HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 04-2064 �f DICKERING Information Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: 04-20 Date: March 2, 2020 From: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP -2015-03 (R) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 05/15 (R) Seaton TFPM Inc. Part Lots 17 to 19, Concession 4, Part Lots 17 to 21, Concession 5 Seaton Community 1. Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to provide preliminary information regarding an application for Draft Plans of Subdivision and a Zoning By-law Amendment, submitted by Seaton TFPM Inc., to permit the approval and implementation of a draft plan of subdivision containing a variety of land uses. This report contains general information on the applicable Official Plan and other related policies, and identifies matters raised to date. This report is intended to assist members of the public and other interested stakeholders to understand the proposal. The Planning & Development Committee will hear public delegations on the application, ask questions of clarification, and identify any planning matters. This report is for information and no decision is being made at this time. Staff will bring forward a recommendation report for consideration by the Planning & Development Committee upon completion of a comprehensive evaluation of the proposal. 2. Property Location and Application Description These applications represent all the developable lands in Seaton Neighbourhood 20, Thompson's Corner (see Neighbourhood 20: Thompson's Corner Neighbourhood Plan, Attachment #1). In 2015, Ontario Infrastructure and Land Corporation (OILC) submitted the original applications for zoning by-law amendment and draft plan of subdivision. A Statutory Public Meeting was held on October 5, 2015, for the original applications. In 2018, OILC sold the subject lands to Seaton TFPM Inc., who revised the applications and therefore require a new Statutory Public Meeting. 2.1 Property Description The subject lands consisting of multiple individual parcels located in the northeast quadrant of the Seaton Community. Brock Road acts as a spine for the neighbourhood and the draft plan of subdivision (see Location Map with Submitted Plan, Attachment #2). The subject lands have a total land area of approximately 139 hectares. The Brock Road — Highway 407/ETR interchange is within the Neighbourhood plan but is not part of the subject applications. The Hamlet of Brougham is also not included within the applications. Information Report No. 04-20 Page 2 The lands are currently used for agricultural/rural activities and open space lands. Surrounding land uses include (see Air Photo Map, Attachment #3): north - the Hamlet of Brougham, and on the north side of Highway 7 are the Federal Airport Lands that currently support agricultural/rural activities south - additional lands owned by the Province designated Seaton Natural Heritage System east - north of the Fifth Concession Road are rural/open space lands, and south of the Fifth Concession Road, in the Town of Ajax, there is a pioneer cemetery and rural uses west - additional lands owned by the Province that are designated Seaton Natural Heritage System, and along the Highway 407/ETR corridor are additional future Employment Lands 2.2 Application Detail The Neighbourhood is considered a complete community given the integration of a diversity of land uses that includes employment, commercial, residential, schools and community facilities (see Location Map with Submitted Plan, Attachment #2). The draft plan of subdivision, as proposed is generally reflective of the land use designations in Neighbourhood 20 of the Official Plan. The draft plan proposes approximately: 34 hectares of Prestige Employment Node; 14 hectares of Prestige Employment General; 7 hectares of Community Node; 10 hectares of Mixed Corridor; 14 hectares of Medium Density Residential; and, 10 hectares of Low Density Residential. The projected number of dwelling units in the draft plan of subdivision is approximately 2,197 units. The Community Node is located along Brock Road, central to the neighbourhood and a Pedestrian Predominant Street runs perpendicular to Brock Road, and forms the spine of the Community Node. The mixed corridor uses are proposed south of the Community Node and along the east and west side of Brock Road, and extending south of Alexander Knox Road (previously know as Whitevale Road) on the east side of Brock Road. Blocks of land for a cluster of community facilities is located on the east side of Brock Road, north of the Fifth Concession Road that are intended for a high school, an elementary school, a neighbourhood park and a recreation centre. The employment lands are located on the north and south side of Highway 407/ETR. The medium density residential development is proposed on the west side of Brock Road, west of the Community Node and mixed corridor uses. The low density residential uses are located south of the Fifth Concession Road, east of Sideline 16 (see Draft Plan of Subdivision SP -2015-03 Proposed Development Details on Attachment #4). Information Report No. 04-20 Page 3 3. Policy Framework 3.1 Central Pickering Development Plan The Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP) sets