HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 20-01O8 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 20-01 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF AUGUST 9, 2001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP -2001-05 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 14/01 Marshall Homes (Altona) Ltd. on behalf of M. J. Mitchell and M. L. Pyper Lot 6 and Part of Lots 3, 4, and 5, Plan 506 314 - 350 Finch Avenue (North side of Finch Avenue, east of Altona Road) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject lands are located on the north side of Finch Avenue, east of Altona Road; a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment#1); the subject property is supporting a detached dwelling; the majority of the property is currently vegetated; Surrounding land uses are: north - York -Durham sewer corridor and CPR rail line; south - on the opposite side of Finch Avenue are residential properties and a commercial property at the south-east comer of Finch Avenue and Altona Road; east vacant lands and wooded areas; west existing residential property and vacant land. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL Marshall Homes (Altona) Ltd., on behalf of the owners, have submitted an application for approval of a draft plan of subdivision and an application to amend the zoning by-law in order to implement the proposed draft plan; the applicant's proposed subdivision plan is provided for reference (see Attachment #2); the draft plan proposes the creation of one new municipal street, extending north from Finch Avenue and curving westward before terminating in a cul-de-sac design; all of the proposed lots will front directly onto the proposed new street; the proposed lot mix includes 43 lots for single detached dwellings having a minimum lot frontage of 7.5 metres; the draft plan design does not propose any lots that have direct frontage on Finch Avenue, but rather reverse lots that will back onto Finch Avenue or lots that flank onto Finch Avenue; all lands within the subject property are proposed to be developed as part of the draft plan of subdivision, and no part of the subject lands are to be developed with abutting lands. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan the Durham Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as Living Area, where development is intended to be predominantly for housing purposes; Page2 039 Information Report No. 20-01 the draft plan appears to be in close proximity to lands designated as Open Space Linkages, which recognizes an east -west ecological linkage known as the Rouge -Duffin Corridor; Finch Avenue where it abuts the draft plan is designated as a Type B Arterial Road; the proposal appears to conform to the designations; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan designates the subject lands as Urban Residential Area —Low Density Area; permissible uses within this designation include residential uses, including detached dwellings units; - the Plan establishes a density range for residential development within this designation of up to and including 30 units per net hectare; - the proposed development would provide a net site density of approximately 30.28 units per hectare (based on 43 lots being developed on approximately 1.42 hectares of land); - the applicant has advised that they will be making modification to the draft plan to ensure the density requirements of the Official Plan will be achieved; - the subject lands abut lands to the north and east designated as Open Space System - Natural Areas', - ' the exact boundaries of the Open Space System - Natural Areas will be determined with relevant agencies and considering the results of a required environmental report; - through the settlement of an appeal to the Pickering Official Plan, it has been determined that the boundary of the Open Space System - Natural Areas designation is coincident with the north and east property limits; any additional land required for buffers or edge management will be determined through the review of the required environmental report; - permissible uses within the Open Space System - Natural Areas designation include conservation, environmental protection, restoration and passive recreation; - Schedule II of the Pickering Official Plan — "Transportation Systems" designates Finch Avenue where it abuts the draft plan as a Type B Arterial Road; - Type B Arterial Roads carry moderate volumes of traffic at moderate speeds, with some access restrictions; they generally have a right-of-way width of between 30 - 60 metres; - the proposed new public street serving the proposed development would function as a Local Road; - Schedule III of the Pickering Official Plan - Resource Management designates lands in close proximity to the subject lands as Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor and Shorelines and Stream Corridors; - Section 10.17 of the Official Plan clarifies that the boundary of the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor coincides with boundary of the Open Space System - Natural Areas designation; this section of the Plan also requires an environmental report to address setback, buffers, edge management, and stormwater; - the exact boundaries of the Shorelines and Stream Corridors will be