HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 01-21Information Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: 01-21 Date: January 4, 2021 From: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Subject: City Initiated: Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Draft Amendment 40 to the Pickering Official Plan Draft Zoning By-law Amendment Files: OPA 20-006/P and A 11/20 1.Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to provide information on City initiated official plan and zoning by-law amendment applications to address infill and replacement housing in established neighbourhood precincts. This report contains general information on the applicable Official Plan and other related policies, and zoning by-law provisions, and the purpose of the proposed amendments. This report also provides a status update on staff’s work related to the implementation of a municipal by-law to regulate the width of a driveway on public property, and a private tree by-law to protect trees on private property. This report is intended to assist members of the public and other interested stakeholders to understand the proposal. Planning & Development Committee will hear public delegations on the applications, ask questions of clarification and identify any planning matters. This report is to be received and no decision is to be made at this time. Staff will bring forward a recommendation report for consideration by the Planning & Development Committee upon completion of a comprehensive evaluation of the proposal. 2.Background On September 28, 2020, Council endorsed the recommendations of the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study (the Infill Study). The Infill Study recommendations provided direction on the future evolution of the City’s identified established neighbourhood precincts (Neighbourhood Precincts) so that neighbourhood precinct character is properly considered through the development and building approval processes for infill and replacement housing. Also at that meeting, Council adopted Urban Design Guidelines for Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhood Precincts to support and enhance neighbourhood precinct characteristics and to assist staff, developers and the public to evaluate and prepare development or redevelopment applications. Information Report No. 01-21 Page 2 The Infill Study was prompted by the construction of an increasing number of houses, either as the result of a demolition and rebuild, or larger lots being severed and new homes built, that were significantly larger than existing adjacent houses. These new homes, commonly referred to as “monster homes”, created impacts in terms of privacy, shadow, and overlook for the neighbouring homes, and altered the streetscape within these parts of established residential areas of the City. A robust engagement process was undertaken throughout the Infill Study with active participation and feedback received from members of the public, the building community, and advisory committees of Council. The recommendations of the Infill Study included: • identifying “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zones”, being the specific areas where proposed new official plan, zoning and other by-laws would apply; • defining “infill” and “replacement housing” in the Pickering Official Plan and Zoning By-laws 2511, 2520 and 3036; • proposing new official plan policies related to compatibility of infill and replacement housing to ensure that new development minimizes impacts related to privacy, overlook, shadowing and loss of open space; • defining “Front Entrance” in Zoning By-laws 2511, 2520 and 3036; • proposing new, or amended, zoning regulations for dwelling height, height of front entrance, dwelling depth, lot coverage, minimum and maximum front yard setback, maximum garage width, maximum driveway width, and minimum side yard setback for infill and replacement housing; • proposing the adoption of the Urban Design Guidelines for Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhood Precincts; • implementing a by-law to regulate the width of driveways within the public right-of-way; and • considering the implementation of a Private Tree Protection By-law. The recommendation to adopt the Urban Design Guidelines for Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhood Precincts was endorsed by Council at its meeting of September 28, 2020. This Information Report is the first step in the Planning Act process to amend the City’s Official Plan and zoning by-laws to implement the planning recommendations of the Infill Study. The recommendations to implement a by-law to regulate the width of driveways within the public right-of-way, and to consider the implementation of a Private Tree Protection By- law, are not Planning Act matters and are being addressed separately and concurrently with this process. Section 11, Other Tools, of this report, addresses the status of those processes. Information Report No. 01-21 Page 3 3. Lands Affected by the Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments The proposed Official Plan and zoning by-law amendments contain policies and regulations respectively that will apply to areas within the City identified as Established Neighbourhood Precincts. They are shown on the Location Map in Attachment #1 and on the Established Neighbourhood Precinct Maps in Attachment #2. There are certain key differences in the mapping of the Established Neighbourhood Precincts and the mapping shown in the Recommendations Report of August 2020 prepared by SGL Planning & Design Inc. (SGL Report). The rationale for these key differences in the mapping is discussed below: • Bay Ridges Neighbourhood: The boundary of the Established Neighbourhood Precincts shown in Attachment #2 excludes properties that are within the Local Node designation at, and near, the intersections of Liverpool Road and Orchard Avenue and Liverpool Road and Krosno Boulevard. The provisions for infill and replacement housing are not intended to apply to areas of the City that are designated Mixed Use Areas, which have, or are intended to have the widest variety of uses and highest levels of activity in the City. The Mixed Use Areas – Local Node designation permits a variety of uses including residential, retailing of goods and services generally serving the needs of the surrounding neighbourhoods, offices and restaurants, community, cultural and recreational uses, community gardens and farmer’s markets. • Rougemount Neighbourhood: The boundary of the Established Neighbourhood Precinct in the Rougemount Neighbourhood has been altered from the recommended boundary in the SGL Report to include the south side of Twyn Rivers Drive west of Woodview Drive, both sides of Brimwood Court, and both sides of Woodview Drive. This is consistent with the criteria established in the Infill Study. • Village East Neighbourhood: The area along Guild Road and Royal Road in the Village East Neighbourhood shown as an Established Neighbourhood Precinct in the SGL Report, is designated as an Urban Residential Area, Medium Density Area in the City’s Official Plan. The provisions for infill and replacement housing are not intended to apply to areas of the City that are designated Medium Density, which have, or are intended to have, minimum and maximum net residential densities of over 30 and up to and including 80 dwellings per net hectare. As such, the originally proposed Established Neighbourhood Precinct in the Village East Neighbourhood has been removed. In addition, some minor corrections were made to the mapping to accurately reflect the existing Neighbourhood boundaries. 4. Proposed Official Plan Amendment 40 Appendix I to this Report is the Proposed Amendment 40 to the City of Pickering Official Plan. It introduces new policies in Chapter 3 – Land Use and Chapter 9 – Community Design, and new definitions to Chapter 15 – Implementation, to provide direction on the requirements for development of infill and replacement housing in Established Neighbourhood Precincts. More specifically, key proposed amendments to the Official Plan add: Information Report No. 01-21 Page 4 • Definitions for “Infill Dwelling” and “Replacement Dwelling”; • Policies that require that when the City considers applications for the development of Infill or Replacement Dwellings within an identified Established Neighbourhood Precinct, such development complements and is compatible with the character of the Established Neighbourhood Precinct with respect to: • minimizing impacts associated with privacy, overlook and shadowing on neighbouring properties; • reinforcing the established patterns of existing side yard setbacks and separation distances between dwellings as observed from the street; • reinforcing the established pattern of existing lot widths and front yard setbacks on the street; • promoting garages and carports to be located flush with or behind the front main walls of the dwelling; • maximizing front yard landscaping; • encouraging the preservation of existing mature trees; and • identifying that the Urban Design Guidelines for Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhood Precincts will prevail in the event of a conflict with any Development Guideline within the Compendium Document. 5. Proposed Informational Revision Number 28 Appendix Il to this Report is the Proposed Informational Revision 28 to the City of Pickering Official Plan. The purpose of the Proposed Informational Revision is to add a layer identifying the boundaries of Established Neighbouthood Precincts to the neighbourhood maps contained within Chapter 12 – Urban Neighbourhoods, of the Pickering Official Plan. In particular, the following neighbourhood maps are proposed to be revised: • Map 11: Neighbourhood 1: Rosebank; • Map 12: Neighbourhood 2: West Shore; • Map 13: Neighbourhood 3: Bay Ridges; • Map 15: Neighbourhood 5: Rougemount; • Map 16: Neighbourhood 6: Woodlands; • Map 17: Neighbourhood 7: Dunbarton; • Map 20: Neighbourhood 10: Highbush; and • Map 22: Neighbourhood 12: Liverpool. 6. Proposed City Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment (A 11/20) The majority of the subject lands within the identified Established Neighbourhood Precincts are currently zoned as “Detached Dwelling, Third Density Zone – R3”, “Detached Dwelling, Fourth Density Zone – R4”, or “Multiple Family Dwelling, First Density Zone – RMl” or a site-specific zone for residential dwellings including single detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings, and single attached dwellings (street townhouse dwellings). Uses permitted in the “R3” and “R4” zones are single detached dwellings. Uses permitted in the “RM1” zone include single detached dwellings, semi- detached dwellings and duplex dwellings. Information Report No. 01-21 Page 5 The City Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to rezone all of the lands within the Established Neighbourhood Precincts to an “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone” category (see Draft Zoning By-law Amendments, Appendices lll, lV and V). The proposed amendments will not change the permitted uses within the zones. The amendment will consist of the following: • Adding new definitions for: • Dwelling Depth; • Dwelling Height; • Dwelling Width; • Front Entrance; • Infill Dwelling; • Lot Coverage; • Replacement Dwelling; and • Setback; • Adding new provisions for: • Dwelling Depth (maximum); • Dwelling Height (maximum); • Driveway Width (maximum); • Front Entrance (maximum elevation); • Front Yard Setback (maximum and minimum); • Garage or Carport (maximum width); • Interior Garage Size (minimum); • Lot Coverage (maximum); and • Side Yard Setback for Infill Dwelling (minimum); • Adding new Transitional Provisions which address how Planning Act applications will be reviewed and addressed through the transition period between the adoption of this by-law amendment and any potential appeal process. Existing zoning provisions that deal with matters other than what is listed above, will continue to apply. 7.0 Policy Framework 7.1. Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 The Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 (PPS) provides policy direction on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development and sets the policy foundation for regulating the development and use of land. It also supports the provincial goal to enhance the quality of life for all Ontarians. The PPS identifies that municipal official plans are the most important vehicle for the implementation of the PPS and for achieving comprehensive, integrated and long-term planning. Information Report No. 01-21 Page 6 Among other policies, the PPS establishes that healthy, livable and safe communities are sustained by promoting efficient development and land use patterns over the long-term (PPS 1.1.1 a), accommodating an appropriate range and mix of residential and other uses to meet long-term needs (PPS 1.1.1 b) and promoting cost-effective development patterns and standards to minimize land consumption and servicing costs (PPS 1.1.1 e). In addition, the PPS requires that planning authorities take into account existing building stock or areas when identifying appropriate locations to accommodate the supply and range of housing options through intensification and redevelopment (PPS The PPS also promotes appropriate development standards that facilitate redevelopment while avoiding or mitigating risks to public health and safety (PPS and directing the development of new housing towards locations where appropriate levels of infrastructure and public service facilities are or will be available to support current and projected needs (PPS 1.4.3 c). The proposed amendments seek to manage new construction of dwellings within existing residential areas that occur through gentle intensification of established neighbourhood precincts. As such, the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments are consistent with the PPS. 7.2. A Place to Grow, Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2019 A Place to Grow, Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2019 (A Place to Grow) builds on the PPS and establishes a unique land use planning framework for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) that supports the achievement of complete communities, a thriving economy, a clean and healthy environment, and social equity. In particular, forecasted growth to the horizon of A Place to Grow is to be allocated based on, among other things, directing the vast majority of growth to settlement areas that have a delineated built boundary (policy a) i)) and that intensification will be encouraged throughout the delineated built-up area (policy c)) while considering the range and mix of housing options and densities of the existing housing stock (policy c)). The proposed amendments seek to manage new construction of dwellings within existing residential areas that occur through gentle intensification of established neighbourhood precincts. As such, the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments are consistent with A Place to Grow. 7.3. Durham Region Official Plan Lands identified within the Established Neighbourhood Precincts are designated as “Living Areas” in the Durham Regional Official Plan. Lands within the “Living Areas” designation shall be used predominantly for housing purposes, incorporating the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure to provide living accommodations that address various socio-economic factors. The proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments conform to the policies of the Durham Regional Official Plan. Information Report No. 01-21 Page 7 7.4. Pickering Official Plan The Pickering Official Plan designates the lands within the Established Neighbourhood Precincts as “Urban Residential Areas – Low Density Areas”. The “Urban Residential Areas – Low Density” designation include areas intended primarily for housing and related uses and activities, and permits a maximum net residential density of 30 dwellings per net hectare. An objective of the City’s Official Plan is to protect and enhance the character of established neighbourhoods and to have consideration for such matters as building height, yard setback, lot coverage, access to sunlight, parking provisions and traffic implications in establishing performance standards. Proposed Amendment 40 is intended to further strengthen the current policies in the Plan that pertain to neighbourhood character protection and enhancement. The Draft Zoning By-law Amendments conform to the policies of the Pickering Official Plan. 7.4.1 Neighbourhood Development Guidelines There are three Neighbourhood Development Guidelines that apply to areas subject to the proposed Established Neighbourhood Precincts and their associated zoning by-law provisions. They are the Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines, the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines, and the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. Each of these Neighbourhood Development Guidelines and how they are impacted by the proposed Established Neighbourhood Precinct zoning by-law provisions is discussed separately in the following sections. Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines Various portions of the lands to which the Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines apply, are within Established Neighbourhood Precincts. The Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines establish three distinct Design Precincts which limit the built form to the provision of single detached dwellings or semi-detached dwellings (in Design Precinct No. 3 only). In addition, the three Design Precincts are distinguished from each other by virtue of the restrictions associated with lot frontage and lot depth. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment does not conflict with the Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines Lands south of Commerce Street, north of Annland Street and west of Liverpool Road, are within an area to which the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines apply, as well as within a proposed Established Neighbourhood Precinct. Information Report No. 01-21 Page 8 In particular, the area defined as the “Established Built Area” within the Tertiary Plan – Liverpool Waterfront Node, overlaps with the Bay Ridges Established Neighbourhood Precinct, identified in Attachment #2. The Established Built Area consists primarily of the historic Village of Fairport. The intent of the Liverpool Waterfront Node Guidelines is to protect the character of the historic village while providing an opportunity for revitalizing a “village” function by permitting activities such as tearooms, craft shops, art studios, and offices. Any additional uses not currently permitted in the zoning by-law would be subject to the consideration of a site-specific rezoning application. Appendix A: Detailed Architectural, Landscape and Streetscape Guidelines of the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines, has also been reviewed to ensure that these guidelines do not conflict with the proposed zoning provisions for Established Neighbourhood Precincts. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment does not conflict with the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines. Dunbarton Neighbourhood Development Guidelines All of the lands to which the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Development Guidelines apply, are within a proposed Established Neighbourhood Precinct. The Dunbarton Neighbourhood Development Guidelines establish development and design guidelines which limit the built form to the provision of single detached dwellings, as well as restrictions associated with lot frontage, lot depth, front yard, side yard and flankage yard setbacks, dwelling height (maximum of 9.0 metres, calculated from the average grade at the front of the dwelling) and direction regarding garage projections. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment does not conflict with the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. 7.5. Zoning By-laws 2511, 2520 and 3036 The lands proposed to be rezoned by this amendment are subject to parent Zoning By-laws 2511, 2520 and 3036. Attachment #3 shows the current zoning within the proposed Established Neighbourhood Precincts. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendments will create an overlay zone with provisions that will assist in ensuring that new built form is compatible with the existing built form. The proposed zoning provisions are listed in Section 6 of this report and are set out in the Draft Zoning By-law Amendments in Appendices lll, lV, and V. The proposed zoning by-law conforms with and implements the Proposed Amendment 40, and is consistent with the Council adopted Urban Design Guidelines for Infill & Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhood Precincts. Information Report No. 01-21 Page 9 8. Notice and Comments Received Notice of this public meeting, to be hosted on January 4, 2020, has been placed on the Community Page in the December 10, 2020 and December 17, 2020 editions of the News Advertiser. Notice has been mailed to all land owners within the Established Neighbourhood Precincts and to all land owners within 150 metres of the affected lands and is posted on the City’s website. In addition, all individuals and organizations listed on the Interested Parties List for the Infill Study were notified of this public meeting. At the time of writing this Report, no comments have been received from the public. 8.1 Agency and City Departments Comments The Draft Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments were circulated to the Region of Durham, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, the City’s Engineering and Municipal Law Enforcement Departments. At the time of writing this Report, no comments have been received from the noted agencies and City Departments. 9. Next Steps Following the public meeting, all comments received either through the public meeting or through written submissions, will be considered by Planning staff in its review and analysis of the proposed amendments. At such time as input from the public, agencies and departments have been received and assessed, a recommendation report will be brought forward to the Planning & Development Committee for consideration. 10. Procedural information 10.1 General • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the City Development Department; • oral comments may be made at the Electronic Statutory Public Meeting; • all comments received will be noted and used as input to a Planning Report prepared by the City Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council’s decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; and • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council’s decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 10.2 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority The Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or Provincial interest. At this time, the Region has not yet determined whether this official plan amendment application is exempt from Regional Approval. Information Report No. 01-21 Page 10 11. Other Tools In addition to Council’s direction to staff to prepare official plan and zoning by-law amendments to implement the recommendations of the Infill Study, Council directed staff to implement a driveway width by-law (a municipal by-law) to regulate the width of a driveway on public property, and to consider implementing a private tree by-law (municipal by-law) to protect trees on private property. The sections below provide an update on that work. 11.1 Driveway Width By-law for Public Property In accordance with the September 28, 2020 direction of Council, staff has initiated the process to implement a driveway width by-law to regulate the width of a driveway within the public right-of-way. Public right-of-way refers to the area of a property located between the curb/edge of pavement and the sidewalk/private property line. Through such a by-law, the width of the portion of the driveway on public property is to be limited to a maximum of 6.0 metres for those driveways within the Established Neighbourhood Precincts. Consultation with internal departments including Engineering Services and Municipal Law Enforcement is underway. 11.2 Private Tree By-law In accordance with the September 28, 2020 direction of Council, staff has initiated the process to investigate the details and implications of a Private Tree Protection By-law. Such a by-law could include criteria to regulate the removal or injury of trees on private property, tree protection measures for existing trees where development is proposed nearby, as well as compensation measures to ensure the provision of new trees or, as a last resort, financial compensation to the City when trees are removed. Consultation with internal departments including Engineering Services and Municipal Law Enforcement is underway. 