HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 14-03018 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 14-03 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF May 15, 2003 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 03-001 P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/03 IBI Group on behalf of 1334281 Ontario Limited Northwest corner of Whites Road and Granite Court (Part of Street Parcel of 40M-1334, now Part 1, 2, and 3 40R-18421) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject lands are located on the west side of Whites Road, north of Granite Court; a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1); the subject site is triangular in shape, currently vacant; that was previously owned by the Region of Durham as a potential extension of Bayly Street that was deemed surplus by the Region and sold; as the subject lands were previously reserved as a road right of way the site is vacant and flat with a similar elevation as Whites Road, although the western edge of the property does fall away to the abutting rail line; the property has frontage on both Whites Road and Granite Court; Bayly Street terminates at Whites Road in a "T" intersection at the northern portion of the subject lands; the subject site is a transitional piece of property in terms of surrounding land use; surrounding land uses are; north - Whites Road Highway 401 interchange; south - on the opposite side of Granite Court are residential dwellings constructed on reserve Tots that front an internal street; east - on the opposite side of Whites Road, is a commercial plaza with a gas station and residential dwellings constructed on reserve lots that front an internal street; west - CN/GO rail line and industrial uses west of the rail line. Information Report No. 14-03 Page 2 0.19 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL the applications that are being considered are to amend the Pickering Official Plan and zoning by-law to permit the redevelopment of the subject property for a residential complex that will include two apartment building containing a proposed 145 apartment dwelling units; the applicant's submitted plan is provided for reference (see Attachment #2); the apartment buildings are proposed to be sited along the street frontage of Whites Road and with surface parking proposed to be located in the interior of the site; the apartment buildings have been designed to have a prominent face along Whites Road; the apartment buildings will have a general massing of four storeys for the southern building and eight stores for the northern building; the initial design indicates the buildings are proposed to be connected; the proposed vehicle access point is off of Granite Court only; the majority of the parking will be accommodated in a proposed underground parking garage. 2.1 Development Detail The following is proposed development detail for this application: Durham Region Official Plan designation City of Pickering Official Existing Plan designation Proposed Zoning Existing Proposed Uses Existing Proposed Site area Building coverage Parking/driveway coverage Landscape coverage Frontage on Whites Road Frontage On Granite Court - Living Area — Mixed Use Area —Local Nodes — Mixed Use Area — Community Nodes - R3 (By-law 2511) — Appropriate to permit proposed development — vacant land Residential development consisting of 2 apartment buildings containing 145 units 1.196 ha - 22% 34% - 44% - 119 m — 107 m 0 20 Information Report No. 14-03 Page 3 Number of apartment dwelling units, — 110 north building Number of apartment dwelling units, — 35 south building Total number of units — 145 Net density — 122 units/ha Gross floor area for northern building — 10,265 m2 Gross floor area for southern building — 3,297 m2 Gross floor area for site — 14,120 m2 Surface parking - proposed — 68 Underground parking - proposed — 200 Total parking provided — 268 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan the Durham Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as within a Living Area; the Durham Regional Official Plan states that Living Areas are intended to be predominantly used for housing purposes; Living Areas shall be developed in a compact form through higher densities and by intensifying and redeveloping existing areas, particularly along arterial roads; in considering development applications in Living Areas regard shall be had for, amongst other things, a compact urban form including residential and other uses along arterial roads, the use of good urban design principles and the provisions of convenient pedestrian access to public transit, education facilities and parks; - Whites Road is designated as a Type A Arterial Road and Bayly Street that comes to a "T" intersection at the northern portion of the subject site is also designated as a Type A Arterial Road in the Durham Regional Official Plan; - the applications appears to conform to the designation; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan - the Pickering Official Plan designates the subject lands as Mixed Use Area — Local Nodes; permissible uses within this designation include, amongst others, a variety of residential uses including apartment buildings; Mixed Use Areas are intended to have the widest variety of uses and highest level of activities in the City; Information Report No. 14-03 Page 4 021 the Pickering Official Plan establishes a density range of over 30 and up to and including 80 dwelling units per hectare for development within an Mixed Use Areas — Local Nodes; the proposed development would provide a net density of 122 units per hectare; the subject lands would accommodate a maximum of 95 dwelling unit under the current Mixed Use Areas — Local Nodes designation; - since the subject applications are proposing a density that is greater than permitted in a Mixed Use Areas — Local Nodes an application to amend the City's Official Plan has been submitted; the application proposes redesignation of the subject land from Mixed Use Areas — Local Nodes to Mixed Use Areas — Community Nodes; the applicant's submitted Official Plan amendment is provided for reference (see Attachment #3); the subject property is within the West Shore Neighbourhood of the Official Plan; no development guidelines have been prepared for this neighbourhood; Schedule 11 of the Pickering Official Plan — Transportation Systems, designates Whites Road where it abuts the subject lands, and Bayly Street where it intersects with the subject land as a Type A Arterial Road and Granite Court as a Collector Road; Type A Arterial Roads are the highest order of arterial Roads and are designed to carry large volumes of traffic at a moderate to high speeds, have some access restrictions and generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 36 to 50 metres; Collector Roads provide access to individual properties and local roads are designed to carry greater volumes of traffic than local roads, and- generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 20 to 22 metres; - the subject applications will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Pickering Official Plan during the further processing of the applications; 3.3 Zoning By-law 3036, as amended the subject lands are currently zoned "R3" by Zoning By-law 2511; - the existing zoning permits a one detached dwelling on a lot having a minimum lot frontage of 18 metres; an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to implement the applicant's proposal; the applicant has requested an appropriate zone with appropriate performance standards that would permit the proposed development. 022 Information Report No. 14-03 Page 5 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments as of the writing of this report 14 area residents have contacted the City to express concern with the applications or to seek additional information; 12 correspondence (see Attachments 4 to 15) have been received and the concerns identified are: • the traffic at the intersection of Whites Road and Granite Court is currently very heavy and adding an additional 145 dwelling units would make a existing bad condition worse; • lack of infrastructure in the area; • the existing maximum density on the site of 80 units per hectare should not be exceeded; • tenure of building is a concern if development is a rental apartment; • the development should provide outdoor amenity area for the inhabitants; 4.2 Agency Comments - no comments from any of the circulated agencies have been received to -date on the application; 4.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the application to -date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • ensuring that the proposed development is compatible with, and sensitive to, surrounding lands; • the impact the proposed use / site changes may have on the character of the neighbourhood as compared to the uses permitted under the existing Official Plan designation; • impact on the streetscape of Whites Road; • traffic generation, site access and on-site parking; • building location, massing, height and materials; • landscaping, fencing, and vegetation preservation; • the review and consideration of the recommendations of the technical reports submitted with the applications; this Department will conclude its position on the application after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and