy as appropriate; • Delineate the geographic extent of MTSAs; • Update definitions in the ROP (and associated policies) to reflect provincial plans; • Identify housing types and built form that support intensification within MTSA areas; • Accelerate market-driven development of the stations; • Encourage and promote best practices for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD); • Enable a variety of transit-oriented land uses; • Prioritize active transportation; • Optimize parking; 3 | Envision Durham • Promote an inviting and pedestrian oriented public realm, to encourage place-making, enhance connectivity and generate employment and residential growth; and, • Provide clear policy guidance to local area municipalities for inclusion within their respective official plan updates. A Best Practices review was undertaken to identify strategies that have been adopted by comparable municipalities. The results from this review helped to inform specific policy recommendations and principles for MTSAs in Durham. Themes identified from the best practices review include: Land Use The importance of developing an appropriate mix of higher density, transit-oriented land uses is a key principle to help foster transit demand and supporting transit-oriented development. Connections and Accessibility Attractive transportation connections that are clear, direct and accessible by people of all ages, abilities and modes of travel must be provided. Urban Design and Built Form It is vital that attractive and functional environments be developed based on compact built form to help encourage active transportation connectivity across the MTSA. Healthy Economy Providing economic development support in these areas will help to increase employment and housing options. The policy principles and recommendations for MTSAs will enable the development of transit supportive communities that are tailored to the current and future needs of the Region. 1. Introduction The Region is currently undertaking “Envision Durham” - the Municipal Comprehensive Review of the Durham Regional Official Plan. Over the course of 2019, Regional staff prepared and released a series of theme- based Discussion Papers. Policy proposals will be developed in early 2021 following the receipt of public and stakeholder input. One of the subject areas being addressed through Envision Durham is Growth Management, which deals with a broad suite of issues and requirements affecting growth that the Region must consider, including identifying and delineating and prescribing policies for Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs). The intent of MTSAs is to cluster a mix of high density, compact, pedestrian oriented development in proximity to rapid transit infrastructure. Major transit infrastructure such as the Lakeshore East GO Rail line attracts and supports high density urban development around station locations. Envision Durham| 4 MTSAs are planned to have a mix of uses such as office, residential, institutional/ community uses, retail, services and other amenities. MTSAs leverage capital investment in transit infrastructure and strong ridership potential. To support transit ridership and place making, MTSAs will have good quality pedestrian-oriented streetscapes, public spaces and buildings. For the most part, MTSAs build upon the Region’s planned urban structure, and introduce focal points for high density mixed- use development. MTSAs are intended to: • support viable transit; • allow the Region to grow more sustainably; • expand opportunities for the Region to be more economically competitive; • help the Region provide a range of housing choice to adapt to Durham’s changing demographics; and • improve the quality of life for Durham’s residents and workforce To proactively implement land use and fiscal planning with infrastructure planning and place-making, Regional Council directed Regional Planning staff to accelerate the review and development of policies, delineations and density targets for all eight MTSAs. Since the adoption of the current Regional Official Plan (ROP), the significance of MTSAs and related intensification and densities around transit stations has increased, in part due to enhanced direction from Provincial planning policy. Provincial policy directs the identification of priority transit corridors (PTCs) and development of specific density requirements for MTSAs located along a PTC. The identification of PTCs and density requirements for MTSAs located along a PTC only apply to existing GO Transit Stations in Durham Region. Figure 1 - Context Map of Major Transit Station Area 5 | Envision Durham The Lakeshore East GO Rail line to the existing Oshawa Station is the only PTC located within Durham Region. There are four existing MTSAs along the PTC in Durham. The four existing MTSAs include: • Pickering GO Station; • Ajax GO Station; • Whitby GO Station; and • Existing Oshawa GO Station. Four proposed MTSA delineated boundaries, located along the committed GO Transit rail line extension to Bowmanville, as well as the four existing MTSAs represent significant opportunities to direct intensification and growth in a manner that maximizes the benefits of being within proximity to higher- order transit. The four future MTSAs identified include: • Thornton’s Corners; • Central Oshawa; • Courtice; and • Bowmanville. 2. Provincial Planning Policy Context The following provincial policy documents apply to MTSAs. 2.1 Growth Plan The Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan) provides policies for MTSAs which are defined as “the area including and around any existing or planned high order transit station within a settlement area…MTSAs generally are defined as the area within a 500 to 800 metre radius of a transit station, representing a 10- minute walk”. Section 3.2.3 (“Moving People”) of the Provincial Growth Plan indicates that: 1. Public transit will be the first priority for transportation infrastructure planning and major transportation investments. 2. All decisions on transit planning and investment will be made according to the following criteria: a. How they align with, and support, the priorities identified in Schedule 5 (Moving People – Transit) of the Plan. b. Prioritizing areas with existing or planned higher residential or employment densities to optimize return on investment and the efficiency and viability of existing and planned transit service levels. c. Increasing the capacity of existing transit systems to support strategic growth areas (SGA). d. Expanding transit service to areas that have achieved, or will be planned to achieve, transit- supportive densities and provide a mix of residential, office, institutional, and commercial development, wherever possible. e. Facilitating improved linkages between and within municipalities from nearby neighbourhoods to urban growth centres, MTSAs, and other strategic growth areas. f. Increasing the modal share of transit. Envision Durham| 6 g. Contributing towards the provincial greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. The Growth Plan requires that MTSAs on priority transit corridors (Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, and Existing Oshawa) be planned for a minimum density target of 150 residents and jobs combined per hectare for those that are served by the GO Transit rail network. The Growth Plan indicates that within all MTSAs, development will be supported, where appropriate, by: a. Planning for a diverse mix of uses, including second units and affordable housing, to support existing and planned transit service levels. b. Fostering collaboration between public and private sectors, such as joint development projects. c. Providing alternative development standards, such as reduced parking standards. d. Prohibiting land uses and built form that would adversely affect the achievement of transit- supportive densities. The Growth Plan also indicates that all MTSAs will be planned and designed to be transit- supportive and to achieve multimodal access to stations and connections to nearby major trip generators by providing, where appropriate: a. Connections to local and regional transit services to support transit service integration. b. Infrastructure to support active transportation, including sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and secure bicycle parking. c. Commuter pick-up/drop-off areas. Subsection 16 (16) of the Planning Act indicates that the official plan of an upper- tier municipality may include policies that identify the area surrounding and including an existing or planned higher order transit station or stop as a protected MTSA and delineate the area’s boundaries, and if the official plan includes such policies it must also contain policies that: a. identify the minimum number of residents and jobs, collectively, per hectare that are planned to be accommodated within the area; and b. require official plans of the relevant lower-tier municipality or municipalities to include policies that, (i) identify the authorized uses of land in the area and of buildings or structures on lands in the area; and (ii) identify the minimum densities that are authorized with respect to buildings and structures on lands in the area. 2.2 Metrolinx Regional Transportation Plan, 2041 In March 2018, the Metrolinx Board adopted the 2041 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). The RTP is a strategy centred on creating an integrated, multimodal regional 7 | Envision Durham transportation system that will serve the needs of residents, businesses and institutions. It sets out a broad vision for where and how the region will grow and identifies policies on transportation planning in the GTHA and supports the Provincial Growth Plan. The Goals of the RTP are to achieve strong connections, complete travel experiences, and sustainable and healthy communities. The RTP contains actions to better integrate transportation planning and land use, especially around transit stations and Mobility Hubs. The RTP recognizes that sufficient land use density at stations is important to ensure significant two-way, all- day ridership on GO Regional Express Rail (RER). The RTP recognizes that MTSAs can be attractive locations for new employment, public institutions and regionally significant services, as well as prime opportunities for collaboration by public and private sectors to create transit-oriented developments that enhance transit service. MTSAs are intended to create important transit network connections, integrate various modes of transportation and accommodate an intensive concentration of places to live, work, shop or play. They are particularly significant because of their combination of existing or planned frequent rapid transit service with an elevated development potential. 3. Regional Policy Context The Region has a suite of policies and initiatives that support the establishment and development of MTSAs. 