out the principles and goals that outline the general development vision for the overall Seaton Urban Area, including the integration of new sustainable urban development while ensuring the protection, maintenance and enhancement of the natural heritage system. The objectives and policies of the CPDP are designed to achieve the vision of Seaton. The subject applications generally conform to the intent of the CPDP. 3.2 Durham Regional Official Plan The Seaton Neighbourhoods fall under `Special Policy Area A (Pickering)', in the Durham Regional Official Plan. The policies state that these lands shall be developed in accordance with the CPDP and implementing Neighbourhood Plans. The design, structure and uses proposed are generally consistent with those permitted in the CPDP and the Neighbourhood Plans. The applications generally comply with the Durham Regional Official Plan 3.3 Pickering Official Plan The subject lands are within the Seaton Urban Area. The Official Plan contains policies governing various land use designations, such as Residential Areas, Mixed Use Areas, Employment Areas, and Open Space System, all of which are located in the draft plan of subdivision. The Official Plan establishes various polices for such matters as density, intensity of land use and sustainability. Chapter 11 of the Official Plan further defines the land use designations as well as establishes polices for such matters as the Seaton Natural Heritage System, cultural heritage, sustainable development, servicing, population targets and urban design (see Official Plan Schedule XII, Neighbourhood 20: Thompson's Corner Neighbourhood Plan, Attachment #1). The Neighbourhood is planned to have a broad range of land use densities, including commercial, and a variety of residential built forms with densities ranging from low medium and mixed use density. The applications will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Pickering Official Plan during the further processing of the applications 3.3.1 Seaton Sustainable Place -Making Guidelines The Seaton Sustainable Place -Making Guidelines address the urban design guidelines contained within the CPDP and expands upon the key design elements such as setting out minimum standards and benchmarks for plans of subdivision and site plans, and list the range of matters that are to be addressed in the development of the lands. The Guidelines also provide direction on the design of the public realm, built form and green infrastructure and buildings. The applications will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Seaton Sustainable Place -Making Guidelines during the further processing of the applications. Information Report No. 04-20 Page 4 3.4 Zoning By-law 3037 The subject lands are zoned "A" — Rural Agricultural Zone under Restricted Area Zoning By-law 3037, as amended, which currently permits a detached dwelling, home occupation, and various agricultural and related uses. Amendments are proposed to delete all of the subject lands from Zoning By-law 3037 and to add these lands to the new Seaton Zoning By-law 7364/14 in order to facilitate the implementation of the draft plans of subdivision. 4. Comments Received 4.1 Statutory Public Meeting of October 5, 2015 A Statutory Pubic Meeting was held on October 5, 2015 on the original application. It is noted that this Statutory Pubic Meeting considered five separate draft plans of subdivision and related zoning amendment applications that were submitted by OILC at the same meeting. The majority of comments provided related to the other four draft plans of subdivisions that were being considered (see Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes, October 5, 2015, Attachment #5). 4.2 Resident Comments As of writing this report, no comments or concerns have been received on the revised applications. 4.3 City Department Comments 4.3.1 Engineering Services As of writing this report, no comments or concerns have been received on the revised applications. 4.4 Agency Comments 4.4.1 Region of Durham As of writing this report, no comments or concerns have been received on the revised applications. 4.4.2 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) As of writing this report, no comments have been received from the TRCA on the revised applications. 4.4.3 Durham Catholic District School Board Durham Catholic District School Board has no objections to the proposal subject to the inclusion of certain draft plan conditions of approval. Information Report No. 04-20 Page 5 4.4.4 Durham District School Board As of writing this report, no comments or concerns have been received on the revised applications. 4.4.5 Town of Ajax The Town of Ajax has provided comments on the design of Sideline 16, south of the Fifth Concession Road, being a boundary road, stormwater management matters and the need to appropriately buffer the pioneer cemetery that abuts the draft plan of subdivision. 