HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 33-19Cfy �t DICKERING Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 33-19 Date: October 7, 2019 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services Subject: Waterfront Trail Winter Maintenance - File: A-1440-001-19 Recommendation: 1. That Council receive report CS 33-19 for information regarding Waterfront Trail Winter Maintenance. Executive Summary: At the Executive Council Meeting of June 18, 2018, Council was presented with report CS 08-18 regarding Waterfront Trail Winter Maintenance by the Community Services Department. The report identified infrastructure upgrades that would enable staff to provide winter maintenance to Pickering's waterfront trail as an increased level of service. The estimated cost, including labour, salt, vehicle and equipment costs and construction upgrades, was considered prohibitive. As a result, staff were then asked by Council to explore other options to allow for winter maintenance of certain high priority sections of Pickering's waterfront trail. At this time, staff have completed a review of the entire Pickering waterfront trail to identify those areas that can be accessed by staff; accommodate winter maintenance equipment and materials (in its current condition or with a reasonable degree of repairs/reconstruction); and, are well used by the public. This report identifies the sections of the waterfront trail that met the criteria above and approximates the associated costs to add it to the winter maintenance program effective 2019 and/or 2020 winter season. They include: 1. West Shore Boulevard to Sunrise Avenue: The newly constructed section of waterfront trail on Beachpoint Promenade, starting at West Shore Boulevard and ending at Sunrise Avenue, will be added to winter maintenance routes starting on November 5, 2019. Parts of this section of the waterfront trail will require regrading or the installation of culverts as it is presently an overland flow route that may create ice formation and difficult to meet the existing level of service during winter months. 2. Bruce Handscomb Memorial Park to Elvira Court: Engineering Services Department staff have initiated design and TRCA required permits to reconstruct the section of waterfront trail from Bruce Handscomb Memorial Park to Elvira Court in 2020. Once this section of trail is completed it can be added to the winter maintenance route to create a continuous winter maintained access from Beachpoint Promenade to Millennium Square. This can be added to the winter maintenance program upon completion in approximately late 2020. CS 33-19 October 7, 2019 Subject: Waterfront Trail Winter Maintenance Page 2 There remains certain sections of Pickering's waterfront trail which are not maintained and were not identified by staff at this time as eligible candidates for winter maintenance. The reasons for this determination are that the cost to upgrade those trail surfaces to accommodate maintenance vehicles is prohibitive (First Nations Trail from the Rouge Valley to West Shore Boulevard); the section of trail is impacted by erosion and other environmental issues and must undergo a larger master planning exercise (Millennium Square to Sandy Beach Road); or, the area is environmentally sensitive subject to passive use and therefore winter maintenance is not being recommended by staff (Brock Road to Frisco Road at the Ajax border). The sections of Pickering's waterfront trail that are already maintained during the winter months primarily consist of asphalt paths or sidewalks, both of which are accommodating of winter maintenance equipment. Financial Implications: Maintaining two new sections of Pickering's waterfront trail to bare surface conditions within 24 hours of the end of a snowfall exceeding 5 cm (2") will have both Capital and Current Budget implications as described below. Capital Budget Implications: Bruce Handscomb Memorial Park to Elvira Court: • The 2019 Capital Budget included $50,000.00 for design and permit approvals for trail improvements to Monarch Trail which extends from Bruce Handscomb Memorial Park to Elvira Court. The proposed scope of work will involve widening the trail to three metres wide, replacing the existing culverts, and installing retaining walls, new pathway lighting, and railings. • As this section of trail crosses a water course, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is to be consulted to confirm requirements they may have prior to proceeding. TRCA requirements may affect the cost of reconstructing this section of the trail. • Engineering Services Department staff have initiated design and permit applications and will make a 2020 Capital Budget submission for the reconstruction project, currently estimated to be $300,000.00. Once this section of trail is reconstructed, Public Works can add it to the winter maintenance route. Current Budget Implications: Additional Cost Year Rationale New Signage for trail system indicating winter controlled sections $1,000 2020 New signs are required to be installed along sections of the trail in order to reflect the new winter maintenance standards. This will include signage posted at secondary pathways that link into the waterfront trail that will not be winter maintained. CS 33-19 Subject: Waterfront Trail Winter Maintenance October 7, 2019 Page 3 Bollard removal to permit plow access $5,000 2020 Operations bollards at 3 entry points will need to be removed or relocated. Public Works staff would be able to perform the work in-house at a projected cost of $2,000. This cost includes salaries and materials required to complete the task. This cost assumes that the existing bollards can be reused; should new bollards need to be purchased, it would cost an additional $1,500 per location. Turf Repairs $2,000 2020 To repair the damage to the turf caused by winter maintenance operations. Salt & Eco Traction $2,500 2019 Additional salt required to perform winter maintenance on the waterfront trail to be maintained. The City averages 33 snow clearing events each winter for sidewalks, multi -use paths and multi -use trails. Adding an additional 0.7 kilometres of waterfront trail to the winter maintenance program will lead to an increase in salt usage. 1 new Maintenance Worker, Parks (FT) $45,000 2020 Winter control of the waterfront trails requires a higher level of patrol as trails are often located in more remote locations, not always easily accessible. Shaded areas of the trail that lead through the ravine will require more maintenance to control icy conditions. Parks staff are currently at capacity and cannot increase the daytime workload without a negative impact to existing levels of service. One new full time Maintenance Worker position, effective July 1, 2020, is to account for additional winter maintenance and inspections related to the proposed waterfront trail section to be maintained in 2020. Total $55,500 CS 33-19 October 7, 2019 Subject: Waterfront Trail Winter Maintenance Page 4 Discussion: The waterfront trail is divided into the following three separate trail systems: 1. First Nations Trail — this trail starts at the Toronto/Pickering border at the end of Dyson Road and ends at Monarch Trail entrance on Beachpoint Promenade (3.0 kilometers). 2. Monarch Trail — this trail starts at Beachpoint Promenade, goes around Frenchman's Bay, and ends at Beachfront Park at the bottom of Liverpool Road (4.8 kilometers). 3. Peak Trail — this trail starts at Beachfront Park and ends at the Pickering/Ajax border at the end of Frisco Road (4.2 kilometers). In total, Pickering's waterfront trail is 12 kilometers in length. Currently, the City provides winter maintenance to a total of 6.1 kilometres of the waterfront trail. First Nations Trail has 1.3 kilometres that the City provides winter maintenance for, specifically, the on -street sections of the trail along Rodd Avenue and from Marksbury Road over to Beachpoint Promenade. Monarch Trail currently has 4 kilometres that the City provides winter maintenance for (both on street and residential concrete sidewalk sections of the trail). Peak Trail currently has 0.8 kilometres that the City provides winter maintenance for (a 3 metre wide asphalt trail section from Sandy Beach Road to Brock Road). At the request of Council, staff prepared report CS 08-18 entitled Waterfront Trail Winter Maintenance that reviewed Pickering's waterfront trail and the opportunities to expand the winter trail maintenance program to sections of the trail which do not currently receive winter maintenance. The report identified the upgrades that would enable staff to provide expanded winter maintenance to Pickering's waterfront trail as an increased level of service. The estimated cost, which included labour, salt, vehicle and equipment costs and construction upgrades, was prohibitive. As a result, staff were then asked to explore other options to allow for winter maintenance to certain high priority sections of Pickering's waterfront trail. For this reason, staff have prepared report CS 33-19 to share with Council the findings of this analysis. Based on staff's review, 2 additional trail sections totalling approximately 1.5 kilometers are being recommended to be added to the City's winter maintenance program over the next 2 years. Specifically, staff will add the 0.7 kilometer Beachpoint Promenade section of the Monarch Trail from West Shore Boulevard to Sunrise Avenue to the winter trail maintenance program starting on November 5, 2019. Secondly, staff recommend that the 0.8 kilometers of the trail section that connects Bruce Handscomb Memorial Park to Elvira Court be winter maintained once it is reconstructed in 2020. (Accordingly, staff will propose the additional costs in the 2020 Current Budget for Council's consideration.) This important capital project will allow all of the Monarch Trail to be winter maintained to create connectivity for pedestrians from the West Shore Neighbourhood to the downtown core and Go Transit. With the exception of the Peak Trail section between Sandy Beach Road and Brock Road (which is currently maintained for the purpose of safe access between OPG buildings), it is recommended by staff that the remaining sections of the Peak Trail continue not to be winter maintained due to the environmentally sensitive lands adjacent to the trail. This section of trail is very popular for bird watching and is essential it remain in a natural state to protect what draws people to enjoy this area. CS 33-19 October 7, 2019 Subject: Waterfront Trail Winter Maintenance Page 5 Without substantial Capital Budget improvements to the First Nations Trail, it is currently not economically feasible to be added to the winter maintenance routes and it is recommended to not be winter maintained at this time. This section has a large pedestrian bridge that spans Petticoat Creek. This bridge was not built to support the weight of existing snow clearing equipment and specialized equipment would need to be purchased to provide winter maintenance to it, Attachments: 1. Waterfront Trail Map (Existing and Proposed Winter Maintenance Routes) Prepay dB : ApprovedlEndorsed By: c. Rob Gagen Marisa Carpino, M.A. Supervisor, Parks & Property Director, Community Services RO:a'. Eng, Manager, Public Works Brian + Id Division Head, Operations RG:nw Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P. Eng. 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