HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 28-19 ~CdY 4 Report to PICKERING Executive Committee Report Number: CS 28-19 Date: September 9, 2019 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Community Services Subject: Volunteer Policy - Approval - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council approve the Volunteer Policy as set out in Attachment 1, subject to minor revisions deemed acceptable to the Director, Community Services; and, 2. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: Community Services staff have developed a volunteer policy that supports and guides the operation and management of the City's volunteer program. The City actively encourages participation by its residents in order to make our City a better place for all to live, work, and play. Those who are part of the City's volunteer program currently participate in a variety of City departments including programs, events, aquatics, animal services, sustainability, and Pickering Museum Village. The Volunteer Policy (the "Policy") outlines the criteria and guidelines for volunteer recruitment, training, management, and recognition. The City volunteer program will be overseen by the Coordinator, Cultural Services, along with a committee of staff leads from any City Department recruiting volunteers. Prospective volunteers will be supported by a designated staff lead, who will interview, train, manage, track and recognize their efforts according to the volunteer program. The terms and conditions of the Policy serves to ensure that the City is providing consistent leadership, guidance, and recognition to all City volunteers, will centralize tracking of volunteer records, as well as protect the City from liability. The purpose of this report is to seek Council's endorsement of the City's Volunteer Policy. Financial Implications: Costs to maintain and operate the volunteer program including staff oversite, program supplies, training, personal protective equipment, uniforms, meals, and recognition are captured annually in the Current Budget of the respective Department. In exchange, the City reaps the benefits of civic engagement and resident expertise through volunteer human resources. In the case of the Pickering Museum Village, staff have calculated approximately $361,600.00 in volunteer human resources and skills based on 2018 volunteer hours totaling 14,464 hours at a value of $25.00 per hour. CS 28-19 September 9, 2019 Subject: Volunteer Policy Page 2 Discussion: Volunteerism plays a vital role in the development of healthy, sustainable communities. Volunteerism is a requirement for all secondary school students and is often considered a priority of older adults. The development of skilled volunteers will benefit both the municipality and our community organizations who list lack of volunteers as one of their largest challenges. A central policy will ensure that the City volunteer program is consistently delivered, encourage volunteer engagement and lower associated risks for the corporation. The Policy is the guiding document which will enable staff to action various staff recommendations, form a committee of staff volunteer leads, and centralize efforts to maintain and grow our volunteer resources. The adoption of a central approach will: • reduce and mitigate risk for the corporation; • streamline recruitment and tracking; • support recognition and development programs; • empower and support staff in managing their volunteer workforce; • build upon the development of volunteer skills and opportunities for service; and, • potentially expand the volunteer program into new areas. Currently, the City engages over 200 active volunteers throughout the corporation to include the Pickering Museum Village, City Programs & Events, Sustainability and Animal Services. A central policy and team dedicated to volunteers will allow staff to centralize their recruitment efforts, offer volunteer opportunities to all active corporate volunteers, and tracking volunteer management records and history in a central location. The purpose of this Report is to seek Council's endorsement of the City's first ever Volunteer Policy. Attachments: 1. Volunteer Policy CS 28-19 September 9, 2019 Subject: Volunteer Policy Page 3 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Tanya Ryce Marisa Carpino Supervisor, Cultural Services Director, Community Services MC:tr Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 6 1 ' ed) Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment #1 to Report CS 28-19 CdY 6�� PlCKERING Policy Policy Title: Volunteer Policy Policy Number X Reference Date Originated (m/d/y) Date Revised (m/d/y) Pages PMV Procedure July 3, 2019 5 Volunteer Canada National Centre for Volunteering Volunteer Calgary Volunteerism Australia Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact Supervisor, Cultural Services Policy Objective The purpose of this policy is to establish rules and guidelines governing the recruitment, training, retention, management and recognition of volunteers, in order that the City ensures that volunteers have work that is safe, significant, fulfilling and appreciated. The City of Pickering relies on the unpaid work, talent and skills of volunteers and values their contributions. Index 01 Purpose 02 Scope 03 Application 04 Definitions 05 Principals and Conditions 06 Volunteer Management 07 Delegation of Authority 08 Procedure Review 01 Purpose The purpose of this policy is to establish a consistent management of City volunteers; to encourage and develop volunteerism in the City, and safeguarding the health and wellness of volunteers, as well as the City's corporate image, assets and interests. 02 Scope This policy applies to all relationships between the City, Volunteers and Volunteer applicants inclusive of: recruitment, hiring, training, management, service, recognition, and termination. This policy does not apply to registered program participants providing unpaid work to the City, as part of their program commitment. 03 Application This policy applies to all City employees. This policy does not apply to the City's elected officials, or Advisory Boards. 04 Definitions 04.01 Active Volunteer— a volunteer who meets mandatory interview and training requirements; attends mandatory training as required; and participates in a minimum of one special event, program or activity each year. 04.02 Inactive Volunteer— a volunteer who has not met, in the course of one calendar year, the minimum requirements to maintain active status. 04.03 Registered Volunteer— a volunteer who has submitted an application, required references, proof of health and safety training, proof of online Accessible Customer Service training, an acceptable Criminal Reference Check and/or Vulnerable Sector Screening (if 16 years of age or older), and has been interviewed and accepted into the Volunteer Program; but has not completed the position-specific training to become an active volunteer. 04.04 Responsible Person — a City staff person assigned the responsibility to supervise volunteers in their duties. Responsible Persons have passed all required training, including successful completion of the provincial health and safety training for supervisors and has demonstrated the knowledge and ability required for the role. 04.05 Staff— an individual paid by the Corporation of the City of Pickering, and scheduled to work. 04.06 Staff Lead — refers to a qualified City staff person who leads the activities of a specific group of volunteers. A Staff Lead will have Supervisor's Health and Safety training, the necessary skills to be the Responsible Person, and will develop/collect the required materials to lead and oversee volunteers within their area: position description, training documents. Policy Title: Volunteer Policy Page 2 of 5 Policy Number: "Click to type Procedure Number" 04.07 Volunteer— a person who voluntarily undertakes an assigned task or service without expectation of payment. 04.08 Volunteer Position Description — refers to a document outlining the roles and responsibilities assigned to a particular group of volunteers. The document includes the positions descriptions, required skills and training, as well as the list of duties and responsibilities assigned. Active volunteers will sign a position description for each role they take on. 05 Principles and Conditions 05.01 Volunteer positions are offered to: i. assist the City's ability to deliver quality programs and events to the public in a sustainable manner; ii. foster relationship building and community connectivity; iii. encourage community development and citizenship; and, iv. build leadership, knowledge, and skills within the community. 06 Volunteer Management 06.01 The City of Pickering will dedicate staff and program resources to the management, recruitment, recognition, and training of volunteers. 06.02 The City will assign a Staff Lead to each area utilizing volunteer resources. The staff lead will manage volunteer activities in accordance with this policy and supporting volunteer procedures. 06.03 A report on City volunteerism will be prepared annually, with recommendations, highlights, opportunities and risks for ongoing program development. 06.04 Staff Leads managing volunteers will work collaboratively with other municipal and City staff, and other professional associations in order to encourage, and sustain the effectiveness of the City volunteer program. 06.06 Volunteer positions will be actively promoted through social media, recruitment fairs, in-person outreach and online. 06.07 All City volunteers must be registered with the City. 06.08 The City of Pickering will maintain adequate general liability insurance coverage to ensure that volunteers protected in the event of bodily injury, death and/or property damage to third parties during the course of their volunteer duties. 06.09 City volunteers do not handle monies or spend monies on behalf of the City. Policy Title: Volunteer Policy Page 3 of 5 Policy Number: "Click to type Procedure Number" 06.10 A City volunteer will be terminated without prejudice, under the following circumstances: i. failure to comply with the policies and procedures of the City of Pickering; ii. failure to adhere to the volunteer position description, assigned tasks and/or work plan; iii. failure to provide notice of absence, or arrive for assigned shifts and commitments on 3 occasions within one calendar year; and, iv. theft, devaluing, defacing, misuse or destruction of City property. 07 Delegation of Authority 07.01 The Mayor and Members of Council to: a) direct inquiries related to volunteerism to the City web portal for volunteers, or to the appropriate City staff; b) consider and approve, as appropriate City staff reports to Council recommending changes or budget monies to support the Volunteer Policy. 07.02 Chief Administrative Officer to: a) support the allocation of staff resources to coordinate the Volunteer Policy. 07.03 Directors and Division Heads to: a) consider and approve, as appropriate the allocation of staff resources and budget monies to develop and manage volunteer positions; b) ensure their department meets the obligations related to volunteer management; c) consider and approve/deny applications made by terminated or resigned volunteers for reinstatement; d) consider and approve, as appropriate Staff Lead decisions to terminate volunteers; and e) consider and approve, as appropriate staff recommendations to accept volunteer applicants whose Criminal Reference Check includes a record of charges; and, f) consider, and where appropriate approve Volunteer position descriptions. 07.04 Managers and Supervisors to: a) assign staff resources to manage volunteer activities; and Policy Title: Volunteer Policy Page 4 of 5 Policy Number: "Click to type Procedure Number" b) oversee Staff Leads to ensure policy and procedures are being followed. 07.05 Staff Leads to: a) attend Volunteer Committee meetings; b) create opportunities for volunteer participation within their departments/division/section; c) promote available positions and opportunities; d) screen applications and provide timely responses; e) approve, or accept volunteer applicants; f) collect and track required documentation; g) keep an up-to-date listing of training: offered, available and completed; h) manage and supervise volunteer activities as appropriate; i) collect feedback from volunteers and community partners; j) complete an annual report on volunteers; and, k) recognize volunteers equitably where appropriate. 08 Procedure Review This policy will be reviewed every three years. Please refer to all associated Policies and Standard Operating Procedures, if applicable, for detailed processes regarding this Policy. Policy Title: Volunteer Policy Page 5 of 5 Policy Number: "Click to type Procedure Number"