HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 03-20Cfy �t DICKERING Report to Executive Committee Meeting Report Number: CAO 03-20 Date: June 15, 2020 From: Tony Prevedel Chief Administrative Officer Subject: COVID-19 Response - Pickering's Reopening Framework - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council receive report CAO 03-20 regarding Pickering's Reopening Framework for information; and, 2. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: On March 17, 2020, the Province of Ontario enacted a Declaration of an Emergency under s 7.0.1 (1) the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since that time, a number of successive emergency orders have been enacted by the Province of Ontario in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19 and safeguard its citizens. In response, the City of Pickering has closed all public City facilities, playground structures and park amenities; cancelled all public City programs and facility permits; cancelled all sports field permits until; and, cancelled all City events (including community -organized events in City parks) until July 1, 2020 (inclusive), as per Council Resolution #278/20. In recent weeks, however, the Province of Ontario has been progressively unveiling their strategy to reopen the province. In fact, on April 27th, the Province of Ontario released the "Framework for Reopening Our Province" (as per Attachment 1) which outlines the principles the government will use to reopen businesses, services and public spaces in gradual stages. And, on May 14th, the Province of Ontario released a "Framework for Reopening Our Province — Stage 1" (as per Attachment 2) which announced the easing of restrictions in the areas of 1) Industry Service & Retail, 2) Outdoor Recreational and Seasonal Activities and 3) Care, Community and Household Services effective May 19, 2020. These efforts to reopen the province will require the City of Pickering to be prepared through the development of Pickering's Reopening Framework. The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of that framework and overall approach to Council, in the context of COVID-19 and the Province of Ontario's efforts to reopen. CAO 03-20 June 15, 2020 Subject: COVID-19 Response Page 2 Financial Implications: Expenditures associated with the implementation of Pickering's Reopening Framework are not yet identified but will be itemized and tracked for reporting purposes. Discussion: In response to COVID-19, the Province of Ontario made an order declaring an emergency under s 7.0.1 (1) the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act on March 17, 2020. As a result of this declaration, the following establishments were legally required to close immediately: • All facilities providing indoor recreational programs; • All public libraries; • All private schools as defined in the Education Act; • All licensed child care centres; • All bars and restaurants, except to the extent that such facilities provide takeout food and delivery; • All theatres including those offering live performances of music, dance, and other art forms, as well as cinemas that show movies; and, • Concert venues. Since that time, additional emergency orders have successively been enacted by the Province of Ontario, that particularly impact municipal operations, which includes but is not limited to: • closure of all outdoor recreational amenities O. Reg. 104/20; • prohibiting events and gatherings of more than five people O. Reg. 52/20; and, • closure of non-essential businesses O. Reg. 82/20. In compliance with the Province of Ontario Declaration of Emergency, the City of Pickering has taken the extraordinary measure to close all public City facilities, playground structures and park amenities; cancel all public City programs and facility permits; cancel all sports field permits; and, cancel all City events (including community -organized events in city parks) until July 1, 2020 (inclusive), as per Council Resolution #278/20. On April 27th, the Province of Ontario released a "Framework for Reopening Our Province" (as per Attachment 1) which outlines the principles the government will use to reopen businesses, services and public spaces in gradual stages. Within this report, three phases are identified as part of Ontario's Response to COVID-19. They include: Phase 1: Protect and Support which focuses on protecting the health and well-being of individuals and families, supporting frontline health care workers, essential workers and businesses, and providing immediate support to protect people and jobs; Phase 2: Restart which is a stage -by -stage approach to loosening emergency measures and reopening Ontario's economy. Public health and workplace safety will remain the top priority, while balancing the needs of people and businesses. Public health officials will carefully monitor each CAO 03-20 June 15, 2020 Subject: COVID-19 Response Page 3 stage for two -to -four weeks, as they assess the evolution of the COVID-19 outbreak to determine if it is necessary to change course to maintain public health; and, Phase 3: Recover which is intended to lead Ontario's economic recovery by focusing on creating jobs and opportunity across the province, while working to restore long-term prosperity for the benefit of every individual and family in Ontario. The government will reopen Ontario businesses and public spaces gradually based on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer of Health. Each stage will last for approximately two -to -four-week periods to allow for close monitoring of any impacts or potential resurgence of cases. After each two -to -four-week period, the Chief Medical Officer of Health may advise to: reapply or tighten certain public health measures in response to a surge in cases or outbreaks; maintain status quo and continue close monitoring of impacts; or, progress to the next two -to -four-week stage. On May 14th, the Province of