3.1 Durham Region Strategic Plan On June 24, 2020 Regional Council adopted the Durham Region Strategic Plan 2020-2024 and endorsed five broad strategic goals and twenty-three supporting priorities. Durham Region’s Strategic Plan identifies five Strategic Goals to help guide and achieve its vision of a healthy, prosperous community for all. It is important that MTSA policies align with the strategic goals. The information below describes how MTSAs and TOD policy research aligns with each Strategic Plan goal. Goal #1: Environmental Sustainability Objective: To protect the environment for the future by demonstrating leadership in sustainability and addressing climate change. This includes accelerating the transition to a clean energy economy through collaborations that optimize the economic, environmental, health and social benefits for our community. Applicability of MTSA policies: Promoting sustainable transportation options within new and existing development areas around MTSAs can help support and encourage more people to use active modes of transportation which helps to reduce pollution, energy consumption and costs. Emerging technologies should also be taken into consideration to support environmental sustainability in these areas. Envision Durham| 8 Goal #2: Community Vitality Objective: To foster an exceptional quality of life with services that contribute to strong neighbourhoods, vibrant and diverse communities, and influence our safety and well-being. Focuses on building complete communities that are walkable, well- connected and have a mix of attainable housing. Applicability of MTSA policies: Through the promotion and integration of mixed-use developments within MTSAs, new community and cultural amenities, housing, and employment opportunities can be provided for people to live, work and play. Enhancement of existing cultural amenities in MTSAs is also supported. MTSAs that prioritize active modes of transportation over parking and car trips support the achievement of this goal. Goal #3: Economic Prosperity Objective: To build a strong and resilient economy that maximizes opportunities for business and employment growth, innovation and partnership. This includes ensuring an adequate supply of serviced employment land is available in the right place, at the right time, to attract new investment and help existing businesses grow. Applicability of MTSA policies: Encouraging mixed used development within MTSAs can help attract new businesses and people to these areas to generate new employment. New development interest contributes to higher returns on investment. Goal #4: Social Investment Objective: To ensure a range of programs, services and supports are available and accessible to those in need, so that no individual is left behind. This includes improving housing choice, affordability and sustainability. Applicability of MTSAs policies: By providing a range of housing choices near transit including a mix of residential housing types and tenures, new development can accommodate a diverse range of ages, incomes, household sizes and stages of life. Goal #5: Service Excellence Objective: To provide exceptional value to Durham taxpayers through responsive, effective and fiscally sustainable service delivery. This includes efficient use of resources through coordinated service delivery and partnerships and the continuation of providing critical infrastructure services for current and future generations. Applicability of MTSA policies: This goal is more indirectly supported than explicitly supported through MTSA and TOD guidelines and policies. Utilizing different tools and programs that can be leveraged to help implement the desired development around MTSAs, such as public private partnerships, is one way that this goal is supported through MTSAs and TOD. 9 | Envision Durham 3.2 Current Durham Regional Official Plan The current Durham Regional Official Plan provides high level policies which support the establishment of MTSAs. Policy 11.3.18 indicates that in support of existing and future transit services, development adjacent to Transportation Hubs, Commuter Stations and Transit Spines designated on Schedule 'C' – Map 'C3', Transit Priority Network, shall provide for: a) complementary higher density and mixed uses at an appropriate scale and context in accordance with Policy 8A.2.2 for Transportation Hubs and Commuter Stations and Policy 8A.2.9, where transit spines are within Regional Corridors; b) buildings oriented towards the street, to reduce walking distances to transit facilities; c) facilities which support non-auto modes including: drop off facilities, bus bays, bus loops, bus shelters, walkways, trails and other pedestrian and cycling facilities; and d) limited surface parking and the potential redevelopment of existing surface parking. 3.3 Transportation Master Plan The Durham Transportation Master Plan (TMP) was endorsed by Regional Council in December 2017 and is a strategic planning document that defines the policies and programs needed to manage anticipated transportation demands. The TMP is a multi- modal plan focusing on walking, cycling, public transit, autos and goods movement. The establishment and implementation of MTSA policies addresses, a number of key Directions in the TMP including: • Strengthening the bond between land use and transportation; • Elevating the role of integrated public transit including Rapid Transit; • Making walking and cycling more practical and attractive; • Promoting sustainable travel choices; • Investing strategically in the transportation system. It also supports key actions recommended in the TMP including: • Working with area municipalities to adopt Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Guidelines and applying TOD principles in the planning and design of new developments in MTSAs; • Promoting transit-supportive development in areas served by the Higher-Order Transit network; • Supporting planning and design for walking and cycling through the development review process and the implementation of design and policy documents; • Enhancing promotion to improve awareness and use of sustainable travel modes. • Create a travel demand management (TDM)-supportive development strategy to help ensure that new developments are planned and designed to support transit, active transportation and carpooling. Envision Durham| 10 3.4 Long Term Transit Strategy and Transit Oriented Development Study In 2012, the Region of Durham endorsed a Long-Term Transit Strategy (LTTS) which looked at rapid transit as a component of sustainable transportation options, to help the Region address anticipated transportation demands and the role of rapid transit to 2031 and beyond. The LTTS indicated that investments in rapid transit can act as a catalyst for future land use development, can attract business and accommodate future employment growth in the Region. It noted that investments in transit can improve the quality of life by reducing automobile dependency and use which can lead to a reduction in harmful emissions and improve air quality. As part of the LTTS, the Region developed a TOD Strategy to help inform an integrated approach to transit, land use planning and transit supportive urban form. Generally, the TOD Strategy identified the following components for successful TOD areas: • pedestrian priority areas that surround stations, where people can move from transit vehicles to pedestrian infrastructure, and where the safe and comfortable movement of pedestrians and cyclists warrant special design treatment; • pedestrian and cycling routes where essential connections to home, work, parks and other key destinations are provided; • integrating transit-supportive land uses by establishing a critical mass of people and an intensive transit- supportive mix of land uses including residential, commercial, institutional, civic, employment and community amenities; • creating urban and inspiring built form, where attractive pedestrian- friendly street-oriented buildings exhibit transit-supportive urban design characteristics; • managing and carefully designing parking facilities so that they do not undermine efforts to provide higher density, walkable urban places; • ensuring that transit station design contributes to the place-making, as the transit station will be a strong focal point for the community, must promote positive transit user experience, be easily accessible, particularly by active modes of transportation (e.g. walking and cycling). The station should also be more than mobility infrastructure, but a place where people feel comfortable and safe, and want to be; • recognizing the distinct character of each place in light of their location, surrounding context and potential future character. While the Regional Official Plan already includes policies related to higher intensity development in the vicinity of commuter stations, an update to these policies is required to conform to the Growth Plan policies regarding MTSAs and advance the Region’s direction for Transit Oriented Development TOD. 11 | Envision Durham 4. The Importance of Transit Oriented Development In December 2019, the firm of N. Barry Lyon Consulting (NBLC) presented its findings regarding how Higher Order Transit (such as heavy rail [GO Rail]) and Light Rail Transit (LRT) stations tend to generate greater interest for developing surrounding lands than typical surface transit stops, as they represent high capital investments, permanent commitments to service, stronger transit ridership potential, and can serve as focal points for other transit routes and modes of transportation. NBLC found that TOD provides high density, compact development close to Higher Order Transit stations, and includes an integrated mix of uses such as office, residential, retail, community uses, and other uses that support transit ridership. The benefits of TOD include: • Building on the significant place- making opportunities surrounding transit stations, where pedestrian- oriented streets, parks, squares and buildings become comfortable and desirable gathering places. • Enhancing housing choice and affordability through higher density housing types, where seniors, students and lower-income earners can benefit from access to transit as a priority mode of travel. • Providing focal points for density, where there is a reduced need to drive, and where parking requirements for new developments can be lessened so they may develop more efficiently. • Providing opportunities for strong connections to local transit service and supporting their evolution into major transit hubs. • Providing opportunities for developing focal points for bicycle and active transportation, with facilities and amenities that support these non-automobile forms of travel. • Optimizing the value of transit and infrastructure investment around transit nodes. Several attributes are required for transit to have a positive impact: • There must be frequent, reliable and affordable transit service. • There must be strong market fundamentals, including strong population growth potential and a positive economic context, including a favourable debt and job environment. • There must be a positive market context (i.e. the type and quality of community and the associated commercial and public amenities), such as employment opportunities, retail, parks, community centres and schools will affect the marketability of an area to different market segments. • There must be positive development economics, such that the costs of development are in line with market pricing. • There must be a supportive planning framework, such that official plan policies and supportive zoning requirements remove unnecessary Envision Durham| 12 obstacles and provide greater certainty regarding acceptable built form and densities. • Adequate infrastructure and development fees (parkland, development charges, etc.) that must not be prohibitive. • There must be available vacant or underutilized development sites. Transit can improve market demand and positively impact residential, office, and retail/service uses through: • Increasing the value of existing land uses. • Stimulating land use changes and capturing associated market demand. • Creating market demand to support land uses that may otherwise not occur (i.e. office uses). 