HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 23-05.-n= T h-�� IE -■ ADDENDUM TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 23-05 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF December 15, 2005 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Addendum to Information Report No. 23-05 Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/05 786 Indopak Inc. 875 Kingston Road Part of Lot 27, B.F.C. Range 3 (40R-8710, Part 1,2 & Part of Part 3) City of Pickering 1.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Certain information was inadvertently omitted from Information Report No. 23-05 and is being conveyed to you through this addendum. 2.0 Read this Addendum in conjunction with Information Report No. 23-05 In Section 2.0, APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL, add the following points: the applicant proposes to amend the Pickering Official Plan to permit an increase in the maximum net residential density within the Mixed Use Areas -Mixed Corridors designation from 140 to 260 unit per net hectare; a copy of the proposed amendment is attached as Appendix II; In Section 3.2, Pickering Plan, add the following point: the applicant's proposal does not comply with the "Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridors" designation with regards to net residential density; Addendum to Information Report No. 23-05 • In Section 4.3, Staff Comments, add the following point: Page 2 • the examination of: the submitted Mixed Residential & Commercial Impact Study prepared by Malone Given Parsons Ltd. to ensure that a proper planning rational has been provided to support the required amendment to the Pickering Official Plan; • In Section 5.0, PROCEDURAL INFORMATION, add the following information regarding the approval authority for official plan amendments: the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or Provincial interest; and, - at this time, the Region has not yet determined whether this official plan amendment application is exempt from Regional approval; M I 1 0404 Fp "•r • GXR:ld Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Lynda T4IormcrP—,ATV Manager, De elopment Review APPENDIX NO. II TO ADDENDUM TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 23-05 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PROPOSED The purpose of this amendment is to permit a site specific PURPOSE: increase in the maximum net residential density within the Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridor designation. LOCATION: The subject lands are approximately 1.4 hectares in area, and located on the south side of Kingston Road, north of Highway 401, immediately west of the terminus of Fairport Road. All of the lands fall within Part of Lot 27, B.F.C. Range 3, (40R-8710, Part 1, 2 & Part of Lot 3). PROPOSED The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: AMENDMENT: 1. Revising policy 11.9 — Dunbarton Neighbourhood Policies, by retaining the existing sections (a) and (b) and adding a new subsection (c) as follows: (c) despite Table 6 of Chapter Three, establish a maximum residential density of 260 units per net hectare for lands located on the south side of Kingston Road, north of Highway 401, immediately west of the terminus of Fairport Road and abutting lands developed to the west as a place of worship and designated Mixed Use Areas. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 001 s INFORMATION REPORT NO. 23-05 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF December 15, 2005 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application — OPA 05-003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application - A 10/05 786 Indopak Inc. 875 Kingston Road Part of Lot 27, B.F.C. Range 3 (40R-8710, Part 1,2 & Part of Part 3) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject property is approximately 1.4 hectares in size, and located on the south side of Kingston Road, north of Highway 401, immediately west of the terminus of Fairport Road, (see Attachment #1 — Location Map); The Bayfair Baptist Church abuts the subject property to the west, St. Paul's on the Hill Anglican Church to the north, across Kingston Road, and Highway 401 to the south and east. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to amend the zoning of the subject property to permit a mix of commercial and residential uses within a 10 -storey building (see Attachment #2 — Applicant's Submitted Plan); - approximately 19,745 square metres of residential floor area and approximately 3,500 square metres of commercial floor area is proposed; - approximately 0.64 hectares of the western portion of the property is a stream corridor; - the eastern portion of the property includes roof gardens on the proposed building and landscaped buffer strips. 002 Information Report No. 23-05 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan Page 2 - the Durham Regional Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being designated "Special Policy Area A (Pickering)'; - uses within this designation are to maximize the area's highway exposure as a mainstreet and gateway to the Region; - development shall be intensified in a manner that will not adversely affect similar development within the Main Central Areas of the City of Pickering; - the improvement of its visual impact from Highway 401 and Highway 2 (Kingston Road) shall be a major consideration in the development of this area; - the applicant's proposal appears to comply with this designation; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan the City of Pickering Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being dual designated, with the western portion of the property being designated "Open Space System — Natural Areas" and the eastern portion of the property being designated "Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridors"; "Open Space System — Natural Areas" designation permits: • conservation, environmental protection, restoration, education, passive recreation and similar uses; • agricultural uses outside of the valley and stream corridors, wetlands, environmentally significant areas and areas of natural and scientific interests; • existing lawful residential dwellings; • a new residential dwelling on a vacant lot; "Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridors" designation permits: • residential; • retailing of goods and services generally serving the needs of the surrounding neighbourhoods; • offices and restaurants; • community, cultural and recreational uses; * all should be at a scale and intensity equivalent to Community Nodes • special purpose commercial