the public. Information Report No. 14-03 Page 6 023 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 5.1 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or Provincial interest; at this time, the Region has not yet determined whether this official plan amendment application is exempt from Regional Approval; 5.2 General written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal the decision on either the zoning or Official Plan amendment, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for these proposals; if you wish to be notified of Council's adoption of any official plan amendment or zoning by-law amendment, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Region of Durham with respect to the proposed amendment to the Official Plan, you must make a written request to the Commissioner of Planning, Region of Durham Planning Department. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Information Received - copies of the applicant's submitted plans are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; the City of Pickering has received the following technical information / reports on the proposed applications: • Environmental Noise Assessment, prepared by Valcoustics Canada Ltd., dated April 16, 2003; • Railway Vibration Analysis, prepared by Valcoustics Canada Ltd., dated April 16, 2003; • Transportation Impact study, prepared by IBI Group, dated March 12, 2003; • Planning Basis Report, prepared by IBI Group, dated March 12, 2003; 024 Information Report No. 14-03 Page 7 6.2 Company Principal - the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications have been submitted by IBI Group on behalf of 1334281 Ontario Limited; - the principle of 1334281 Ontario Limited is Steve Margie. 400 elyv% Ross Pym, MCIP, RPP V Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner - Development Review Manager, Development Review RP:Id Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development 025 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 14-03 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) Atul and Sima Sarvate, 1310 Gallant Court (2) Yvonne and Derek Sadler, 580 Eyer Drive (3) Janice Gunn, 580 Eyer Drive, Unit 96 (4) Wendy Bickers, 580 Eyer Drive (5) Cec and Jessie Turner, 600 Westshore Boulevard (6) Louise Guertin-Micallef (7) Stella Oates, 720 Yeremi Street (8) Paul Kudla, 730 Breezy Drive and Elizabeth Muzzerall, 765 Oklahoma Street (9) Rob McCaig (10) Caroline Chamy (11) Lisa Smith, 508 Creekview Circle (12) Albert and Cora Verheij, 836 Sanok Drive COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) none received to date 026 ATTACHMENiT#, / TO wroRMATION REPORT# 14 - 0 3 01111111111111 ABINGTON CRT DAM= 1, 111111111111.E DOWNLAND C:= I—Tf77 T? -7. �I / DRIVE City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PLAN 40M-1334, PT BAYLY STREET, RP 40R-18421, PARTS 1,2,3 OWNER 1334281 ONTARIO LTD. DATE APR. 23, 2003 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. OPA 03-001P; A 006/03 SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY RP FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN -2 PA- INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN 133421 ONTARIO LTD. A 006/03 Granite Court Whites Road w1TAC MENT# 2- TO 027 ''R )RMATION REPORT# Oklahoma Drive 1\ THIS AG4P WAS PRODUCED BY THE C/TY OF PICKER/NG PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, /NEDRM4RON & SUPPORT SERVICES, APR/L 23, 200.5 028 ATTACHMENT# 3 TO INFORMATION REPORT# 14 - 03 AMENDMENT X TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: LOCATION: BASIS: The purpose of the amendment is to replace the Local Node — Mixed Use Areas designation with a Community Node — Mixed Use Areas designation, as shown on Schedule I. Under the current designation, the maximum number of residential units permitted is 80 units per net hectare. This amendment is to permit 140 units per net hectare. The amendment affects land located in Parts 1, 2, and 3 Bayly Street on Plan 40R-18421, City of Pickering, west of Whites Road and north of Granite Court. The area is approximately 1.2 hectares in size. It is the opinion of Council that the subject property is appropriate as a "Community Node". Following the Statutory Public Meeting, held on , and input from Planning Staff and various regulatory commenting agencies, the Municipality has determined that the Amendment is appropriate for a variety of considerations including the following: (1) The lands are located at the gateway of the West Shore Neighbourhood and West Employment Area. The site is uniquely situated to accommodate a "high -order", nodal form of residential development. (2) The amendment is consistent with the overall