5. Best Practices Review In support of the principles and policy recommendations that shape growth and development around Durham’s proposed MTSAs, a Best Practices review was undertaken. Five municipalities were examined: 1. York Region – Transit Oriented Development Guidelines 2. City of Hamilton – Transit Oriented Development Guidelines 3. Region of Waterloo – Regional Official Plan 4. City of Coquitlam – Transit-Oriented Development Strategy 5. City of Winnipeg – Transit Oriented Development Handbook Three key themes emerged from the review. These include: • Density Typologies; • Tools and Programs; and • Incentives and Regulations. Appendix A includes a detailed summary of the Best Practices Review. 6. Delineation Approach In June 2019, proposed delineations of MTSAs were presented within the Urban Systems Discussion Paper for Envision Durham, based on extensive consultation with area municipal planning staff. The following approach was taken: • A 500- and 800-metre radius from the centre of the rail platform was applied, to identify a generalized walking distance of approximately 10 minutes. • An actual walking distance was mapped, based on applying existing and planned pedestrian infrastructure to identify a true walking distance. • Other planning boundaries (such as other SGAs and Secondary Plans) were identified. Wherever possible, MTSA boundaries were aligned with boundaries within area municipal planning documents (including Official Plans and Secondary Plans). • Non-developable areas were avoided, where appropriate (such as natural areas, highways, utilities, rail corridors, etc.) to form the outer boundaries of the MTSA. 13 | Envision Durham • Existing and/or planned pedestrian connections across non-developable areas were identified. If a connection does not exist or is not planned, the area beyond the non-developable area was not included. • Areas unsuitable and unplanned for significant intensification, such as stable neighbourhoods intended to remain as low density, were identified. Areas not intended to be redeveloped were excluded. • Employment Areas were identified, and a determination was made as to (re)development potential. o If development potential exists, it was included in the MTSA. o If development potential does not exist, a determination of impact on the density target would inform whether an alternative target should be requested from the Province. • Boundaries were adjusted, and in some cases extended beyond the 800-metre walkshed to include underutilized or vacant lands viewed as ideal for redevelopment and/or intensification. • Logical planning boundaries were used (such as property lines, centrelines of roads, natural features, etc.) to delineate the MTSA boundary. A subsequent delineation exercise was completed taking into account input received through the Urban Systems Discussion Paper, additional information and research undertaken by the projects’ consultants, discussions with area municipal staff and public and agency input. In addition, due to the February 2020 Metrolinx announcement that “Option 2” was preferred (utilizing the existing CP Rail [CPR] spur over Highway 401) and that it would would proceed to the Preliminary Design Business Case process, the station location and the associated MTSA delineation area for Thornton’s Corners has been shifted eastward. The proposed delineations and underlying land use assumptions for each proposed MTSA is included in Appendix B. 7. What we have Heard Comments have been received from area municipal staff, local agencies, as well as members of the public pertaining to MTSA delineations and potential policies. Stakeholders are generally supportive of the proposed delineations and overall densities. Specific requests were received for additions to the MTSA boundaries, some of which have been accommodated, as well as considerations for phasing of development within MTSAs. Input was also received on how certain stakeholders believe MTSA conversions should be treated. A summary of the stakeholder input is provided in Appendix C. The input received from various stakeholders has informed and shaped the refinements to Envision Durham| 14 the MTSA delineations first proposed in June 2019 through the Urban Systems Discussion Paper, and the proposed policies directions detailed below. 8. Proposed Policy Directions The following policy directions are proposed for discussion to serve as a guide for the planning and development of MTSAs in Durham Region. 8.1 Purpose The purpose of a future Regional Official Plan Amendment for MTSAs will be to establish the land use and policy framework to guide the development of identified lands within MTSAs along the Lakeshore East GO Rail line, and the approved easterly extension within the Region of Durham. The amendment would: • delineate MTSAs; • establish general land use, infrastructure and implementation policies; • guide their development as Transit Oriented Communities (TOC). The foundations of the Amendment include the Growth Plan, the Durham Transportation Master Plan Update 2017, the Durham Region Strategic Plan 2020-2024, area municipal official plans and studies, a review of best practices as well as public, agency, landowner and stakeholder submissions through Envision Durham. The amendment will establish a vision for MTSAs based on the principles of TOD. 8.2 Vision MTSAs represent unparalleled opportunities to create TOCs anchored by a Rapid Transit Stations, each with its own identity, containing a wide range of housing opportunities, including affordable housing, office uses, street-oriented commercial uses, institutional uses, a wide range of recreational uses and public amenities so as to establish new destinations and introduce a sense of place. MTSAs will be areas to support and foster innovation and entrepreneurship. MTSAs will be integrated mixed-use development offering convenient, direct, sheltered pedestrian access from high- density development sites to Station amenities and access points. Development within MTSAs will require new road improvements, pedestrian and cycling connections to Rapid Transit Stations, and other improvements to the surrounding Regional and/or local road infrastructure to support their development as TOCs. Access from MTSAs to their respective GO Stations will be planned and developed to prioritize pedestrians and cyclists. MTSAs will accommodate a variety of transportation modes, developed with active streetscapes and built form that places priority on pedestrian comfort and connectivity, well connected cycling facilities and amenities, and the establishment of destinations for people to live, work, shop and play. Policies are intended to ensure that densities are appropriately transitioned to 15 | Envision Durham neighbouring lower density areas to ensure compatibility. Generally, the highest densities within MTSAs are intended to be concentrated on the station property and in close proximity to GO Stations to integrate the stations with development. Densities will transition to lower density areas in a manner appropriate to the context of each site. Policies will ensure that required transportation, servicing and other infrastructure is in place prior to, or coincident with new development within MTSAs. It is intended that area municipal official plans will provide detailed policies, land use designations and Urban Design Guidelines to guide the desired land use, density, built form and the pedestrian oriented public realm within MTSAs. New development will be substantially based on the provision of structured parking and encouragement of new technologies and approaches to shared parking. Since each of the MTSAs have unique characteristics, policies account for their unique character, scope and context. 8.3 General Policy Directions 1. MTSAs will be delineated on the applicable Schedules of the Durham Regional Official Plan and area municipal official plans. 2. Each MTSA will be planned to achieve a minimum density of 150 people and jobs per hectare. This will be a minimum density requirement that will be measured within all of the lands in each MTSA. The Region and the applicable area municipalities will monitor the achievement of required densities over time. However, the existing Oshawa GO Rail/VIA Rail station will require an alternative density target, due to the lack of opportunity for TOD and the built context of this station. 3. In cases where an MTSA and a designated Urban Growth Centre or Regional Centre overlap, the higher density requirements shall apply. 4. The Region will encourage area municipalities to establish minimum job requirements in MTSA’s within their respective Official Plans. 5. The Region will encourage the provision of alternative development standards to support TOD, including reduced minimum parking requirements and the establishment maximum parking requirements for both privately-initiated development applications and area municipal zoning by-laws. 6. The Region will require area municipalities to complete secondary plans and/or block plans to included detailed land use designations and policies consistent with the policies of the Durham Regional Official Plan that help to achieve the objectives of Transit Oriented Development. 7. Boundaries to MTSAs may be refined by the area municipality, in consultation with the Region, without the need for an amendment to the Regional Official Plan, except where such boundaries coincide with roads, rail corridors or defined Envision Durham| 16 environmental features. Minor refinements may include the addition of additional parcels adjacent to an MTSA boundary, or to account for refinement of environmental features as a result of detailed study. 8. MTSAs will consist of both higher intensity employment uses and residential uses that support the use of transit and achieve the strategic growth objectives of the Regional Official Plan. 9. Development within MTSAs will be based on the principle of complete communities, informed by innovation, technology and entrepreneurship, where compact mixed-use development is provided, and active modes of transportation are developed, so people can live, work, shop and have access to a wide range of services. 10. The Region, in consultation with the Province and applicable area municipalities, may designate additional MTSAs coincident with planning for future rapid transit facilities or stations. 8.3.1 LAND USE POLICIES MTSAs will support a broad mix of compatible uses at high densities, so that vibrant, active places are created and emerge as focal points within their respective communities. MTSAs will be planned on the basis of providing active places and streetscapes, allowing a wide range and mix of high-density transit-oriented uses, based on pedestrian oriented built form. The following land uses will be permitted within MTSAs: 1. Higher density residential uses including mid-rise and high-rise apartments, stacked townhouses, and live-work units; 2. Compatible employment uses, institutional uses, educational facilities and post-secondary institutions; 3. Places of worship within mixed-use buildings rather than in freestanding buildings; 4. Commercial uses including retail, both convenience retail and small-scale retail uses, restaurants, personal and professional service shops, and day care uses; 5. Cultural, art and entertainment uses; 6. Mixed use buildings that integrate community and commercial uses with upper-storey apartment and/or office uses to ensure amenities are provided in close proximity population and employment growth within MTSAs; 7. Home occupations; 8. Public uses including infrastructure, parks, libraries, recreation/community centres, urban squares, trails and conservation uses. Automobile-oriented uses, including drive- through establishments, service stations, land extensive vehicle-oriented uses, car washes, warehousing, public self-storage facilities, similar uses and lower density and land extensive uses are not permitted. 