uses; - the "Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridors" designation requires development to comply with a residential density of over 30 units up to and including 140 units per net hectare and a floor space index of 2.5 FSI; - the proposed mixed use 10 -storey building is at a density of 260 units per net hectare and a floor space index of 1.4 FSI; - Schedule II of the Pickering Official Plan — "Transportation Systems" designates Kingston Road as a Type B — Arterial Road and Transit Spine; 003 Information Report No. 23-05 Page 3 - Schedule III of the Pickering Official Plan — "Resource Management" identifies the western portion of the property as being within a Shorelines and Stream Corridors Area; - the applicant's proposal does not appear to comply with the "Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridors" designation with regards to net residential density; 3.3 Dunbarton Neigbourhood - the subject property is located within one of the detailed review areas within the Dunbarton Neighbourhood; - the subject property is also subject to the Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines; 3.4 Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines — Whites Road Corridor The Whites Road Corridor should: • support a high volume of vehicular traffic but integrate pedestrian amenity zones at strategic intersections and linkages; • establish Whites Road as a local gateway to the residential communities to the north and south, across Highway 401; • enhance parking lot appearances by placing development at the street edge; • allow for a mix of uses on either side of Kingston Road; • locate buildings closer to the street; • encourage low to mid rise buildings on the north side of the street with a minimum building height of 2 -storeys; • encourage urbanization of Kingston Road to enhance the pedestrian streetscape by removing ditches; 3.5 Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2443/87 - the subject property is zoned "M1-8" — Storage & Light Manufacturing Zone by By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2443/87; - the applicant is requesting to amend the "M1-8" zoning of the subject property to permit a mix of commercial and residential uses within a 10 -storey building; - this amendment applies to 875 Kingston Road. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - no written resident comments have been received to date; 4.2 Agency Comments - no written agency comments have been received to date; 004 Information Report No. 23-05 4.3 Staff Comments Page 4 The following list identifies matters and issues to date, which require further review and examination by staff: • the compatibility and the appropriateness of the proposed 10 -storey building along the Kingston Road corridor; • the examination of: ♦ the preliminary site plan to ensure adequate site function; ♦ the building location on the subject property to ensure that the relationship of the proposed building to Kingston Road is reasonable; ♦ the mix of uses being proposed for this development (list of uses to be provided by applicant); ♦ the submitted environmental, stormwater management and residential/commercial impact studies to ensure that they adequately support the development of these lands; ♦ the requested sun/shade analysis, view corridor cross-sections/profile (from north and south of the property), noise and vibration report, geotechnical report, and traffic study once they are submitted; ♦ the significance of the stream corridor on the western portion of subject lands and the requirement for TRCA approvals; ♦ the access to Kingston Road and the requirements for Region of Durham approvals; ♦ the conveyance of municipal and regional lands for the purposes of an easterly access from Kingston Road to the subject lands; ♦ the application to ensure that it is consistent with the polices of the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement; This Department will conclude its position on the application after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and the public. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts an amendment to the Pickering Official Plan and an amendment to the zoning by-law for this proposal; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. Information Report No. 23-05 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I Page 5 005 - list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received The following information has been submitted by the applicant: - a Site Plan prepared by Array International Architects Inc.; - Elevation Plans prepared by Array International Architects Inc.; - a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment prepared by Terraprobe Limited; - an Environmental Report prepared by VE Collective Inc.; - a Stormwater Management Report prepared by VE Collective Inc.; - a Mixed Residential & Commercial Impact Study prepared by Malone Given Parsons Ltd.; All of the above information is available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department. 6.3 Property Principal The owner of the property is 786 Indopak Inc. (Zain Aga), the applicant is Array International Architects Inc. and the agent for this application is Ned Allam of Array International Architects Inc. GXR:ld Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Lynda Taylor, MCIP, Manager, Development Review 006 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 23-05 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) none received to date ATTACHMEN1T#-I—T® INFORMATION REPORT# a3 -D5 007 Ell FIN '�%IIIIIIIIIIIIiII= ■�� ME�!� �JII/��■. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� _�= IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ■' �� . � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111 � �! ■ .:..:::...............:::: ���������II� .0 �► � i� X11 MEMO ��` 11111-�■ %gHplas�� ���,.����� \�IIIII� ■■■■■.��� 11�i 111 My crf Pickering Planning : DevelopmentDepartment PROPERTY.N BF RANGE 3 PT LOT 27 NOW1 I PART 1,2 PT 3 OWNER 786 INDOPAK INC. FILE No. OPA 05-0031P & A 11 1 11 1 M h 1 1 003 V) i— z U J r D_ 0 U- C) W J_ D_ 0 U z 0 ry 0 z a D_ 0 0 Z O 00 r - F M O O O a 1. ATTACHMENT#-,2—TO iNFORMAMON REPORT#. 40JACHMENTO-L-TO I"'70t;N'lmTlONREPORT# � INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED ELEVATION PLAN 786 INDOPAK INC. OPA 05-003/P & A 10/05 KINGSTON ROAD ELEVATION HIGHWAY 401 ELEVATION 009 010 19TACHMENT a TO INFORMATION REPORT# -05 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED ELEVATION PLAN 786 INDOPAK INC. OPA 05-003/P & A 10/05 WEST ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION NZ G