HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 11-01023 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 11-01 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF April 19, 2001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 01-001/P City -Initiated: Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review Part of Lots 22 and 23, Range 3, B.F.C. (Lands on both sides of Commerce Street, extending west to Frenchman's Bay and south to the Lake Ontario shoreline, along both sides of Liverpool Road) City of Pickering 1.0 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the proposed amendment would apply to lands within the Liverpool Road South Study Area, including both sides of Commerce Street, extending west to Frenchman's Bay and east to the Hydro Marsh. Both sides of Liverpool Road and the historic "Village of Fairport" are included (see Attachment #1); existing development in the area includes a mixture of housing, marinas, restaurant, boat storage, marine service, the Region of Durham sewage pumping station, the former Coolwater Farms aquaculture facility, park and natural open space uses. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review in July, 1999, the City received two major development applications for lands within an area identified by the Pickering Official Plan as a Detailed Review Area. The Official Plan requires Council to complete the Detailed Review prior to dealing with major applications; in December, 1999, Council endorsed the Terms of Reference for a Detailed Review of the Liverpool Road South Area to establish comprehensive land use, urban design, transportation, and environmental management guidelines for the area. The Detailed Review consists of two parts: Part 1 focused on background information about the study area, land use, development guidelines and an implementation strategy. Part 2 establishes a design "theme" for the area, and expresses that theme in detailed architectural, landscape and streetscape guidelines; the final products of the Review will be a City -initiated Official Plan Amendment, Development Guidelines including an Implementation Strategy, and Informational Revisions to the Pickering Official Plan. Some additional information on the Detailed Review is provided in Attachment #2; in June, 2000, Council discussed potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan resulting from Part 1 of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review. At this meeting, Council: received as background information the "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review — Part 1, Phase 1 and 2 Reports"; Information Report No. 11-01 Page 2 024 adopted in principle the "Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines", the "Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Revised Implementation Strategy", and related informational revisions to the Pickering Official Plan; directed City Staff to hold a Statutory Public Information Meeting following Part 2 of the "Liverpool Road South Detailed Review" to discuss potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan required to implement the results of Part 1, as set out in Appendix V to Report Number PD 26-00 and further modified by Council [Council replaced Clause (m) with a new clause, and deferred Clauses (g) and (h)]; directed City Staff to commence with Part 2 of the "Liverpool Road South Detailed Review"; and directed the City Clerk to forward a copy of Staff's Report prepared for that meeting to various committees and agencies; copies of Council Resolution #96/00 from the June 2000 meeting, and Appendix V from Report Number PD 26-00 are provided as Attachments #3 to #4 respectively, to this Report; - in February, 2001, Part 2 of the Review commenced; in March, 2001, Council directed staff to commence the City -initiated Official Plan Amendment for the entire Liverpool Road Waterfront Node concurrently with Part 2 of the Review; Council directed that staff hold the required Statutory Public Information Meeting on April 19, 2001, to consider potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan to implement the results of the Detailed Review. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLANS 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan - the Durham Regional Official Plan designates Frenchman's Bay as a "Waterfront Place". Waterfront Places shall be developed as focal points along the waterfront, and exhibit a mix of uses that attract people for a variety of reasons. The predominant uses may include marina, recreational, tourist, cultural, and community use. Residential uses and employment uses may be permitted, which support and complement the predominant uses; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan - currently, the Pickering Official Plan designates a major portion of the area as "Open Space System - Marina Areas". In addition to conservation, passive and active recreational uses, and community and cultural uses, this designation identifies the following permissible uses: marinas, yacht clubs and ancillary uses; marina supportive uses, restaurants, limited retail uses; limited residential uses in conjunction with marinas and yacht clubs; aquaculture and other related uses; the East Spit, the Lake Ontario shoreline, and the Class 2 wetland to the east of Frenchman's Bay are designated "Open Space System - Natural Areas" by the Pickering Official Plan. Permissible uses in this category include primarily conservation, education, restoration, and passive recreation uses; the balance of the area north to Commerce Street and immediately beyond, is designated as "Urban Residential Areas - Low Density" by the Pickering Official Plan. This designation permits primarily residential development at a density of up to 30 units per net hectare. However, other uses may be permissible including: limited offices serving the area; retailing of goods and services serving the area; compatible special purpose commercial uses serving the area; community cultural and recreational uses; and compatible employment uses; Information Report No. 11-01 Page 3 025 Schedule III of the Plan - "Resource Management" designates portions of the lands adjacent to the water's edge as "Shorelines and Stream Corridors". This designation recognizes that certain lands generally associated with water bodies and stream corridors may feature hazards such as flooding, slope instability and erosion. 4.0 PROPOSED PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 4.1 General Overview the purpose of this City -initiated amendment is to put in place new land use designations and policies for the Liverpool Road South Area, to implement the results of the Detailed Review. Complementary "Waterfront Node Development Guidelines" will also be forwarded to Council to assist in implementing the study results, and to provide further guidance on the policies and designations. The proposed amendment has been prepared considering comments by the public, landowners and agencies as well as the modifications by Council during Part 1 of the Review, and considering comments to -date during Part 2; the proposed amendment is provided as Appendix I to this Report, and includes both proposed text policies and proposed schedule changes. It is proposed that the Pickering Official Plan be amended by: 1. redesignating certain lands to "Open Space System - Marina Areas" on Schedule I — Land Use Structure, as follows: lands on the south side of Annland Street west of Liverpool Road; lands on the east side of Liverpool Road south of Wharf Street; and lands on the east side of Liverpool Road known as "Coolwater Farms" together with the abutting City -owned lands [see Schedule A to Appendix I]; 2. revising the boundary of the "Wetlands" designation on Schedule III — Resource Management, to reflect new mapping of the provincially significant "Hydro Marsh" wetland [see Schedule B to Appendix I]; and 3. replacing policy 11.4 — Bay Ridges Neighbourhood Policies with new polices to: • incorporate the vision for the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node [see primarily clauses (a) — (e) but also (f) — (m)]; • permit a wider range of uses within the Marina Areas designation subject to certain conditions [see causes (f) and (g)]; • require building designs along Liverpool Road to accommodate ground floor commercial opportunities [clause (h)]; • identify additional implementation strategies for using agreements with the City and parking arrangements [clauses (i) and (j)]; • encourage the introduction of small-scale commercial uses within Fairport Village on a site-specific basis [clause (k)]; • clarify the circumstances under which bay -fill may be considered [clause (1)]; • provide direction on determining development limits on the lands known as "Coolwater Farms" [clause (m)]; and • providing minor rewording of existing clauses on a municipal boat launch and the Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail [clauses (n) and (o)]; 4.2 Detailed Comments 4.2.1 Vision - the proposed Official Plan Amendment provides a strong policy foundation for guiding future private development and public infrastructure investment within the Waterfront Node as envisioned by the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review; - the proposed amendment promotes the nautical heritage of the area including marine and marina -related uses; - the amendment encourages a mix of uses including marinas, yacht clubs, marina - supportive facilities, public open space, residential, limited retail, offices, as well as Information Report No. 11-01 026 Page 4 all other uses permissible within the Natural Areas and Active Recreational Areas designations; based on comments to -date through Part 2 of the Review, there continues to be general support for the vision for the area; - a comment received at the public meeting held during Part 2 — Phase I of the Review suggested the "theme" for the area should refer to a "Great Lakes Nautical Village". Although the draft amendment was circulated referring to just a "nautical village", it is now suggested that clause (e) of the amendment be revised to refer to "Great Lakes Nautical Village"; 4.2.2 Waterfront Promenade based on comments received to -date during Part 2 of the Review, it appears some confusion continues to exist about the use of lands within 40 metres of the shoreline, and with the objective of establishing a `waterfront promenade"; - as a long term objective, it is proposed that Council work towards the establishment of a publicly -accessible promenade on lands adjacent to Frenchman's Bay [see clause (e)]; it is important to articulate such an objective rather than pursue it `unofficially' as has been suggested by some; however, it is further recognized that this long term objective may require a variety of implementation approaches (such as leasing land, establishing rights -of -ways, using parkland dedication, etc.), would primarily be implemented in a collaborative approach with `willing" land owners, may vary considerably in terms of its actual proximity to the shoreline, and may in some cases, because of the specific use of a property, not be achievable; it is anticipated that the waterfront promenade would be located somewhere within the "40 -metre waterfront use and amenity zone", but the promenade would not be 40 metres wide; the actual width and design is being examined in the detailed guidelines being prepared as Part 2 — Phase 2 of the Review; however, at this time, its width is anticipated to be in the range of 3 and 5 metres; 4.2.3 Waterfront Use and Amenity Zone - Council, as part of the consideration of Appendix V to Report Number PD 26-00, deferred clause (g) and clause (h), [now clause (g)] for consideration in Part 2. At that time, concerns were expressed regarding the waterfront corridor, stretching approximately 40 metres inland from the edge of Frenchman's Bay, running from the Front Street City Park to the bridge at Liverpool Road; - at that time, some comments expressed concern that the policy did not sufficiently restrict lands adjacent to the waterfront for marina, marina -support, waterfront and public uses, and it was feared that the marina uses will be lost; others believed there should be an opportunity to allow some redevelopment for additional uses within this 40 -metre wide corridor area providing publicly -accessible spaces and amenities are provided; these opposing opinions appear to still be represented in the comments received to -date during Part 2 of the Review; accordingly, staff re-examined the issue but found the policy approach similar to that recommended by staff in June 2000, best meets the overall objectives of creating a vibrant, active, mixed-use Waterfront Node. The wording of the proposed amendment that was circulated for comment (and is attached to this Report as Appendix 1), protects the lands for marina, marina supportive uses, and public and conservation uses unless other public objectives for public waterfront accessibility can be achieved through a proposed development; some comments have suggested that retailing and shopping activities should be focused along the waterfront, (not along Liverpool Road); the proposed policy would allow such retail opportunities should the market be there; additional comments on this revised clause are sought; Information Report No. 11-01 Page 5 027 4.2.4 Liverpool Road Corridor clause (h) of the proposed policy requires dwellings fronting on Liverpool Road to be designed to accommodate commercial uses on the ground floor; some comments received to -date during Part 2 of the Review continue to question the viability of commercial uses along Liverpool Road, particularly in the winter; however, the proposed policy approach only sets up the opportunity for commercial uses, it doesn't make it mandatory; 4.2.5 Bay -fill the proposed amendment includes Council's substitution in regards to bay -fill [see clause (1)], with a minor revision referencing the need to complete appropriate supporting reports. Based on verbal comments received through Part 2 of the Review to date, this policy remains somewhat controversial; the intent of the clause, as modified by Council in June 2000, was to severely restrict proposals to fill along the edge of Frenchman's Bay when it was the "best" environmental benefit to Frenchman's Bay and its shoreline, and when it would be absolutely required to facilitate waterfront public amenities and pedestrian access. Some comments have suggested that the policy could be improved by providing better clarity on how to define the term "best environmental benefit". Further, some comments suggest there remains merit in allowing limited bay -fill along the shoreline to achieve public objectives within the Waterfront Node. Additional comments from the public, agencies and landowners are sought in this regard; 4.2.6 Parking the proposed policy will enable the City to use some new parking arrangements such as off-site parking, and formal on -street parking to serve the area; however, concerns regarding the adequacy of parking for the Waterfront Node continue to be expressed during work on Part 2 of the Review; several people objected to the suggestion that certain existing and future roads should accommodate on -street parking, and were concerned that there may not be enough parking; providing adequate parking for the attractions, facilities and uses within the Waterfront Node will be a collaborative effort between the City and other private landowners during the development of the area; the parking strategies included within the policy and the Development Guidelines are a "package" of opportunities, suggesting both on- and off-street parking; all will likely be required to accommodate future parking demand in this area of limited available land; and the parking situation will also need to be monitored over time; 4.2.7 Village of Fairport the proposed amendment encourages opportunities to rejuvenate the historic Village of Fairport by permitting small-scale commercial uses in conjunction with residential uses, subject to certain criteria and site-specific rezoning applications; 4.2.8 Development Limits the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority is undertaking some work, which may lead to new fill and flood lines, and an Environmentally Sensitive Areas designation on a portion of the lands known as "Coolwater Farms". This information is still in the early draft stages. Thus, a proposed clause (m) has been added to the draft amendment requiring the proponent, prior to the approval of a zoning by-law amendment, to confum the developable area of the Coolwater Farms property with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; Information Report No. 11-01 028 Page 6 4.2.9 Wetland - the report of the Biodiversity Monitoring Program for the Pickering Nuclear Site, prepared by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, indicates that the wetland evaluation record has been updated for the provincially significant "Hydro Marsh" wetland. As a result, the wetland boundary for the Hydro Marsh on Schedule III - Resources Management is proposed to be revised to reflect current information; 4.2.10 Environmental Considerations - protection of the ecological system continues to be of high importance, the existing Pickering Official Plan contains many polices to safeguard the natural features and functions that apply to this area; the proposed policy for the Waterfront Node builds on these policies in noting the requirement to undertake an environmental report for any proposed bayfilling and highlights the new environmental information emerging for the "Coolwater Farms" property. 5.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 5.1 Resident, Community Association and Agency Comments no written comments have been received to -date on the proposed amendment application; 5.2 Comments from Part 2 of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review to -date, there has been one public meeting, several workshops, telephone conversations, and other discussions with residents, landowners, and agencies regarding Part 2 of the Detailed Review; in the course of those discussions, comments have been made that apply to the land use and policy issues; accordingly, staff has used those comments to help draft the amendment, and to provide the discussion in section 4.2, for consideration by others, to assist staff in finalizing the amendment for Council's consideration. 6.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 6.1 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority - the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and / or Provincial interest; the Region has verbally confirmed that this application is exempt from Regional Approval; therefore, should Pickering Council give notice of a by-law adopting this proposed amendment, it will be subject of a 20 -day appeal period; 6.2 General - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. Information Report No. 11-01 Page 7 7.0 OTHER INFORMATION 7.1 Appendix No. 1 - proposed City -initiated Pickering Official Plan Amendment to implement the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review, March, 2001. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Liverpool Road South Map 2. Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review 3. Council Resolution #96/00 4. Potential Amendments to the Pickering Official Plan, Appendix V to Report Number PD 26-00, June, 2000 Prepared By: Grant McGregor, MCL', RPP Principal Planner, Policy GM/jf/ph/pr Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Approved / Endorsed By: Catherine L. Rose Manager, Policy 030 APPENDIX 1 TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 11-01 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN (March, 2001) 031 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: LOCATION: PROPOSED AMENDMENT: The purpose of this proposed amendment is to implement the land use strategy of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review. Certain amendments to the Pickering Official Plan are required to reflect the vision and objectives established in the Development Guidelines for the Area, and to provide a strong policy foundation for future development within the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node. The proposed amendment would apply to lands on both sides of Commerce Street, extending west to Frenchman's Bay and south to the Lake Ontario shoreline, along both sides of Liverpool Road, and east to the Hydro Marsh. The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1. Amending Schedule I — Land Use Structure by redesignating lands on the south side of Annland Street west of Liverpool Road, lands on the east side of Liverpool Road south of Wharf Street, and lands on the east side of Liverpool Road known as "Coolwater Farms" together with the abutting City -owned lands, to "Open Space System — Marina Areas", as illustrated on Schedule 'A' attached to this proposed Amendment; 2. Amending Schedule III — Resource Management to reflect new mapping of the provincially significant "Hydro Marsh" wetland as illustrated on Schedule 'B' attached to this proposed Amendment; 3. Replacing policy 11.5 — "Bay Ridges Neighbourhood Policies" with the following: "11.5 City Council shall, (a) recognize that the area generally situated south of Commerce Street stretching to the Lake Ontario shoreline, on either side of Liverpool Road, exhibits a unique mix of built and natural attributes that establishes the area as the "Liverpool Road Waterfront Node"; (b) promote the Waterfront Node as a boating, tourism and recreational area; (c) require that future development within the Waterfront Node capitalize upon these unique attributes, which include Frenchman's Bay, Lake Ontario, the Hydro Marsh, City parks, marine activities, and the historic Village of Fairport; (d) secure a publicly -accessible pedestrian promenade on lands adjacent to Frenchman's Bay through acquisition, easements, conveyance, parkland dedication, or other appropriate mechanisms; 032 (e) for lands within the Waterfront Node, require building forms and public space to be of high quality design with a nautical village theme as detailed in the Council -adopted Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines, to create a vibrant pedestrian environment; (f) despite Table 3 of Chapter 3, encourage a variety of uses within the Waterfront Node by permitting marinas, yacht clubs, mooring facilities, marina supportive uses, residential, restaurants, limited retail uses, offices, as well as all uses permissible within Natural Areas and Active Recreational Areas designations; (g) despite section 11.5(f), for lands located within approximately 40 metres of the shoreline of Frenchman's Bay within the Waterfront Node, restrict uses to those permissible within Natural Areas and Active Recreational Areas designations, as well as marinas, yacht clubs, mooring facilities, and marina supportive uses unless the proposal enhances the sense of public realm along the water's edge through design considerations, which may include: (i) the provision of public piers, public squares or similar public activity areas, which are to be constructed at the applicant's cost; and/or (ii) any other matters identified by Council are addressed appropriately; (h) require that new residential development fronting Liverpool Road, south of Wharf Street, be designed and constructed in a manner such that ground floors facing the street can accommodate a range of uses including retail, commercial and offices; (i) for development proposed within the Waterfront Node, consider requiring that proponents enter into agreements with the City regarding: (i) landowner funding for a control architect retained by the City to assist in the review of development proposals; (ii) accommodating public access to the water's edge; (iii) construction and provision of public roads; and (iv) any other matters Council deems necessary; (j) with respect to the provision of parking within the Waterfront Node, consider: (i) permitting landowners to enter into long term agreements with other landowners respecting the provision of required parking; and (ii) accepting cash -in -lieu of required parking; (k) encourage opportunities to rejuvenate the historic Village of Fairport as a "lakefront village", and to this end, shall consider site-specific rezoning applications to permit in conjunction with the residential use, activities such as tea rooms, craft shops, art studios, and professional offices, provided that: (i) the scale of the proposed use is compatible with surrounding uses; (ii) appropriate off-street parking is available either on the lot or in nearby public parking areas; (iii) the exterior of the home retains its residential character; (iv) signage is discretely accommodated; and (v) any other matters identified by Council are addressed appropriately; 033 (1) consider proposals for bay -fill only in cases where bay -fill represents the best environmental benefit to the watershed; and when considering proposals for bay -fill, shall ensure the proposal is limited in scale, designed to facilitate waterfront public amenities and pedestrian access, improves environmental conditions of Frenchman's Bay and its shoreline, and is supported by an environmental report addressing the requirements of section 15 of this Plan and any other requirements of public review agencies; (m) require the proponent, prior to approval of the zoning by-law amendment for the lands known as "Coolwater Farms", to confirm the developable area of the property with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, in consultation with the City; VARIATION TO (n) consider providing a municipal boat launch along Front Street near Commerce Street, or at the foot of Sandy Beach Road on the west side of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station; and EXISTING (o) encourage the use and operation of the Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail in a manner sensitive to the interests of the neighbouring residents, and provide local trail connections with the Waterfront Trail in appropriate locations." IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Cross Reference: (OPA 01-001/P) (City -initiated: Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review) March 28, 2001 034 SCHEDULE 'A' \\\�\\\\� REDESIGNATE FROM 'URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS -LOW DENSITY AREAS' TO 'OPEN SPACE SYSTEM -MARINA AREAS' r '• REDESIGNATE FROM 'OPEN SPACE EwaYSTEM-NATURAL AREAS' TO 'OPEN SPACE ., SYSTEM -MARINA AREAS' 1•* 4444 .444•. LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH STUDY AREA LAKE ONTARIO EXTRACT FROM SCHEDULEI TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN I`4.f # •.tar/ OPEN SPACE SYSTEM NATURAL AREAS ACTIEASVE RECREATIONAL AR MARINA MEAS MIXED USE AREAS MILOCAL NODES MIXED CORRIDORS LAND USE STRUCTURE EMPLOYMENT AREAS. FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTILITIES MIGENERAL EMPLOYMENT POTENTIAL MULTI -USE AREAS PRESTIGE EMPLOYMENT M CONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS LOW DENSITY MEAS ® MEDIUM DENSITY MEAS FRENCHMAN'S BAY VERPOOI ■ LAKE ONTAR/O'.'''''''•••,, ..... LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH STUDY AREA EXTRACT FROM SCHEDULE III TO TEE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN V/A RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SHORELINES AND STREAM CORRIDORS (MAY INCLUDE HAZARD LANDS) WETLANDS ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT AREAS 10,00.1411C•1 11,101.1:011 /91:CINSI YAK. 111. 