HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 10-02 Ciú¡ o~ REPORT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Report Number: CAO 10-02 Date: November 26, 2002 From: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Terms of Reference for Pickering's Growth Management Study Recommendation: 1. That Pickering Council receive Report Number CAO 10-02 concerning the Terms of Reference for Pickering's Growth Management Study; 2. That Pickering Council endorse the draft Terms of Reference for the Growth Management Study, as outlined in Appendix I to Report Number CAO 10-02, and authorize staff to issue a Request for Proposals in accordance with the City's purchasing policy and procedures; and 3. That the City Clerk forward for information a copy of Report Number CAO 10-02 to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Region of Durham, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and members of the Working Group. Executive Summary: Draft Terms of Reference for a Growth Management Study for lands in central Pickering, immediately north of the existing built-up area, have been prepared for Council's consideration. A Working Group was established to assist staff in preparing the Terms of Reference, in accordance with Council's direction in May 2002, and Council's appointments in ,July 2002. The Working Group included representatives of Council, City staff, the Region of Durham, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, the Province of Ontario, other landowners within the Study Area, and local community groups. The various backgrounds, experiences and perspectives of the Working Group members have resulted in an excellent Terms of Reference for this challenging study. Staff wishes to thank the Working Group members for their time, effort and thought-provoking comments on the approach to and contents of the draft Terms of Reference. Report Number CAO 10-02 November 26, 2002 Terms of Reference - Growth Management Study Page 2 As set out in Report Number CAO 05-02, the draft Terms of Reference include a Community Outreach Program to ensure that public involvement and participation will be an integral part of the Study. The draft Terms of Reference specify a three-phase study process. The phases include: Background; Overall Structure Plan; and Neighbourhood Plans. The Background Phase requires three components to be completed: an environmental systems assessment; an agricultural community report and collection of other supporting information. The draft Terms of Reference also identify 10 principles that express Pickering's priorities in land use and development decision-making for the Study Area. The Consulting Team is to follow these principles in undertaking the study. Finally, the draft Terms of Reference list evaluation criteria for the submissions received in response to the City's Request for Proposals. Among the criteria are the following: the Consulting Team's proposed environmental systems assessment methodology; their understanding of Pickering's principles for growth management and the City's unique history, context and issues; the quality of their community outreach program; their creative approach to the study; and their detailed timetable given Council's eight-month time frame for completion. Financial Implications: A commitment to fund the Growth Management Study, up to the cost estimated in Report Number CAO 05-02, has been received from Mr. Ira T. Kagan, of Kagan Zucker Feldbloom Shastri, Barristers and Solicitors, on behalf of landowners in the Study Area. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Workina Group On May 21,2002, Council received Report Number CAO 05-02 (Revised), which in part authorized the establishment of a Working Group to assist with the preparation of draft Terms of Reference for the City's Growth Management Study. Subsequently, Council's July 29, 2002 Resolution #102/02 appointed the members to sit on the Working Group. The Working Group comprised representatives of Council, City staff, the Region of Durham, the Province of Ontario, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, landowners within the Study Area, and interested community groups. Report Number CAO 10-02 November 26,2002 Terms of Reference - Growth Management Study Page 3 The Working Group met three times (on October 3rd, October 16th, and November 13th, 2002), to discuss and assist City staff. Although the draft was prepared with input from the Working Group, not every detail of the language used was agreed to by all members. Most members of the Group support the approach and content of the draft Terms of Reference. Much of the detailed information obtained through the Working Group process will assist in evaluating the submitted proposals. City staff appreciates the comments and assistance provided by the Working Group members during the preparation of the draft Terms of Reference. 2.0 Main Parts of the Draft Terms of Reference 2.1 Purpose . As outlined by the Terms of Reference, the purpose of the Growth Management Study is five-fold: . to identify the environmental system, including ecological and cultural attributes; to identify the appropriate location and configuration of Pickering's urban/rural boundary; . to prepare a land use structure for the entire Study Area, and prepare a development concept for the urban lands; to develop implementation strategies including phasing, a master environmental servicing plan, financial tools and strategies, and other economic, social and land use management strategies; and to identify neighbourhoods for the urban areas and prepare neighbourhood plans, policies, detailed environmental master servicing plans, and development guidelines for neighbourhoods in the first phase. . . 2.2 Pickering's Principles Ten principles expressing the City's priorities for land use and development decision-making are set out in the draft Terms of Reference. They are: . maintain environmental integrity; . respect cultural heritage; . foster a healthy countryside; . provide jobs first; . use of infrastructure economically; . create a mixed-use community integrated with the existing built-up area . support a range of transportation choices; . require quality urban design; . create a community that can evolve and adapt over time; and . stage development to be consistent with the principles. Report Number CAO 10-02 November 26,2002 053 'i Terms of Reference - Growth Management Study Page 4 These principles are based on the current policy framework, on-going initiatives affecting the Study Area, Pickering's role and position in the Greater Toronto Area, and the latest thinking about land use planning and development. An elaboration of each principle is provided in the draft Terms of Reference. In undertaking the Study, the Consulting Team would use these principles as the basis for researching and analyzing information and making recommendations. In addition, the criteria for consultant selection require the Consulting Team to have an understanding of Pickering's principles for growth management. 2.3 The Consulting Team The draft Terms of Reference provide the evaluation criteria for selecting the Consulting Team. Pickering is seeking a multi-disciplinary Consulting Team whose creative approach to study processes and public consultation is matched with their in-depth understanding of the City's unique history, context and future opportunities. Pickering is seeking a Consulting Team whose ability to quickly but appropriately fill strategic gaps in information, synthesize and analyze relevant information, and formulate salient options and recommendations on the management of growth in Pickering will reflect the intuitive and experienced team members. 