17 | Envision Durham 8.3.2 URBAN DESIGN AND BUILT FORM Within MTSAs, the following urban design and built form policies will apply: 1. Areas within, adjacent, and in close proximity to Commuter Stations and Transportation Hubs, will be reserved for the highest development densities that showcase building heights to create focal points within the MTSAs; 2. All development will be designed to be compact in form and pedestrian- oriented; 3. Buildings will frame streets, with frequent pedestrian entrances; 4. Vehicular access to private property will generally be along local roads; 5. Rear lanes will be encouraged in MTSAs to serve development loading, servicing and vehicular parking access rather than along streets, where appropriate; 6. Vehicular parking will be located below grade or located in a manner to minimize the visual impact on streets, parks, open spaces, pedestrian walkways and other land uses. With the exception of bus parking, surface parking will be minimized. 7. Higher density buildings will be designed in manner to be compatible with its local context. Design approaches will be applied to support appropriate transitions to surrounding areas and public spaces; 8. Developments within the MTSAs will conform to the land use designations and the Urban Design requirements specified within area municipal official plans and urban design guidelines. 9. Local road and private access spacing and access to Regional arterial roads will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. 10. Requiring the incorporation of design elements to assist with wayfinding within and defining gateways/ entrances into MTSAs. 11. Connections to the station area will be provided to enhance the customer experience, including weather protection and station way-finding. 8.3.3 PUBLIC REALM & OPEN SPACE Within MTSAs, the Region will: 1. Encourage place-making that provides active gathering spaces and a destination within the MTSAs. 2. Encourage and support an integrated trail system and park system for various levels of use year-round; 3. Encourage area municipal policies to require high quality, compact streetscape design form with suitable pedestrian and cycling amenities that complement the establishment of TOCs, including sidewalks or multi-use paths on both sides of all roads, appropriate landscaping, the provision of cycling lanes where appropriate, pedestrian-scaled lighting, and consideration for pedestrian amenities. 4. Encourage streets and boulevards to be designed to allow for patios, sitting areas, adequate space for pedestrians and streetscape plantings for shade and beautification. 5. Encourage sustainable technologies, permeable pavers, low impact Envision Durham| 18 development techniques, and designs which support the use of renewable energy in the design of new development, the public realm and streetscapes. 8.3.4 MOBILITY AND ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION Future residents and workers will be provided with convenient, safe and comfortable pedestrian and cycling access to facilitate an approximate 10-minute walk from anywhere in an MTSA to the rapid transit station. Within MTSAs: 1. Road networks will be designed to support transit use, pedestrian travel, and cycling while accommodating automobile travel. 2. Planning and development will be based on the principle of establishing transit-oriented places, where active transportation is supported through safe, well-designed and direct connections between and amongst component uses and transit stations. 3. Trail networks will be planned and developed to facilitate direct connections while creating recreational opportunities. 4. Adequate and secure long-term and short-term bicycle parking and end- of-trip facilities will be provided; 5. A highly permeable road network with shorter blocks and frequent controlled crossings will be provided to optimize opportunities for safe and flexible pedestrian travel options. 6. The provision of appropriate pedestrian, cycling and vehicular connections will be included as a condition of development approval as appropriate. 7. The design of roadways will include measures to control traffic speeds while promoting safe, attractive environments for pedestrians and cyclists. Measures such as best practice geometric design standards, enhanced streetscaping, on-street parking, and other features are encouraged. 8. Pedestrian areas will be designed to ensure that wind and thermal comfort conditions are not adversely affected. 8.3.5 RAIL CORRIDORS Rail Corridors provide passenger rail services, regional commuter rail services and freight rail services. New development must be compatible with rail services. In this respect, within MTSAs: 1. By-laws may be passed to permit development, in accordance with the policies for the MTSA, involving decking over a Rail Corridor, provided that all appropriate technical studies have been undertaken and only in accordance with the policies for the MTSA, to the satisfaction of the applicable railway authority, provided: a. existing and future capacity and safety of train operations in the Rail Corridor would not be compromised; b. flexibility for future expansion to rail operations and modifications and improvements to the track and signal system will not be reduced; 19 | Envision Durham c. all environmental, safety and mitigation concerns associated with such development, including noise, vibration, air quality, parking, snow and ice accumulation, servicing, pedestrian access and vehicle access, and the capacity of the transportation system serving such development have been satisfactorily addressed to the satisfaction of the rail authority, the Region and the applicable area municipality. 8.3.6 IMPLEMENTATION The Region will ensure conformity to the policies of this Plan. Through the review of development applications, the Region will identify complete application requirements, and may require agreements and/or development approval conditions as appropriate and as authorized under the Planning Act. The Region is considering the appropriateness and suitability of a Regional Community Improvement Plan to establish incentives or otherwise utilize the powers under Part IV of the Planning Act, to support the principles and policies of the ROP, including measures to support affordable housing, high-density mixed-use development, sustainability, and energy efficiency, as permissible under the Planning Act. Within MTSAs: 1. Approval of development will be contingent on the availability of services and transportation facilities. The Region and the area municipalities may require phasing of development on the basis of the capacity of the transportation system and/or servicing availability, and/or the timing of required infrastructure. The Region and the area municipalities may require the coordination of development applications through measures such as Master Development Agreements or other similar approaches, to ensure an orderly, coordinated and phased approach to the provision of transportation, servicing and other infrastructure requirements are provided prior to or coincident with development. 2. Prior to approval of development, the Region may require cost-sharing agreements, front-ending agreements or other measures as appropriate to ensure the timely delivery of infrastructure and the equitable distribution of development and infrastructure costs. 3. Area municipal official plans will include land use designations, minimum density requirements, built form and urban design policies, and implementation policies, consistent with this plan for implementation through zoning by-laws and/or conditions of development approval. 8.3.7 INCLUSIONARY ZONING Inclusionary zoning is a land-use planning tool that enables municipalities to require through the passage of a zoning by-law, affordable housing units be included in new residential developments. Envision Durham| 20 Ontario Regulation 232/18 enables municipalities to implement inclusionary zoning. Prior to the passage of an inclusionary zoning by-law, an assessment report is required as part of the development of Official Plan policies. The assessment report must include an analysis of demographics, income, housing supply, and housing need and demand; current average market prices and rents; and analysis of the potential impacts of inclusionary zoning on the housing market. On September 3, 2019, the Province of Ontario made changes to the legislation for inclusionary zoning through Bill 108 (More Homes, More Choice Act). The changes limit where municipalities can implement inclusionary zoning to Protected Major Transit Station Areas (areas surrounding and including an existing or planned higher order transit station that have a detailed implementation framework in accordance with Section 16(15) of the Planning Act), a Development Permit System Are, or areas as ordered by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. In Durham, the existing GO Stations would be considered Protected MTSAs. To extend inclusionary zoning to the four MTSAs along the GO East Extension to Bowmanville, an Order from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing would be required. There is an opportunity to develop an inclusionary zoning approach for MTSAs in Durham. Subject to the interest of the area municipalities on such an approach, the Region could prepare the required assessment report and enabling policies for implementation by the local area municipalities, outside of the MTSA ROPA process. 8.3.8 MONITORING The effect of new policies, implementing by- laws and projects within MTSAs will be monitored in consultation with the area municipalities, based on the following metrics: a. the amount, type and pace of development; b. the mix and diversity of land uses in the area; c. the re-use and demolition of existing buildings, including heritage buildings; d. the amount and type of employment; e. the overall population; f. the unit count and mix of unit types; g. the population to job ratio; and h. parking spaces, loading facilities, transit improvements and active transportation infrastructure. 9. Next Steps This Paper provides policy proposals and delineations for proposed Major Transit Station Areas along the Lakeshore East GO Rail line in Durham, from Pickering to Bowmanville. Proposed MTSA delineations and policies within this Paper have been developed by Regional staff as a result of staff to staff discussions, public and agency input, best practices research, and detailed analysis undertaken by the Envision Durham project consultants. 