HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 25-19 MemoP1CKER1 NG Memo To: Mayor Ryan and December 9, 2019 Members of Council From: Catherine Rose Chief Planner Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, City Development & CBO City Clerk Manager, Development Review & Urban Design Manager, Capital Projects & Infrastructure Subject: Planning & Development Committee Meeting of December 2, 2019 Request for Council's Permission to Develop Lands through Land Severance Marshall Homes Part of Lot 30, Concession 1 South, and Part 1, Plan 40R-10110 1855 Rosebank Road At the Planning & Development Committee Meeting of December 2, 2019, during the consideration of the above -noted request, three area residents requested further clarification regarding various concerns with the proposal. The table below summarizes the issues raised by area residents and the applicant's response: Applicant's response to issues identified by area residents: Comment/Question from the Public Applicant's Response Why were the lots sold prior to the Lots are not "sold", but Agreements of consent applicants being approved? Purchase and Sale have been entered into by Marshall Homes and potential purchasers. The Agreements of Purchase and Sale are conditional on Marshall Homes obtaining all necessary municipal approvals, including clearing all conditions and finalizing the severances. Pickering Staff Report identifies 13 lots. Marshall Homes has submitted 12 However, the notice of Consent from the consent applications to facilitate the Region of Durham only notes 12 lots. creation of 12 new lots while retaining one Why the discrepancy? lot, and one retained parcel for a net increase of 12 new lots, resulting in 13 lots for detached dwellings. City of Pickering Staff Report indicates that the applicant proposes the lots and ultimate houses will "generally conform" to the existing "S1" zoning. Why "generally"? The lots and dwellings will comply with all requirements of the existing "S1" zone, with the exception of two lots. Lots 8 and 9 have an irregular "pie shaped" configuration, but are of a size similar to the other lots zoned "Sr. Note that the lot area proposed for Lots 8 and 9 exceed the minimum requirement of the "S1" zone. Minor Variance applications will be required to reduce the minimum lot frontage requirement to 11.3 metres for Lots 8 and 9. City of Pickering Staff Report indicates that the City may impose certain conditions through a consent application that could also have been imposed through a draft plan of subdivision. Which conditions will be imposed? The City will impose conditions of approval related to the following matters: • • • • • • • Minor Variance approval for Lots 8 and 9 to reduce the minimum lot frontage requirement to 11.3 metres Submission of an Environmental Impact Study, tree inventory/preservation/compensation plan, and landscape plan/replanting plan to the City's satisfaction Address the City's stormwater management, drainage, and grading requirements Submission of a pre -condition survey of adjacent properties Submission of a Construction Management Plan identifying temporary fencing, construction access, dust and noise control and worker parking area Cash -in -lieu of parkland Execution of a development agreement Will a Traffic Study be done to address traffic volumes and safety of area residents and school children? A traffic study is not required for this proposal. The traffic volumes and movements would have been addressed at the time when the property was zoned for residential use. December 9, 2019 Marshall Homes Page 2 of 4 Existing sidewalk on Rosebank is to close and snow clearing is a concern. As part of this development, the existing sidewalk along Rosebank Road will be removed by Marshall Homes and reconstructed in the standard location. Relocating the sidewalk will provide for a wider boulevard to accommodate snow storage. There will be noise and dust from construction Marshall Homes will need to submit a Construction Management Plan for approval by the City. The plan will ensure any dust and debris from the site is minimized, and the site is adequately fenced during construction in accordance with City's by-laws. In addition, Marshall Homes will be required to adhere to the City's noise by-law regarding time of construction and noise requirements. Will there be a fence around the site during construction? Yes, the development agreement will require the developer/builder to erect a temporary fence in accordance with the City's requirements during construction. Will upgraded landscaping be provided along boundaries of the site to buffer the existing residents from the new dwellings? Marshall Homes will be required to submit a Tree Inventory plan to identify whether any trees on-site can be preserved. The applicant has agreed to work with staff and area residents to plant additional trees where possible on the subject lands in addition to a cash -in -lieu compensation. There is an existing septic system on the site, what will happen to it? The septic system will be decommissioned in accordance with the Region's Health standards. All of the proposed lots will be serviced by municipal sanitary system connections. Cost/Price of Housing. Will this proposal reduce property values in the neighbourhood/area? Typically, when new houses are built they are sold at a higher price than existing homes in the area. In our opinion, the new sale prices are then used in real estate research to demonstrate higher land/home values in the neighbourhood, and therefore the proposal may raise land/home values in the neighbourhood. December 9, 2019 Marshall Homes Page 3 of 4 On December 9, 2019, the Region of Durham Land Division Committee conditionally approved Land Division Applications LD 152/19 to LD 163/19, to facilitate the applicant's proposal of 13 lots for detached dwellings. The Committee imposed conditions of approval that address concerns related to: stormwater management, grading and drainage, construction management and mitigation measures, temporary fencing, parkland contributions, tree inventory and preservation, environmental impact, zoning compliance, driveway access, pre -condition surveys and landscaping. Should Council approve of applicant's request to develop the subject lands through the land severance process, the applicant will commence the preparation of the detailed technical reports and drawings for the City's review in order to satisfy the conditions of land severance approval. During the review of the reports and detail design drawings, City staff will continue to work with the applicant to address any outstanding technical matters. Should any member of Council require further information, please contact Cody Morrison at extension 2913. Original Signed By Catherine Rose CM:nwb J:\Documents\Development\D-3500\2019\LD 152-19 to LD 163\Memos \Memo to council.docx December 9, 2019 Page 4 of 4 Marshall Homes