HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 10-06COQ k3� v INFORMATION REPORT NO. 10-06 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF October 19, 2006 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/06 Canadian Natural Power Inc. 526 Kingston Road North Part of Lot 30, Range 3 B.F.C. City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is approximately 0.13 hectares in size, located on the north side of Kingston Road, east of Rosebank Road (see Attachment #1 - Location Map); - the subject property is currently vacant and is surrounded by commercial and residential uses; - in 2005, the abutting property to the north and east - 542 Kingston Road was rezoned and approved for a draft plan of subdivision (A13/04 and S -P-2004- 05) for 13 detached dwellings and 22 townhouses; - the draft plan of subdivision on 542 Kingston Road is Phase 1 of the proposed freehold (unit) common element condominium (road) project and a site plan application has been received. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant's original submission, circulated for comment on September 28, 2006, proposed to amend the existing zoning on the subject property to allow 9 townhouses and 1 detached dwelling (see Attachment #2 — Original Submitted Conceptual Site Plan); - however, as a result of discussions by the applicant with representatives of a community working group, the submitted conceptual plan was revised to propose 2 detached dwellings and 6 townhouse units along the west property line, and a pair of semi-detached dwellings facing Kingston Road (see Attachment #3 — First Revised Conceptual Site Plan); then the plan was further revised to propose 2 detached dwellings and 6 townhouses Information Report No. 10-06 Page 2 along the west property line, and 3 townhouse units facing Kingston Road (see Attachment #4 — Second Revised Conceptual Site Plan); - this proposal represents Phase 2 development associated with the approved draft plan of subdivision for 542 Kingston Road; - Phase 1 and 2 are proposed to share the same common element condominium internal roads, visitor parking areas and landscaping elements; - 2 parking spots are proposed for each dwelling unit; - 14 visitor parking spaces are proposed for the entire development; - the applicant has submitted conceptual elevation and floor plans for the townhouses (see Attachment #5 — Conceptual Elevation and Floor Plans); - the applicant has not yet requested to proceed with land severances to create each individual parcel or to amend the approved draft plan of subdivision to incorporate the second phase of development. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Reqional Official Plan - the Durham Regional Official Plan designates this area as "Urban Areas — Living Area," where development is intended to be predominately for housing; - the applicant's proposal appears to conform with this designation; 3.2 Pickerinq Official Plan - the subject property is designated "Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors" within the Woodlands Neighbourhood; - this designation allows residential development; - Kingston Road is under the jurisdiction of the Region of Durham and is a Type B Arterial Road, which is the second highest order arterial road designed to carry moderate volumes of traffic at moderate speed; - Kingston Road is also identified as Transit Spines and is subject to Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design and Development Guidelines; - the Woodland Neighbourhood policy specifies that despite the density range allowed for Mixed Use Area — M'xed Corridors Area, a maximum residential density of 55 units per hectare is required for lands located on the north side of Kingston Road that are designated Mixed Use Area and abut low density development; - the proposed development of Phase 1 and 2 together provides a net density of approximately 55.1 units per hectare, which is slightly over the required maximum density; 3.3 Zoninq By-law 3036 - the subject property is currently zoned "R3" — Residential Detached Zone by Zoning By-law 3036, as amended; - "R3" zoning allows one detached dwelling on each lot which has its frontage onto a public road; Information Report No. 10-06 PagQ Q 3 - an amendment to the zoning by-law is required for the proposed residential freehold common element condominium development. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - area residents organized a community working group and have met with the applicant to address their initial concerns such as the type of dwelling, built form, and building height; - these initial discussions resulted in the applicant's revised plans; 4.2 Agency Comments - no agency comments have been received to date; 4.3 Staff Comments - in reviewing the application to date, planning staff has identified the following matters for further review and consideration: • assess the sufficiency of parking supply and the appropriateness of its location on-site; • determine whether or not any limitations (e.g. type and number of dwellings, especially with respect to the proposed 3 townhouse units in the southwest area of the plan, setbacks, height, etc) for the proposed development should be included in the zoning by-law; • ensure compatibility with the Woodland Neighbourhood policies, specifically the maximum density of 55 units per hectare; • confirm the status of the site plan application for Phase 1, and ensure the development for both phases occurs in a coordinated manner; • through the review process, determine whether additional information or studies are required; - this Department will conclude its position on the application after it has received and assessed comments from agencies and the public. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; 00 Information Report No. 10-06 Page 4 - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I - list of neighbourhood residents, associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received - copies of the applicant's submitted plans are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; - the City of Pickering has received the following technical information / reports on the proposed application: • Environmental Site Assessment Phase 1, prepared by Soil Engineers Ltd., dated July 2005; • A Soil Investigation For Proposed Townhouse Development, prepared by Soil Engineers Ltd., dated March 2005. 6.3 Property Principal - this application was submitted by Richard Weldon, on behalf of Canadian Natural Power Inc. Joyc h Planner I JY:Id Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development 2`�� Lynda Tclylor, MC?RPP RPP Manager, Development Review 005 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 10-06 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS. (1) none received to date ATTACHMENT#-J—TO 0106 INFORMATION REPORT# IO'Ob N CA AIL O PLACE RAINY DAY 0 A 9 r - m o STEEPLE HILL 0 x co J O p,0 U 5co� Ty T O Y Z m N 0 ROAD q0� OI R K\NC'S�ON i N\GNP-1 w i 0 ti 2 ' GRPNLjE 2 0 OOURl 0 N of O 2� Y Q m yiq�0 0 � R O City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION NORTH PART LOT 30, B.F.C., RANGE 3, PART 1 40R-9195 OWNER CANADIAN NATURAL POWER INC. DATE SEPT. 18, 2006 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. A 07/06 D"' c SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY HK H Teranel Enbrprieae Inc. vntl Re euppin,e. NI rigbb Reurnd Nat v plan vl .prv.,. 2005 MPN: vntl lle auppfiere. All rl ple RperveG. Nol q plan vl Surn . PN -6 ATTACHMENT# -&-To INFORMATION REPORT# W -0b INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN - A 0.7/06 007 Full scale copies of the Applicant's Submitted Plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department WIS ANP WAS PRODUCED Br ME CRY OF PICKER/NG, PUNNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. INFORANBON & SUPPORT SERVICES SEPTEMBEF 20. 2006. ATTACHMENt#� .To 'nlcORMATION REIPORT#—I�Q(—o O INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN A 07/O6 - CANADIAN NATURAL POWER INC First Revised Conceptual Site Plan THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING 8 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPINGAND DESIGN, OCTOBER 6, 2006. ATTAMMENTO—A-TO INFORMATION REPORT# 1 o-C'o INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S 009 REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN A 07/06 - CANADIAN NATURAL POWER INC Second Revised Conceptual Site Plan N THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING 8 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPINGAND DESIGN. OCTOBER 6.2006. ATTACHMENT#l—'LTO C t n� INFORMATION REPORT#I L1�. i INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED ELEVATION PLAN PLAN A 07/06 - CANADIAN NATURAL POWER INC TYPICAL SIDE ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION J - - L LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 FLOOR PLANS TYPE B THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING 8 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPINGAND DESIGN, OCTOBER 6, 2006.