Ontario released a "Framework for Reopening Our Province — Stage 1" (as per Attachment 2) which announced the easing of restrictions in the areas of 1) Industry Service & Retail, 2) Outdoor Recreational and Seasonal Activities and 3) Care, Community and Household Services effective May 19, 2020. This, and future Stage 1 announcements will have an impact on the City and our efforts to reopen in a timely and responsible manner. Therefore, as the Province of Ontario proceeds to restart our province, it is critical that the City of Pickering be prepared with a comprehensive Reopening Framework. To that end, a Corporate wide staff team led by HR and Community Services Departments have been working to outline the framework by which the municipality and its services can reopen. The framework will employ the following: 1. Prepare the Building • Reconfigure buildings to support post COVID-19 program delivery • Deep clean buildings • Ready mechanical, HVAC, electrical, fire and life safety systems • Inventory all cleaning and personal precautionary apparel and stockpile • Install hand sanitizer stations and wipes throughout buildings • Install Plexiglas shields at all customer facing desks • Install floor markers and signage that serve as reminders for risk mitigating behaviours 2. Control Access • Control main points of entry for staff, members of the public and deliveries • Reconfigure gathering spaces for physical distancing • Clearly communicate safe facility use procedures through clear signage and floor markings • Screen patrons for symptoms at main points of entry • Restrict inter -departmental access and contain staff to their designated work sections • Implement a Visitor Management System CAO 03-20 June 15, 2020 Subject: COVID-19 Response Page 4 3. Create a Physical Distancing Plan (Space Use Plan) • Reconfigure workstations to safeguard employees • Staff work areas only to the level of recommended occupancy limits • Stagger arrival/departure times of workers to reduce foot traffic in common areas • Limit number of staff re-entering during Phase 1 • Implement alternating in -office work schedules • Continue work -from -home arrangements • Set clear limits to in-person meetings and reduce capacity of meeting rooms 4. Reduce Touch Points and Increase Cleaning Protocols • Maintain enhanced cleaning and disinfecting practices • Disable user service touch screens • Close communal coffee stations • Remove high -touch shared office supplies 5. Prepare the Workforce • Mitigate anxiety of returning to the workplace through change management planning and communications • Communicate benefits of returning to work and working from home • Communicate clear guidelines for mitigating risk and protocols for reducing the spread of the virus • Ensure updated self -screening tools continue to be utilized 6. Develop and Implement a Communications Plan • Ensure employees and the public feel confidence in the City's efforts to re -open safely • Set clear expectations and guidelines • Convey an atmosphere of trust and transparency • Ensure consistent messaging from senior management 7. Integrate activities with Information Technology • Support working from home arrangements and update as necessary • Utilize virtual meetings • Implement pre -registration for all programs Staff expect to have Pickering's Reopening Framework and associated Plan complete and ready to implement by early June 2020. This timeline may be impacted by the Province's announcements and easing of restrictions to reopen the province and by our ability to receive the required goods (i.e. Plexi -shields) delivered and installed in our facilities. Staff will provide regular updates at the Executive Committee Management Meetings whose role it is to manage and oversee the City's response to this emergency. CAO 03-20 June 15, 2020 Subject: COVID-19 Response Page 5 Attachments: 1. Framework for Reopening Our Province 2. Framework for Reopening Our Province — Stage 1 Prepared By: Soula Christou Supervisor, Human Resources Approved/Endorsed By: Michael Cain Corporate Security Specialist Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer A Framework for Reopening our Province April 27, 2020 Contents A Framework for Reopening our Province 3 Ontario's Response to COVID-19 4 State of Play in Ontario's Response to COVID-19 5 Principles of the Framework 6 Determining When to Ease Public Health Measures 7 Phase 2: Restart — A Gradual, Staged Approach 8 Supporting Children and Parents 9 Reopening in Stages 9 Stage 1 9 Stage 2 10 Stage 3 10 Making Workplaces Safe 11 Protecting Vulnerable Populations 12 A Path to Recovery 13 2 A Framework for Reopening our Province The impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak have been felt across Ontario, by families, workers, businesses and communities. By working together and following the advice of public health experts, together we made steady progress in the fight against this deadly virus. Modelling in mid-April 2020 shows early signs that enhanced public health measures — including staying home, physical distancing and hand washing — are working to stop the spread of the virus and flatten the curve of the outbreak. By following these simple steps, everyone across the province is making a positive difference. It has been a slow and steady fight, but every victory Ontario has made against COVID-19 belongs to our heroic health care workers on the frontlines of this pandemic, essential businesses and workers, those stepping up to produce much-needed medical gear, and the regular people making extraordinary sacrifices to keep their families, friends and communities safe. While the situation is still evolving, Ontario continues to work with its partners to keep people healthy and provide support for the families, individuals and businesses struggling as a result of the necessary measures taken in response to COVID-19 and to plan for what comes next. And now, led by the Chief Medical Officer of Health and the work of the Ontario Jobs and Recovery Committee, the government is planning for what comes next. A Framework for Reopening our Province lays out the government's approach to the next chapter in the ongoing fight to defeat COVID-19. It outlines the principles the government will use to reopening businesses, services and public spaces in gradual stages. It also explains the criteria Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health will use to help advise the government on when it is safe to begin loosening public health restrictions. And it highlights the government's commitment to continue providing guidance and advice as workplaces prepare to reopen, including businesses deemed essential that voluntarily chose to temporarily shut down. Thanks to the hard work of public health professionals and frontline heroes, and the ongoing commitment of the people of this province, Ontario is confident that together we will continue to make progress in our fight to contain and defeat this deadly virus. This framework provides a roadmap for people and businesses, so they know what to look for as the province moves forward. Together, Ontario will emerge from this crisis — with a clear path to economic recovery that keeps people safe and healthy. 3 Ontario's Response to COVID-19 Phase 1: Protect and Support • The government's primary focus is on protecting the health and well-being of individuals and families, supporting frontline health care workers, essential workers and businesses, and providing immediate support to protect people and jobs. This is demonstrated through the $17 -billion Ontario's Action Plan: Responding to COVID-19 and ongoing government actions, such as increased pay for frontline workers during the pandemic. Emergency orders put in place to protect people include: the closure of non-essential workplaces, outdoor amenities in parks, recreational areas and public places, as well as bars and restaurants; restrictions on social gatherings; and limiting staff from working in more than one retirement home, long-term care home or congregate care setting. Phase 2: Restart The government will take a careful, stage -by -stage approach to loosening emergency measures and reopening Ontario's economy. Public health and workplace safety will remain the top priority, while balancing the needs of people and businesses. Public health officials will carefully monitor each stage for two -to -four weeks, as they assess the evolution of the COVID-19 outbreak to determine if it is necessary to change course to maintain public health. The government will also continue to issue guidelines for workplace safety. Stage 1 Phase 3: Recover Stage 2 Stage 3 • Ensuring the health and safety of the public and workers will continue to be a top priority as Ontario transitions to a "new normal." The government will partner with businesses and other sectors to lead Ontario's economic recovery. The focus will be on creating jobs and opportunity across the province, while working to restore long-term prosperity for the benefit of every individual and family in Ontario. 4 State of Play in Ontario's Response to COVID-19 The government acted immediately and decisively to slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect the health and safety of the people of Ontario. Thanks to these actions, the latest expert modelling projects that the wave of new community spread of COVID-19 cases has started to peak as Ontario's outbreak is now trending positively. lilitJanuary 24 Minister's Order made the novel coronavirus a reportable disease January 25 - ongoing Rapid testing ramp -up Aggressive case and contact management of all confirmed cases ei_ March 12 Closure of public schools March 13 Essential visitors only in long-term care and other congregate care settings Stop cycling of intermittent inmates and personal visits in correctional facilities Prohibit gatherings over 250 people March 16 Practice physical distancing Self -isolate for 14 days if travelled outside Canada Prohibit gatherings over 50 people Make virtual work arrangements where possible - March 17 Emergency Declaration Closure of public places and establishments March 21 Work deployment for health services providers - March 24 Closure of non-essential workplaces Work deployment for long-term care homes - March 25 Prohibit gatherings greater than five people Release of the $17 -billion Ontario's Action Plan: Responding to COVID-19 March 30 Closure of parks and outdoor recreational amenities Limit outings to essential needs Self -isolation for those over 70, with compromised immune systems or underlying medical conditions — April 2 Enhance capacity for contact -tracing — April 3 Revised essential workplaces list — April 9 Prohibit camping on Crown land — April 11 Work deployment for service organizations, municipalities and their service providers — April 14 Extension of Emergency Declaration for 28 days — April 15 Release of COVID-19 Action Plan for Long -Term Care Homes, including the Emergency Order restricting staff from working in more than one setting — April 22 Ontario requests military support for long-term care homes — April 23 Release of COVID-19 Action Plan for Vulnerable People — April 25 Ontario provides pandemic pay for frontline heroes — April 27 Release of A Framework for Reopening our Province 5 Principles of the Framework Ontario's plan to begin to responsibly lift public health measures and restart the economy will be guided by the advice of the Chief Medical Officer of Health and public health officials, and will be based on the following principles: 0 Responsible: Public health and protecting the people of Ontario, especially those who are most vulnerable and at high-risk, will continue to be paramount and guide a gradual approach to loosening public health measures. Evidence -informed: Emerging scientific knowledge, public health data, defined criteria and consistent measures will inform the actions of the government, regions and sectors. Resourced: Sufficient health system capacity to respond to any resurgence in COVID-19 infections will be required to protect health care workers and the public and maintain the regular health system. Monitored: Public health capacity for rigorous testing, timely contact tracing and case management will need to be in place. Responsive and Effective: Measures will be implemented quickly, clearly and efficiently, based on health capacity, safety and economic needs, and the need to tighten or restrict measures if surges or further outbreaks occur. Clear: Plans and responsibilities for individuals, employers and the health care system will be clear, well -communicated by government and ready to implement. Flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances are essential to the province's continued success. As the situation evolves, these principles will guide the actions and direction the government takes to reopen Ontario and its economy. 6 Determining When to Ease Public Health Measures Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health will consider the following criteria to advise when the province can begin to ease public health measures: Virus spread and containment Ensures loosening of measures is appropriately timed with the progression of the epidemic in Ontario. Health system capacity Ensures there is an effective response to any potential case resurgence. Public health system capacity Ensures there is an effective public health response to any potential case resurgence. • A consistent two -to -four week decrease in the number of new daily COVID-19 cases. • A decrease in the rate of cases that cannot be traced to a source. • A decrease in the number of new COVID-19 cases in hospitals. • Sufficient acute and critical care capacity, including access to ventilators, to effectively respond to potential surges. • Ongoing availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) based on provincial directives and guidelines. • Approximately 90 per cent of new COVID-19 contacts are being reached by local public health officials within one day, with guidance and direction to contain community spread. Incidence tracking capacity Ensures that any potential resurgence in cases can be identified promptly. • Ongoing testing of suspected COVID-19 cases, especially of vulnerable populations, to detect new outbreaks quickly. • A shift to new and other ways of testing and contact tracing to promote widespread tracking of cases. As the province eases public health measures, these criteria will also serve as the framework for ongoing monitoring of progress and identifying when a change in direction is required. For example, the Chief Medical Officer of Health may also advise reapplying certain public health measures to manage the risk of recurring surges, outbreaks or future waves. 7 Phase 2: Restart — A Gradual, Staged Approach A Framework for Reopening our Province Protect Restart Recover Ontario will gradually reopen all workplaces and public spaces. Open select workplaces, allow some small gatherings Further relax the restrictions on public gatherings, opening all workplaces responsibly Open more workpLaces and outdoor spaces, allow some larger gatherings Continued protections for vulnerable populations and continued practice of physical distancing, hand washing, respiratory hygiene and significant mitigation plans to limit health risks. The government will reopen Ontario businesses and public spaces gradually. This will be based on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer of Health, including the criteria and thresholds detailed above. Each stage will Last for approximately two -to -four-week periods to allow for close monitoring of any impacts or potential resurgence of cases. After each two -to -four-week period, the Chief Medical Officer of Health may advise to: • Reapply or tighten certain public health measures in response to a surge in cases or outbreaks; • Maintain status quo and continue close monitoring of impacts; or • Progress to the next two -to -four-week stage. 8 As public health measures are lifted and as economic activity resumes, the public will need to continue to maintain physical distancing and hand washing, along with self -isolation when experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Remote work arrangements should continue where feasible. By taking this incremental approach, the government can ensure there are appropriate measures in place to reopen the province safely and limit any risks to people and public health. Each stage requires careful assessment and monitoring to know whether to adjust, tighten or loosen measures. Supporting Children and Parents The government is committed to keeping children across Ontario safe. In considering how to reopen Ontario's economy, the government recognizes the important needs of both parents and children in relation to public health decisions about when and how to open schools and child care centres. As with all other measures, the government will proceed slowly and in phases, based on the best advice from the Chief Medical Officer of Health. In reopening, the government will ensure the safety of children and educators by ensuring adherence to public health guidelines. Reopening in Stages Examples of the government's gradual approach to reopening Ontario include: Stage 1 Initially, consider: For businesses that were ordered to close or restrict operations, opening select workplaces that can immediately meet or modify operations to meet public health guidance and occupational health and safety requirements (e.g., curbside pick-up or delivery). Opening some outdoor spaces like parks and allow for a greater number of individuals to attend some events, such as funerals. Continued protections for vulnerable populations and the continued practice of physical distancing, hand washing and respiratory hygiene, and significant mitigation plans to limit health risks. Hospitals beginning to offer some non -urgent and scheduled surgeries and other health care services. 9 Stage 2 If the initial loosening of public health measures is successful, consider: Opening more workplaces, based on risk assessments, which may include some service industries, and additional office and retail workplaces. Opening more outdoor spaces and allowing some larger public gatherings. Continued protections for vulnerable populations and the continued practice of physical distancing, hand washing and respiratory hygiene, and significant mitigation plans to limit health risks. Stage 3 If the loosening of public health measures continues to be successful, consider: Opening all workplaces responsibly Further relaxing the restrictions on public gatherings. Large public gatherings such as concerts and sporting events will continue to be restricted for the foreseeable future. Continued protections for vulnerable populations and the continued practice of physical distancing, hand washing and respiratory hygiene, and significant mitigation plans to limit health risks. This ongoing, gradual assessment of public health measures will continue until the post - pandemic period when a vaccine or treatment for COVID-19 is available. This staged approach reflects Ontario's "new normal." This framework allows the government to prioritize the needs of individuals and families across the province, while balancing economic and social benefits and keeping people safe. To help businesses and services restart, key factors the government will consider include the risk of spread of the virus and the ability to implement protective measures to keep workplaces safe. In the coming days, the Ontario Jobs and Recovery Committee, as well as Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs), will begin holding discussions with business associations, chambers of commerce, municipal leaders, the postsecondary sector, corporate leaders, small business owners, community and social service providers, Indigenous partners, Franco-Ontarians, entrepreneurs and others. This will enable Ontario to better understand the unique impacts of COVID-19 that each region and each sector is facing, as well as what they need to succeed as Ontario progresses through the stages of reopening toward the recovery phase. 10 Making Workplaces Safe The health and safety of workers is the government's top concern. As public health measures are adjusted, ensuring workplaces are safe for employees and customers will be essential. All employers and workers will be required to follow directives and guidelines on COVID-19, including measures that may restrict certain activities. In fact, many key sectors deemed essential have remained open during the COVID-19 outbreak, following strict guidance to help their employees stay safe. It is vital that they continue to do so. The government will rely on their expertise and, in many cases, global experience to serve as a model for how other businesses adjust their operations for a new environment. The government will help with a range of advice and support. Safe workplaces must have a plan that promotes and adheres to strict hygiene and sanitation standards, and physical distancing to the extent possible. These are key factors to resume activities safely. The use of measures to limit risks include adjusting work practices and physical environments. This applies to workplaces that are allowed to reopen, as well as businesses deemed essential but that voluntarily chose to shut down, recognizing they may decide to resume operations before entering the first stage. The government, in partnership with Ontario's Health and Safety Associations and based on input from public health officials, will provide guidelines to employers on how to open safely and protect their employees and customers. Documents will be made available across many sectors, as well as training to provide guidance to workplaces entering the restart phase. This may include webinars and other distance learning tools. These resources will build on the guidelines provided to essential workplaces, which have enabled those businesses to adapt and remain open. Ontario has added more workplace inspectors and specialists to ensure workers continue to be protected on the job during the pandemic, including adding close to 60 new frontline officials to support employers and workers in the field. The capacity of Ontario's Health and Safety Call Centre has also been doubled. Workers who are worried their workplaces are unsafe can phone 1-877-202-0008. Regular updates will also be provided on the number of workplace inspections and work orders taking place across the province. Throughout the reopening phase, Ontario will continue the "Team Canada" approach to understand the measures and steps other jurisdictions are taking, to coordinate where possible, and reduce barriers to interprovincial business activities. 11 Protecting Vulnerable Populations Nothing is more important than protecting the health and well-being of the people of Ontario, especially the province's most vulnerable populations. Seeing the impact of COVID-19 on seniors and vulnerable people has been heartbreaking. As Ontario gradually loosens public health restrictions and economic activity resumes, the government will continue to use every resource available to support the province's long-term care homes to stop the spread of COVID-19, with a special focus on those long-term care homes experiencing outbreaks and in need of urgent support. The COVID-19 Action Plan for Protecting Long -Term Care Homes is helping to stop and contain the spread of COVID-19 in the province's long-term care and retirement homes. The government has introduced more aggressive testing, screening and surveillance, deployed specialized teams from hospitals, public health and the home care sector, recruited additional frontline staff, and increased personal protective equipment. Ontario is also implementing its COVID-19 Action Plan for Vulnerable People to better protect people living in high-risk settings including homes serving those with developmental disabilities, shelters for survivors of gender-based violence and human trafficking, and children's residential settings. This includes Indigenous residential settings for children and youth, shelters and other high-risk settings on- and off -reserve. New measures have been put in place to enhance screening and testing, help reduce exposure to COVID-19, prevent the spread of the virus and increase infection control measures. This plan builds upon the initiatives that were put in place at the outset of the COVID-19 outbreak. 12 A Path to Recovery Through each stage of A Framework to Reopening our Province, the government's number one priority will continue to be the health and well-being of the people of Ontario. But recovery from COVID-19 doesn't just mean stopping the spread — it also means setting up Ontario to help create jobs, prosperity and growth well into the future. As we prepare to reopen Ontario's economy, it is more important than ever to follow public health advice. Everyday actions to reduce exposure and protect people's health, such as physical distancing, frequent hand washing and staying home when ill, continue to be crucial in Ontario's fight against COVID-19. We cannot afford to let up our efforts now and undo all of the progress we have made. Together, we are making a difference. Ontario is resilient. With everyone doing their part and the heroic efforts of frontline health care workers, our efforts against COVID-19 are working. Now, the government is preparing for the weeks and months ahead, to responsibly lead Ontario's economy back to a strong position. The Ontario Spirit will continue to guide us through these challenging times. The perseverance of the people of Ontario has always been our province's strength. With a clear framework to help guide the loosening of emergency measures, and with the continued support of the people of this province, Ontario stands ready to tackle the next chapter in the fight against COVID-19. Additional resources • Learn more about the first phase of Ontario's Action Plan: Responding to COVID-19. • Learn more about the COVID-19 Action Plan for Vulnerable People. • Learn more about the COVID-19 Action Plan for Protecting Long -Term Care Homes. • Visit Ontario's website to learn more about how the province continues to protect the people of Ontario from COVID-19. • See how your organization can help fight COVID-19 through Ontario Together. • Information and advice to help your business navigate the economy during COVID-19. 13 MI A Framework for Reopening our Province STAGE 1 1 2 3 May 14, 2020 imil Contents A Framework for Reopening our Province: Phase 2: Restart — Stage 1 3 What Stage 1 of the Restart Means for You 4 Keeping Workplaces Safe 4 What Stage 1 Means for Industry Services and Retail 5 What Stage 1 Means for Outdoor, Recreational and Seasonal Activities 6 What Stage 1 Means for Care, Community and Household Services 7 Beyond Stage 1 8 Staying Healthy and Safe: What You Need to Know 9 Working with our Partners 10 A Path to Recovery 10 Additional Resources 10 000 2 A Framework for Reopening our Province: Phase 2: Restart — Stage 1 In A Framework for Reopening our Province, the government laid out Ontario's approach to reopening our province in order to get people back to work. The framework provided the principles the government will use to reopen businesses, services and public spaces in three stages, while maintaining the health and safety of the people of Ontario as our top priority. As with every step taken in the fight against COVID-19, Ontario will proceed with caution and in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts. Stage 1 of the framework provides businesses owners, workers and families with the information they need to reopen safely in this new environment and make the restart of Ontario's economy a success. Ontario's Action Plan in response to COVID-19 A FRAMEWORK FOR REOPENING OUR PROVINCE Phase 1: PROTECT AND SUPPORT $17 -billion in targeted support Phase 2: RESTART A gradual, staged approach Phase 3: RECOVER Long-term growth 000 What Stage 1 of the Restart Means for You The first stage of reopening will focus on workplaces that are well-positioned to follow public health advice to maintain physical distancing, implement workplace safety guidance and limit gatherings. Stage 1 will also lessen the pressure on public transit and other services, giving them more time to safely prepare for future stages. As part of Ontario's cautious and responsible approach, protections for vulnerable people will continue to be maintained throughout each stage of restarting. A Framework for Reopening our Province PHASE 2: RESTART STAGE I 2-4 weeks As noted in A Framework for Reopening our Province, key public health indicators will guide when Ontario progresses to each stage of the restart in order to help lower the risk of outbreaks and prevent a surge in the health system. Public health experts will carefully monitor each stage so that the province can benefit from best practices and lessons learned, and adjust measures as needed as we move towards Stage 2 and 3. The government will continue to plan for what comes next and provide more details on each stage of reopening when the time is right. Keeping Workplaces Safe Keeping workplaces, staff and the general public safe as Ontario gradually reopens is the government's primary focus. Key workplace safety considerations include: The risk of the spread of COVID-19 in each workplace or sector. The ability to conduct business and/or services remotely. The ability to adjust business and/or service practices to ensure physical distancing, enhanced hygiene and cleaning, monitoring of sick workers, and use of personal protective equipment, if necessary. The