HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 05-21 Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: PLN 05-21 Date: February 1, 2021 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 14/18 2184107 Ontario Inc. Part of Lot 18, Concession 3; Now Part 2, 40R-6962 (East side of Brock Road, north of Rex Heath Drive) Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 14/18, submitted by 2184107 Ontario Inc., to permit a 6-storey apartment building containing 44 dwelling units, on lands located on the east side of Brock Road, north of Rex Heath Drive, be endorsed subject to the provisions contained in Appendix I to Report PLN 05-21, and that staff be authorized to finalize and forward an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment to Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The subject lands are located on the east side of Brock Road, north of Rex Heath Drive within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment #1). 2184107 Ontario Inc. originally submitted an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment to facilitate a mixed-use development. This plan illustrated a development consisting of a 6-storey mixed-use building containing 35 residential apartment units and 634 square metres of grade related commercial uses (see Original Submitted Conceptual Site Plan, Attachment #3). Through collaboration with City staff, the applicant has made several changes to their proposal to address concerns raised by the area residents (see Revised Submitted Conceptual Site Plan, Attachment #4). The key revisions to the proposal include: • increased the total number of dwellings units from 35 units to 44 units; • replaced grade-related commercial uses on the ground floor with eight 2-storey apartment units, which will function as a townhouse unit, with access from an interior corridor, and will include an outdoor patio area on the ground floor; • introduced a minimum parking ratio of 1.75 spaces per unit for the 2-storey apartment units; • reduced the minimum apartment parking ratio from 1.14 space per unit to 1.0 space per unit for the remaining apartment units; • slightly reduced visitor parking ratio from 0.22 spaces per unit to 0.20 spaces per unit; and • removed the vehicular access from Brock Road. Report PLN 05-21 February 1, 2021 Subject: 2184107 Ontario Inc. (A 14/18) Page 2 City Development staff are in support of the proposal. The proposal is consistent with the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies and the Duffin Heights Urban Design Guidelines. The apartment building is sited along the Brock Road frontage to maximize the separation distance to the existing townhouse dwellings located to the north and east of the subject lands. The overall height and placement of the building will limit any shadowing on abutting residential properties and the future Village Green to the north. The proposed site layout and design represent a logical and orderly development of the site. Several concerns were expressed by area residents about traffic, parking, construction activities, fencing, compatibility and greenspace. These matters have been satisfactorily addressed by the application through revisions to the plan and submission of additional supporting materials. Accordingly, staff recommends that Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 14/18. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The subject lands are located on the east side of Brock Road, north of Rex Heath Drive within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The property has an area of approximately 0.32 of a hectare, with approximately 61 metres of frontage along Brock Road and approximately 31 metres of frontage along Carousel Drive. The property is currently vacant. The surrounding land uses include (see Air Photo Map, Attachment #2): North and An existing medium-density residential subdivision comprising freehold East: semi-detached and townhouse dwelling units. Lands for a future Village Green are located between the residential subdivision and Brock Road. The Village Green is to be constructed by the City. South: A residential condominium development by Averton (Brock) Limited, which includes a mix of townhouse units on the north and south sides of Rex Heath Drive, and two 8-storey mixed-use apartment buildings and townhouse units along Brock Road (not yet under construction). In 2017, Averton (Brock) Limited submitted a rezoning application A 08/17 to permit an increase in the number of apartment units and an increase in the height of the apartment buildings. West: Across Brock Road, vacant lands are designated "Mixed Use Areas – Mixed Corridor" in the Pickering Official Plan. The lands at the northwest corner of Brock Road and Zents Drive are owned by the City, and the City is currently reviewing a site plan application for a new Fire Hall and Headquarters. Report PLN 05-21 February 1, 2021 Subject: 2184107 Ontario Inc. (A 14/18) Page 3 1.2 Applicant’s Original and Revised Proposal 2184107 Ontario Inc. originally submitted a rezoning application to facilitate a mixed-use development. This plan illustrated a development consisting of a 6-storey mixed-use building containing 35 residential apartment units and 634 square metres of grade related commercial uses (see Original Submitted Conceptual Site Plan, Attachment #3). Vehicular access to the development was proposed from Brock Road and Carousel Drive. The vehicular access from Carousel Drive was dedicated to residential providing access to a one-level underground parking garage accommodating parking spaces for both residents and visitors. Vehicular access for the commercial uses was proposed from a restricted right-in/right-out access off of Brock Road and surface parking spaces were proposed to support the commercial uses. A private parkette was proposed on the north side of the building adjacent to Brock Road. In response to concerns and comments received from commenting agencies, City departments and area residents, the applicant has made several changes to their proposal (see Revised Submitted Conceptual Site Plan, Attachment #4 and Submitted Conceptual Rendering, Attachments #5 and #6). The following key changes have been made to the original proposal: • increased the total number of dwellings units from 35 units to 44 units resulting in an increase in the residential density from 110 units to 139 units per net hectare (the increase in the total number of residential units is a result of replacing the commercial space with residential units); • replaced grade-related commercial uses on the ground floor with eight 2-storey apartment units that function as townhouse units and will include an outdoor patio area on the ground floor; • the 2-storey apartment units (located within the ground floor and second floor) will have access from an interior corridor, and the average unit size is approximately 150 square metres (approximately 1,615 square feet); • apartment units are located on floors 3 to 6 and include 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom unit types; • introduced a minimum parking ratio of 1.75 spaces per unit for the 2-storey apartment units; • slightly reduced the minimum apartment parking ratio from 1.14 space per unit to 1.0 space per unit for the remaining apartment units; • slightly reduced visitor parking ratio from 0.22 spaces per unit to 0.20 spaces per unit; • removed the vehicular access from Brock Road; • relocated the access ramp to the underground parking garage from the north side of the building to the south side of the building; and • increased the private outdoor amenity area from approximately 100 square metres to 258 square metres. Attachment #7 to this report summarizes the key details and zoning standards of the original and revised proposals. Figure 1 below is a conceptual rendering of the proposed 6-storey apartment building from Brock Road. Report PLN 05-21 February 1, 2021 Subject: 2184107 Ontario Inc. (A 14/18) Page 4 Figure 1: Submitted Conceptual Rendering Plan (Brock Road Frontage) The development will be subject to site plan approval. 2. Comments Received 2.1 January 24, 2019 Open House Meeting and March 4, 2019 Statutory Public Meeting An Open House meeting was held on January 24, 2019, and the Statutory Public Meeting was held on March 4, 2019. The following is a summary of key concerns and comments expressed by area residents at the Open House and Statutory Public meetings and written submissions received: • concerned that the proposed height will shadow adjacent properties; • concerned that the proposed 6-storey building is out of character with the adjacent townhouse development fronting onto Carousel Drive; • concerned that the proposal will increase traffic along Carousel Drive; • commented that there is currently insufficient parkland in the neighbourhood and that additional residential units will exacerbate the issue; • concerned with potential dust, noise and vibration nuisances during the construction process; and • requested that privacy fences be erected along property lines shared with existing residents to the north and east of the subject lands. Report PLN 05-21 February 1, 2021 Subject: 2184107 Ontario Inc. (A 14/18) Page 5 2.2 Agency Comments 2.2.1 Region of Durham • the proposal is consistent and conforms with the Provincial Policy Statement and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe; • the Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as “Living Areas”, which are intended to be used predominantly for housing purposes with a mix of housing types, sizes, and tenure; • the proposal conforms to the policies of the Regional Official Plan; • regional municipal servicing shall be provided from the existing sanitary sewer and watermain located on Carousel Drive; • a Waste Management Plan illustrating how waste collection can be accommodated is