HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 30-02001 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 30-02 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF October 17, 2002 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/02 Fred Campetelli, Trustee / (Commercial Devco Inc.) South-east corner of Valley Farm Road and Diefenbaker Court. City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the applicant's total land holdings comprise the lands on the east side of Valley Farm Road from Diefenbaker Court to Pickering Parkway (see Location Map — Attachment #1); the northern portion of the applicant's total land holdings are subject of this application (See Phase 2 lands on the Applicant's Conceptual Development Plan - Attachment #2); the subject lands are currently vacant and the surrounding land uses include: the Pickering Recreation Complex to the north; residential apartment buildings to the east and west, and Highway 401 and office uses to the south. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL The applicant's zoning, by-law amendment application is comprised of 3 amendments which are: 1. That the applicant is proposing to reduce the minimum height requirements for townhouses (multiple dwelling horizontal) from the current 6 storey requirement to a minimum height requirement of 3 storeys (approximately 10 metres in height); 2. That the applicant is proposing to add a nursing home and retirement home uses as a permitted use; U 0 2 Information Report No. # 30-02 Page 2 3. That the applicant is proposing to increase the maximum permitted height for an apartment development (multiple dwelling vertical) from a maximum of 10 storeys to 16 storeys. The applicant has provided a conceptual development proposal for the proposed townhouse development only. No specific details of the nursing home\retirement home use or the apartment development have been submitted. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan - The Durham Regional Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being within a "Main Central Area". Main Central Areas are to be planned and developed as the main concentration of urban activities within municipalities; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan The Pickering Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being located in a Mixed Use Area — Downtown Core within the. Town Centre Neighbourhood. This designation permits a wide variety of uses for residents, business people and visitors, including residential, retail, commercial, business, office, service, recreational, community and cultural uses; The Plan establishes a density range for residential development within this designation of over 80 units up to and including 180 units per net hectare. Although the approval of the dwelling units will be completed through separate processes, the applicant's conceptual plan provides densities of 81.6 units per net hectare on the north lands and 84.6 units per net hectare for the development on the south lands. The applicant's proposal conforms to the policies of the Pickering Official Plan;. 3.3 Compendium Document to the Official Plan the subject property also falls within the Council Adopted Pickering Downtown Core -Development Guidelines and the Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines; the guidelines are intended to guide the development or redevelopment of sites within the designated areas; 3.4 Zoning By-law 3036 the subject lands are currently zoned RH/MU-2— Residential — Mixed Use Zone, by Zoning By-law 3036 as amended by 5416/98. This zoning permits business office, convenience store, day nursery, personal service shops, professional office, multiple dwelling — horizontal and multiple dwelling - vertical uses. Information Report No. # 30-02 Page 3 U an amendment to the existing by-law is required to add nursing home and retirement home uses, to reduce the minimum building heights for multiple dwelling horizontal (townhomes) and to increase the maximum building height for multiple dwelling vertical (apartments). 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - no written resident comments have been received to date; 4.2 Agency Comments - no written comments have been received to date 4.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the requested height amendments for the permitted multiple dwelling horizontal and multiple dwelling vertical uses, staff will examine the proposed amendments in conjunction with the polices\objectives of the Council adopted Downtown Core Development Guidelines prior to the preparation of a recommendation report; the applicant has advised that conceptual plans will be submitted for the proposed nursing home and retirement home uses and the potential apartment development in the near future, which will assist staffs review of the proposed amendments respecting massing, site functioning and compatibility with surrounding residential properties and the proposed residential development to the south. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; 3 0 t 4 Information Report No. # 30-02 Page 4 if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Regional Municipality of Durham in respect of the proposed plan of subdivision does not make oral submission at the public meeting, or make written submissions to the Regional Municipality of Durham before the proposed plan of subdivision is approved or refused, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6A Appendix No. 1 - list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received - full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: • Phase 1 Site Assessment prepared by the Hazcon Group Limited. 6.3 Company Principal - the principal of Commercial Devco Inc. is Mr. Jack Winberg. TB:td Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Lynda Taylor, Manager, Develop OL PP ent Review APPENDIX NO. 1 TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 30-02 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Development Department 0+15 01j6 ATTACHMENT#TO INFORMATION REPORT# —n2• ROSEFIEL.D ROAD RANDS 0 R ROAD p tr 0 0 .1091 Os - 11„11\w1111111'1iroo, noti���`1111111� rt'�11,1111auMuni 111106`" 0µ1H NE ENBAKER COURT it O 0 >- CT ERTY eRmo, J i a U Z 40 ALLIANCE STREET BAYLY 'O 0 U \.-RD/•o "111111 0 00URT 111 OPTS ORTLAND COURT 2 Hh1Ii1Fi II1 1 Alr c.N•R• PLUMMER STRE STREET City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 20, CONCESSION 1; BLOCK 11, 40M-1231 OWNER FRED CAMPITELLI TRUSTEE DATE SEPT 10, 2002 DRAWN BY IB FILE No. A16/02 SCALE 1:7500 CHECKED BY JTB FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN -8 PA- ATTACHMENT # 2 TO INFORMATION REPORT #_, _ __ APPLICANT'S CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION - A16/02 PHASE 2 LANDS SUBJECT TO ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A16/02 PHASE 1 TO BE DEVELOPED FOR 93 FREEHOLD TOWNHOUSE UNITS ON CONDOMINIUM ROAD. THS PORTION OF THE APPLICANTS TOTAL LAND HOLDINGS ARE NOT SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION AND IS ILLUSTRATED FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. OSE N8 PKER ORS Fla ROM fam ItLa 6I{111r wasripi fiof[! -■ •�Ff 1 i 0!1411 EUI: rI61 r,. Zfsta !!, LUL 9 YFUE L�I 9 tir r ..o I• Ii ii !AMA 2_ Fal I Tel o1E 1 war" , oLu .�-'. o EIINII ' II `I p\�KERti PIN LORIN 0114 WINN ION IVO ;ill0 0,.1'7 PHASE 2 CONCEPTUAL 54 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT SHOWN. THE NURSING/RETIREMENT HOME AND/OR APARTMENT DEVELOPMENT PLAN(S) HAVE NOT BEEN SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT.