HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 21-02wj- pity o 1, PICKERING INFOR"IATION REPORT NO. 21-02 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION \IEETING OF June 19,2_002 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC 1IEETING REQUIRE'IENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT. R.S.O. 1990. chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-ui11 P City initiated: Rouge Park Neighbourhood City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the Rouge Park Neighbourhood is located on the west side of Pickering at the northern limit of the City's South Urban Area: Rouge Park Neighbourhood is hounded on the gest by the Pickering -Toronto boundary, on the north by the Interprovincial Pipeline St. Lawren'ce and Hudson (formerly C.P.) Rail line. on the south by the Ontario Hydro Gatineau Corridor, and on the east by open space lands. just east of Rosebank Road (see Location Map, Attachment T1 ); Rouge Park Neighbourhood comprises approximately 160 hectares in arca. 2.0 BACKGROUND - following completion of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study in December 1999, Pickering City Council passed a resolution. at it's meeting held April 10, 2000 to: • receive the "Rouge Park Neighbourhood Phase 1 and Phase 2 Reports" as background information; • adopt the "Rouge Park Neighbourhood Environmental Master Servicing Plan"; • adopt the "Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines"; • adopt "Informational Revision No. - to the Pickering Official Plan"; • direct staff to hold a Statutory Public Information Meeting to discuss this proposed amendment to the Pickering Official Plan to implement the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study; • request the Region of Durham to consider the redesignation of parts of Finch Avenue and Townline Road from Thpc B .Arterial Roads to Type C Arterial Roads: • request the Ministry of Natural Resources and other agencies to prepare a "Rouge-Dufiins Wildlife Corridor Management Plan": • request the Ontario Realty Corporation (ORE') to transfer non -developable properties in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood to a public authority with a conservation mandate: and. • forward the report to interested agencies (see Attachment 2 — Council Resolution ;29'00. item =11: ! 1 2 Information Report No. 21-02 Page 2 Council passed a further motion at its April 10, 2000 meeting, requesting ORC to discuss protection of its lands that are designated to permit development with the City, Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and other interested landowners and conservation groups to enhance wildlife habitat and corridor functions by investigating the opportunity to convey ownership of those lands to the TRCA for conservation purposes (see Attachment #3 — Council Resolution #57/00); in July, 2000, the Ontario Realty Corporation replied, indicating that it was premature to meet with stakeholder groups over the future of the developable (ands; ORC indicated that it had only held discussions with TRCA about sale of all the government owned lands in the Study area at fair market value; accordingly, it is appropriate at this time to continue to implement Council's resolutions respecting the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study by amending the Pickering Official Plan; the September 2001 Public Consultation Draft of the Durham Transportation Master Plan includes a recommendation to redesignate Finch Avenue, between Altona Road and Pickering Townline Road, and Pickering Townline Road, between Finch Avenue and Taunton Road, from Type B Arterial roads to Type C Arterial roads in the Durham Regional Official Plan; 3.0 CITY PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN the City of Pickering proposes to amend the Pickering Official Plan in order to implement the results of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study including the "Rouge Park Environmental Master Servicing Plan and the "Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines"; - the attached amendments include the following policy and Schedule revisions to the Official Plan; • revise Schedule 1— Land Use Structure and Schedule III — Resource Management of the Pickering Official Plan to revise the boundaries between residential, open space and freeway and major utilities designations and the delineations of the wetlands and the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor to reflect the findings of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Environmental Master Servicing Plan and to implement the signed Minutes of Settlement for Appeals 1 and 2 to the 1997 Pickering Official Plan; • revise the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor Policies to further restrict uses permitted on the hydro corridor at the south edge of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood and encourage preparation of a "Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor Management Plan"; • revise the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Policies to: • delete the requirement for a neighbourhood study; • encourage better neighbourhood design; • establish a community focus; • permit no automobile service stations or drive-thru facilities; ■ encourage retention of environmentally sensitive lands in public ownership; ■ endeavour to eliminate the 'jog' at the Rosebank Road/Finch Avenue intersection; ■ other related policies as set out in the proposed amendtnent contained in Appendix Ito this report; and, Information Report No. 21-02 Page 3 ■ also include for informational purposes, the policy added by the Ontario \lunicipal Board (OMB) in its disposition of appeal Al to the 199' Pickering Official Plan that sets out a method of determining the extent of the boundary of the "Open Space System -- Natural Areas" designations in the north-east portion of the lands on the north side of Finch Avenue north of \\-oodyicw Avenue. 4.0 OFFiCiAI. PLAN 4.1 Durham Regional Official Plan - lands within Rouge Park 'Neighbourhood are designated as Living .4rea, Alajor Open Space, Major Open Space — Environmentally Scvtsitire Areas and Open Space Linkages respectively: in addition, the northern edge of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood is designated as the Urban Area Boundary and as the location for a Future GO Rail line; both Finch Avenue and Altona Road are designated as Type 13 Arterial Roads: • lands designated Lining area shall he used predominantly for housing purposes. in addition to certain home occupations. convenience stores, puhlic and recreational uses, limited office development and limited retailing of goods and services; lands designated Alajor Open Space shall he used for conservation, recreation, and reforestation uses; lands designated as Open Space Linkages. including the Rouge -Duffin Corridor must provide for the migration of flora and fauna and preserve and maintain the environmental features and fuctions. with detailed policies provided in area municipal official plans alter consultation kyith the Ministry of Natural Resources and the respective conservation authority: - the wetlands in Rouge Park Neighbourhood that are designated afajor Opc'n Space — Enrironnrcntallr .Sensitive Arca swill require an environmental impact study which must assess plants. wildlife. forests and streams. and protect them by identifying methods of mitigating potentially damaging effects prior to development; 4.2 Pickering Official Plan - lands within Rouge Park Neighbourhood are designated as Urban Residential Areas — Lor Density Areas, Mixed Use Areas — Nodes, Opc'n Space System — Natural Area and as Freeways and .11aior — Potential Alulti-L''sc Area; lands designated Urban Rcsulential Areas may he used for residential, home occupation, limited office. limited retailing. community. cultural and recreational uses, compatible employment uses and compatible special purpose commercial uses; lands designated Urban Residential Arcas — Lose Density Areas, arc permitted a maximum residential density up to and including 30 dwellings per net hectare; - lands designated Mixed L'se Areas — Local Nodes (the lands on the south-east corner of Altona Road and Finch Avenue) may he used for residential uses at a maximum residential density over 30 and up to and including 80 dwellings per net hectare, retailing of goods and services of up to and including 10.000 square metres of floor space up to and including 2.0 floorspace index. offices and restaurants, community, cultural and recreational uses: lands designated Open Sparc System — Natural Areas may he used for conservation, environmental protection. restoration. education. passive recreation and similar uses; - lands designated Freeways and Major L iiliric°s — Potential .11ulti-Use Areas niay be used for utility and ancillary uses. and puhlic or private uses that arc compatible with adjacent land uses: Finch Avenue and Altona Road are designated on Schedule 11 the Trcntspotation System as Type B Arterial Roads: significant parts of Rouge Park Neighbourhood are designated on Schedule III — the Resource Management schedule of the Pickering Official Plan as S'ho•eline and Stream Corridor and as Rouge-Dujjins Wildlife Corridor; most of the western part of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood is also designated as Wetlands Class 3; the western -most part of the Neighbourhood is also designated Rouge Park. (I i 4 Information Report No. 21-02 Page 4 5.