determined in consultation with the relevant agencies, and in consideration of an environmental report that is required in accordance with Official Plan policies; - the proposal is within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood and a Detailed Review Area, for which Council has adopted the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines; - the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines plan identifies a potential access location on the subject lands in the approximate location of the proposed street that intersects with Finch Avenue; - the guidelines identifies a Neighbourhood Focus at the corner of Finch Avenue and Altona Road that extends onto the subject lands; - the subject applications will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Pickering Official Plan during the further processing of the applications; 040 Information Report No. 20-01 Page 3 3.3 Zoning By-law 3036, as amended the subject lands are currently zoned "A" — Rural Zoning By-law 3036, as amended; the existing zoning permits a range of agricultural uses, one recreational and community institutional uses, and selected uses; an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to allow proposed draft plan of subdivision. A griculture Zone, by detached dwelling, some agricultural commercial the development of the 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - no resident comments have been received to -date; 4.2 Agency Comments - no comments from any of the circulated agencies have been received to date; 4.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the application to -date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • ensuring that the proposed development is in compliance with the density requirements of the Official Plan; • ensuring that the proposed development is compatible with, and sensitive to, surrounding lands; • ensuring that the proposed street, lotting pattern and dwelling designs maintain a high quality residential streetscape; • reviewing the appropriateness of the reverse lot frontage proposed along Finch Avenue; • reviewing required supporting technical submissions and reports to ensure that adequate information is provided, that technical requirements are met and that the proposed subdivision design does not impact on the ability of abutting properties to develop in an appropriate fashion; and, • reviewing the draft plan to ensure sufficient lands remain at the northeast comer of Finch Avenue and Altona Road in order to achieve the Neighbourhood Focus as prescribed in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. further issues may be identified following receipt and review of comments from the circulated departments, agencies and the public. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding either the proposed plan of subdivision or zoning by-law amendment application, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision of the proposed zoning by-law amendment application, or the Region of Durham's decision on the draft plan of subdivision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law or before the Region of Durham issues its notice of decision for this proposal. Page4 041 Information Report No. 20-01 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 ApQc es Appendix I - list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing this report; 6.2 Information Received full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; the City of Pickering has not received any technical information/reports on the proposed subdivision. certain technical reports are required to be submitted and will be reviewed and reported on, as necessary; 6.3 Company Prpal inci the current property owners, M. J. Mitchell and M. L. Pyper, have entered into an agreement of purchase and sale with Marshall Homes (Altona) Ltd. whose principal is Craig Marshall. 4.4.6 f Ross Pym, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner - Development Review RP/j f/pr Copy: Director, Planning & Development Department N."--- //a, Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Current Operations 042 APPENDIX I TO INFORMATTON REPORT NO. 20-01 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Development Department ATTACHMENTP i p- D INFORMATION REPORT ENDRIDGE PIPELINE ST LdeH TRUNK SUBJEC PROPE n43 MIN c,R\0o R GO llllllllllllllil SUM ERPARK 0 IUI V. PMRO nu I City of Pickering ERPARK ORES WODDSMERE 1111 4 MIN Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOT 6 AND PART OF LOTS 3, 4 AND 5, PLAN 506 OWNER M. PYPER AND M. MITCHELL DATE JUL 13, 2001 DRAWN BY RC APPLICATION No. A 14/01 SCALE 1;7500 CHECKED BY RP FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN -14 PA- AITACHMENW TO 4'� INFORMATION fir# ,g° ,o I • INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANTS SUBMITTED P M. PYPER; M. MITCHELL LAN A 14/01 65.0010'E 155,443 22 2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7, 31.6 0 32.0 36 7.5 32.0 7.5 37 38 39 32 3 35 32.0 40 41 w 30.5 42 MB BLOCK 44 0.3m RESERVE 3. ® 3i smiliglia 34400.E 32.749 FINCH AVENUE 43 50.0--� 34070 R73500'E 29.430 BLOCK 46 ROAD 9150E6/I1,10 0.01 ha T BLOCK 0.30, RES IN/S MAP WAS PRODUCED BY RIE CITY OF PICXER/N PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARWEN INFORMA77OV A- SUPPORT SERVICE. JULY 1.5 200