HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 21-08INFORMATION REPORT NO. 21-08 FOR OPEN HOUSE ON October 21, 2008 AND PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF November 3,.2008 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: City Initiated Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan File: OPA 08-002/P Requirements for Complete Applications and Pre -Submission Consultations City of Pickering (Pickering Official Plan Review) 1.0 BACKGROUND • The Planning and Conservation Land Statute Law Amendment Act, 2006 (Bill 51) introduced a number of changes to the Planning Act including a number of additional planning and development control tools for municipalities. • One objective of the current Pickering Official Plan Review is to introduce new policies to use the additional planning and development control tools for municipalities made available by Bill 51. • �� . C1i�_ A11 .11011' • Among the new powers provided by Bill 51 is the ability of a municipality to require studies to be submitted at the time that applications are submitted and to refuse consideration of applications if these studies are not submitted: in other words, if applications are not 'complete'. This complete application provision applies to official plan amendments, zoning by-law amendments, consents, plans of subdivision and plans of condominium. However, since the Region of Durham is responsible for consents, policies for consents will not be proposed by the City. • To avail itself of these powers, the City must include in its Official Plan the requirements for 'complete' applications. These provisions should document the information that the City will need to review an application. 01 Information Report No. 21-08 Page 2 02* Although not specifically enabled by the Planning Act (Bill 51), other municipalities have extended provisions for complete applications in their official plans to include site plan applications. Pre -submission Consultations: • The Act also provides a municipality the ability to require applicants to consult with it prior to submitting applications for official plan amendments, zoning by-law amendments, site plan approval, consents, plans of subdivision and plans of condominium. • In order to require such pre -consultation, a municipality must pass a by-law to do so. The Act does not require a municipality to include such provisions in its Official Plan, nor, does the Act prevent such provisions. Official Plan Review: • The Official Plan Review draft workplan sets out a three-year study process to amend the Pickering Official Plan through a series of seven amendments. The first amendment listed in that workplan will implement Bill 51 and the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS, 2005). • Staff now proposes to take earlier advantage of those Bill 51 powers for complete applications and mandatory pre -submission consultations by proceeding with an amendment for this purpose first. The amendment to implement the remainder of the new powers introduced by Bill 51 and requirements of the PPS, 2005 will be forwarded using the Council approved consultation process for the rest of the Official Plan Review once Council has approved the revised workplan and consultation program. • Staff is currently reconsidering aspects of the consultation and visioning aspects of the Official Plan Review program, prior to forwarding a revised workplan for Council approval. • Since this amendment is part of the Official Plan Review, the Planning Act requires that an Open House be held in .addition to the requirement for a Public Meeting. It also requires that notification of these consultation meetings include the proposed amendment to the official plan. • Accordingly, an Open House is scheduled to be held October 21, 2008, commencing at 7:30 pm, a Public Meeting is scheduled for November 3, 2008, commencing at 7:30 pm, and a copy of the proposed draft Official Plan Amendment has been included in the notices mailed to everyone who requested to be advised of Official Plan Review meetings. Information Report No. 21-08 Page 3 03 2.0 OFFICIAL PLANS AND ZONING BY-LAW 2.1 Durham Regional Official Plan • Although the Region of Durham adopted Amendment #114 (ROPA #114) as a major part of its recent Official Plan Review, the Regional Official Plan does not provide policy directives for lower -tier municipalities to implement 'complete application' requirements in their Official Plan, or require 'pre -submission consultations'. • The Region has recently adopted its own official plan amendment and by-law to require planning applications submitted to the Region (i.e.: Regional official plan amendments, consents, etc.) to be complete and to require mandatory pre -submission consultations before applications for Regional approval are submitted. 2.2 Pickering Official Plan • Although the current City of Pickering Official Plan provides criteria for specific studies required to be provided during the consideration of different types of planning applications, it does not specify that such studies must be submitted at the time that the applications are submitted to the City. It also does not currently require a pre -submission consultation for planning applications. • Chapter 15 of the current Pickering Official Plan lists various studies that are required and, in many cases, the specific study requirements. • In some cases these study requirements need to be revised to conform with the Greenbelt Plan or ROPA #114: For instance, ROPA #114 applies stricter permissions `regarding uses in Prime Agricultural Areas. These restrictions affect issues that should be addressed in required studies that support applications in Agricultural Areas in the City of Pickering. 2.3 Pickering Zoning By-laws • The subject Amendment will not have any implications for the Zoning By-law. 2.4 Other Pickering By-laws The City adopted By-law No. 6763/07 in May, 2007 to delegate to the Director, Planning &. Development; the authority to deem applications for approval under the Planning Act as 'complete'. • A draft by-law to require applicants to consult with the municipality prior to submission of planning applications is attached to this Information Report as Attachment #3. Staff will recommend that Pickering City Council adopt such. a by-law to come into effect at the same time as the proposed official plan amendment to require complete applications and mandatory pre -consultation prior to submission of planning applications. Information Report No. 21-08 Page 4 3.0 DISCUSSION 3.1 Advantages of New Policy Directions Complete Application • Requiring specific studies to be submitted as part of a development application is a tool to strengthen implementation of Provincial policies and municipal priorities. • Including such provisions in the Official Plan will offer greater certainty for the applicants. • It will also allow City staff to have adequate information and time to comprehensively assess the merits of an application. • Requiring studies to be submitted early in the process also contributes to greater transparency and accessibility to information for stakeholders, as all documents submitted to the municipality will be available to the public. • It also front -loads the planning process in that necessary information is provided up -front, leading more certainty during the process. • An application would be deemed to be complete when all required information has been submitted to the City. • The time periods in which an applicant can appeal to the OMB would not begin to run until the application is deemed complete by the municipality. • However, an applicant can bring a motion to the OMB to dispute whether a notice from the municipality that an application is not complete or whether a notice has not been received within 30 days of submission of an application is reasonable. • In addition, new provisions in the Planning Act restrict evidence before the OMB to only the information and material that was previously provided to the municipality with the application. This places the onus on applicants to ensure that municipalities have all relevant material and expert reports in support of development applications when submitted. If new information is still introduced at the OMB, the Board must refer the application back to the municipal Council to reconsider the application. Pre -submission Consultation • Requiring consultation with City staff prior to submission of a planning application will require earlier engagement with City staff and with agency staff such as Conservation Authority, the Region of Durham or other interested agencies, thus allowing staff more time to understand the possible impact of a proposed development on a. range of possible public policy concerns. • It offers an opportunity for City and agency staff and other stakeholders to identify concerns and issues earlier in the process. • It also provides City staff with flexibility to scope or add to the standard list of required studies for a complete application depending on the complexity of the application and to scale the extent of required studies to the anticipated impacts of each particular application. Information Report No. 21-08 3.2 Review of Approaches of Other Municipalities Page 5 • As Attachment #1 (Table 1 — Complete Applications and Pre -Consultation Provisions of other municipalities) illustrates, there are a number of interesting similarities amongst the approaches of other municipalities to complete application requirements. • Most municipalities have chosen to include pre -submission meeting requirements. in their official plans even though it is not required by the Planning Act. In many cases they have linked that requirement with the complete application requirements. • As well, many municipalities have used the pre -submission requirements to both scope the list of required studies as well as add to the list of studies. This approach has a great deal of merit, as the scale, impacts and complexity of each application varies and as such the number and type'of studies will vary as well. • In terms of the studies required as part of a complete application, most municipalities list those studies in their Official Plan, while a few include them in separate schedules or appendices. • There are generally two different approaches to the list of studies themselves: one is to use a standard list of studies for all applications and rely on the scoping provisions to tailor the study requirements; and the other is to have separate lists for each type of application. Staff recommends the former approach for Pickering. • Not discussed in Table #1, but a requirement of many of the municipal official plan amendments is the requirement that applicants agree to pay for peer reviews of the applicant studies and legal support of an applicant's case at court or the OMB. This is becoming a standard practice throughout Ontario, and there is merit in clarifying the intent of the City of Pickering in this regard in the Official Plan. 3.3 The Proposed Pickering Official Plan Amendment • The proposed amendment is attached to the written notices of the Open House and Statutory Public Meeting sent to City Councillors and staff, agencies and utilities and anyone who requested notice of any Official Plan Review matters. The proposed amendment, including informational revisions and policy changes to the Pickering Official Plan is attached to Information Report No. 21-08 as Attachment #3. • The purpose, location and basis of the proposed Amendment and Informational Revision explain that changes are proposed in order to implement new powers provided by Bill 51 to require that planning applications be complete when submitted and include all required information and studies as determined at a mandatory pre -submission consultation meeting with City staff and interested agencies. This applies to applications to amend the official plan or zoning by-law and for plans of subdivision and condominium and site plan approval. This provides a standard list for all applications to be scoped at the pre -submission consultation meeting. 