2.4 Council's Ground Rules The Study Ground Rules, adopted by Council in May 2002, are incorporated in the draft Terms of Reference. Three of the original seven ground rules have been satisfied through the completion of the Terms of Reference. The remaining ground rules are as follows: . to recognize the present Official Plan targets for Seaton (i.e. 90,000 people and 45,OOOjobs); to recognize the present Official Plan designations for west of Duffins Creek as agricultural and agricultural easements, and east of Duffins Creek as a special study area; . to ensure that the findings and recommendations are based on up-to-date data and information; to be completed within approximately eight months of commencement; . . In addition to these ground rules, other study inputs are mentioned, including the various policy documents that guide planning in Pickering, and other Council resolutions that affect the Study Area. The draft Terms of Reference state that these inputs reflect current policy and positions of Council. Further, the draft Terms of Reference state that only following review and analysis may the Consulting Team recommend changes for consideration by City Council and others. Report Number CAO 10-02 November 26, 2002 Terms of Reference - Growth Management Study Page 5 2.5 Three Phase Study The Study is to be undertaken in three phases: Background, Overall Structure Plan, and Neighbourhood Plans. In addition, the Consulting Team is required to meet the requirements of the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process for local and regional roads. Work by the Consulting Team will provide further input to the Durham Transportation Master Plan study. In the Background phase, three components relating to the collection of data and information on topics or issues in support of the Structure Plan are required. Although the Terms of Reference does not specify a precise work program for obtaining and verifying environmental information and filling environmental gaps, the Consulting Team is expected to provide the City with a detailed 'environmental methodology' as part of its proposal submission. A map that illustrates the result of an assessment of the lands capability to withstand urban development is to be produced. In the Overall Structure Plan phase, a number of matters are required to be described including: the boundary between urban/non-urban lands; non-clevelopable areas; primary urban and rural land use designations; the transportation system; a master environmental servicing plan; a development concept and phasing strategy for the urban lands; neighbourhood boundaries; general strategies; an overall servicing and infrastructure phasing strategy; an implementation and financing strategy; and a "rationale report" synthesizing the basis for any changes recommended to existing policy or Council positions. The master environmental servicinq plan requirements were prepared by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and are included as Appendix A to the draft Terms of Reference. Appendix A is still being refined, and minor adjustments may be made subsequent to the deadline for this Report to the Committee of the Whole. In the Neighbourhood Plans phase, detailed neighbourhood plans for the first phase of development are required. Each Neighbourhood Plan will include: the neighbourhood boundary; the neighbourhood population and employment targets; the general locations of community facilities; the locations and design of stormwater ponds; the tertiary road pattern; any neighbourhood-specific implementation and financing strategies; a detailed Environmental Master Servicing Plan; and the Development Guidelines (which address detailed urban design matters). Report Number CAO 10-02 November 26,2002 Terms of Reference - Growth Management Study Page 6 2.6 Community Outreach Program Community consultation will be an integral part of the Growth Management Study. As part of their proposal, the Consulting Team is required to design and undertake a Community Outreach Program that elicits input from the Pickering community, including its multi-cultural population, other groups who are less inclined to participate in the traditional planning process, and appropriate First Nations representatives. The Consulting Team is required to prepare a Community Consultation Report that documents comments and responses to the views and opinions expressed. 2.7 Study Steering Committee A Study Steering Committee is to be appointed by Council at a later date. The Steering Committee will provide strategic direction to the Consulting Team, including identifying additional issues for which options may be necessary to generate discussion, identifying when additional public input may be required, and confirming whether both 'preliminary for discussion' and 'final' reports are required for all topics. The Consulting Team is required to meet with the Committee at all critical stages in the Study and to record and distribute notes of Steering Committee meetings. 2.8 Technical Review & Advisory Committee A Technical Review & Advisory Committee will also be established as set out in the draft Terms of Reference. This Committee will provide detailed technical advice and guidance to the Consulting Team, as the majority of this committee will be agencies involved in reviewing and comments on planning applications. The Consulting Team is also required to meet with the Committee at all critical stages and to record and distribute notes of Advisory Committee meetings. 3.0 Conclusion It is recommended that Committee and subsequently Council endorse the Terms of Reference provided as Appendix I to Report Number CAO 10-02, and authorize staff to issue a Request for Proposals for the Growth Management Study. Report Number CAO 10-02 November 26, 2002 Terms of Reference - Growth Management Study Page 7 APPENDIX: Draft Terms of Reference for the Growth Management Study Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: .. Neil Carr I, IP, RPP Director, nning & Development GM\CLR:jf Copy: Director, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Director, Planning & Development Solicitor for the City Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City ouncil " /,/ APPENDIX I TO TO REPORT NUMBER CAO 10-02 DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE (DATED NOVEMBER 26, 2002) FOR THE CITY OF PICKERING GROWTH MANAGEMENT STUDY A Growth Management Study for the Seaton & Agricultural Assembly Lands in the City of Pickering IE N City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Appendix I to Report Number CAO 10-02 Page 1 GROWTH MANAGEMENT STUDY FOR THE SEATON & THE AGRICULTURAL ASSEMBLY LANDS CITY OF PICKERING 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction The City of Pickering is seeking the professional services of a qualified Consulting Team to undertake a Growth Management Study for lands within the City, immediately north of the existing built-up urban area. The Study will be undertaken in cooperation with the Province of Ontario and other landowners in the Study Area, and in consultation with the public. The Terms of Reference for this Study were prepared assistance of a Working Group. The Working G from City Council, City staff, external agency s and the Toronto and Region Conservation Au other landowners in the Study Area, and local c Reference were approved by Pickering Counci Y City staff with the u ed representatives Region of Durham rovince of, Ontario, roups. The Terms of 2002. Following a Request for Proposals a will be appointed by City Council a Consulting Team 1.2 Study Area The Study Seaton land generally fol boundary to Rail line to t A map show Pic uncil Resolution #29/02, includes the r ral mbly lands. The study area boundaries a 0 the north; Sideline 16 and the Pickering - Ajax e Lawrence & Hudson (formerly the C.P. Belleville) d e Pickering - Toronto/Markham boundary to the west. undary of the Study Area is provided as Attachment #1. 