HomeMy WebLinkAboutLEG 10-20 Report to Executive Committee Report Number: LEG 10-20 Date: December 7, 2020 From: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Subject: Retail Sale of Cannabis in Pickering -File: L-2000-003-18 Recommendation: 1.That the City of Pickering hereby opts in to allow cannabis retail stores within Pickering; 2.That a copy of these recommendations be forwarded to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario ("AGCO"); and 3.That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take such actions as are necessary to implement the recommendations in this report. Executive Summary: After conducting public consultation and seeking input from residents and stakeholders, staff recommend that the City opt in to allow the retail sale of cannabis within Pickering. Financial Implications: There are no direct financial implications to this report. Allowing the retail sale of cannabis is likely to result in the establishment of one or more retail sales locations within Pickering, which will add to Pickering’s overall level of economic activity. Discussion: On December 10, 2018, Council decided to opt out of allowing the retail sale of cannabis within Pickering. Instead, Council directed City staff to solicit input from residents and stakeholders on the subject. Factors in favour of opting out included (i) uncertainty about how the retail sale of a newly legalized substance would impact the community, (ii) the lack of municipal power to regulate retail sales, and (iii) the inadequacy of Provincial public consultation on new retail locations. It must also be noted that, as of 2018, if the City had opted in to allow the retail sale of cannabis, Provincial law would have prevented the City from opting out subsequently. By opting out in 2018, the City reserved the ability to opt in at a later date . It was therefore deemed prudent to opt out, and instead to consult Pickering residents about this issue and also to observe and learn from the experiences of those municipalities who previously chose to opt in. The City engaged the community in a 4-month public consultation which was completed in August 2019. Pursuant to a Communications Plan drawn up by City staff, the public consultation was promoted via a media release, Pickering News Advertiser, outdoor digital signs, City’s website and Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. A telephone poll was conducted, and 1,380 responses were received. Staff also hosted 3 informal pop-up sessions to further promote the survey. LEG 10-20 December 7, 2020 Subject: Retail Cannabis Opt-In Page 2 Attachment No. 1 is the survey results. Attachment No. 2 is a listing of additional comments received from survey respondents. The results of the survey are summarized as follows: 1.62.9% of respondents support private retail cannabis stores in Pickering. 2.38.62% of respondents confirmed that they use cannabis. 3.Of 1,380 respondents, 27.25% were between the ages of 26-35, 23.84% were between the ages of 36-45, and 26.23% were over the age of 55. Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa have opted in to allow retail sale s of cannabis. City staff have made inquiries of those municipalities and confirm that they have encountered no enforcement problems as a result of retail cannabis sales in their jurisdictions. If allowed in Pickering, retail cannabis sales would be governed by the Criminal Code, the Cannabis Act (Canada), the Cannabis Licensing Act (Ontario) and Provincial Regulation O. Reg. 468/18, as amended. Under the Cannabis Licensing Act (Ontario), municipalities cannot impose additional regulations on retail cannabis sales. This means that Pickering cannot enact official plan policies, zoning by-laws or licensing restrictions on cannabis sales. If Pickering experiences problems of any kind with retail cannabis sales locations, it has no legal authority to change the rules by which retail vendors operate. Although zoning by-laws will not be permitted in relation to cannabis, retail cannabis storefronts will be required to be located on properties with commercial or industrial designations. If this is the case, there should be no concern about storefronts adjacent to recreation centres, long-term care and child care centers, as these uses are not permitted in the City's commercial or industrial zones. It must be noted that the Province's public notification process for proposed retail locations is somewhat limited. There is no direct notification to municipalities of proposed retail cannabis stores. The only notification will be in the form of a placard posting and a notice on the AGCO website for 15 days. In any event, the AGCO has no authority to exceed the standards set out in the applicable legislation. This means that concerns expressed within the notice period by concerned residents are of limited relevance. The responsibility for addressing cannabis issues will fall upon the Region of Durham through the role of Durham Regional Police, the Region's Tobacco Enforcement Unit, Public Health Education initiatives, Emergency Medical Response, and the Provincial Offences Courts. The primary concerns relating to retail cannabis storefronts in the community include unauthorized access by minors, advertising that promotes use to minors, public consumption or loitering on the exterior of the property. Provincial legislation addresses these issues, but municipalities wanting additional restrictions have been deprived of the zoning and other legal powers required to impose them. The Province's regulations establish rules relating to the sale, distribution, purchase, possession, cultivation and consumption of cannabis. Sales are prohibited to anyone under the age of 19, and youth are prohibited from possessing, cultivating, consuming or sharing cannabis. Sales are also prohibited within 150m of any school. The ACGO has established a zero-tolerance policy for any retailer who provides cannabis to anyone under the age of 19. Licensed or illegal cannabis stores will be subject to seizure, removal of people from premises and closure orders for premises that LEG 10-20 December 7, 2020 Subject: Retail Cannabis Opt-In Page 3 are suspected of being used for the illegal sale of cannabis. All private retail cannabis storefronts will be required to be stand-alone stores only, and the operator, location and manager will all be Provincially licensed. Federal cannabis advertising rules are strict, and similar to those in place for tobacco and alcohol. Promotional restrictions in the Federal Cannabis Act will apply to all media including newspapers and magazines, digital content, signage, broadcast media, and communications sent by mail. They also include cannabis accessories and cannabis-related services. The law prohibits promoting cannabis in any way that "could be appealing to young persons," or by using testimonials or celebrity endorsements. Presenting a cannabis product or even cannabis "brand elements" like brand names, logos, or slogans cannot be done in any way that "evokes a positive or negative emotion about or image of, a way of life such as one that includes glamour, recreation, excitement, vitality, risk or daring." If Council adopts the Recommendations in this report, City staff will add information to the City's website regarding where cannabis can and cannot be sold, and how to report illegal cannabis sales. Attachments: 1.Answers to survey questions regarding retail sale of cannabis 2.Additional comments of survey respondents Prepared By: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor PB:ks Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Interim Chief Administrative Officer 0.94%13 7.46%103 27.25%376 23.84%329 14.28%197 26.23%362 Q1 How old are you? Answered: 1,380 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 1,380 Under 19 19-25 26-35 36-45 46-54 55+ 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Under 19 19-25 26-35 36-45 46-54 55+ Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption Attachment 1 to Report LEG 10-20 38.62%533 61.38%847 Q3 Do you use cannabis? Answered: 1,380 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 1,380 Yes No 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 62.90%868 37.10%512 Q4 Would you support private cannabis retail stores in Pickering? Answered: 1,380 Skipped: 0 TOTAL 1,380 Yes No 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes No Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption Q10 Please provide any additional comments you have Answered: 554 Skipped: 826 #RESPONSES DATE 1 Alcohol and cannabis will be a part of all of our lives in some way or form. We shouldn't try to hinder legal, safe, responsible distribution and consumption because of bad stigmas. Ajax and Oshawa have legal cannabis stores and they're very nice stores, with good owners, knowledgeable/friendly staff and wide range of customer types. We should encourage that type of business in our city. As for drinking in parks, we should allow people to have drinks, but ticket and discourage drunk and disorderly behaviour. We shouldn't treat these issues as yes or no, but decide on how we can make them work in our city. 8/30/2019 8:56 AM 2 Designate a space, by signage, where alcohol and cannabis consumption is clearly prohibited, and ENFORCE IT. 8/28/2019 2:26 PM 3 Drink at home. Who is going to police this if the public can now drink in parks?8/26/2019 7:29 AM 4 Please ask province to sell cannabis in minimal recyclable/reusable packaging and allow consumers to provide own clean and dry containers for refilling. Suggest deposit system similar to amber beer bottles and cans. Regarding alcohol consumption, people should only be arrested if they are disturbing the peace (i.e. public intoxication, disorderly conduct). 8/21/2019 8:54 AM 5 Kids are going to get drunk in the park regardless of the law. May as well make it ok for more responsible people to have one or two during an event, barbecue or picnic. 8/19/2019 2:41 PM 6 Life is changing 8/14/2019 12:08 AM 7 If I’m walking my dog at 1am I should be able to consume without bothering anyone 8/12/2019 4:33 PM 8 vote Pickering in now 8/11/2019 11:50 AM 9 I only support medical cannabis and I feel this should not be sold in retail stores.8/6/2019 4:27 PM 10 There is presently a serious problem with drunk drivers. Alcohol in parks will increase littering, unsupervised drinking underage, increase in crime with reduced inhibitions of the consumers, and then danger to women and children who could become victims. Public nuisance from mischief and noise levels of intoxicated people ruining park enjoyment for children, seniors, dog walkers and solitary runners, without monitoring. We don't have a policing budget for those who would abuse the alcohol consumption to enforce the new law or protect the innocent. Keep the party at home, where the home owner has to be accountable. It would be too easy for a law-breaker to cause harm and vandalism in a park and then escape, unidentified. The public should never have to consider will they be safe on a walk-in-the-park, just because other people may be drinking there. I could not allow my children to play in the park with friends without being supervised. They deserve their freedom at play, as they grow, but not at the expense of potential harm. There is a place for alcohol at celebrations and in licensed facilities, but we all have seen someone abuse alcohol in those places. We cannot have someone abuse alcohol in public playgrounds. This law would have no respect for the non-drinkers in Pickering. Do not bring alcohol to our public parks, cannabis to our retail zones, nor vaping to our community. Look how hard people have fought to reduce or eliminate smoking in our schools, hospitals, airplanes, buses, restaurants and cars! We know it is harmful. Why now permit something that we know will be harmful to so many people in our city, because a minority are requesting the privilege? Please respect the peaceful majority. Thank you. 8/3/2019 7:46 PM 11 Public places are for people to enjoy free of alcohol and any smoking. Nobody has to put up with others unhealthy habits. Do it privately. 8/3/2019 2:59 PM 12 I fully support cannabis retail locations in Pickering.7/31/2019 10:44 AM 13 Alcohol does not make an event any better because you are drinking.Let people go to bars or restaurants where alcohol could be controlled hopefully by a fully trained bartender.We already have enough drinking and driving deaths .Is Pickering willing to accept responsibility for more drunk driving deaths and abuse of families by intoxicated people. 7/30/2019 2:28 PM 14 Should only be available to drink in parks for special events and require a license.7/30/2019 7:43 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption Attachment 2 to Report LEG 10-20 15 Who is going to be there to monitor the drinkers in a designated area? Here again, people will be leaving the park under the influence of alcohol. 7/29/2019 12:16 PM 16 Alcohol should not be restricted. People should have etiquette. If they over drink and become intoxicated, the fees should be raised to combat the allowance of the by-law. 7/29/2019 8:00 AM 17 I feel that this would self regulate. Any abuse would be reported to police for public drunkenness. 7/28/2019 5:10 PM 18 My children already exposed to too much public drunkeness, do not increase frequency or areas of public displays of inebriation. Our already stretched police service already must patrol drinking establishment areas, do not add our numerous public parks to the their workload. Keep parks for safe, peaceful, worry-free enjoyment by my family. 7/27/2019 3:33 AM 19 Please leave alcohol out of parks. Would be difficult to police and ensure compliance. We don't need more opportunities and venues for people to overindulge. How would you ensure there's no underage drinking? 7/26/2019 2:33 PM 20 Children are our future we need to show good example no drug sale drugs are addictive alcohol kills Pickering is a safe place for family’s promote clean neighbourhood build new playground invest in our deteriorating schools .selling drugs and drinking in parks were children play is no way to raise respectful human beings. 7/26/2019 5:04 AM 21 These questions seem to have predetermined answers desired. The availability for more detailed and thoughtful answers would be useful. 7/26/2019 5:04 AM 22 WE do not want any drug's of and gun's coming into Pickering.7/25/2019 5:48 PM 23 Having designated hours will allow for those who wish to attend a particular park (close to home, accessibility, etc.) can do so even if their local park happens to be alcohol friendly. 7/25/2019 9:23 AM 24 When alcohol is consumed in specific area during specific times it helps control it from getting to the hands of minors. I have been to large venues in the USA were alcohol can be consumed in the whole park, and I wonder at the age of some of the participants. The server asks for ID or checks for ID bracelet, but once free of the bar minors surely can get the alcohol from a friend and there is no effectively way of monitoring that. Serving is a specific place and time is just civilized, sit relax and have a conversation enjoying the environment which likely decreases the risk of wandering about drinking more than the individual truly intended. 7/23/2019 1:56 AM 25 When alcohol is consumed in specific area during specific times it helps control it from getting to the hands of minors. I have been to large venues in the USA were alcohol can be consumed in the whole park, and I wonder at the age of some of the participants. The server asks for ID or checks for ID bracelet, but once free of the bar minors surely can get the alcohol from a friend and there is no effectively way of monitoring that. Serving is a specific place and time is just civilized, sit relax and have a conversation enjoying the environment which likely decreases the risk of wandering about drinking more than the individual truly intended. 7/23/2019 1:56 AM 26 we already have alot of people who are problem drinkers even younger people i think this would make their problem worse 7/22/2019 9:18 AM 27 Let people drink in parks during regular hours. Enforce ban during off hours.7/18/2019 4:50 AM 28 If alcohol consumption is permitted on a park area, police/ security rounds need to be implemented as well for the safety of the community. 7/10/2019 4:57 PM 29 No 7/10/2019 2:10 PM 30 Again, chose yes because I was forced to choose. While we are adults, there are many adults that act like idiots and will take advantage of drinking in parks where children play, people relax etc. I don't care to see drunks in the park. You're going to get a lot of young adults or older teens taking advantage and partying in the parks that are close to people's homes etc. Public drinking in parks becoming a privilege/right will become a problem. 7/10/2019 12:11 PM 31 Enough with the backwards thinking time to move forward and not be pet of the nanny state 7/7/2019 10:34 AM 32 Let responsible adults be responsible adults - no nanny state 7/7/2019 10:29 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 33 There are already issues with people smoking in parks, off-leash dogs, and garbage. People have difficulty following rules and alcohol consumption in parks introduces multiple issues. Even if you have restrictions on alcohol use in the park, most people will choose to ignore these limitations. It will be the other park attendees (mainly children) and nearby residents that will have to immediately deal with the issues such as alcohol consumption by minors, public drunkenness, use of the park outside set hours, broken bottles, etc. Do you expect that the police is called each time when there is an issue? (This is a waste of police resources.) 7/5/2019 1:22 PM 34 Have a great day!7/5/2019 11:04 AM 35 As soon as you have a law that says you can drink legally in parks with some set of conditions, people may see it as a grey area and hear it as you can drink in all parks any time. There are signs today telling people they can't smoke in the park and people still do thinking it's fine because they're outside. 7/5/2019 9:26 AM 36 don't miss what u have never had. don't need more use of drugs and alcohol in public spaces. 7/2/2019 4:21 PM 37 Europe has been doing this for years with limited issues.7/2/2019 12:22 PM 38 These are not values or the type of community Pickering should be associated with, especially with Seniors and families with young children. 6/30/2019 8:06 PM 39 Pickering to set good examples for other neighbourhoods 6/30/2019 4:35 AM 40 Law-abiding adults should be free to consume alcohol wherever they like, as long as they do so in a respectful manner towards the community. 6/29/2019 4:28 AM 41 I chose "no" to number 9, as I think these limitations could too easily go overboard. As stated in number 8, primary children's areas should have a setback. Likewise, public consumption should have reasonably set hours that could maybe reflect sales hours for clubs, bars, restaurants, pubs, etc. 6/27/2019 11:55 AM 42 Public place consumption will likely lead to the decline of public spaces due to the irresponsibility of all few. 6/24/2019 8:33 PM 43 Law abiding adults deserve a certain level of respect and freedom. I believe anyone responsible enough, should be able to enjoy a nice beverage in the park, and there shouldn’t be any laws against that. 6/24/2019 5:51 PM 44 Set hours, yes. Designated areas not so much.6/24/2019 9:21 AM 45 That’s extra 6/23/2019 3:03 PM 46 I don”t think alcohol or cannabis should be allowed in parks 6/23/2019 8:57 AM 47 I work midnight shifts,,,,,,my drinking time is not the same as yours 6/23/2019 6:36 AM 48 There are enough places to consume alcohol without opening up public spaces. New York has fewer restrictions and they now have a problem they have to deal with. I don't want Pickering going that route. 6/23/2019 6:35 AM 49 Nothing good ever comes out of youth getting drunk in parks 6/22/2019 7:02 PM 50 You have an opportunity here to show that we are a forward thinking community and tap into lucrative revenue stream...I don't personally indulge in those shenanigans but I can see there is a growing demand and if I have to smell it every where I go, I want to know those folks are contributing their fair share to the system. 6/22/2019 5:28 AM 51 This is a progressive step in allowing adults to make thier own choices. It has been successful in other countries and I cannot see why Canada cannot be as forward thinking as they are. With the right education and rules that are agreed upon. This could be a good opportunity to show that we do not need to be over policed and that with slightly more relaxed rules, we can be just as civil as our European counterparts. 6/21/2019 7:26 PM 52 A designated area for alcohol. I drink alcohol and as a parent if I am walking through a park I would want to avoid the alcohol designated area for obvious reasons. 6/21/2019 3:07 PM 53 Alcohol and Cannabis are unnecessary societal evils. They cause unnecessary harm to both users and non users. All consumption should be tightly controlled 6/21/2019 12:43 PM 54 I am glad City of Pickering take its time to do this survey, thanks.6/21/2019 12:03 PM 55 Not necessary in public areas where children are 6/21/2019 11:50 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 56 Use of cannabis will not have a happy ending 6/21/2019 10:51 AM 57 We see crime and driving under the influence increasing - keep it private 6/21/2019 10:48 AM 58 Pickering resident for 65 years 6/21/2019 10:15 AM 59 I think it's a good idea during specific times 6/21/2019 7:37 AM 60 As an adult who has seen a lot of problems with alcohol abuse and just alcohol use in general, I have never understood why drinking has always been acceptable in this society, as I have seen so much death attributed to the effects of alcohol and absolutely none associated with just cannabis 6/21/2019 6:20 AM 61 There is no need to encourage and begin to perpetuate the idea that alcohol is necessary to enjoy a family picnic or a sports event. 6/21/2019 6:15 AM 62 I think drinking in public should only be allowed in certain situations such as, ribfest, Canada day, winter fest, adult sports game etc. 6/21/2019 5:39 AM 63 It has to be monitored if police won’t be involved I would prefer no having the choice of alcohol in the parks. It won’t be safe. And by involvement I mean having police on the site. 6/21/2019 5:27 AM 64 I do not drink alcohol. But my answers were based on a bipartisan perspective between marijuana and alcohol. 6/21/2019 3:39 AM 65 I THINK THIS SO STUPID!!!!!!! STOP IT IS A WHOLE FOR THE PUBLIC!6/20/2019 8:51 PM 66 As it is we already have enough problems with alcohol and substance addiction. This just going to cause more...59year old. 6/20/2019 11:40 AM 67 Not past 11pm or Midnight. Designated areas would also be appropriate as it would contain all the drinkers in one area. Maintenance, cleanup etc. would be much easier to deal with. 6/19/2019 8:48 PM 68 Alcohol and marijuana consumption should not be allowed in public areas 6/19/2019 7:42 PM 69 Should always be prohibited.6/19/2019 4:51 PM 70 No alcohol should be allowed in the public parks.6/19/2019 8:38 AM 71 Cannabis and alcohol are both legal and the government should have no right to restrict responsible adults from buying and using them as they want. Pickering's economy shouldn't be held back by this kind of red tape. 6/19/2019 7:27 AM 72 Drinking leads to problems and drunk in public areas is not appropriate behaviour. .people leave bottles lying around and dont clean up after themselves 6/19/2019 6:36 AM 73 It would be great to see some of these initiatives come into play this year. There are a lot of people doing these things already, but because there are no rules or regulations, aside from don't do it, we are losing out on potential tax revenue - this is specific to the cannabis stores. 6/18/2019 11:52 AM 74 Drinking in public parks should be allowed, but I do think that there should be strict rules for public intoxication - especially if people are belligerent/violent. Time limitations, or different rules for different parks will cause a lot of confusion, and will clog up court system with people fighting cases. 6/18/2019 11:19 AM 75 Designated smoking areas are very helpful 6/18/2019 9:47 AM 76 see commit #8 6/16/2019 2:21 PM 77 I find the smell of pot extremely offensive, and resent being exposed to it in public places.6/15/2019 2:48 PM 78 I don’t support any kind of smoking 6/15/2019 2:23 PM 79 Europe has less alcohol related issues and very open access. We will adapt properly to freer access. 6/15/2019 2:18 PM 80 This provides a reasonable accommodation while minimizing the risk of misuse and overnight irritations to residences near public parks 6/15/2019 8:21 AM 81 Again, by allowing people to act responsibly with consumption at parks, you are encouraging an environment of responsible expectation. 6/14/2019 2:26 PM 82 Citizens should be allowed to practice responsibility instead of forced on.6/14/2019 12:03 AM 83 As soon as you alcohol is allowed in parks, more garbage and potential problems, including fights. 6/13/2019 12:42 PM 84 It is time to leave the Victorian ages and treat adults like adults.6/13/2019 10:09 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 85 N/a 6/11/2019 12:28 PM 86 the fact that we are doing this now and not a year ago means that you as our city reps were listening to dictator ford and not your citizens that you were elected to represent. very sad and dissapointing 6/11/2019 7:30 AM 87 This could help to limit exposure of alcohol to children and youth.6/10/2019 2:20 PM 88 Allowed at home or in licensed settings 6/10/2019 10:18 AM 89 Adding these city improvements will help with minor laws the city can be more focused on bigger things. 6/10/2019 6:25 AM 90 I see nothing wrong with the consumption of alcoholic beverages in parks if people are responsible but how do you police it? We live near a park and there have been occasional problems with young people celebrating at night so set hours would at least provide a legal basis to control this. 6/10/2019 6:17 AM 91 Just drink a home or a bar like a normal person. There's no reason to be getting wasted in a park. 6/10/2019 5:50 AM 92 Drink at home. Really, this is nuts.6/9/2019 2:52 PM 93 I go to a park to enjoy the day, not be around a bunch of drunk, pot smoking zombies.6/9/2019 2:50 PM 94 Our parks and public spaces are for family and personal enjoyment, to get outside. We have ample places for drinking. Our parks should be completely off-limits. 6/9/2019 2:45 PM 95 Consumption of alcohol should be banned in all public parks at all times. There should be no permitted hours. 6/7/2019 4:09 PM 96 I strongly believe that the consumption of alcohol in public parks would have an overall negative impact on the community, (ex. possibly resulting in a greater amount of DUIs, vandalism, personal injuries, alcoholism in general, etc.). I don't see any benefits with allowing the consumption of alcohol in public parks. Public safety is more important than any financial gains that would come from this. 6/7/2019 12:53 PM 97 Easier to control and police if the area is specified. Infraction fines for out of area.6/6/2019 7:15 PM 98 There is a definite different between people who consume alcohol and those who use cannabis 6/6/2019 5:25 PM 99 Alcohol should not be consumed in public parks. God people can't even clean up their Tim's in a public park !! 6/6/2019 3:39 PM 100 I support commercial cannabis in Pickering. I have lived here most of my life. I do not think it is a problem for Pickering. 6/6/2019 3:43 AM 101 I don't like the way the questions are worded. It appears that it is in favour of drinking in parks. Question 7 & 9 requires a "yes" answer from me when I do not agree with drinking in parks because if I answer "no" it means that it is ok to drink everywhere in the park or at different venues. At least this is how I interpret the questions. 6/5/2019 6:31 PM 102 I am strongly opposed to the consumption of alcohol in parks. We have had enough public violence without fueling the problem with public drinking. 6/5/2019 6:23 PM 103 Free Natural Budz!!!6/5/2019 6:08 PM 104 I am very concerned with this provincial government's focus on increasing ease of access to alcohol. Increasing alcohol consumption in society in general is a negative thing. We are shooting ourselves in the foot from a health promotion perspective - at the same time we are limiting smoking and vaping areas for health reasons, we are making access to drinking alcohol easier and easier. I am very concerned about the impacts on drivers, parents, workers... with an increased prevalence of drinking alcohol, especially since the government is cutting so many social services to support people who are negatively impacted by their drinking or that of family members or others who impact them. 6/5/2019 12:40 PM 105 No alcohol at all in public places 6/5/2019 12:01 PM 106 I am very hesitant about having wide open access to alcohol in the parks. With drunk driving being such an issue, there is the possibility that allowing it would encourage more people to drink and drive. Realistically, there are already people who bring their drinks to parks... and hope they don't get caught, so it seems silly that sensible and mature people cannot - but, of course, that is the issue. The people who either drink or use cannabis must be sensible and mature and understand the possible risks to both themselves, their children and others. Unfortunately, laws cannot make people smart. 6/5/2019 11:14 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 107 If alcohol consumption is permitted in designated areas during set hours, municipal will have to find a way to monitor this. Monitoring cost will likely be added to our property taxes (and more taxes)! 6/5/2019 10:51 AM 108 Please wear your brains and think about people, ethics, family values, seniors, children. Why are you catering to people who like drugs and alcohol? You are not making it safe to send the kids to the park anymore. where is sacred and safe anymore with alcohol and cannabis being served in the parks, controls or no controls. Stop thinking of money for a change and think about humanity. please. Let these cannabis and alcohol loving people stay safely in their homes and enjoy. Make Pickering safe! 6/5/2019 10:43 AM 109 we need cannabis outlets in Pickering 6/5/2019 9:58 AM 110 Do not see any need or advantage to adjusting this policy.6/5/2019 9:15 AM 111 I am not a supporter of smoking drugs and drinking alcohol in our public parks. If you want to do that you can do it at your own home/back yard. 6/5/2019 8:48 AM 112 There should be no permission for alcohol consumption.6/5/2019 8:34 AM 113 Alcohol should be allowed in picnic areas only with restricted ti.es and security. Permits should be bought to use 6/5/2019 7:24 AM 114 Responsible people will be responsible. I don’t think retail Cannabis stores and public drinking are going to make responsible people any less responsible. There will be growing pains but done properly this should work. 6/5/2019 6:45 AM 115 We should have access and be able to use as freely as people smoke or drink. Everyone should be responsible for keeping it away from children. Being respectful as you would when someone smoking should be. 6/5/2019 6:38 AM 116 Safety of others should be the first priority in creating these laws 6/5/2019 6:34 AM 117 BBQs and “beer league” sports already have some consumption going on.6/5/2019 6:24 AM 118 Thank you for taking a democratic approach to these important decisions.6/5/2019 3:28 AM 119 I am originally from a town in BC where drug addicted people took over some parks. They drank alcohol which led to disturbances, passing out and sleeping in these parks. This made others feel uncomfortable to use these areas. The problem started small but got worse over the years. I don't want to fear using a park in the afternoon or evening because of people drinking. 6/4/2019 2:35 PM 120 Pickering needs to deal with the weeds issue it has in all its parks, rather than worrying about alcohol in the parks. 6/4/2019 9:07 AM 121 No to beer being sold in corner stores. Beer stores and LCBO monitor age etc properly 6/4/2019 7:38 AM 122 People already drink in parks. Allowing it with certain restrictions could help control any drinking related issues (fights, obnoxious behaviour etc.) and could help control littering of empty containers. 6/3/2019 7:35 PM 123 When I went to Montreal, their laws was that you must have food if you choose drinking alcohol in parks. That seems reasonable because then you have something in your system that will help the digestion of alcohol. 6/3/2019 6:28 PM 124 Unlimited alcohol in parks wiii lead to behaviour problems and make parks less family friendly. 6/3/2019 11:17 AM 125 Allowing alcohol to be consumed at parks will increase the number of impaired drivers on our roads in Pickering. I do not want my family put in danger because someone wants to drink in public. You want to drink outside then go home and drink in your own yard at least then you wont be tempted to drive impaired. 6/3/2019 8:08 AM 126 When people drink some of them get rowdy and aggressive. I am concerned about people destroying public property costing taxpayers to repair/replace. Maybe the taxes from cannabis could be used to fix these things. Police should have better things to do than be concerned about people drinking in a park. Simplify things, most people drinking in parks will not cause problems. 6/3/2019 7:59 AM 127 It’s actually sad when folks can’t go enjoy an event without having the need to do drugs or drink. And weed is drugs no matter how you look at it. 6/3/2019 7:54 AM 128 Sometimes the hours in which people drink widely differ.6/3/2019 7:52 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 129 Should only be allowed is a licence has been given to do so. ie: Ribfest Licence to cover alcohol as well as pot. Other then that it should not be allowed in parks or smoking while walking down the street. 6/3/2019 7:51 AM 130 That would limit the amount of pollution drinking in public causes. I'm not a supporter of drinking in public spaces though. 6/2/2019 5:38 PM 131 Who is even asking for permiting alcohol consumption in public parks? Is there some significant constituency of folks that want this badly? Weird. 6/2/2019 4:39 PM 132 With Cannabis users in our neighbourhood we can never sit in our backyard or have windows open in our house. I am tired of having to live this way. 6/2/2019 4:16 PM 133 Ideally, most people will consume these products in a responsible manner but since there are those who abuse privledges for one reason or another, rules and regulations should apply. 6/2/2019 7:33 AM 134 Let us not sacrifice common sense at the altar of political correctness or popularity (i.e. vote bank politics). Let's do the right thing for the majority of the people who lead normal lives, have children and work hard and pay taxes. 6/2/2019 7:31 AM 135 Alcohol in parks is a dumb idea. Not sure why the provincial government is so concerned about alcohol consumption. 6/2/2019 6:16 AM 136 First of all ban alcohol. Secondly these questionnaires are biased toward promoting alcohol . If alcohol had to be encouraged , provide it near police station or court facilities . Public parks are family spots and no room for drinking alcohol to be allowed as eventually normal people and family will stop visiting these places due to insecurity and safety reasons due to open alcohol and Canabis consumption. at worst case, This should be strictly private activity in their homes and not in public spots.if desired to have it in parks it should be after 11 Pm to 1 am with strict police watch. 6/2/2019 5:52 AM 137 Sounds like a good idea. Never really thought about it before.6/1/2019 10:28 PM 138 Please don't normalize alcoholism and cannabis use in Pickering City. We love this city and want to maintain it's beauty and family values. 6/1/2019 9:07 PM 139 I travel and work in holistic medicine for some time now & work with charities that work with medical marijuana patients suffering from PTSD, anxiety and many other ailments cannabis has drastically helped and changed their lives. Pickering stores will make this panacea accessible to those who truly need it. 6/1/2019 7:55 PM 140 Even today you can go to parks and see people (incl. minor ages) consuming alcohol. Such regulations no matter how stringent will be abused and require monitoring, which is not sustainable as it can always be impacted based on economic conditions. 6/1/2019 2:57 PM 141 Substance use of any kind (alcohol or cannabis) should not be used in public places like parks and sports fields or anywhere there may be children around. 6/1/2019 2:01 PM 142 If designated areas prohibit kids and pets.6/1/2019 12:38 PM 143 No restrictions. Existing laws on public intoxication and being disorderly are sufficient 6/1/2019 8:07 AM 144 Drinking in public is fine, being belligerent is not, and that distinction should be made.6/1/2019 7:48 AM 145 We must stop the nanny state and understand that those who will abuse these rules will be in the minority we must trust the citizens of our great city to make responsible adult decisions 6/1/2019 7:33 AM 146 To reiterate I am against both issues 6/1/2019 6:47 AM 147 More in favour of pot stores than drinking (or smoking) in the parks 6/1/2019 6:45 AM 148 I don’t understand question 9. No alcohol permitted at any time in Parks is my vote.6/1/2019 5:44 AM 149 Freedom is wonderful but we need boundaries / rules, law and order in order for us all to co-exist. We are losing respect for others in this world. Empathy is dead. 6/1/2019 4:25 AM 150 I would not be happy if City allows smoking pot and drinking in parks and public place. City does NOTHING to enforce any bylaw signs . Fedup about this 6/1/2019 4:14 AM 151 No additional comment 6/1/2019 3:52 AM 152 No alcohol needs to be consumed in a public park. One can drink at home or in a restaurant where one is supervised. No one is available in a park to say, 'You've had enough'. 5/31/2019 7:06 PM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 153 Should be allowed but not to excess, enforcement of the liquor Act of Ontario ie intoxicated in a public place should be enforced if allowed. A Beer at a picnic or sone wine would be enjoyable. But people sitting all day and getting intoxicated should not be. Everything in moderation. 5/31/2019 6:12 PM 154 I wish that people here had a European attitude about liquor in public, but unfortunately we are not as sophisticated and I fear that ding dongs would be day drinking to the point of intoxication, not to mention teenagers. A campaign around what acceptable behaviour is would be great! For example: people on a picnic blanket having a lovely meal among family and friends of varying ages with a glass of wine or a beer contrasted by a group of people with a cooler overflowing with drinks, clearly intoxicated (insert visuals as risqué as fits, like someone being sick in the bushes). Campaigns all over Pickering. We could become known as the classy place to imbibe at an outdoor concert or by the water etc 5/31/2019 5:31 PM 155 I think people are generally responsible and careful with their alcohol and canibis use and their are laws to deal with abuse 5/31/2019 3:41 PM 156 Just have the proper permit to do such. At least this way we will always have someone or a group accountable. 5/31/2019 2:32 PM 157 Alcohol consumption should be controlled by existing prohibitions on the age of the consumer, not the location of where the consumption occurs. We already have existing restrictions on public intoxication and nuisance. 5/31/2019 1:06 PM 158 This is a yes or no question.Where are the designated areas? Are the rules going to be too rigid and take all the fun out of have a beer or two. Limit the amount of booze each person may have in their possession. 5/31/2019 12:52 PM 159 I do not support substance use of any kind in public parks.5/31/2019 12:23 PM 160 who is going to clean up afterwards. Broken bottles etc. Fights. I do not want it outside the home. It will cost us more and governments think we the taxpayers are their private pot of gold WE ARE NOT. 5/31/2019 12:03 PM 161 Re Cannabis consumption - last week we were at a public baseball diamond where our special needs CHILDREN and older athletes were playing baseball. The playing area was consumed with the smell of someone smoking Cannabis outside of their home. The city and province needs to regulate this somehow. The majority of people do not smoke Cannabis and as a non smoker I do not want to get high or take in second hand smoke everywhere I go. People should not be exposed to this. We cant please a small minority of smokers at the expense of the majority. This is beyond ridiculous. 5/31/2019 11:15 AM 162 The current public intoxication laws should be more strictly enforced in those area 5/31/2019 11:14 AM 163 As long as the person(s) are reasonable and not intrusive to others' enjoyment of the space, I don't think there should be significant restrictions. 5/31/2019 11:13 AM 164 Don’t support cannabis sales or alcohol in outside public areas 5/31/2019 11:11 AM 165 I do not know what areas in a park would be designated and what hours would be allotted that would eliminate nuisances to neighboring residences. 5/31/2019 10:42 AM 166 Alcohol should be available in corner stores.5/31/2019 10:26 AM 167 I don't agree with the beer store shut down. Because there it is controlled.5/31/2019 10:24 AM 168 Let people manage themselves. if someone is unruly / rude / a mess they should be arrested/cops called. This seems to work just fine in Europe. The less we make alcohol a taboo thing, the healthier our relationships with it can be. 5/31/2019 9:24 AM 169 Alcohol should not be allowed in parks because litter will increase.5/31/2019 9:21 AM 170 None 5/31/2019 8:34 AM 171 I feel that public places should be drug, alcohol free as they are used by all ages.5/31/2019 8:17 AM 172 Should not be allowed after dusk, as there seems to be more trouble under the cloak of darkness. 5/31/2019 7:57 AM 173 If you do allow drinking in parks, why set the times to earlier in the day when children might be around. Makes no sense. 