05 Information Report No. 21-08 Page 6 • Items 1 and 2 of the proposed amendment include revisions to several informational paragraphs that precede the policy sections. Informational side notes are proposed to be amended for most of the policy sections. • Although the Planning Act does not require a municipality to include provisions to require a pre -submission consultation in the Official Plan, a number of municipalities have done so, largely to make it clear to applicants of the municipalities requirements. Including it in the Official Plan also gives the municipality the ability to scope the studies that are required under the complete application provision. This has been added as section 15.2 as shown in Attachment #2 (also see Attachment #3 for the draft by-law to require pre -submission consultations). • Item 3 requires that applicants pre -consult with City staff to establish which studies must be submitted with their planning applications and that additional studies may also be required later, during the processing of applications. • Item 4 lists the types of information that must be submitted with the application, including a completed application form, record of the pre -submission consultation meeting, all required fees, a peer review and legal fees agreement and all required studies. • Item 5 specifies that applications will be deemed complete once all required items are submitted to the satisfaction of the City. • Item 6 lists up to 30 possible types of studies that may be required to accompany applications, with the studies required for each specific application determined and scoped in the mandatory pre -submission consultation meeting with staff. • Some existing policy sections that address agricultural reports and rural servicing studies refer to applications for settlement expansions (Sections 15.6 and 15.7) that are no longer permitted by the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Other sections need to be brought into conformity with the Greenbelt Plan, Provincial policy and Regional policy in terms of their wording and scope. Items 7 and 8 of the proposed amendment address these conformity issues. • Item 7 provides the criteria/objectives for required agricultural reports; while Item 8 provides the objectives required for site suitability studies required for proposals for non-agricultural uses in rural areas. • The Greenbelt Plan provides a minimum distance for development or site alteration adjacent to key hydrologic and key natural heritage features that are located within the Natural Heritage System of the Greenbelt Plan. In such instances, a natural heritage evaluation and hydrological evaluation is required. Policy change is required to add these studies in addition to an Environmental Report. Items 9 to 13 of the proposed amendment addresses these conformity issues. • Items 9, 10 and 11 explain the criteria for environmental reports while Item 12 introduces requirements for natural heritage and hydrological evaluations for features within Natural Heritage System lands designated in the Greenbelt Plan. Item 13 provides a minor exception for farm related buildings. Information Report No. 21-08 Page 7 07 • Item 14 continues existing required elements to be addressed in an environmental report. • Item 15 revises technical wording for studies that would assess the impact of lands close to known waste disposal sites. • Item 16 introduces minor technical revisions to current provisions for environmental site assessments of lands suspected of being contaminated. • Items 17 and 18 revise wording to add light and safety studies to current requirements for impact studies whenever noise, vibration, dust and odour are generated or new or expanded uses are proposed within the impact areas of such nuisances. Item 19 proposes the inclusion, in an earlier section of the official plan, of light, as a matter that can impact the enjoyment of people's properties. • Finally, Item 20 clarifies that the need for retail impact studies will also be determined through the pre -submission consultation meeting with City staff. 3.4 Other Implications • The City should prepare standard terms of reference for studies not currently addressed in the Official Plan. Such terms of reference lead to products that meet the requirements of City and agency staff and address an appropriate level of technical analysis. This can lead to more responsive applications and quicker application review times. • It is also recommended that the City prepare a standard fees agreement to require that the costs of any necessary peer reviews of required studies or legal and related consulting costs for City support of an application at a court or the Ontario Municipal Board are paid by the applicant. • The peer review cost agreement may be triggered for many of the studies that may be submitted since the City does not have the expertise to review studies such as environmental, hydrogeology and some other types of studies. Outside consulting assistance may be required to review such studies. The application fees however are not sufficient to cover the costs of retaining outside consulting assistance. • Requiring an applicant to enter into a fees agreement to cover peer review costs as part of the complete application requirements provides the City with resources necessary to undertake a thorough and complete review of each and ever application. • Staff will consider whether a fee should be charged for the pre -submission consultation meetings and protocol established for scheduling and other administrative aspects of such meetings. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments None received to date; Information Report No. 21-08 4.2 Agency Comments None received to date; 4.3 City Department Comments None received to date; 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 5.1 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority Page 8 Region of Durham approval of this City initiated amendment will be required, as this is part of an official plan review. 5.2 General • Written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; • Oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; • All comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a. subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; • If you wish to reserve the option to appeal the decision on this Amendment, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; • If you wish to be notified of Council's adoption of any official plan amendment, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Attachments 1. Table 1: Complete Applications and Pre -submission Consultation approaches of other municipalities 2. Draft Informational Revision and Official Plan Amendment 3. Draft By-law to require pre -consultation Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner—Policy Manager, Policy SG:jf Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development ATTAGHME I i1.I.T6 TABLE 1 COMPLETE APPLICATION .►I PRE -SUBMISSION CONSULTATION APPROACHES OF OTHER MUNICIPALITIES 09 A rACHMEN 1 O 1 V a 10 IN rroN REFoRT# a_ i_ o Q 9 a m Y � E c p 44 6 3 `o= $ Y 3 S. F- f _ _ 5 u u c . m `�' E G'.a Y a E E= a m .2 e `o_ @¢ t¢ c ot� ' a o m A r E m g m �w� on i $'a mi` 5'�f i.n"arc fLL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -EF u° . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a ty_ 3 c � n Y. 