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 5.1 Resident, Agency and Staff Comments - No comments have been received to date. 6.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 6.1 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authoritv the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and / or Provincial interest; at this time, the Region has not yet determined whether this official plan amendment application is exempt from Regional Approval; 6.2 General - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Statutory Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; - if you wish to be notified of Council's adoption of any official plan amendment, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Region of Durham with respect to the proposed amendment to the official plan, you must make a written request to the Commissioner of Planning, Region of Durham Planning Department. 7.0 OTHER INFORMATION a number of development applications have been submitted to develop lands in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood; these applications are proceeding, although the proposed official plan amendment is currently being considered, where the applications are consistent with the provisions of this proposed amendment; 7.1 Appendix I - a copy of the City initiated proposed Pickering Official Plan Amendment; 7.2 Information Received - copies of the following documents are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: • the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study Phase I and 2 Reports; • the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Environmental Master Servicing Plan; • the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines; and, • Information Revision No. 7 to the Pickering Official Plan. Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II SGijf Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Catherine Rose Manager, Policy APPENDIX NO. 1 TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 21-02 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN ono PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PROPOSED PURPOSE: The purpose of the amendment is to revise the boundaries of residential and open space designations on Schedule 1 — Land Use Structure, revise the boundaries of wetlands and the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor on Schedule III — Resource Management, revise the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor policies and revise the Rouge Park Neighbourhood policies to implement the results of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study. LOCATION: The amendment affects all lands in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood, which is located on the west side of Pickering at the northern limit of the City's South Urban Area, This area is approximately 160 hectares in size. PROPOSED BASIS: The Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study was completed for lands in the City of Pickering in December 1999. The Study established a comprehensive plan to guide future development of the neighbourhood through two principal documents: the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Environmental Master Servicing Plan and the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. The Environmental Master Servicing Plan provides direction on edge management strategies between developable and non -developable areas to ensure that new development maintains and enhances adjacent natural features and functions. It also establishes a stomiwater management strategy. The Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines establish urban design criteria, identify school and park sites and major street connections. The Land Use objectives for this amendment are to adjust the boundaries of the land use designations to accurately reflect the findings of the Environmental Master Servicing Plan and adopt policies for both the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor and the Rouge Park Neighbourhood that will guide development in the manner articulated in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. Council of the City of Pickering passed resolution #29/00, Item #1, at its meeting of April 10, 2000, which included initiating this proposed amendment to the Pickering Official Plan to implement the results of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study and a number of other associated recommendations. PROPOSED AMENDMENT: The Pickering Official Plan be amended by: Revising Schedule I — Laud Cse Structure to revise the boundary between the designations of Open Space System — Natural Area and Urban Residential area — Low Derrsi°. for certain lands in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood, such that the designations appear as depicted on the following extract of Schedule 1. Revising Schedule 111 — Resource Management Schedule, to revise the delineation of the Class 3 ii'etlands at the west end of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood, and to revise the lands designated as Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor, such that they appear as depicted on the following extract of Schedule III. 3. Revising section 10.17 — Rouge-Duffins ii'ilrllife Corridor Policies, to add a policy limiting the uses permitted on lands that are designated both Freeways and Major Utilities — Potentia! Multi -Use Area and Rouge-Duffins if'1dlife Corridor; and. add a policy encouraging the preparation of a "Rouge-Duffins \\ ildlife Corridor Management Plan", such that section 10.17 reads as follows: C TTY POLICY Rouge-Duiiins I1 ildli/i' Corridor 10.17 City Council recognizes that the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor is intended to function as a significant vegetated connector providing for species migration between the Rouge and Duffins valley systems; accordingly, Council shall, (a) (h) (c) (d) (c) (f) despite the permissible uses listed in Table 13, permit utility and ancillary uses, as well as any uses permissible within the Open Space System — Natural Area designation (see Table 3) on lands designated Freeways and Major Utilities — Potential Multi -Use Area on Schedule I and Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor on Schedule III; and encourage the Nlinistr- of Natural Resources, Toronto & Region Conservation Authority, Region of Durham, Ontario Hydro and interested others to prepare a "Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor Management Plan", and establish funding for on-going maintenance and restoration of the Corridor. 4. Replacing section 11.16 — Rouge Park Neighbourhood Policies with the following: CITY POLICY Rouge Park Neighbourhood Policies (a) in the consideration of development proposed within the neighbourhood, (i) discourage designs which require the use of reverse frontages, berms and significant noise attenuation fencing adjacent to Finch Avenue and Altona Road; (ii) encourage a "neighbourhood focus" at the intersection of Finch Avenue and Altona Road through the utilization of structural massing, architectural elements, and landscaping that establishes a strong relationship with the intersection; (iii) despite the permissible uses listed in Tables 5 and 9`', not permit the establishment of automobile service stations and drive-thru facilities such as restaurants, banks and convenience stores within the neighbourhood; (iv) permit the use of density transfers and bonuses, as detailed in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines; (v) permit a neighbourhood population that exceeds targets established in "Table 1: South Pickering Urban Area Population Targets", provided the City and Region are satisfied with servicing arrangements, and school boards are satisfied that existing/planned school facilities can accommodate the population, and any other arrangements Council considers necessary; (vi) require a road connection running from the north side of Finch Avenue to the west side of Rosebank Road; (vii) require new development to have regard for the Rouge Park Management Plan; (b) encourage the retention of environmentally sensitive Provincially -owned lands within public ownership, and the appropriate and timely disposition of Provincially -owned lands outside of the Rouge Park that are not environmentally sensitive; (c) endeavour to eliminate the "jog" at the Rosebank Road and Finch Avenue intersection; (d) support improvements to the level crossings of the C.P. rail line at the Scarborough -Pickering Townline Road, Altona Road, and Rosebank Road, such as the installation of appropriate safety measures including automatic safety gates; and Copies of Tables 5 and 9 of Chapter 3 arc provided for reference as Attachments #4 and 5 to Information Report No. 21-02. IMPLEMENTATION: 011 i (e) for the north-east corner of the Beare Estate/11Iap Realty lands. located on the north side of Finch Avenue, opposite %\`oodyiew .avenue, interpret the minimum extent of the "Open Space System — Natural Areas" designation to be the southerly drip -line of the existing hedgerow plus 1 metre, with the maximum extent to be determined during the review of the related development applications. Subsections (d) and re) are approved policies of the Pickering Official Plan. The provisions set forth in the Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this .amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Pickering Official Plan. as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 0 O CCI REDESIGNATE FROM "OPEN SPACE SYSTEM -NATURAL AREAS" TO "URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS -LOW DENSITY AREAS" (NTE PROVINCIgIL lede, SCHEDULE I TO THE ROUGE PARK NEIGHBOURHOOD o 0 D36 y 1112 INCH /�i lee p,ry#v REDESIGNATE FROM "URBAN Com -RESIDENTIAL AREAS LOW DENSITY TO "OPEN SPACE SYSTEM -NATURAL AREAS" PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN nw.AA pry wr rntucrr: OPEN SPACE SYSTEM NATURAL AREAS ACTIVE RECREATIO.Nfl AREAS MARINA AREAS i// f==1 MIXED USE AREAS LOCAL NODES ® COMMUNITY NODES M:XED CORRIDORS DOWNTOWN CORE REGIONAL NODES REGIONAL NODE REGIONAL NODE 2 LAND USE STRUCTURE _MPLOY/JEN' AREAS 5_ IERA,_ _MP_D,MENT PRESTIGE EMVLOYMENT MIXED EMPLOYM EN' z iQ O cy FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTILITIES POTENTIAL MULTI -USE AREAS CONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS OTI:ES DESIGNATIONS URBAN RE5IDENT.AL AREAS 4116,URBAN STUDY AREAS LOW DENS, AREAS MMEDIUM DENS.rr AREAS t===1 HIGH OENSIT♦ AREAS RURAL SETTLEMENTS f-� l RURAL CLUSTERS RURAL HAMLETS SEATON URBAN STUDY AREA AGRICULTURAL AREAS C T, Qi rTh ,, iiMI _' CY ROUGE PARK \ ADD "WETLAND"NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGNATION AS SHOWN . / 1 N T E ifi ii. ADD "ROUGE-DUFFINS CORRIDOR" DESIGNATIONS WILDLIFE AS SHOWN / 7 + + Wu&+ ems' .�s`L�i�, + + Idrl �` N C 71= �,- DELETE "WETLAND' C� DESIGNATION AS SHOWN * )/ 4 SCHEDULE III TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT • SHORELINES AND STREAM CORRIOORS (NAY INCLUDE HAZARD LANDS) NET,ANDS ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT AREAS ROUGE-DUFFINS WILDLIFE CORRIDOR FORMER LAKE IROQUOIS SHORELINE ALTONA FOREST POLICY AREA FLOOD PLAIN SPECIAL POLICY AREAS ROUGE PARK BOUNDARY AREAS OF NATURAL AND SCIENTIFIC INTEREST KNOWN WASTE DISPOSAL SITES APPEALS 01; \\ ATTACHMENT# 1 TO INFORMATION REPORT# 1 - � -1 3NH0 33e [1116 n .o weal =r1, iirAM POOH 6 ii 11f3�53H II U OEN vm !II'' i'Ii� 0 E t ^o 0 0 0 E- 0 E 0 O 0 0 0 06 0) � o c 0 c O cc O m S C7 w z cc a w (5 0 CC a ¢ w o 0 o a LLa 00 U 0 0 APPLICANT APPLICATION No. 0 z w 0 ATTACHMENT#2_TO INFORMATION REPORT# / -0 INTER -DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM CLERK'S DIVISION DATE: March 9, 2000 TO: Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development FROM: Bruce Taylor, City Clerk Please be advised that at the Council Meeting of March 6, 2000, the Council of the City of Pickering deferred Resolution #29/00, Item #1, to April 20'h Special Council Meeting, as follows: 1. That Council receive as background information the "Rouge Park Neighbourhood — Phase I Report" and "Rouge Park Neighbourhood — Phase 2 Report", prepared by the Planning and Development Department, and the consulting firm of XCG Consultants Ltd. in conjunction with ESG International Inc. (the documents were previously distributed under separate cover); 2. That Council adopt the "Rouge Park Neighbourhood Environmental Master Servicing Plan", prepared by XCG Consultants Ltd. in conjunction with ESG International Inc., attached as Appendix I to Report No. PD 07-00, as the City's strategy for natural resource conservation and stormwater management within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood; 3. That Council adopt the "Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines", attached as Appendix II to Planning Report No. PD 07-00, as the City's strategy for urban design, major street layout, and public facility siting within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood; 4. That Council adopt "Informational Revision No. 7 to the Pickering Official Plan' attached as Appendix III to Report No. PD 07-00; 5. That Council direct staff to hold a Statutory Public Information Meeting to discuss potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan required to implement the recommendations of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study, as generally set out in Appendix IV to Report No. PD 07-00; 111 ;j (11 4 ATTACHMENT# LTO INFORMATION REPORT# 6. That Council request the Region of Durham consider the redesignation of Finch Avenue west of Altona Road. and Townlinc Road south of Taunton Road. from Type 'B' Arterial Roads to Type 'C" Arterial Roads: during preparation or the Region of Durham Transportation Masterplan .Study: 7. That Council request die Ministry of Natural Resources and other appropriate agencies/partners. prepare a 'Rouge-Dulfns Wildlife Corridor Management Plan", and establish funding for the maintenance and restoration of the Corridor; S. That Council request the Ontario Realty Corporation transfer all non -developable properties within the Rouse Park Nei hbourhood to an appropriate public authority with a conservation mandate: and 9. That Council direct that the City Clerk tbryard a coPy of Report No. PD 07-00 to the Canadian Pacific Railway. Durham Catholic District School Board. Durham District School Board, Interprovincial Pipeline. Ontario Hydro Services Company Inc., Ontario Realty Corporation. Ministry of Natural Resources. Region of Durham. Rouge Park Alliance. and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. This resolution is sent to you tier your intbrmation. 1. Bruce Taylor, City Clerk cc. T..I. Quinn, ChietAdministratiye Officer ATTACHMENT# -3 TO INFORMATION REPORT# 07 / ' C " Pu' IS 2000 13:22 FP i RC Y2K PROJECT U 1 5 416. 69` TO 919O542E6064 05/0S Resolution #57/00 Passed on April 10, 2000 WHEREAS the City of Pickering has prepared the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study; which involved public consultation, and input from an Advisory Committee; WHEREAS the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study includes provisions and planning designations to maintain and enhance the protection and preservation of sensitive and important environmental features, functions and wildlife habitat; and WHEREAS the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study area comprises some 160 hectares of land, of which 120 hectares is already or proposed by the study to be designated within land use categories of the Pickering Official Plan that prohibit development, including 48 hectares (40% of the 120 hectares), within the Rouge Park; and WHEREAS the Ontario Government, through the Ontario Realty Corporation (ORC), owns approximately 50% (or 80 hectares) of the lands in the study area, of which 84% (or 67.2 hectares) have been or are proposed by the study to be designated "Open Space System — Natural Area" and therefore not to be developed, and the remaining ORC lands designated in the Official Plan for development constitute approximately 12.8 hectares (16%);and WHEREAS the Rouge Park Alliance and a number of residents have requested that additional provincially owned lands be protected, in public ownership, to further enhance wildlife habitat and the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor; NOW THEREFORE the City of Pickering requests -that the Ontario Realty Corporation participate in discussions with the City of Pickering, the Rouge Park Alliance, the Toronto Region and Conservation Authority (TRCA), the Rouge River Restoration Committee, and other interested landowners in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood towards protecting the remaining 16% of provincially owned lands that enhance wildlife habitat and corridor functions; and FURTHER that these discussions investigate the opportunity to convey ownership of ORC lands to the TRCA for conservation purposes, and, FURTHER that the City Clerk be directed to provide the Ontario Realty Corporation, the Rouge Park Alliance, the Rouge River Restoration Committee and the Toronto Region and Conservation Authority with a copy of this resolution and that they provide a response as to their participating in these aforementioned discussions. CARRIED a, TOT L PH.;F n. 11 Mixed Use Areas Subcategory • Local Nodes Community Nodes • Mixed Corridors i Downtown Core ATTACHMENT# 7- TO INFORMATION REPORT# 3 I C ri TABLE 5 Permissible Uses (Restrictions and limitations on the uses permissible, arising from other ,..policies of this Plan, will be detailed in zoning by-laws.)_ Residential; Retailing of goods :tnd services generally sexing the needs of the surrounding neighbourhoods; Offices and restaurants; Community, cultural and recreational uses. All uses permissible in Local Nodes, .0 a larger scale and intensity, and serving a broader area. All uses permissible in Local Nodes and Community Nodes, at a scale and intensity equivalent to Community Nodes; Special purpose commercial uses. All uses permissible in Local Nodes and Community Nodes, at the greatest scale and intensity,. in the Cir-, sexing City-wide and regional levels; Special purpose commercial uses. PICKERING OFFICIA_ PLAN ED:T Cr, 3'. ".JL'te,'rree CITY POLICY TABLE 9: Urban Residential Areas: PermGrible Uses I Designation Urban Residential Areas ATTACHMENT #5 TO INFORMATION REPORT# TABLE 9 Permissible Uses (Restrictions and limitations on the uses permissible, arising from i other policies of this Plan, will be detailed in E zoning by-laws.) Residential uses, home occupations, Limited offices serving the arca, and limited retailing of goods and services serving the area; Community, cultural and recreational uses; Compatible employment uses, and compatible special purpose commercial uses serving the area. (11 7 PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 2: Chapter Three -- Land Use