5/31/2019 7:01 AM 174 When children are in bed adults can drink.5/31/2019 6:36 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 175 Create a limit on how much cannabis an individual can purchase at the Beer Store, and cut them off if they keep coming back repeatedly. Cannabis is still a drug and should be used in moderation 5/31/2019 4:15 AM 176 The majority of citizens in Pickering are already quite unruly. No need to throw gas on a fire you are trying to put out. 5/31/2019 4:03 AM 177 No to public consumption 5/30/2019 7:50 PM 178 By answering park questions regarding alcohol it was only answered to respond to the question. We do not support alcohol in parks period. Parks are calm, community family place and should be kept respectful. 5/30/2019 6:48 PM 179 It really depends what is considered a park.5/30/2019 6:23 PM 180 Drugs (including cigarettes and cannabis) and alcohol should not be permitted in public at all. It is a blatant disrespect to the safety of the general public. 5/30/2019 5:37 PM 181 80 percent of people will abide by the rules and enjoy this liberation. 20 percent may abuse the leniency. Their abuse should not deter the majority who would enjoy and appreciate the freedom. Thankyou for asking. 5/30/2019 5:33 PM 182 There are enough problems with people drinking and driving, now cannabis and driving.5/30/2019 4:54 PM 183 Every one has the right to enjoy the parks and allowing of alcohol and cannibus consumption in parks will result in residents, such as my family from enjoying the parks due to drunkedness and the foul smell from smokimg marijuana. 5/30/2019 4:47 PM 184 I've lived in a few countries where public consumption of alcohol was legal (heck, you could buy it in vending machines in Japan). Never saw any issues with it. 5/30/2019 4:33 PM 185 We should have restaurants with nice patios in parks and beaches. More people will come to have a bear with a nice view. Look to Europe. 5/30/2019 4:28 PM 186 I am worried the survey will not reach a balanced representation of the population and only the nanny state folks that want to imprint their view of right and their definition of wrong on people....and opening cannabis shops will be further delayed. 5/30/2019 4:11 PM 187 There are more important community items that need immediate attention....gun control, employment, criminal activity, to name a few 5/30/2019 3:41 PM 188 cannabis needs to be debunked. alcohol is soo deadly yet sold aoo freely. cannabis has soo many uses from medicinal ro recreational. let people be free of that choice 5/30/2019 3:34 PM 189 People who have consumed too much alcohol act irrational and lack Judgement. There is no way to control amounts of consumption 5/30/2019 3:25 PM 190 Would not like to have to have alcohol consumption in public parks etc. The behaviour of those who will be consuming will still out pour into areas where there are children who are exposed and into parking lots causing nuisance and other issues. 5/30/2019 3:07 PM 191 Should have a curfew. No drinking after say 11pm. This would promote safer parks.5/30/2019 2:25 PM 192 Thanks for taking such survey and listening to the concerns of others who do not consume Alcohol or Cannabis. Public places should be safer where every person should feel comfortable and enjoy in there own personal way. 5/30/2019 2:03 PM 193 Treat citizens like adults. We have families and are law abiding. We follow rules, so begin treating us that way. 5/30/2019 1:41 PM 194 Hosting a public meeting about this information would be helpful, somewhere we can have questions and concerns answered by city officials. 5/30/2019 1:37 PM 195 Drunk people will get too rowdy after dark.5/30/2019 1:08 PM 196 Limiting alcohol consumption in parks is such an old and restrictive concept. People who live in condos/apartments should be able to hold private outdoor events in parks with friends and family, with alcohol, just like house owners can do so in their own backyards. 5/30/2019 12:33 PM 197 Please close the retails outlet on the intersection of Kingston and Walnut lane, next to Enterprises car rental. 5/30/2019 12:30 PM 198 Dont be stupid and stifle small business.5/30/2019 12:20 PM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 199 5/30/2019 11:57 AM 200 5/30/2019 11:23 AM 201 5/30/2019 11:18 AM 202 5/30/2019 11:15 AM 203 5/30/2019 11:10 AM 204 5/30/2019 10:57 AM 205 5/30/2019 10:53 AM 206 5/30/2019 10:29 AM 207 5/30/2019 10:13 AM 208 5/30/2019 10:08 AM 209 5/30/2019 9:50 AM 210 5/30/2019 9:22 AM 211 5/30/2019 8:40 AM 212 5/30/2019 8:20 AM 213 5/30/2019 8:03 AM 214 5/30/2019 7:53 AM 215 5/30/2019 7:47 AM 216 5/30/2019 7:41 AM 217 5/30/2019 7:32 AM 218 5/30/2019 7:00 AM 219 5/30/2019 6:37 AM 220 5/30/2019 6:16 AM 221 With the Pickering Casino coming, it can only add to additional revenue for Pickering to grow in value. Been in cities in states where alcohol consumption is openly permitted in parks and on streets and there is a lot more drunkeness My only real concern for public alcohol drinking is litter. To be honest a person drinking anything in a disposable container has the potential to litter just people who are drunk are a more impulsive due to the alcohol. All the empty beer/wine bottles and cans could generate a little revenue from returning the empties. not AT ALL anywhere near public parks where children play from 8AM-8PM at the least. These spaces are for children, not adults. Why change their use/purpose. Kids will stay away if people and teens are boozing 24/7 in their parks. Alcohol is VERY different than cannabis. I don’t know believe people should be allowed to smoke that substance in any park or public area whatsoever. Zero tolerance. That being said, if people are drinking in parks or others area and then try to drive home, it’s up to the community/people to report to the authorities. Cannabis is a plant with very beneficial benefits , such as pain managment, aides in sleep, helps with anxiety and stress. I am not opposed to alcohol consumption at events like ribfest, which currently occurs. I am opposed to any consumption of alcohol at our waterfront parks. There are currently numerous problems with unregulated use of alcohol in our local waterfront parks including Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park and along the waterfront trail. Residents and families should be able to enjoy our parks and trails without the problems alcohol brings including broken glass on our beach and litter, which residents constantly clean up. A mechanism also needs to be found to change the rules so smoking of cannabis is not allowed in our parks. not a good plan to have alcohol in parks unless you have resources to oversee randomly. I don't agree with public alcohol consumption whatsoever. Let’s catch up with the times Pickering. I’ve lived here 38 yrs. time to start collecting taxes from this legal product. Such complicated issues. Let's make sure we protect our city. We are not city of Toronto. We are in Pickering and that's one of the reasons we choose this city because of clean, good law, less populated. If you could rely on people making responsible choices...not over drinking and not drinking and driving then sure drink in parks. I don’t believe it’s possible. Limiting late night consumption of alcohol would be the only type of limitation I believe should be enforced. As someone who only smokes cannabis, and probably drinks alcohol 3-5 times a year, I'd be pretty annoyed by parks being overrun with alcohol drinkers while cannabis is still frowned upon on the city. Pickering should step up and be a good example of drug consumption in public. If it's illegal for cannabis to be in an area with children, then also, so too should alcohol. No alcohol in public parks; no retail cannabis stores (redacted) I work in the cannabis industry, and know many legal professionals as well as cultivators interested in this topic. Please feel free to call to further discuss. Cheers No public consumption should be allowed. Pickering should evolve with the newer legislations and allow it's residents to make their own choices as to whether or not they want to partake. Should be the same hours as bars & restaurants. Also, approval should be available for extended hours for festivals and events. My concern is for safety for those individuals consuming and those not consuming. There are enough places they can go to consume without the need to do it in such a large area Cannabis and alcohol do not need to be anywhere where there is a possibility of underage consumption and the repercussions from that. 5/30/2019 5:42 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 222 There is no need for public consumption of alcohol or drugs in municipal spaces that should be open to all people. Why should I have to walk through clouds of pot smoke when walking down the sidewalk or park? Drink driving is already a big enough issue without making it legal to drink in public places. There is no need for either of these initiatives. 5/30/2019 5:32 AM 223 I feel strongly that whatever the final decision, the laws will be broken by the same people who always go against regulations. I don't think there are enough people in charge of imposing the regulations on those who choose to smoke cannabis or consume alcohol in prohibited areas. 5/30/2019 5:16 AM 224 Just lighten up, people. This os not the Middle Ages!5/30/2019 5:00 AM 225 Parks are a public place and should be able to be enjoyed by all. If a park was to be given permission for alcohol consumption, there need to be strict controls in place to ensure the safety of the surrounding community, such as special hours, driver checks at the exits and throughout the park, and additional policing of public intoxication. 5/30/2019 4:08 AM 226 I believe public alcohol consumption in parks should not be allowed. One, because actually enforcing the restrictions that would need to be put in place would be either impossible, or a burden on our resources, and two, because these are important places where people go to replenish their mental health, relax, exercise, and engage with the community. Allowing alcohol consumption is not a step in the direction that public parks are meant to go. While I think incidents may be seldom, it takes only a few for people to begin to feel unsafe, which will change the type of person who can feel welcome in the park. 5/30/2019 4:03 AM 227 What benefit to the city of Pickering do you see that should allow this. It will cost taxpayers more for police enforcement as wrll as park cleanup 5/30/2019 3:51 AM 228 We are a sleepy community. Get with the times and be a leader versus a very late follower 5/30/2019 3:24 AM 229 Banning a cannabis store front only helps the black market sellers.5/30/2019 3:22 AM 230 We need to catch up the rest of the world. Stop the hand holding that governments do. We should be able to take responsibility of our own actions. 5/30/2019 3:16 AM 231 Ensure reasonablr rules and regulations are in place to manage the public drinking issue.5/30/2019 2:38 AM 232 Same as restaurants and bars 5/30/2019 2:06 AM 233 Public drinking in parks is not necessary. There would be no controls in place, no means of monitoring consumption or behaviour and no checks on people driving home after consuming alcohol in parks. It is trouble waiting to happen and a bad idea. 5/30/2019 1:55 AM 234 Why making safe family spaces more riskier 5/30/2019 12:35 AM 235 Alcohol is very different from cannabis.5/29/2019 11:16 PM 236 Trust the residents of this city/province/country, we are all good people.5/29/2019 11:10 PM 237 Alcohol should be consumed either at a licensed venue or at home. This would set a bad example for children. 5/29/2019 9:07 PM 238 This will be next to impossible to enforce. Rules will not work. Better just keep it restricted.5/29/2019 8:56 PM 239 If you want to keep Pickering beautiful and a great place to raise children, keep the alcohol rules the way they currently are and keeping cannabis away from our schools, malls and restaurants. Kids should not be exposed to this crap and it brings nothing more than trouble to the area. Keep Pickering a beautiful place to live!!! 5/29/2019 8:43 PM 240 Pickering needs to chill 5/29/2019 8:27 PM 241 we should not allow alcohol in public parks. families and kids should feel safe in these spaces. 5/29/2019 8:22 PM 242 I would limit alcohol consumption to daytime hours.5/29/2019 7:56 PM 243 Punish poor behaviours, not certain drug preferences.5/29/2019 7:29 PM 244 Alcohol consumption in public parks is too difficult to police.5/29/2019 7:26 PM 245 People drink in parks after dark already so this would just be formalizing something that already happens 5/29/2019 6:43 PM 246 I do not support alcohol consumption in any public park. There is too much liability on too many levels. 5/29/2019 6:43 PM 247 Since Scarborough has no cannabis store, it's a great opportunity for Pickering.5/29/2019 6:26 PM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 248 If there is strict rules with cigarettes the same should be for cannabis and alcohol 5/29/2019 6:16 PM 249 People already sneak alcohol where they want it. Who is going to enforce these restrictions. More than likely people will just do what they want when they want if permitted. Drinking should be be allowed in Public places especially close to children. 5/29/2019 6:04 PM 250 I feel alcohol should not be permitted at all in parks 5/29/2019 5:49 PM 251 We should always encourage people to spend more time outdoors and I think this a way of doing that and also giving people more options, like if me and my friends want to pre drink before a concert but none of us have a free house we could just gather in a designated area to do it. 5/29/2019 5:43 PM 252 Because our taxes will increase because we will have to pay for police officers to reinforce the law. 5/29/2019 5:43 PM 253 No, there are many other places for people to drink 5/29/2019 5:35 PM 254 Once you start getting lenient with anything, you are opening a can of worms. Never supported the legalization of cannabis. Do not believe in extending the time for serving alcohol, so definitely do not believe in drinking in public places. Sure there are people that will obey the rules, but what you cannot afford are those that will not rather having the intent or not. Just like the speed limits. Most follow, some only dare to go over a bit, then there are those that disregard it, anyone, anything. Especially, the police force is stretched to the max, there are already not enough of their presence. 5/29/2019 5:21 PM 255 We are not in Vegas we don’t need to be drinking publicly in parks 5/29/2019 5:18 PM 256 I see no issue with the consumption of alcohol in public places. Just because it may be legal in Pickering doesn't automatically mean people will drink to excess and be belligerent. If someone wants to consume a drink and is not disturbing others, they should be allowed to do so. 5/29/2019 4:40 PM 257 Government is approved for making money don’t think about younger generations 5/29/2019 4:22 PM 258 Crime is increasing in Durham. When I moved to Pickering in 2003, it appeared crime was nonexistent. I went years without seeing a police car or hearing police sirens. This has changed with the changing demographics and the introduction of these elements will only exacerbate our social problems. I no longer feel the same sense of safety and security that I once felt. I now wonder if Pickering will remain my place of residence in the future. 5/29/2019 4:01 PM 259 I am against alcohol consumption in parks, but if it is allowed i think there should be very strict regulations and that these regulations are actually policed 5/29/2019 3:52 PM 260 overall both a bad idea..just because the Feds legalized pot (to garnish votes) does not mean municipalities should follow big brother.. 5/29/2019 3:22 PM 261 Please, please don't bring a cannibis store here, and do everything you can to keep our kids safe! 5/29/2019 3:01 PM 262 People already drink and drive as well as use cannabis while operating a motor vehicle. They cannot be trusted. I consume alcohol and I do not believe this is a good idea! 5/29/2019 2:37 PM 263 There may need to be some sort of patrolling to check people are casually drinking and not getting hammered. 5/29/2019 2:30 PM 264 Love the survey! Curious to see how it gets used and how much of it plays a role in any decision making. Good luck 5/29/2019 2:21 PM 265 When alcohol is used in excess violence is never far behind.5/29/2019 2:17 PM 266 Please allow physical retail cannabis stores in Pickering. As someone with severe anxiety issues, CBD strains are the only thing that has given me relief. Having these stores nearby with easy access will be life changing. Cannabis is much safer than alcohol and should be easy accessible by all. I know many older people that would like to try cannabis but they do do any online shopping. 5/29/2019 2:08 PM 267 No alcohol consumption at all in any parks in Pickering.5/29/2019 2:01 PM 268 With the legalization of cannabis, people can enjoy it from the comforts of their homes but when this is done publicly this is imposed on individuals that do not use cannabis or drink alcohol for that matter. There are enough locations where this can be enjoyed, I don't think there needs to be any more. 5/29/2019 1:48 PM 269 Like during events in parks, concerts and such.5/29/2019 1:48 PM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 270 Make it smart and keep it simple! Dont overthink it. Sadly, the "nanny state" has ruined society. 5/29/2019 1:47 PM 271 Allowing drinking in public parks is a tricky subject with the potential for wide spread consequences. While it would be nice to have a beer while walking at the waterfront, these rules might also encourage heavy drinking individuals which might detract from the safety and appeal of our public parks. Suffice to say, allowing public drinking is a serious decision that would require appropriate services. 5/29/2019 1:47 PM 272 I don’t want to see any Cannabis retail stores in Pickering.5/29/2019 1:46 PM 273 Montreal has the right ideas on alcohol in parks, let's follow their lead!5/29/2019 1:45 PM 274 Why not support local merchants? The alternatives other than online shopping support someone else's community or criminals 5/29/2019 1:45 PM 275 Alcohol consumption in parks are for family events to enjoy a day out. Restriction will just defeat the purpose because drinking areas will only just fill up and rest of the park will be empty. 5/29/2019 1:43 PM 276 I do not want an airport in Pickering 5/29/2019 1:41 PM 277 I have lived in Pickering for over 25 years and I have enjoyed all of the pathways of the waterfront and surrounding areas where my friends and I merrily smoked cannabis, drank a few drinks and relaxed for awhile with food! Also taking my garbage with me to dispose properly because I love and care about what beauty of nature Pifreeing has to offer....MY Way! :) 5/29/2019 1:11 PM 278 I think having consumption during set hours would be difficult to enforce.5/29/2019 1:09 PM 279 Alcohol consumption will not be controlled on an individual basis leaving great risk for higher rates of drinking and driving, indecency, dirtier public facilities due to uncontrolled drinking accessibility to underage drinkers in unsupervised areas... 5/29/2019 1:04 PM 280 legalize cannabis. people are smoking cigarettes everywhere. why not cannabis?5/29/2019 1:02 PM 281 If alcohol allowed in parks who will control the amount of drinking and making sure anyone driving is not under the influence 5/29/2019 1:00 PM 282 Too much regulation hurts consumers and drives tax dollars to other cities that allow stores. Residents will drive to the nearest store to buy cannabis. 5/29/2019 12:38 PM 283 Pickering already voted against these stores why are you looking to change we do not need the revenue 5/29/2019 12:35 PM 284 Pickering already voted against these stores why are you looking to change we do not need the revenue 5/29/2019 12:35 PM 285 Let people have as much fun as possible while being responsible. Life is short.5/29/2019 12:32 PM 286 Yes to more jobs in the legal cannabis industry No to drunks in the parks. I saw a man doing tai chi the other day in a Pickering park, turns out he was just drunk and stumbling doing animal poses. Too many drunks in public already. Animals Strike Curious Poses (from Prince) 5/29/2019 12:31 PM 287 Hopefully people or respectful to the people around them and dont cause trouble 5/29/2019 12:23 PM 288 Drinking is already permitted at events such as Ribfest. I assume a permit is required. Perhaps it should be kept that way. There are already to many impaired drivers on our roads. 5/29/2019 12:20 PM 289 Alcohol / spirits are just that. It is a drug it alters mind state, it is something to enjoy minimally with a balanced meal of protein veggies, desserts but it should be consumed minimally. Don't encourage alcohol because what will it teach the future generations? To be drunk in the streets, possibly walk on the roads by accident get killed? I also know that many people in Durham have mental health issues, a large portion, alcohol is a depressant and will make things worse! I guarantee that. Sorry but it is the truth. 5/29/2019 12:15 PM 290 Please don't bring cannabis to retail stores in Durham area. If possible consider NOT to legalize it. 5/29/2019 12:05 PM 291 Please do not promote such things. It is killing our society.5/29/2019 11:53 AM 292 There are many muncipalities around the world where public consumption of alcohol is permissible. It is about time that adults are treated as such without the government internvening as a nanny-state. You will find that most adults are responsible and the ones that are not are probably consuming alcohol in parks already without much issue... 5/29/2019 11:37 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 293 This survey limits the scope of consideration re: public consumption in public parks. It would seem obvious that where there is a concern regarding public safety or public nuisance, limitations need to be considered. 5/29/2019 11:22 AM 294 It’s great you are considering legalizing alcohol consumption in public. Canada seems so behind the developed world in this manner. It would be wonderful to enjoy a drink with a picnic. Public drunkenness should still be enforced 5/29/2019 11:18 AM 295 It is an undeniable fact that alcohol consumption can have undesirable consequences. The Parks are meant for the public common use and allowing alcohol will limit many people from going there. The parks are widely used by young kids and allowing alcohol within the parks increases the chances of driving under influence around the parks making it dangerous for young kids. 5/29/2019 11:17 AM 296 There is no way to regulate drinking and driving if alcohol consumption in parks is allowed.5/29/2019 11:14 AM 297 Revenue from cannabis sales via taxation is a source we need to tap, just like alcohol and tobacco. We should embrace it as a revenue stream worth having. 5/29/2019 11:06 AM 298 Please consider the no option..we dont want our children to have easy access to something that can disturb their education at a time when so many other factors effect their educstion 5/29/2019 11:00 AM 299 Proper recycling depots should be increased in the parks. Our alcohol laws in parks currently are not fair to the public. You should be able to enjoy an alcoholic beverage in a park. 5/29/2019 10:48 AM 300 A trial run at a select few locations would be good.5/29/2019 10:40 AM 301 I believe it is our right to have access to cannabis, as well as to enjoy alcoholic beverages in public parks. I see no harm in either, as long as certain rules and regulations were set in place. 5/29/2019 10:15 AM 302 Alcohol leads to disorderly conduct and cannot be controlled as it is. It is not ideal to allow the consumption of alcohol in parks. 5/29/2019 10:09 AM 303 Unmonitored alcohol use in parks is not a good idea. It will lead to public intoxication by some people and that reflects poorly on the city. Money and time shouldn't be wasted to monitor possible incidents of public intoxication. Also there are parks in Pickering that don't have areas where people can eat and drink. Not having those areas, there is little littering and it should stay that way. 5/29/2019 10:07 AM 304 Anywhere with children, should not have 19+ activities exposed. If there were certain parks where children do not frequent, alcohol could be considered. 5/29/2019 9:41 AM 305 Cannabis is much safer than drinking alcohol.5/29/2019 9:30 AM 306 Should be restricted to those parks with picnic facilities 5/29/2019 9:27 AM 307 In much of europe, there are no restrictions about alcohol consumption and their countries have not burned up in the fiery pits of hell. No reason to believe that Pickering would fare worse. 5/29/2019 9:20 AM 308 Consumption in Parks from 11am-11pm 5/29/2019 9:16 AM 309 Treat people like adults, but give them rules. Booze and pot are legal, just create guidelines for usage. 5/29/2019 9:16 AM 310 Behind or near benches located on baseball fields are decent locations to allow consumption of alcohol as long as cleanup is done after the fact. 5/29/2019 9:12 AM 311 Pickering is a nice clean area, and although residents do already smoke weed having a store in the area could be a catalyst for an increase in usage in the area which negatively and unfairly impacts children and those who do not wish to partake in weed usage 5/29/2019 9:01 AM 312 The public should be able to take their own alcohol to approved park areas. As well cannibis should be allowed in approved park areas, however cannabis does present a very unpleasant odour for many and must be controlled. 5/29/2019 9:01 AM 313 Alcohol in parks could be permitted based on the event...beer or wine tasting 5/29/2019 8:53 AM 314 Either go all in on alcohol consumption or opt out. I drink myself but can’t see why we would need to open it up to parks and drive up public intoxication. Maybe exceptions for long weekends or holidays when groups are getting together 5/29/2019 8:50 AM 315 If #9 is yes a requirement for policing would arise and likely costs would be absorbed via raise in taxes. 5/29/2019 8:46 AM 316 No because if responsibly drunk there shouldn’t be a problem with time of day, same goes for someone on their private property. 5/29/2019 8:46 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 317 5/29/2019 8:43 AM 318 5/29/2019 8:39 AM 319 5/29/2019 8:38 AM 320 5/29/2019 8:21 AM 321 5/29/2019 8:17 AM 322 5/29/2019 8:14 AM 323 5/29/2019 8:11 AM 324 5/29/2019 7:45 AM 325 5/29/2019 7:32 AM 326 5/29/2019 7:26 AM 327 5/29/2019 7:12 AM 328 5/29/2019 7:06 AM 329 5/29/2019 6:51 AM 330 5/29/2019 6:15 AM 331 5/29/2019 5:30 AM 332 5/29/2019 5:30 AM 333 5/29/2019 4:49 AM 334 5/29/2019 4:48 AM 335 5/29/2019 4:48 AM 336 5/29/2019 4:30 AM 337 5/29/2019 3:57 AM 338 5/29/2019 1:45 AM 339 5/28/2019 5:27 PM 340 Cannabis stores are open all over the place. There has been no documented increase in crime or usage amongst minors. People are still going to be buying it, so why are we encouraging them to spend their time and money in other municipalities? I would rather have well-regulated stores who do not sell to minors and encourage responsible use than have prohibition. Like it or not, Cannabis is here to stay. Either we have this conversation now, or drive people away from doing business in our city. I don't want cannibis or alcohol in parks where children play! I appreciate the public being consulted on this. I do not support public consumption of alcohol in parks as I fear that these areas are the one place underage drinkers will head to and the dangers to public will be much too high. Limit consumption to metal/plastic. Restrict glass alcohol containers from all public areas to prevent hazards. N/A - I don't think it should be allowed Public consumption of alcohol and cannabis should be allowed. People that are intoxicated and causing problems should be fined. Free alcohol consumption everywhere. VOTE FOR SCHEER, (redacted) TRUDEAU!!!! Public drinking should never be allowed I have a park right beside my house and honestly I wouldn’t feel safe with a bunch of drunks running around that’s where my kids play!!!!I would have to move Great to see Pickering starting to view alcohol as a social activity rather than a problem activity Wouldn't want drinking too early; maybe past 11am. I also think by about 10pm it should be closed and people encouraged to go to the bars if they want. with the correct supervision it can work but not if left to others to think it out. No, it would be to hard to in force. Alcohol consumption in parks (or in public in general should be limited to reasonable levels, in the same way as level of intoxication in public currently is. Alcohol in parks may be fun for a few people who want a cheap place to party, but it will cost the rest of us money and the quality of our public experiences. No allowed after 10pm as goal should be for it to be okay for responsible consumption Very misleading survey. Q4 suggest, no matter what would be my answer stores would located be in Pickering. Q9 the same, yes or not in my answer is suggesting that I give consent to alcohol consumption in public places. No matter what I do not want people in public places to consume alcohol or cannabis or driving cars under influence. Parks are public places. Drinking and consuming cannabis should not occur in public places where everyone would be exposed and where supervision of these activities are limited or non- existent. It's important that Cannabis be available from a legally approved seller, otherwise consumers will gravitate to illegally obtained Cannabis due to the convience factor. So essentially permitted "hours" of allowances? A curfew on when adults have to stop drinking? That seems like alot of unnecessary time and effort to police people. No any form of drugs and alcohol in the city! We need to start small and then expand our ideas with regards to alcohol consumption in public parks. Test out the waters and see how responsible people can be. Please do your best to take care of our city's young people. I think designated spaces is a good idea, but hours set barriers that could be based on biased values. Giving people a space to consume as long as it is not off in a far corner of the park making it difficult for parents who may want to consume alcohol while being able to keep an eye on their child. As well cannabis is legal and can be smoked in a public place, so limiting alcohol consumption in the same space seems counter productive 5/28/2019 4:47 PM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 341 designated areas would require disposal bins for the empties.5/28/2019 1:45 PM 342 I truly hope the City of Pickering can be a little more open minded when it comes to the future. As a Resident of Pickering of over 25yrs, I haven't seen much progress in terms of Business Development. 5/28/2019 7:38 AM 343 Yes, not unlike bars and restaurants that currently have restriction times on sales My only other concern are bike riders who may have consumed alcohol and using public roads. How do we deal with that? 5/28/2019 7:05 AM 344 I don't see anything wrong with an afternoon picnic, family gathering, outing with friends etc. allowing alcohol, and I would make use of this. That being said, I would not want it to lead to loitering, deterioration of public areas and safety, unruly public behaviour for authorities to have to deal with. I would rather go without the privilege, if there are risks of public areas deteriorating. I think it should be limited to no later than 7 pm (unless a permit has been obtained). 5/28/2019 6:08 AM 345 Please keep our parks safe and family friendly.5/28/2019 3:33 AM 346 There are plenty of other options for people to buy cannabis. We don't need stores in our city. 5/28/2019 3:18 AM 347 My experience with alcohol in parks has always been negative. There are plenty of other facilities in Pickering to consume alcohol. We dont need it in our parks. 5/27/2019 1:13 PM 348 Consumption in parks will only encourage late night illegal activity 5/27/2019 1:08 PM 349 Alcohol consumption brings is tax dollars and revenue, but at the expense of societal harm. Public disorderly conduct, glass & can litter, and driving impairment will increase. There are plenty of places to consume alcohol. It doesn't need to spill over into the shared public space. 5/27/2019 12:37 PM 350 Alcohol should not be permitted in Parks or any outdoor sporting events.5/27/2019 11:39 AM 351 Last December, my family attended the Pickering Tree Lighting festival, the way we have done for the past 4-5 years. My children were exposed to second-hand cannabis smoke that night, and it actually affected/changed their behaviour. There should be strict restrictions when there are public events that children attend, such as Ribfest, Artfest etc. What is going to happen this summer in places such as the beach (Millennium Square) in terms of cannabis use in the same areas that children play? 5/27/2019 10:22 AM 352 Public consumption of alcohol should be allowed so that a picnic with wine or other beverages can be consumed responsibly. Public intoxication rules already exist, so if no one is driving or bothering anyone, i don't see the harm. Age of consent rules should still be enforced until 19 for both substances 5/27/2019 10:15 AM 353 Allowing public consumption of alcohol in parks is inviting trouble from intoxicated people, and is a big step backwards in public health policy overall. Establishments that deal with intoxicated people have things like bouncers and SmartServe-trained staff because of the issues involved - clearly these would not be present in public parks which would make them more dangerous. 5/27/2019 9:23 AM 354 Only that cannabis should not have anymore restrictions placed on it than alcohol. Never heard of a group getting out of control because they smoked to much weed. Alcohol; now that's a different story. 5/27/2019 9:21 AM 355 More freedom for citizens to live their lives and accept that not everyone works 9-5 and live different lifestyles. For those who work 12-8 or 2-10 or any other combination of hours should be able to enjoy the same rights as those who work 9-5. 5/27/2019 9:21 AM 356 My 18 year old is an addict as he chose marijuana to help him through mental health when the system could not. Where is my help as a parent to deal with this? Money should be spent on fixing the mental health problems not on trying to find ways to drown them out. 5/27/2019 8:55 AM 357 I have kids play in my backyard with my in-laws drinking alcohol. I don't think it affects children's developed negatively - unless people get pickled and start acting out. I think that we are all adults here, and I think that enforcement should be behaviour-centric, not consumption-centric. 5/27/2019 8:43 AM 358 I don't think there should be alcohol at all in our parks 5/27/2019 7:34 AM 359 Europe has been doing this for years and their societal values have not collapsed.5/27/2019 7:29 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 360 Most people are reasonable. A family out for a picnic should not be penalized if mom or dad wants to have a cooler or a beer instead of a coke. Likewise, if adults want to walk the boardwalk with an open drink versus an ice cream cone, it shouldn’t be a big deal. Public drunkeness is never okay and driving while intoxicated is of course illegal. As long as public safety is not compromised, people should be able to consume adult beverages when they wish without penalty. This is how most of the world (not including the US) treats these issues. 5/27/2019 6:06 AM 361 We do not need drunk people around children. Go to a restaurant, bar or home.5/27/2019 5:56 AM 362 Please consider a cannabis shop in Pickering - for a safe choice 5/27/2019 4:06 AM 363 Public drinking and drug use only has negative effects for everyone and endangers lives. Both the user and the innocent people exposed to it. 5/27/2019 4:02 AM 364 Parks are often more utilized by children in the morning. Thus alcohol consumption should not be allowed in the morning. 5/27/2019 3:52 AM 365 As an EU and Canadian duel citizen, I have seen firsthand that drinking in public is not the scary Armageddon that previous governments have made it out to be. We do not need to live in such a restrictive society where all levels of government control what the public can and cannot do. 5/27/2019 3:08 AM 366 As stated previously I believe the cost of the necessary monitoring of alcohol use in public parks, would be a drain on municipal budgets, and as a taxpayer I want my tax dollars spent in other areas, such as road and park maintenance, library services, animal services, etc 5/26/2019 10:37 PM 367 Pickering is a family-friendly town, and as a mom of two young kids I encourage our city to be responsible by supporting policies that encourage all citizens to live in a clean and safe community (so please don't permit public and open drug and alcohol use in our city). 5/26/2019 7:42 PM 368 History witnessed that alcohol creates a law and order problem. If some one has to consume alcohol they can enjoy with in their home or in the bar not in the public place 5/26/2019 2:52 PM 369 As long as people aren't belligerently drunk or being ignorant and disruptive theres no reason you shouldn't be able to have a beer in a public space 5/26/2019 1:09 PM 370 Let people live and make their own decisions. If they behave badly then they have to live with the consequences. 5/26/2019 12:30 PM 371 My biggest concern is with the way 2nd hand smoke can effect people. It's not fun going through the GO train parking lot and smelling cannabis all the time. As for alcohol the conditions should allow for some consumption but not over consumption. Perhaps with special attention to parking lots near parks for those who decide they only let me 2 minutes away. 5/26/2019 11:01 AM 372 I have a toddler and a dog I would be deeply saddened to see people consuming alcohol in our parks at any time of the day. Drinking in public parks opens up opportunities for underage drinking as well because it takes alcohol out of homes where parents may have more control over what is happening with their teens. Additionally, many sidewalks, parks and catwalks have broken glass when I walk my dog I worry that permitting consumption of alcohol will increase the amount of glass in our parks. 5/26/2019 9:23 AM 373 Let Pickering finally legalize cannabis 5/26/2019 8:16 AM 374 N/A 5/26/2019 8:16 AM 375 Alcohol is a big enough problem as it is. Drinking in properly licensed establishments as it is now and at home is good enough. 5/26/2019 7:26 AM 376 With the new Durham live there will be a large influx of new people to Pickering and Durham. This creates an excellent retail opportunity plus additional tax revenue for the city. 5/26/2019 7:11 AM 377 Shouldn’t be allowed.5/26/2019 6:59 AM 378 I feel the City of Pickering has let down the residents and is all about the Business owners. Sadly that is what's going on! 5/26/2019 6:57 AM 379 Alcohol in public should not be permitted at all. Especially in areas where kids are present. It could dangerous for children because people who are drink don't have inhibitions or are not even aware of the difference between right or wrong. Not only that, they could also engage in lewd behavior in front of children due to lowered inhibitions. 5/26/2019 6:55 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 380 If I’m walking down the street with my kid, and I happen to pass by some people smoking weed. My child can Inhale second hand smoke. If I walk by people sipping a tall can. There is no second hand consumption possible. If it’s ok for one, it should be ok for another. As long as you’re of age and being responsible, there’s no problem. Not to mention this already goes on and has been forever. So there really is no difference. Besides the fact that people don’t have to have anxiety about it, and police can concentrate on matters that actually matter. Thanks 5/26/2019 6:25 AM 381 If any times to be set should be same time as alcohol is allowed to be served elsewhere. Not sure of the start time but currently morning till 2am 5/26/2019 4:54 AM 382 Alcohol is more strongly linked to violence than any other drug. Pickering already has a history of stabbings and shootings in parks. Adding alcohol could lead to more crime. 5/26/2019 4:35 AM 383 No need to have alcohol where the public can come together and enjoy the day. With alcohol some times come guns, do not want to take this chance. DO Not need misbehaviour, only takes one when I go to enjoy a park or any public space. Let them go to Bar that is why we have them. 5/26/2019 4:23 AM 384 I'm concerned with the city's ability to enforce the rules. I am also concerned with possible increase of driving under the influence. Lastly, given human nature, I think there's a strong potential of abuse of the rules on this type of activity. So unless the rules could be effectively enforced, I'd vote "No". 5/26/2019 3:43 AM 385 Again, people should be responsible and have consideration toward others who don't drink alcohol or smoke 5/26/2019 3:20 AM 386 Try to enforce different rules. Drink/smoke/toke on your own property.5/25/2019 8:03 PM 387 Alcohol should not be consumed in public areas 5/25/2019 6:45 PM 388 No drinking in public.5/25/2019 5:06 PM 389 It shouldn’t be allowed at all.5/25/2019 2:58 PM 390 Don’t it just leads to dangerous situations because parks are not frequently policed 5/25/2019 2:37 PM 391 Both alcohol and smoking of any kind should only be done in private residences.5/25/2019 2:27 PM 392 I think getting high by weed is ridiculous and should of never been appoved in the first place. Its just a cash grab & hurting the next gens coming. Idiots 5/25/2019 2:13 PM 393 It’s would be best if alcohol consumption in parks would be prohibited period!!5/25/2019 2:00 PM 394 Laws should default to liberty. The ability of responsible adults to consume alcohol in public parks should not be abridged by government for reasons of moral panic. The government should not punish adults who engage in this harmless practice. 5/25/2019 1:21 PM 395 With drinking and driving a problem, we do not need to make consuming alcohol more available in public places. 5/25/2019 12:48 PM 396 With drinking and driving a problem, we do not need to make consuming alcohol more available in public places. 5/25/2019 12:48 PM 397 Very strict rules that are effectively policed will need to be in place 5/25/2019 12:35 PM 398 Designating alcohol consumption hours would be impossible to control. If there is an adult event happening in the park I understand allowing alcohol and cannibis for the event only. 5/25/2019 12:28 PM 399 Should have set hours or a guard so they don't hurt themselves and can get someone to call home and also prevent robberies 5/25/2019 11:58 AM 400 pls dont legalize cannabis and alcohol consumption in public places in pickering 5/25/2019 11:54 AM 401 Enforce existing laws for public intoxication and disorderly conduct. No need for new restrictions. 5/25/2019 11:46 AM 402 Under supervision 5/25/2019 11:34 AM 403 We don't have enough bylaw officials or police to enforce this. You will just make more work for the police. They have enough to do. And why would you put any 1 life at risk. 5/25/2019 11:32 AM 404 Pickering is already developing a reputation for increased hooliganism and criminal behaviour (e.g. the shooting death behind the recreation centre in early April, and shots fired at Island Mix on a couple occasions). I am absolutely not in favour of pot shops in Pickering, and not in favour of alcohol in parks (except at special organized and licensed events like Rib Fest with a beer tent which is closely regulated and supervised). 5/25/2019 11:21 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 405 People do it anyway. No schools and kids though 5/25/2019 11:19 AM 406 I don't want my peace and quiet ruined by rowdies drinking in the park which is right behind my house. 5/25/2019 10:57 AM 407 Simply, don’t allow it 5/25/2019 10:43 AM 408 I WILL NEVER DO DRUGS 5/25/2019 10:34 AM 409 Do not do this to our city please.5/25/2019 10:33 AM 410 If you allow alcohol consumption the only suggestion would be that there be no consumption between midnight and 6am 5/25/2019 10:33 AM 411 If cannabis is legal in public places then so should alcohol 5/25/2019 10:30 AM 412 None in parks 5/25/2019 10:27 AM 413 being brought up in an alcohol environment i was introduced to alcohol at an early age. so i oppose alcohol anytime in parks where children are present 5/25/2019 10:19 AM 414 I’m a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. I have great experience with the use and misuse of substance. 5/25/2019 10:12 AM 415 There are already two stores of cannabis on Kingston Road near Loblaws. This must affecting the other retail businesses in the plaza as people like myself avoid going to that plaza due to the cannabis stores there. 5/25/2019 10:05 AM 416 Approving consumption will increase littering, underage drinking, excessive consumption.5/25/2019 9:46 AM 417 Would enjoy having a beer by the lake in Pickering. I dont want to be restricted by time. Please provide enough garbage bins/ recycling to throw away empty bottles and cans. 5/25/2019 9:42 AM 418 Set hours is a lovely idea but hard to enforce and users will ignore it 5/25/2019 9:37 AM 419 There would have to be provisions for clean up and security. Also rowdiness by people drinking in parks may tie up police who get called for disturbing the peace instead of more serious crimes. 5/25/2019 9:28 AM 420 I do not agree with drinking in public parks.5/25/2019 9:21 AM 421 Public alcohol consumption will lead to rampant public drunkenness. Public consumption will also lead to a drastic rise in littering of empty bottles and cans. These items will be found and picked up by young unsuspecting children. People can drink at sporting events. They can drink in their backyards. They don't need to drink in a public park where kids play. 5/25/2019 9:12 AM 422 It is rediculous to have alcohol consumption in public and in parks etc ..also marijuana is a bit less offensive but also should not be consumed in public busy places. .* should be done discreetly. .. It is rediculous and almost offensive to put them both in the same category. I am a firm beleiver marijuans is 20x safer and more benefits then alcohol could ever have .. Less dangerous. Alcohol is much worse .. Thx 5/25/2019 9:09 AM 423 Pickering should put this to a vote rather than by survey only. Voting more likely reaches more citizens. 5/25/2019 9:06 AM 424 Please keep our parks and city drug and alcohol free in all public areas.5/25/2019 9:03 AM 425 Although I support the choice to have public alcohol consumption permitted, I think in contrast the fine for public intoxicating should be increased dramatically to deter public intoxication. 5/25/2019 9:00 AM 426 No alcohol in any parks, no alcohol in any sports areas. No cannabis stores in Pickering 5/25/2019 8:58 AM 427 There should be no consumption at any hour.5/25/2019 8:56 AM 428 I don't support public consumption of cannabis and alcohol in any public areas except for bars and taverns. It should not be allowed in parks of any kind. Crime waiting to happen and we have enough crime without adding impaired persons to the mix... 5/25/2019 8:56 AM 429 There should be no consumption at any hour.5/25/2019 8:56 AM 430 How would Pickering ensure that children are Procter from drunks, trash from bottles and cans. 5/25/2019 8:54 AM 431 If Done Right rolling out brick and mortar stores could bring a lot of Revenue that is being missed out on. Not just from the storefront alone but other businesses that will Thrive from it as well. eventually there could be conventions or festivals held and that could bring up the tens of thousands of people 5/25/2019 8:52 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 432 Still shouldn't be permitted at all.5/25/2019 8:50 AM 433 Mandatory water fountains in any park that allows alcohol. Also an emergency contact option and better recycling for the additional empties. 5/25/2019 8:47 AM 434 alcohol and canabis should net be permiited in public areas 5/25/2019 8:33 AM 435 neither is necessary to enjoy friends and family 5/25/2019 8:31 AM 436 The majority of adults are level headed and would not abuse the use of alcohol or weed in parks etc. They do it anyways. Why not allow it and keep better track of its use. 5/25/2019 8:23 AM 437 should be monitored for too much drinking 5/25/2019 8:20 AM 438 People are going to do whatever they want anyways.5/25/2019 8:13 AM 439 Again, no alcohol should be allowed near where children play. The city is unable to even keep up with the large crowds, alcohol, garbage and fireworks that already happen on the beachfront of Liverpool Rd. 5/25/2019 8:04 AM 440 Lots of concerns about alcohol. Proven fact there are more police incidents including death with alcohol. Ive never really heard of any major issues from someone smoking pot. They are usually passive people. 5/25/2019 7:48 AM 441 Neither legal drugs or alcohol should be allowed in public spaces. It impedes the rights of those who choose to use the spaces and don't want to use either. There's second hand smoke and then additional garbage like broken alcohol bottles, late night parties etc. Question 9 is both mandatory and poorly written for survey research. It will give false answers - because respondants were not able to have an option to say not at all. 5/25/2019 7:32 AM 442 thank you for taking our thoughts in 5/25/2019 7:28 AM 443 Enforcement is vital 5/25/2019 7:26 AM 444 Let people be as long as they don't abuse the situation 5/25/2019 7:20 AM 445 having a cold drink after a hockey game or tennis , golf or other sports is ok About time we get treated as grown up's 5/25/2019 7:14 AM 446 beer in many countries is treated the same as pop. not booze. its time we embrace this. drinking a beer outdoors should not be illegal. being a drunken idiot should be illegal. 5/25/2019 7:04 AM 447 Both drug and alcohol use should be limited and away from children or family oriented events and venues. 5/25/2019 6:56 AM 448 None 5/25/2019 6:56 AM 449 Once you allow an inch, people tend to abuse priviledge 5/25/2019 6:53 AM 450 This is an oppertunity to change the public opinion of what pickering is viewed as, expecially with the expansion of the casino 5/25/2019 6:30 AM 451 Don't restrict people from enjoying the legal products that they enjoy, in this day and age with people wanting to be more inclusive and diverse, we can't turn a blind eye on any specific group because some of our moral values differ. 5/25/2019 6:21 AM 452 Designating the areas and times allowed would likely be a challenge to enforce, unless there is a consistent law enforcement presence. 5/25/2019 5:56 AM 453 I do not want young children believing that alcohol is the thing to do in parks and everywhere else. Public consumption gives children the example that alcohol is a good thing. Parents can explain alcohol consumption i their homes much better than when children see young people (late teens) drinking in public. 5/25/2019 5:30 AM 454 If cannabis is illegal from parks then alcohol should be too. If alcohol is allowed, then there is precedence for cannabis consumption in public places. 5/25/2019 5:26 AM 455 If people want to drink they are going to do it anyway, good luck policing that.5/25/2019 5:15 AM 456 No public alcohol consumption except at licensed special events.5/25/2019 5:13 AM 457 It’s not rules on consumption but people acting badly. You shouldn’t restrict people acting responsibly. 5/25/2019 4:39 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 458 Alcohol consumption should not be permitted in public parks. To do so would compromise safety and the enjoyment of these spaces by the majority of citizens who simply wish to enjoy time and outdoor activities with their families. 5/25/2019 4:37 AM 459 It's a fine line between allowing people to have a drink in the park for a picnic or just to enjoy a nice afternoon and making it acceptable to get drunk in a park. Will be interesting to see how that plays out, but ultimately I think most people will be responsible. 5/25/2019 4:21 AM 460 I want to know what the city and province are doing about the vast number of people smoking canibis while driving or other public places. 5/25/2019 4:08 AM 461 The hours should be restricted to a range of 9am to 11pm. This allows for adults to consume alcohol after games in public places, but not overly Impact the surrounding neighbourhood after 11pm 5/25/2019 3:58 AM 462 I’m for no public consumption of cannibis or alcohol with out a permit.5/25/2019 3:23 AM 463 We already have problems with substance abuse in this country. We need to control this and stop making it so each to access. 5/25/2019 3:17 AM 464 My concern with alcohol in parks is the litter which may come of it. I feel that intoxicated individuals would be more inclined to litter their bottles as opposed to others. However, those who choose to drink in parks regardless of regulations may be more inclined to throw out their bottles if it is legal as they will not be concerned being seen with alcohol beverage containers in their way to the park trash bin as opposed to feeling they need to ditch the container in the bushes. 5/25/2019 3:17 AM 465 I do not agree with public drinking at all!5/24/2019 8:24 PM 466 Consumption of alcohol in any public area cannot be controlled. Families would not feel comfortable or safe. 5/24/2019 7:32 PM 467 There’s nothing wrong with having a few social drinks in a public place, beaches, parks etc. If it’s a nice summer day I want to be outside enjoying it with friends and have the liberty to have a few drinks without worry 5/24/2019 7:13 PM 468 I'd question 6 answer is no than 7, 8 and 9 are void 5/24/2019 6:40 PM 469 I have lived in Pickering a long time and am looking forward to all the positive changes I see happening with the increase in new business and improvements to our city. We don't need retail weed stores or have alcohol in parks. That would ruin our city. We need to try to keep our kids away from this nonsense. If people want to smoke up, go buy it somewhere else. As for parks, they are a place for families, if you need alcoho that badly then go to a bar or drink at home. Just my opinion. 5/24/2019 4:56 PM 470 I am against public consumption of alcohol especially in places where children are around.5/24/2019 4:36 PM 471 Don't permit alcohol in public spaces. It creates dangerous and unsafe places for children and seniors and women. 5/24/2019 4:27 PM 472 Alcohol is dangerous and *actually* addictive (not made-up claims but well researched). People drink enough already at home, restaurants, bars/pubs, sporting events, theatres (Need i go on?) without needing to get sauced at the park too. We are already too accommodating about alcohol. 5/24/2019 4:16 PM 473 Yes designated areas with permits only. Single purchase beers are being purchased (like a soda) and then consumed in the local wooded area and then disgarded, who is policing this? 5/24/2019 4:09 PM 474 Family picnics / barbecues / events should have alcohol consumption by. Permit only 5/24/2019 4:07 PM 475 I think we should have a bylaw in Pickering that prohibits smoking Cannabis near the entrance of public spaces 5/24/2019 3:58 PM 476 Appreciate opportunity to participate.5/24/2019 3:51 PM 477 Just like restrictions on use of alcohol, marijuana use should not be allowed in public areas such as parks and other public property in the neighbourhood. 5/24/2019 3:46 PM 478 Byzantine regulations will help no one and will do more harm than they do good. Please make the regulations regarding cannabis and alcohol as clean and simple as possible with our communities best interested at heart. 5/24/2019 3:18 PM 479 I think alcohol and other recreational drug that can affect someone's state of mind in anyway should be kept away from public spaces and should be encouraged to be used in private spaces. 