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DRAFT AMENDMENT AND INFORMATIONAL REVISION TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-00 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan 15 PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment and Informational Revision is to change policies and informational text of the Pickering Official Plan to set out the requirements. for complete applications and for mandatory pre -consultation before submission of applications for Official Plan amendments, Zoning By- law amendments, plans of subdivision and plans of condominium, in accordance with Sections 22(5), 34(10.2), and 51(18) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. P.13. The amendment also sets out requirements for complete applications and mandatory pre - consultations for site plan applications. LOCATION: This amendment applies to all lands within the City of Pickering. BASIS: On January 1, 2007, the Planning Act was amended by Bill 51, the Planning and Conservation Land Statute Law Amendment Act, 2006 to provide a numberof additional planning and development control tools for municipalities. Among these is the ability of a municipality to require studies to be submitted at the time of application and to refuse consideration of an application if these studies are not submitted; in other words, if the application is not 'complete'. However, in order to avail itself of these powers, the municipality must include provisions in the Official Plan relating to the requirements of a 'complete application'. These provisions are to document the information or material that the municipality considers it may need in order to review the full range of matters relevant to an application. This complete application provision applies to Official Plan Amendments, Zoning by-law amendments, plans of subdivision and plans of condominium. This amendment also requires a complete application provision for site plan applications. 1 ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan h In addition, Bill 51 introduced provisions permitting a municipal council, by by-law, to require applicants to consult with the municipality prior to submission of a planning application. City Council has passed such a by-law, and this Amendment proposes to add a policy to the Official Plan to provide for mandatory pre - consultation for planning applications for Official Plan amendments, Zoning by-law amendments, plans of subdivision, plans of condominium and site plan approvals. UNDERLINED = NEW TEXT STRIKEOUT =DELETED TEXT UNCHANGED = RETAINED TEXT PROPOSED AMENDMENT AND INFORMATIONAL REVISION: Chapter Fifteen — Development Review, of the Pickering Official Plan be amended by: 1.. On page 287, by Informational Revision, amending paragraph three by adding the words "to constitute a complete application" to the end of the first sentence, deleting and replacing the remainder of the paragraph, as follows: "This Chapter outlines the various reports that are required to be submitted in conjunction 'with a development application ef matter -9 depending of the "e of proposal and its le planning aealysis of the benefits and impaeo of the propesa-1, st retail market analysis, ft gretindwater study-, a noise i . to constitute a complete application. An application would be deemed to be complete when all required information as set out in this Chapter has been submitted to the, City. A standard list of required studies is provided for all development applications. However, during the pre- submission consultation with the applicant, staff may advise of studies from the standard list that would not be required or may be scoped in extent, or may request additional information dependent on the complexity of the application." ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan 17 On Page 289, by Informational Revision, deleting paragraph one of "Supporting Reports' in its entirety and replacing it with the following: • . Deleting the existing Informational paragraph: • Adding the following new- Informational paragraph: "An application is deemed complete when all of the teouired. items and supporting reports provided in sections 15.2 to 15.14 are submitted. The policies in this section detail specific requirements for the submission of various supporting reports. Other reports may be required by other sections of this Plan." Deleting policy section 15.2 in its entirety, including the Informational side note and replacing with new Informational side note and new policy section 15.2 as follows: Deleting the existing Informational side note: "GI Ty nr •ry --crrrrnvrnv:- Deleting existing section 15.2: "Gotta—of eenjunefien with development appheadens, teperts asseeiated with one sueh as transportation, noise, , tee" ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan • Adding the following new Informational side note: "CITY POLICY Pre-mbmission Consultation" • Adding the following new policy section 15.2: "15.2 City Council shall require applicants to re- consult with the municipality prior to submitting an application for an official plan amendment, zoning by-law amendment- draft plan of subdivision, draft plan of condominium or site plan approval. The pre -submission consultation meeting will be held with the applicant City staff and any other government agency or public authority that the City determines appropriate. At the pre -submission consultation meeting; (a) the list of required studies set out in sections 15.5A or 15.513 may be scoped depending on the nature of the application. The City, in consultation with applicable agencies may also prepare terms of reference for any of the required studies which would set out the required study information, analysis and recommendations; and (b) additional studies may be determined necessary for submission with the application based on the nature of the application." 