HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 11-20Cfy �t DICKERING Report to Planing & Development Committee Report Number: PLN 11-20 Date: June 15, 2020 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower Installation The Regional Municipality of Durham Installation #68 3660 Sideline 26 Recommendation: 1. That the Region of Durham be advised that City Council does not object to the 36.0 metre high telecommunication tower installation proposed to be located at 3660 Sideline 26, based on the design and other details submitted with this request. Executive Summary: To support its operation of water supply plants, pumping stations and potable water storage reservoirs in Seaton, the Region of Durham is proposing to erect a 36.0 metre high tripole lattice style telecommunication tower at the future Seaton water reservoir and pumping station site (known as the Zone 4 water reservoir and Zone 5 pumping station). The telecommunication tower will facilitate radio communication between this new reservoir site with an existing communication tower at the Region's Cherrywood Reservoir site. The subject lands to be leased from Transport Canada are located at the northwest corner of Sideline 26 and Highway 7. Since the submission of the initial proposal, the Region has completed their public consultation process in accordance with Industry Canada requirements and the City's Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna System Protocol. The Region of Durham has advised that no public or agency comments were received. The Region is requesting that City Council provide a statement of concurrence in support of the installation. City staff are supportive of the proposed installation. This telecommunication tower will assist the Region of Durham with providing improved operations efficiency, regulatory compliance, and response times in an event of an emergency. Staff recommends that the Region of Durham be advised that Council does not object to the proposed tower. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. PLN 11-20 June 15, 2020 Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower Installation #68 Page 2 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The subject property is currently owned by Transport Canada, located on the north side Highway 7 bounded by Sideline 26 to the east and Sideline 28 to the west, and has an area of approximately 42.7 hectares. An agreement is being finalized to lease approximately 9.15 hectares of the eastern portion of the subject property to the Region of Durham. The proposed telecommunication tower is located at the northwest corner of the lands to be leased, with access to the future compound along Sideline 26 (see attached Air Photo Map, Attachment #1). Agricultural uses currently surround the subject lands to be leased. The lands are designated as "Prime Agricultural Area" within the City's Official Plan and are currently zoned "A" — Rural Agricultural within Zoning By-law 3037, as amended. 1.2 Applicant's Proposal The City has received building permit applications for the subject site to construct the Region of Durham's Seaton Zone 4 water reservoir and Zone 5 pumping station. The purpose of the proposed telecommunication tower is to facilitate radio communication between this new reservoir site with an existing telecommunication tower at the Region's Cherrywood Reservoir site. The remote communications that are installed on this tower will assist the Region of Durham with providing improved operations efficiency, regulatory compliance, and response times in an event of an emergency. The Region of Durham is proposing to erect a 36.0 metre high tripole lattice -style telecommunication tower in the northwest corner of the site to be leased. The tower will be incorporated into a larger site plan, which includes the water reservoir and pumping station with access to the site along Sideline 26 (see Proposed Site Plan, Attachment #2, and Submitted Elevation Plan and Layout, Attachment #3). Public access to the entire reservoir site will be controlled with chain link fencing. 