21 | Envision Durham This paper will be circulated for public and agency comment and to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for its review, for a 90-day period. Following this review period, a recommended Regional Official Plan Amendment will be presented for consideration by Regional Council. This amendment will then require the approval of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in accordance with the Planning Act. List of Acronyms CPR – Canadian Pacific Rail LRT – Light Rail Transit LTTS – Long-Term Transit Strategy MCR – Municipal Comprehensive Review MTSA – Major Transit Station Areas PTC – Priority Transit Corridors RER – Regional Express Rail ROP – Regional Official Plan ROPA – Regional Official Plan Amendment SGA – Strategic Growth Area TDM – Travel Demand Management TOC – Transit Oriented Communities TOD – Transit-Oriented Development TMP – Transportation Master Plan 1 | Envision Durham Appendix A: Best Practices Review In support of the principles and policy recommendations that shape growth and development around Durham’s proposed MTSAs, a Best Practices review was undertaken. Five municipalities were examined: 1. York Region – Transit Oriented Development Guidelines 2. City of Hamilton – Transit Oriented Development Guidelines 3. Region of Waterloo – Regional Official Plan 4. City of Coquitlam – Transit-Oriented Development Strategy 5. City of Winnipeg – Transit Oriented Development Handbook Three key themes emerged from the review. These include: • Density Typologies; • Tools and Programs; and • Incentives and Regulations. A description of these themes demonstrate how various TOD elements and characteristics are applied in these municipalities. DENSITY TYPOLOGIES Different typologies that illustrate how TOD guidelines and principles can be applied in different contexts were examined through these municipalities. These typologies offer insights into context specific standards pertaining to each area in order to implement TOD. The typologies include guidelines specific to different intensities and proximity to transit stations and stops. They offer a range of densities with highest densities and land use mix located in the urban centres and immediate proximity to MTSAs. TOOLS & PROGRAMS Each document identifies different tools and programs that can be leveraged to help implement the desired development around MTSAs. These tools can include: • Recommendations from Corridor Studies • Station Area Plans • Tax Increment Financing (TIF) • Site Plan Guidelines • The promotion of partnerships such Public / Private Partnerships to help maximize the benefits of TOD in MTSAs. Other tools such as TOD Assessment tools and checklists are also identified and can be implemented following the approval of the Regional Official Plan Amendment to help achieve desired development outcomes. 2 | Envision Durham INCENTIVES & REGULATIONS Several documents recognize and identify existing regulations such as policies and zoning bylaws as well as incentives to encourage successful outcomes of TOD around MTSAs. Some jurisdictions, including the City of Winnipeg, have developed specific TOD zoning while others have ensured that zoning applied to TOD areas is consistent with the principles and design features identified in the TOD guidelines and other related planning and policy documents. Examples of incentives include waiving development charges on certain lands that include affordable housing or community benefits, incentives for reducing automobile parking on site and using zoning bylaws to help support the desired growth, development and character of MTSAs. Common Elements and Principles: The documents identify TOD policies that contribute to successful implementation and outcomes. Land Use It is important to encourage transit supportive land uses around transit station areas. All the documents reviewed identify land use as a key principle and provide different ranges and intensities of density and mixed use as land use characteristics to help generate the highest transit trip generation for these areas. Density The scale and intensity of density varies between documents based on the proximity to transit stations and stops. The majority of the documents identify a range of residential, commercial and employment densities for lands around MTSAs based on proximity to each MTSA. Generally, medium and higher density residential, retail and employment growth ranges are identified around areas immediately adjacent to transit stations and stops to support investment in transportation infrastructure and increase ridership in these areas. Lower density ranges and mix of use are identified in areas farther away from station areas or areas such as suburban neighbourhoods. Mix of Uses The documents emphasize the importance of providing a mix of land uses like residential, commercial services, employment and public uses around transit station areas to help support transit trip generation. Servicing Development is to be adequately serviced with water, sanitary sewer, and stormwater management. Servicing strategies are helpful in identifying how servicing will be accommodated and potential impacts and capacity implications to the area of the development. Equitable financial contributions towards infrastructure improvements is also a key consideration for ensuring adequate servicing of developments in proximity to MTSAs. 3 | Envision Durham Connections and Accessibility It is critical to provide attractive connections that offer clear, direct connections that are accessible by people of all ages, abilities and modes of travel when developing and designing areas around MTSAs. Sustainable Transportation Providing safe, direct and convenient ways for all users to navigate around MTSAs is identified in majority of the documents reviewed. There is a strong emphasis on prominent connections to public transit and provision of pedestrian and cycling access around MTSAs. Parking Reducing vehicular traffic and parking around MTSAs to help ensure an appropriate balance between automobiles and other modes of transportation. Pedestrian-friendly priority Prioritizing pedestrian activity over other less sustainable options to encourage higher volumes of pedestrian foot traffic around MTSAs. Urban Design and Built Form Developing attractive and functional environments that support compact built form and encourage easy pedestrian connectivity within and between developments is discussed in each document. Public Realm The majority of the documents address the importance of designing the public realm to establish direct and seamless connections to station entrances and areas and enhance building design and the connection between surrounding streets and stations. Open Spaces Including additional public open spaces that provide access to community amenities around MTSAs. These guidelines and strategies emphasize the integration of open spaces and greenspaces can help achieve more equitable access to the public realm. Mix of Housing Type and Tenure: Providing increased and more affordable housing choices near transit including a mix of residential housing types to support both rental and home ownership for a diverse range of ages, incomes, household sizes and stages of life. Healthy Economy Providing economic development support in these areas will help increase employment and housing options. . MTSA policies can help encourage revitalization of main streets and mature neighbourhoods through increased employment opportunities and housing options in these areas. Employment Development around MTSAs can help attract new businesses and people to these areas to help generate population-serving employment. 4 | Envision Durham 5.3 Best Practices Summary The table below summarizes elements in selected Best Practices documents, broken down into five broad categories as a way of identifying common approaches the Region could adopt. Table 1: Best Practices Summary Elements BEST PRACTICES York Region City of Hamilton Region of Waterloo City of Coquitlam City of Winnipeg LAND USE General • Concentrate new employment opportunities within 200 metres of transit stops • Locate within 400 metres of transit in TOD areas and urban areas • Creation of complete communities with development patterns, densities and an appropriate mix of land uses that encourage the use of transit. • Promote mixed-use high- residential and midrise development. • Locate highest densities and uses adjacent to stations. • Concentrate land use mix in core areas with reduced mix further away from transit stations. Mixed Use Mix of: • Residential • Office • Retail Mix of: • Residential • Commercial • Employment • Retail Mix of: • Residential • Non-residential • Employment • Institutional • Recreational opportunities Mix of: • Residential • Commercial • Employment Mix of: • Residential • Office • Retail • Entertainment Affordable Housing Not specified • Support increased supply and diversity in housing types/tenures around transit, specifically in urban areas and those with higher density targets. • Promotes the provision of a full and diverse range and mix of permanent housing that is safe, affordable, of adequate size and meets the accessibility requirements • Recognizes that affordable housing plays a key role in • Promotes increase in affordable housing choices in close proximity to transit. • Encourages density bonusing for development that provides affordable housing. • Supports greater affordable housing options and choice including type and tenure. 5 | Envision Durham Elements BEST PRACTICES York Region City of Hamilton Region of Waterloo City of Coquitlam City of Winnipeg attracting and supporting a diversified and stable business environment. DENSITY General • Concentrates highest densities around transit stations • Clusters highest density within 400m of the transit station • Concentrates increased densities 600 to 800 m from rapid transit station to support and ensure the viability of existing and planned rapid transit service levels. • 2.5x lot area in urban areas, decreases density as distance from transit station increases • Concentrates highest densities around transit stations in the core/urban areas Residential Not specified Low: < 60 units per hectare Medium: 60-100 units per hectare High: 100 -200 units per hectare Not specified. • Area municipalities to develop station area plans. Not specified Low: 24-49 units per hectare Medium: 62-247 units per hectare High: 99-371 units per hectare Commercial Long term goal of 2.5 Floor Space Index (FSI) 0.5-1.5 Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Not specified. Not specified Not specified Employment • Concentrates new employment within 200 metres of transit hubs • 120-150 people and jobs per hectare in Urban Areas • Compact urban form around transit stations with a greater mix of employment, housing and services in close proximity to each other. Not specified Not specified 6 | Envision Durham Elements BEST PRACTICES York Region City of Hamilton Region of Waterloo City of Coquitlam City of Winnipeg BUILT FORM Scale Not specified Suburban and Urban Corridors: 2-6 storeys Urban: 6-12 storeys Not specified. Not specified Low to medium density areas: 2-5 storeys Urban neighbourhoods: 3 to 12 storeys Urban Centre: 4 - 30 storeys CONNECTIVITY Walking distance to transit station or stop • 200 to 500 metres (about a 5 to 10-minute walk) • 150-300 metres walking distance to access work and 400-800 metres for residential areas 600 to 800 m metres radius of a rapid transit station. • 400 metres to 800 metres of transit area • 400 metres of transit stations PARKING General • Reduced parking standards, provide priority parking for carpooling, shared parking etc. • Discourages new auto related uses within 400m of a transit station area. • Discourage surface lots, preference for underground or structure parking, where feasible. • Encourages the minimization of surface parking areas and reduced parking standards through completion of a parking management strategy. • Surface parking is to be minimized. • On site parking stalls in the core areas shall be in the form of structured parking. • Structured parking integrated into development. Parking ratio minimums based on proximity to station. Parking Standards & Strategies  Includes: •Locating parking areas in rear or side yards • Provision of carpool priority parking spaces • Discourages on- street parking adjacent to major transit station  Includes: • Controlling the amount and location of parking • Ensuring appropriate balance between automobiles and other modes of transportation. • Inclusion of  Includes: • Encouraging van and carpooling, preferential parking for car and van pools, shared parking • Encourages reduced parking standards where TDM Strategies  Includes: • Parking on site should be concealed or below grade. • Limit the provision of on street parking in Transit-Oriented Development study areas and  Includes: • Parking should be integrated into development and below grade or behind development. • Reduce on- street parking around urban areas and high 7 | Envision Durham Elements BEST