ability to clean workplaces, which may require restrictions on space available to employees and customers (e.g., curbside pick-up, closing sections). With key public health measures in place and workplace safety guidance available, Ontario can gradually begin to reopen workplaces, but working from home should continue as much as possible. The Chief Medical Officer of Health has provided guidance on how the openings of businesses and workplaces could be implemented safely. The government has also developed fact sheets for staying safe, including when and how to wear a face mask, how to take care of yourself and each other, and how to care for your pets. goo 4 What Stage 1 Means for Industry Services and Retail Ontario will begin easing restrictions on industry services and retail by: 00 m • Lifting essential workplace Limits on construction and resuming all construction. • Opening retail located outside of shopping malls with a separate street -front entrance, with restrictions to enable physical distancing which can include: • limiting the number of customers in a store at any one time or by square metre • booking appointments beforehand or on the spot • continuing to encourage curbside pickup or deliveries Opening motor vehicle dealerships, including: • new and used cars and trucks • motorcycles, boats and other motor and recreational vehicles, such as ATVs Allowing media operations, specifically: • music recording, including production, distribution, publishing and studios • interactive digital media, including programming and development • film and television post -production and animation studios • publishing, including newspapers, video games and books • Opening non-essential professional services related to conducting research and experimental development in physical, engineering and life sciences, such as biotechnology, agriculture and industrial research and development labs • Allowing emissions inspection facilities to conduct heavy vehicle emissions testing. KEEPING EMPLOYEES AND CUSTOMERS SAFE The government and health and safety associations have released close to 90 health and safety guidance documents to provide advice to those working in multiple sectors, including: • construction • retail • film and TV Workplaces should review and adopt the safety guidelines to ensure measures are in place to protect workers, customers and the general public. Inspectors from the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development will be visiting workplaces to ensure employers put proper safety measures in place for workers. MEE What Stage 1 Means for Outdoor, Recreational. and Seasonal Activities Ontario will begin to restart outdoor, recreational and seasonal activities by: Further opening seasonal businesses, activities and services, such as: o golf driving ranges o recreational services at marinas o rod and gun clubs o cycling tracks Allowing sport activity for individual/single competitors, including training and competitions conducted by a recognized Provincial Sport Organization, National Sport Organization, or recognized national provincial training centres. This includes indoor and outdoor non -team sport competitions that can be played while maintaining physical distancing and without spectators, such as: o water sports on lakes and outdoor bodies of water (no swimming pool sports), such as rowing and sailing o low -contact racquet sports like tennis, badminton, pickleball and ping pong o athletics, such as track and field, gymnastics and figure skating o animal -related sports, such as horse racing KEEPING OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES SAFE The government and health and safety associations have released close to 90 health and safety guidance documents to provide advice to those working in multiple sectors, including: • marinas • golf courses • facilities maintenance Workplaces should review and adopt the safety guidelines to ensure measures are in place to protect workers, customers and the general public. Inspectors from the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development will be visiting workplaces to ensure employers put proper safety measures in place for workers. What Stage 1 Means for Care, Community and Household Services mh_ Ontario will gradually begin reopening health care, community and household services by: Gradually restarting health care services, which will need to ensure they maintain capacity to respond to COVID-19, including: o hospitals, independent health facilities, clinics and private practices providing scheduled surgeries and procedures, based on their ability to meet specified conditions, as outlined in A Measured Approach to Planning for Surgeries and Procedures During the COVID-19 Pandemic o supporting services for surgeries and procedures, such as diagnostics and post -acute rehab, based on their ability to meet specified conditions, as outlined in A Measured Approach to Planning for Surgeries and Procedures During the COVID-19 Pandemic o in-person counselling, including psychology and addictions counselling o resuming in-person services, in addition to virtual services, delivered by health professionals such as Children's Treatment Centres KEEPING PEOPLE SAFE The government and health and safety associations have released close to 90 health and safety guidance documents to provide advice to those working in multiple sectors, including: • equipment operators and general labourers • community labs • home care and community services Workplaces should review and adopt the safety guidelines to ensure measures are in place to protect workers, customers and the general public. Inspectors from the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development will be visiting workplaces to ensure employers put proper safety measures in place for workers. Allowing services for animals and pets to resume, specifically: o pet care, including pet grooming, pet sitting and pet training o regular veterinary appointments Opening Libraries for pickup or deliveries. Allowing indoor and outdoor household services that can follow public health guidelines to resume, including: o domestic services, such as housekeepers and cooks o Lifting essential workplace limits on maintenance, repair and property management services, such as cleaning, painting, and pool maintenance 000 Beyond Stage 1 Based on the best practices and lessons Learned from Stage 1, the next stages of reopening Ontario will focus on opening more businesses, public spaces and services and enabling more people to return to work. Public health measures and workplace safety guidelines will remain in place and available. Working remotely and protections for vulnerable people are expected to continue throughout each stage. Stage 2 If Stage 1 of reopening the province is successful, Ontario will consider: • 0 Stage 3 Opening more workplaces, which may include some service industries, and additional office workplaces. Opening more community and outdoor spaces and allowing some larger public gatherings. Continuing to get back to full services with restrictions, such as more care services, courthouse and tribunal services, and more community spaces and visits. Maintaining protections for vulnerable populations and the continued practice of physical distancing, hand washing and respiratory hygiene, and significant mitigation plans to Limit health risks. If Stage 2 of reopening the province is successful, Ontario will consider: 001 0000 M Opening all workplaces responsibly. 0Further relaxing the restrictions on recreational spaces and public gatherings. Large a. public gatherings such as concerts, night clubs and sporting events will continue to be restricted for the foreseeable future. Allowing full services to resume, such as fully opening Libraries to the public and jury proceedings. Maintaining protections for vulnerable populations and the continued practice of physical distancing, hand washing and respiratory hygiene, and significant mitigation plans to Limit health risks. 000 8 Staying Healthy and Safe: What You Need to Know To ensure these first actions to reopen the province are a success, it will be critical to continue to follow public health guidelines to limit contact with others and maintain physical distancing in Stage 1 and beyond. The Chief Medical Officer of Health will closely monitor the evolving situation to determine when certain public health restrictions can be gradually loosened. We are all in this together. We all share a responsibility to stay informed, be prepared, be flexible and follow these measures throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and for each stage of reopening the province. You can make the first stage of restarting Ontario a success by: 0 e0 Staying at home and away from others if you are feeling ill Physical distancing of two metres from people in public Practising good hygiene (avoiding touching your face and covering your cough or sneeze) Limiting outings and public gatherings as per emergency orders Minimizing travel and self -isolating for 14 days after all international travel CD 9 Washing your hands frequently with soap and water, or using an alcohol -based sanitizer if soap and water are not available Wearing a face covering in public where physical distancing is a challenge or not possible Increasing cleaning of frequently touched surfaces Working remotely or redesigning spaces and interactions to make them safer Protecting the most vulnerable 000 Working with our Partners Continued collaboration with our partners is essential for the effective reopening of our communities and the Launch of the economic recovery process. The Ontario Jobs and Recovery Committee will continue to meet with a diverse range of people across all regions and sectors of the province. Ontario will work closely with its municipal partners to understand the unique impacts of COVID-19 on each community, as well as what they need to succeed as the province continues to make progress on the recovery. The province is soliciting additional actions and measures that can be taken to further protect and support vulnerable people and staff in high-risk settings as we work to reopen the province in stages. The government will also work collaboratively with faith communities and the wedding industry to develop guidance that may enable safe gatherings for these events, including wedding ceremonies and religious occasions. Visit ontario.ca/reopen to provide your ideas about the restart and recovery phase. A Path to Recovery The path to recovery depends on our continued efforts in stopping the spread of this virus and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances on the ground. It is more important than ever to follow public health advice. Working from home and staying home when ill continue to be crucial to stopping this pandemic. Until COVID-19 is behind us, each of us must take simple yet critical steps to reduce exposure and protect each other, such as physical distancing, frequent hand washing and covering a cough or sneeze. If everyone across the province keeps doing their part, we will persevere in the fight against this virus and emerge ready for a strong recovery. Additional Resources • Find workplace safety guidance documents to prepare for reopening. • Learn more about A Framework for Reopening our Province. • Learn more about the first phase of Ontario's Action Plan: Responding to COVID-19. • Learn more about A Measured Approach to Planning for Surgeries and Procedures During the COVID-19 Pandemic, • Learn more about the COVID-19 Action Plan for Vulnerable People. • Learn more about the COVID-19 Action Plan for Protecting Long -Term Care Homes. • Provide your input on the economic impacts of COVID-19 and the next phase of Ontario's Action Plan. • Visit Ontario's website to learn more about how the government continues to protect people from COVID-19. ©00 10