4. Deleting policy section 15.3 in its entirety, including the Informational side note, and replacing with the new Informational side note and new policy section 15.3, as follows: • Deleting existing Informational side. note: 0 ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan 19 Deleting existing policy section 15.3: Adding the following as an Informational side note: "CITY POLICY Co&ipfeie Application" Adding the following new policy section 15.3: 1(15.3 Citv Council shall not accent an aoplicati_on_for an official plan amendment, zoning by-law amendment draft plan of subdivision draft plan of condominium, or site plan approval until the following has been submitted to the City: (a) a complete application form; (b) any information or materials prescribed by statute and regulation; (c) a record of pre -submission consultation; (d) the prescribed application fee(s). (e) a fees agreement with the City to cover all required peer review costs as referred to in Section 15.4 as well as legal and consulting costs incurred by the City where the Citv appears at the Ontario Municipal Board or in Court in support of the application; (f) all studies set out in Section 15.5 for an official plan amendment, zoning by-law amendment, draft plan of subdivision and draft plan of condominium application; and (g) all studies set out in Section 15.6 for a site plan application." 5. Renumbering policy section 15.4, in its entirety, and moving it to appear in the new policy section 15.5C, below, and deleting the Informational side note to existing policy section 15.4. Replacing policy section 15.4 with the following new policy section 15.4, including a new Informational side note, as follows: 20 ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan Deleting existing Informational side note to policy section 15.4: "GiTy POUG sg Reoordfawd'Ahaw f - Add the following new Informational side note: "CITY POLICY Peer Review of Required Studies" Adding the following new policy section 15.4: "15.4 City Council shall require all of the matters set out in Sections 15.3 15.5A and/or 15.5B to be completed to the satisfaction of the City prior to the City accepting the application as complete. Once an application is deemed complete City Council a) may require a peer review by a qualified consultant of any of the studies required in sections 15.5A and 15.513• and b) will retain the peer reviewer at the applicant's expense in accordance with a fees agreement as provided for in Section 15.3 (e) and c) will retain appropriate professionals to support the municipal decision at the Ontario Municipal Board, or in Court." 6. Deleting policy section 15.5, in its entirety, along with its Informational side note, and replacing it with a new Informational side note and a new .policy section renumbered as policy section 15.5A. Introducing a new Informational side note and a new policy section 15.56. Renumbering existing policy section 15.4 as new policy section 15.5C, as follows: Deleting existing Informational side note, as follows: ATTACHMENT 92 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan Deleting existing section 15.5, as follows: 21 "15.5 When considering appliestions to amend this Plan, in _dant:,._ to other deyel,..._ ent requirements, City "Gouneil shall eon idef--the accordingly,overall benefit to -the eaminunity ef the prepesal-, Goutteil shall, Adding the following new Informational side note: "CITY POLICY Rice wired Studies for an O6ricial Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Anrendnreni DraLl Plan of Subdivision and Draft Plan of CondominiumAompal" Adding the following new policy section 15.5A: "15.5A Citv Council shall require the follo_win materials and studies prepared by qualified experts, as scoped or expanded as a result of the pre -submission consultation required by section 15.2, to be submitted at the time of application for an official plan amendment zoning by-law amendment, draft plan of subdivision, and draft plan of condominium approval: (i) a planning rationale report" which considers the overall benefit to the community and evaluates the proposal against the relevant goals, objectives, policies and general purpose and intent of this Plan, the Regional Official Plan, the Provincial Policy Statement, the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and the Greenbelt Plan where applicable; (ii) a transportation study (iii) a shadow study; fv)v) a wind study WA idments Lnd that are eentrary to the goals, objectives, and general purpose and intent of this n Adding the following new Informational side note: "CITY POLICY Rice wired Studies for an O6ricial Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Anrendnreni DraLl Plan of Subdivision and Draft Plan of CondominiumAompal" Adding the following new policy section 15.5A: "15.5A Citv Council shall require the follo_win materials and studies prepared by qualified experts, as scoped or expanded as a result of the pre -submission consultation required by section 15.2, to be submitted at the time of application for an official plan amendment zoning by-law amendment, draft plan of subdivision, and draft plan of condominium approval: (i) a planning rationale report" which considers the overall benefit to the community and evaluates the proposal against the relevant goals, objectives, policies and general purpose and intent of this Plan, the Regional Official Plan, the Provincial Policy Statement, the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and the Greenbelt Plan where applicable; (ii) a transportation study (iii) a shadow study; fv)v) a wind study WA ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City. of Pickering Official Plan v) a statement of compliance with heritage conservation designation or conservation district policies; (A) an archaeology assessment; (vii) a functional servicing study addressing municipal water and wastewater servicing. For smaller site-specific applications a site servicing study may be required in lieu of a functional servicing study, (viii) a drainage and stormwater management study, including preliminary grading (ix) a flood plain impact engineering study as referred to in subsection 15.31(tl) (x) an agricultural report as referred to in section 15.6; (xi). a site suitability study as referred to in section 15.7; (xii) an environmental report as referred to in section &% (xiii) a natural heritage evaluation as referred to in subsection 15.9% (xiv) a hydrological evaluation as referred to in subsection 15.9; (x a hydrogeology and water budget study (xvi) an impact study on potential aggregate extraction as referred to in subsection 10.8(b) (xvii) an aggregate extraction assessment study as referred to in subsection 10.8(b) and sections 15.33 and 15.35 (xviii)an assessment of lands within 500 metres of a Known Waste Disposal Site as referred to in section 15.12A (xix) a Phase I environmental site assessment and a Phase II environmental site assessment if the Phase I environmental site assessment shows potential for contamination, as referred to in section 15.12B- (xx) a_�aste disposal community impact study as referred to in section 15.36; (xxi) a noise study as