HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 17-05INFORMATION REPORT NO. 17-05 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF July 26, 2005 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 05-002/P City Initiated: Modified Seaton Plan Draft Amendment 14 City of Pickering 1.0 AREA LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the proposed amendment applies to lands generally bounded by the C.P. Rail line to the south, West Duffins Creek to the west, Highway 7 including the Provincially -owned lands north of the Hamlet of Green River to the north, and Sideline 16/Pickering-Ajax boundary to the east; - these lands comprise the area of the Central Pickering Urban Area - Seaton Community (see Attachment #1); - the area is also traversed by a number of smaller stream corridors including the Whitevale, Ganatsekiagon, Urfe and Brougham Creeks in the Seaton lands; - the area is predominantly rural in character; - the Hamlet of Whitevale abuts the western boundary of the Amendment area while the Hamlets of Brougham and Green River abut the northern boundary. 2.0 BACKGROUND - in May 2002, Council initiated a Growth Management Study (GMS), which focused on 10 Principles that expressed Pickering's priorities in land use and development decision-making for Central Pickering; - in June 2004, Council endorsed a Structure Plan resulting from the completion of Phases 1 and 2 of the GMS prepared by Dillon Consulting Limited, et al. as the basis for preparing official plan amendments; - in December 2004, Council adopted Amendment 13 to the Pickering Official Plan, which implemented the GMS to create a sustainable transit supportive community for the Seaton and Cherrywood areas capable of accommodating approximately 77,000 people and a broad range of employment opportunities for approximately 33,000 jobs; 0 Information Report No. 17-05 02 Page 2 - in the spring of 2005, City staff discussed Amendment 13 with the Province of Ontario, the Region of Durham, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, prospective Seaton developers/landowners and other relevant agencies that resulted in new information being presented for the City's consideration and identified possible changes intended to enhance the plan for Seaton; - on July 7, 2005, notice of a July 26, 2005 Public Meeting was mailed to all persons on the GMS mailing list, advertised in the Community Page of the News Advertiser on three separate Wednesdays, and added to the City's website; - a follow up letter to the City's previous notice (including a map of Amendment 13 GMS area) was mailed on July 20, 2005; - this letter clarified Council's position regarding Amendment 13 for both the Seaton and Cherrywood areas and provided the context for draft Amendment 14 and the Province's Development Plan (see Attachment #2); - this Information Report presents draft Amendment 14 and the key options that differ from Council's current position (Amendment 13) for the Seaton lands only. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLANS 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan - the Durham Regional Official Plan designates the Seaton lands as Living Area and Employment Area and the Agricultural Assembly portion as Permanent Agricultural Reserve and Major Open Space System; - the lands north and east of the Hamlet of Green River are designated as Special Study Areas 1; - a Regional Node h for a proposed Durham College campus and a Main Central Area designation is also located on the Seaton lands; - a network of Type A, 8, and C arterial roads are also designated; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan - the Pickering Official Plan designates the Seaton lands as the Seaton Urban Study Area and Natural Areas on Schedule 1- Land Use Structure; - the area surrounding the Hamlets of Whitevale and Green River are designated as Agricultural Areas and Natural Areas; - also on Schedule 1, the remaining part of Deferral 31 relating to the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood is shown; - the Seaton Urban Study Area policies require the community to be a compact urban area, the preparation of neighbourhood plans and phasing strategies, and other matters relating to community development; - in addition to conservation, passive and similar recreational uses, the Natural Areas designation permits agricultural uses outside of valley and stream corridors, wetlands, environmentally sensitive areas, and areas of natural and scientific interest; Information Report No. 17-05 Page 3 O u - in the Agricultural Areas designation, permissible uses include primary agricultural uses and complementary and supportive agricultural uses such as agricultural industries, home businesses; and farm -related businesses; - the Schedule 11— Transportation Network designates an arterial road system within the Seaton area, the arterial road alignments have been deferred pending further study; - for reference, copies of Schedules I, II, Schedule IV -3, and Schedule IV -4 to the existing Official Plan are attached in the draft Amendment. 4.0 CITY INITIATED DRAFT AMENDMENT 14 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN 4.1 General Overview - the City of Pickering proposes to amend the Pickering Official Plan in order to implement the land use structure for the Central Pickering Urban Area - Seaton Community; - the draft Amendment document includes a correction to policy 3.9 changing the minimum and maximum net residential density from over 80 units and up to and including 140 units per net hectare to 40 units and up to and including 80 units per net hectare for the Medium Density designation; - the attached amendment includes the following policy and Schedule revisions to the Official Plan (see Appendix 1): 1. revise certain lands on Schedule 1— Land Use Structure as follows: • replacing the Seaton Urban Study Area designation with the designations of Local Nodes, Community Nodes, Mixed Corridors, Low Density Areas, Medium Density Areas, and Prestige Employment Areas; • revising the configuration and extent of the Natural Areas designation; • replacing the existing Agricultural Area designation north, east and south of the Hamlet of Whitevale with a new Countryside Area designation that permits non-agricultural related uses and an Active Recreation Area designation; • replacing the Agricultural Area designation with Prestige Employment Areas for land further north of Whitevale; • replacing the Agricultural Areas designation with an Active Recreational Areas designation for lands immediately north of the existing Whitevale Golf Course to reflect their current ownership; • correcting the boundary for the Federal Airport Lands to exclude the Provincially -owned lands located north of Highway 7, adjacent to the Hamlet of Green River, and adding urban designations for those lands; • revising the transportation schedule to show new arterial road and future collector road alignments and to delete three Highway 407 overpasses located at Sideline 22, Country Lane, and Brock Road; 1Afbrmation Report No. 17-05 Page 4 • adding a policy supporting lower right-of-way widths for arterial roads within the Seaton Community; • adding policies requiring the extension of Regional water and sanitary sewerage services to the Employment Areas before residential development is permitted within the Seaton Community; • adding policies requiring the establishment of major community facilities concurrent or prior to residential development commencing; • adding policies increasing the residential density ranges within the Low Density Areas, Medium Density Areas, Local Nodes, and Mixed Corridors designations; 2. revise Schedule II — Transportation System showing new arterial and collector road alignments, deleting three Highway 407 overpasses located at Sideline 22, Country Lane, and Brock Road, and changing the symbol for the Highway 407/Townline Road Interchange from Proposed to Existing; and 3. add new policies requiring: • the development of residential neighbourhoods to incorporate sustainable design elements; • future studies prior to permitting residential development within the Seaton Community; • the maintenance and enhancement of the Open Space System; • the completion of an Environmental Report to permit community uses within the Open Space System; • minimal impacts on the Open Space System by road and utility crossings within the Seaton Community; • the application of planning and design principles for locating stormwater management systems within the Open Space System of Central Pickering. 5.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 5.1 Resident Comments - as of the writing of this report, two area residents have contacted the City seeking information relating to draft Amendment 14 (see Attachments #3 and #4); 5.2 Agency Comments - the Township of Uxbridge indicated no comments (see Attachment #5). Information Report No. 17-05 6.0 STAFF COMMENTS Page 5 ();j 6.1 Key Options Proposed In Draft Amendment 14 That Differ From Amendment 13 - there are key options being considered in draft Amendment 14 that differ from Council's current position (Amendment 13) respecting land use and transportation as follows: • reconfiguring the Open Space System to reflect most of the Province's Open Space System configuration; • revising the Open Space System to no longer include both the Natural Areas and Active Recreational Areas designations except for the Whitevale Golf Course; • replacing the Open Space System on lands located between the tributaries of Whitevale Creek to Residential Low Density; • revising the overall transportation network and reconfiguring the areas designated Low, Medium and Mixed Use; and • extending Whites Road to cross West Duffins Creek to connect with Sideline 26, subject to a policy requiring re-examination of need, justification and alternatives during the required Municipal Class EA process. 6.2 Proposed Provincial Development Plan For Central Pickering - on July 14, 2005, the Province released the "Central Pickering Development Plan" for the Provincially -owned Seaton area and for the Cherrywood area under the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994; - the Province's plan for the Cherrywood area differs significantly from Pickering Council's position as presented in Amendment 13; - however, City staff collaborated with the Province and other agencies in the preparation of the Development Plan for the Seaton area to ensure that the plan accommodated many of the land use and transportation elements contained in Pickering's Amendment 13; - also the plan is very similar to draft Amendment 14, with the exception of a slightly different natural heritage system, more residential development near Whitevale, and a small reduction in employment lands north of Whitevale. 7.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 7.1 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority - the Region of Durham is the approval authority for local official plan amendments when there is a regional official plan amendment required; OJ Information Report No. 17-05 7.2 General Page 6 - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; - if you wish to be notified of Council's adoption of any official plan amendment, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; - if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Region of Durham with respect to the proposed amendment to the official plan, you must make a written request to the Commissioner of Planning, Region of Durham Planning Department. 8.0 OTHER INFORMATION 8.1 Appendix APPENDIX I: Draft Amendment 14 Grant McGregor, MCIP, Opp Principal Planner — Policy GM:jf Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Catherin L. Rosea cIP, RPP Manager, Policy APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 17-05 DRAFT AMENDMENT 14 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN DRAFT AMENDMENT 14 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN DRAFT PURPOSE: The primary purpose of Amendment 14 is to implement a Structure Plan for the Central Pickering Urban Area — Seaton Community. The Amendment replaces the existing Seaton Urban Study Area designation and policies with detailed land use and transportation designations and policies. The amendment also corrects the boundary of the Federal Airport Lands to exclude the Provincially -owned lands north of Highway 7, adjacent to the Hamlet of Green River, and establishes urban land uses on these lands. The proposed land use and transportation changes in Amendment 14 will resolve Deferrals 8, 14, 24 and 42, part of Deferral 38, and the remaining parts of Deferrals 11, 31, and 39 to the Pickering Official Plan. These Deferrals generally relate to the various road and transit spine designations within the Seaton Community. The secondary purpose of the Amendment is a housekeeping matter to delete obsolete policies for Regional Node 1, a designation that was eliminated by the Region of Durham's approval of Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan in August 2003. This part of the Amendment will resolve Deferral 3 to the Pickering Official Plan. 7'.7G1.1ti 1 LOCATION: The Amendment applies to an area that is over 3,000 hectares in size, and is generally bounded by the C.P. Rail line to the south, the West Duffins Creek to the west, Highway 7 including the Provincially -owned lands north of the Hamlet of Green River to the north, and Sideline 16/Pickering-Ajax boundary to the east. DRAFT BASIS: This Amendment has been determined to be appropriate following: - City Council's endorsement in June 2004 of a Structure Plan for Central Pickering arising from completion of Phases 1 & 2 of the City of Pickering's Growth Management Study (GMS), prepared by Dillon Consulting Limited, et al.; Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 2 9 - City Council's adoption in December 2004 of Amendment 13 to the Pickering Official Plan, which implemented the GMS; and, - further review in the spring 2005 of the land use and transportation designations and policies to guide the future development of the Central Pickering - Seaton Community in consultation with the Province of Ontario, the Region of Durham, prospective developers/ landowners within the Seaton Community, and other relevant agencies. Lands in the Seaton Community, south of Highway 7, have been designated for urban development in the Official Plans of both Durham Region and Pickering since the 1980s. The Amendment establishes a development framework based on a compact urban form, transit -supportive mixed land uses, quality urban design, a grid system of arterial roads, early provision of a mix of jobs, and small neighbourhoods located within a robust natural heritage system. The natural heritage system is based on recent work completed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Overall, the plan provides for the development of approximately 43,000 residents and 28,000 jobs, achieving a gross 57 density of jobs and residents. The Amendment responds to the policies of the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Pickering Official Plan respecting the planning objectives for this urban area, including establishing buffers adjacent to the rural hamlets. The Amendment details future studies and work required prior to development commencing within the Seaton Community including a Financial Impact Studies, a Master Environmental Servicing Plan, a Highway 407 Employment Lands Study, Neighbourhood Plans and Development Guidelines. The Province is currently working on a Development Plan for the Seaton Community and other lands under the Ontario Planning and Development Act. Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 3 0 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 3 DRAFT AMENDMENT: The Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1. Amending Schedule I - Land Use Structure for the lands subject to the proposed amendment by: • replacing the "Seaton Urban Study Area" designation with the designations of "Mixed Use Areas - Local Nodes, Mixed Use Areas - Community Nodes, Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors, Employment Areas - Prestige Employment, Urban Residential Areas - Low Density Areas, Urban Residential Areas - Medium Density Areas, and Open Space System - Active Recreational Areas"; • increasing the amount and revising the configuration of the "Open Space System - Natural Areas" designation throughout the amendment area; • for lands north, east and south of the Hamlet of Green River, replacing the "Agricultural Areas" designation with the "Open Space System - Active Recreational Areas" and "Employment Areas - Prestige Employment Areas" designations; • for lands immediately north, east and south of the Hamlet of Whitevale, replacing the "Agricultural Areas" designation with "Countryside Areas" and "Open Space - Natural Areas"; • for lands further north of Whitevale, replacing the "Agricultural Areas" designation with "Employment Areas - Prestige Employment"; • for lands immediately north of the existing Whitevale Golf Course, replacing the "Agricultural Areas" designation with "Open Space System - Active Recreational Areas" designation to reflect their current ownership; • in the legend for Schedule I, deleting the words "Seaton Urban Study Area" under "Other Designations" and adding "Countryside Areas", and deleting the words "Regional Nodes" and "Regional Node 1"; • correcting the boundary of the "Federal Airport Lands" to exclude the Provincially -owned lands located north of Highway, 7, adjacent to the Hamlet of Green River; as illustrated on draft Schedule 'A' attached to this draft Amendment'. NOTE: For reference, the existing Schedule 1 - Land Use Structure to the Pickering Official Plan is also attached. Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 4 ! �a 2. Amending Schedule II - Transportation System for the roads subject to the proposed amendment by: • revising the network of "Future Type A, B and C Arterial Roads", including deleting the "Future Highway 7 Arterial Road" by-passes for the Hamlets of Brougham and Green River; • adding a "Future Collector Road" network; • deleting 3 "Future Highway 407 Overpasses"; and • changing the symbol for the "Highway 407/Townline Road Interchange" from "Proposed" to "Existing", as illustrated on draft Schedule `B' attached to this draft Amendment Z. 3. Amending Schedule IV- 3, Settlement 3: Green Rizer by deleting the "Possible Future Highway 7 By-pass" as illustrated on draft Schedule `C' attached to this draft Amendment 3. 4. Amending Schedule IV -4, Settlement 4: Brougham by deleting the "Possible Future Highway 7 By-pass" and realigning the "Future Brock Road By-pass" as illustrated on draft Schedule `D' attached to this draft Amendment 4. 2 NOTE: For reference, the existing Schedule Il, Transportation System, to the Pickering Official Plan is also attached. 3 NOTE: For reference, the existing Schedule IV- 3, Settlement 3: Green River, to the Pickering Official Plan is also attached. 4 NOTE: For reference, the existing Schedule IV— 4, Settlement 4: Brougham to the Pickering Official Plan is also attached. Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 ! f.: Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 5 5. Amending the text of the Official Plan by: 5.1 In Chapter Two - Planning Framework, section 2.8, Urban System Areas, replacing the existing subsection (b) with a new subsection (b) as follows: "2.8 For planning purposes, City Council shall consider the following areas as Pickering's urban system: (a) ... ; (43) lands hevywen the G.P. (BelleNzille) rail line a , Greek, generally imewn as the Seato r r.baa ct,.a. Are a; .,..a e (b) lands between the C.P. (Belleville) rail line and up to the Federal Airport lands (generally Highway 7), west of Sideline 16/ Ajax -Pickering boundary, east of the West Duffin Creek, generally known as the Central Pickering Urban Area - Seaton Community: and (c) ...... 5.2 In Chapter Two - Planning Framework, section 2.10, South Pickering Urban Area Population Target, changing the reference from "Table P" to "Table LV; and changing the title of the existing "Table 1: South Pickering Urban Area Population Targets, 1996 - 2016" to "Table IA: South Pickering Urban Area Population Targets. 