HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 9, 2020 - Special Council MeetingCity 6h DICKERING Special Council Meeting Agenda March 9, 2020 Main Committee Room 9:30 am Page 1. Disclosure of Interest 2. Discussion Items 2.1 Karen Wianecki, Director, Practice Planning Solutions Inc. 1 Re: City of Pickering Council -Driven Strategic Plan 3. Confirmation By-law 4. Adjournment For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca City of Pickering Council -Driven Strategic Plan Special Meeting of Council (Meeting Workbook) ctly4 P1CKER1NG Date: March 9, 2020 Time: 9:30 am - 12:00 noon Location: City of Pickering Municipal Office Main Committee Room A Planning Solutions Inc. Publication All Rights Reserved. CONTENTS Proposed Agenda 5 Reading Material 6 Templates to Assist Your Preparation: 6 Attachment #1: Existing & New Priorities — Top Order Priorities 7 Attachment #2: Departmental Accomplishments, Ongoing Commitments & New Initiatives 8 2 2 WELCOME & AGENDA DETAILS February 24, 2020 Memorandum to: Members of Council & City of Pickering Senior Staff Subject: City of Pickering Strategic Plan Special Meeting of Council — Monday, March 9th, 2020 (9:30 — 12:00) Meeting Workbook (Agenda & Template for Completion) The City of Pickering is developing a Council -driven Strategic Plan. There are compelling reasons to develop a set of agreed-upon Council priorities. There are many initiatives in various stages of advancement and in order to ensure that Pickering continues to be the recipient of new opportunities, it is imperative that Council identify a set of agreed-upon priority actions for this term of Council to ensure that resources are aligned and commitments are delivered. Organizations that are committed to innovation and exceptional service recognize the importance of revisiting their strategic framework to ensure that they are continuing to make progress on key priorities, and to ensure that their focus remains committed to achieving the Vision as outlined in the Strategic Plan. Organizations on the leading edge of innovation recognize that Strategic Plans are roadmaps or blueprints for the future, and moreover, that they are living documents that require regular validation and assessment. A broadly supported Strategic Plan that identifies a set of collective Council -driven priorities for this term of Council is a fundamental foundation for moving forward and realizing success. To this end, a Strategic Planning Workshop is being held on March 9, 2020 from 9:30 am until 12:00 pm. The meeting will allow Council and senior staff to: 1. To consider the range of macro and micro -level drivers of change that will have a critical impact on the City of Pickering; 2. To assess key Departmental accomplishments, ongoing commitments and new priorities; 3. To collectively define a set of practical and pragmatic Council -driven strategic priorities for this term of Council; and 4. To discuss next steps. This Workbook will allow you to prepare for the session and to begin to think about the priorities that you believe are top of mind. I invite you to review this Meeting Workbook and come prepared to share your thoughts when we meet on March 9th. If you are unable to attend the session, you are welcome to complete this Workbook and forward your thoughts either by email (karen.wianecki@sympatico.ca) or by fax (905-428-6113). You are also welcome to contact me directly and share your thoughts with me by phone. I invite you to contact me on my mobile or my office line, as noted in the signature block below. 3 3 I will work hard on your behalf to ensure that the session is well organized and that our time together is productive and enjoyable. I am looking forward, with pleasure, to meeting and working with each of you. If you have any questions concerning this document or the session on March 9, 2020, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best Regards, 4oliaticia Karen R. Wianecki, M.PI., MCIP, RPP Director of Practice, Planning Solutions Inc. Ajax, Ontario Mobile: (905) 706-0492 Office: (905) 428-6113 Email: karen.wianecki@sympatico.ca 4 4 PROPOSED AGENDA Meeting Purpose & Objectives: 1. To consider the key trends and drivers of change that will have an impact on the City of Pickering; 2. To assess key Departmental accomplishments, ongoing commitments and new priorities; 3. To collectively define a set of practical and pragmatic Council -driven strategic priorities for this term of Council; and 4. To discuss next steps. Focus Timing Agenda Specifics Note: Suggested Timing Only Framing 9:30 9:35 Analysis: Assessing the Business & Competitive Environment 9:40 Official Welcome • Background, Context & Key Outcomes Workshop Structure, Purpose & Key Objectives • Overview of meeting materials • General questions/comments from participants Facilitated Dialogue: Trends & Their Implications • What key trends and drivers of change do you believe will have the most critical impact on the City of Pickering? • Based on what is and what is coming, what do you believe needs to be done to position the City of Pickering for continued success? Details Mayor Dave Ryan Karen Wianecki, Facilitator All Participants Putting the Pieces Together 10:15 Facilitated Dialogue: SCOP (Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities & Pressures) • Questions, Comments & Observations Regarding Strategic Trendlines and Challenges o What do we do well? o What challenges are we facing? o What can we do to ensure even greater success? o Where are the strategic opportunities for Pickering? o Where will we play? How will we win? Karen Wianecki Defining the Approach & Shaping Action 10:45 Building the Plan Together: Critical Council Priorities — Roundtable Dialogue What do you believe Council should be focusing on as its top -order priority or top order priorities? What must be done? [Refer to Template #1] All Participants Gap Analysis & Next Steps 11:30 Critical Review & Re -Assessment • What haven't we thought of? • Additional comments, thoughts & observations All Participants 5 5 Focus Timing Agenda Specifics Details • Identification of the top 5 collective priorities for this Term of Council 11:50 Recap, Wrap Up & What's Next Karen Wianecki 11:55 Concluding Remarks Mayor Ryan 12:00 Meeting Concludes READING MATERIAL • Template to Assist Your Preparation. (Please note: It is not compulsory to complete the template ahead of the meeting. We will be convening discussions around these topic areas and you may find it useful to have solidified some of your ideas in advance). Please see Attachment #1. • Departmental Accomplishments, Ongoing Commitments and New Initiatives. Please see Attachment #2. 6 6 ATTACHMENT #1: EXISTING & NEW PRIORITIES — YOUR TOP ORDER PRIORITIES Make It or Break It? What are your five most important 'make or break' challenges and opportunities for the City of Pickering? Lots of things are important but only those things that are Make-lt or Break-it...that can lead to true success or absolute disaster are strategy. What are the 'top order' priorities from your perspective? What do you want to accomplish in this term of Council? Are there existing or new challenges that Pickering is facing now? if so, what are these new major make -or break challenges? Are there concerns that you believe could impact progress on the Strategic Plan? If so, what are these? Challenges Facing the City of Pickering Facts That Could Impede Our Progress Top -Order Priorities to be Top -Order Priorities to be Top -Order Priorities to be addressed in the next 6-12 months addressed in the next 12-24 months addressed in the next 24-48 months In 2022, I want to be able to say I accomplished the following: 7 7 ATTACHMENT #2: DEPARTMENTAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS, ONGOING COMMITMENTS AND NEW INITIATIVES The following are a list of Departmental accomplishments, ongoing commitments and new initiatives that are underway at the City of Pickering. City Development Building Services Section • Electronic Permitting • Public Engagement Program Planning Division (some are led by other Departments) • Kingston Road Corridor & Specialty Retailing Node Intensification Study • Infill & Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhoods • Review of the Sign By-law • City Centre New City Facilities (design, engineering works) • Durham Live Entertainment Complex Development Review • New Notion Road & Squires Beach 401 Overpass • New Church Street Interchange • Creation of a Film Office • Parkland Needs for Intensification Areas Study • Seaton Primary Trails Location, Design, Environmental Assessment Work, Future Construction • Planning & Design for New Seaton Community Facilities (Recreation Complex/Library) • Increase Information Available Through Open Data Portal • Participate in the Review of the Durham Region Official Plan (potential urban area expansions — Northeast Pickering/Veraine) • Undertake a Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review 8 • Develop Official Plan Policies to Implement Source Water Protection • Develop Official Plan Policies to Require Financial Compensation for Loss of Natural Heritage Features & Functions Sustainability Section • Assess & Enhance Corporate Waste Diversion • Implementation of Corporate Energy Plan Goals (including realization of 15% above code target for new City facilities, electrification of City fleet, City Centre Savings by Design) • Implementation of Durham Community Energy Plan (focus in order of priority Deep Retrofit Program, EV Charging Infrastructure, Community Mobilization, Durham Green Standard) • Re-siting and Continuation of the Farmers' Market • Implementation of Durham Community Climate Adaptation Plan (taking measures to mitigate climate change, while ensuring adaption improves resiliency and reduces vulnerability to the effects of climate change) Community Services Department • City Centre • Major Infrastructure Renewal Projects (CHDRC Renovation Project, PHCC — including City Hall & Space Use Strategy) • Seaton (new Parks, Roads & Facilities including Fire Halls, Community Centres) • Implementation of Council approved plans — Age Friendly Community Plan, Recreation & Parks Master Plan, Cultural Plan, PMV Strategic Plan • Policy & Program Development — Fence Policy, Public Art Program, Volunteer Program, Diversity & Inclusion Plan, Heritage Recognition Program • Fleet Management Software/System • Public Works Service Level Review • Corporate Security Strategy & Community Safety Strategy • Climate Change Resiliency (a strategic approach for the future resiliency of new buildings). • Long-term Lakeshore Erosion Mitigation Plan Corporate Services • New Animal Shelter — site selection, design and construction • Ward Boundary Review 9 Engineering Department • Integrated Transportation Master Plan • Municipal Class EA for Walnut Lane Extension • Municipal Class EA and Design for Sandy Beach Road Reconstruction • Claremont Drainage Plan and Interim Flood Remediation Project • Pickering City Centre Transportation Master Plan (2020) • Pickering City Centre relocation of municipal services for Phase 1 development • Stormwater Management Facilities Asset Management Plan • Servicing of Seaton Employment Lands (Innovation Corridor — Block 6 lands) • Rotary Frenchman's West Park/Beachfront Park (west spit and east spit) waterfront assessment of damage to shoreline and infrastructure due to high water levels and wave uprush, and determination of restoration requirements and further development of the waterfront Fire Services • Seaton Fire Station Headquarters construction • Fire Station 5 design, demolition, construction (1616 Bayly St.) • Seaton north Fire Station design and construction 10 - 10 -