goals, objectives and intent of the Pickering Official Plan, the Official Plan for the Regional Municipality of Durham and consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. (3) The subject lands are well serviced by the existing commercial, institutional, recreational and community uses within the West Shore Neighbourhood. (4) The subject lands are located at two intersections, one being between two Regional, transit -oriented roads. The development has reliable access to the City Transit system, including a close GO station. The site has immediate access to Highway 401. (5) There are no topographical or environmental limitations on the site. The proximity to the CN line, and resultant setback lends itself to unique residential development design rather than a typical low -scale residential housing form. (6) The City and Regional Transportation Department have reviewed and approved Traffic Impact information supplied by the proponent that demonstrates that the proposed use will not have a significant impact on the local road system and that the increased traffic resulting from the proposed development on surrounding road system would be nominal. (7) The City, Region and Canadian National Railway have reviewed and approved the Noise and Vibration Report supplied by the proponent that demonstrates that the site can accommodate residential development and that all ATTACHMENT# TO INFORMATION REPORT# y — 0 3 recommended mitigation features be included in any site development agreement. (8) The City Staff have reviewed the Basis Document provided by the proponent and are satisfied that the increase residential densities on the subject lands will not have a detrimental impact to the planned function of the City Centre. (9) The proposed development will be subject to a detailed Site Plan Agreement with the City of Pickering. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Pickering Official Plan be amended by: Revising Schedule I to the Pickering Official Plan — Land Use Structure by replacing the "Local Node" designation with a "Community Node" designation as shown on Schedule A of this amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Pickering Official Plan as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. The Clerk shall revise Schedule I to the Pickering Official Plan — Land Use Structure of the City of Pickering Official Plan as noted above. The provisions set forth in the Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 029 ATTACHMENT# 3 TO INFORMATION REPORT# 14 _0 3 REDESIGNATE FROM "LOCAL NODE - MIXED USE AREA" TO 'COMMUNITY NODE - MIXED USE AREA° SCHEDULE I TO THE PICKER.ING OFFICIAL PLAN OPEC SPACEMATSSYSTEM �},ryfr �s NnTvw,L. a.REAs ACTIVE RECft:AT�Qt:'- AR(ul5 MARINA AREAS EDITION 2 SHEET 1OF3 110n101004 a000 'ale' ea mt. 01 W.0.1011=0111 ritirnie• L ? u5� SRXEO USE AREAS L OAL NOO75 COMMUNITY NODES mmti7 CORRiOURfi DOWNTOWN OOPS REDIONAL NODES $gat REERONAL NOUS 1 fWfr`S+ AMORAL NODE 2 LAND USE STRUCTURE EtsapLoymetsir AREAS I �1 SENE AL EMPLOYF,'Utf I'RESTICE. EMPLOYMENT RI LAXED EMPLOYMENT URBAN RESIDENTIAL. AREAS LOW DCNSY{Y AREAS MEDIUM DE"NSfY ANSA$ HIGH OENS:ITf AREAS RAL SETTLEMENTS RURAL CLUST•S RURAL HAMLETS FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTILITIES POTENTIAL MULTI --USE AREAS CONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS OTHER DESIGNATIONS . URBAN SNDY AREAS SEATON URI33AN STUDY AREA I 7+ ASR!CULTURAL AREAS :T DEFERRALS Ay APPEALS ATTACHMENT#_...TO INFORMATION REPORT# 1 y 03 Pym, Ross Page 1 of 1 031 From: A Vasant [avasant@sprint.ca] Sent: April 23, 2003 9:53 PM To: Pym, Ross; Hodge, Catherine Cc: Brenner, Maurice, Councillor Subject: Proposed Development of Two Apartment Buildings at Whites Road & Granite Court Intersection Atul & Sima Sarvate 1310 Gallant Court Pickering L1 W 3W7 Ontario April 23, 2003 Mr Ross Pym The Corporation of the City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario, Canada L1 V 6K7 Dear Mr Pym, As per your advise we are writing this letter to you to convey our strongest reservations against the proposed development of the two apartment buildings at the Granite Court & Whites Road Intersection. We live on Gallant Court and have ( along with many other area residents ) serious traffic safety concerns for people living in the near vicinity. As it is, we have had incidents of car drivers almost running over the pedestrians at the Atwood Crescent and Whites road crossing as well as other pedestrian crossings in this area. Over the last ten years we have seen first hand the impact of increased traffic on the safety of our children and elders. With the proposed development, there would be an additional 145 dwellings in this small corner of Granite Court and Whites Road intersection. It does not need a sophisticated study to visualize traffic horrors and potential increase in traffic accidents in our neighbourhood as a direct result of the proposed development. We therefore request you to kindly not approve this development project. Should this go ahead, the city of Pickering will be held liable for any untoward incidents that follow. We have contacted our elected representative Mr Maurice Brenner and he has given us his commitment to fighting this proposal. We would like to thank him in advance and would appreciate if you could notify us when this proposal is rejected. We would like to thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Atul & Sima Sarvate 01/05/2003 032 ATTACHMENT#....TO INFORMATION REPORT# 14 ^ °3 Pym, Ross Page 1 of 1 From: Taylor, Bruce Sent: April 25, 2003 9:06 AM To: Pym, Ross Subject: FW: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA03-001/P For your info. Original Message From: Yvonne Sadler [mailto:yjs@idirect.com] Sent: April 24, 2003 3:28 PM To: Taylor, Bruce Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA03-001/P Mr. Taylor, Regarding the above-mentioned application and the Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/03, I would like to express my concern that we like our neighbourhood to continue to be as "low-density" as possible. The plan to build the two apartment buildings with the maximum of 80 units per net hectare is quite enough density, and I feel 140 units per net hectare would be too much. I know a survey was done regarding traffic density in the area, but during work hours it is quite busy now already. So with too many units added it would be way too busy. Right now the traffic from all the industrial companies on Granite Court and all of the other side streets is quite dense. There are not enough roads out of the area as most people do not go around the other way to Rosebank Road which leads to Highway 2 and goes west. We live on Eyer Drive and it is busy enough with the schools and quite often we have to go the longer route just to get out of our street, around to Whites Road and north. So this additional traffic is going to make quite a difference for the worse. Yours truly, Yvonne & Derek Sadler 01/05/2003 ATTACHMENT# ( TO INFORMATION REPORT# 1 L ^03 , Pym, Ross From: Taylor, Bruce Sent: April 25, 2003 9:07 AM To: Pym, Ross Subject: FW: Paln OPA03-001/P Original Message From: peter gunn jmaiito:pjqunnRhotmail.comj Sent: April 24, 2003 1:39 PM To: Taylor, Bruce Subject: Paln OPA03-001/P Bruce Can you supply any more information on the above? Are these apartments going to be Ontario Housing?? Is this land strictly for the apartments? What about grounds for park (for the children) and tenants pets? Please keep me informed on future matters regarding this application. Thanks Janice Gunn The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE* http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail 033 034 Pym, Ross ATTACHMENT #2...70 INFORMATION REPORT# I q �� Page 1 of 1 From: wendy bickers [wlbickers@sympatico.ca] Sent: May 1, 2003 12:08 PM To: Pym, Ross Cc: Taylor, Bruce Subject: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA03-001/P Dear Mr. Pym, I recently received a Notice of a Public Meeting letter from the City of Pickering regarding the following File Type & Number: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA03-001/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/03 I must say, this is the first time I have written a letter of this kind. Let me state that I am all for growth and development in the City of Pickering, however, having lived and worked in the area of Whites Road and Granite Court for over 6 years, I can tell you that the development of 2 apartment buildings at the NW corner of this intersection is a huge mistake. With the current number of residential and industrial buildings in this immediate area, the traffic is already much heavier than the area can accommodate. At certain times during the day, particularly peak periods, the existing level of traffic is not able to move through the intersection smoothly. If you approve this application, the impact on traffic will be greatly effected in a negative way. Whites Road heading south towards Granite is a single lane either way, as is Granite heading east towards Whites, as is Oklahoma heading west towards Whites. The current level and volume of traffic lends line ups and traffic jams in that entire area. If we move ahead with two new apartment buildings, with a total of 145 dwelling units, that is a potential 145+ additional automobiles that would be introduced to an already congested area. I will plan to attend the meeting on May 15, 2003 to hear more about the proposed project, but I felt it important to give you a "heads up" in this regard. In the meantime, please continue to keep me posted on future meetings on this matter. Regards, Wendy Bickers Concerned Resident Wendy L. Bickers Brand Manager, FRETTE Fine Linens Tel: 416-937-4918 Fax: 905-837-2268 E-mail: wlbickers@sympatico.ca 01/05/2003 ATTACHMENT# e TO INFORMATION REPORT# 14 Pym, Ross From: Taylor, Bruce Sent: May 5, 2003 8:49 AM To: Pym, Ross; Kearns, Debbie Subject: FW: Whites/Granite Ross, for your info. Debbie, please add these people to the list of persons to be notified of future meetings. Original Message From: Cec Turner jmailto:ctdemsgnr(c�hotmailcom7 Sent: May 2, 2003 4:25 PM To: Taylor, Bruce Subject: Whites/Granite Attn. City Clerk & Pickering Council, Gentlemen/Madam: I Re: Planning Application N/West corner Whites & Granite, OPA 03-001P, Zoning Amendment A06/03. My spouse and I are senior citizens residing on West Shore Blvd south end, No.600 to be exact. We do enjoy this area and have resided in Pickering many, many years. While most aspects of our residence are very favourable, we do have some concerns most of which are associated with the Nuclear Plant. We, and just about everyone in the West Shore area, are well aware that there are no guarantees against a nuclear emergency. Also we know we are adjacent to an eartquake faultline. What is our escape route if either of these tragedies occur? The answer of course is through Oklahoma/Granite Ct. and Whites Road intersection. Already there is a business hour jamb up of traffic in this area and the last thing we need is to grow our population particularly at that site. The problem would be even more magnified if the tragedy occured during the construction period because we all know what effect this has on traffic. We hereby state our strong objection to the application for this project and trust that our City Council will do whatever is necessary to be sure that the construction at this site does not take place. There is lots of space in other areas of Pickering that could handle such a project without endangering a population that has limited escape route in the event of an emergency. Yours truly, WW1 1 Vet. Cec Turner & Spouse Jessie Turner Te1:905 839 7636 The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE* http://ioin.msn.com/?paqe=features/iunkmail 035 Whites Rd. & Granite OPA 03-001P, Zoning Amendment A06/03 Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT# -1 TO INFORMATION REPORT# / 4' - O3 Pym, Ross From: Taylor, Bruce Sent: May 5, 2003 9:37 AM To: Pym, Ross; Kearns, Debbie Subject: FW: Whites Rd. & Granite OPA 03-001 P, Zoning Amendment A06/03 Importance: High Ross, for your info. Debbie, please add to list of persons to be notified. Original,Message From: Brenner, Maurice, Councillor Sent: May 4, 2003 4:01 PM To: Taylor, Bruce Subject: FW: Whites Rd. & Granite OPA 03-001P, Zoning Amendment A06/03 Importance: High Bruce please note the following comments that have been forwarded to me re the above application. I am been requested to pass it on to you as official record Thanks Maurice Original Message From: Louise Guertin-Micallef [mailto:Imica1Ief1@rogers.com] Sent: May 4, 2003 2:46 PM To: Brenner, Maurice, Councillor Subject: Whites Rd. & Granite OPA 03-OO1P, Zoning Amendment A06/03 Importance: High Maurice: With regard to the proposed development at this location, we are adamantly opposed for the following reasons: 1. this intersection is gruesome at the best of times but the prospect of the implied incremental traffic at peak times would be unbearable and, in all likelihood, unsafe; 2. we are concerned that the Westshore is not currently well served for possible emergency traffic (i.e. there is entrance over the 401 on White's Road, there is also access by travelling along Bayly and there is a circuituous entrance via Granite - through the industrial park west of Whites Road), so, a monumental increment in density would exaccerbate the situation; 3. it is also disturbing that this sort of useage would be contemplated, given the proximity to the RR tracks (makes one think that the rental rates for the proposed dwellings would have to be extremely low in order to accommodate the obvious noise issue); Kindly forward this email to Bruce Taylor, City Clerk. Maruice, thanks for your providing us notice with your views included. We hope to see you on the evening of the 15th. 05/05/2003 Whites Rd. & Granite OPA 03-OO1P, Zoning Amendment A06/03 Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT# ` TO �/ INFORMATION REPORT# t`f -0 3 Regards, Louise (and Pat) ******************************************* Louise Guertin-Micallef RE/MAX First Realty Ltd. Pickering, ON, L1W 2X5 Off: 905.831.3300; Tor.Line: 416.798.7288 Res: 905.831.5171 ******************************************* 05/05/2003 037 Planning Application - N/W Comer Whites and Granite, OPA 03-001P, Zoning Amendm... Page 1 of 1 033 Pym, Ross ATTACHMENT# 1 OTO INFORMATION REI�`ORT#d., f 4 U3 From: Taylor, Bruce Sent: May 5, 2003 3:20 PM To: Pym, Ross Cc: Kearns, Debbie Subject: FW: Planning Application - N/W Corner Whites and Granite, OPA 03-001 P, Zoning Amendment A06/03 Ross, for your info. Debbie, Original Message From: SOates@inco.com [mailto:SOates@inco.com] Sent: May 5, 2003 3:03 PM To: Taylor, Bruce Subject: Planning Application - N/W Corner Whites and Granite, OPA 03-001P, Zoning Amendment A06/03 Dear Mr. Taylor: I've been made aware of the above -noted planning application for a 4 -storey and an 8 -storey apartment unit at the north-west corner of Whites Road and Granite. The rush-hour traffic congestion currently experienced by anyone in that area is already ridiculous and I can't image why anyone would contemplate adding to it, considering that there is no useable land available to build extra lanes or roads on either Granite or Whites Road at the confluence of those two roads. I hope your and other like-minded reasonable heads prevail to prevent a furtherance of an intolerable congestion problem. Sincerely, Stella Oates 720 Yeremi Street Pickering, ON L1W 2W9 Home tel. (905) 839-5429 Office tel. (416) 361-7867 Office email: soates@ inco.com Home email: stella@pathcom.com 05/05/2003 ATTACHMENT #_L_LTO INFORMATION REPORT# Ht -os Pym, Ross From: Bragg, Karen Sent: May 5, 2003 10:22 AM To: Taylor, Lynda; Pym, Ross Cc: Carroll, Neil Subject: FW: Messages re Whites/Granite Apt. Bldgs FYI Original Message From: Robbins, Maureen Sent: May 5, 2003 10:15 AM To: Carroll, Neil Cc: Bragg, Karen; Taylor, Bruce Subject: FW: Messages re Whites/Granite Apt. Bldgs Councillor Ryan has asked that these be forwarded to Planning to be part of your Report to Council. Original Message From: Robbins, Maureen Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 9:46 AM To: 'daveryan@email.mobile.bell.ca' Cc: Reed, Bernice Subject: Messages re Whites/Granite Apt. Bldgs Paul Kudla - 730 Breezy - 905-420-7556 - opposed Elizabeth Muzzerall - 765 Oklahoma - 905-839-4938 - opposed 039 040 Pym, Ross ATTACHMENT #,._TO INFORMATION REPORT# / 4_ Page 1 of 1 From: Taylor, Bruce Sent: May 5, 2003 1:17 PM To: Pym, Ross; Kearns, Debbie Subject: FW: Proposed Development of 2 Buildings At The Corner of Whites & Granite Court Ross, for your info. Debbie, please add to notification list. Original Message From: rob.mccaig@sympatico.ca[mailto:rob.mccaig@sympatico.ca] Sent: May 5, 2003 11:58 AM To: Taylor, Bruce Cc: Brenner, Maurice, Councillor; Ryan, David, Councillor Subject: Proposed Development of 2 Buildings At The Corner of Whites & Granite Court May 5, 2003 Dear Mr. Taylor: I'm writing in regards to the proposed development and the planning act change to the area of Whites Road & Granite Court. I have been a resident of ward one for 18 years and feel the lack of infrastructure i.e.: road width, sidewalks, traffic and the general concern of safety are the reasons this 8 story and 4 story development should NOT be allowed to go through. In addition, any high density housing proposed for that area will bring down the cost of the homes in the area as well. If anything, this area should be re -zoned for a Seniors low-rise development (similar to Stouffville) with an adjoining parkette. There is no need for any rentals, low rentals or high-rises in that area!!! I have spoken to a number of people and the general consensus is that until the Region gets off their @#! (it's been years now) and fixes the road in that area, nothing should be built. And, until there are enough Police that are capable of policing the dimly lit areas of Pickering and even venture out of their parking lot at 19 division in a proactive fashion than a reactive fashion, again, nothing should be built in that area. Public safety should be the priority not a get rich quick developer! Your planning department should also look into the lack of road arteries before they consider any development in Pickering. Sincerely, Rob McCaig 05/05/2003 ATTACHMENT # � 3 TO INFORMATION REPORT# Pym, Ross Page 1 of 1 041 From: Taylor, Bruce Sent: May 5, 2003 11:39 AM To: Pym, Ross; Kearns, Debbie Subject: FW: Planning Appliatoin OPA 03-001/P Ross - for your info. Debbie, please enter on list of persons to be notified. Original Message From: Carol Chamy [mailto:cchamy@primus.ca] Sent: May 5, 2003 11:18 AM To: Taylor, Bruce Subject: Planning Appliatoin OPA 03-001/P Mr. Bruce Taylor City Clerk This is in response to the Notice of Public Meeting for the abovementioned Offical Plan Amendment Application OPA03-001/P. I have resided in Pickering for the last 7 years - the reason for choosing Pickering as my place of residence was its sense of community. I did not want the size and vastness of Ajax, I wanted to leave Scarborough and Whitby held very little appeal to me. During these last 7 years Pickering has developed tremendously. Some developments have been beneficial to our "community" while others seem to be overwhelming and having negative impacts in my opinion. However, this notice is just unacceptable. I leave in the area of Whites Road and Oaklahoma and I invite you to sit on that corner during any time of the day. Rush hour is madness and at times unsafe. The level of air pollution is terrible and the noise pollution - well I have to raise my voice to have a private conversation in my own backyard. The rail system between Bayley and the 401 is bad enough as it often sends tremours through my home, and the traffic along Bayley, well I am sure you are aware of the noise and air pollution. When I clean my windows they are black with dirt and that does not come from my backyard. And now to my disappointment the City feels they can squeeze in an additional 145 dwelling units in the same area. What are they thinking? Just wondering - which I am sure the City has performed: the results of an Environmental Assessment - do they support such a development. Has the appropriate noise and air pollution studies been reviewed. What about traffic studies and managment for that corner and also at Bayley. I will certainly try my best to attend this PIC and I would appreciate any further information on this Application forwarded to this address. Thank you for your time and listening to my complaints. Caroline Chamy (905) 839-6469 cchamy a@primus.ca 05/05/2003 A TACHMENT# 14 TO j 3 INFORMATION REPORT# Pym, Ross Page 1 of 1 From: Taylor, Bruce Sent: May 6, 2003 8:48 AM To: Pym, Ross; Kearns, Debbie Subject: FW: Bruce Taylor The usual. Original Message From: Maughan, Eileen Sent: May 6, 2003 8:40 AM To: Taylor, Bruce Subject: FW: Bruce Taylor For your information. Original Message From: smith2441 [mailto:smith2441@rogers.comj Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 7:13 PM To: Maughan, Eileen Subject: Att: Bruce Taylor RE: Planning Application North West Corner of Whites and Granite OPA 03-001 P, Zoning Amendment A06/03 Dear Mr. Taylor, 1 am writing to you to express my deep concern over this proposed zoning amendment. I am strongly against this proposed amendment. The proposed changes are significantly different than what the property was originally zoned for, and as a resident of the area I do not want to see apartment buildings being built here. I feel that the construction of any apartment buildings will decrease the value of the surrounding property as well as increase the amount of traffic and congestion in this area. This area is already unable to handle the existing traffic coming off of the 401 - the proposed zoning amendment would only make a bad situation worse. I hope that you will consider my views when reviewing this proposed amendment. Yours truly, Lisa Smith 508 Creekview Circle Pickering, Ontario L1 W 2Z6 06/05/2003 Pym, Ross ATTACHMENT INFORMATION REPORT #,.:.._. Page 1 of 1 n43 From: Taylor, Bruce Sent:. May 6, 2003 8:45 AM To: Pym, Ross; Kearns, Debbie Subject: FW: Planning Appl. NW corner of Whites and Granite (OPA 03-001 P, Zoning Amendment A06/03) The usual. Original Message ----- From: Maughan, Eileen Sent: May 6, 2003 8:40 AM To: Taylor, Bruce Subject: FW: Planning Appl. NW corner of Whites and Granite (OPA 03-OO1P, Zoning Amendment A06/03) For your information. Original Message From: Albert Verheij [mailto:averheij@rogers.com] Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 9:25 PM To: Maughan, Eileen Subject: Planning Appl. NW corner of Whites and Granite (OPA 03-001P, Zoning Amendment A06/03) To Mr Bruce Taylor, City Clerk Dear Mr. Taylor, We strongly oppose the proposed development of 2 apartment buildings of 145 units in total to be built on the North West corner of Whites Road and Granite Court. The traffic situation on Whites Road from Oklahoma Drive to Highway 2 is already stretched to the limit during peak traffic hours. Increasing the population in this area to such an extent would definitely not be in the interest of Pickering and its citizens. We trust that our elected council will not approve this plan. Albert and Cora Verheij 836 Sanok Drive Pickering, ON L1W 2R2 06/05/2003