1.3 Public Participation & Consultation The City of Pickering is committed to public involvement, participation, openness and accountability in addressing land use issues. The public includes the City's residents, business-people, landowners, relevant public agencies, and other interested groups and individuals. In keeping with the City's fundamental approach to doing business, inclusive and meaningful public involvement must also be integral to the undertaking of the Growth Management Study. Section 4.0 of the Terms of Reference identifies the requirement for the Consulting Team to outline their specific approach to public consultation. Appendix I to Report Number CAG 10-02 City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page 2 1.4 The Consulting Team Pickering is seeking a Consulting Team whose creative approach to study processes and public consultation is matched with their in-depth understanding of the City's unique history, context, and future opportunities. The Consulting Team's ability to quickly but appropriately fill strategic gaps in information, synthesize and analyze relevant information, and formulate salient recommendations on the management of growth in Pickering will reflect the intuitive and experienced team members with required conceptual, technical and other skills. 1.5 Consultant Selection e, but shall not be The evaluation criteria for selecting a consultan limited to, the following factors: . proposed environmental systems assessme . understanding of Pickering's principles for . understanding of Pickering's history, c . understanding of study issues and . understanding and experienc w' . the quality of th blic 0 . experience in the GTI . the relev . complian . the creat . the advic . detailed . cost effe . the oral . bid price. sues; 0 e fi of ce; om ing the study; e vided in the submission; u , Imetable and work program; f the proposal; ion if selected for an interview; 2.0 THE STUDY 2.1 Purpose of the Study The purpose of the Study is fivefold: 1. to identify the Environmental system, including ecological and cultural attributes; 2. to identify the appropriate location and configuration of Pickering's urban / rural boundary; 3. to prepare a land use structure for the entire Study Area, and prepare a development concept for the urban lands; City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Appendix I to Report Number CAO 10-02 Page 3 4. to develop implementation strategies including phasing, a master environmental servicing plan, financial tools and strategies, and other economic, social and land use management strategies; and 5. to identify neighbourhoods for the urban area, and prepare neighbourhood plans, policies, detailed environmental master servicing plans, and development guidelines for neighbourhoods in the first phase. The study will be used to inform: Pickering (and if necessary, Durham Regional) Official Plan changes; Pickering and Regional Development Charge studies/by-laws; Pickering capital and operating financial forecasting and budgeting; Pickering subdivision / development / site plan condi' ns of approval, and agreements; Regional water and sewer designs, capital for Durham Mobility Study recommendation forecasting and budgets. budgets; sportation capital 2.2 Pickering's Principles for the Growth Mana The Provincial Policy Statement (P the Pickering Official Plan e framework for th Ar to have rega S detailed poli out the desi City of Pick I Official Plan and I se planning policy tudy, e Consulting Team is Team is to be guided by the icial Plans. These policies set ai, urban and rural systems in the However, t Region of D commence t Growth Man i rrently undertaking a review of the PPS; the ding a review of its Official Plan; and Pickering will -year review of its Official Plan in 2003. The results of the Study will form part of the City's Official Plan Review. Building on t e current policy framework, a review of on-going initiatives affecting the Study Area, Pickering's role and position in the GT A, and the latest thinking about land use planning and development, an integrated set of guiding principles has been prepared. The principles express the municipal priorities in land use and development decision-making, and are listed starting on the next page. City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Appendix I to Report Number CAG 10-02 Page 4 1. Maintain Environmental Integrity . Identify, protect and enhance a healthy ecological system, including the Area's ecological features and functions, landscapes, habitats, surface and subsurface water, air, and other resources. 2. Respect Cultural Heritage . Respect cultural heritage, and protect and integrate important cultural heritage resources from all time periods into the community, including significant First Nations sites and rural settlements. 3. Foster a Healthy Countryside . Encourage a vibrant rural economy inclu open space uses, and conserve a reso generations. e, recreational and current and future 4. Provide Jobs First . a major Employment Area, ent. 5. Use Infr future-built infrastructure efficiently and d Use Community Integrated with the Existing Built-up Area . Establish a compact, mixed-use urban community that complements 'South Pickering', provides a diversity of housing together with a range of local services and facilities, and uses innovative approaches. 7. Support A Range of Transportation Choices . Reduce reliance on the automobile, and facilitate the use of other modes of travel including walking, cycling, transit, and rail. Appendix I to Report Number CAD 10-02 City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page 5 8. Require Quality Urban Design . Require attractive, human-scale development and establish high quality public spaces that foster interaction and a sense of place. 9. Create a Community That can Evolve and Adapt Over Time . Establish a development pattern that is flexible and can evolve over time to meet the diverse and changing needs of the area's people and the market place. 10. Stage Development to be Consistent with the Principles . Stage development in a logical and appropriate manner, consistent with the principles. 2.3 Ground Rules from Report to Council CAO 05-02 (Revised) City Council, in initiating this Growth Management Study, established seven (7) ground rules. Three of the original ground rules have been satisfied through the completion of this terms of reference. The remaining ground rules are: 1. The Study is to recognize the present attic' (Le., 90,000 people and 45,000 jobs). targets for Seaton 2. The Study is to recognize the present 0 Duffins Creek as agricultural and agric Duffins Creek as a special study area. esignations west of ents, and east of on up-to-date data RCA, University of pproximately eight months of These grou 9 Provincial and Official Plan policies referenced in section 2 other "inputs" to the Study described below in section 2.4, e of current policy and positions of Pickering Council and others. ss, through the Study, all lands within the Study Area are to be revi th respect to their features, functions, constraints and opportunitie e Consulting Team, following review and analysis of information as required 0 fulfill these Terms of Reference, may recommend changes to the current conditions. As set out in section 3.4, the Consulting Team shall provide a rationale for any such changes recommended. Appendix I to Report Number CAO 10-02 City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page 6 2.4 Council Resolutions 2.5 3.0 3.1 3.2 Several Council resolutions and positions on transportation issues affecting the Study Area should be considered input to the Study. They are paraphrased as follows: . That the extension of Dixie Road northerly across West Duffins Creek not be supported, and that the existing Dixie Road be designated as a Type C arterial, not a Type B arterial; . That the extension of the east-west arterial into Markham that crosses West Duffins Creek south of Whitevale, be eliminated; and . That the interchange locations on Highway 407 not be located at North Road and Sideline 22. WORK TO Study Funding and Administration The City is retaining the Consulting Team to un Study. The funding for the Study will be fr; Study Area. Major landowners include owner of lands on the east side of We administer the funds, and make all meets the Terms 0 eferen invoices. rowth Management ndowners within the Ontario (the primary thers. The City will er completed work rk, and payment of Foundation The multi-di section 2.2. to the Study . the existi lanning policy framework; . the emerging policies from on-going reviews of policy document; . direct and indirect influences of initiatives of others agencies and levels of government; . the ground rules set out in section 2.3; . Council resolutions / positions set out in section 2.4. 