5/24/2019 2:56 PM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 480 5/24/2019 2:31 PM 481 Thanks for the survey. Maybe put out more info about Cannibis benefits and usage so the public is more educated. The (redacted) is doing a 2 yr study on concussed players using cannabis! Supported by Pickerings own (redacted)! Crazy. Consuming alcohol is not the problem. It is people giving alcohol to minors or behaving badly because they are drunk. Both of those situations can be managed through existing laws, by-laws and community policing without having to ban alcohol entirely for responsible people in public spaces or restrict it where there are playgrounds 5/24/2019 2:13 PM 482 We need to have a responsible and open mind 5/24/2019 1:44 PM 483 As a French person, you guys just got to relax.5/24/2019 1:38 PM 484 After 8am until 2am.5/24/2019 12:55 PM 485 5/24/2019 12:53 PM 486 5/24/2019 12:52 PM 487 5/24/2019 12:37 PM 488 5/24/2019 12:35 PM 489 5/24/2019 12:22 PM 490 5/24/2019 12:20 PM 491 5/24/2019 12:16 PM 492 5/24/2019 12:07 PM 493 5/24/2019 11:35 AM 494 5/24/2019 11:17 AM 495 5/24/2019 10:56 AM 496 5/24/2019 10:39 AM 497 5/24/2019 10:29 AM 498 5/24/2019 10:23 AM 499 5/24/2019 10:22 AM 500 5/24/2019 10:18 AM 501 5/24/2019 10:18 AM 502 Alcohol in public should be allowed. The rules for public intoxication exist, therefore self-respecting citizens who would like to enjoy an alcoholic beverage should be allowed to do so if it is done within the law and access is not provided to minors. Over reguling isn't you going to accomplish anything. Most people have common sense and the ones that don't wouldn't follow the rules anyway. Cannabis should be like cigarettes. In a park, outside anywhere, pot and alcohol should be divided. Different locations for both those products. People are already drinking and driving and not being responsible. Making it ok to drink in public parks can only cause more issues with intoxication, vandalism, violence and drunk driving. IT LEADS TO A LOT OF TROUBLES --DO IT AT HOME I would put signs up saying that "if it get abused it will be removed" I would not like to see rowdiness or drunken fools hurting themselves or others Most people that would enjoy an adult beverage in public will not abuse the privilege. So our rules should not be designed solely for the purpose of controlling the few people that have a disregard for rules in general. people will drink anyway. Is it a good use of public resources to be trying to control this . Drink responsibly of course but this is something that's time has come The one thing I would like to regarding alcohol consumption in designated areas, is that it is limited to containers that are not glass to prevent hazards from broken glass. I would also like to see that public intoxication is dealt with seriously. I do not support cannabis retail or public alcohol consumption in Pickering. Parks/beaches/playgrounds etc. are currently a safe environment for family and children. We must first think of the public safety before the economical (profit) benefits. Licenced for special events In the UK, it is legal to drink in any public place. It only becomes a crime if a law enforcement officer requests that you surrender your alcohol and you refuse. How about you let dogs run around first instead of worrying about getting blitzed. Or how to deal with the people who will engage in boozing up at parks then driving home, endangering people. You have your (redacted). I realize that opening up distribution of cannabis would be financially advantageous to the city in the added taxes but not worth added health risks. Pickering residents need to get with the times. It's not the 1950s anymore. Responsible consumption should be permitted. No Alcohol at all should be aloud in our public parks. We will already have people running around our parks high off of pot. We don't need to add drunk people to that list.... 5/24/2019 10:16 AM 503 It'd be nice to enjoy wine & a picnic during events held at the Gazebo.5/24/2019 10:14 AM 504 I think that being aloud to drink at say Canada Day Celebration is a great idea. People already drink by hiding it so making it legal I think is a great idea. As long as no one is driving I don't see the harm. Also I think that Baseball parents would like to be able to have a couple of drinks while watching a 3 hour game. 5/24/2019 10:09 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 505 Public alcohol consumption will definitely increase public nuisance and public intoxication resulting in more crime and chaos ultimately costing the city millions of dollars. The cost of policing such incidents will also go up. 5/24/2019 10:06 AM 506 In no circumstance should it be allowed. Would not represent a 'good neighborhood' if it is. Pickering already have a very negative stigma to people in the GTA and allowing this would make it worse. 5/24/2019 9:53 AM 507 Legal consumption of legal products can be self regulated in public spaces as we have laws on the books to deal with public intoxication or causing a disturbance. Smoke is smoke regardless from source of tobacco or weed and should be handled in the same manner. Be more concerned with littering and opening drug injection sites for the usage of illegal products. Be concerned with rampant gang members with lengthy rap sheets using illegal guns who get minimum sentencing. Be more concerned with why repeat offenders who drink and drive, keep getting slapped on the wrist by judges who let them off consistently. A bottle of wine at the beach or taken to a park with a picnic lunch, some edible weed brownies taken to concerts at the park, not an issue as long as no one drives impaired. 5/24/2019 9:49 AM 508 I see no reason why anyone needs to consume alcohol or cannabis in a public park.5/24/2019 9:49 AM 509 Dont 5/24/2019 9:30 AM 510 Alcohol during such events as RibFest makes sense, but not as a regular occurrence. Can’t we enjoy ourselves without having to have the lingering scent of pot (skunk smell) or an intoxicated person who will get in their car afterwards. 5/24/2019 9:14 AM 511 Only by permi for events with strict rules to prevent unruly behavior and drunk dricing 5/24/2019 9:12 AM 512 Please don't let the City make irresponsible choices that will affect families.5/24/2019 9:08 AM 513 My concern is people making pickering a less desirable city and looking trashy. There is a gentleman in my neighborhood who likes to drink at all hours of the day with his pants at his hips, and his buttocks showing. It us on his own property but on the front yard for all to see. If we allow drinking everywhere, I'd be concerned more of this type of person will be visible. 5/24/2019 8:56 AM 514 I believe that glass bottles should be prohibited in certain areas where it is at risk of harming others. Example being park facilities as identified in Survey 7. As the city/police officials may experience strained resources, a compromise of only certain parks should be set. 5/24/2019 8:53 AM 515 We have witnessed public drinking in our neighbourhood park late into the night on weekends and during the summer with extreme noise and poor behaviour. Don't allow it to take place . 5/24/2019 8:46 AM 516 We have to be careful that we don’t make decisions that impact a healthy and safe environment for families. 5/24/2019 8:43 AM 517 There is no need to allow cannabis stores in pickering.5/24/2019 8:42 AM 518 Its about time for people to self-regulate and not be told ... common sense should prevail but there are limits ... 5/24/2019 8:34 AM 519 Stop being old fashion in your thinking...5/24/2019 8:27 AM 520 See # 5 5/24/2019 8:16 AM 521 ABSOLUTELY NO TO ANY OF THESE CRAZY IDEAS I HOPE THE MAYOR FOR WHOM WE VOTED WILL BE ABLE TO DECLINE THIS 5/24/2019 8:12 AM 522 I would enjoy one Saturday a month in the summer where there is a public picnic event allowing alcohol - it could be clearly advertised so families could choose to be there or not. I don't think public consumption in parks needs to be allowed 365/24/7. Also - we DO NOT need alcohol in corner stores. 5/24/2019 8:12 AM 523 No exceptions when indivuals 19 and under are aloud to be present, no alcohol or drug use should be permitted. Giving a wrong example, especially when this is taught in school to the students. PERIOD. 5/24/2019 7:59 AM 524 I think advertising alcohol and cannabis in close proximity to high schools should not be allowed. 5/24/2019 7:56 AM 525 I think that there are going to be some people that don't respect others and will overdo whether it be smoking pot or drinking; however, hopefully those will be few and far between. 5/24/2019 7:51 AM 526 None 5/24/2019 7:30 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 527 Less of alcohol and drugs on street and public places, less worry, less stress and more security. 5/24/2019 7:21 AM 528 Public consumption of alcoholic products is allowed in many countries without any real problems. 5/24/2019 7:06 AM 529 During hours when bars would be able to serve you should be able to consume.5/24/2019 7:04 AM 530 We have to go with the flow here. It is silly to say not in my town or city, it is going to happen so we might as well have a say in it. 5/24/2019 6:56 AM 531 There would be need of enforcement of the rule and law. Even today there is a law to put dogs on leash but still a lot of people don’t follow that. If reminded they feel offended. 5/24/2019 6:49 AM 532 I do not support alcohol or canabis use in parks 5/24/2019 6:47 AM 533 Not allowed at all 5/24/2019 6:41 AM 534 Here's the thing about hours. If the park is within 100m or something from residential areas, then there should be a strict 10pm limit. But the bylaws saying it's illegal to even be in a park past 11pm is crazy. Why can't public parks be enjoyed in twilight? As long as there's accessible and visible refuse containers, they'll be used. 5/24/2019 6:35 AM 535 The consumption of alcohol and cannabis are personal choices and consuming threes substances can alter one’s behaviour and decision making abilities. Therefore, I strongly believe that to avoid endangering others, especially children, their consumption should not be permitted in public at all. 5/24/2019 6:26 AM 536 Permitting the consumption of alcohol and cannabis in parks even when there are boundries is still going to have its problems. I I ow if it were myself and some of the people I know it would be without problems but unfortunately I can't say that or others. There is always that one group of people that have to take things too far and ruin it for everyone else. 5/24/2019 6:24 AM 537 Policing would be difficult but this would be an ideal arrangement.5/24/2019 6:14 AM 538 Just because alcohol and cannabis are legal does not necessarily make them safe.5/24/2019 6:11 AM 539 Biggest concern would be enforcement of laws, for both cannabis stores and public alcohol consumption. 5/24/2019 6:09 AM 540 I think the rules around public consumption should of alcohol and cannibas should be lightened but done so in a logical way 5/24/2019 5:38 AM 541 Alcohol consumption is dangerous. Pickering does not have parks that are easily accessible by walking or public transit. This would mean people would have to drive/ride a bike there, which would be dangerous after consuming alcohol. 5/24/2019 5:36 AM 542 No place for alcohol when participating in or observing sporting activities - HEALTH FIRST 5/24/2019 5:35 AM 543 Please really listen to the cannabis community on their recommendations. Leaders in the industry do not want unsafe or underage consumptions, they have done the research and they understand that the people of this community come first. We need at least one cannabis lounge and one cannabis storefront. Not having them will not prevent marijuana consumptions, it will only make illegal purchasing more common and could cause more crime and unsafe situations for citizens. 5/24/2019 5:34 AM 544 I feel there are ample places already to purchase and consume alcohol without it being in public spaces like parks and children's sports fields or sold in corner stores. 5/24/2019 5:34 AM 545 There should be no permission of public consumption in any parks period. This just opens the door for people driving under the influence as well as disruptive behavior. Alcohol consumption needs to be limited to home or at bars/restaurants where consumption can be monitored and controlled. Underage drinking is likely to increase if there are no controls in place. 5/24/2019 5:32 AM 546 If you have alcohol consumption in parks this would lead to the smoking of cannabis in parks too. I don’t want to be subjected to the smell of cannibis and I don’t want my grandchild to be subjected to the behavioural effects of alcohol or cannibis in the park system. 5/24/2019 5:21 AM 547 I think the current government has not thought through the long term affects of substance use on minors and that making it all legal does show children a sense of acceptance. All of these substances are addictive and can have a great many negative outcomes. They also can make events far less pleasurable when full of drunk or high participants. I live in a very expensive desirable Pickering neighbourhood and now spend each day inside as my neighbours smoke marijuana daily on their yard and the smell completely affects my enjoyment of my home and yard. 5/24/2019 5:20 AM 548 Users of parks should be trusted to be responsible with the consumption of alcohol in parks. Yes, there will always be some who abuse but that happens everywhere. 5/24/2019 5:20 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption 549 Thank you.5/24/2019 5:06 AM 550 Alcohol is being consumed in parks now by responsible adults. Do not have blanket laws that restrict responsible persons. 5/24/2019 5:04 AM 551 I strongly disagree with public consumption of alcohol. Especially at our parks. I hope this does not pass. 5/24/2019 5:02 AM 552 It would be good to have more choice, and I think the City of Pickering would be well advised to support the legal selling of cannabis at local stores. Thank you 5/24/2019 5:00 AM 553 Additional staff will be needed to clean up parks after lazy ignorant people leave their party messes. And additional police patrols will be required in all park areas. 5/24/2019 4:53 AM 554 hello 5/23/2019 6:15 AM Cannabis Retail & Public Alcohol Consumption