HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 6, 2020CGa 0,d DICKERING Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee Thursday, August 6, 2020 7:00 pm Electronic Meeting Attendees: T. Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services C. Cooper, Cultural Advisory Committee Member N. Holland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Sardar, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J. Currie, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder P. DeWilde, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder M. Francis, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder E. Forde, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder C. Sabean, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder J. Sabean, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder B. Sopher, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder R. Perera, (Acting) Committee Coordinator Absent: V. Raees, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder Regrets: J. St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services D. Poole, Clerk -Typist Guests: Deputy Mayor K. Ashe Councillor Brenner Councillor Butt Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Disclosure of Interest Confirm Audio and/or Video Connections T. Ryce welcomed members, Deputy Mayor Ashe, Councillor Brenner, and Councillor Butt to the electronic meeting. D. Davis declared a conflict of interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, with respect to Item 11, Cultural pop -ups Visual Artist Commissions, as he is an artist. D. Davis did not take part in the discussion. Page 1 of 11 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 2. Delegation — Break the Chains Kimberley Martin, Break the Chains Pickering, joined the electronic meeting via audio connection along with Dianne Barham, Juliet Young, Charlene Rocha, Nathaniel Luces, Paulette Senior, and Neethan Shan. Ms. Martin noted that Break the Chains Pickering is a diverse group of black residents and allies in Pickering and that the group is here to offer their expertise on how best to dismantle the systematic practices that have kept anti -black racism in place for over 400 years in Canada. Ms. Martin noted that the group supports the establishment of an Anti - Black Racism Taskforce, as such a Taskforce is integral in ensuring the City is inclusive, equitable, and diverse. She noted that the Taskforce must be driven and led by the black community of Pickering to effectively identify systemic anti -black racism in the City, and that the Taskforce must report directly to Council, as Council is the body who can make the required decisions to change oppressive policies, systems, and structures in the City. She stated that this proposed organizational structure is very similar to that of the Ajax Anti -Black Racism Taskforce, as it is independent and is led by the black community. Ms. Martin stated that the group believes that the CAC is stepping out of its mandate in focusing on anti -black racism. She stated that the City must implement a meaningful and engaged process that upholds the principle of `nothing about us without us'. She requested the CAC decline taking on the responsibility of striking the Anti -Black Racism Taskforce, and instead direct City Staff to implement a process that is just and right in the fight to end anti -black racism in Pickering. In her closing remarks, Ms. Martin inquired about the consultation process the CAC undertook in establishing the terms of reference, and a sub -committee without the consultation of the black community. Page 2 of 11 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) T. Ryce asked members for questions and comments for the delegation. Committee members noted that Terms of Reference has space for future changes and that the document is merely a guide. Members further noted that the CAC is made up of individuals who share a common passion in ensuring that all cultures are represented and that no one culture or ethnic group is marginalized. Members stated that the committee will rely on groups like Break the Chains Pickering to push the anti -black racism agenda, and while the black community should be at the forefront, all cultures have to play a part as we live in a multicultural society. Members noted that to exclude any race in the process is detrimental as this will isolate and demonize other races, and because other races are isolated from the process, they will not understand the effects of anti -black racism. C. Rocha, Break the Chains Pickering, noted that the Taskforce should be led by the black community of Pickering and encouraged the Committee to follow the lead of Ajax. K. Martin, Break the Chains Pickering, noted that race and culture are two different things and requested for clarification on how race fits the CAC mandate. P. Senior, Break the Chains Pickering, noted that the group is proposing a process and structure that is empowering to black residents in Pickering. She stated that creating a sub -committee under the CAC is subjugating it to what it will discuss and its effects and creating the terms of reference prior to the committee is applying a top down process. T. Ryce asked if there are further questions for the delegation and thanked the delegation noting that the committee will take into consideration the points made by the group. 3. Endorsement of the Terms of Reference for the Pickering Anti -Black Racism Taskforce Page 3 of 11 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Committee members requested clarification on the operation of the Anti -Black Racism Taskforce. T. Ryce noted that once created by the CAC tonight, the sub -committee will invite stakeholders, and members of the public to work towards striking the Anti -Black Racism Taskforce. She noted that the CAC, outside of the appointed sub -committee members, will only receive updates and the rest of the work will be done by the sub -committee alone. The sub -committee will make recommendations to Council and Council will appoint the Taskforce that will operate independently of the CAC and report directly to Council. Moved by C. Cooper Seconded by N. Holland Recommendation: The CAC endorses the Pickering Anti Black Racism Taskforce Terms of Reference, Attachment 2: Terms of Reference for submission and approval by Council Carried Unanimously on a Recorded Vote 4. Endorsement of the CAC survey regarding Anti -Black Racism T. Ryce asked Committee members if they have any comments on the document prior to moving forward. Moved by N. Holland Seconded by A. Sardar Recommendation: The CAC endorses Attachment 3: The Anti -Black Racism Survey and Marketing plan. Carried Unanimously on a Recorded Vote 5. Establishment of a Pickering Anti -Black Racism Taskforce Preparatory Sub -Committee Page 4 of 11 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) T. Ryce noted that the sub -committee is necessary in order to engage members of the public and stakeholders in the creation of the Taskforce for appointment and approval by Council to act independently of the CAC and to report directly to Council. T. Ryce asked Committee members if they have any comments or questions. Moved by C. Cooper Seconded by N. Holland The CAC endorses the creation of an Anti -Black Racism Taskforce Preparatory Sub -committee to undertake the actions of the PABRT Action Plan, Survey and Taskforce recruitment process, and provide updates to Council. The committee appoints Celia Cooper, Esther Forde, Michelle Francis, Nikosa Holland, and CAC Member(s) to be named to the committee to undertake this work with other interested members of the community, stakeholders, alongside Pickering Public Library and Cultural Services staff. A public call will be issued for additional members of the sub -committee. The sub -committee will report back to the CAC on recommended actions for comment and endorsement prior to undertaking work in the community. Reports to Council will be brought forward by staff, and the CAC will delegate. Carried Unanimously on a Recorded Vote 6. Endorsement of the Preparatory Action Plan to form the Pickering Anti -Black Racism Task Force T. Ryce asked Committee members if they have any comments or questions. Moved by A. Sardar Seconded by N. Holland Page 5 of 11 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) The CAC endorses Attachment 1: CAC Action Plan which outlines the preparatory actions to form the Pickering Anti -Black Racism Taskforce for submission to, and approval by, Council. Carried Unanimously on a Recorded Vote 7. Delegation Update for Presentation to Council re the PABRT — moved to August 24th at 7:00 pm E. Forde provided an update, and noted that the draft presentation is ready for Council and that the team will regroup to ensure that everything is covered. 8. Endorsement of Revised CAC 2020 Work Plan T. Ryce noted that at the July 27th, 2020, Council Meeting, Council directed CAC revise their Workplan to include work on anti -black racism and indigenous relation building strategies. T. Ryce asked Committee members if they have any comments or questions. Committee members inquired if the work plan is a public document. T. Ryce noted that the document is currently in draft mode and once it is included in the Council agenda for adoption, it will become a public document. Moved by A. Sardar Seconded by C. Cooper The CAC endorses the revised correspondence related to 2019 Committee Achievements and 2020 Work plan for the review and approval of Council. Carried Unanimously on a Recorded Vote 9. Land Acknowledgement Council Directive T. Ryce noted that at the July 27th Council Meeting, Council directed the CAC to work towards the Page 6 of 11 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) establishment of a Land Acknowledgement Statement and to report back to Council at the September 28th Council meeting with an update. J. Currie provided an update and overview, J. Currie noted that he has already begun conversations with the Chief of Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation, and as such planning is well underway. 10. Establishment of Indigenous Relationship Building Sub -committee T. Ryce noted the work in this area was significant enough to warrant the striking of a sub -committee. J. Currie noted that the Sub -committee would work in partnership with the library and the museum to develop relationship building activities with the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation. T. Ryce noted that the Sub -committee can be open to residents and stakeholders as deemed necessary by the CAC.. Moved by A. Sardar Seconded by C. Cooper The CAC endorses the creation of an Indigenous Relationship Building Sub -committee to form a plan of action in line with the goals and objectives of the Cultural Plan; • to work towards meaningful relationship with the Indigenous community, which is mutually beneficial; • to draft a plan of action which engages the community, honours Indigenous peoples, and builds appreciation and awareness of Indigenous culture and heritage; • to work in partnership with the Indigenous Community, City and relevant stakeholders to develop a Land Acknowledgement Statement Page 7 of 11 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) and terms of use for the entire Pickering community; The committee appoints John Currie, Ayesha Sardar, Brigitte Sopher, and CAC Member(s) to be named to the committee to undertake this work along with other interested members of the community, stakeholders, and staff appointees from Cultural Services, Museum Services, Human Resouruces, and the Pickering Public Library. The Sub -committee will report back to the CAC on recommended actions for comment and endorsement prior to undertaking work in the community. Reports to Council will be brought forward by the CAC and staff. Carried Unanimously on a Recorded Vote T. Ryce noted that earlier in the meeting she had incorrectly noted that the above mentioned Sub- committee will delegate at the September 24th Council Meeting, and that it is in fact at the September 28th Council meeting. 11. Cultural Pop -Ups Visual Artist Commissions Staff presented a short list of local artists to the CAC for their recommendation related to participation in a community art program to celebrate Black culture. Selected artists will be provided with a direct commission for an exhibit, interactive installation or workshop in a City park.. T. Ryce stated that the artists will be provided with compensation in line with CARFAC rates for the work completed on these projects. In line with the request of the CAC special attention should be paid to diversity of work, and representation from across the African diaspora. After deliberation, the Committee nominated Dorsey James, Hallie A Njdorley, Page 8 of 11 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Aisha Chiguichan, Georgia Fullerton (open pop-up class), Richard Jules, and Daniel Davis. Moved by A. Sardar Seconded by N. Holland The CAC endorses the selection of the following artists for direct commission of a cultural pop-up in a City outdoor space. • Dorsey James • Hallie A Njdorley • Aisha Chiguichan • Georgia Fullerton • Richard Jules • Daniel Davis Carried Unanimously on a Recorded Vote 12. Next Meeting — date to be confirmed August 18th , 20 • Public Art Sub -committee • Cultural Pop-up Updates • Sub -committee Updates • Delegation submission by CAC • Indigenous Relationship Building Action Plan T. Ryce asked if members are able to attend an August 18th committee meeting. N. Holland noted that she can attend, however, not at 7:00 pm. T. Ryce stated that D. Poole, Clerk -Typist, will send a doodle poll with a number of dates in the week of August 1 7th for the Committee to select. Moved by A. Sardar Seconded by N. Holland Page 9 of 11 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) The CAC agrees to meet during the week of August 18th and for a doodle poll to be sent to all Committee members. Carried Unanimously on a Recorded Vote 13. Other Business T. Ryce noted that the CAC's current Terms of Reference only allows the Committee to meet 6-8 times for the year, and due to the number of meetings the Committee have had to date, the Terms of Reference need to be reviewed. She noted that the City's ADM -040 Boards & Advisory Committee Policy allows for the Terms of Reference to be revised, and that Staff will seek advice from the Clerk on next steps to seek Council approval for additional meeting dates. K. Ashe thanked the Committee for the work the Committee is undertaking and that the City is lucky to have a group of dedicated individuals such as the CAC. Committee members inquired if there is a theme for the October culture days and if there is an application process. T. Ryce advised that the theme is `unexpected intersections'. T. Ryce noted that this theme falls in line with the original plan for the Fusion Festival. T. Ryce stated that the application process will be a public process and that the public call will go out to the entire community database consisting of over 200 organizations, the community page, the City's social media channels, and the City's website. Moved to C. Cooper Seconded N. Holland That the meeting be adjourned. Carried T. Ryce will provide an update at the next meeting. Page 10 of 11 Meeting Adjourned: 8:10 pm Copy: Director, Community Services City Clerk