0 ulting Team is to follow the principles set out in n, the Consulting Team is to use the following as the inputs Level of Detail The Consulting Team shall ensure the level of detail provided in the Study is sufficient to address the goal, purposes, deliverables and intended uses of the Study, as set out in the Terms of Reference. City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Appendix I to Report Number CAG 10-02 Page 7 lands within the Study Area have been subject to numerous planning initiatives and much 'study' over the last 30 years. Consequently, a vast array of data is available; however, the data has been gathered and docu ented for a variety of purposes, by a number of government and non- ent organizations, in different decades, in different forms, and for. rts or all of the Study Area. identify the required e study components; ta; identify existing studies or fieldwork es. Accordingly, it is the Consulting Team's respo type, level and form of information necessary review and assess availability and ad data gaps or flaws in existing data; a to provide required information The City ope is responsi Similarly, t Regional Ro to existing Regional re and roads. r nt em. The Region of Durham not and sanitary sewer services. po the provision of a network of in proposed new roads, and modifications ted t appropriate consultation will occur with cting the provision and financing of water, sewer The Consult shall ensure that the level of detail meets the requirements of Phase 1 roblem) and Phase 2 (alternatives) of the Class Environmental Assessment Act for local and regional roads, and that notices about the Growth Management Study include appropriate references to this. 3.3 Growth Management Study -- Phase One: Background The Study shall be undertaken in three phases: Background; Structure Plan; and Neighbourhood Plans. 3.3.1 Backqround -- Component A: Environmental Systems Assessment The Consulting Team shall define and map the Environmental System within and surrounding the Study Area. The Consulting Team shall also assess the Environmental System within the Study Area for its capacity to withstand urban development, and make recommendations respecting land use based on the findings. In assessing the Environmental System, the Consulting Team may identify lands such as: areas where environmental protection is appropriate and no urban development or other land uses shall take place; areas where urban development or other land uses can take place but environmental functions must be maintained or enhanced; and areas where development and other land uses can proceed subject to normal policy requirements and approval processes. Appendix I to Report Number CAO 10-02 City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page 8 3.3.2 Backqround -- Component B: Aqricultural Community Assessment The Consulting Team shall review and report on the current agricultural community, including physical, social and economic attributes. In addition, the Consulting Team shall assess and recommend future viable opportunities, priorities, and strategies for agriculture within the Study Area. 3.3.3 Backqround -- Component C: Other Backqround & Analysis 3.4 Growth Management Study Phase Two: eve on topics or issues in The Consulting Team shall prepare background informati support of the Structure Plan required by section 3 Plan The Consulting Team shall prepare an Overall be for all the lands within the study illustrating and/or describing a numbe n. This Plan is to and non-urban) . The boundary . The open non-dev . Primary . The tran compon . The mas for the u . A develo cept and phasing strategy for the urban lands; . Neighbo oundaries based on the development concept; . General gies for where additional policy or other guidance is required for agricultu , community services and facilities, cultural heritage, economic development, environmental protection and enhancement, housing, the interface between historic hamlets and new urban development, the interface between agricultural land and new urban development, water and sanitary sewer infrastructure, urban design, implementation and financing; . An overall servicing and infrastructure phasing strategy, addressing both municipal and regional facilities and services. . An implementation and financing strategy, addressing both municipal and Regional responsibilities. . A "rationale report" synthesizing the basis for any changes recommended to existing policy or Council positions. include the ns; oad, cycling, pedestrian, transit and rail servicing plan (including water management plan) The Consulting Team shall prepare options for significant matters being reviewed in the second phase. In preparing their work program, the Consulting Team shall identify where options are to be provided. The Study Steering Committee (see section 6.2) may provide further direction during the course of the Study on where options may be required. City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Appendix I to Report Number CAO 10-02 Page 9 3.5 Growth Management Study Phase Three: Detailed Neighbourhood Plans, EMSP & Development Guidelines The Consulting Team shall prepare Neighbourhood Plans for the neighbourhoods in the first phase of development, as agreed to by the City. Each Neighbourhood Plan would illustrate and/or describe: . The neighbourhood boundary; . Neighbourhood population and employment targets; . The general location of community facilities; . The location, size and preliminary design of stormwat . The tertiary road pattern and location of major . Neighbourhood-specific implementation a where warranted; . Be supported by a detailed Environmental M . Be supported by Development Guidelines, urban design strategies for the Neig onds; ails, etc.; strategies, The Consulting Team shall pre~ in the third phase re identify wher e section 6.2) e where optio ica ers being reviewed , th onsulting Team shall dy Steering Committee (see the course of the Study on 4.0 COMMUNIT Community managemen and test opti n an integral part of undertaking the growth ommunity consultation provides an opportunity to explore he public, agencies and others. The Consul g Team shall design and undertake an effective and inclusive Community Outreach Program. The Program is to obtain comments from and exchange information with members of the community, on an on-going basis during the Study. The Consulting Team shall describe how the Community Outreach Program will obtain the views of Pickering's multi-cultural population, other groups who are less inclined to participate in traditional planning processes, and appropriate First Nations representatives. The Consulting Team should recommend how they would select (a) representative(s) to speak for interests such as First Nations peoples. The Study Steering Committee will make the final selection on (a) representative(s) to speak for interests such as First Nations peoples. The Committee may also provide guidance to the Consulting Team during the course of the Study on when additional public input may be required. City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Appendix I to Report Number CAO 10-02 Page 10 The Consulting Team shall prepare a Community Consultation Report documenting comments, and responses, to the views and opinions expressed. 5.0 DELIVERABLES 5.1 Deliverables For the Reports listed below, it is anticipated that mo t will require both a "Preliminary for Discussion" and a "Final" Report. The St Steering Committee may give direction during the course of the Stu ther any particular report does not require a preliminary and final ve and mapping; 1. A Environmental Systems Analysis Report, i 2. An Agricultural Community Assessment Re 3. An Overall Structure Plan Report; 4. A Background Report or Re Plan Reports)' 5. An Urb Concept, part of th 6. Servicin Structur e Overall Structure ort, including Development rood Boundaries (which may be orts (which may be part of the Overall 7. An Urb as Environmental Servicing Plan, including water manage see Appendix A); , 8. Impleme & Financing Strategy Report (which may be part of the Overall cture Plan Report); 9. Neighbourhood Report(s) for the first phase on development, which reports include the Neighbourhood Plans, detailed Neighbourhood EMSPs (see Appendix A) and Development Guidelines; 10. A Rationale Report synthesizing the basis for any proposed changes to current policy and positions; 11. Public & Agency Consultation Report. City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Appendix I to Report Number CAG 10-02 Page 11 The Consult of any sub-c For deliverables listed above, the Consulting Team shall forward to the City of Pickering the following: . For each "Preliminary" Report: 25 draft copies; read copy of the final version; one copy of t compatible with Microsoft Word 2000 (all AutoCad.dwg or .dxf format); . For each "Final" or other Report: 25 dr camera read copy of the final version; one format compatible with Microsoft W AutoCad.dwg or .dxf format). f I copies; one camera 'on in digital format to be provided in 00 final copies; one inal version in digital is to be provided in r/his team's work, and the work 6.0 STUDY MA 6.1 General The City of g Planning & Development Department will manage the study. The ning & Development Department, through the Study Steering Committee III be responsible for supervising the study work to ensure that it is carried out in accordance with the Terms of Reference and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. The Department, through the Study Steering Committee, shall monitor study progress, liaise with the Consultant, and exercise budgetary control and revisions to the Terms of Reference subject to Council approval. The Department shall also be responsible for the circulation of study products, notices, and approval of Consultant liaison with the public and other agencies. 6.2 Study Steering Committee A Study Steering Committee will be established to provide strategic direction to the Consulting Team, including additional issues for which options may be necessary to generate discussion, when additional public input may be required, and whether preliminary and final reports are required in some instances. The Consulting Team shall meet with the Committee at all critical stages in the Study. The Consulting Team shall be responsible for recording, typing and distributing notes of Steering Committee meetings. 6.3 Technical Review & Advisory Committee A Technical Review & Advisory Committee will be established to provide advice and guidance to the Consulting Team. The Consulting Team shall meet with the Committee at all critical stages in the Study. The Consulting Team shall be responsible for recording, typing and distributing notes of Advisory Committee meetings. City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Appendix I to Report Number CAG 10-02 Page 12 7.0 DIRECTIONS TO BIDDER The City of Pickering reserves the right to limit the number of detailed submissions to be received for the study proposal. This invitation for detailed submissions mayor may not be the result of a short-listing process and is at the discretion of the City of Pickering. 7.1 Submissions Submissions for this proposal shall be physically received by the City of Pickering, Corporate Services Department, Supply & Services Division, by an appointed date and time. Late submission will not be ccepted and will be returned unopened. All submissions shall be prepa a cost to the City. 7.2 Errors and Omissions consultant feels it ecified, the cost for The lowest or any bid shall not be necessarily a is advisable to do additional work, or delete s these revisions should be specified. It shall be und include spec' . each phase needed to c error or misi the respons study. 0 a ile the Terms of Reference s s omplete study is required for n i the Terms of Reference, but sha ed as if specified. Any omission or Te Reference shall not relieve the bidder of e Terms of Reference and provide a complete 7.3 Bid and Su Submissions should contain sufficient information for evaluation and selection. Bidders may be required to provide additional information or clarification on the contents of their submission. From the submissions, the City shall select a short-list of Consulting Teams to present an overview of their proposal and attend an interview with the selection panel. Submissions must include the following information: (i) An Executive Summary of the Proposal Appendix I to Report Number CAG 10-02 City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page 13 (ii) Consulting Team Details The names, qualifications, relevant experience, and proposed roles and responsibilities of the members of the Consulting Team shall be provided. A brief history of the companies, and details of the support facilities available and proposed for use on this project should also be provided. Past projects that are similar in nature, and the specific involvement of key personnel proposed in this project should be listed. References for recent projects of a similar nature should also be provided. The City of Pickering has to approve any changes or substitution of key personnel for the study. (B) Proposed Work Program and Timetable This section shall contain a detailed work pro nature and detailed scope of the Study, stages for consultation, the Study products and deliver be undertaken, the technical details of e milestones, project timetable, timin Study Steering Committee, timin Technical Review and Adviso tudy, outlining the ns will be generated ription of the tasks to be provided, project eetings with the eetings with the The City 0 approximate retained. anagement Study will take e time the Consulting Team is (iv) This section down by ph addition, th public mee disburseme e ummary of the following: total project cost, broken ponents, and major tasks, as agreed to by the City. In personnel cost, per diem, the cost to attend an additional , or additional meeting of Council (if requested), mileage, s, contingencies and taxes shall be identified. Payment will only be made when all the requirements of each major task are fulfilled to the satisfaction to the City of Pickering. Accordingly, all invoicing must indicate precisely tasks for which work has been completed, and remaining percentage of task to be done. 7.4 Enquiries Any enquiries regarding these Terms of Reference should be directed either to Ms. Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy, (905-420-4660, ext. 2038) or Ms. Vera Felgemacher, Manager, Supply & Services (905-420-4616) at the City of Pickering. Appendix I to Report Number GAG 10-02 City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page 14 1.5 Changes Verbal clarification should not be interpreted to change the intent of the Terms of Reference. Any revisions to these Terms of Reference shall be issued as an addendum, or at a meeting of all bidders. 