PRACTICES York Region City of Hamilton Region of Waterloo City of Coquitlam City of Winnipeg areas or corridors. • Site plan and building placement should discourage surface parking and allow for them to be phased out over time. • Parking facilities shared with adjoining properties. • Supports cash- in-lieu of parking. use of shared parking area spaces, offer transit passes, allow for carpool parking, promote car- sharing programs, and restricted parking hours. • Provide park and ride areas to encourage • Does not permit on-street parking on TOD corridors and limit parking on streets adjacent to TOD stations. • Supports cash- in-lieu of parking Residential: Urban Areas: • 0.75-1.2 /300 m2 Suburban: • 1-2 per unit Commercial/Ret ail: Urban Areas: •1-2/300m2 Suburban Areas: • 1-4/100m2 are incorporated into development application. • Area Municipal parking strategies encouraged to support existing and planned transit service levels and Transit Oriented Development. core station areas. • Reductions to on-street parking requirements within core and shoulder station areas will be considered if a TDM plan and strategy is developed. • Supports cash- in-lieu of parking. • Encourages development to provide EV charging stations • Supports cash- in-lieu of parking • Encourages use of parking time limits, pricing and other management strategies to encourage parking turnover. transit frequency areas. • Encourages shared parking within a TOD area instead of per building. • Encourages paid parking or time-limited to discourage automobile use. 1 | Envision Durham Appendix B: Overview of MTSAs and Proposed Delineations There are four existing stations within Durham. These include: • Pickering GO Station; • Ajax GO Station; • Whitby GO Station; and • Existing Oshawa GO Station. These station areas (except Existing Oshawa GO Station)are expected meet the requirements of the Growth Plan, which emphasizes the significance of MTSAs and the prioritization of intensification and increased densities within these areas which are located along Priority Transit Corridors (PTC). In order to support the expansion of the GO Lakeshore line to Bowmanville, four additional MTSAs have been proposed along the CP Rail line. These include: • Thornton’s Corners; • Central Oshawa; • Courtice; and • Bowmanville. Figure 1 illustrates all eight of the MTSAs. Figure 1 - Context Map of Major Transit Station Areas Envision Durham| 2 Pickering GO Station MTSA The Pickering GO Station MTSA is meant to provide a foundation for urbanization of the downtown area in Pickering to support a range of uses and enhances connectivity within the area. The Downtown Pickering UGC aims to decrease reliance on the automobile by making it easier for people to use more active and sustainable modes of transportation through compact street network and sustainable development patterns. Figure 2 – Proposed Delineation – Pickering GO Station MTSA. 3 | Envision Durham Ajax GO Station MTSA The Ajax GO Station MTSA aims to provide a mix of uses to take advantage of transit accessibility and to the surrounding employment lands. A portion of this area is identified in the Town’s Official Plan as an area that will facilitate high density mixed use that supports commuters while also providing places to live and work in proximity to transit while minimizing car use and promoting pedestrian connectivity. Figure 3 – Proposed Delineation – Ajax GO Station MTSA Envision Durham| 4 Whitby GO Station MTSA The Whitby GO Station area is located on Brock Street just south of the 401. This area is a key hub for transportation that supports medium to high density development and better transit, cycling and pedestrian connections to major transit stations and surrounding neighbourhoods and the waterfront. It seeks to maximize the potential of the GO Station lands for mixed use development to support a variety of amenities and activities. Figure 4 – Proposed Delineation – Whitby GO Station MTSA. 5 | Envision Durham Existing Oshawa GO Station MTSA The existing Oshawa GO station is located at the southwest corner of Thornton Road South and Bloor Street West within employment lands. This area supports and encourages the enhancement of connectivity within this area to support more sustainable modes of transportation. The existing Oshawa GO Station is currently not an area of focus for growth and TOD. Figure 5 – Proposed Delineation – Existing Oshawa GO Station MTSA. Envision Durham| 6 Thornton’s Corners GO Station MTSA Thornton’s Corners is located is an area that is currently designated for employment and commercial uses. The Thornton’s Corners GO Station site location was shifted to its proposed location along the CP Rail spur through the February 2020 Bowmanville Rail Service Extension: Initial Business Case Update’. The MTSA includes lands in both Oshawa and Whitby, is in close proximity to Durham College and Trent University Durham, and presents the opportunity to bring mixed use to the area. The transit station has the potential to act as a catalyst for growth, investment, and future market demand. Figure 6 – Proposed Delineation – Thornton’s Corners GO Station MTSA. 7 | Envision Durham Central Oshawa The Central Oshawa MTSA is located south of Downtown Oshawa, at the Central Oshawa GO Station north of Highway 401. The MTSA abuts the Downtown Oshawa Regional Centre/Urban Growth Centre. The proposed MTSA delineation includes a variety of uses, including low and high- density residential uses, commercial uses along Simcoe Street and Ritson Road, and access to greenspace and trails like the Michael Starr Trail. Simcoe Street is planned as a future rapid transit corridor, with a terminus at the Central Oshawa station, with the intent to improve connections between the GO station, Downtown, and North Oshawa. Connectivity and proximity to Higher Order Transit, as well as opportunities to redevelop existing underutilized areas, advances provincial planning policy for TOD in this location. Figure 7 – Proposed Delineation – Central Oshawa GO Station MTSA Envision Durham| 8 Courtice The Courtice MTSA is currently designated as industrial / employment lands. The vision for the area is a mixed-use TOD community. The station area would support an array of residential uses, standalone and ground floor retail space, and major office development, in addition to parks and other community uses. There may also be opportunities to provide affordable housing around this station area by creating policy requirements early in the planning process. Further, the greenfield land provides a blank canvas to create a new mixed-use community with focus on TOD principles. The Courtice MTSA has the potential to be a unique, intensified centre. Figure 8 – Proposed Delineation – Courtice GO Station MTSA. 9 | Envision Durham Bowmanville GO Station MTSA The Bowmanville MTSA is the eastern terminus of the GO East Rail extension and is located within the Bowmanville West Regional Centre. The MTSA is located within an already established market area, a short distance west of Downtown Bowmanville. The vision for the area is to grow its potential as a TOD community. This area has seen increased densities and intensification and the existing plazas and big box sites, located in proximity the proposed station area, present an opportunity for more urban style mixed-use development that retains the retail and commercial uses, which could generate employment and economic growth for the community. Figure 9 – Proposed Delineation – Bowmanville MTSA Envision Durham| 1 Appendix C: What we have Heard A summary of the stakeholder input on the proposed MTSA delineations and policies is provided below. Input was provided by area municipal staff, agencies, as well as members of the public. Two questions were identified in the Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) Urban System Discussion Paper related to MTSAs. A comprehensive list of all questions is provided at the end of this document. MTSA Specific Questions: Question 11: Is the proposed approach for delineating and assigning density targets to existing and future Major Transit Station Areas appropriate? Question 12: Do you have any feedback or input on the propose draft Major Transit Station Area delineations? Envision Durham| 2 Envision Durham| 2 Table 1: MCR Urban Systems Discussion Paper MTSA Comments Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # 1 Municipal (Clarington) • Yes (they agree) Comment noted. The response confirms that Clarington staff agree with the proposed approach. 11 2 Municipal (Ajax) • Agree with the proposed approach as presented in the discussion paper. Comment noted. The Response confirms that Ajax staff agrees with the proposed approach. 11 3 Municipal (Oshawa) • The proposed approach for delineating existing and proposed Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs) is appropriate. • The proposed approach for assigning density targets to both existing and proposed MTSAs is not appropriate. Further analysis is required to determine if employment areas within MTSAs should be protected, or alternatively, allowed to convert to permit residential uses. Comment noted. Response confirms that Oshawa staff agrees with the proposed delineation approach. The MTSA density targets are consistent with those identified in the Growth Plan and are meant to encourage and support the use of transit and achieve strategic growth 11 Envision Durham| 3 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # • An alternative density target may be required for MTSAs that are located wholly within Provincially Significant Employment Areas. Further assessment should be conducted as part of the Region’s Land Needs Assessment. objectives of the Regional Official Plan. Regarding MTSAs located in Employment Areas, Employment Areas were identified, and a determination was made as to (re)development potential. • If development potential exists, it was included in the MTSA. • If development potential does not exist, a determination of impact on the density target would inform whether an alternative target should be requested from the Province. A key principle for development within MTSAs is to enhance connectivity and Envision Durham| 4 Envision Durham| 4 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # generate employment and residential growth that supports transit use. Development within MTSA areas is also expected to help achieve the strategic growth objectives of the Regional Official Plan (ROP). It should also be noted that an alternative density target for the Existing Oshawa Station along the CN Rail line is being proposed, due to the lack of opportunity for TOD and the built context of this station. 4 Municipal (Whitby) • The proposed approach to MTSAs is appropriate, provided certain flexibility for lower-tier implementation is maintained. Comment noted. Response confirms that Whitby staff agrees with the proposed approach. 11 5 Municipal (Pickering) • The approach developed by the Region, in consultation with each of the local municipalities is appropriate, Comment noted. Response confirms that Pickering staff 11 & 12 Envision Durham| 5 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # providing defensible and rational boundaries for these Major Transit Station Areas, as opposed to an arbitrary 500 metre or 800 metre radius from the centre of a station. • The proposed boundaries of the MTSA in Pickering, shown in Attachment #1 of Appendix D of the Region’s Growth Management – Urban System Discussion Paper, are consistent with those discussed with Regional staff. agree with the proposed approach. 6 Municipal (Brock) • No comment. • No MTSAs are identified in Brock. Comment noted. 