4.5 Planning & Design Section Comments The following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • ensuring the applications will implement the City's Official Plan and the Seaton Neighbourhood policies • ensuring the proposal is consistent with the City's urban design goals and objectives in the Seaton Sustainable Place -Making Guidelines • ensuring that the submitted Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report is consistent with the Seaton Master Environmental Servicing Plan to the satisfaction of the Region, the City, and TRCA • ensuring the full range of land uses can be achieved to realize a complete neighbourhood • ensuring heritage assessment for appropriate abutting properties that may be impacted by the development has been undertaken and adverse impacts are appropriately mitigated • ensuring that the proposed development contains appropriate sustainable development components • ensuring that required technical submissions and reports meet City standards • the City Development Department will conclude its position on the applications after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and the public Further issues may be identified following receipt and review of comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public. The City Development Department will conclude its position on the applications after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated department, agencies and public. 5. Information Received Copies of the plans and studies listed below are available for viewing on the City's website at pickering.ca/devapp or in person at the offices of the City of Pickering, City Development Department: • Draft Plan of Subdivision, prepared by Korsiak Urban Planning, dated October 11, 2019 • Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report, prepared by Urbantech, dated November 2019 • Traffic Sensitivity Analysis, prepared by BA Group, dated October 17, 2019 Information Report No. 04-20 Page 6 • Preliminary Environmental Noise Assessment, prepared by YCA Engineering Limited, dated October 2019 • Environmental Site Assessment Reports, prepared by Pinchin Ltd, various dates • Planning Justification Report, prepared by Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd., dated January 2018 • Urban Design Brief and Sustainability Checklist, prepared by Korsiak Urban Planning, dated October 16, 2019 6. Procedural Information 6.1 General • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the City Development Department • oral comments may be made at the Statutory Public Meeting • all comments received will be noted and used as input to a Recommendation Report prepared by the City Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk 7, Owner/Applicant Information The owner of the subject lands is Seaton TFPM Inc. (Seaton TFPM Inc. is a consortium of developers being, TACC Development, Fieldgate Homes, Paradise Developments, and Mattamy Homes). Attachments 1. Neighbourhood 20: Thompson's Corner Neighbourhood Plan 2. Location Map with Submitted Plan 3. Air Photo Map 4. Draft Plan of Subdivision SP -2015-03 Proposed Development Details 5. Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes, October 5, 2015 Prepared By: c Ross Pym, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner, Strategic Initiatives RP:Id Date of Report February 11, 2020 Approved/Endorsed By: Catherine Rose, MCIP, R Chief Planner Attachment #1 to Information Report 04-20 Neighbourhood 20: Thompson's Corners N19 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 11 { I wrr 1 fir: 1 __ 7- 1 f f 1 f Jf t y 1 %'om. I ft....r "' N17 `►.__1. SCHEDULE XII to PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN Neighbourhood 20: Thompson's Corners Neighbourhood Plan Seaton Natural Heritage System 0 SWM Facility (' see note below) o 1 -railheads Terminal Views Community Par1c l Neighbourhood Park Village Green Recreation Centre District Energy } Elementary School ` Hign School Low Density Area Type 1 Medium Density Area Mixed Corridor Type 2 Community Node Prestige Employment Node Prestige Employment Gateway Site Future Transltway Station Controlled Access Area Heritage Lo13 1�Y 1 Cemetery Extension C==] Pedestrian Predominant Street Primary Neighbourhood Connecting Trails Primary Recreational Trails Secondary Recreational Trans Primary Bikeway Secondary Bikeway Local Road in NHS see Section 12.22 (m)(iI). _ Neighbourhood Boundary. Movement Intersection Ml! T Intersection 0 Right Sri Right Out intersection Nola: The nurturer, size and location M Storm water management Facilities shown on this schedule are conceptual only and are subject to approval as set out In Sedtion 11.73 and secliOn 12.22 (mj (1v} of this Plan. 1 1 I• • 9 100 7oe bog MTMCN Attachment #2 to Information Report 04-20 Legend \\A\ Highway 7 AVV fr 4* ��♦♦♦♦♦e wr Community node Elementary School High School Mixed Corridor 2 Neighbourhood Park Open Space Prestige Employment General Prestige Employment Node Recreation Centre Single Detached Units Stormwater Management Pond Street Townhouse Village Green PHASE 1 Alexander Knox Road PICKERING City Development Department PHASE 2 Fifth Concession Road CT' 0 Location Map with Submitted Plan File: SP -2015-03 & A05/15 Date: Feb. 11, 2020 SCALE:1:12,000 ©The Corporation of the City of Pickenng Produced (in part) under license bom: 0 Queens Pnnter, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;® Her Majesty the Queen In Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; ©Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers all rights reserved.; 0 Municipal Properly Assessment Corporation and its suppliers all rights reserved.; Attachment #3 to Information Report 04-20 PICKERING Air Photo Map City Development Department File: SP -2015-03 & A05/15 Date: Feb. 11. 2020 SCALE:1:12,000 ©The Corpomton of the City of Pickenng Produced (In part) under license from: O Queens Pnnter, Ontano Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;© Her Majesty the Queen In Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; O Teranet Enterprises Inc. and Its suppliers all rights reserved.; © Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and Its suppliers all rights reserved.; Attachment #4 to Information Report 04-20 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP -2015-03 Proposed Development Detail Pickering Official Plan Designation • Employment Areas — Prestige Employment • Mixed Use Areas — Community Nodes • Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridor • Urban Residential Areas — Medium Density Areas • Urban Residential Areas — Low Density Areas • Open Space Systems — Seaton Natural Heritage System • Open Space Systems — Active Recreational Areas Neighbourhood Plan Designation • Seaton Natural Heritage System (not within the applications) • Prestige Employment General • Prestige Employment Node • Prestige Employment Node — that includes a Future Transitway Station (not within the applications) • Community Node • Mixed Corridor Type 2 • Gateway Site • Medium Density Area • Low Density Area Type 1 • Heritage Lot (not within the applications) • High Schools • Elementary Schools • Recreation Centre • Neighbourhood Park • Village Green • District Energy (not within the applications) Zoning Existing • A — Agricultural, By-law 3037 Proposed • appropriate to permit proposed draft plan in Seaton Zoning By-law 7364/14 Details of the Draft Plan Total area of Draft Plan Prestige Employment Prestige Employment Node Community Node Mixed Corridor Type 2 Street Townhouse Dwelling Units Detached Dwelling Units High School Elementary Schools Recreation Centre Neighbourhood Park Village Green Trail Head Stormwater Management facilities Open Space/Buffer Servicing/Walkway Municipal Roads Residential Units Detached Dwelling Units Street Townhouse Dwelling Units Mixed Corridor Type 2 Dwelling Units Community Node Dwelling Units Total Dwelling Units • 138.8 hectares • 14.2 hectares • 34.5 hectares • 7.2 hectares • 10.6 hectares • 11.2 hectares • 13.5 hectares • 6.4 hectares • 4.5 hectares • 4.1 hectares • 3.0 hectares • 1.0 hectares • 0.1 hectares • 8.4 hectares • 0.1 hectares • 0.1 hectares • 19.0 hectares • 405 • 578 • 636 • 578 2197 Attachment #5 to Information Report 04-20 Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, October 5, 2015 7:00 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Pickles Present: Mayor Ryan Councillors: K. Ashe I. Cumming R. Johnson B. McLean D. Pickles Absent: J. O'Connell Also Present: T. Prevedel - P. Bigioni - G. McGregor - C. Rose - D. Shields - J. Brooks - N. Surti - R. Pym - L. Paray - L. Roberts - Chief Administrative Officer. Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor (Acting) Director, City Development Chief Planner City Clerk Manager, Policy & Geomatics Manager, Development Review & Urban Design Principal Planner, Strategic Initiatives Planner Committee Coordinator (I) Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. (II) Part 'A' Information Reports Nilesh Surti, Manager, Development Review & Urban Design, gave an outline of the requirements for a Statutory Meeting under the Planning Act. He outlined the notification process procedures and also noted that if a person or public body does not make oral or written submissions to the City before the by-law is passed, that person or public body are not entitled to appeal the decision of City Council to the Ontario Municipal Board, and may not be entitled to be added as a party to the hearing unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, October 5, 2015 7:00 pm — Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Pickles Information Report No. 06-15 Draft Plans of Subdivision Applications SP -2015-01, SP 2015-03, S P-2015-04, SP -2015-05, SP -2015-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Applications A 2/15, A 5/15, A 8/15, A 10/15 and A 11/15 Ontario Infrastructure and Land Corporation Seaton Community A public information meeting was held under the Planning Act, for the purpose of informing the public with respect to the above -noted application. Ross Pym, Principal Planner, Strategic Initiatives, with the aid of a power point presentation, provided an outline of Information Report 06-15. He provided an overview of the five applications for the Seaton Community, explaining the various land uses within the developable areas and along Brock Road. He noted he would be available after the meeting to answer questions. He also explained the permitted uses for the buffer area surrounding Whitevale, explaining low intensity uses such as parks and schools, with no new residential development in this area. Emma West, planningAlliance, appeared before the Committee on behalf of Infrastructure Ontario, noting she was. in attendance to receive comments from the residents. Lloyd Thomas, 489 Whitevale Road, appeared before the Committee, providing Members with a map, outlining where the trails come down from the 407 along North Road. He indicated the Old Quarry could be a potential site for a secondary trail head. He explained the ecological sensitivity of the area where the development was proposed, and questioned a better use for this land, which is a hub for trails. He stated this would be an ideal area for a trail head, as it head north into Rouge Park. He also stated parking is already inadequate in the area. He asked that Council request the Provincial Government to place this land into the greenbelt for use as a trail head, noting the influx of residents would have access to hiking and fishing. Rob Quig, 440 Whitevale Road, appeared before the Committee questioning what the proposed plan was for the Heritage Hamlet open space. He requested clarification on the use of a community park. Susan Wilson, 3245 North Road, appeared before the Committee noting her concerns regarding the impact on existing wells. She questioned whether an assessment would be done to ensure water protection for existing residents with the subdivision being to the north, and subsequent recourse should they experience water problems. 2 Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, October 5, 2015 7:00 pm — Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Pickles Marion Thomas, 489 Whitevale Road, appeared before the Committee, noting some confusion with respect to the North Road development, questioning where exactly the development would be in proximity to the pit. She also noted concerns with respect to illegal dumping, stating the pits are a great place to walk and experience nature. She noted it was unclear where the Natural Heritage area is and where the residential and industrial development would be going, noting she would like to see a better plan. Ms. Thomas noted her support with the plan to build a trail head as well as the need for additional parking. She also stated her desire to see a car pool area in the Seaton development. Mrs. Douglas, 3230 Mulberry Lane appeared before the Committee noting her concerns with respect to trail head issues. She stated that currently there are a number of issues with respect to noise from dirt bikes and four wheelers. She stated this should be a quiet area, and requested justification for what the usage would be for the trail heads. Karen Hodson, 3555 Sideline 34, Green River, appeared before the Committee questioning whether the current residents would have an opportunity to upgrade to City water and sewer. Scott Finlayson, 3185 Altona Road, Whitevale, appeared before the Committee questioning whether an environmental assessment had been done and what the next steps were. Arzo Baig appeared before the Committee questioning the greenspace use and whether a wildlife impact study had been completed. Jennifer Krueger, 492 Churchwin Street, Whitevale, appeared before the Committee and also questioned whether City hook ups for water and sewer would be offered, as Whitevale residents are currently on wells and septic tanks. She also questioned what would happen in the event that the current residents experience problems with their wells. Mike Rowan, 75 Highway 7, Green River, appeared before the Committee questioning where the waste disposal site would be situated as well as traffic plans for Highway 7 as Seaton develops. Abel Wong, 540 Whitevale Road, appeared before the Committee questioning the open space areas and noting concerns with respect to noise, safety as well as traffic. He questioned whether the traffic studies were realistic or underestimated. He also noted concerns with respect to the impact on existing wells and water pollution due to construction. City oO Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, October 5, 2015 7:00 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Pickles Peter Rodrigues, 750 Whitevale Road, appeared before the Committee, stating this was the time for Council to take action to protect sensitive land. He stated more precision was needed to determlTTe exact boundaries and questioned the number of housing units being proposed . . Hyder Baig, 3181 Golf Club Road, Whitevale, appeared before the Committee, noting concerns with respect to the impact on underground streams with the digging around Whitevale and who would be responsible n the event their wells go dry. He also noted concerns with respect to safety,, questioning whether fencing was being considered. Nicole Brewster, 335 Whitevale Road, appeared before the Committee noting concerns for the lands being proposed for school sites, questioning what the process would be should a school not be constructed. She also noted concerns with respect to a lack of parking, noting the area is heavily used and also questioned how the open space areas would be utilized. Emma West reappeared n response to questions raised, noting that the concerns would be discussed n more detail once all comments had been received, including agency comments such as TRCA and the Region of Durham. A question and answer period ensued with respect to the Quarry, infrastructure for additional roads to move traffic n and out of the area on main roads such as Brock and Taunton. 4