8.0 CONSULTANT SELECTION Appendix B contai e the criteria set out in Criteria for the selection of the Consultant will be based section 1.5 of the Terms of Reference. APPENDIX A Appendix A contains the requirements for a m urban area & secondary plan area, as environmental master servicing plans 0 subdivision level in the fir ase of I servicing plan for an nts for a detailed I & draft plan of APPENDIX B ces available to the Consulting Team. G mglg rowthmanagem entld raft#4terrnsofref doc Nov, 26/02 City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page A - 1 Appendix A MASTER ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICING PLAN REQUIREMENTS For: (A) Urban Areas & Secondary Plan Approval (B) Neighbourhood & Draft Plan Approval Draft Terms of Reference for MESP's for Urban Area & Secondary Plan Approval The Consulting Team should pre-consult with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) prior to commencing work. (A) Phase 1 - ExistinG Conditions Reporl (additional detail is to be added by the TRCA about this Phase 1 reporl) . must complete an existing conditions assessment of the Study Area; . should establish development limits criteria (Le., top of bank, floodlines, limit of features, buffers); . should set the constraints of the Study Area (Le., no touc Z s, areas of important features - wetlands, woodlots, recharge/discharge rcourses, aquifer vulnerability etc.); . the constraints of the area must be put onto an over . must speak to how the areas of important feat (Le., drainage area to wetlands kept the same etc. Once Phase 1 has protected This Phase 1 report must be reviewed and before Phase 2 can be initiated. gn off from TRCA nt area has been established: Stormwater . must evaluate st (Le., pond locati . the alternative ahead with the p nd come up with a preferred stormwater strategy be discussed with TRCA before going Stormwater Pond C ria: . water quality - level 1 . flood flow: 0 dependent on subcatchment (Whitevale, Urfe, Ganatsekiagon Creeks have 2-100 year post to pre-control, East and West Duffins Creek no quantity control required from Aquafor 2002 report); 0 must update the post-development model from the hydrology update completed by Aquafor in 2002 to include proposed development area (Le., the future Official Plan scenario from the 2002 update did not include urban areas to Highway 7 or the Agriculture Assembly lands as urban); City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page A - 2 Appendix A 0 must look at water quantity criteria set out in the 2002 report after new analysis is complete to determine if it is still valid; 0 must complete a regional storm analysis to determine if regional control is required; . frequent flow: 0 must be completed on a subwatershed basis; 0 identify subwatershed and limits of continuous have to be completed in support of draft plan ap Future Study Requi . should set out requirements are for future studies (i.e., MESP's in support of draft plan - plain mapping using TRCA standards, continuous simulation erosion analysis sing TRCA standards). osion studies that Hydrogeology . water balance: 0 must demonstrate that the exist' (i.e., infiltration map) is maintain 0 the post-develop cen Clarifica mus agriculture a 0 must compa to determine . source protectio 0 must protect ra fined by TRCA de ent; er B ance 2002 report by areas of this study (i.e., the d to be undeveloped); ith the results of the new analysis s outlined in the YPD project; (B) Draft Terms of Reference for MESP's for Neighbourhood level & Draft Plan Approval The Consulting Team should pre-consult with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) prior to commencing work. Stormwater Pond Criteria . water quality - level 1, refine permanent pool volume based on specific draft plan details (Le., imperviousness based on lot layouts etc.) . flood flow - refine hydrology model to specific draft plan details and refine volumes and release rates for pond design . frequent flow - complete a continuous simulation erosion analysis on a subwatershed basis using the following criteria: 0 Phase 1: Characterization: (to be undertaken by a qualified fluvial geomorphologist) 1. Characterize the existing channel form to define representative reaches and classify the stability of the active channel (i.e., determine the most sensitive reaches ); City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page A - 3 Appendix A 2. Establish the erosion thresholds for the entire study area based on field measurements (Le., determine critical discharge, velocity and depth of flow for the most sensitive reaches based on both bed and bank assessment - the most critical values should be used); 0 Phase 2: Erosion Analysis Modellinq 1. Establish a continuous simulation model using Qualhymo version 2.2. The modelling will include converting the existing watersh hydrology model to Qualhymo to assess the instream erosion pote' e continuous model should have a minimum of 6 years of hourly d rably this data set of 6 years should include a wet year, a dry ye rage year); 2. Run the existing conditions scenario, which w targets;. 3. Run the future scenario (which would incl osed developments) with and without SWM controls (Le., al to be modelled) to determine the necessary storage s to maintain the existing erosion potential; 4. Perform a sensiti' analys' thresholds st facilities' stormwat facility wil 25° lation in the erosion n he stormwater management e s). If the design of the Be sensitive, then the size of the t for this sensitivity. . the field work 0 (a study for the Ganatsekiagon . this study shoul study area of t sufficient and if f s h ee ; wed to determine if the development area is within the rt by Parish Geomorphic and whether the information is er work is required; will be completed by Parish Geomorphic in 2003 est Duffins (south of Taunton Road), Whitevale, . stormwater facility: 0 size, type (Le., wetland or wet pond), exact location should be determined for each facility to set the block size; 0 need a plan of each facility which outlines pond grading, side slopes, inlet and outlet inverts, preliminary road grades, 3: 1 length to width ratio as well as a cross-section through each facility to ensure that the block size is sufficient; Hydrogeology (to be finalized by TRCA's hydrogeologist) . water balance: 0 must verify the soil type (Le., by literature review and site visits); 0 must complete at least 3 percolation (Le., Guelph permeameter etc.) tests for each soil type to determine the infiltration capacity of the soil on the site and how it compares to the value from the infiltration map and the Clarifica report; 0 update post-development water balance scenario on actual draft plan details; 0 alternative measures for SWM measure to demonstrate how this recharge is being met (Le., conceptual designs and preliminary numbers are required to set any necessary block sizes etc.); City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page A - 4 Appendix A . source protection: 0 must demonstrate how protection of aquifer vulnerability will be incorporated into the draft plan; Floodplain Mapping . must complete digital floodplain mapping to TRCA stan . new base mapping will be required for areas that c (Le., Whitevale, Urfe, Ganatsekiagon Creeks) to TR . any new floodplain mapping must tie into existing m ot have floodlines Implementation Strategy . must outline the participating and non-pa . . must establish a sediment control pi lands are going to be iced' fences, mud mats, 10 . if the stormwate 0 facilities must h volume based 0 at shows how the , cut-off swales, silt n ction phase, then temporary 25 m3/ha and a permanent pool City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page B-1 Appendix B SELECTED RESOURCES AVAILABLE Air Photography - digital (taken in 2000) Durham Regional Official Plan Eyles, N., Boyce, J. and Gerber R. Hydrogeological Study of the North Pickering Development Corporation Lands and Duffins Creek Watershed. Prepared' for the North Pickering Development Corporation. 1997. HBT AGRA Ltd. Seaton Lands as a Natural Ecosystem. Report to the Seaton Interim Planning Team. 1994. Jones M, and Guy, M. Seaton Lands Stream Assessment: Aquatic Habitat and Fisheries. Prepared for the North Pickering Development. 1997. [CD ROM available from TRCA] Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Planning. Toronto: 1991. Seaton: A Strategy for Responsible Ontario Form Collaborative (John van Nostrand Assoc' Milus Bollenberghe Topps Watchorn). A Plan for Seaton. Toronto: 1995. mpson Architects; g + Design Exercise. Pickering, City of. Pickering Rural Study, Final R Pickering, City of. Recreation, Parks Strategic Plan Report, Draf . I Rep ter Plan Update: Pickering, City of. Technical Report, Dr Master Plan Update: Pickering, City of. Pi . September, 2000. Pickering, City of. September 2000. ment to the Pickering Official Plan. Edition 3, Rouge Park Alliance. orth Management Plan, April 2002. Rouge Park Alliance. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Duffins Creek State of the Watershed Report. Toronto: June 2002. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. A Management Plan for the Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek Watersheds. The Report of the Duffins Creek & Carruthers Creek Joint Task Force Report. Toronto: [(draft - June 2002]. City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page B-2 Appendix B Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Boyce, J., and Eyles, N. Architectural Element Analysis Applied to Glacial Deposits: Internal Geometry of a Late Pleistocene Till Sheet, Ontario Canada. Geological Society of America. Bulletin, v. 112, pp. 98-118. A Biological Survey of North Pickering Project Site & Toronto II Airport Site, by F.A. Walden & Martin, March 1974. A Community for the 1990's and Beyond, Package by Ministry of Housing, 1990. A Hydrologic Model for Environmental Impact Assessment. t Petticoat & Duffins Watersheds, Shelly I. Solomon Assoc., ouge, Little Rouge, A Plan for Seaton, Summary, Ontario Form Collaborative. Analysis of Financial Impact of North Pickering on the Undertaken by the Staff of Regional Municipali f September 1977. rham - A Joint Study h Pickering Project, Architectural Evaluation of Projects Sites by Pro' April 1974, Second E .. Cedarwood Develo RV. Anderson Assoc eport on Municipal Services by Commissioner's Re mmittee, Report No. 81-174, July 14,1981. Community Popula Final Report, Avrum ou ng Study for the Proposed Community of Seaton, If, Toronto, April, 1991. North Pickering P t - Background Paper No.5 - Urban Systems Analysis: A Literature Review, ecember 1974. North Pickering Project - Background Paper No.6 - Urban Systems Analysis: Aggregate Analysis of Regional and Lakeshore Corridor Patterns, December 1974. North Pickering Project - Background Paper No.7 - Urban Systems Analysis: Synthesis and Implications for North Pickering, December 1974. North Pickering Project - Background Paper No.9 - Industrial Location Patterns, December 1974. North Pickering Project - Background Paper No.1 0 - Location & Site Requirements of Secondary Industry, January 1975. North Pickering Project - Background Paper No. 11 - Input/Output Study for Industrial Linkage Requirements, January 1975. North Pickering Project - Background Paper No. 12 - The Identification of Most Probable Industries, January 1975. City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page B-3 Appendix B Discussion Paper No.1: Initial Assumptions & Issues North Pickering Community Development Team, Ministry of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs, Plantown Consultants, September 1973. Finch Avenue Arterial Road Feasibility Study - Technical Report prepared by McCormick, Rankin Consulting Engineers for the North Pickering Development Corporation, March, 1977. Hydrogeological Study of the North Pickering Development Corporation Lands and the Duffins Creek Watershed, Final Report, August 1997. Planning ickering Report, Interim Report Transportation Plantown Consultants, June 1974. Lowry Model Analysis of North Ministry of Housing, December 1974. Ministry of Housing, Ontario Land Corpora' Primary Sanitary Drainage System for Marshall Macklin Monaghan Li ited, Ma ering Study for a unity, Volume 1, North Pickering Co Urbanization on the ater Resources Impacts of Li Ited, March 1975. North Pickering C Initial Assumptions a ect - Public Discussion Paper No. I: tants Limited, September 1973. North Pickering De Study - Arterial Ro Totten Sims Hubicki 0 ation - Route Feasibility & Functional Planning - U an Stage One Development North Pickering Project, , February 1978. North Pickering Pro - A Background Paper - Commuting Analyses by B.C. Hutchison, P. Eng, April 1974 Revised March 1975. North Pickering Project - A Background Paper - Identification of Manufacturing Growth Industries, undated, Received January 1975. North Pickering Project - A Background Report - Planning for Urban Goods Movement, February 1975. North Pickering Project - A New Community, Ministry of Housing Package, undated. North Pickering Project - Background Paper No.1 - Technical Information Relating to Social Programs and Facilities in North Pickering, March 1975. North Pickering Project - Background Paper No.2 - Community Design New Towns Reviewed, Plantown Consultants, June 1974. North Pickering Project - Background Paper No.4 - The "Market" Profiles - Some First Impressions, December 1974. City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page B - 4 Appendix B North Pickering Project - Background Paper No. 13 - Study of the Potential Future Distribution of Service Industries in the Toronto Region, by Peat, Marwick and Partners and IBI Group, Apri/1975. North Pickering Project - Background Paper No. 14 - Urban Employment for North Pickering, April 1975. North Pickering Project - Background Paper No. 15 - Income and Occupation Profiles for North Pickering, April 1975. North Pickering Project - Background Paper No. 16 - A LivelWork Community, July 1975, Ministry of Housing. People, Dwellings, -Relationships, by North Pickering Project - Community Design Backgroun Density and Community Form - a Preliminary Study Plantown Consultants Limited, June 1974. North Pickering Project - Community Design Backgr Discussion Papers on Housing by Plantown Consu - A Compendium of 1974. North Pickering Project - Community Design Shopping and Community Form by Plan liminary Review of 1974. North Pickering Proj Guidelines by Planto per 8 - Open Space Planning North Pickering Pro the North Pickering ent Opportunities & Constraints within Housing. North Pickering Pr Analysis by Plantow ro ntal Planning - An Approach to Environmental Li ¡ted, October 1974. North Pickering P Plantown Consultant Interim Report 1 - Towards a Basis for the Plan by ed, October 1974. North Pickering Project - Interim Report 2 - Evaluation of Phase B Modified Concept Plans by Plantown Consultants Limited, February 1975. North Pickering Project -Interim Report on Social Development - Volume One: Summary of Background Studies by Plantown Consultants Limited, June 1974. North Pickering Project - Interim Report on Social Development - Volume Two: Inventory of Information by Plantown Consultants Limited, June 1974. North Pickering Project - Retail Market Study prepared for Ontario Land Corporation, Ministry of Housing by Larry Smith & Associates Ltd., February 1979. North Pickering Project - Summary of Recommended Plan, August 1975. City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page B - 5 Appendix B North Pickering Project. Transit Studies (A Background Report), by De Leuw Cather, Canada Ltd., Consulting Engineers and Planners, April 1975. North Pickering Seaton Advisory Committee, (blue binder) September 1993 to March 1994, North Pickering Seaton Advisory Committee, March 1994 to July 1994. North Pickering Seaton Advisory Committee, July 1994 to March 1995. North Pickering Seaton Advisory Committee, March 1995 to August Parsons Ltd., 1985. Ontario land Corp. - Pickering Open Space Study Vol. I, Ontario land Corp. - Pickering Open Space Study Vol. II n Parsons Ltd., 1985. Planning the Seaton Community, Policy Recomm Practice, Dr. John Hitchcock, December 14, 1990 Route Feasibility & Functioning Planni Brock West Sanitary land' 'fe, To oads - Vicinity of 1978. S.D.C. Development Stolp, October 1989. Seaton