HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 29, 2019CtJ 4- PICKERING Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee Tuesday, October 29, 2019 7:00 pm City Hall — Main Committee ROom Attendees: J. St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services (Chair) T. Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services (Recording Secretary) D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder P. DeWilde, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder J. Sabean, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder E. Ford, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder A. Sardar, Cultural Advisory Committee Member K. Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Operations J. Currie, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder B. Sopher, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder N. Holland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Absent: D. Poole, Clerk -Typist C. Cooper, Cultural Advisory Committee Member C. Hunt, Cultural Advisory Committee Member V. Raees, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder M. Francis, Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder Guest: Carol Sabean, Pine Ridge Arts Council Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome and Disclosure of Interest J. St. Amant called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and reviewed City Policy ADM 040, Section 14. No disclosure of interest was brought forward by any of the committee members. 2. Approval of Agenda and Previous Minutes J. St. Amant reviewed the minutes from the meeting held on Tuesday, September 24th. It was the consensus of the committee to adopt the minutes as received. Isabelle Janton to attend meeting to discuss bonusing with public art program in 2020 Page 1 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) J. St Amant to present Community Art Procedure at meeting in 2020 D. Poole to present project tracking document at meeting in 2020 Staff to adjust committee membership to include Pine Ridge Arts Council representative Carol Sabean, as new Cultural Advisory Committee Stakeholder 3. Pickering Museum Village Presentation K. Pyke presented Combination Barn Restoration Project Treatment 2020 for comment by committee. Presentation Attached. Presentation included outline of STEAM approach to include interactive —self -led discovery models to enhance visitor experience. Looking at models of livestock which would have been bred in this area — braid and curry Clydesdale hair — model horse — model cow, milk cows, process grain, fanning mill, corn grinder and shelter. Move feed, interactive sounds and smells that would be found in a barn, grain identification, hay lifting. Committee comments - very interactive, repeat enjoyment, sounds good. Asked about live chickens, staff indicated maintenance of stock and safeguarding isn't within resources at this time. PMV will come back to test the items again and again. Staff indicated that buildings will be approached one at a time with a different approach in each depending upon the context of the building. Page 2 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Committee members encourage the staff to continue to work interactive elements into every building. K. Pyke provided the Pickering Museum Village Report (see attached) No comments or questions from the committee. 4. Volunteer Policy & Procedure Committee discussed; Including free or discounted training opportunities is a good incentive to Volunteer to sign-up That utilizing a Volunteer App and software is a great way to communicate with potential and current Volunteer roster. In addition allow other community groups access to the roster to inform qualified volunteers of additional opportunities outside the scope of the City J. St. Amant will continue to address Volunteer Issues with the CAC as the Volunteer Committee is struck internally P. DeWilde — ensuring that there are opportunities to volunteer for people who do not have a police check or can have reference letters. So that it is inclusive. Recommendation ways to build the volunteer opportunities program with one off opportunities. Sign-up volunteer program is noted by John Kerr — works well from a basics perspective, individuals can choose where they want to participate. Reference to other volunteer resources. Music Festival needs volunteers. United Way Durham may be able to recommend software. J. Currie recommended looking at the Robin Hood Army. Liked the family aspect of volunteerism — look at providing volunteer tab for families. Page 3 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Common training days — few set training and intake days to assist with those who are not online oriented. Smart Serve and First Aid CPR offered a nominal fee Connecting with schools to complete outreach. 5. Heritage Recognition Committee discussed Land Acknowledgement Statements and the process that the city is considering; J. Currie noted: "We need to be guided by the Indigenous Community" when constructing a Land Acknowledgement Statement (LAS) and for all Reconciliation developments. That 6 months is too quick of a timeframe to complete the task of a LAS, and that a conversation needs to be allowed to organically occur with the Indigenous Community. J. Currie has also offered his assistance and experience to help guide the City through these initiatives. Focus on Truth, Healing, then Reconciliation E. Forde — sees similarities with her work on Black History, and noted that "an empty statement is not a road to travel" J. Currie reviewed programs that he coordinates for Local and Indigenous Youth, and that prior to heading to visit on an Indigenous Community he presented them with a "Cultural Safety Training" CAC would like to know more about our local history as it pertains to the Indigenous Community CAC would like to (when the time is right) visit with the Indigenous Steering Committee to learn more J. St. Amant to investigate if the Indigenous Community is recognized during our Remembrance day ceremonies 6. Cultural Fusion Fest Committee to be sent location/time of Networking Session & the PowerPoint Presentation. Committee discussed; Staff to action Page 4 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) That this is a great initiative that with the right mix of partnerships, community participation will succeed in Pickering. Majority agree a two, three, four day festival would give more opportunity in the future for growth/ and allow more residents to attend. That, allowing events and activities to take place across the city is also a great idea to allow for growth, and more partnerships within the community That those community groups that truly "Fuse" with another community group be given a higher profile during activities, and that we find ways to encourage this connection. Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 pm Copy: Director, Community Services City Clerk Page 5 of 5