12. Supporting Information Full scale copies of the plans and studies listed below are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering, City Development Department and on the City’s website: • Infill & Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhood Study, August 2020 Appendices Appendix l – Proposed Amendment 40 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Appendix ll – Proposed Informational Revision 28 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Appendix lll – Draft Zoning By-law Amendment (2511) Appendix lV – Draft Zoning By-law Amendment (2520) Appendix V – Draft Zoning By-law Amendment (3036) Information Report No. 01-21 Page 11 Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Established Neighbourhood Precinct Maps 3. Current Zoning and Proposed Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Margaret Kish, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner, Policy Chief Planner Déan Jacobs, MCIP, RPP Manager, Policy & Geomatics MK:ld Date of Report: December 18, 2020 Appendix I to Information Report 01-21 Proposed Amendment 40 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Proposed Amendment 40 to the Pickering Official Plan Purpose: The purpose of Amendment 40 is to amend the City of Pickering Official Plan to add new policies that require that new development that is within an Established Neighbourhood Precinct, fits in, complements, and is compatible with the existing character of the neighbourhood, and to establish definitions for “infill dwelling” and “replacement dwelling”. Location: The Amendment applies to lands within Established Neighbourhood Precincts to be identified on the following neighbourhood maps within the Pickering Official Plan: • Map 11: Neighbourhood 1: Rosebank; • Map 12: Neighbourhood 2: West Shore; • Map 13: Neighbourhood 3: Bay Ridges; • Map 15: Neighbourhood 5: Rougemount; • Map 16: Neighbourhood 6: Woodlands; • Map 17: Neighbourhood 7: Dunbarton; • Map 20: Neighbourhood 10: Highbush; and • Map 22: Neighbourhood 12: Liverpool. The Established Neighbourhood Precincts boundaries were determined through the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study which included a robust and comprehensive consultation and engagement process. The precinct boundaries are primarily based on the characteristics of: lot size, age of dwellings, the ”footprint” of homes relative to the size of the lot, and areas within established neighbourhoods where an increased frequency of construction of infill and replacement housing was observed. Basis: On September 28, 2020 Council endorsed the recommendations of the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study (the Infill Study) and adopted the Urban Design Guidelines for Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhood Precincts. The recommendations of the Infill Study provide direction for the preparation of appropriate planning implementation tools to facilitate a sensitive transition between existing houses and new construction occurring in certain parts of the City’s established neighbourhoods. The Infill Study was prompted by the construction of an increasing number of houses that were significantly larger than existing adjacent houses creating impacts to privacy, shadow, and overlook for the neighbouring homes and altering the streetscape within parts of established residential areas of the City. This Amendment, in concert with the Informational Revision, an implementing zoning by-law and the Council-adopted urban design guidelines, will guide the planning and design of infill and replacement housing to ensure this type of new development is compatible with the character within identified established neighourhood precincts in the City. Proposed Amendment 40 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 2 Actual Amendment: The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: (New text is shown as underlined text, deleted text is shown as strikeout text, and retained text is shown as unchanged text.) 1. Revising City Policy 3.9, Urban Residential Areas, in Chapter 3 – Land Use, by adding a new subsection (c) (ii) and renumbering the existing (c) (ii) and (iii) appropriately, deleting “and” at the end of subsection (d); deleting the period “.”and adding “; and” at the end of subsection (e); and adding new subsection (f) as follows: “(c) in establishing performance standards, restrictions and provisions for urban Residential Areas, shall have particular regard to the following: (i) protecting and enhancing the character of established neighbourhoods, considering such matters as building height, yard setback, lot coverage, access to sunlight, parking provisions and traffic implications; (ii) acknowledge that certain areas within the City may be more susceptible to the construction of Infill and Replacement Dwellings and may identify these areas as Established Neighbourhood Precincts on the Neighbourhood Maps in Chapter 12 – Urban Neighbourhoods, and establish zoning provisions to appropriately address matters such as privacy, overlook and shadowing as they relate to the impact of the construction of new Infill and Replacement Dwellings on the character of the existing neighbourhood; (iii) …; (iv) …; (d) …; and (e) ….; and (f) when considering applications for the development of Infill or Replacement Dwellings within an Established Neighbourhood Precinct, as identified on Maps 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20 and 22 of this Plan, shall require that such development fits in, complements and is compatible with the character of the Established Neighbourhood Precinct with respect to: (i) minimizing the impacts associated with privacy, overlook and shadowing on neighbouring properties and promoting development of a compatible scale as observed from neighbouring properties and the street; (ii) reinforcing the established pattern of existing side yard setbacks and separation distances between dwellings as observed from the street; Proposed Amendment 40 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 3 (iii) reinforcing the established pattern of existing lot widths in the Established Neighbourhood Precinct; (iv) reinforcing the established pattern of front yard setbacks on the street; (v) promoting garages and carports to be located flush with or behind the front main walls of dwellings, such that they do not dominate the width of the façade; (vi) maximizing the front yard landscaping to the greatest extent possible; (vii) encouraging the preservation of existing mature trees to the greatest extent possible; and (viii) the Urban Design Guidelines for Infill & Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhood Precincts, which will prevail in the event of a conflict with any Development Guideline within the Compendium Document.” 2. Revising City Policy 9.2, Community Design Objectives, in Chapter 9 – Community Design, by renumbering subsection (e) into (e) (i), adding “and” at the end of subsection (e) (i), and adding a new subsection (e) (ii) as follows: “(e) encourage: (i) developments that are designed to fit their contexts by considering the mix of uses, and the massing, height, scale, architectural style and details of existing, adjacent buildings; and (ii) the development of compatible Infill and Replacement Dwellings within Established Neighbourhood Precincts as identified on Maps 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20 and 22 of this Plan, to ensure that new development minimizes impacts related to privacy, overlook, shadowing and loss of open space, particularly with respect to the matters identified in Policy 3.9 (f).” 3. Adding a definition for the term “Infill Dwelling” in alphabetic order to Section 15.15, Glossary, in Chapter 15 – Implementation, as follows: “Infill Dwelling(s), in relation to City Policies 3.9 and 9.2, means the development of one or more dwellings such as single detached, semi-detached or street townhouse dwellings through a consolidation of lots or the severance of a larger lot located within an Established Neighbourhood Precinct as identified on Maps 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20 and 22 of this Plan. Infill Dwelling does not include the development of stacked townhouses, stacked back-to-back townhouses, apartment buildings, or other forms of multi-unit housing resulting in a higher level of density.” Proposed Amendment 40 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 4 4. Adding a definition for the term “Replacement Dwelling” in alphabetic order to Section 15.15, Glossary, in Chapter 15 – Implementation, as follows: “Replacement Dwelling means the rebuild of a dwelling either through a substantial alteration, or demolition and replacement, and that is located within an Established Neighbourhood Precinct as identified on Maps 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20 and 22 of this Plan.” Implementation: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment, except as revised by this amendment. OPA 20-006/P A 11/20 City Initiated: Infill and Replacement Housing Study Appendix II to Information Report 01-21 Proposed Informational Revision 28 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Proposed Informational Revision 28 to the Pickering Official Plan Purpose: The purpose of this Proposed Informational Revision is to add a layer identifying the boundaries of Established Neighbourhood Precincts to the informational neighbourhood maps contained within Chapter 12 – Urban Neighbourhoods, within the Pickering Official Plan. In particular the following neighbourhood maps are proposed to be revised: • Map 11: Neighbourhood 1: Rosebank; • Map 12: Neighbourhood 2: West Shore; • Map 13: Neighbourhood 3: Bay Ridges; • Map 15: Neighbourhood 5: Rougemount; • Map 16: Neighbourhood 6: Woodlands; • Map 17: Neighbourhood 7: Dunbarton; • Map 20: Neighbourhood 10: Highbush; and • Map 22: Neighbourhood 12: Liverpool. Location: The Informational Revision applies to lands within Established Neighbourhood Precincts to be identified on the following neighbourhood maps within the Pickering Official Plan: • Map 11: Neighbourhood 1: Rosebank; • Map 12: Neighbourhood 2: West Shore; • Map 13: Neighbourhood 3: Bay Ridges; • Map 15: Neighbourhood 5: Rougemount; • Map 16: Neighbourhood 6: Woodlands; • Map 17: Neighbourhood 7: Dunbarton; • Map 20: Neighbourhood 10: Highbush; and • Map 22: Neighbourhood 12: Liverpool. The location and boundaries of Established Neighbourhood Precincts were determined through the Infill and Replacement in Established Neighbourhoods Study which included a robust and comprehensive consultation and engagement process. The precinct boundaries are primarily based on the characteristics of: lot size, age of dwellings, the “footprint” of homes relative to the size of the lot, and areas within established neighbourhoods where an increased frequency of construction of infill and replacement housing was observed. Basis: In reviewing the informational text contained in the Official Plan, various technical revisions have been determined to be necessary and appropriate to assist users with understanding the changes to the Official Plan text implemented through the associated Official Plan Amendment. Proposed Revision: The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby revised by: 1. Adding Established Neighbourhood Precincts and their associated boundaries to the following Neighbourhood Maps in Chapter 12 – Urban Neighbourhoods, as illustrated on Schedule “A”, attached to this Informational Revision: Proposed Informational Revision 28 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 2 (a) Map 11: Neighbourhood 1: Rosebank; (b) Map 12: Neighbourhood 2: West Shore; (c) Map 13: Neighbourhood 3: Bay Ridges; (d) Map 15: Neighbourhood 5: Rougemount; (e) Map 16: Neighbourhood 6: Woodlands; (f) Map 17: Neighbourhood 7: Dunbarton; (g) Map 20: Neighbourhood 10: Highbush; and (h) Map 22: Neighbourhood 12: Liverpool. 2. On page 178, under Chapter 12 – Urban Neighbourhoods, General Information, adding the following as a last point: “indicate the boundaries of Established Neighbourhood Precincts” 3. Adding the following informational sidebar adjacent to Section 3.9 (f): 4. Adding the following informational sidebar adjacent to Section 3.9 (f): Infill Dwelling(s), in relation to City Policy 3.9, means the development of one or more dwellings such as single detached, semi-detached or street townhouse dwellings through a consolidation of lots or the severance of a larger lot located within an Established Neighbourhood Precinct as identified on Maps 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20 and 22 of this Plan. Infill Dwelling does not include the development of stacked townhouses, stacked back-to-back townhouses, apartment buildings, or other forms of multi-unit housing resulting in a higher level of density. Infill Dwelling(s) is defined in Section 15.15, Glossary, in Chapter 15 – Implementation. Replacement Dwelling, in relation to City Policy 3.9, means the rebuild of a dwelling either through a substantial alteration, or demolition and replacement, and that is located within an Established Neighbourhood Precinct as identified on Maps 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20 and 22 of this Plan.” Replacement Dwelling is defined in Section 15.15, Glossary, in Chapter 15 – Implementation. Proposed Informational Revision 28 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 3 5. Adding the following informational sidebar adjacent to Section 9.2 (e): 6. Adding the following informational sidebar adjacent to Section 9.2 (e): Cross Reference: OPA 20-006/P City Initiated Infill Dwelling(s), in relation to City Policy 9.2, means the development of one or more dwellings such as single detached, semi-detached or street townhouse dwellings through a consolidation of lots or the severance of a larger lot located within an Established Neighbourhood Precinct as identified on Maps 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20 and 22 of this Plan. Infill Dwelling does not include the development of stacked townhouses, stacked back-to-back townhouses, apartment buildings, or other forms of multi-unit housing resulting in a higher level of density. Infill Dwelling(s) is defined in Section 15.15, Glossary, in Chapter 