referred to in subsection 15.13(a); (xxii) a vibration study as referred to in subsection 15.13(c); (xxiii)a dust and/or odour study as referred to in subsection 15.13(b); (xxiv) a .lighting study as referred to in section 1513• (xxv) a retail impact study as referred to in section 15At (xxvi) a sustainable development report; ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21.08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan 23 (xxvii) an urban design brief which indicates how relevant development and/or urban design guidelines and related policies of this Plan are proposed to be im lementedt (xxviii) a financial impact study; (xxix) an architectural design study, and (xxx) a railway corridor safety study." Adding the following as a view Informational side note: "CITY POLICY Required Studies for Sile Plait AarovaP' Adding the new policy section 15.513, as follows: "15.513 Citv Council shall require the followin materials and studies prepared by qualified experts, as scoped or expanded as a result of the pre -submission consultation provided for by section 15.2 to be submitted at the time of application for site plan approval: (i) a transportation study; (ii) a shadow study; (iii) a wind study (Tv) a statement of compliance with heritage conservation designation or conservation district policies; (_v) an archaeology assessment; (vi) a site servicing study addressing municipal water and wastewater servicing; (vii)_, a drainage and stormwater management study, including preliminary grading: (viii) a floodplain impact engineering study as referred to in subsection 15.31(fl: (ix) a grading planz (x) a landscape plan xi an agricultural report as referred to in section 15.6 (xii) a site suitability study as referred to in section 15.7 (xiii) an environmental report as referred to in Section 15.8; (xiv) a report demonstrating compliance with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation P1 (xv) an assessment of lands within 500 metres of a Known Waste Disposal Site as referred to in section 15.12A; ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT it 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan (xvi) a Phase I environmental site assessment, and a Phase II environmental site assessment if the Phase I environmental site assessment shows potential for contamination as referred to in section 15.12B and if warranted a record of site conditions (xvii) a waste disposal community impact study as referred to in subsection 15.36• (xviii)a noise study as referred to in section 15.13(a) (xix) a vibration study as referred to in section 15.13(c); (xx) a dust and/or odour study as referred to in section 15.13(b); (xxi) a lighting study as referred to in section 15.13(b); (xxii) a sustainable development report; (xxiii)an urban design brief which indicates how relevant development and/or urban design guidelines and related policies of this Plan are proposed to be implemented; (xxiv)an architectural design study. (xxv) a construction management plan; and (xxvi) a railway corridor safety study." • Renumbering existing policy section 15.4 as policy section 15.5C, inserting here, and amending as follows: "15.5C City Council, in considering any supporting report or management plan, shall consult with the relevant conservation authority, provincial ministry, regional department, and other relevant group or agency on the appropriateness and approval of the report or plan" 7. Deleting .existing policy section 15.6, in its entirety, including the informational side note and replacing with the following new policy section 15.6 and new Informational side note, as follows: • Deleting existing Informational side note to section 15.6, as follows: WN NONFUMM. 10 ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan 25 • Deleting existing policy section 15.6 as follows: "15.6 1n.aeeordanee with seetiefts 2.26 and 2.30 of this the rueal area and expansions to e3dstift settlements, and may designate ne settlemen this Plan; when by the ,' ,_,_ a_-._,_ aPP}i�—�.�.o seedeft 55 (a) (b) an Environments! the proposed use ot settlement,the (0 will net a&versely funetion of affeet natutal the quality, features e and apptepiiate itt terms ef its form, water usage and sewage disposal." Adding a new Informational side note: "CITY POLICY Agricultural Areas: Sorting Information to Permit Non- AWatltural Uses' I ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan • Adding a new policy section 15.6, as follows: 1115.6 When considering applications for non- agricultural uses on lands designated Agricultural Areas, Open Space System or Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside Areas by this Plan or for the expansion of livestock facilities, City Council shall require an Agricultural. Report prepared by a qualified expert. The Agricultural. Report shall demonstrate, to the City's satisfaction, that the proposed use or lot (a) complies with the minimum distance separation policy (b) minimizes impacts on surrounding agricultural operations and lands to the extent feasible: (c) a need for additional lands to be designated to accommodate the proposed use• (d) that the use or lot is not located on lands which comprise specialty crop areas, (e) that there are no reasonable alternatives which avoid agricultural areas, and (f) that there are no reasonable 'alternative locations in agricultural areas with lower priority gricultural lands." 8. Amending policy section 15.7, including its Informational side note, as follows: • Amending Informational side note to policy section 15.7, as follows: ar�mv nnr rnv �z Rural - °W,is Anat Supporting Injormation jo Non Agricultuml Uses" 12 ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan 27 Amending policy section 15.7, as follows: Greenwood,"IS.? in aeeerd%nee with seetiens 2.32 and 14.2(h) e this Plan, Gity council may permit mine te the hamlets of K—in-qnle and Balsam without amendment te the Gouneil shall require, in addition te any ethe appheations to be aeeempanie When considering the approval of non- agricultural uses in the Rural Area City Council shall require a site suitability study prepared by qualified experts. The site suitability study shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City, in consultation with other relevant agencies, that: (a) the development will have an adequate supply of potable water and soil conditions are satisfactory for the effective operation of a private waste sewage system on each proposed lot; and (b) there will not be any adverse impacts on the supply of water or the soil and groundwater conditions of adjacent properties." Deleting the Informational side notes to existing policy sections 15.8 and 15.9 and replacing with a new Informational side note to. revised policy section 15.8, as follows: Deleting Informational side note of policy 15.8, as follows: Deleting Informational side note of policy 15.9, as follows: Adding a new Informational side note for the revised policy section 15.8, as follows: "CITY POLICY 13 ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan Environmental Reports Required" 10. Renumbering policy section. 15.9 as section 15.8 (a) and amending new policy section 15.8 (a) as follows: "15.8 City Council, (a) using Appendix II to this Plan as a guide, shall for major development, and may for minor development, as determined through a pre -submission consultation in Section 15.2, require the submission and approval of an Environmental Report as part of the consideration of a development application or a public infrastructure project; and," 11. Renumbering policy section 15.8 as section 15.8 (b) and amending as follows: (b) despite s«non. 15.91 the Guidelines in Appendix II, may, through the pre- submission consultation in Section 15.2, require the submission and approval of an Environmental Report as part of its consideration of any other development application or public infrastructure project. 12. Adding new policy section 15.9, as follows: "15.9 City Council, for development or site alteration within 120 metres of a key ydrologic feature or within 120 metres of a key natural heritage feature located within the Natural Heritage System of the Greenbelt Plan shall require a natural heritage evaluation and hydrological evaluation to be prepared by qualified experts. For development adjacent to a key natural heritage features located outside of the Natural Heritage System but within the Protected Countryside of the Greenbelt Plan, the policies of section 15.8 (a) shall apply." 13. Amending policy section 15.10 and amending its Informational side note such that the Informational side note and policy section 15.10 reads as follows: 14. ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan 29 • Amending Information side note, as follows: "CITY POLICY Environmental Reports: Exeeption Exem tion for Agricultural Uses" Amending policy section 15.10, as follows: 15.10 Despite Section 15.8 (a), agricultural uses including the construction of farm related buildings are exempted from the requirements of sections 15.8 (b) and 15.9, except for uses adjacent to Known Waste Disposal Sites, and subject to the policies of sections 15.8 (b) and 15.12A." 14. Amending line 3 of the first paragraph of policy section 15.11 to remove reference to policy section 15.9, as follows: 15.11 City Council shall require that the Environmental Report submitted in accordance with sections 15.8 and 15.9 include at least the following: 15. Renumbering subsection (i) of policy 15.11 as new policy section 15.12A, amending policy section 15.12A and adding a new Informational side note, as follows: Adding as an Informational side note for section 15.12A, the following: "CITY POLICY Supporting Information for Lands within 500 metres of a Known. Waste Disposal Site" • Amending the renumbered policy section 15.12A as follows: Council shall require, for lands on or within 500 metres of a Known Was to Disposal Site, City Goufteil shall require an the assessment should of risks from landfill gases and leachate, to the satisfaction of the City, that: 15 ATTACHMENT 82 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21.08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan (i)(a)be is carried out by a qualified engineer; (ii)(b)examines the potential affects of the waste disposal site on the proposed development; and (iii)(c)makes recommendations on the construction and phasing of development to ensure the implementation of the Report's recommendations including monitoring for lands on or within 500 metres of a Known Waste Disposal Site.". 16. Renumbering policy section 15.12 as section 15.12B, deleting the existing Informational side note for existing policy section 15.12 and replacing with a new side note for new policy section 15.12B, as follows: • Deleting existing Informational side note for section 15. 12, as follows: 1 GITpeLIGY r;...,.._.._...._, 4. ,,.... • Adding as an Informational side note for section 15.12B, the following: "CITY POLICY Envimrrmental Site Assessment" • Amending renumbered policy section 15.128, as follows: "15.12B On lands suspected of being contaminated (for example: sites where filling has occurred; lands used for industrial, transportation or utility purposes; certain commercial properties such as gas stations, auto repair garages and dry cleaning plants), City Council shall, 16 ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan 31 (a) require the proponents of development to complete prior to any approvals for the site an - - -�-' -audit a Phase I environmental site assessment and a Phase II environmental site assessment if the Phase I environmental site assessment shows potential for contamination, in accordance with provincial guidelines and legislation as may be amended from time to time, to identify any on-site contamination, and following completion of the audit assessment, should contamination be found, requite the restoration of the site to a condition suitable for the intended uses, before permitting the establishment of the uses; and (b) prohibit residential uses on lands previously used for automobile repairs, for service stations, for fuel storage, or for the disposal of construction waste or debris unless • the . site is first restored in accordance with provincial guidelines and legislation as may be amended from time to time. 17. Revising the Informational side note to policy section 15.13, as follows: "CITY POLICY Noise, Vibration, Dust, Li ht Sa a and Odour Studies" 18. Revising policy section 15.13 as follows: 15.13 On lands affected by noise, vibration, dust, light, safety concerns and/or odours, City Council, shall require a the proponent of sensitive land uses to complete a an noise. impaet appropriate study, prepared by a qualified evert as specified in subsections al, b), and c) below to the satisfaction of the City in consultation with relevant agencies, as follows: (i) {a) on lands affected by noise, if the proposed development is for proposals for new sensitive land uses within 300 metres of a railway right-of-way or an arterial road and for proposals for new land uses (including, but not limited to, commercial and industrial uses) that may introduce new sources of noise adjacent to sensitive land uses Citv Council shall require the proponent to complete a noise study, and 17 ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan (i) shall require appropriate measures to mitigate any adverse effects from the noise identified by the study, and (ii) shall only permit development if attenuation measures satisfactory to the City are undertaken to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts, which measures may include, but not be limited to berming, fencing and the imposition of building setbacks to be undertaken as a .condition of approval. (b) for proposals for new sensitive land uses in proximity to sources of dust, light, and/or odours, and for proposals for new land uses that may introduce or increase existing light, dust or odours City Council shall require the proponent to complete .an appropriate dust, light, and/or odour analysis and (i) shall require appropriate measures to mitigate anv adverse effects from the dust, light, and/or odours identified by the study, and (ii) shall only - permit development if attenuation measures satisfactory to the City are undertaken to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts, which measures may include but are not limited to: buffering or imposition of separation distances between the respective land uses to be undertaken as as condition of approval. approval. 18 ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan 33 (c) shag require the propeneht ef development proposed ent is for proposals that would introduce new sensitive uses on lands within 75 metres of a railway right-of-way, asd City Council shall require the proponent of development to complete (i) a vibration impact study, and shall require appropriate measures to mitigate any adverse effects from the vibration identified by the study, and (ii) a railway corridor safety study and shall require that all proposed development adjacent to railways, provides appropriate safety measures such as setbacks, berms and security fencing to the satisfaction of the City, in consultation with the appropriate railway. 19. ' Amending Information side note and policy section 10.22 (page 140) to add the effect of light as a concern, as follows: • Amending Informational side note as follows: CITY POLICY Noise, Vibration, Dud, Light and Odour • Amending policy section 10.22 as follows: "10.22 City Council recognizes that people's normal use and enjoyment of property may be affected by unacceptable levels of noise, vibration, dust, fight and/or odours; accordingly, Council shall require proponents of affected developments to adequately address noise, vibration, dust, light and/or odours, and where necessary, to incorporate into such developments, appropriate mitigation measures as may be specified in a required analysis (see section 15.13). 20. Revising policy section 15.14 to introduce the need for a pre -submission consultation and to separate the required issues that a retail impact study is to address into subsections i) and ii), as follows: 19 3 ATTACHMENT #2 TO INFORMATION REPORT # 21-08 Draft Amendment & Informational Revision to the City of Pickering Official Plan 15.14 Outside of the Downtown Core, City Council, in the review of development proposals for new or expanded gross leasable floor space for the retailing of goods and services, (a) shall for the development of 2,500 square metres or greater of floor space, and (b) may for the development of less than 2,500 square metres of floor space, as determined through a pre -submission consultation in Section 15.2, require a retail impact study, (i) to justify the proposed floor space for the retailing of goods and services, and (ii) to demonstrate that such additional floor space will not unduly 'affect the viability of any lands designated or developed for the retailing of goods and services. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth .in the Pickering Official Plan, as amended; regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Pickering Official Plan, as amended; regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 20 ATTACHMENT#___�_To WORPAMON REPGaT# a_ I -62 35 DRAFT BY-LAW TO REQUIRE PRE -SUBMISSION CONSULTATION ATTACHMENT#-2—TO 36 INFOR.n��'MOMMFPORT# —6 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO XXX/08 Being a by-law to require consultation with the City prior to submission of applications for official plan amendments, zoning by-law amendments, site plans and plans of subdivision. WHEREAS Subsections 22(3.1), 34(10.0.1), 41(3.1) and 51(16.1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P.13 authorize municipalities to pass by-laws to require land use planning applicants to consult with the municipality before submitting applications for official plan amendments, zoning by-law amendments, site plans and plans of subdivision; WHEREAS Council wishes to have applicants discuss the merits of planning applications with City staff before the applications are submitted to the City, to ensure that the appropriate studies and other requirements are completed to the satisfaction of the City, prior to final submission; AND WHEREAS Council wishes to provide City staff with an opportunity to determine and provide advice about City submission requirements, and identify to the applicant which agencies and senior levels of government will need to be consulted before an Application is deemed complete; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Applicants shall consult with the City's Planning & Development Department prior to submitting requests to amend the City's Official Plan or zoning by-laws, and prior to submitting applications for site plans and plans of subdivision approval. 2. Planning. applications submitted to the City prior to a required consultation meeting will not be accepted as Planning Act applications or processed by the City until after the consultation meeting. 3. If an applicant is proposing to, or is required to, submit more than one application for planning approval in support of a single development proposal, a single meeting with Planning & Development staff can satisfy the requirement to consult. ATTACHMEdTo _To INFORMATION r,2Fi}TTO ^7 f Q -2- 37 BY-LAW reada first, second, and third time and finally passed this day of 2008. David Ryan, Mayor P Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk