HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 08-04PICKERING INFORMATION REPORT NO. 08-04 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF June 24, 2004 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 4/04 1612042 Ontario Limited 979 — 983 Kingston Road South Part of Lot 26, Concession 1 Part 2, 40R11222 (East of the Police Credit Union, fronting Sheppard Avenue) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject property is located on the south side of Sheppard Avenue, north of Kingston Road, just east of Merritton Road (see Attachment #1 — Location Map); - the subject property fronts onto Sheppard Avenue, has an area of approximately 0.16 hectares, a lot frontage of approximately 33 metres, and is currently vacant; the surrounding land uses are: North CN Railway, Dunbarton Road and Residential East Auto Dealership South Auto Dealership West Residential, Business and Professional Offices Information Report No. 08-04 Page 2 2.0 APPLICANTS PROPOSAL the applicant proposes to amend the existing zoning on the subject property to permit a five -storey (approximately 15 metres in height) all suites hotel; - the applicant proposes a total of 34 suites in a total gross floor area of approximately 2345 square metres, and 45 parking spaces to accommodate guests of the hotel; the proposed suites will contain kitchen facilities and separate bedrooms, thereby allowing hotel guests the opportunity for extended accommodation; reduced site plans, compiled from the applicant's submitted plans, are provided for information (see Attachments #2 - #8 — Applicant's Submitted Plans). 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan the Durham Regional Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being within a "Urban Area — Living Area" designation; subject to the inclusion of appropriate provisions and designations in the area municipal official plan, this designation permits special purpose commercial uses serving specialized needs on an occasional basis with services and facilities which consume larger parcels of land and require exposure to traffic such as, and similar in kind to, automotive sales and services, drive-in restaurants, motels, hotels, lumber yards, furniture and major appliance sales; the applicant's proposal appears to comply with this designation; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan - the subject property is designated Mixed Use Area — Mixed Corridor within the Dunbarton Neighbourhood — Detailed Review Area; - Mixed Use Areas are areas and corridors of development having the highest concentration of activity in the City and the broadest diversity of community services and facilities; permissible uses within this designation are: residential, retailing of goods and services generally serving the needs of the surrounding neighbourhood, offices and restaurants, community, cultural and recreational uses, and special purpose commercial uses; - the Pickering Official Plan establishes a maximum Floorspace Index (FSI), being the total building floorspace divided by total lot area, of up to and including 2.5 FSI for development within a Mixed Use Area — Mixed Corridor, the subject application has a FSI of 1.4; Schedule II of the Pickering Official Plan — "Transportation System" designates Sheppard Avenue where it abuts the subject property as a Local Road; Information Report No. 08-04 Page 3 - Local Roads generally provide access to individual properties, to other local roads and to collector roads; carry local traffic; and generally have a right-of-way of up to 20 metres; the applicant's proposal appears to comply with this designation; 3.3 Dunbarton Neighbourhood - the subject property is located within a detailed review area of the Dunbarton neighbourhood; - no development guidelines have been prepared for this area of the neighbourhood, however, City Council may adopt development guidelines for any detailed review area identified in the City's Official Plan; 3.4 Zoning By-law 3036 - the subject property is currently zoned "SC -12" — Special Commercial Zone by Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2498/87; the current zoning permits the following uses, subject to specific zone requirements: • Business Office, and • Professional Office a zoning by-law amendment is required to permit a five -storey hotel. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments no resident comments have been received to date; 4.2 Agency Comments - no agency comments have been received to date; 4.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the application to -date, planning staff have serious concerns that over -development of the site is proposed; - the following matters will need to be resolved prior to a recommendation report being forwarded to Council for their consideration: • compatibility with, and sensitivity to, surrounding existing residential and commercial development; • the impact the proposed use / site changes may have on the streetscape, the character of the neighbourhood and on adjacent properties; Information Report No. 08-04 Page 4 • building size, location and materials, massing and height; • traffic generation, adequacy of parking and landscaping (current plan insufficient); • fencing and screening; • sun -shade analysis; • proximity of hotel to CNR rail line; • fire protection and access; • overall site design and function; and • permanency of guests staying in the hotel; - several aspects of this hotel proposal do not meet current City development standards; the submitted plans will require significant revisions to address the above -noted concerns and may affect the feasibility of the proposal; this Department will conclude its position on the application after it has reviewed the above -noted staff comments, received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and the public. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; Information Report No. 08-04 Page 5 6.2 Information Received - full scale copies of the applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning 8, Development Department; 6.3 Propertv Principal - Zul Jaffer is the principal and agent of 1612042 Ontario Limited. l r F orouveLynda 1-a378r, Mci� P Planner 1 Manager, Development Review PK_Id Attachments Copy: Director, Planning 8, Development APPENDIX NO. 1 TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 08-04 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date; COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date; COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Development Department. ATTACHMENT# / TO II•IFORMATION REPORT# ©8" O4 0 J w 0 WELRUS STREET dcr GOLDENRIDGE O H 11 1 SPRUCE11 MUM rr 1111111 Bk. im"■ NIL MOM - NMI 0mom w \16, \v„, u} �� igiwg1111' VAirr ri 11714 11>wz MINN MIMI NIMINallinil 7e ��� 8° NM LA till.11111Mil 1•A � maw z sir NM mon E maw maim DTI mirmir IP mem Ilirr 1 Zi. ' oofr ilc_ cn ;IDGE W li hi �'MI DUNBARTON st\011P 11 1 1 GOLD: ROAD REEL 1104411111 114 v�o SOE tsTULA war 111.1 City of Pickering lanning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CON 1 S PT LCT 26 NOW RP 40R i 5222 PART 2 OWNER 1612042 ONTARIO LIMITED DATE MAY 19, 2004 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. A 04/04 SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY PK FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN -9 PA- ATTACHMENT# 7 TO INFORMATION REPORT# D 8 _- 64 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN 1612042 ONTARIO LTD. A 04/04 EP ARO A\/ENUE SN N 56'02'2 z 33.01 (108.30) ITt PROPOSE 5, STOREY /C(MPEV/ STUCCO FINISH 3.0n (106.30') 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14' 15 16 17 N 72.54' 1011 17.3n 32.34 (106.10') 11.7 a co 0 W O z FULL SCALE COPIES OF THE APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT 7HE C/TY OF PICKER/NG PLANN/NC & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE C/TY OF PICKER/NC PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERVICES, JUNE 9, 1004. ATTACHMENT # 3 To INFORMATION REPORT # 08 - O L/ INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN 1612042 ONTARIO LTD. A 04/04 EAST ELEVATION INN= �I, Ili . rl ■,1_��- n- TOP OF PARAPET WALL TOP. OF WALL !, C Fir ®TOP PLATE FINISH FORTH FLOOR ,TOP OF WALL 111■1 1--1 n 1111 1 -win ,______ ®TOP PLATE FINISH FORTH FLOOR in I 1 I FINISH THIRD FLOOR.'III=11"I=1,',I 1 I= C ILI�"II=11 E EC/„I7=1I 1_ - E 111 FIP Ili n - I�II"a r- is [-fill FINISH THIRD FLOOR FINISH FIRST FLOOR - 1 1111II IIaI 1 1 - 111 I 'FT ILII - T I= ILII I+I= qj ri - C. GRADE --■- ■_ FINISH SECOND FLOOR C IuI C 1T C= 111 C 1 I. FINISH FIRST FLOOR 1 11 C_ 1[ E r C FT 1 1 11 ',.t GRADE EAST ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION T FULL SCALE COP/ES OF THE APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKER/NC PLANN/NC & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THIS MAP WAS' PRODUCED BY THE C/TY OF PICKERINC PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERVICES, JUNE 9, 2004. INN= �I, Ili . rl ■,1_��- n- TOP OF PARAPET WALL TOP. OF WALL !, ®TOP PLATE FINISH FORTH FLOOR 111■1 1--1 n 1111 1 -win in I 1 I FINISH THIRD FLOOR.'III=11"I=1,',I I= -- ILI�"II=11 --• EC/„I7=1I 1_ - FINISH SECOND FLOOR FIP n - I�II"a r- is [-fill FINISH FIRST FLOOR 1 1111II IIaI 111 I ILII T I= ILII I+I= qj ri GRADE --■- ■_ WEST ELEVATION T FULL SCALE COP/ES OF THE APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKER/NC PLANN/NC & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THIS MAP WAS' PRODUCED BY THE C/TY OF PICKERINC PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERVICES, JUNE 9, 2004. ATTACHMENT# 4 TO - rkIFoRMATION REPORT# d8 -O'/ INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN 1612042 ONTARIO LTD. A 04/04 4_m TOP OF WALL TOP OF WALL 0 TOP PLATE FINISH FIFTH FLOOR 0 TOP PLATE y TOP OF PARAPET WALL TOP OF WALL FINISH FORTH FLOOR FINISH FIFTH FLOOR 1 FINISH THIRD FLOOR .— 1 4 FINISH SECOND FLOOR FINISH FIRST FLOOR ❑ C7 \ C® GRADE __f NORTH ELEVATION m_4 T FULL SCALE COP/ES OF THE APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKER/NC PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THIS MAP WAS' PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKER/NG PLANN/NC & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, /NF0RMA770N & SUPPORT SERVICES, JUNE 9, 2004. TOP OF WALL j�j j�j I ' I ' 0 TOP PLATE y TOP OF PARAPET WALL TOP OF WALL FINISH FIFTH FLOOR 0 TOP PLATE FINISH FORTH FLOOR .— FINISH THIRD FLOOR C C® __f FINISH SECOND FLOOR e ® FINISH FIRST FLOOR E II M111III1h10HIIIIiII(I11IIIiilllle GRADE ti a y� PARKING LEVEL T FULL SCALE COP/ES OF THE APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKER/NC PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THIS MAP WAS' PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKER/NG PLANN/NC & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, /NF0RMA770N & SUPPORT SERVICES, JUNE 9, 2004. ATTR HMENTO TO tN/PORMATIONREPORi'# 0R -O'/ INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN 1612042 ONTARIO LTD. A 04/04 n UNDERGROUND PARKING FLOOR PLAN T FULL SCALE COP/ES OF THE APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKER/NG'PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKER/NG PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERV/CES, JUNE 9, 2004. 2'-0' 20'-0' 20'-0' 2D'-0' 20'-0' 111,111111111111111111111111,111111E.11.1 20'-9' 1� Al's ION INF2 N ... 3 4 5 6 u �� :'7 8 1 I 9 iLii IIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIII 1111111111111111111111111 I= ME _ui_L MIN I IiiEl _ I 11 12 13 14 ' 3 15 "=16 17 18 1 10 1111A . UNDERGROUND PARKING FLOOR PLAN T FULL SCALE COP/ES OF THE APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKER/NG'PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKER/NG PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERV/CES, JUNE 9, 2004. ATTACHMENT# 6 TO INFORMATION RE ".-< # 08--01/ _ INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN 1612042 ONTARIO LTD. A 04/04 n n GROUND FLOOR PLAN T FULL SCALE COPIES OF THE APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR WEW/NC AT • THC CITY OF PICKER/NC PLANNING' & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY 7HE CITY OF P/CKER/NC PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERV/CES JUNE 9, 2004. 10 b 1111111111111111.11.11111111111111111,11111.11111111111111111111111.111 IMMIIIMEMBIENIMIEWHEIESIMINon 111111111.11=1 ....111., ---1.1114111111116.11111111110111011111111.1111.1 LIWIIIIINI--111 Eir 9 -9 9•-4. 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MI - ICO• -e• GROUND FLOOR PLAN T FULL SCALE COPIES OF THE APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR WEW/NC AT • THC CITY OF PICKER/NC PLANNING' & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY 7HE CITY OF P/CKER/NC PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERV/CES JUNE 9, 2004. /ATTACHMENT # % TO - Ih'MRMATION REPORT# 68-01 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN 1612042 ONTARIO LTD. A 04/04 n 2ND TO 4TH FLOOR PLAN 0 FULL SCALE COP/ES OF THE APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEW/NG AT THE CITY OF PICKER/NC PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. TH/S MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKER/NO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, /NFORMATTON & SUPPORT SERVICES, JUNE 9, 2004. 12'-D'' 80'-0' 80'-0' 20'-0• 80'-O' 20 3' IIIMIIIIIIIMMINIEMEIMill q AJD ,di A/C EMKO ROOM 9'-91' ~' 9 -41'I 81MR00LL ARROW BU182099 xtt � �� MN 6 -6 � —. I 4- 1:17,21' a.o-a. 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ATTACHMENT #_' o INFORMATION REPORT# INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN 1612042 ONTARIO LTD. A 04/04 O O O C 5TH FLOOR PLAN T FULL SCALE COPIES OF THE APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR V/EW/NG AT THE CITY OF PICKER/NG PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TH/S MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKER/NG PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERVICES, JUNE 9, 2004. iz'-0' 2D' -O• z0'-0• z0'-0• 20' O. 20"-3' / 77-9' / ti "� 6EDR0011 WC .., A/C wrt • Rl d BEDROOM o.11 -0 AO 9•_9�' 9-4A. r411. 014,01 I* 0111M1 :!' �A-- p Oil Kt FE ii7 aMI MI CHER EI W1PIC ROW MINER T :el n 011e / �,-� b R DROOFECK NNW - MI i 10' -Ii' 9'-0.' EOUROE MAME ROW _ C 5TH FLOOR PLAN T FULL SCALE COPIES OF THE APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR V/EW/NG AT THE CITY OF PICKER/NG PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TH/S MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKER/NG PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERVICES, JUNE 9, 2004.