11 7 Agency (Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee) • The proposed approach seems appropriate. Comment noted. Response confirms that the Oshawa Environmental Advisory Committee agrees with the proposed approach. 11 8 Municipal (Ajax) • Town staff have and will continue to work closely with Regional staff on the delineation of the Ajax Major Transit Station Area. Comment noted. Response confirms that Ajax is supportive of working with the Region on confirming delineation of MTSAs and 12 Envision Durham| 6 Envision Durham| 6 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # generally supportive of their proposed delineation. 9 Municipal (Clarington) • No - no further input on the draft Major Transit Station Area delineations is noted. Comment noted. Response confirms that Clarington agrees with the proposed delineations. 12 10 Municipal (Oshawa) • Staff support the proposed draft Major Transit Station Area delineations. Comment noted. Response confirms that Oshawa staff support the proposed MTSA delineations. 12 11 Municipal (Brock) • An assessment of connectivity between Brock Township and MTSAs would be helpful for future transit planning. • Response: On Demand transit is available in Brock Township. This service connects with scheduled transit routes that connect into the urban area, including to MTSAs. Comment noted. This comment has been shared with Durham Region Transit to examine future connections between existing and potential transit and MTSAs within Brock Township. 12 12 Municipal (Whitby) • Discussion will be needed at a later date (i.e. draft policy direction stage) regarding inclusion of ROP designated Employment Areas within MTSA’s. Comment noted. Employment Areas within MTSAs is a key consideration within this work. The proposed policy directions note that MTSAs 12 Envision Durham| 7 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # will consist of both employment uses and residential uses (as defined in the area municipal official plan) that support the use of transit and achieve the strategic growth objectives of the Regional Official Plan. 13 Municipal (Ajax) • The ROP should require a five year supply of serviced land at all times to meet market needs for population and employment growth within Major Transit Station Areas. Comment noted. As part of the proposed implementation policies, specific policy directions have been drafted which state that “Approval of development would be contingent on the availability of services and transportation facilities. The Region may require the phasing of development on the basis of servicing availability or timing of infrastructure.” 4 14 Municipal (Oshawa) • Further guidance is required within MTSAs where the lands are designated as Provincially Significant The proposed policy directions for MTSAs acknowledge that the existing 6 Envision Durham| 8 Envision Durham| 8 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # Employment Zones, yet also required to achieve a density target of 150 residents and jobs per gross hectare. Oshawa GO Rail/VIA Rail station will require an alternative density target, due to the lack of opportunity for TOD and the built context of this station. The draft policy directions also identify that if development potential does not exist [within a specific employment area], a determination of impact on the density target would inform whether an alternative target should be requested from the Province. 15 Municipal (City of Pickering) • The methodology for delineating Major Transit Station Areas (MTSA), and the resultant draft boundary delineation for Pickering’s MTSA, are supported Comment noted. Response confirms that Pickering supports the proposed MTSA delineations. 16 Municipal (Oshawa) • The Region, in consultation with area municipal staff, should consider a go- forward approach to assessing A key goal of the ROP is to delineate the MTSAs; establish general land use, Envision Durham| 9 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # employment area conversions within Major Transit Station Areas that would then necessitate a settlement area boundary expansion. infrastructure and implementation policies. A Settlement Area boundary expansion would not automatically occur through the MTSA ROPA to offset any lands that were previously designated Employment Area and are now proposed to a part an MTSA delineation . Any expansion to the settlement area boundary will be considered through the Land Needs Assessment as part of the overall Growth Management Study/Envision Durham process. 17 Agency Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Staff • Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Staff • Achieving density targets within MTSAs must account for natural hazards, natural heritage features, and Comment noted. Through the delineation process non- developable areas were avoided, where appropriate (such as natural areas, 11 Envision Durham| 10 Envision Durham| 10 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # stormwater management, whether identified outside or inside of an MCR process. • Amendments to the DROP should specify policy requirements for natural hazards, stormwater management and natural heritage to inform the delineation of MTSAs. highways, utilities, rail corridors, etc.) to form the outer boundaries of the MTSA. 18 Agency Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Staff • It is critical that MTSA boundaries be subject to meeting criteria for addressing natural hazard management, natural heritage and water resource protection. Comment noted. Through the delineation process non- developable areas were avoided, where appropriate (such as natural areas, highways, utilities, rail corridors, etc.) to form the outer boundaries of the MTSA. 12 19 Agency Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Staff • Should adopt policies to promote the use of, and develop a terms of reference for an “urban master environmental servicing plan” (Urban MESP) to coordinate major The Region may require the coordination of development applications through measures such as Master Development Agreements and Block Plans, to ensure an Envision Durham| 11 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # redevelopment proposals within the urban envelop. • Response: Consider Secondary Plan and MESP for MTSAs. orderly, coordinated and phased approach to the provision of transportation, servicing and other requirements. 20 Public Weston Consulting regarding subject lands of 275 Westney Road South • Request to consider the subject lands (275 Westney Road South, Town of Ajax) for conversion through the Municipal Comprehensive Review process in accordance with Section of the Growth Plan to permit residential mixed-use development. • A follow-up letter was received on January 14, 2020 to acknowledge that the subject property has been included in the Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs); and the Westney Developments Inc. has completed the preparation of an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment for submission to the Town of Ajax The Ajax GO Station area site aims to provide a mix of uses to take advantage of transit accessibility and to the surrounding employment lands. This area is identified in the Town’s Official Plan as an area that will facilitate high density mixed use that supports commuters while also providing places to live and work in proximity to transit while minimizing car use and promoting pedestrian connectivity. The subject property falls within the proposed MTSA boundary. Envision Durham| 12 Envision Durham| 12 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # The desire for the subject property to provide residential mixed-use seems to support and align with the overall vision for the MTSA area. 21 Public GHD on behalf of Halloway Developments and the 21st Company Inc. • Agree that the Region’s MCR should delineate and assign boundaries to Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs). MTSAs should also permit a wide range of mixed uses. • Agree with the methodology used by Regional and Area Municipal staff in delineating the Draft Boundary of the proposed MTSAs. • Request reconsideration of boundary where environmental features may not actually exist (lands abutting Canadian Pacific Railway, parcels abutting Stellar Drive near Corbett Creek) The draft delineation of the Thornton’s Corners MTSA has been released. The delineations currently take into account a variety of factors including mixed-use development proximity to transit and other considerations of highest and best use for these areas. 22 Public • The vision for Northeast Pickering of 60,000 residents and 45,000 jobs Comment noted. MTSAs are currently being considered Envision Durham| 13 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # Dorsay Development Corporation would support a Major Transit Station Area. This will be elaborated on further in a future submission. along the PTC and future PTC (GO Lakeshore) at this time. However, policy directions have included for future consideration of new MTSAs are being included. 23 Public Ledim Development Ltd. Lands south of CP rail and North of Stellar Drive • In accordance with A Place to Grow, 2019, density targets for Urban Growth Centres and Major Transit Station Areas should be considered as minimum targets. • Policies that reference Growth Plan intensification and density targets should include the word minimum where appropriate. • The Thornton’s Corners Major Transit Station Area Boundary should be expanded to the northwest to include lands that are currently outside (specifically lands at Laval Drive and Stevenson Road South in Oshawa). • The lands located adjacent to the Canadian Pacific Railway just beyond Comment noted. The MTSA density targets have been identified as minimum targets and are consistent with those identified in the Growth Plan. The delineation of the Thornton’s Corners GO Station MTSA has been updated to reflect the revised station location along the CP Rail spur. Please see Appendix B for details. Envision Durham| 14 Envision Durham| 14 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # the north west limit of the proposed Major Transit Station Area Boundary should be included within the delineated MTSA area. 24 Public IBI Group on behalf of David and Steve Lovisek for 0 Courtice Road, Clarington • Request that the subject lands (0 Courtice Road, Clarington) be included within the Urban Area Boundary and the MTSA. • Support the recommendation by the Municipality of Clarington to extend the MTSA/Urban Area Boundary to include the subject land and requests clarification position on Clarington’s request to include the subject lands into the urban boundary and the Courtice MTSA. • The future Courtice GO Station is an opportunity to accommodate growth and create a complete community in the surrounding area. The Courtice MTSA should include conversion of employment lands to ensure a true Comment noted. While the request for an expansion of the MTSA /settlement area boundary may be recognized through this process, the MTSA ROPA will not be formalizing any settlement area boundary expansions. Consideration of this request will be in the context of the future Land Needs Assessment through the overall Growth Management Study/Envision Durham process. MTSAs will be delineated in the ROP and detailed land use designations are directed to Envision Durham| 15 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # mixed-use complete community is achieved. be included in the area municipal OPs. 25 Public IBI Group on behalf of David and Steve Lovisek for 0 Courtice Road, Clarington • MTSAs should maximize the size of the area and number of potential transit users that are within walking distance to the station. • Areas that include natural features should not be precluded from Settlement Area Boundary Expansion should be considered if natural features and areas are protected. Prime agricultural areas should similarly be considered for expansion. The delineation of MTSAs was informed by other planning boundaries such as SGAs and Secondary Plans, and those identified in local area municipal plans. Non- developable areas such as natural areas were avoided and generally fit within the 500 to 800 metre radius of a transit station. A subsequent delineation exercise was completed taking into account input received through the Urban Systems Discussion Paper, additional information and research undertaken by the projects consultants, discussions with area Envision Durham| 16 Envision Durham| 16 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # municipal staff and public and agency input. Delineation of MTSAs has taken into account potential transit users and walkshed. Refer to delineation process and Appendix B – Overview of MTSAs for more details as well as Section 6 – Delineation Approach. 