required to be submitted with a future site plan application; if the development does not meet Region’s standards for municipal waste collection on private property, then the applicant will be responsible for retaining private waste collection services; • the Region requires the applicant to include all recommended noise attenuation measures of the Noise Feasibility Study in a future site plan agreement to the satisfaction of the Region; • the Region requires the applicant to submit an updated Phase 1 and Phase 2 ESA before site plan approval; • the revised Traffic Impact Study is acceptable; and • any Regional requirements concerning the provision of Regional services, financial and otherwise, associated with the development shall be addressed through the submission of a future site plan application. 2.2.2 Durham District School Board • no objection to the proposed development; and • students generated through this development will attend existing school facilities. 2.2.3 Durham Catholic District School Board • no objections to the proposed development; and • students generated from this development will attend St. Wilfrid Catholic Elementary School and St. Mary Catholic Secondary School. 2.3 Comments from City Departments 2.3.1 Engineering Services Department • no objection to the rezoning application; • pre-construction inspections will be required for adjacent residences, specifically the 2 townhouse blocks immediately adjacent to the development (1723 Carousel Drive to 1733 Carousel Drive and 1755 Carousel Drive to 1765 Carousel Drive); copies of the reports are to be forwarded to the City with the site plan application; and • matters concerning grading and drainage, fencing details, stormwater management details, construction management requirements, snow storage location, and landscaping requirements will be further reviewed through the site plan approval process. Report PLN 05-21 February 1, 2021 Subject: 2184107 Ontario Inc. (A 14/18) Page 6 2.3.2 Fire Services • no objection to the proposal; and • matters concerning fire route location and siamese connections will be further reviewed through the submission of a future site plan application. 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 The revised concept plan is within the density range of the Official Plan and is consistent with the policies for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood The subject lands are designated “Mixed Use Areas – Mixed Corridors” in the Official Plan, which permits a density range of over 30 units up to and including 140 units per net hectare and a maximum Floor Space Index (FSI) of up to and including 2.5 FSI. The revised concept plan proposes a total of 44 residential units for a residential density of 139 units per net hectare and an FSI of 1.52. The revised proposal complies with the density and FSI requirements of the Official Plan. The Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies for the Mixed Use Areas – Mixed Corridors designation require new developments to provide: • a strong and identifiable urban image of establishing buildings closer to the street, providing safe and convenient pedestrian access, and requiring all buildings to be multi-storey; and • higher intensity multi-unit housing forms on lands adjacent to Brock Road while restricting grade related residential development to lands adjacent to collector or local roads. The revised concept plan implements the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies by siting the 6-storey apartment building along the Brock Road frontage. The plan creates an attractive pedestrian-scaled street edge along Brock Road and includes convenient pedestrian connections to the existing multi-use pathway along Brock Road, the existing sidewalks along Carousel Drive and a walkway connection to the future Village Green located north of the subject lands. The proposed development is consistent with the policies for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. 3.2 Urban Design objectives of the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines have been addressed The guidelines for lands within the Brock Road Streetscape include the following requirements: • properties fronting Brock Road shall be required to provide a built form across a minimum of 60 percent of the lot frontage; • all primary frontages of buildings shall front Brock Road and provide pedestrian access directly to the sidewalk and multi-use trail along Brock Road; and • large walls visible from Brock Road shall be articulated through various treatments such as offset in massing; blank façades will not be permitted facing Brock Road or any street. Report PLN 05-21 February 1, 2021 Subject: 2184107 Ontario Inc. (A 14/18) Page 7 The revised concept plan proposes a built form across approximately 59 percent of the Brock Road frontage. As described above in Section 3.1, the revised concept plan provides for convenient walkway