HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 19, 2021 Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee Tuesday, January 19, 2021 7:00 pm Electronic Meeting – Webex Platform Attendees: J. St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services (Chair) T. Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services K. Williams, Director Public Services, Pickering Public Library L. Gibbs, Supervisor, Museum Services C. Cooper, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J. Currie, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder P. DeWilde, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder E. Forde, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder M. Francis, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder N. Holland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Moscote Freire, Cultural Advisory Committee Member C. Sabean, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder J. Sabean, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder A. Sardar, Cultural Advisory Committee Member B. Sopher, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder D. Poole, Clerk-Typist (Recording Secretary) Absent: V. Raees, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome and Disclosure of Interest J. St. Amant w elcomed everyone in attendance and called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. J. St. Amant rev iewed City Policy ADM 040, Section 14. No disclosure of interest was brought forward by any of the committee members. 2. Approval of Agenda and Review of Minutes T. Ryce requested to include discussion around the development of the Kingston Road Corridor as item 5 of the agenda. The committee reviewed the Page 1 of 6 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) revised agenda and the minutes from the meeting held on Tuesday, November 17th , 2020. It was the consensus of the committee to approve the revised agenda and adopt the minutes as received. 3. Pickering Museum Village Update L. Gibbs provided the following updates:  The 2020 annual report is being finalized and should be available for distribution at the next meeting.  The museum is getting visitor demographics from postal code data. Information obtained through surveys show that there were as many as 40% new visitors to the museum last year.  The museum had just over 6,500 visitors on site for paid programs in 2020; compared to the average attendance of 10,000- 12,000 in previous years.  Staff are working on the 1920’s drive-thru and prohibition escape room in partnership with Central Counties Tourism’s War on Whisky tours, Canadian Automotive Museum and Parkwood estate. There will be a webpage hosted on Central Counties Tourism’s website.  The Anne experience is starting in June and will include mini exhibits, lunch with a behind the scenes video, an audio tour with Anne, a scone workshop, as well as a historical podcast.  The permanent family-friendly hands on exhibit in the combination barn will launch this spring.  The combination barn repairs were completed in December, which included the foundation, structural repairs, new cladding, and the roof.  This year, the museum will be will be offering guided themed tours of the village. These tours, which will start in April include the Anne tour, Glad Rags and Giggle Juice tour (1920’s), and Pickering’s past tour.  Staff will be continuing on the virtual museum with videos, virtual exhibits, paid virtual Page 2 of 6 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) education programs and paid virtual speaker sessions. 4. Sub-Committee Updates ABRT Preparatory Sub-committee T. Ryce advised that the Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Preparatory Sub-committee has made recommendations for appointees to the Anti-Black Racism Taskforce, which have been forwarded to Council for consideration for appointment. There were 42 applicants for the taskforce, 34 individuals took part in the interview process and 20 individuals have been recommended for the Anti-Black Racism Taskforce. The report will be going to Council on January 25th . C. Cooper indicated that work is ongoing with the round table discussions. The first round table discussion occurred on Wednesday, January 13 th with a group of seniors. The next round table discussion will take place with Boi-1da who has volunteered to help host it and promote it. The date has yet to be confirmed but the intent is to hold it this month. M. Francis advised that the survey had over 1,500 responses. The interviews have concluded for the Anti-Black Racism Taskforce resulting in 20 recommended members. The individuals that weren’t selected to the taskforce will be encouraged to be engaged with the Sub-committees to bring their talents to the table. C. Cooper provided an overview of the survey, noting that part of the outreach was the distribution of a post card by mail to all Pickering residents. A large majority of the respondents indicated that was one of the ways they heard about the survey. J. Currie requested that the distribution of postcards T. Ryce to review the be used for the Indigenous Relationship Building budget. Sub-committee. Page 3 of 6 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Indigenous Relationship Building Sub- committee J. Currie advised that the Sub-committee is at the soliciting and recruitment stage. There have been some challenges with COVID as the Indigenous community is pretty much on lockdown in a lot of ways and they are not accustomed to City’s or governments reaching out to them in the manner that we’re reaching out to them so there is a lot of explaining and understanding of what we’re trying to do. The Sub-committee is reaching out to the large organizations that exist but like the idea of reaching out to residents. A background survey has been conducted resu lting the knowledge that there are a substantial number of Indigenous people that live in our community. T. Ryce advised that the plan has been approved by Council and a number of staff are on board to implement the plan. The Sub-committee has been Committee members to renamed the Indigenous Relationship Building provide contact Circle. A draft list of stakeholders and residents that information for individuals will be invited to the Indigenous Relationship or organizations that may Building Circle has been developed. There will be a be interested in joining the broader call that is in line with the Anti-Black Indigenous Relationship Racism Taskforce. B. Sopher has connected with Building Circle. the school boards that are interested in participating. Public Art Sub-committee J. St. Amant advised that the Sub-committee m et recently and developed a meeting schedule and basic work plan, which was reviewed, for 2021. The committee isn’t fully filled out yet therefore J. Sabean and T. Ryce will be reaching out to some professional artists as part of the recruit strategy. T. Ryce advised that there is a Terms of Reference and there will be an open call to the Sub-committee. Page 4 of 6 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 5. Development of the Kingston Road Corridor As a follow up to the presentation that was conducted by City Development staff at the November 17th , 2020 meeting, T. Ryce advised that they are looking for comments on the plan for development of the Kingston Road corridor. As a group we committed to providing comments to that team. The type of proposed document was reviewed, which compiles comments into easy to reference thoughts. The Piazza design was used as an example. Planning staff are looking at the Cultural Advisory Committee to look at Arts, Culture, Diversity and Integration through research and documentation. T. Ryce indicated that she is looking for committee members to form the comments and T. Ryce to set up the initial attend the meetings. A. Moscote Freire, C Sabean meeting. and B. Sopher expressed their interest in assisting with this work. T. Ryce noted that a ll committee members are welcome to provide their comments. 6. Other Business T. Ryce advised that the Cultural Services team just conducted 4 virtual events along with the Santa Claus parade. Staff are working with community partners on drive-by and drive-thru events for existing events. In the summer staff are looking at smaller in person events depending on the restrictions as well as slightly larger events in the winter. Drive-by and drive-thru events will remain an option to maintain flexibility in the event that the restrictions are still in place. Staff are working on promoting the summer concert series through diverse publications that are specific to different cultures to try and broaden the diversity of the applications that are being received. Included in the plan is to supplement the summer concert series through a grant, which will help expand the offerings, which may not have been affordable in the past. Page 5 of 6 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) The community art displays are well underway. The piano project is launching this spring, the piece with Daniel Davis is proceeding, the painting has been installed on the exterior east wall of West Shore Community Centre and the last piece will be worked on with Dorsey James. The Request for Proposal for the diversity strategy, which was part of the 3 part plan that went to Council along with the recommendations to form the taskforce, has closed and the review by staff has concluded. Staff are close to awarding the job to a consultant to work on the diversity strategy. T. Ryce provided an update on the mid-term Cultural Plan. B. Sopher requested that a Share File folder be set D. Poole to set up a Share up for the Indigenous Relationship Circle Sub-File folder. committee. E. Forde inv ited the committee members to attend T. Ryce to distribute the the virtual Black History month celebrations. Tanya promotional flyer to the to provide the flyer to the committee via email. committee members. P. DeWilde provided an update pertaining to the virtual events and programs that are occurring at the Pickering Welcome Centre. No other business was conducted resulting in the adjournment of the meeting at 8:05 pm. Meeting Adjourned: 8:05 pm Copy: (Acting) Director, Community Services City Clerk Page 6 of 6