1996 - 2016'; 5.3 In Chapter Two - Planning Framework, section 2.12, Seaton Planning Exercise, deleting the section in its entirety as follows: 5.4 In Chapter Two - Planning Framework, section 2.13, Seaton Urban Study Area Population and Employment Targets, replacing it with a new section renumbered as 2.12, so that it now reads as follows: Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 6 10- 14.13 For the Seaton Urban Study Area, City ceuncil, `- 6euncil, "2.12 City Council, (a) adonts an ultimate nooulation tamet for the Central Pickering Urban Area - Seaton Community of 43,000 people and an emp1gyment target of 27,800 jobs: (b) establishes an interim population targets of 30,200 people and 15.600 jobs for the year 2M (c)shall endeavour to accommodate this r population generally as set out in Table ]B: (d) shall endeavour to promote a live -worm relationship by accommodating emploTent opportunities in the Cenhal Pickering Urban Area - Seaton Community as follows, (i) primarily in Employment Areas and Mixed Use Areas as designated on Schedule I to this Plan: (ii) in institutional facilities and minor commercial nodes in Urban Residential Areas: and (iii)as home occupations in Urian Residential Areas." 5.4 In Chapter Two - Planning Framework, and adding a new Table 1B: Central Pickering - Seaton Community Population Targets, 1996 - 2016, as follows: Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 1 AlDraft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 7 QTY POLICY TABLE 1B: Central Pickering Urban Area - Seaton Community Urban Area Population Targets 1996.2016 URBAN AREA- POPULATION TARGETS BY YEAR SEATON COMMUNITY Neighbourhood 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 16 Lamoreaux " i 8.700 — soo 17 Name to be determined 18 Name to be determined .......... .......................................................................................... ........................................... -•• --- ' ,.................... _................. ...................................... 7.700 :....................................... ....................................... 800 19Name to be determined ............................................................................................................................'t............................................................................................................................................................ "' "' 3200 20 Name to be deternuned ...........—............................................................................................................................s.......................................I.......................................J.......................................:....................................... j 1,100 5s500 21 Name to be detennimd I "' I I I 500 1 1.900 Total Population Targets: Central Pickering Urban 3y Area - Seaton Community 5.6 In Chapter Two - Planning Framework, replace the existing Section 2.14, Input to Seaton Planning Exercise, with a new section renumbered as 2.13, so that it now reads as follows: «2-.44 As ..t to the planning Le A— e jfb (a) a eempaet urban area, the boundary eL wlich as a maxiffwra, shall not e..tend beyand the limit of the lands desig am a e ceatan IT --an Study Area on SehedtAe 1 to this Maw, plans,(b) the idenfificatien of neighbourhoods, the and - the esent of an apprep�4-- neighbeufheed Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 8 15 CITY POLICY Cemral Pidz=Natund HentaXMattea CITY POLICY Ceraral Pidzenrtg Cultural HentagMattes ests naw=As�ste�xts snd preeesses, enhances leeal eeexemie—and employment (ii0resewes lands epperkh-tities., for a fi-m-1 e mwiversity ffl-leh 1..«da elsewhere not in the G:t.a already identified e (Muses existing reseurees, faeilities, e e and efI etiyel.. inf strueture and in efAa:ent1.. An innaw ' ti.,e rna"nnertj ( \ meets the d:..erse and a ,al-ying «vada ei its people (4) is appropriately and the l:.,l.ed marketplace-, and :«te......tad with the rest (.A:)dees not eause of Pieke.-ing, a financial e burden e the City or (-.iois built i flexibility is Fwg:ea, .eh a aad way that adequate to a .nedate pro..:ded «:t.. evolution and "2.13 In addition to the other policies in this Plan, for the Central Pickering Urban Area - Seaton Community, City Council shall, a) establish an Ooen Space - Natural Areas system that includes both significant natural heritage features and other lands providing required corridor, linkage and buffer functions, as shown on Schedule I: (b) encourage the appropriate authorities to prepare an overall Natural Heritage System Management Plan for the lands designated Open Space System - Natural Areas on Schedule I. but not require that such Management Plan be completed prior to development of the adjacent urban lands: c) recoenize the First Nations' cultural and spiritual connection to the area and to this end, shall require development processes to be undertaken in a manner respectful of First Nations' cultural sites: Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 9 CITY POLICY Central Pidzmm CommV DewzMatters (d) recognize the heritage character of the Whitevale Road corridor from the Whitevale Hamlet to the Whitevale Road bv-nass, and to this end, during the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans, shall. (i) integrate new development along the corridor in a manner that is compatible with existing cultural heritage value or interest of the landscape, properties and structures: (ii) determine an appropriate road cross-section that is compatible with the character of the corridor. (e) require the development of a livable, transit -oriented community including mixed use and high density development along transit spines: (f� create residential neighbourhoods that incorporate leading community planning and sustainable design practices while protecting and enhancing the area's natural heritage features and strengthening their relationship to the urban areas to ensure that natural areas are safe and form part of the community s everyday life: (g) require the community to be built in such a way that adequate flexibility is provided to accommodate on-going evolution and innovation: (h) acknowledge the intent of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) to establish an Interim Airport Protection Area (IAPA), (i) as part of the planning for the development and operation of a possible future regional, reliever airport in Pickering; (ii) to restrict the development of noise sensitive land uses within the IAPA until such time as a decision is made whether to proceed with the development of a possible future Pickering Airport; and (iii) generally following the 25 Noise Exposure Forecast contour as defined on mapping provided by the GI AA Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 10 CITY POLICY Central Pickering Employment Matters (i) for utility services. (i) require buried utility lines on strategic lands such as those designated Mixed Planning process, and (iQrequire the identification and use of design and engineering strategies that minimize the obtrusive nature of the wired above -ground utilities and infmstructure, particularly in so far as they affect the public realm: (i) prepare a strategy to achieve a 25% target of new residential units in housing fomes considered affordable to low and moderate income households, which strategy shall identify apnronriate housing forms and shall be implemented through the neighbourhood policies, but maw permit the contribution to the target to vary by neighbourhood: (k) require the extension of piped water and sanitary sewer services to the Employment Area ahead of, or concurrent with, the commencement of residential development within the Seaton Community (1) require high performance standards for development and site design in the Prestige Employment Areas especially for lughly visible locations and locations in proximity to the boundaries of the Hamlets of Green River and Brougham: and (m) complete, in consultation with landowners. the Region of Durham, the Greater Toronto Airports Authority and other stakeholders, a Highway 407 Emplgy ent Lands Studyprior to the completion of the fust Neighbourhood Plan for lands designated Prestige Employment Area: to this end. Council shall require that the study. Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 - ' Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 11 CITY POLICY Cemral PidzmWMajar Cara M a�zl I4ti wwL—1 Uses (i) recognize the requirement for the extension of services to the Em lwynwnt Areas ahead of or at the same time as residential domlopment commences in the Seaton Community (u) identify the priority location within the Employment Area lands for initial servicing: (iii) identify the range of permissible uses, considering the long term compatibih'ty of the uses with the possible future Pickering Airport; (iv) evaluate the potential opportunities and constraints for the integration of high density residential within the employment lands: (n) identi�f the preferred uses for the isolated parcels of land located on the west side of Sideline 16, and the lands between Highway 407 and the south edge of the Hamlet of Brougham,• (yi) establish detailed zoning and design performance standards: (vii) establish precincts for large and small employment parcels: (viil) accommodate an expansion to the cemetery in the Hamlet of Brougham, in accordance with sections 12.5(c) and 15.37 of this Plan: and (ix) iden—fify the appropriate interface between the new land uses and the Hamlets of Green River and Brougham, which may include buffering, performance standards and use restrictions (n) require the provision of major community facilities coincident with the commencement of each phase of residential: o) collaborate with Durham College / University of Ontario Institute of Technology to secure a campus site that is highly accessible by roads, and is located on a transit spine-, Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 12 15 CITY POLICY Cerurd PidzmWFimrxial Matters (p) collaborate with the Province and the Rouge Valley Hospital to address health care needs in the City including securing an anorooriate site for a health care infiastmctu r, in a manner that provides for achievement of municipal objectives including but not limited to those matters set out in sections 2.13(k) and (n; (rr) following Council's endorsement of the municipal financial impactanalvsis, require the adoption of appropriate measures and financial arrangements, including front -ending agreements, cost sharing agreements, phasing and st"in agreements, and development charges, to ensure that the Seaton Community does not cause a financial burden on the City or Region with respect to the tuning for and provision of facilities, services, and infrastructure: (s) through the use of the holding provisions of the Planning Act, require proponents of development to enter into agreements with the City and Region respecting various development related matters including but not limited to the matters outlined in sections 2.13 (k) and (n); t) conduct a Master Environmental Servicin Plan (MESP), (il in consultation with the Region of Durham, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and other relevant stakeholders prior to or concurrent with the approval of the first Neighbourhood Plan: as an integrated Master Planning Process under the Class Environmental Assessment Process: Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 ;v j,j Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 13 (jW in coordination with the Region of Durham's Master Environmental Assessment (EA) for majorinfrastmctore including trunk servicing and arterial roads,• and iv in coordination with the Regions of York and Durham's Individual EA for the Southeast Collector Sanitary Tmnk SewerProject u) following Council's endorsement of the MESP, implement the results through amendments to this Plan, the neighbourhood plans, development guidelines, and other municipal documents as required: v) address the following matters through the MESP, (�i identify any requirements for water source protection ii conduct an overall water balance on a subwatershed basis including wetland water balance: conduct an erosion sensWBi y analysis for all receiving watercourses: ((i4 promote the maintenance and enhancement of the Duffin Creek fisheries: (v) evaluate stormwater management option and determine the general location, e and discharge targets for all stormwater management facilities; (vi) identify the overall municipal service system requirement including bridge location and open space crossings excluding those included within the Region's infrastructure EA: (viii) identify the number and general location of major community facilities including libraries, secondary schools, recreation complexes, emergency service facilities, and district and community parks; to this end, shall consider the following locational criteria, Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 14 $11 • accessibility to transit and arterial • accessWtDmdtpkmighboudioods; • opportunities to provide additional buffering to Natural Areas where anropdate- • opportunities to provide gateway to and connections with the Natural Areas and associated trail system: and • opportunities to use appropriate parts of the Natural Areas s, s� for community uses• (ix) further to sections 4.7 [Sidegulks. Walkaecevs. Trails and Bikeawa)�sl and 4.9 [Priority Pedestrian %Cyclist Connections] of this Plan and using the Seaton Hiking Trail and the Cur's existing Trails and Bikeway Master Plan as the starting point, identify the main network of pedestrian walkway, major bike routes, multi -use pathway and hiking trails throughout the Central Urban Pickering - Seaton Community linking neighbourhoods. mixed-use areas, employment areas. natural areas and major community facilities using, in a manner that the network can be further detailed in the neighbourhood plans as required by section 2.13 (w)• Iden* existing and proposed major utility requirements, such as installations, corridors. easements and substations, in consultation with the relevant Whty companies: (xi) prepare preliminary servicing costs estimates for all regional/ municipa infrastmcture (xill prepare infiastmcture and community facili(.y_phasing implementation plans, by neighbourhood and if warranted, by sub -neighbourhood: and (2dW prepare a long term environmental monitoring program: w) as set out in Chanter 11 of this Plan require Neighbourhood Plans to be approved for each of the Central Pickering Urban Area Seaton Community neighbourhoods identified on Map 9B. Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 22 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 15 prior to development being approved within that neighbourhood. which plans shall be incorporated by amendment to this Plan, and shall also include, (i) consideration of the archaeological and heritage assessments approved by the Ministry of Culture and Communication; (ii) provision of detail on areas for residential, commercial and mixed use within the Mixed Use designations (,iu identification of neighbourhood housing policies: iv detailed urban design guidelines that futtherthe policies in Chapters 9 and 13: (v) identification of detailed community facility requirements including park and school sites: (vi) a traffic management plan addressing such matters as intersection traffic preparation of a detailed trail and bikeway system based on the overall network developed through the MESP: (vui) identification of drainage boundaries, and stormwater management pond locations, twe, preliminary sizing and discharge quantity, quality and sedimentation %-rgLb: ix identification, by the City in collaboration with the landowners, of environmental sustainability measures to be incorporated in the vicinity of the Hamlet of Whitevale. directing north -south and east -west Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 16 20 arterial and collector road alignments away from the Hamlet, (x) require, in consultation with relevant agencies, the submission of functional servicing plan prior to draft subdivision approval, which functional servicing plans shall indicate how taigets established for the neighbourhood through the overall MESP will be achieved-, (v) despite Schedule II to this Plan that shows a future continuous connection of Whites Road - Sideline 26 over West Duffins Creek, between Highways 401 and 407/7, as designated in the Durham Regional Official Plan and identified in the Durham Transportation Master Plan, request that the required Environmental Assessment (EA) for this connection, U re-examine the need and justification for a separate bridge crossing south of the Taunton Road crossing, considering the potential environmental impacts, potential high construction costs, and the projected p pulation and employment figures: and ii consider alternative solutions to the problem including a structure adjacent to or connected to the existing William Twelvet ees Bridge over West Duffin Creek and: (z) further with respect to Schedule II, undertakings: specifically. City Council requests that the required EAs consider the following, (i) the appropriate location, bridge design and intersection spacing for the Third Concession Road westerly extension over the C,P. Rail line and West Duffin Creek, and taking into consideration the matters of concerns respecting a future Whites Road - Sideline 26 connection, and Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 r, , ` 'braft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 17 (ii) the feasibility from an environmental, engineering and cost perspective of the Sideline Road 24 extension north of Taunton Road to the southerly west Collector Road while considering the community impacts of that route not connecting; (aa) furthermore with respect to Schedule II, require an Environmental Assessment (EA) to determine the precise location of a future GO Transit Station that is conceptually designated on the west side of Brock Road, north of the C.P. Railway, and (i) should the EA result in the identification of an alternate location, the location may be moved without amendment to this Plan; and (iil upon identifying the final station location, Council shall re-examine the abutting land uses to ensure an appropriate mix and intensity of land uses is permitted." 5.7 In Chapter Two — Planning Framework, deleting existing section 2.15, Future Official Plan Amendments for Seaton, in its entirety as follows: 5.8 In Chapter Two — Planning Framework, section 2.16, Disposal of Prozdncial Lands, renumber the section as 2.15 deleting the introductory phrase "Upon completion of the planning exercise for the Seaton Urban Study Area"; in subsection (b), inserting the words "are for community uses or facilities" after "public purposes,"; and also in subsection (b) inserting the words "fora nominal amount" after the word "conveyed" so that it now reads as follows: Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 18 /45 "2.15 Upon completion of the planning exereke fer dhe Seatan Urban Study erre, Cit, Council shall encourage the provincial government to dispose of its lands in Seaton in an appropriate and timely manner, provided, (a) the lands are sold for uses consistent with the policies of this Plan and the Durham Regional Official Plan; and (b) lands that serve important public purposes, are for community uses or facilities, or contain significant natural or cultural resources are conveyed for a nominal amount to the appropriate public agency." 5.9 In Chapter Three — Land Use, Table 2, Land Use Categories and Subcategories, adding a new row for the category "Countryside Areas", and deleting as a housekeeping matter the "Regional Node" row, so that Table 2 now reads as follows: Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 26 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 19 5.10 In Chapter Three — Land Use, section 3.5, Open Space System, deleting the word "and" at the end of subsection (a), changing the period to a semi colon at the end of subsection (b), and adding new subsections (c), (d) and (e) as follows: "3.5 City Council, (a) ... ; and (b) • s (c) within Central Pickering. in accordance with Table 3. maypermit stormwater management systems to be located in the Open Space System, and in doing so, shall apply the following planning and desien principles for such systems. (i) locate such facilities outside of ecological features. such as wetlands and woodlots. and off of the Lake Iroquois shoreline: (ii) establish facilities that are off line: iii establish facilities that are generally small in size (iv) establish an appropriate buffer adjacent to the closest environmental feature: (v) discharge to a wetland by direct out- flow-, W) maintain pre -development water balance of wetlands: (vii) naturalize facilities using native species- and (viii) balance groundwater infiltration for the catchment areas" Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 20 41 d) within Seaton Communitv. shall achieve an appropriate balance between minimizing road and utility crossings of the Open Space System -- Natural Areas while providing necessary new crossings to meet the transportation and infrastructure needs of the new community: to this end. City Council shall consider the following_ planning and design matters for these crossing (i) treat water runoff from roads within stormwater management facilities prior to its release to a stream or to groundwater. ii use alternative road design standards to minimize the footprint ofroads-, (iii) use directional lighting to minimize light scatter. (rv) explore alternative structure types for stream crossings to preserve natural habitat and permit natural animal movement: (v) locate valley crossing at the nan+owestpoints whereverosp sible: (vi) co -locate infrastructure and road crossings wherever possible: (vii) where there is no road crossing, route infrastructure to avoid significant natural features to the extent possible: (viii) where intrusions into significant natural features do occur, make all reasonable attempts to keep intrusions as small as possible to minimize impacts and avoid fragmentation,• and (e) despite Table 3, within the Seaton Community, may permit through the neighbourhood planning process and subject to the recommendations of an Environmental Report (see section 15.9), the establishment of community uses and facilities within lands designated Open Space System - Natural Areas in order to further integrate the community development within the open space system. to improve land use efficiency, and to establish a constituency within the open space system thereby improving the safety and security of users within the system." Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 21 5.11 In Chapter Three — Land Use, in section 3.6, Mixed Use Areas, adding the phrase "and the following within the Central Pickering Urban area - Seaton Community" at the end of subsection (b), and new clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) as follows: "3.6 City Council, (a) ...; (b) may zone lands designated Urban Residential Areas for one or more purposes as set out in Table 5 [Mixed Use Areas: Permissible Use by Subcategory], and in doing so, will apply appropriate performance standards, restrictions and provisions, including those set out in Table 6 [Mixed Use Areas: Densities and Floor Areas by Subcategory], and the following within the Central Pickering Urban Area - Seaton Community (i) for Local Nodes, despite Table 6, the minimum and maximum net residential densities shall be over 40 and up to and including 80 units per net hectare; (ii) for Mixed Corridors, despite Table 10, the minimum and maximum net residential densities shall be over 40 and up to and including 140 units per net hectare,• and (i) for greater clarity, mixed corridors shall include medium and high density housing forms, (c) ;- 5.12 In Chapter Three — Land Use, as a housekeeping matter, deleting section 3.7, Regional Nodes, in its entirely as follows: "3.7 CAT Couneily Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 .� _. _. Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 22 5.13 In Chapter Three - Land Use, as a housekeeping matter, deleting Table 7, Regional Nodes: Permissible Uses by Subcategory, in its entirely as follows: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................i r ........................................................................................................................... R l?exiuissilsleUses Plan,other pelicies ef this mig be detaile— in zening by laws-) ..........................................................................................:................................................................................................................................................................................................t i ; ReGNatiensl WAde inehidkg e Dom' / � i..........................................................................................i........................................................................,.,..................................................................................,................................... 5.14 In Chapter Three - Land Use, in section 3.9, Urban Residential Areas, adding the phrase "and the following within the Central Pickering Urban area - Seaton Community" at the end of subsection (b), and new clauses (i) and (ii) as follows: " 3.9 City Council, (a) ...; (b) may zone lands designated Urian Residential Areas for one or more purposes as set out in Table 9 [Urban Residential Areas: Permissible Uses], and in doing so, will apply appropriate performance standards, restrictions and provisions, including those set out in Table 10 [Urban Residential Areas: Residential Density Ranges by Subcategory], and the following within the Central Pickering Urban Area - Seaton Community: (i) for Low Density Areas. despite Table 10, the minimum and maximum net residential densities shall be over 25 and up to and including 40 units per net hectare: and: (ii) for Medium Densi , , despite Table 10, the minimum and maximum net residential densities shall be over 40 and up to and including 80 units per net hectare; (b) ;" Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 ,�, j Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 23 5.15 In Chapter Three — Land Use, deleting section 3.13, Seaton Urban Study Area, and Table 14, Seaton Urban Area: Permissible Uses, in their entirety: "343 Git , Quneil (a) shall reeegnize Area en Schedule as the Seaton T these ) Urban land ale........:tl. ) Stud t1.e ...1:..,.ent Open e.tt of the South Space Pickering System Urban 19....te.l Area and ve..t ,a A.e Highway 7-, and for West Puffins Corel. South ,a exercise —See.termay designated Seaten Urban et eutin zexi SWdy Area Table fer one A." 5.16 In Chapter Three — Land Use, renumbering the existing Section 3.12, Freeways and Major Utilities, as Section 3.13 and Table 13, Freeways and Major Utilities: Permissible Uses by Subcategory, as Table 14. 5.17 In Chapter Three — Land Use, adding a new section 3.12, Countryside Areas, and a new Table 12, Countryside Areas: Permissible Uses, as follows: "3.12 City Council, al shall recoenize as Countrvside Areas on Schedule I, those lands in close proximity to the urban area where a broad range of uses bevond traditional aviculture are permitted: Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 24 31 (c) shall further recognize the Countryside lands as providing a buffer between the Hamlet of Whitevale and its environs that are designated a Heritage Conservation District, and the adjacent urban area: accordingly, in considering uses for this area, City Council shall require the scale, design and nature of the use to be established to contribute to or be compatible with the buffer function and the Heritage Conservation District." 5.18 In Chapter Four -- Transportation, section 4.10, Road Categories, change the period to a semi- colon at the end of subsection (c); adding the word "and"; and adding a new subsection (d) as follows: "4.10 City Council shall, Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 =j Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 25 achieve compact development, efficient use of land, and a pedestrian - oriented streetscape: nevertheless, should it be determined that wider road allowances are required. City Council shall require significant design and landscape detail of the road cross-section to create a high quality public realm with particular emphasis on ease of pedestrian movement along and across the road." 5.19 In Chapter Four -- Transportation, section 4.15, Regional Assistance, deleting subsection (a)(ii) for housekeeping purposes; deleting subsections (a)(!), (a)(iv), and (b); and renumber the remaining subsections (a)(!!!), (a)(v), (a)(vi) and (c) as (a)(i), (a)(ii), (a)(ilii) and (b) respectively, as follows: "4.15 City Council requests the Region of Durham to implement the following, (a) re-examination of its proposed arterial road system as shown in the Durham Regional Official Plan, soutb fW49ftewk;D8 Pickering, and link to -Pinch Awrrup in `` Searbereug //...... 13> C�7 (1)... ; and' m� Reed; (44(ii).., ; and (vi)(iii)... ; 17T in pensukdtion qe4b the and PT9� through the plannMgto be Area-, an 14 (£)(b)....,, Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 26 33 5.20 In Chapter Four -- Transportation, section 4.14, Prosincial Assistance, deleting the word "and" at the end of subsection (d); changing the period to a semi colon at the end of subsection (e); and adding new subsections (f) and (g), as follows: " 4.14 City Council shall request assistance from the Province of Ontario, as follows: additional Highway 407 interchanges in Seaton, which in accordance with the approved Environmental Assessment, have now been precisely located in the Seaton Community, at Sideline 26 and Sideline 22: to this end, City Council requires the Sideline 26 interchange be constructed first as the transportation needs of Central Pickering dictate, and the Sideline 22 interchange be constructed at a later phase as the community develops and as agreed to by the City: and (g) in recognition of the importance of east - west goods and people movement to the economy of the eastern Greater Toronto Area, to (i) assist with financing inter -regional transit services, and to provide significant infrastructure funding to the Regional Municipalities of Durham and York, and the City of Toronto,• and (ii) advance the construction and upgrading of east -west arterial roads between these municipalities in accordance with designated official plans." 5.21 In Chapter Seven -- Community Services, section 7.4, Integrating Community Seresces and Land Use Planning, replacing the words "Seaton Urban Study Area" with the words "Central Pickering Urban Area - Seaton Communitd' so that it now reads as follows: Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 34 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 27 7.4 To help ensure community services planning is properly integrated and coordinated with municipal land use planning, City Council, when preparing Development Guidelines for Detailed Review Areas, and/or as part of the detailed planning for the Seaton Urban Study Area Central Pickering Urban Area - Seaton Community, shall consider " 5.22 In Chapter Eight -- Cultural Heritage, section 8.10, deleting the word "and" at the end of subsection (b); changing the period to a semi colon and adding the word "and" at the end of subsection (c); and adding a new subsection (d), as follows: "8.10 City Council shall encourage the preservation or excavation of important archaeological sites, and in doing so shall, (a) ...; (b) ... ; and (c) ... _; and (d)d within the Central Pickering Urban Area - Seaton Community, actively seek the input and advice of First Nations concerning issues surrounding the known and potential Aboriginal archaeological resources during the process of documenting new archaeological sites and in considering the most appropriate actions to take with respect to their protection, mitigation and/or commemoration." 5.23 In Chapter Ten: Resource Management, section 10.6, Stormwater Management, deleting the word "and" at the end of subsection (b); changing the period to a semi colon and adding the word "and" at the end of subsection (d); adding a new subsection (d) as follows: "10.6 City Council recognizes that its watercourses, streams, and lakes are important to the health of the City's natural and built environment; accordingly, Council shall, (a) ...; (b) ... ; and (c) ... ; and Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 28 3 5) (d) within the Central Pickering Urban Area- Seaton Community, (i) identify additional stormwater management facilities or site - specific management alternatives upstream of wetlands to maintain and enhance wetlands, through the preparation of a Master Environmental Servicing Plan: (ii) explore the use of sustainable stonnwater management technologies. as part of the environmental sustainability component of the neighbourhood plan preparation, as set out in section 2.13(v)(vii) of this Plan-, (iii) permit stormwater management ponds in all designations subject to the planning and design criteria set out in section 3.5(c) of this Plan." 5.24 In Chapter Twelve -- Rural Settlements, section 12.5, Green Rizer Settlement Policies, adding the word "and" at the end of subsection (c); deleting the word "and" at the end of subsection (d); changing the semicolon to a period at the end of subsection (d); and deleting subsection (e) in its entirety as follows: "12.5 City Council shall, (a) ... ; (b) ...; (c) ...; and (d) ; a -ad (�) ene ge the authority havAn jurisdiction over Highway 7 to ndettake the requamd ental Asseqsment ts determine the, need and aligmnent of a by pass around Green e and to construct the by pass, if needed, preferably south of Green fiver 5.25 In Chapter Twelve -- Rural Settlements, section 12.6, Brougham Settlement Policies, adding the word "and" at the end of subsection (e), deleting subsection (f) in its entirety and renumber the remaining subsection (g) to (f) as follows: Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 0 Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan "12.6 City Council shall, Page 29 and to eenstmet the bly ;F «x,.,.ded «,.F «,.L.1.. a. ff9haM-a9Df11111 (g) (f) encourage the appropriate and timely disposition of Federally and Provinciallrowned lands within the Waal settlement boundary." IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. P4 W D12,DKD15 Deferrals 12, 44 and 15: Policies 4.15(a)(v)(ii), and Da Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 for further Informational Revisions to Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 30 Informational Revisions, which do not constitute a formal part of the Pickering Official Plan, will also be required. Informational Revisions are approved by Council Resolution only. The following Informational Revisions have been completed to assist the reader in understanding the amendment: 1. Map 9, South Pickering Urban Area Neighbourhoods has been retitled as Map 9A, and a reference to a Map 9B has been illustrated referring the reader to Map 9B for Central Pickering Urban Area — Seaton Community Neighbourhoods (see Attachment 1 to draft Amendment 14). 2. Map 96, Central Pickering Urban Area — Seaton Community Neighbourhoods map has been added (see Attachment 2 to draft Amendment 14). Other Informational Revisions will be brought forward in the accompanying staff report. To date, we have also identified the need to: 1. Amend Map 8 — Pickering's Urban System for the lands subject to the proposed amendment by: • replacing "Seaton Urban Study Area" with "Central Pickering Urban Area - Seaton Community"; • revising the west boundary of the Central Pickering Urban Area, north of Whitevale, to follow the West Duffins Creek and then to extend north along the Townline Road to include the Provincially -owned lands north and east of Green River. 2. Amend Map 10 — Pickering's Rural System for the lands subject to the proposed amendment by: • replacing "Seaton Urban Study Area" with "Central Pickering Urban Area - Seaton Community"; • revising the west boundary of the Central Pickering Urban Area, north of Whitevale, to follow the West Duffins Creek and extend northerly along the Townline Road to include the Provincially -owned lands north and east of Green River. Released for Statutory Public Meeting of July 26, 2005 SCHEDULE W TO DRAFT AMENDMENT 14 AMENDMENT AREA SHOWING PROPOSED LAND USE i EXTRACT OF LAND USE STRUCTURE SCHEDULEITOTHE PICKERINGOPEN SPACE SYSTEM EMPLOYMENT AREAS FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTILITIES OFFICIAL PLAN E - A,VE RECREASIONAL R G ®ARES E EMP O MENTiffl CON ROLLEDU ACCESS ARS UPDATED MARINA AREAS MIXED EMPLOYMENT ® EDPPION3 OTHER DESIGNATIONS MIXED USE AREAS URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS - URBAN STUDY AREAS ® LOCAL NODES LOW DENSITY AREAS . COUNTRYSIDE AREAS ouoxip ! ® COMMUNITY NODES ® E.U.MDENSITY AREAS AGRICULTURAL AREAS ® MIXED CORRIDORS HCX OENSIT' AREAS Di DEFERRALS SPECIALTY RETAILING ODE Ai APPEALSII ® DOWNTOWN CORE RURAL SETTLEMENTS RURAL CLUSTERS FEDERAL NRPORT -ANDS SHEET 1 OF RURAL HAMLETS RURAL STJDY -EAR SCHEDULE 'B' TO DRAFT AMENDMENT 14 J SCHEDULE 'C' TO DRAFT AMENDMENT 14 SCHEDULE IV - 3 SETTLEMENT 3: GREEN RIVER LEGEND ® HAMLET RESIDENTIAL OPEN SPACE SYSTEM - NATURAL AREAS ® OPEN SPACE SYSTEM - RECREATIONAL AREAS CITY OF PICKERING FLUNG h DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT gA�PRIL. 2005 S Ci4 VU.N MO MUST PUAT RE READ I ?COMIUNCi ONKWiH THE OT,[. SC„[YVL[[ ANO Tw[ TExi. RURAL SETTLEMENT BOUNDARY SYMBOLS C�- PLACE MIDWAY 407 PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 8: Chapter Twelve -- Rural Settlements 217 SCHEDULE 'D' TO DRAFT AMENDMENT 14 SCHEDULE IV - 3 SETTLEMENT 4: BROUGHAM 10*6010111 HAMLETNEW ROAD . . . ® RESIDENTIAL CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) HAMLET RURAL SETTLEMENT ® COMMERCIAL BOUNDARY HAMLET EMPLOYMENT CEM OPEN SPACE SYSTEM - NATURAL AREAS Cltt OF PICKERING " DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT P=M 0 ® F 4.� WO MUST • Y M G...N.l ONNW�TMNLTXE LLWMGM s EWLEE WD TIE TEXT. SYMBOLS PLACE© OF WORSHIP COMMUNITY CENTRE PARK IF] FIREHALL CEM CEMETERY DRAFT MAP 9A SOUTH PICKERING URBAN AREA NEIGHBOURHOODS PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION B: Chapter Two --The Planning Framework 51 LEGEND 1. Rosebank 6. Woodlands 11. Amberlea 2. West Shore 7. Dunbarton 12. Liverpool 3. Bay Ridges 8. Town Centre 13. Brock Ridge 4. Brock Industrial 9. Village East 14. Rouge Park 5. Rougemount 10. Highbush 15. Duffin Heights PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION B: Chapter Two --The Planning Framework 51 a CENTRAL PICKERING URBAN AREA NEIGHBOURHOODS 16. Lamoreaux 17. To be determined 18. To be determined 19. To be determined 1 LEGEND 20. To be determined 21. To be determined 22. To be determined 23. To be determined pIT' pF PICNENINE PLANNING Y DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JUNE. IIGOS ®TMlf uv Mc.Z PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION Z: Chapter Two—The Planning Framework 51 LI EXISTING OFFICIAL PLAN SCHEDULEIV-3 SETTLEMENT 3: GREEN RIVER LEGEND SYMBOLS HAMLET RESIDENTIAL RURAL SETTLEMENT/. COMMUNITY CENTRE/ CIS PLACE OF WORSHIP BOUNDARY OPEN SPACE SYSTEM- M NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS NATURAL AREAS (PROPOSED) ® OPEN SPACE SYSTEM - RECREATIONAL AREAS / CITY C PICI(00 PLWNING 6 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JUNE. 2003 DT.0 L M N ..MOOT K 11GD' N. .KT�DN�WRM�THE PX. KXCWLEE HID TI[ TIXT / / i W Y� �w a ? I NF51 n n w a s 30 i j x Y j e Q � 3 7 z N ■■■■POSSIBLE .1 HWAY 7 BY-PASS HIGHWAY 407 p0� G�qkP, LEGEND SYMBOLS HAMLET RESIDENTIAL RURAL SETTLEMENT/. COMMUNITY CENTRE/ CIS PLACE OF WORSHIP BOUNDARY OPEN SPACE SYSTEM- M NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS NATURAL AREAS (PROPOSED) ® OPEN SPACE SYSTEM - RECREATIONAL AREAS CITY C PICI(00 PLWNING 6 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JUNE. 2003 DT.0 L M N ..MOOT K 11GD' N. .KT�DN�WRM�THE PX. KXCWLEE HID TI[ TIXT PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 3: Chapter Twelve — Rural Settlements 217 SCHEDULEIV-4 SETTLEMENT 4: BROUGHAM HAMLET RESIDENTIAL ® HAMLET COMMERCIAL HAMLET EMPLOYMENT OPEN SPACE SYSTEM - NATURAL AREAS NEW ROAD ... CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) RURAL SETTLEMENT BOUNDARY D42 DEFERRAL CT' OF PICKERING PUNNING N DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JUNE. N Wq V.. A., x N MD NUR K N C NNWMGg WITH TIM W.I... NM . TG .. x SYMBOLS PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 3: Chapter Twelve — Rural Settlements 221 PLACE OF WORSHIP © COMMUNITY CENTRE PARK FIREHALL CEM CEMETERY PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 3: Chapter Twelve — Rural Settlements 221 Clan o� ATTACMMENT# ..LM , INFORMATION REPORT# n '� PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Department 905.420.4617 Facsimile .905.422.7648 plan&devl@citypickering.on.ca July 20, 2005 Dear Sir or Madam: Subject: Follow up to Notice of Public Meeting Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 05-002/P City Initiated: Modified Seaton Plan Draft Amendment 14 City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Canada L1V 6K7 Direct Access 905.420.4660 Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 cityofpickering.com This letter follows the City's notice mailed to you July 7, 2005, advising of a public meeting to consider possible changes to the City's plan for Seaton. It should be noted that Pickering Council adopted a staff recommended plan for Seaton in December 2004. This plan implemented the City's Growth Management Study through the approval of Amendment 13 to the Pickering Official Plan. A map showing the adopted land use and transportation plan from Amendment 13 is attached. You will note that Amendment 13 covers two areas: Seaton and Cherrywood. The City is not giving any consideration to changing its plans for the Cherrywood area of Amendment 13. Draft Amendment 14*, which was mailed to you on July 7, 2005, deals only with changes to the Seaton area. During the spring of this year, City staff participated in a number of discussions on Amendment 13 regarding the Seaton area only. The discussions brought to light some new information for the City's consideration and identified possible changes intended to enhance the plan for Seaton. Draft Amendment 14 evolved from these discussions. These discussions were also instrumental in influencing the Provincial Development Plan, which was being prepared at the same time. Before Council can consider any changes to the Seaton plan included in draft Amendment 14, a Statutory Public Meeting must be held to allow the public the opportunity to comment on the potential changes. This meeting has been set for Tuesday, July 26, 2005, commencing at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall. " In the event you have misplaced the copy that was mailed to you, a copy of draft Amendment 14 is available from the Pickering Planning & Development Department, or from the City's website at www.citvofoickerinc.com ATTACHMENT#.aL —TO INFORMATION REPORT# 1-7-05 Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 05-002/P July 20, 2005 Draft Amendment 14: Modified Seaton Plan Page 2 The key options being considered in the draft Amendment 14 that differ from Council's current position on Seaton (Amendment 13) are outlined below: • The natural heritage system has been reconfigured and is now represented by a single designation (rather than two different land use designations); • A future road crossing is proposed over the West Duffins Creek to connect Whites Road with Sideline 26; • Urban residential uses have been proposed closer to the Hamlet of Whitevale; • The overall road pattern has been revised somewhat; and • The land use plan has been reconfigured slightly. Prior to making any recommendations to Council, staff is seeking your input on these options. In support of the City's Growth Management Study, Council approved Amendment 13 in December 2004. Shortly afterwards, City staff began working in conjunction with the Province to find commonalities and areas of accommodation between our respective plans for Seaton. Amendment 14 is the product of this collaboration. However, there remain significant areas of differences between the City's vision of Seaton and the Province's recently released "Central Pickering Development Plan", such as the proposed road crossing over West Duffins Creek. Next Steps The Statutory Public Meeting to consider draft Amendment 14 for the Seaton area is being held on July 26, 2005 at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall. On September 6, 2005, staff will be reporting to Council respecting the comments received on draft Amendment 14. At that time, staff will also be reporting to Council on the Province's Development Plan. If you have any questions, please contact Grant McGregor, Principal Planner — Policy, extension 2032 or Catherine Rose, Manager — Policy, extension 2038. Yours truly Neil Carroll, MCIP, RPP Director, Planning & Development GM:Id FOLLOW UP=EROPA 14 Attachment: Council adopted Amendment 13 to the Pickering Official Plan (Growth Management Study Area plan) In the event you have misplaced the copy that was mailed to you, a copy of draft Amendment 14 is available from the Pickering Planning & Development Department, or from the City's website at www.citvofoickerino.com Age a.: t'�'�"�""' %� r t it 14 � . air Inn hr.-- _ t it 14 . rrtr WENT#2 TO To: Mr. Grant McGregor, Principle Planner- Policy Cc Director of Planning City of Pickering. July 12, 2005 From: Mr.D.Steele. Re: Seaton PACT and Liverpool West Community Association 48 Questions. City of Pickering. Official comment paper #2, The following 48 questions are official questions and information that we have been requested from the consultant who was hired by the province of Ontario to complete the E/A class c environmental assessment for Seaton. Mr. S.Willis from M.M.M informed me yesterday that he is not in the position to release any documents from our 48 questions that was submitted to him in 2003-2004. He did advise me that we should continue to seek the answers from the Ministry of Housing or the City of Pickering as he cannot demand any reports from the Provincial Ministry of Housing. I therefore submit the 48 questions to Mr.G. McGregor, City of Pickering planning department and await all the environmental science reports that support the provincial plan, buffer zones for Seaton. I have retained the services of two University academics to peer review the province of Ontario Seaton plan. This will also apply to the Pickering Seaton Plan amendment #14. The academics are in the department of environmental science. in two Universities. One specializes on groundwater modeling and salt impact on aquifers, streams, creeks and the other specializes on wetlands. It is important that we receive all materials in an expedient manner, as my comment paper to the Ministry of Environment has a very narrow window. Background. - The City of Pickering completed stage one and two of the P.G.M.S. in which a population of 28,000 to 38,000 was recommended for seaton. - The City of Pickering Council passed a resolution that adopted the,PGMS. - The City of Pickering Council passed a resolution to seek an independent E/A from the Province of Ontario for Seaton. - The PGMS urban areas were determined by research on hydrogeological modeling. - The PGMS vision was to protect the environmental sensitive areas and the heritage areas in Seaton. - City of Pickering releases Seaton amendment #14. - City of Pickering planning department receives letter from D.Steele doc one seaton. Question. - Please supply me with all answers, documents, environmental science reports, comment papers to the 48 questions that was sumitted to Marshall —Macklin- Monaghan who has directed the majority of the questions in his response spread sheet dated the 11/07/05 to the Ontario Provincial Ministry of Housing and the City of Pickering. End of number two doc. r,TTACHMENT#.3L_T0 ,,CARV�AIl0NREPORT# /7 P.A.C.T. — PICKERING-AJAX CITIZENS TOGETHER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT November 30th, 2004 Should have been Ocr/3ffh, 2004. Jan 3, 2005 David Steele 966 Timmins Garden Pickering, Ontario L1W 2Y2 Dear Mr. Willis: We would be pleased to meet with you to discuss the proposed Provincial EA and related plans for Seaton. However, we will need appropriate information from you to allow us have a meaningful discussion with you. Following below, we have assembled a list of outstanding questions, many of which have been submitted previously to Mr. J. Butticci, yourself and the MMAH to which we have not received answers to -date. Could you please provide us with appropriate documentation and written answers that respond to all of these questions. With respect to documents, maps etc., could you kindly provide copies in duplicate to expedite review by our community members. A. Alternatives 1. Please provide us with copies of the details of the public consultation conducted with respect to identifying and narrowing alternatives. 2. Please provide us with copies of the details of how alternative of future Duffins Creek Park System was considered and how undertaking contributes to planning and implementation of such an integrated natural park system. 3. Please provide us with copies of the details of how the alternatives of including in the undertaking other urban land holdings, of a contiguous and non-contiguous nature, were considered and assessed in terms of their contribution to reducing development pressure and related adverse impacts on environmentally sensitive lands. 4. Please provide us with copies of the details on the information and criteria used to assess relative environmental attributes and sensitivity of Seaton lands, Oak Ridges Moraine lands, agricultural preserve lands and various tracks of abandoned urban brownfield lands. 5. Please provide us with copies of the details on the targets established by the provincial government with respect to: - population - density - land area - development charges revenue - land value. Affecting this undertaking, and also the related Uxbridge lands (which has not been finalized but will also affect the Seaton lands that are subject of this EA). 6. Please provide us with copies of the details of the documentation on the direction provided by provincial government as to how and to what extent the undertaking must achieve the targets in #5. ATTACHMENT#3�TO / 7—O IIsFORMATION REPORT# B. Hydrology and Hydrogeology 7. Please provide us with copies of the details of the original hydrology and hydrogeology research conducted. 8. Please provide us with copies of the details of the existing hydrology and hydrogeology research relied upon. 9. Please provide us with copies of the details of outline of the hydrology and hydrogeology expertise used in the EA. 10. Please provide us with copies of the details of the information on the classification, description, evaluation and mapping of existing hydrology and hydrogeology: - groundwater aquifers - wetlands and groundwater discharge and recharge areas - cold water streams and Duffins Creek. 11. Please provide us with copies of the details of the detailed proposals on how the integrity of hydrological resources in #10 can be protected in general terms if the undertaking proceeds. 12. Please provide us with copies of the details on the research conducted to assess salt impacts on the environment including groundwater aquifers, creeks and wetlands from urban development and from the installation of new infrastructure such as bridges and transportation corridors. 13. Please provide us with copies of the details of detailed proposals on how environmentally sensitive lands and water quality are to be protected from impacts in #12 if the undertaking proceeds. 14. Please provide us with copies of the details on research conducted to assess and prevent urban heat impacts on groundwater aquifers, creeks, particularly cold water streams, and wetlands from future development if the undertaking proceeds. 15. Please provide us with copies of the details of the studies that show building site areas selected by the province of Ontario and various forms and densities of future development and on research conducted to assess impacts on groundwater aquifers and on groundwater recharge and discharge areas. 