15 – Implementation. Replacement Dwelling, in relation to City Policy 9.2, means the rebuild of a dwelling either through a substantial alteration, or demolition and replacement, and that is located within an Established Neighbourhood Precinct as identified on Maps 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20 and 22 of this Plan.” Replacement Dwelling is defined in Section 15.15, Glossary, in Chapter 15 – Implementation. Highway 4 0 1Altona RoadRougemount DriveKingston R o a d Whites RoadRosebank RoadGranite Court Bayly Street Ci tyo fTo ron toRougemountDrive DunnCrescentRoddAvenue Toynevale Road P etti coat CreekCowan CircleChantillyRoadRosebank RoadOakwood DriveStaghorn RoadMaitlandDriveMountainAshDriveLekani CourtWoodgrange Av e n u eLyttonCourt DysonRoadGillmossRoadMcleod CrescentBell aVista Dri v eDahlia CrescentPineR idgeRoad MoorelandsCrescent¹ Map 11: Neighbourhood 1: Rosebank City of Pickering CityDevelopmentDepartment ©September,2020 ThisMapFormsPartof Edition ? of the Pickering Official Plan and Must Be ReadinConjunctionwiththeOtherSchedulesandtheText. Note: Land Use Designations Appear on Schedule I & Schedule XIV Legend Neighbourhood Boundary Regional Storm Flood Line Detailed Review Area Kingston Mixed Corridor Intensification Area (Refer to Chapter 11A) Lands for which Council has adopted Development Guidelines (Refer to Compendium Document) Established Neighbourhood Precincts New Road Connections (Proposed) Community Centre Fire Station Library Senior's Centre Cemetery Place Of Worship Elementary Public School Elementary Separate School Park Schedule A Dixie RoadToynevale Road Whites RoadKingston RoadFairport RoadWest Shore BoulevardBayly Stree t Sheppard Avenue Rosebank RoadGrani t e C o u r t Highway 4 0 1 Whites RoadParkCrescentWest Shore BoulevardTimminsGardens BreezyDriveVicki Drive SanokDriv eHillcrest RoadBatoryAvenueDo w n l a n d D r i v eEyer DriveBroadgreenSt reetOklahoma Drive VistulaDrive AtwoodCrescent LynxAvenue Breda Avenue Sunrise Avenue Surf AvenueVictory DriveHillviewCrescentCreekvie w CircleHamptonCourt Cecyli a CourtMarksbury RoadEngelCourt SandcastleCourt Moretta Avenue Leaside StreetGraniteCourt YeremiStreetMink StreetOliva StreetBeachpointPromenadeSandstoneManorStonebridgeLane CliffviewRoadMar inet Crescent EssaCrescent¹ Map 12: Neighbourhood 2: West Shore City of Pickering City Development Department © September, 2020 This Map Forms Part of Edition ? of the Pickering Official Plan and Must Be Read in Conjunction with the Other Schedules and the Text. Note: Land Use Designations Appear on Schedule I & Schedule XIV Legend Neighbourhood Boundary Regional Storm Flood Line Detailed Review Area Kingston Mixed Corridor Intensification Area (Refer to Chapter 11A) Established Neighbourhood Precincts Pedestrian/Bicycle Connection (Proposed) New Road Connections (Proposed) Community Centre Fire Station Library Senior's Centre Place Of Worship Elementary Public School Elementary Separate School Secondary Public School Swimming Pool Park Historical Village Liverpool RoadDix ie Road Kingst o n R o a d Sandy Beach RoadBayly Street Highway 40 1 Montgomery Park RoadLiverpool RoadGu llCrossingBrowningAvenue Modlin RoadColmar Avenue IlonaParkRoad Balaton AvenueFairview AvenueDouglas AvenueBegley StreetAnnland Street Tanzer CourtAlyssum Street DravaStreet KrosnoBoulevardParkham CrescentReytanBoulevardGarvolin Avenue Front RoadFoxgloveAvenue Tatra Drive St Martins DriveBem AvenueNaroch BoulevardZator AvenueGrenoble BoulevardLublin AvenueHaller Avenue RadomStre et Commerce Street Poprad Avenue ChapleauD rive HelenCre scent Pleasant StreetBayviewStreet Wharf Street AllianceRoadOldOrchardAvenue Cortez AvenueKi ngfisherDriveFordonAvenue Broadview Street Miriam RoadAntonio Street¹ Map 13: Neighbourhood 3: Bay Ridges City of Pickering City Development Department © September, 2020 This Map Forms Part of Edition ? of the Pickering Official Plan and Must Be Read in Conjunction with the Other Schedules and the Text. Note: Land Use Designations Appear on Schedule I & Schedule XIV Legend Neighbourhood Boundary Regional Storm Flood Line Detailed Review Area Kingston Mixed Corridor Intensification Area (Refer to Chapter 11A) Lands for which Council has adopted Development Guidelines (Refer to Compendium Document) Established Neighbourhood Precincts Pedestrian/Bicycle Connection (Existing) Pedestrian/Bicycle Connection (Proposed) New Road Connections (Proposed) Arena Community Centre Fire Station Senior's Centre Cemetery Place Of Worship Elementary Public School GO Station Park Historical Village Toynevale RoadAltona RoadRougemount DriveKingston R o a d Sheppard Avenue City of TorontoRouge Na t iona l U rban Pa rk Rougemount DriveAshwoodGateHoover DriveValley Gate LittlefordStreet FiddlersCourt FawndaleRoadGw endolynStreet T o mlinsonCourt BrookridgeGateDalewood D r ive Twyn Rivers Drive BrimwoodCourt RougeHillCourt RiverviewCrescentRichardsonStreet Stover Crescent RougeVall eyDr i veHowellCrescent WoodviewDrive¹ Map 15: Neighbourhood 5: Rougemount City of Pickering City Development Department © September, 2020 This Map Forms Part of Edition ? of the Pickering Official Plan and Must Be Read in Conjunction with the Other Schedules and the Text. Note: Land Use Designations Appear on Schedule I & Schedule XIV Legend Neighbourhood Boundary Regional Storm Flood Line Detailed Review Area Kingston Mixed Corridor Intensification Area (Refer to Chapter 11A) Established Neighbourhood Precincts Community Centre Library Senior's Centre Cemetery Place Of Worship Elementary Public School Elementary Separate School Park Toynevale Road Rosebank RoadSheppard Avenue Kingston Roa d Highway 4 0 1 Whites RoadGranite CourtRougemount DriveBayly Street Sheppard Avenue BarryDrive Rosebank RoadEdmundDriveOld Forest RoadDunfair Street Steeple Hill CattailCour t Lightfoot PlaceDeltaBoulevardDaylightCourtRainyDay DriveSundownC rescent HighbushTrail¹ Map 16: Neighbourhood 6: Woodlands City of Pickering City Development Department © September, 2020 This Map Forms Part of Edition ? of the Pickering Official Plan and Must Be Read in Conjunction with the Other Schedules and the Text. Note: Land Use Designations Appear on Schedule I & Schedule XIV Legend Neighbourhood Boundary Regional Storm Flood Line Detailed Review Area Kingston Mixed Corridor Intensification Area (Refer to Chapter 11A) Established Neighbourhood Precincts New Road Connections (Proposed) Community Centre Fire Station Library Senior's Centre Place Of Worship Elementary Public School Elementary Separate School Secondary Public School Swimming Pool Park Proposed Park Kingst o n R o a d Glenanna RoadDixie RoadFinch Avenue Fairport RoadSheppard Avenue Highwa y 4 0 1 Strouds Lan e Whites RoadBayly StreetGlendale DriveSpruce Hill RoadFairport RoadFinch Avenue AppleviewRoadBonita Avenue GoldenridgeRoadSpart anCourtDarwin Dri veSpruce Hill RoadWingarden CrescentDunbartonRoad Rushton Road KingstonRoadShade Master DriveVoyagerAvenue StroudsLane WelrusStreet Falconwood WayMerritton Road Taplin Drive RegalCrescent ¹ Map 17: Neighbourhood 7: Dunbarton City of Pickering City Development Department © September, 2020 This Map Forms Part of Edition ? of the Pickering Official Plan and Must Be Read in Conjunction with the Other Schedules and the Text. Note: Land Use Designations Appear on Schedule I & Schedule XIV Legend Neighbourhood Boundary Regional Storm Flood Line Detailed Review Area Kingston Mixed Corridor Intensification Area (Refer to Chapter 11A) Lands for which Council has adopted Development Guidelines (Refer to Compendium Document) Established Neighbourhood Precincts Pedestrian/Bicycle Connection (Proposed) New Road Connections (Proposed) Community Centre Fire Station Senior's Centre Cemetery Place Of Worship Elementary Public School Elementary Separate School Secondary Public School Secondary Separate School Swimming Pool Park Historical Village Strouds La n eAltona RoadCity of TorontoValleyviewDrivePineGroveAvenueLawson Street Sta llionChaseSparrowCircleWaterford Gate Hogar th Street WilcroftCourt Westcreek DriveValley Ridge CrescentThicket Crescent Forestview DriveNordane DriveSandhurstCrescent Tranquil Court Cal v ingtonDriveSt ro u d s L a n e Treetop Wa yOakburnStreet CastleStreetHumm ingbirdCourtProhill Street West Lane Chickadee CourtSweetbriar Court Woodview AvenueLancrest Street Copley Street Secord Street MeldronDrive GranbyCourtMo ssbrookSquareRougeForest Crescent Sandcherr yCourtRockwood DriveWhitePineCrescent Senator St reet¹ Map 20: Neighbourhood 10: Highbush City of Pickering City Development Department © September, 2020 This Map Forms Part of Edition ? of the Pickering Official Plan and Must Be Read in Conjunction with the Other Schedules and the Text. Note: Land Use Designations Appear on Schedule I & Schedule XIV Legend Neighbourhood Boundary Regional Storm Flood Line Detailed Review Area Lands for which Council has adopted Development Guidelines (Refer to Compendium Document) Established Neighbourhood Precincts New Road Connections (Proposed) Elementary Public School Park Liverpool RoadGlenanna Road Pic k e r i n g P a r k w a yDixie RoadSandy Beach RoadWhites RoadValley Farm RoadSheppard Avenue Kingston R o a d Rossland Road W Strouds Lane Fairport RoadFinch Avenue Brock RoadBayly Street Highway 4 0 1 Glendale DriveThird Concession Road Spruce Hill RoadCherrywood Transformer Station Parkdale Street Linwoo dStreetAlanbur yCrescentGlenannaRoad B owlerDriveMaple Gate RoadFieldlightBoulevardMapleRidgeDriveRidgewoodCourtDuncannonDrive KitleyAvenue RosefieldRoadHuntsmillDriveLynnHeightsDrive WalnutLaneDixie RoadRawli ngsDriveBushmill Street Rigby Drive LodgeRoadPoppyLaneAbbeyRoad Longbow DriveGlendale DriveFinch Avenue EagleviewDriveGossamerDrive F ieldston eCircleCa nboroughCrescentMaldenCrescent HoneywoodCrescent PineGlen D riveStorringtonStreetPrimroseCourt WildroseC rescentRedbirdCre scentBa ylawn Drive ListowellCrescentAntonSq uareMountcastl eCrescentBr onteSquareB r ookshir eSquareAbbey Road ¹ Map 22: Neighbourhood 12: Liverpool City of Pickering City Development Department © September, 2020 This Map Forms Part of Edition ? of the Pickering Official Plan and Must Be Read in Conjunction with the Other Schedules and the Text. Note: Land Use Designations Appear on Schedule I & Schedule XIV Legend Neighbourhood Boundary Regional Storm Flood Line Detailed Review Area Kingston Mixed Corridor Intensification Area (Refer to Chapter 11A) Brock Mixed Node Intensification Area (Refer to Chapter 11A) Established Neighbourhood Precincts Pedestrian/Bicycle Connection (Existing) Pedestrian/Bicycle Connection (Proposed) New Road Connections (Proposed) New Road Connections (Proposed) Arena City Hall Community Centre Fire Station Library Recreation Complex Senior's Centre Cemetery Place Of Worship Elementary Public School Elementary Separate School Secondary Public School Secondary Separate School Swimming Pool GO Station Park Historical Village Proposed Park Appendix III to Information Report 01-21 Draft Zoning By-law Amendment (2511) for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/20 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. XXXX/XX Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 2511, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham (A 11/20) Whereas the Corporation of the City of Pickering conducted the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study to provide direction for the preparation of appropriate planning implementation tools to facilitate a sensitive transition between existing houses and new construction occurring in certain parts of the City’s established neighbourhoods; Whereas a robust and comprehensive consultation and engagement process was undertaken throughout the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study; Whereas on September 28, 2020, Council endorsed the recommendations of the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study and adopted the Urban Design Guidelines for Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhood Precincts; Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering, in accordance with the recommendations of the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study, adopted an official plan amendment that adds new policies that require new development within an Established Neighbourhood Precinct to fit in, complement, and to be compatible with the existing character of the neighbourhood, and that enables the implementation of zoning provisions to appropriately address certain matters as they relate to the impact of the construction of new infill and replacement dwellings on the character of the existing neighbourhood; Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering, in accordance with the recommendations of the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study, initiated a zoning by-law amendment that introduces a new “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone” and new development standards and definitions to regulate infill and replacement dwellings in specific established neighbourhood precincts; Whereas it is appropriate to amend By-law 2511, as amended, to implement the recommendations of the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedules I, ll, and lll Schedules I, ll, and lll, attached hereto with notations and references shown thereon are hereby declared to be part of this By-law. Draft By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 2 Draft 2. Area Restricted The provisions of this By-law shall apply to those lands in the City of Pickering located within an “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone” on Schedules l, II and lll, inclusive, attached hereto. 3. General Provisions No building, structure, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used, occupied, erected, moved or structurally altered except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. 4. Definitions In this By-law, (1) “Dwelling Depth” means the horizontal distance measured from the minimum front yard setback to the rear wall of a dwelling, excluding any Obstruction of Yards. (2) “Dwelling Height” means the vertical distance between the average grade as measured along the front wall of the dwelling, and in the case of a flat roof, the highest point of the roof surface or parapet wall, or in the case of a mansard roof the deck line, or in the case of a gabled, hip or gambrel roof, the mean height between eaves and ridge. A cupola, antenna, or other roof structure which is used only as an ornament shall be disregarded in calculating the height of such dwelling. (3) “Dwelling Width” means the width of the front wall or main wall of the dwelling. (4) “Front Entrance” means the principal entrance oriented towards the front lot line providing access to the interior of a dwelling from the exterior and does not include an access provided through an attached private garage. In the case of a corner lot, the principal entrance providing access to the interior of a dwelling from the exterior may be oriented towards the side lot line that is adjacent to the street, or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street. (5) “Infill Dwelling” means the development of one or more dwellings such as single detached, semi-detached or street townhouse dwellings through a consolidation of lots or the severance of a larger lot located within an “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone”. Infill Dwelling does not include the development of stacked townhouses, stacked back-to-back townhouses, apartment buildings, or other forms of multi-unit housing resulting in a higher level of density. By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 3 Draft (6) “Lot Coverage” means the total horizontal area of that part of the lot covered by all roofed structures and buildings above grade, including covered platforms (such as covered decks and covered porches) but excluding eaves, belt courses, chimney breasts, sills or cornices projections to a maximum of 0.6 metres and balconies. (7) “Replacement Dwelling” means the rebuild of a dwelling either through a substantial alteration, or demolition and replacement, and that is located within an “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone”, as identified in the applicable zoning by-law. (8) “Setback” means the shortest distance between a building and a lot line. In calculating the setback the horizontal distance from the respective lot line shall be used. 5. Provisions (“Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay” Zone) (1) Zone Requirements (“Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay” Zone) Within any Residential Zone, no person shall within the lands designated “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone” on Schedules l, II and Ill, inclusive, attached hereto, use any building, structure or land, nor erect any building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions: (a) Dwelling Depth (maximum): The maximum Dwelling Depth, measured from the minimum front yard setback to the rear wall of a dwelling, shall be as follows: (i) For lots with depths up to 40 metres: 17 metres (ii) For lots with depths greater than 40 metres: 20 metres (b) Dwelling Height (maximum): 9.0 metres (c) Driveway Width (maximum): The maximum width of a driveway shall be 6.0 metres. However, for lots where the entrance of a garage or carport is wider than 6.0 metres, the maximum driveway width shall be no greater than the width of the entrance of a garage or carport. (d) Front Entrance (maximum elevation): The maximum elevation of the Front Entrance shall be 1.2 metres above grade. By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 4 Draft (e) Front Yard Setback (maximum): The maximum front yard setback shall not exceed the average of the existing front yard setback of the dwellings on the immediately abutting lots located along the same side of the street and within the same block by more than 1.0 metre. The maximum Front Yard Setback applies to only 80% of the Dwelling Width including any attached garage. (f) Front Yard Setback (minimum): Despite any other provision in this by-law, for lots within any Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone, the minimum front yard setback shall be equal to the smallest existing front yard setback of the dwellings on the immediately abutting lots located along the same side of the street and within the same block. For corner lots, the minimum front yard setback shall be equal to the smallest existing front yard setback of the dwellings on the nearest two lots located along the same side of the street and within the same block. (g) Garage or Carport (maximum width): The maximum width of an attached garage or carport shall be no greater than 50% of the dwelling width. (h) Interior Garage Size (minimum): Each parking space within a private garage shall have a minimum width of 3.0 metres and a minimum depth of 6.0 metres. However, the width may include one interior step and the depth may include two interior steps. (i) Lot Coverage: Despite any other provision in this by-law, for lots within any Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone, the following maximum lot coverage provisions shall apply within the applicable Neighbourhood Precinct, as shown on Schedules I, II and lll of this By-law: (i) Dunbarton Neighbourhood Precinct: Maximum 25%. (ii) Highbush Neighbourhood Precinct: Maximum 25%. (iii) Liverpool Neighbourhood Precincts: Maximum 30%. (iv) Rosebank Neighbourhood Precincts: Maximum 30%. (v) Rougemount Neighbourhood Precincts: Maximum 30 (vi) West Shore Neighbourhood Precinct: Maximum 30%. (vii) Woodlands Neighbourhood Precinct: Maximum 25%. By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 5 Draft (j) Side Yard Setback for Infill Dwelling (minimum): Where the side lot line of a newly created lot for any Infill Dwelling abuts the rear lot line of an existing lot of record, the minimum side yard setback to the side lot line abutting the rear lot line of an existing lot of record shall be 4.5 metres. (2) Transition Provisions (a) Building Permit Applications: (i) Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the erection of a building or structure for which an application for a building permit was filed on or before the effective date of this By-law, provided that the building permit application satisfies the following requirements: a. The building permit application complies with the provisions of Zoning By-law 2511, as amended, as it read on the effective date of this By-law; b. All information is provided to allow for a zoning review to be undertaken; and c. All required planning approvals have been obtained. (b) Planning Act Approvals: (i) The requirements of this By-law do not apply on a lot where a minor variance to Zoning By-law 2511, as amended, was authorized by the Committee of Adjustment of the City or the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal on or after January 1, 2018 and on or before the effective date of this By-law and a building permit has not yet been issued. (c) Planning Applications in Process: (i) The requirements of this By-law do not apply to prevent the erection or use of a building or structure for which an application for a minor variance has been filed on or before the effective date of this By-law, provided: a. The minor variance application is deemed complete in accordance with the City of Pickering Official Plan, 1997; b. The minor variance application was in compliance with Zoning By-law 2511, as amended, except for the aspects of Zoning By-law 2511, as amended, that are subject to the minor variance application; By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 6 Draft c. The minor variance approval is subject to Section 45 of the Planning Act and receives final approval in the context of Zoning By-law 2511, as amended; and d. Any building permit issued after final approval of the minor variance complies with the provisions of Zoning By-law 2511, as amended, as it read on the date the application was deemed complete and in accordance with the final approved minor variance. (ii) The requirements of this By-law do not apply to a lot where the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal has, on or after January 1, 2018 and on or before the passing of this By-law, granted approval in principle for a zoning by-law amendment or minor variance to Zoning By-law 2511, but has decided that the final Order shall come into force or be issued at a future fixed date or upon the performance of terms imposed by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal and a building permit has not yet been issued, or the applicable easement or agreement has not yet been registered on title, as the case may be. (d) Lapse of Transition Provisions: (i) Once a permit or approval referred to under Sections 2 (a), (b), or (c) has been granted, all provisions of this By-law shall apply to the subject lands. (ii) The provisions of Section 2 shall be repealed five years from the effective date of this By-law. This provision shall not require an amendment to this By-law to take effect. 6. By-law 2511 By-law 2511, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the areas set out in Schedules I, II and lll, inclusive, attached hereto. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 2511, as amended. By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 7 Draft 7. Effective Date This By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. By-law passed this XX day of XXXX, 20XX. ___________________________________ David Ryan, Mayor ___________________________________ Susan Cassel, City Clerk Draft Draft PetticoatCreekRougemountDriveAtwoodCrescentGranite C ourtRoddAvenue Kingst on Road Toynevale Road Foster Court Cowan CircleRosebank RoadFrontier Court Oakwood DriveStaghorn RoadMountainAshDriveLyttonCourt DysonRoadSandstoneManor WhitesRoa dMcleod CrescentBella V ist aDriveDahlia CrescentHighway 401 Pine R idge RoadMoorelandsCrescentR4 R4 S2-16 R4 R3 R3 R4 R4 R3 S2-16 R4 S4-14 R3 R4 R4 R3 R4 OS-HL R4 R3 R3R3R3 S2-16 R4 R4 R4 S R4 S2-16 R4 S Clerk Mayor Schedule I to By-Law Passed This Day of i NXXXX/XX ___ ________ 20XX Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone Broadgreen StreetD o w n la n d D riv e Hillcrest RoadEyer DriveWest Shore BoulevardP ark Cre sc ent Vicki Drive VictorCourtBreezyDriveOklahoma Drive Chipmunk StreetBrianCourt Sunrise Avenue Carmell o CourtTullo Street Surf Avenue PetticoatLane Marksbury RoadVictory DriveHillviewCrescentAbingdon Court Hampton Court CreekviewCircle Marksbury RoadSandcastleCourt Beachp oi ntProm enadeYeremi StreetLeaside StreetMink StreetStonebridge Lane CliffviewRoadR4 R4 R4 RM1 S R4 R4 SD R4 R4 S R4 C17-R R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R3 R4 R4 R4 Clerk Mayor Schedule II to By-Law Passed This Day of i NXXXX/XX ___ ________ 20XX Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone Balaton AvenueZator Avenue Bem AvenueGull Crossing BrowningAvenue ModlinRoadIlona Park RoadFairview AvenueDouglas AvenueChapleauD rive Annland Street Colmar AvenueTre l l i sCou rt Brixton L a n e Front RoadGrenoble BoulevardFoxglove Avenue Fanshaw PlaceShearer Lane Luna Court Naroch Boulevard Commerce Street AntonioStreet HelenCrescent Pleasant StreetBayviewStreet Miriam RoadWharf Street KingfisherDriveHewson DriveOldOrchardAvenue Broadview Street R4 R4 R4 RM1 (H)S-SD-1 C1 S2-17 R4-21 RM1 S4-7 RM1 R4 O2 R4 R4 R4 R4 RM2 S-SD-1 R4 MD-H12 R4 RM1 R4 RM1 R4 S2-17 S4-17 R4 RM1 R4 R4 MD-S-SD RM1 A36 R4 R4 R4-11 S-SD-1 MD-H13 R4 R4 RM1 R4 SD RM1 R4 RM1 Clerk Mayor Schedule III to By-Law Passed This Day of i NXXXX/XX ___ ________ 20XX Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone Appendix IV to Information Report 01-21 Draft Zoning By-law Amendment (2520) for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/20 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. XXXX/XX Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 2520, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham (A 11/20) Whereas the Corporation of the City of Pickering conducted the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study to provide direction for the preparation of appropriate planning implementation tools to facilitate a sensitive transition between existing houses and new construction occurring in certain parts of the City’s established neighbourhoods; Whereas a robust and comprehensive consultation and engagement process was undertaken throughout the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study; Whereas on September 28, 2020, Council endorsed the recommendations of the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study and adopted the Urban Design Guidelines for Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhood Precincts; Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering, in accordance with the recommendations of the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study, adopted an official plan amendment that adds new policies that require new development within an Established Neighbourhood Precinct to fit in, complement, and to be compatible with the existing character of the neighbourhood, and that enables the implementation of zoning provisions to appropriately address certain matters as they relate to the impact of the construction of new infill and replacement dwellings on the character of the existing neighbourhood; Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering, in accordance with the recommendations of the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study, initiated a zoning by-law amendment that introduces a new “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone” and new development standards and definitions to regulate infill and replacement dwellings in specific established neighbourhood precincts; Whereas it is appropriate to amend By-law 2520, as amended, to implement the recommendations of the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedules I and ll Schedules I and ll attached hereto with notations and references shown thereon are hereby declared to be part of this By-law. Draft By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 2 Draft 2. Area Restricted The provisions of this By-law shall apply to those lands in the City of Pickering located within an “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone” on Schedules l and ll attached hereto. 3. General Provisions No building, structure, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used, occupied, erected, moved or structurally altered except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. 4. Definitions In this By-law, (1) “Dwelling Depth” means the horizontal distance measured from the minimum front yard setback to the rear wall of a dwelling, excluding any Obstruction of Yards. (2) “Dwelling Height” means the vertical distance between the average grade as measured along the front wall of the dwelling, and in the case of a flat roof, the highest point of the roof surface or parapet wall, or in the case of a mansard roof the deck line, or in the case of a gabled, hip or gambrel roof, the mean height between eaves and ridge. A cupola, antenna, or other roof structure which is used only as an ornament shall be disregarded in calculating the height of such dwelling. (3) “Dwelling Width” means the width of the front wall or main wall of the dwelling. (4) “Front Entrance” means the principal entrance oriented towards the front lot line providing access to the interior of a dwelling from the exterior and does not include an access provided through an attached private garage. In the case of a corner lot, the principal entrance providing access to the interior of a dwelling from the exterior may be oriented towards the side lot line that is adjacent to the street, or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street. (5) “Infill Dwelling” means the development of one or more dwellings such as single detached, semi-detached or street townhouse dwellings through a consolidation of lots or the severance of a larger lot located within an “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone”. Infill Dwelling does not include the development of stacked townhouses, stacked back-to-back townhouses, apartment buildings, or other forms of multi-unit housing resulting in a higher level of density. By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 3 Draft (6) “Lot Coverage” means the total horizontal area of that part of the lot covered by all roofed structures and buildings above grade, including covered platforms (such as covered decks and covered porches) but excluding eaves, belt courses, chimney breasts, sills or cornices projections to a maximum of 0.6 metres and balconies. (7) “Replacement Dwelling” means the rebuild of a dwelling either through a substantial alteration, or demolition and replacement, and that is located within an “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone”, as identified in the applicable zoning by-law. (8) “Setback” means the shortest distance between a building and a lot line. In calculating the setback the horizontal distance from the respective lot line shall be used. 5. Provisions (“Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay” Zone) (1) Zone Requirements (“Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay” Zone) Within any Residential Zone, no person shall within the lands designated “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone” on Schedules l and ll attached hereto, use any building, structure or land, nor erect any building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions: (a) Dwelling Depth (maximum): The maximum Dwelling Depth, measured from the minimum front yard setback to the rear wall of a dwelling, shall be as follows: (i) For lots with depths up to 40 metres: 17 metres (ii) For lots with depths greater than 40 metres: 20 metres (b) Dwelling Height (maximum): 9.0 metres (c) Driveway Width (maximum): The maximum width of a driveway shall be 6.0 metres. However, for lots where the entrance of a garage or carport is wider than 6.0 metres, the maximum driveway width shall be no greater than the width of the entrance of a garage or carport. (d) Front Entrance (maximum elevation): The maximum elevation of the Front Entrance shall be 1.2 metres above grade. By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 4 Draft (e) Front Yard Setback (maximum): The maximum front yard setback shall not exceed the average of the existing front yard setback of the dwellings on the immediately abutting lots located along the same side of the street and within the same block by more than 1.0 metre. The maximum Front Yard Setback applies to only 80% of the Dwelling Width including any attached garage. (f) Front Yard Setback (minimum): Despite any other provision in this by-law, for lots within any Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone, the minimum front yard setback shall be equal to the smallest existing front yard setback of the dwellings on the immediately abutting lots located along the same side of the street and within the same block. For corner lots, the minimum front yard setback shall be equal to the smallest existing front yard setback of the dwellings on the nearest two lots located along the same side of the street and within the same block. (g) Garage or Carport (maximum width): The maximum width of an attached garage or carport shall be no greater than 50% of the dwelling width. (h) Interior Garage Size (minimum): Each parking space within a private garage shall have a minimum width of 3.0 metres and a minimum depth of 6.0 metres. However, the width may include one interior step and the depth may include two interior steps. (i) Lot Coverage: Despite any other provision in this by-law, for lots within any Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone, the following maximum lot coverage provisions shall apply within the applicable Neighbourhood Precinct, as shown on Schedules I and ll of this By-law: (i) Dunbarton Neighbourhood Precinct: Maximum 25%. (ii) Highbush Neighbourhood Precinct: Maximum 25%. (iii) Liverpool Neighbourhood Precincts: Maximum 30%. (iv) Rosebank Neighbourhood Precincts: Maximum 30%. (v) Rougemount Neighbourhood Precincts: Maximum 30 By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 5 Draft (vi) West Shore Neighbourhood Precinct: Maximum 30%. (vii) Woodlands Neighbourhood Precinct: Maximum 25%. (j) Side Yard Setback for Infill Dwelling (minimum): Where the side lot line of a newly created lot for any Infill Dwelling abuts the rear lot line of an existing lot of record, the minimum side yard setback to the side lot line abutting the rear lot line of an existing lot of record shall be 4.5 metres. (2) Transition Provisions (a) Building Permit Applications: (i) Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the erection of a building or structure for which an application for a building permit was filed on or before the effective date of this By-law, provided that the building permit application satisfies the following requirements: a. The building permit application complies with the provisions of Zoning By-law 2520, as amended, as it read on the effective date of this By-law; b. All information is provided to allow for a zoning review to be undertaken; and c. All required planning approvals have been obtained. (b) Planning Act Approvals: (i) The requirements of this By-law do not apply on a lot where a minor variance to Zoning By-law 2520, as amended, was authorized by the Committee of Adjustment of the City or the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal on or after January 1, 2018 and on or before the effective date of this By-law and a building permit has not yet been issued. (c) Planning Applications in Process: (i) The requirements of this By-law do not apply to prevent the erection or use of a building or structure for which an application for a minor variance has been filed on or before the effective date of this By-law, provided: a. The minor variance application is deemed complete in accordance with the City of Pickering Official Plan, 1997; By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 6 Draft b. The minor variance application was in compliance with Zoning By-law 2520, as amended, except for the aspects of Zoning By-law 2520, as amended, that are subject to the minor variance application; c. The minor variance approval is subject to Section 45 of the Planning Act and receives final approval in the context of Zoning By-law 2520, as amended; and d. Any building permit issued after final approval of the minor variance complies with the provisions of Zoning By-law 2520, as amended, as it read on the date the application was deemed complete and in accordance with the final approved minor variance. (ii) The requirements of this By-law do not apply to a lot where the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal has, on or after January 1, 2018 and on or before the passing of this By-law, granted approval in principle for a zoning by-law amendment or minor variance to Zoning By-law 2520, but has decided that the final Order shall come into force or be issued at a future fixed date or upon the performance of terms imposed by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal and a building permit has not yet been issued, or the applicable easement or agreement has not yet been registered on title, as the case may be. (d) Lapse of Transition Provisions: (i) Once a permit or approval referred to under Sections 2 (a), (b), or (c) has been granted, all provisions of this By-law shall apply to the subject lands. (ii) The provisions of Section 2 shall be repealed 5 years from the effective date of this By-law. This provision shall not require an amendment to this By-law to take effect. 6. By-law 2520 By-law 2520, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the areas set out in Schedules I and ll attached hereto. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 2520, as amended. By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 7 Draft 7. Effective Date This By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. By-law passed this XX day of XXXX, 20XX ___________________________________ David Ryan, Mayor ___________________________________ Susan Cassel, City Clerk Draft Draft Broadgreen StreetD o w n la n d D riv e Hillcrest RoadEyer DriveWest Shore BoulevardP ark Cre sc ent Vicki Drive VictorCourtBreezyDriveOklahoma Drive Chipmunk StreetBrianCourt Sunrise Avenue Carmell o CourtTullo Street Surf Avenue PetticoatLane Marksbury RoadVictory DriveHillviewCrescentAbingdon Court Hampton Court CreekviewCircle Marksbury RoadSandcastleCourt Beachp oi ntProm enadeYeremi StreetLeaside StreetMink StreetStonebridge Lane CliffviewRoadR4 R4 R4 RM1 S R4 R4 SD R4 R4 S R4 C17-R R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R3 R4 R4 R4 Clerk Mayor Schedule I to By-Law Passed This Day of i NXXXX/XX ___ ________ 20XX Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone Balaton AvenueZator Avenue Bem AvenueGull Crossing BrowningAvenue ModlinRoadIlona Park RoadFairview AvenueDouglas AvenueChapleauD rive Annland Street Colmar AvenueTre l l i sCou rt Brixton L a n e Front RoadGrenoble BoulevardFoxglove Avenue Fanshaw PlaceShearer Lane Luna Court Naroch Boulevard Commerce Street AntonioStreet HelenCrescent Pleasant StreetBayviewStreet Miriam RoadWharf Street KingfisherDriveHewson DriveOldOrchardAvenue Broadview Street R4 R4 R4 RM1 (H)S-SD-1 C1 S2-17 R4-21 RM1 S4-7 RM1 R4 O2 R4 R4 R4 R4 RM2 S-SD-1 R4 MD-H12 R4 RM1 R4 RM1 R4 S2-17 S4-17 R4 RM1 R4 R4 MD-S-SD RM1 A36 R4 R4 R4-11 S-SD-1 MD-H13 R4 R4 RM1 R4 SD RM1 R4 RM1 Clerk Mayor Schedule II to By-Law Passed This Day of i NXXXX/XX ___ ________ 20XX Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone Appendix V to Information Report 01-21 Draft Zoning By-law Amendment (3036) for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/20 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. XXXX/XX Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham (A 11/20) Whereas the Corporation of the City of Pickering conducted the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study to provide direction for the preparation of appropriate planning implementation tools to facilitate a sensitive transition between existing houses and new construction occurring in certain parts of the City’s established neighbourhoods; Whereas a robust and comprehensive consultation and engagement process was undertaken throughout the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study; Whereas on September 28, 2020, Council endorsed the recommendations of the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study and adopted the Urban Design Guidelines for Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhood Precincts; Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering, in accordance with the recommendations of the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study, adopted an official plan amendment that adds new policies that require new development within an Established Neighbourhood Precinct to fit in, complement, and to be compatible with the existing character of the neighbourhood, and that enables the implementation of zoning provisions to appropriately address certain matters as they relate to the impact of the construction of new infill and replacement dwellings on the character of the existing neighbourhood; Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering, in accordance with the recommendations of the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study, initiated a zoning by-law amendment that introduces a new “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone” and new development standards and definitions to regulate infill and replacement dwellings in specific established neighbourhood precincts; Whereas it is appropriate to amend By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the recommendations of the Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods Study; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedules I, II, III, IV and V Schedules I, II, III, IV and V, inclusive, attached hereto with notations and references shown thereon are hereby declared to be part of this By-law. Draft By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 2 Draft 2. Area Restricted The provisions of this By-law shall apply to those lands in the City of Pickering located within an “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone” on Schedules I, II, III, IV and V, inclusive, attached hereto. 3. General Provisions No building, structure, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used, occupied, erected, moved or structurally altered except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. 4. Definitions In this By-law, (1) “Dwelling Depth” means the horizontal distance measured from the minimum front yard setback to the rear wall of a dwelling, excluding any Obstruction of Yards. (2) “Dwelling Height” means the vertical distance between the average grade as measured along the front wall of the dwelling, and in the case of a flat roof, the highest point of the roof surface or parapet wall, or in the case of a mansard roof the deck line, or in the case of a gabled, hip or gambrel roof, the mean height between eaves and ridge. A cupola, antenna, or other roof structure which is used only as an ornament shall be disregarded in calculating the height of such dwelling. (3) Dwelling Width” means the width of the front wall or main wall of the dwelling. (4) “Front Entrance” means the principal entrance oriented towards the front lot line providing access to the interior of a dwelling from the exterior and does not include an access provided through an attached private garage. In the case of a corner lot, the principal entrance providing access to the interior of a dwelling from the exterior may be oriented towards the side lot line that is adjacent to the street, or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street. (5) “Infill Dwelling” means the development of one or more dwellings such as single detached, semi-detached or street townhouse dwellings through a consolidation of lots or the severance of a larger lot located within an “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone”. Infill Dwelling does not include the development of stacked townhouses, stacked back-to-back townhouses, apartment buildings, or other forms of multi-unit housing resulting in a higher level of density. By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 3 Draft (6) “Lot Coverage” means the total horizontal area of that part of the lot covered by all roofed structures and buildings above grade, including covered platforms (such as covered decks and covered porches) but excluding eaves, belt courses, chimney breasts, sills or cornices projections to a maximum of 0.6 metres and balconies. (7) “Replacement Dwelling” means the rebuild of a dwelling either through a substantial alteration, or demolition and replacement, and that is located within an ‘Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone’, as identified in the applicable zoning by-law. (8) “Setback” means the shortest distance between a building and a lot line. In calculating the setback the horizontal distance from the respective lot line shall be used. 5. Provisions (“Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay” Zone) (1) Zone Requirements (“Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay” Zone) Within any Residential Zone, no person shall within the lands designated “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone” on Schedules I, II, III, IV and V, inclusive, attached hereto, use any building, structure or land, nor erect any building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions: (a) Dwelling Depth (maximum): The maximum Dwelling Depth, measured from the minimum front yard setback to the rear wall of a dwelling, shall be as follows: (i) For lots with depths up to 40 metres: 17 metres (ii) For lots with depths greater than 40 metres: 20 metres (b) Dwelling Height (maximum): 9.0 metres (c) Driveway Width (maximum): The maximum width of a driveway shall be 6.0 metres. However, for lots where the entrance of a garage or carport is wider than 6.0 metres, the maximum driveway width shall be no greater than the width of the entrance of a garage or carport. (d) Front Entrance (maximum elevation): The maximum elevation of the Front Entrance shall be 1.2 metres above grade. By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 4 Draft (e) Front Yard Setback (maximum): The maximum front yard setback shall not exceed the average of the existing front yard setback of the dwellings on the immediately abutting lots located along the same side of the street and within the same block by more than 1.0 metre. The maximum Front Yard Setback applies to only 80% of the Dwelling Width including any attached garage. (f) Front Yard Setback (minimum): Despite any other provision in this by-law, for lots within any Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone, the minimum front yard setback shall be equal to the smallest existing front yard setback of the dwellings on the immediately abutting lots located along the same side of the street and within the same block. For corner lots, the minimum front yard setback shall be equal to the smallest existing front yard setback of the dwellings on the nearest two lots located along the same side of the street and within the same block. (g) Garage or Carport (maximum width): The maximum width of an attached garage or carport shall be no greater than 50% of the dwelling width. (h) Interior Garage Size (minimum): Each parking space within a private garage shall have a minimum width of 3.0 metres and a minimum depth of 6.0 metres. However, the width may include one interior step and the depth may include two interior steps. (i) Lot Coverage: Despite any other provision in this by-law, for lots within any Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone, the following maximum lot coverage provisions shall apply within the applicable Neighbourhood Precinct, as shown on Schedules I, II, III, IV and V, inclusive of this By-law: (i) Dunbarton Neighbourhood Precinct: Maximum 25%. (ii) Highbush Neighbourhood Precinct: Maximum 25%. (iii) Liverpool Neighbourhood Precincts: Maximum 30%. (iv) Rosebank Neighbourhood Precincts: Maximum 30%. (v) Rougemount Neighbourhood Precincts: Maximum 30 (vi) West Shore Neighbourhood Precinct: Maximum 30%. (vii) Woodlands Neighbourhood Precinct: Maximum 25%. By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 5 Draft (j) Side Yard Setback for Infill Dwelling (minimum): Where the side lot line of a newly created lot for any Infill Dwelling abuts the rear lot line of an existing lot of record, the minimum side yard setback to the side lot line abutting the rear lot line of an existing lot of record shall be 4.5 metres. (2) Transition Provisions (a) Building Permit Applications: (i) Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the erection of a building or structure for which an application for a building permit was filed on or before the effective date of this By-law, provided that the building permit application satisfies the following requirements: a. The building permit application complies with the provisions of Zoning By-law 3036, as amended, as it read on the effective date of this By-law; b. All information is provided to allow for a zoning review to be undertaken; and c. All required planning approvals have been obtained. (b) Planning Act Approvals: (i) The requirements of this By-law do not apply on a lot where a minor variance to Zoning By-law 3036, as amended, was authorized by the Committee of Adjustment of the City or the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal on or after January 1, 2018 and on or before the effective date of this By-law and a building permit has not yet been issued. (c) Planning Applications in Process: (i) The requirements of this By-law do not apply to prevent the erection or use of a building or structure for which an application for a minor variance has been filed on or before the effective date of this By-law, provided: a. The minor variance application is deemed complete in accordance with the City of Pickering Official Plan, 1997; b. The minor variance application was in compliance with Zoning By-law 3036, as amended, except for the aspects of Zoning By-law 3036, as amended, that are subject to the minor variance application; By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 6 Draft c. The minor variance approval is subject to Section 45 of the Planning Act and receives final approval in the context of Zoning By-law 3036, as amended; and d. Any building permit issued after final approval of the minor variance complies with the provisions of Zoning By-law 3036, as amended, as it read on the date the application was deemed complete and in accordance with the final approved minor variance. (ii) The requirements of this By-law do not apply to a lot where the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal has, on or after January 1, 2018 and on or before the passing of this By-law, granted approval in principle for a zoning by-law amendment or minor variance to Zoning By-law 3036, but has decided that the final Order shall come into force or be issued at a future fixed date or upon the performance of terms imposed by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal and a building permit has not yet been issued, or the applicable easement or agreement has not yet been registered on title, as the case may be. (d) Lapse of Transition Provisions: (i) Once a permit or approval referred to under Sections 2 (a), (b), or (c) has been granted, all provisions of this By-law shall apply to the subject lands. (ii) The provisions of Section 2 shall be repealed five years from the effective date of this By-law. This provision shall not require an amendment to this By-law to take effect. 6. By-law 3036 By-law 3036, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the areas set out in Schedules I, II, III, IV and V, inclusive, attached hereto. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 3036, as amended. By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 7 Draft 7. Effective Date This By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. By-law passed this XX day of XXXX, 20XX. ___________________________________ David Ryan, Mayor ___________________________________ Susan Cassel, City Clerk Oakburn StreetAshwoodGateLawson Street HooverDrivePineGroveAvenueValley Gate LittlefordStreet Hogarth Street Wil c r o ftCo u rt Forestview DriveFiddl ersCourtFawndaleRoadGwendolynStreetWoodview AvenueRougemountDrive BrookridgeGate D a l e woodDriv eTwyn Rivers DriveSweetbriarCourt Bri mwoodCourt RiverviewCrescentRichardsonStreet StoverCrescentValleyRidgeCrescent GranbyCourtRougeVall eyDri veHowellCrescent WoodviewDrive SheppardAvenue R3 R3 R4 R3 R4 R4 R3 R3 R3 R4 R3 R3 R3 C.N.R. R3 R4R4 R4 R1-2 R3 R3 R4 R4 R4 R3 OS-HL R4-7 R4 R4 OS-HL R3 R4 R1-1 C.N.R.R4 R3 R3 R4 R3 R1-3 Clerk Mayor Schedule I to By-Law Passed This Day of i NXXXX/XX ___ ________ 20XX Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone Whites RoadBarry Drive Rosebank RoadWeyburn SquareEdmund DriveOld Forest RoadDunfair Street Steeple Hill Cattail Cour t Lightfoot PlaceDaylight CourtRougeHillCourt PineviewLane Rainy Day DriveRosebank RoadSundown Crescent AmberwoodCre scentHighbushTrailGarde nview SquareR3 R3 R4 R4 R4-18 R4 R3 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 Clerk Mayor Schedule II to By-Law Passed This Day of i NXXXX/XX ___ ________ 20XX Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone Dixie RoadFinch Avenue Bayly Stree t Fox w oodTrailHighview Road Rambl e berryAvenueBonita Avenue Amberlea RoadStrouds Lane Amaretto A v e n u e GlenannaRoadBowlerDrive Eastbank RoadShadybrook DrivePebbleCourtMaple Ridge DriveEdgewoodRo a dDu ncannon Drive KitleyAvenueLynnHeightsDriveAspen RoadHuntsmillDriveWalnutLaneParksideDrive Alder CourtNew Street DeerbrookDriveRawlingsDriveFalconcrestDr i veNapaneeRoadSpruce Hill RoadCricket LaneWeyb urnSquareOrionCourtArielCrescent Mul murCourt GablehurstCrescent BayfieldSt r e et Longbow DriveK at e sLane Cobblers Court Hensall CourtWhiskyGateGraftonCourt EagleviewD riveBelindaCourt Sheppard Avenue EchoPointCourtHeathside CrescentVillage StreetB icroftCourtAdaC o u rt K e lv inwayLaneCulrossAvenue S wanPlace Flavelle Court Wollas tonCourt WelrusStreet Canb oroughCrescentMalden CrescentUna Road Mer rittonRoad MillbankRoad Taplin Drive WoodruffCr escentRegalCrescent EramosaCrescent StorringtonStreetSilverSpruceDriveLydia CrescentGracelandCourt Fairport RoadFoleyetCrescent Beckw orthSquareAmberwoodC rescentMeadowviewAvenue Cognac CrescentChironCres cent RedbirdCrescent ListowellCrescentStonepath CircleBenton CrescentMountcastleCre scentBronte SquareBr o o kshi reSqu areGl oucester Square Sul tanaSquare S1 OS-HL S2 S3-7 S3-13 R4 OS-HL-3 S3-7 S3-7 R3 S3-8 R4-9 R4 R3 R4-9 R4 C2-2 R3 R3 I(C)-DN R3 S2 C.N.R. R3 R3 R4-9 R4-15 S2-15 S2 S2-11 R3 S3-16 S3-7 R3 R4 S3-7 R4 S3-7 R4-8 R4-19 (H)S3-7 R3 R4 OS-HL R4 R4 S1 R3 S1-5 R3 S4-5 OS-HL S3 S3-7 S3-10 S3-7 S4-9 R3 R4 R4 R3 R3 S3-7 R3 S3-10 S3-7 S3-8 S3 R3 S4-5R3 S3-7 R3 S3-7 A S2-14 R4 OS-HL S3-7 R4-9 C2-DB R4 S3-7 NP R4 S1-5 R4-9R4-9 S2 S1 OS-HL OS-HL-4 S3-7 S2-15 S2-DB S3-7 S3-7 S3-7 R3 Clerk Mayor Schedule III to By-Law Passed This Day of i NXXXX/XX ___ ________ 20XX Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone ValleyviewDrivePineGroveAvenueLawson Street Waterford Gate WilcroftCo ur tValley Ridge CrescentThicket CrescentForestview DriveButternutCourt Starview CourtNordane DriveTranquil Court Oakburn StreetCastleStreetProhill Street West Lane Westcreek DriveSweetbriar Court Woodview AvenueLancrestStreet Copley Street Secord Street SandhurstCrescent Mossbroo kSquareRougeForestCrescent SandcherryCourt Rockwood DriveWhite Pine Crescent Senator StreetR4 R4 S4-1 R4 S1-14 S1-15 S1-13 R4 R4 R4 S1-14 A R4 R4 R4 R4 S1-13 S3-12 R4 R4 R4 S1-13 S1-15 R4 S1-14 Clerk Mayor Schedule IV to By-Law Passed This Day of i NXXXX/XX ___ ________ 20XX Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone BowlerDriveFinch Avenue Glenview RoadMemory LaneEverton Street Fieldlight Boulevard RosefieldRoadGlendale DriveBowler DriveLodge RoadPoppy Lane BicroftCourtDiefenbakerCourt Brands Court AvonmoreSquareCanborough CrescentThe Esplan a d e S The Esplan a d e NGlengroveRoadMalden CrescentFayleeCrescentAntonSquareBronte SquareR3 R3 R3 R3 R4 R3 R3 R3 R3 SA-23 Clerk Mayor Schedule V to By-Law Passed This Day of i NXXXX/XX ___ ________ 20XX Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone Liverpool RoadHighway 401Kingston RoadP ic k e r in g ParkwayAltona RoadDixieRoadBayly Street BrockRoadFairport RoadRosebankRoadRosebank West Shore BrockIndustrial Rougemount Woodlands Dunbarton Highbush Amberlea Brock Ridge Rouge Park DuffinHeights Bay Ridges City Centre Liverpool Village East © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers all rights reserved.; © Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers all rights reserved.; City DevelopmentDepartment Location Map Applicant: Date: Dec. 14, 2020 ¯ Lake Ontario \\Fs\autocad\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\OPA\2020\OPA 20-006, A11-20 City Initiated Infill\OPA 20-006P_LocationMap.mxd 1:45,000 SCALE:THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. Legend Neighbourhood Boundaries Established Neighbourhood Precincts File: Property Description: OPA 20-006/P & A 11/20City of PickeringEstablished Neighbourhood Precincts Attachment #1 to Information Report 01-21 WhitesRoadHillcrestRoadRougemountDriveOklahoma DriveHoover DriveRoddAvenue Highway 4 0 1Altona RoadRosebank RoadToynevale Road LittlefordStreet Pettic o atCreek Kingst on Road Downland DriveEyer DriveBroadgreen StreetCowan CircleFawndaleRoadAtwoodCrescent Rosebank RoadOakwood DriveSteeple Hill MountainAshDrive Creekvi e w Circl eLightfoot PlaceDalewoodDr ive DysonRoadRiverviewCrescent Granite CourtRougeValleyDriveOldForestRoad Mcleod CrescentHighway401 Bella V i s taDri v eDahlia CrescentCliffviewRoadHighbushTrailPineR idge Road Stonebridge Lane Moore landsCrescentB ay ly S tre e tEstablished Neighbourhood Precincts Sheet 1 of 8 - Rosebank Neighbourhood Legend Established Neighbourhood Precincts Attachment #2 to Information Report 01-21 WhitesRoadFairport RoadKingstonRoadRosebank RoadLongbow DriveParkCrescentWest Shore BoulevardWalnutLaneSheppard Avenue Ramb leberryAvenueGoldenridgeRoadBreezyDriveVicki Drive Rougemount Drive Fairview AvenueEastbank RoadStrouds Lane Shadybrook Drive RoddAvenue Toynevale Road SanokDriveRosebank RoadHillcrest RoadPetticoatCreek BatoryAvenueDownland Drive EdgewoodRoad Eyer DriveFoxwoodTrail Bro adgreenStreetCowan CircleAutumnCrescentRawlingsDriveOklahoma Drive Vistula Drive AtwoodCrescent Spruce Hill RoadRosebank RoadLaurier CrescentWeyburn SquareDunbartonRoad EdmundDriveDixieRoadCobblers Court WingardenCrescentBaylyStreet Sunrise AvenueOldForestRoad Oakwood DriveVictoryDriveHillviewCrescent Steeple Hill CreekviewCi rcleLightfoot PlaceMarksbury RoadDysonRoadHighway 401 Granite Court Beachpoint Promenade StorringtonStreetBronteSquareMcleodCrescentAppleview RoadBellaVista Driv eDahlia CrescentB raeburnC rescentSilver Maple DriveSundown CrescentWhite Cedar DriveFoleyetCrescentBeckworthSquareAmberwood Crescent HighbushTrailMeadowviewAvenue ListowellCrescentStonebridge Lane CliffviewRoadMar inet Cr escent Essa CrescentMoorelandsCrescentHeathsideCrescentSul tanaSquar eEstablished Neighbourhood Precincts Sheet 2 of 8 - West Shore Neighbourhood Legend Established Neighbourhood Precincts Liverpool RoadGullCrossing Modlin RoadColmar AvenueBalatonAvenueFairview AvenueDouglas AvenueAnnlandStreetDixieRoad KrosnoBoulevardParkham CrescentReytanBoulevardGarvolin Avenue Sandy Beach RoadFront RoadTatra Drive Bem AvenueNaroch BoulevardZator AvenueGrenoble BoulevardLublin AvenueRadom Street Commerce Street Poprad Avenue K in g s ton Road Chap le au D riveWharf Street PickeringParkway Alliance RoadBayly Street Miriam RoadAntonio StreetBeachpointPromenade Montgomery Park Road Highway 40 1 Established Neighbourhood Precincts Sheet 3 of 8 - Bay Ridges Neighbourhood Legend Established Neighbourhood Precincts RougemountDrivePineGroveAvenueValleyviewDriveLawson Street Waterford GateOakburn StreetHooverDriveToynevale Road LittlefordStreet Altona RoadStr ouds L a n e Valley Ridge CrescentAutumnCrescentFawndaleRoadThicket CrescentCalvi ngt onDriveTreetopWay Old Forest RoadOakwood DriveMountainAshDriveWoodview AvenueDal ewoodDri veTwyn Rivers Drive Kingston Roa dRockwood DriveRiverviewCrescentSheppard Avenue RougeVall eyDri veHowell Crescent Mcleod CrescentDahlia CrescentWhite Pine Crescent Silver Maple DriveWoodview DriveWhite Cedar DrivePine R idge RoadSenatorStreetHighbushTrailHighway 4 0 1 Established Neighbourhood Precincts Sheet 4 of 8 - Rougemount Neighbourhood Legend Established Neighbourhood Precincts Whites RoadRougemountDriveToynevale Road Kingsto n R o a d StroudsLane ParkCrescentCowan CircleSheppard Avenue Hillcrest RoadHighway 4 0 1 Vicki DriveEastbank RoadShadybrook DriveOklahoma Drive Broadgreen Street Spruce Hill RoadSanokDriveRosebank RoadD o w n l a n d D r i v e Edgewood Road Eyer DriveHighway 401 Wingarden CrescentFoxwood Trail Autumn Crescent AtwoodCrescentRosebank RoadLaurierCrescentWeyburn SquareEdmundDriveCalvingtonDrive CobblersCourt TreetopWay Old Forest RoadOakwood DriveVictory DriveHillviewCrescentSteeple Hill MountainAsh DriveCre ekvie w Ci rcleLightfoot PlaceMarksbury RoadGraniteCourtRosebank RoadMcleod CrescentCliffviewRoadDahlia CrescentSultana SquareB raeburnC rescentSilver Maple DriveSundownCre scentWhite Cedar DriveBeckworth SquareAmberwoodCrescen tMeadowviewAvenueStonebridge Lane Marinet C r e s c e n t Highway 401HighbushTrail MoorelandsCrescentB a y ly St re e tGarde nview SquareEstablished Neighbourhood Precincts Sheet 5 of 8 - Woodlands Neighbourhood Legend Established Neighbourhood Precincts Whites RoadFairport RoadBowlerDriveGlenanna Road Maple Ridge Drive Kingston Road Finch Avenue Appleview RoadHighway40 1 Rambleberry AvenueGoldenridgeRoadEastbank RoadShadybrook DrivePebble CourtEdgewood Road DuncannonDriv e Erin Gate BoulevardAspen RoadDarwinDrive HuntsmillDriveLynnHeightsDriveWalnutLaneFairport RoadGloucester Square Parkside Drive New Street Dixie RoadRawlingsDriveSpruce Hill RoadStrouds Lane Dunbar ton RoadGablehurstCrescentLongbow DriveCobblersCourt Wingarden CrescentEagleview DriveBaylyStreet Sheppard Avenue Heathside CrescentStorringtonStreetSilver Spruce DriveLydia CrescentWeyburnSquareArcadi aSquareFoleyet CrescentMeadowviewAvenueSilverth ornSquareListowellCrescentRedbirdCrescent Stonepath CircleBenton CrescentCedarcroft CrescentMountcastle Cr escentBroo kshi r eSquareEstablished Neighbourhood Precincts Sheet 6 of 8 - Dunbarton Neighbourhood Legend Established Neighbourhood Precincts ValleyviewDrivePineGroveAvenue Lawson Street Sparrow Circle Waterford Gate SummerparkCrescentSheppardAvenue Littleford Street Strouds LaneAltona RoadWestcreek DriveValley Ridge CrescentAutumnCrescentThicket CrescentHooverDriveWoodview AvenueSandhurst Crescent Calvi ngt onDriveTreetopWayOakburn StreetShadowPlace Finch Avenue Twyn Rivers DriveWoodview AvenueNatureHaven Crescent WoodsmereC rescent HowellCrescent HighbushTrailRougeForest Crescent Rougemount Drive Sandcherr yCourtRockwood DriveWhitePineCrescent Woodview DriveSenatorStreetMossbrookSquareEstablished Neighbourhood Precincts Sheet 7 of 8 - Highbush Neighbourhood Legend Established Neighbourhood Precincts KrosnoBoulevardWhitesRoadFairport RoadLiverpoolRoadKi ngst on Road Finch Avenue Su ltanaSq uareParkdale Street Appleview RoadGlenviewRoadLinwoodStreet GrenobleBoulevardAlanburyCrescentRambl eberryAvenueGoldenridge Road Highway 40 1 MajorOaksRoadGlenannaRoad Bowler Driv e Eastbank RoadShadybrookDri v e P ebbleCourtWeybu rnSquareDuberryDriveMaple Gate RoadDellbroo k Av e n u e Strat hmor eCrescent FieldlightB oulevard Maple Ridge Drive EdgewoodR oadWildwoodCrescentDu ncannon Drive RosefieldRoadAspen RoadReytanBoulevardDarwinDrive Erin GateBoulevardHuntsmillDriveGarvolin Avenue LynnHeightsDrive Sandy Beach RoadWalnut LaneValleyFarmRoadParksideDriveTatra Drive New StreetDixie RoadHoll yh edgeDriv e RawlingsDriveNaroch BoulevardModlin RoadSomergroveCrescentMiddletonStreetSpruce Hill RoadStrouds Lane Bushmill Street DunbartonRoad Pepperwoo dGate Dougl as Aven u e Lodge RoadGablehurst Crescent Ra d o mStreetAbbeyRoadLongbow DriveBlue Ridge Crescent Glendale DriveCobblers Court WingardenCrescentDenvaleDrivePoprad Avenue Sherman Crescent EagleviewD riveGossamerDrive Meriadoc DriveSheppard Avenue Heathside CrescentCra ighurst Court Alliance RoadVistulaDrive FieldstoneCircleBayly Stree tFairport RoadThird Concession Road CanboroughCrescentMalden CrescentPickering P a r k w a y TheEsplanade N Bridl ePat hC i rcl eStorringtonStreetSilverSpruce DriveLydiaCrescentPrimrose Court WildroseCrescentMeadowlaneCrescentGuild RoadPebblestone Crescent FoleyetCrescentMar inet Cresc entAntonio StreetGlengroveRoadMeadowviewAvenue SilverthornSquareRedbirdCrescentBayl a wn Drive MauryCrescent ListowellCrescentFayleeCrescent StonepathCircleThird Concession Road BentonCrescentCedarcroftCrescentAnt onSquareMountcastleC r escentHighway 401 Bro nteSquareAv onmore SquareArcadiaSquareErin GateBoulev a rd BarnwoodSquareAbbeyRoadEstablished Neighbourhood Precincts Sheet 8 of 8 - Liverpool Neighbourhood Legend Established Neighbourhood Precincts d P,eclncts ,v .,- 1 hboumoo hood J /,/ ) /.,.,., Attachment #3 to Information Report 01-21