26 Public IBI Group on behalf of David and Steve Lovisek for 0 Courtice Road, Clarington • Is the Region considering an alternative density target for the Courtice MTSA? • Is the Region going to develop a phasing plan or Secondary Plan for the MTSA? The Region is aiming for at least the minimum density target of 150 people and jobs/ha for the Courtice MTSA. Areas where development potential does not exist, a determination of impact on the density target would inform whether an alternative target should be requested from the Province. The Region may require phasing of development on Envision Durham| 17 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # the basis of transportation or servicing availability, and/or the timing of required infrastructure. 27 Public IBI Group on behalf of 1766 Baseline Road, Clarington • Request the subject lands (1766 Baseline Road, Clarington) be redesignated from Employment Areas to Living Areas / Courtice Major Transit Station Area to allow for a development concept that includes a mix of residential and employment uses (office, retail, commercial, personal service). • The subject site is also located within a PSEZ (Zone 1) and proposed MTSA boundary. The proponent is supportive of Clarington’s recommendation to remove the GO Station MTSA from the PSEZ. The subject lands are included in the proposed MTSA boundary. Detailed land use designations will be proposed through area municipal OPs. Comment noted. The delineation and density requirements for MTSAs has taken into account potential transit users and walkshed. The MTSA designation can be overlaid on the identification of the PSEZ. For more information on the delineation process/rationale refer to Section 6 – Delineation Approach and Appendix B - Overview of MTSAs. Envision Durham| 18 Envision Durham| 18 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # 28 Public Brookfield Residential Whitby Harbour site • Intensification boundaries around proposed MTSAs are useful, but final delineation should involve local stakeholder engagement. • Brookfield would like to be engaged in final delineation of the MTSA boundary at Whitby Harbour. The proposed delineation for the Whitby MTSA has been provided in this Paper, and input is welcomed prior to the finalization of the ROPA. The Brookfield site is over 1 km away from the station platform. For more information on the delineation process/rationale refer to Section 6 – Delineation Approach and Appendix B – Overview of MTSAs. 29 Public Optus Capital Corporation • The draft Major Transit Station Area Boundary for Ajax should be extended 1,000 metres eastbound along Fairall Street to Harwood Avenue South to allow for greater intensification and increased density. The MTSA boundary has been proposed. The area in question is part of the Regional Centre and subject to another set of policies in the ROP, however, it is acknowledged the need for linkages easterly to the Regional Centre. Envision Durham| 19 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # For more information on the delineation process/rationale refer to Section 6 – Delineation Approach and Appendix B. A 1 km easterly extension of the MTSA boundary would not meet the Provincial definition of a 10 min walk to the station. 30 Public Bousfields Inc. on behalf of Nordeagle Developments Inc. • Request to include the entirety of the Nordeagle Lands within the proposed Major Transit Station Area. The Whitby GO MTSA seeks to maximize the potential of the GO Station lands for mixed use development to support a variety of amenities and activities. The MTSA delineation has been revised to include a portion of the Nordeagle property subject to Policy 8C.3.1 in the current ROP. Please refer to Section 6 – Delineation Approach and Envision Durham| 20 Envision Durham| 20 Comment # Municipal / Public / Agency Comment or Description Response Question # Appendix B for the delineation process in more detail 31 Public Bousfields Inc. on behalf of Nordeagle Developments Inc. • Recommended that gross density be used as the measurement for intensification and for major transit station areas as a minimum target. Each MTSA will be planned to achieve a minimum density of 150 people and jobs per hectare. This will be a minimum density requirement that will be measured within all of the lands in each MTSA (measured as gross density). Legend of Discussion Questions Question Number Discussion Question 1. Is the Urban System achieving the Regional Official Plan vision of creating distinct Urban Areas, balancing population and employment growth, and achieving health and complete communities? 2. Are there any additional goals for the Urban System that should be included in the Regional Official Plan? Envision Durham| 21 Question Number Discussion Question 3. How can Regional Official Plan Policies support the needs of an aging population? 4. Are there specific policies or other measures that are needed to enable the achievement of employment forecasts and/or the Regional Council target of one job for every two persons? 5. How can Regional Official Plan policies recognize and support the changing pattern of where and how people work? 6. What Regional policies and approaches could assist in achieving the Regional Official Plan target that 50 per cent of all jobs be in designated Employment Areas? 7. How should density (gross or net) be measured in the Regional Official Plan? 8. Should the Region delineate only those corridors with significant intensification potential that are also within the Higher Order Transit Network? 9. Should Regional Corridors that are intended to be priority areas for the highest level of transit service (Highway 2 and Simcoe Street) be delineated in the ROP and assigned an increased minimum density target? 10. Should Waterfront Places be specifically designated in the Regional Official Plan? 11. In the proposed approach for delineating and assigning density targets to existing and future Major Transit Station Areas appropriate? 12. Do you have any feedback or input on the proposed draft Major Transit Station Area delineations? Envision Durham| 22 Envision Durham| 22 Question Number Discussion Question 13. Are there any other criteria that should be considered when evaluating Settlement Boundary Expansions? 14. Are there other criteria that should be considered when evaluating Employment Area conversions? 15. Are there additional strategies or solutions required to support development in Strategic Growth Areas? 16. Should a Regional structure, consisting of appropriate Regional land use designations be applied to lands located within the Central Pickering Development Plan Area? 17. What type of Regional Official Plan policies should be provided to support the deployment of broadband infrastructure? 18. How can Regional Official Plan policies support the achievement of strong, vibrant, and healthy downtowns? 19. Should places of worship be permitted in Employment Areas? 20. Are there any other trends or topics you feel should be reviewed and considered as part of the review of the Urban System and the Growth Management Study component of the MCR? The Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 905-668-7711 or 1-800-372-1102 www.durham.ca Legislative Services Division Attachment #2 to Report #PLN 10-21 Clerk’s Office Directive Memorandum December 18, 2020 To: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO From: Susan Cassel City Clerk Subject: Direction as per Minutes of the Meeting of City Council held on December 14, 2020 Corr. 60-20 Ralph Walton, Regional Clerk The Regional Municipality of Durham Re: Envision Durham – Framework for a New Regional Official Plan (2020-P-24) Council Decision Resolution #479/20 Please take any action deemed necessary. A copy of the original correspondence is attached for your reference. Susan Cassel Copy: Interim Chief Administrative Officer 1.That Corr. 60-20, from Ralph Walton, Regional Clerk, the Regional Municipality of Durham, dated November 26, 2020, regarding the Envision Durham – Framework for a New Regional Official Plan (2020-P-24), be received for information; and, 2.That Corr. 60-20 be referred to the Director, City Development & CBO, for a review, as it pertains to the City of Pickering, and report back, with their comments, no later than the February Council Meeting. If you require this information in an accessible format, please contact 1-800-372-1102 extension 2097. November 26, 2020 The Honourable Steve Clark Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing 777 Bay Street, 17th Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2E5 Dear Minister Clark: RE: Envision Durham – Framework for a New Regional Official Plan (2020-P-24), Our File: D12 Council of the Region of Durham, at its meeting held on November 25, 2020, adopted the following recommendations of the Planning & Economic Development Committee: “A) That Regional Council endorse the framework for the new Regional Official Plan as outlined in Report #2020-P-24 of the Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development; and B)That a copy of Report #2020-P-24 be forwarded to Durham’s area municipalities, conservation authorities, the Envision Durham Interested Parties List and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.” Please find enclosed a copy of Report #2020-P-24 for your information. Ralph Walton Ralph Walton, Regional Clerk/Director of Legislative Services RW/tf c: Please see attached list The Regional Municipality of Durham Corporate Services Department Legislative Services 605 Rossland Rd. E. Level 1 PO Box 623 Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 Canada 905-668-7711 1-800-372-1102 Fax: 905-668-9963 durham.ca Don Beaton, BCom, M.P.A. Commissioner of Corporate Services Page 2 of 2 c: M. Harris, Acting Manager, Community Planning and Development, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing A. Harras, Acting Clerk, Town of Ajax B. Jamieson, Clerk, Township of Brock A. Greentree, Clerk, Municipality of Clarington M. Medeiros, Clerk, City of Oshawa S. Cassel, Clerk, City of Pickering J.P. Newman, Clerk, Township of Scugog D. Leroux, Clerk, Township of Uxbridge C. Harris, Clerk, Town of Whitby C. Darling, Chief Administrative Officer, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority L. Laliberte, CAO/Secretary-Treasurer, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority M. Majchrowski, Chief Administrative Officer, Kawartha Conservation M. Walters, Chief Administrative Officer, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority J. MacKenzie, Chief Executive Officer, Toronto & Region Conservation Authority Envision Durham Interested Parties B. Bridgeman, Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development