connections to Carousel Drive, the multi-use path along Brock Road and the future Village Green. The design of the apartment building incorporates various architectural treatments, such as projecting balconies, use of various cladding (brick and aluminum panel) to break the building mass and accentuate the ground floor and articulate the rooftop with a projecting parapet (see Revised Submitted Conceptual Rendering, Attachments #5 and #6). Staff are satisfied that the proposed development is of high-quality design that will be compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood. Through the site plan approval process, staff will continue to work with the applicant to further review the detailed urban design and architectural matters in accordance with the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines including, but not limited to: refine building location and siting; internal pedestrian circulation and connections; on-site landscaping and final design of the private amenity areas; architectural design and materials; and the location of hydro transformers, gas meters and other utilities. 3.3 The proposed development is compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood Several residents within the established residential subdivision to the north and east expressed concerns that the proposed 6-storey apartment building is not compatible with the existing 3-storey townhouses fronting Carousel Drive. Figure 2 below is a cross-section illustrating the relationship between the existing 3-storey townhouse dwellings to the north and east of the subject lands and the proposed building. Figure 2: Cross-Section Report PLN 05-21 February 1, 2021 Subject: 2184107 Ontario Inc. (A 14/18) Page 8 The proposed 6-storey building will maintain a distance separation of approximately 25 metres to the existing 3-storey townhouse dwelling to the east; and a distance separation of approximately 20 metres to the existing 3-storey townhouse dwelling to the north. The applicant has also applied a 45-degree angular plane from the abutting townhouses. The angular plane tool assists in establishing an appropriate transition between a mid-rise building and low-scaled areas to minimize impacts related to shadowing and privacy. As illustrated in Figure 2, the proposed building is located well within the 45-degree angular plane providing for an appropriate transition from the existing townhouses. The applicant has also agreed to erect a 1.8-metre high wood privacy fence along a portion of the property lines shared with the existing 3-storey townhouse dwellings to the north and east. Also, a landscaping buffer having a width of 6.3 metres is proposed along the north property limits and a 3-metre wide landscape buffer is proposed along the east property limits. Staff are satisfied that the proposed building setback, landscape buffer widths and privacy fencing along the mutual lots lines will provide for an appropriate transition and is compatible with the surrounding community. 3.4 Shadow impacts from the proposal will not significantly impact adjacent existing residential private open spaces In support of the rezoning application, the applicant has submitted a revised Sun/Shadow Study Analysis, prepared by The Biglieri Group Ltd., dated December 21, 2020, illustrating the potential shadow impacts of the 6-storey apartment building on the established residential properties to the north and east and the future Village Green immediately to the north. The study encompassed the spring and fall equinoxes (March 21st and September 21st) and the summer and winter solstices (June 21st and December 21st) for the time starting from 9:18 am to 7:18 pm, measured at hourly intervals. The study finds that the overall height and placement of the 6-storey building will result in some intermit shadow cast over the existing residential properties to the north and east and the future Village Green, but the impact will be minimal. The townhouse block immediately north will receive limited shadow from the proposed development in the early afternoon in the spring and fall between mid-day and 2:30 pm. During the winter months the townhouse block to the north will receive shadow between mid-day to 3:30 pm, and no shadow during the summer months. During the winter, spring and fall, the townhouse blocks immediately to the east will receive direct sunlight access for most of the day, except for the evening hours where the front and rear yards will receive partial shadow from the proposed development. During the summer, the townhouse block immediately to the east will receive limited shadow during the evening hours approximately between 5:18 pm and 7:18 pm. The southerly portion of the future Village Green will receive limited shadow generally between the hours of 10:18 am and 3:18 pm during the spring and fall and receive no shadow during the summer. Report PLN 05-21 February 1, 2021 Subject: 2184107 Ontario Inc. (A 14/18) Page 9 Staff are satisfied that shadow impacts are reduced as much as possible (less than 3 hours in spring and fall, and less than 2 hours in the summer), and that the building height and placement will allow reasonable hours of sunlight for the residential dwellings to the north and east and the future Village Green to the north. 3.5 The proposal will have minimal traffic impacts on the surrounding road network Some area residents expressed concern that the proposed development will cause negative traffic impacts on the existing road network. In support of the rezoning application, the applicant has submitted a revised Transportation Impact Study (TIS), prepared by Trans-Plan Transportation Engineering, dated March 2020, which investigated the traffic conditions and effects of the proposed development on the surrounding road network. The study collected data on existing traffic levels on March 22, 2018. The study found that during the morning peak hour (approximately between 7:30 am and 8:30 am) the development is anticipated to generate approximately 27 new two-way trips (5 inbound and 22 outbound trips), and during the afternoon peak hour (approximately. between 4:45 pm to 5:45 pm) approximately 31 new two-way trips (21 in-bound and 10 out-bound). The study concluded that the proposed development will not result in any adverse traffic impacts at the proposed site access onto Carousel Drive, and the surrounding road network and the intersection of Brock Road and Rex Heath Drive/Zents Drive will continue to operate well, similar to current operations. Furthermore, no roadway improvements are necessary to accommodate the proposed development. The proposed internal site circulation has been designed to accommodate turning movements for waste-collection vehicles, medium single-unit trucks and fire trucks. Engineering Services has reviewed the submitted TIS and concurs with the consultant's recommendations. 3.6 Response to Key Concerns raised at the Public Open House Meeting held on January 24, 2019 and at the Statutory Public Meeting held on March 4, 2019 As noted in Section 2.1 of this report, area residents identified various concerns with the proposed development. Matters concerning traffic, compatibility and shadowing have been addressed. The table below summarizes other key concerns raised at the March 4, 2019 Planning & Development Committee meeting and staff’s response. Concerns Staff’s Response Ensuring a sufficient number of parking spaces A sufficient number of parking spaces are available to accommodate the proposal Resident parking is provided at a ratio of 1.0 spaces per apartment unit and 1.75 spaces per 2-storey apartment unit (which function as a townhouse unit); providing a total of 51 resident parking spaces located in an underground parking garage. Visitor parking is provided Report PLN 05-21 February 1, 2021 Subject: 2184107 Ontario Inc. (A 14/18) Page 10 Concerns Staff’s Response at a ratio of 0.20 spaces per unit. The proposal provides for 9 surface visitor parking spaces. A total of 60 parking spaces are provided on-site to accommodate the proposal. The proposed parking ratios are similar to other recently approved developments within the Duffin Heights neighbourhood. Staff are satisfied that there are sufficient parking spaces available to accommodate the proposal and will continue to work with the applicant through the site plan approval process to explore opportunities to increase the number of surface parking spaces for visitor parking. Appropriate outdoor amenity area Appropriate outdoor amenity space is provided The proposal provides for a private outdoor amenity area for residents having a total of 258 square metres including a shaded area, garden and seating areas. Also, balconies are provided for apartment units and private patio areas for the ground related 2-storey apartment units. Strain on local parks New parks planned and park improvements in the Duffin Heights neighbourhood City Council Resolution #323/17 directed staff to work with developers and agencies to plan and provide appropriate outdoor recreation areas/parks in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. Staff have explored opportunities to improve and expand playground areas within existing parks and have approved new park spaces within the Duffin Heights neighbourhood. In late 2020, the City expanded the playground area in Creekside Park. A small junior playground was also constructed in Jackson Green (William Jackson and Misthollow Drive) in 2019. A future Village Green is proposed immediately north of the subject lands and is located between the residential subdivision and Brock Road. Construction impacts on existing residents A construction management plan will be required to minimize construction impacts on surrounding neighbours A construction management plan will be required as part of the site plan approval process. The construction management plan will establish operating hours, controls to limit noise and vibration, traffic management and proper management of air, dust, sediment control and waste management. Report PLN 05-21 February 1, 2021 Subject: 2184107 Ontario Inc. (A 14/18) Page 11 3.7 The applicant is required to become a party to the Duffin Heights cost-sharing agreement or pay their proportionate share of the development costs The applicant is required to become a party to the Duffin Heights cost-sharing agreement or pay their proportionate share of the development costs. The zoning by-law will include an "H" – Holding provision on the subject lands to ensure that the applicant pays their proportionate share or becomes a member of the Duffin Heights landowners group. 3.8 Technical matters will be addressed through the site plan approval process Detailed design issues will be dealt with through the site plan approval process. These requirements will address matters such as, but not limited to: • architectural treatment; • landscaping and fencing; • lighting; • pedestrian circulation and connections; • outdoor amenity area design; • drainage and grading; • site servicing; • construction management plan; • resident, visitor and accessible parking spaces; • waste management collection; and • location of hydro transformers, gas meters and other utilities. 4. Conclusion Staff supports the Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 14/18 and recommends that the site-specific implementing by-law, containing the standards set out in Appendix I to this Report, be finalized and brought before Council for enactment. 5. Applicant’s Comments The applicant supports the recommendations of this report. Appendix: Appendix I Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 14/18 Report PLN 05-21 February 1, 2021 Subject: 2184107 Ontario Inc. (A 14/18) Page 12 Attachments: 1.Location Map 2.Air Photo Map 3.Original Submitted Conceptual Site Plan 4. Revised Submitted Conceptual Site Plan 5.Revised Submitted Conceptual Rendering (Brock Road) 6.Revised Submitted Conceptual Rendering (Carousel Drive) 7.Summary of Proposal Details Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Cristina Celebre, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Principle Planner, Strategic Initiatives Chief Planner Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Kyle Bentley, P.Eng. Manager, Development Review Director, City Development & CBO & Urban Design CC:ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Interim Chief Administrative Officer Original Signed By Original Signed By Original Signed By Original Signed By Original Signed By Appendix I to Report No. PLN 05-21 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 14/18 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 14/18 That the implementing zoning by-law permits the establishment of the following zoning provisions: Permitted Uses: 1. Apartment Dwelling Units, including 2-storey Apartment Dwelling Units (that function as a Townhouse Unit) 2. Number of Dwelling Units: a. minimum number of units: 10 b. maximum number of units: 44 Building Restrictions: 3. All buildings and structures shall be located entirely within a building envelope with a minimum setback of 4.0 metres from the building to the Brock Road property line; minimum setback of 14 metres from the building to the north property line; minimum setback of 22 metres from the east property line; and minimum setback of 8.0 metres from the south property line. 4. The minimum setback for below grade parking structures shall be no closer than 0.3 metres from the limits of the lot line. 5. No building or portion of a building or structure shall be erected within the building envelope, unless a minimum of 58 percent of the entire length of the build-to-zone is occupied by a continuous portion of the exterior wall of a building. 6. Maximum Building Height of 22 metres and 6-storeys. Parking Requirements: 7. Minimum 1.0 parking space per apartment dwelling unit. 8. Minimum 1.75 parking space per 2-storey apartment dwelling unit (functioning as a townhouse unit). 9. Minimum 0.20 of a space per dwelling unit for visitor parking. Private Amenity Area: 10. Minimum 4.0 square metres of private amenity space is required per apartment dwelling unit. 11. Minimum 30 square metres of private amenity space is required per 2-storey apartment dwelling unit (functioning as a townhouse unit). 12. Minimum 250 square metres of private park area (outdoor amenity area). General Provisions: 13. Air conditioners units shall not be located between the front wall or a building or a dwelling and Brock Road. 14. Stairs; cover and uncovered porches and platforms; bay, box and bow windows; balconies, box windows; eaves; canopies, window sills and other similar features are permitted to project beyond the building envelope, but no closer than 0.6 of a metre to any lot line. 15. “H” – Holding provision on all lands until such time as the City receives an acknowledgement from the Trustee of the Duffin Heights Landowners Group that the applicant has made satisfactory arrangements to pay its proportionate share of the development costs to the Landowners Group. Wi l l i amJacksonDriveAdirondack Chase Grenwich Glen Huckleberry CrossingCarousel DriveRex Heath Drive Tally Street Liatris DriveNantucket ChaseEarl Grey A venueBoston GlenFourth Concession Road Brock RoadZents Drive CreeksidePark © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers all rights reserved.; © Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers all rights reserved.; City DevelopmentDepartment Location MapFile:Applicant:Property Description: A 14/18 Date: Nov. 17, 2020 ¯ 2184107 Ontario Inc.Part of Lot 18, Concession 3; Now Part 2, 40R-6962(Brock Road, North of Rex Heath Drive) SubjectLands L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\A\2018\A 14-18 2184107 Ontario Inc\A14_18_LocationMap.mxd 1:4,000 SCALE:THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY.EAttachment #1 to Report #PLN 05-21 Wi l l i amJacksonDriveAdirondack Chase Grenwich Glen Garrison CrossingJackpineC ros sing Huckleberry CrossingCarousel DriveCalico Mews Penny LaneRex Heath Drive Mayapple CrossingCarousel Mews Tally Street Liatris DriveNantucket ChaseEarl GreyAv en u e Boston GlenForbrock Street Starboard MewsFourth Concession Road Brock RoadZents Drive 1:4,000 SCALE: © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers all rights reserved.; © Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers all rights reserved.; City DevelopmentDepartment Air Photo MapFile:Applicant:Property Description: A 14/182184107 Ontario Inc. Part of Lot 18, Concession 3; Now Part 2, 40R-6962 THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. Date: Nov. 17, 2020E(Brock Road, North of Rex Heath Drive) L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\A\2018\A 14-18 2184107 Ontario Inc\A14_18_AirPhoto.mxd ¯ SubjectLands Attachment #2 to Report #PLN 05-21 Original Submitted Conceptual Site Plan City Development Department Nov 17, 2020FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. A 14/18 2184107 Ontario Inc.Applicant: Property Description: DATE: File No: Part of Lot 18, Concession 3; Now Part 2, 40R-6962 (Brock Road, North of Rex Heath Drive) L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2018 Attachment #3 to Report #PLN 05-21 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2018 Jan. 12, 2021DATE: Applicant: Property Description: File No: Revised Conceptual Site Plan FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 14/18 2184107 Ontario Inc. Part of Lot 18, Concession 3; Now Part 2, 40R-6962 (Brock Road, North of Rex Heath Drive) N 1.8 m High Wood Fence Vehicular Access Access to Underground Parking Garage 6-Storey Residential Building Private Outdoor Amenity Area 1.8 m High Wood Fence Attachment #4 to Report #PLN 05-21 To permit an accessory dwelling unit within a townhouse dwelling. 2-Storey Apartment Units (function as Townhouse Units) 2-Storey Apartment Units (function as Townhouse Units) L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2018 Nov 18, 2020DATE: Applicant: Property Description: File No: Revised Submitted Conceptual Rendering (Brock Road) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 14/18 2184107 Ontario Inc. Part of Lot 18, Concession 3; Now Part 2, 40R-6962 (Brock Road, North of Rex Heath Drive) Attachment #5 to Report #PLN 05-21 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2018 Nov 18, 2020DATE: Applicant: Property Description: File No: Revised Submitted Conceptual Rendering (Carousel Drive) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 14/18 2184107 Ontario Inc. Part of Lot 18, Concession 3; Now Part 2, 40R-6962 (Brock Road, North of Rex Heath Drive) Attachment #6 to Report #PLN 05-21 Attachment #7 to Report #PLN 05-21 Summary of original and revised proposal plan details: Original Plan Revised Plan Total Number of Dwelling Units 35 units 44 units Apartment Units 35 units 36 units Two-Storey Apartment Units (functioning as Townhouse Units) None 8 units Gross Floor Area (GFA) 5,012 square metres 4,825 square metres Commercial GFA 634 square metres Removed from proposal Residential GFA 4,378 square metres 4,825 square metres Density Units Per Hectare (uph) 110 uph 139 uph Floor Space Index 1.58 1.52 Building Storeys 6 storeys 6 storeys Private Outdoor Amenity Area 100 square metres 258 square metres Residential Parking 40 parking spaces 51 parking spaces Residential Parking Ratio Apartment: 1.14 spaces per unit Apartment: 1 parking space per unit 2-storey Apartment: 1.75 parking space per unit Visitor Parking 8 parking spaces 9 parking spaces Visitor Parking Ratio 0.22 spaces per unit 0.20 spaces per unit Commercial Parking 19 parking spaces Removed from proposal Total Number of Parking Spaces 67 parking spaces 60 parking spaces Bicycle Parking Not provided 22 bicycle spaces