16. Please provide us with copies of the details on the studies that show building site areas selected by the province of Ontario and various forms and densities of future development and on research conducted to assess impacts on creeks, cold water streams, wetlands, woodlots, and key habitats from hard surface water run off. 17. Please provide us with copies of the details of the proposals on how environmentally sensitive lands and water quality are to be protected from impacts in #15 and #16 if the undertaking proceeds. C. Environmentally Sensitive Lands 18. Please provide us with copies of the details of Detailed information on the classification, description, evaluation and mapping of First Nation burial grounds and culturally significant lands. 19. Please provide us with copies of the details of Detailed proposals on how First Nation burial grounds and culturally significant lands in #18 are to be protected if the undertaking proceeds. 20. Please provide us with copies of the details of the information on the classification, description, evaluation and mapping of surface soil quality, geological features, hazard lands and related attributes of the Seaton lands. ATTACHMENT 9.z2—TO INFORAKnON REPORT# 7 0 21. Please provide us with copies of the details of the proposals on how environmental resources in #20 are to be protected if the undertaking proceeds. 22. Please provide us with copies of the details of the information on the classification, description, evaluation and mapping of. - woodlots - vegetation - land habitats - water habitats. 23. Please provide us with copies of the details of the proposals on how environmental resources listed in #22 are to be protected if the undertaking proceeds. 24. Please provide us with copies of the details of the information on the classification, description, evaluation and mapping of: - fauna - aquatic life - cold water fisheries. 25. Please provide us with copies of the details of proposals on how environmentally sensitive lands listed in #24 are to be protected if the undertaking proceeds. 26. Please provide us with copies of the details of the studies that identify impacts on the environment including groundwater aquifers, surface water, wetlands and fisheries from the disturbance of contaminated leachate and contaminated groundwater from installation of new infrastructure on lands in the vicinity of the Brock West landfill. 27. Please provide us with copies of the details of the proposals on how environmental impacts listed in #26 are to be avoided if the undertaking proceeds. D. Infrastructure and Land Use Planning 28. Please provide us with copies of the details of the information on the population -density - employment ratio -land area scenarios considered and criteria used to assess these. 29. Please provide us with copies of the details of the forecasts and studies conducted for road and transportation requirements in Seaton and surrounding areas into Pickering and Markham. 30. Please provide us with copies of the details of the forecasts and studies conducted on cost to install physical infrastructure on Seaton land if the undertaking proceeds. 31. Please provide us with copies of the details of the forecasts and studies conducted on cost to install social infrastructure on Seaton land including schools, hospitals, community safety, parks, recreation facilities and social services if the undertaking proceeds. 32. Please provide us with copies of the details of the forecasts and studies conducted on commercial and industrial land use potential and new long-term jobs in Seaton, and the impact on Pickering's residential -employment ratio. 33. Please provide us with copies of the details of the public consultations conducted with farmers and tenants in Seaton. 34. Please provide us with copies of the details of the information on the agricultural quality of lands and the long term viability of agricultural lands in Seaton, the agricultural preserve, and other GTA agricultural lands, and how these were assessed. 35. Please provide us with copies of the details of the information on the how the undertaking impacts farmers/tenants in Seaton who have been farming or living in the community for the last fifty years. 36. Please provide us with copies of the details of how the land value that will be assessed for agricultural lands affected by the undertaking. 37. Please provide us with copies of the details of how the value of this agricultural land compare to the value of agricultural land in Whitevale and the agricultural preserve. ATTACHMENT#3 To INFORMATION REPORT # L 7 - OS 38. Please provide us with copies of the details of the studies on how Whitevale will be sustained in the long term as a viable community in the context of the proposed undertaking and other provincial government proposals, and detailed forecasts and studies on the future size of Whitevale. 39. Please provide us with copies of the details of the information on the future infrastructure requirements and costs for Whitevale and who is to pay to install new infrastructure. E. General Background Information 40. How do you see the Class EA being different from a Class "D" individual EA. 41. Please provide us with copies of the details of ORC's authority to recommend a Class "D" individual EA to the Minister of the Environment. 42. Please provide us with copies of the details of the rationale for the decision to use a Class "D" EA for the proposed 407 extension in Durham. 43. Please provide us with copies of the details of examples of other proposals with Class EAs have been similar to the current undertaking for the ORM — Seaton land transactions, and how are these proposals and undertakings seen as being similar. 44. Please provide us with copies of the details of the the land swap agreement, or request the provincial government to do so, in the interests of an open and transparent process. 45. Please provide us with copies of the details of the detailed terms of reference to the public, in the interests of an open and transparent process. 46. Please provide us with copies of the details of how are you relating the EA research for this undertaking to other recent research such as the P.G.M.S. 47. Please provide us with copies of the order in council from MBS detailing the reasons for the sale of the additional farmland sold for $2,500.00. per acre without competitive bids to Whitevale Golf Club. 48. Please provide us with copies of the details of the competitive bid process used in the sale of the lands to the Whitevale Golf Club. Once we have received this information, and have had a reasonable opportunity to review it, we would be only too happy to arrange a mutually agreeable time to meet and discuss this issue very important issue. David Steele. 966, Timmins Garden Pickerng Ontario Ll W -2L2. 416-688-3815. cell. ,TTeCHMENT# ._TO (Copied from email received on July 12, 2005) Dear Madam Clerk: I am a citizen of the City of Pickering and I was shocked to receive my copy of OPA 14. 1 have attended and participated in virtually every council and public meeting for a number of years but am very disappointed in this document. The City of Pickering conducted a very expensive Growth Management Study, which included many opportunities for public input and comment. The study was based on a reasonable interpretation of the relevant science and the development needs of the City for the future. The final result was a balanced compromise that was acceptable to most people. Council endorsed that position and passed a resolution to confirm its position. In addition, Council unanimously passed a resolution that requested the Minister of Environment to conduct a Full Environmental Assessment of the Seaton Land Swap. Up until OPA 14 the process represented a logical progression in planning. This was despite the action of the Province of imposing the draconian OPDA to to force its will to fulfill its promises to Richmond Hill. OPA 14 appears to be nothing more than a complete capitulation to the Province with total disregard for the protection and preservation of the environmentally sensitive and heritage lands in Seaton. The Seaton Lands have the last three cold water streams in the GTA, large contiguous woodlots and huge uncontaminated aquifers which will require very special protection. But OPA 14 appears to increase the population density while reducing the environmental buffers and setbacks. Where is the protection of the heritage sites, the environment... and the future for our children? I would like to know the date and time of, and to receive copies of all minutes or staff notes taken during the meetings and teleconferences; and all communication or direction from the Province or its consultants in relation to OPA 14. 1 would like to receive copies of the new information in terms of hydrogeological/infrastructure studies that support OPA 14 and the City's reversal in position. One can only assume that the Province is surreptitiously steering this process on a platform of political promises rather than sound science and engineering principals. I await your response to prove me wrong. Rob Lyon The Corporation of ffic ..i owp Of Uxbfi s l ' ATrActae W111--.i.io -7 OS IMM MATION FEI' RP# �RCE WE JUL 1 8 2005 U Town fIe4 51 Toronto 8ucct South P.O. Box 190 Uxbridge, ON L9P 1T1 Telephone (905) 852-9181 Facsimile (905) 852-9644 Web www.town.uxbddgc.on.ca . CITY OF PICKERINV Ci PICKERING, ONTARI ��rari 1pQMS July 13, 2005 4�i 1S,0 City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplande Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Attention: Ms. Debi A. Bentley City Clerk Re: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 05-002/P Draft Amendment 14 RECEIVED JUL 1 9 2005 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Further to your letter of July 7 enclosing Draft Amendment 14 to the Pickering Official Plan, we have no comments at this time but would appreciate being appraised of any further developments. Yours truly, [^"'L"tth Debbie Leroux Clerk DL/ljr CLERK'S DIVISION FILE NO.: _ _j FORWARD COPY TO:. t MAYOR I COUP- IL I _ INFO. SYSTENIC LEGAL SERVIC-S� c CAO I LIBRARY ..__s BY-LAW I CORP. SERVICES CULTURE&REC. OUST. CARE MUN. PROP. & ENG.' -OPERATIONS _ B PROJ.&POL. J ECON. DEVEL. SUPPLY & SERV. FIRE ,RNAAAI!i=S ( _ A FifF LJ Y PEs C) cC+�o n