Advisory Co Seaton Advisory Re Seaton Community by C.N. Watson And ip inancial Impact Analysis for the Town of Pickering td., Economists, April 1989. Seaton Community unicipal Financial Impact Analysis for the Town of Pickering, C.N. Watson and Ass lates Ltd. Economists, October, 1988. Seaton Community Plan, Municipal Financial Impact Analysis for the Town of Pickering, C.N. Watson and Associates Ltd. Economists, February, 1989. Seaton Community Transportation Project, External Road Assessment, Marshall Macklin Monaghan, December 1988. Seaton Design Competition, Technical Review of Final Submissions, November 1994. Seaton Financial Impact Study. Background Report on the Sanitary Sewage and Water Requirements for the Seaton Development, by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, February 1990. Seaton Financial Impact Study, by Totten Sims Hubicki & Clayton Research Associates Ltd., December 1990. Seaton Handbook, Seaton Team Dunker. City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page B - 6 Appendix B Seaton in The Town of Pickering. Supporting Documentation for Official Plan Amendment, Regional Municipality of Durham by Ontario Land Corporation, undated. Seaton in The Town of Pickering - Summary Supporting Documentation for Official Plan Amendment, Regional Municipality of Durham by Ontario Land Corporation, undated. Seaton lands as a Natural Ecosystem, HBT AGRA Limited, April, 1994. Seaton lands as a Natural Ecosystem, HBT Agra Limited, February, 1994. Seaton lands as a Natural Ecosystem, (A Proposal) HBT AGRA Limited, June 23, 1993. The Seaton lands as a Natural Ecosystem Study (A Proposal) sub ¡tted to the Ministry of Housing, June 1993. , Seaton Advisory Seaton Planning & Design Exercise, Phase Three Committee, July 15, 1994. Seaton The Form of its History, A Socio-Economic Hist North Pickering Planning Area, Ministry of Housing. Seaton Working Sessions on Living wit Economics/Finance Summary Report, 0 iety and Culture ning Report. Seaton, Phase Thr November 3, 1994. Interim Planning Team, Study to Assess the by Giffels Associates ommunity on the Town of Pickering Study to Assess th Education and th Giffels ssociates Limi P f the Seaton Community on the Durham Board of Re on Roman Catholic Separate School Board by ber 1979. The North Pickeri Irene Bowman, June rchaeology Report # 4, by Victor Konrad, William Ross, 4. The North Pickering Project - A First Financial Evaluation of the Recommended Plan for North Pickering, September 1975. The North Pickering Project - Environmental Consultants - Environmental Management Constraints & Opportunities within North Pickering Project Site, W.M,C. Wilson, N.P.P. The North Pickering Project - Services, Utilities, & Communications Interim Report, October 1974, Plantown Consultants. Seaton Impact Study. Greater Toronto area Assessment DRAFT by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates (1981) Limited for the Town of Pickering, July, 1990. City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page B - 7 Appendix B North Pickering (Seaton) Lands - City of Pickering: Sernas & Associates; June 2002. Development Analysis; by North Pickering Preliminary Structural Plan - Figure 1; by Malone Given Parsons Ltd.; not dated; received September 26, 2002. ' Books About Local History - A List of Books Available in the Pickering Libraries pertaining to Local History. Heritage Pickering - Hwy. 407 Corridor Study, by Barn Owl Designs. Seaton Cultural Heritage Resources Assessment, Summary Report, Volume I, by Hough Stansbury Woodland Naylor Dance Limited-Prime Consultants, July 1994. Seaton Cultural Heritage Resources Assessment, Technical Appendix, by Hough Stansbury Woodland Naylor Dance Limited-Prime Consultants, July 1994 Volume II. Seaton Cultural Heritage Resources Assessment, Confidential Appendix, by Hough Stansbury Woodland Naylor Dance Limited-Prime Consultants, July 1994 Volume B. The 1997 Stage 1-3, Archaeological Assessment of the Lamoreaux and Duffin Heights Neighbourhoods, Town of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham, Ontario, D.R. Poulton & Associates (grey binder). The Archaeological Facility Master Plan Study of the Northeast Mayer, Pihl, Poulton and Associates and Submitted to The City c dy Area, prepared by rough, February 1989. The Hamlet of Whitevale Heritage Conservation Dist prepared by The Town of Pickering, August 1989. ckground Report, The Hamlet of Whitevale Heritage Conservation Dis ric by The Town of Pickering, June 1990. The Pickering Story, 1961 reprinted 1995 Town of Pickering - I Whitevale Heritage A Conceptual Plan f Pickering, Markham the Federal & Provincial Public Lands in Duffin Rouge Agric Greater Toronto Are ultural Economic Impact Study, November 19, 1999. Historical Researc Document, Seaton Surplus Agricultural Land, Duffin Rouge Agricultural Preserve Heritage Pickering, Received August 28, 1997. City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page B - 8 Appendix B State of the Resources for the Duffin-Rouge Agricultural Preserve by loW. Schut and E. A. Wilson, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, March 1994. Environmental Inventories of Five Airports Sites Southern Ontario Airport Study, Gartner Lee, Professional Services in Environmental Management. land Use in the Vicinity of Airports, Seventh Edition, March 1989 (includes May 1996 amendment). A Biological Survey of the North Pickering Project Site and Toronto II Airport Site, by F.A. Walden, 1974. Environmentally Significant Areas Study, 1996 Update by the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Environmentally Significant Areas Study, by the Metropolita Conservation Authority, 1982. GTA Population and Employment Projections Final January 2000. ic Projections Inc., Population, Housing and Employment in the GTA - August 1998. k, by Greg Lampert, Projection Methodology Guideline, A Employment and Relate d July 19,1995. n, Housing Need, ntario, date stamped The Outlook for P The Office for the Gr Lybrand Consulting G e GTA - Technical Appendices, , emson Consulting Ltd., The Coopers & The Outlook for Pop Area, August 1993, H ment in The GTA, The Office for the Greater Toronto td., The Coopers & Lybrand Consulting Group. Forests of Pickerin May 1996, Ministry of icant Woodlands in the Town of Pickering, Draft Report, al Resources. Ground-Water Resources of the Duffins Creek-Rouge River Drainage Basins, by the Ministry of the Environment, Water Resources Branch, 1977. North Ajax/Pickering - Cumulative Impact Study - Report on Phase 2 & 3: Examination of Existing Environmental Conditions & Evaluation of Cumulative Impacts, Bird & Hale Ltd, Jagger Hims Ltd, June 12, 1992. Rouge-Duffins Draft Natural Heritage System, by Geomatics International Inc., March 1997. Rouge Park Management Plan, May 1994. City of Pickering Growth Management Study Draft Terms of Reference - November 26,2002 Page B - 9 Appendix B Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study, Phase 2 Report, December 1O, 1999. Rouge Park Vegetation Management Study, Volume I: Management Guidelines, by Geomatics International Inc., May 1997. Rouge Park Vegetation Management Study, Volume II: Pilot Study Site Plans, by Geomatics International Inc., May 1997 It is anticipated that prepared under its dir Rouge Valley Park Planning Project, Phase One Report, Ba k Options, November 5, 1991. Rouge Valley Park Planning Project, Phase Two February 18, 1992. cept Alternatives, Rouge Valley Park, Report No.3, Preliminary Mana m The Toronto and Region Conservation Aut information for both Duffins Creek and Pet' ditional watershed nd Housing will release documents Consulting Team. ATTACHMENT #1 TO THE TERMS OF REFERENCE !"'<' ,:~/ ,/ ( L..,:::""L1J,Lf-fT'-'- i "'..J ' -""...'./ " " .' ! ". .-"" , , ~ LEGEND ¡¡¿~ "",""'LL'."",,' fill!! """"".""'< """',..",.Y ~ÿ. ""'MH"",¡"^",,, """"'.""";'M'" ,..""."",,"., , ""","'", """"""-"""",.v"""""",,!,.,,,,," """,',,. "',"-D' "',Kn."",'""""""""".""""."""",,., ~_.