2. Comments Received 2.1 Public Notification has been completed The Region of Durham has completed the public consultation in accordance with the City's Cell Tower Protocol. As this proposal is located in a rural area, the minimum circulation radius of 500 metres from the tower location was applied. A total of 4 property owners were notified by mail. Only 1 property within the 500 metre circulation radius is a privately owned property (Brunswick Hill Cemetery). However, the applicant was unable to circulate directly to this property owner despite confirming the mailing address with City staff, multiple mailing attempts resulted in returned packages. Newspaper notifications were placed in the December 19, 2019 and December 26, 2019 editions of the News Advertiser. PLN 11-20 June 15, 2020 Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower Installation #68 Page 3 The applicant has advised that no written comments were received as a result of the public circulation (see Applicant's Public Consultation Summary Report, Attachment #4). No comments were received from City departments or agencies as well. 3. Assessment of the Proposal against the City's Cell Tower Protocol The City's Telecommunication Tower Protocol (the Protocol) was established to provide direction for proponents on the location and design of antenna towers and provides criteria for staff, in order to assess a proposal. City Development staff have reviewed the proposed cell tower against the location and design criteria of the City's Protocol. 3.1 Co -location opportunities have been examined The installation and creation of separate, stand alone, radio communications towers and broadcasting facilities is discouraged unless all other co -location options have been explored and are considered unfeasible. The Region has advised that there are no suitable towers/structures within their search area given the purpose of this telecommunication tower. With Regional approval, future co -location on the proposed tower can be accommodated where appropriate and feasible. 3.2 Proposed Tower Location and Design is Acceptable The Region has indicated that the telecommunication tower height has been minimized as much as possible to reduce the visual impact and has minimal land use conflict with the surrounding properties. The tripole lattice -style design is acceptable given the current rural nature of the surrounding area. No residential properties are within the 500 metre circulation radius of the subject property as majority the surrounding lands are owned by Transport Canada. Furthermore, the subject property is located north of the Seaton Innovation Corridor, and it will be adequately buffered from the Seaton residential areas. North of the subject property are lands designated as Prime Agricultural or Natural Areas with the Proposed Airport Site overlay. The applicant has consulted with Transport Canada with regards to the telecommunication tower's impact on a potential future airport, and no comments were provided. Given the context of the site and the efforts already made to reduce the visual impact of the tower, the location and design of the proposal is acceptable. Staff support the proposed location of this telecommunication tower as it will assist the Region in improving their operations, process monitoring, water delivery and response times in the event of an emergency. 4. Conclusion Staff recommend that City Council endorse the recommendation in this Report as the installation satisfies the requirements of the City's Telecommunications Tower Protocol. PLN 11-20 June 15, 2020 Subject: Proposed Telecommunication Tower Installation #68 Page 4 Attachments: 1. Air Photo Map 2. Proposed Site Plan 3. Submitted Elevation Plan and Layout 4. Public Consultation Summary Report Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Felix Chau Planner I Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design FC:Id Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner x Kyle Bentley, P. ng. Director, City Development & CBO Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment #1 to Report #PLN 11-20 p Proposed Telecommunications Tower _ ��- --�-- - — Highway 407 4 . Property Description: Pt Lot 27, Con 6, DPW #251 Now, Part 1 of m The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: ® Queens Punter, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;® Her Majesy the Queen in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; A Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers all rights reserved.; ® Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers all rights reserved.; SCALE: 1:10,000 THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. Attachment #2 to Report #PLN 11-20 PICKERING City Development Department Proposed Site Plan File No: Installation #68 Applicant: Region of Durham Property Description: Pt Lot 27, Con 6, DPW #251 Now, Part 1 of 40R-30488 (3660 Sideline 26) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE: May 13, 2020 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\S\CommunicationTowers Attachment #3 to Report #PLN 11-20 Elevation: 36.0 m EL 38,58 m EL: 3.05 m EL: 0.00 m 183 rA ►l rA rA ►:I ►wI ►1 bI ►:I (•f )6741 ►d hiMr MI ,.VA I♦�� I♦ REFERhowl 25.79K 4 18.1K 115K 115FOR C COMMUNICATIONS and I-115 FOR COMMUNICATIONS DETAILS AND PART NUMBERS - REFER TO TABLE 2 ON THIS DRAWING FOR ANTENNA DETAIL$. ANTENNA nal IS TO BE INSTALLED UNDER THIS CONTRACT. THE VENDOR 35 TO MARE PROVISIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF FUTURE ANTENNAE NO. 2, 3.4. E 03 h BM '135.7 k -fl 1.8K E E ■■■■■■■I!!■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ra.aa»■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■DliiirJ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■I/II ►\■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■E■n■u■■■■■■ ■■■■■■II ■11■\\■■■■■PI ■■■■■i■■n■■\■■ice■ ■■uu■�/I►\IIMMi■gIIi■■ IIIMM I'■■iiMIili\ \\■■■ ■■I!IPBRI■■11■■\`\RIMMI wriaciimENENENNEraimaim ■►kigJ ■■■■■■■■■IlI/J■ ■■Irl■■■■■n■■■■■iill■■ ■■.i■■■■■n■■■■■r■■SI 0.1 ■■uI■■■■■11■■■■■[■■■ ■■uI■■■■■11■■■■■l■■■I PROVIDE A COMPLETE LIGHTNING GROUNDING SYSTEM FOR THE COMMUNICATION TOWER, INCLUDING GROUNDING RODS, AERIAL TERMINALS. CONDUCTORS AND COMPRESSION CONNECTIONS. REFER TO SPECIFICATION 26 41 13 - LIGHTNING PROTECTION FOR STRUCTURES AND TO DRAWING 5-503 FOR GROUNDING DETAILS. TOWER PROFILE FOR 36.58m MA10 TOWER (MA120L140) N.TB. 1930mm C/C 3658mm PLAN VIEW- BASE FOUNDATION FOR 36.58m MA10 TOWER (MA120L140) N.T.S. COMMUNICATIONS 70WER 76mm MIN- CONC. COVER (TYP.) 12-25M REBAR EQUALLY SPACED C 319mm 0/C & BIW TYP. 2 LEVELS PICKERING City Development Department Submitted Elevation Plan and Layout File No: Installation #68 Applicant: Region of Durham Property Description: Pt Lot 27, Con 6, DPW #251 Now, Part 1 of 40R-30488 (3660 Sideline 26) FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE: May 13, 2020 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\S\CommunicationTowers Attachment #4 to Report #PLN 11-20 Consulting Activity Summary Communication Tower at Seaton Reservoir and Pump Station Prepared by the Region of Durham May 21, 2020 Please find summary of consulting activities in chronological order for Communication Tower at Seaton Reservoir and Pumping station. • The Region submitted completed application for the Region's Communications Antennae at the Seaton Reservoir and Pumping Station on October 29, 2019. • The Region sought the City of Pickering direction on public consultation protocol. The Region followed the City's direction to publish the advertisement on the local newspaper and sending mail -outs to neighbors in 500 metre circulation. • The Region has received the mailing list from the City of Pickering on November 22, 2020. • The Region has contacted Transport Canada and Ontario Ministry of Infrastructure to obtain tenants contact information. The following mailing list was developed after thorough investigation. Number Mailing Address 1. 98 Hill Country Dr., Stouffville, ON, L4A 3T2 2. 3750 Sideline 26 Rd., Claremont, ON, L1Y 1A2 3. 3625 Sideline 26 Road, Claremont, ON, L1Y 1A2 4. 3705 Sideline 26, Claremont, ON, L1Y 1A2 5. 259 Ridge Rd. E., Grimsby, ON, L3M 4E7 6. 3920 Sideline 28, Pickering, ON, L1Y 1A2 7. 7 Fairgrounds Lane, Sunderland, ON, LOC 1H0 8. 680 Highway 7, Locust Hill, Ontario, LOH 1J0 9. Province of Ontario Minister of CIO Infrastructure Ontario Property 1 Dundas Street West, Suite 2000 Toronto, ON M5G 2L5 10. Brunswick Hill Cemetery c/o Ruth Hutchings RP#1 Locust Hill, ON LOH 1J0 • The Region developed Public Notice and Information package for the neighbors in collaboration with the city of Pickering. The packages were mailed in early December 2019 to neighbors and they were advised to direct their questions or concerns regarding Proposed Communication Tower at the Seaton Reservoir and Pumping Station by January 20, 2020. • The following neighbor could not be reached after a courier company multiple failed attempt to deliver the package. The address was not valid. Brunswick Hill Cemetery c/o Ruth Hutchings RR#1 Locust Hill, ON LOH 1J0 • The public notice was published twice on Pickering Local Newspaper on December 19, 2020 and December 26, 2019 and advised public to direct their comments by January 20, 2020 to the Region of Durham's project manager. • The Region of Durham confirmed on April 22, 2020 that no comments has been received from public or neighbors regarding the Proposed Communication Tower at the Seaton Reservoir and Pumping Station in the City of Pickering.