31.31 /moi ./1. �STREET+ /'����` jJr AV REVISE WETLAND BOUNDARY AS SHOWN 035 SCHEDULE 'B' 036 WATERPOINT STREET SS� 0 ATTACHMENT# 1 TO INFORMATION REPORT# 11 1 FRE CHMAN'3 BAY 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 ROAD MAIM ■ ■ ■ ■ COMMERCE to titi - Z w w J ANNLAND 401- .!?OMM ' f qp O 5 _ O t • ■ ■ O BROADVIEW STREET ;1111C1111111111111111111 TREET 1111111 ■ STREET ■ STREET HS 11 1 COLMAR ECM um a' n► 4 411 LAKE- ONTARIO City of Pickering Planning & Development Department LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA --- STUDY AREA a cadAew4%ideaUNerpoNNeth 2dlp N DATE APR 6, 2001 ATTACHMENT #1_70 INFORMATION REPORT# " 0 1 037 LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DETAILED REVIEW Part 1 — Phase 1 Report The report provided an opportunities and constraints analysis, guiding principles for discussion, a draft land use plan for the study area, draft development guidelines, and a draft implementation strategy. Copies of the Part 1 — Phase 1 Report were circulated to Members of Council, senior City staff, commenting agencies, as well as members of the public for review and comments. The Part 1 — Phase 1 Report, prepared by the Planning & Development Department, and the consulting firms of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, Markson Borooah Hodgson Architects and TCI Management Consultants Limited, provided a good synthesis of information, comments and proposed directions. Part 1— Phase 2 Report The second phase of Part 1 involved the refinement of the land use plan, development guidelines, and implementation strategy contained within the Part 1 — Phase 1 Report. Following the May 16, 2000 public meeting, the study team reassessed various aspects of the Phase 1 Report in light of comments received, and made appropriate revisions. The revisions to the principle components of the Part 1 — Phase 1 Report were included within the Part 1 — Phase 2 Report. The Report consists of six parts: Part A: Part B: Part C: Part D: Part E: Part F: Public Consultation Summary; Revised Land Use Plan; Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines; Revised Implementation Strategy; Informational Revisions to the Pickering Official Plan; and Potential Amendments to the Pickering Official Plan. The Part 1 recommendations on land use, transportation, urban design, environmental management and implementation were presented to Council in June, 2000, and were adopted in principle only with some revisions (see resolution #96/00, Attachment #3). Part 2 — Phase 1 Report The Part 2 - Phase 1 Report was prepared by the Pickering Planning & Development Department, and the consulting firms TSH Associates and Markson Borooah Hodgson Architects, in March 2001. This Report recommended a "nautical village" theme for the Area, and gave examples of the various design elements that could guide private development and public infrastructure investment within the Detailed Review Area. A public meeting was held on March 7, 2001 to present and discuss the Reports findings. Part 2 — Phase 2 The Part 2 — Phase 2 Report, currently under preparation, will build on the Great Lakes Nautical Village theme. It will detail the various design elements that will guide private development and public infrastructure investment within the Detailed Review Area. A public meeting will be held May 8th to discuss the draft findings. Final recommendations on both Part 1 and 2 of the Detailed Review will be forwarded to Council for consideration in June, 2001. 038 ATTACHMENT#5 TO INFORMATION REPORT# 11 ' () t EXCERPT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING OF JUNE 19TH, 2000: Resolution #96/00 — Item #1 Moved by Councillor Ryan Seconded by Councillor Pickles 1. That Council receive as background information the "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review — Part 1 Phase 1 Report", prepared by the Planning and Development Department, and the consulting firms of Totten Siins Hubicki Associates, Markson Borooah Hodgson Architects and TCI Management Consultants Limited, dated May 12, 2000; 2. That Council receive as background information the "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review — Part 1 Phase 2 Report", attached as Appendix I to Report Number PD 26-00, prepared by the Planning and Development Department, and the consulting firms of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, Markson Borooah Hodgson Architects and TCI Management Consultants Limited, dated June 8, 2000; 3. That Council adopt in principle the "Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines" attached as Appendix II to Planning Report Number PD 26-00, as the City's strategy for detailed land use, urban design, and major street layout within the Liverpool Road South Area; 4. That Council adopt in principle the "Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Revised Implementation Strategy", attached as Appendix III to Report Number PD 26-00, direct City staff to include the Implementation Strategy as an appendix to the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines, and direct City staff to review implementation matters annually and forward appropriate projects for Council's consideration during budget deliberations; 5. That Council adopt in principle "Informational Revision No. 8 to the Pickering Official Plan" attached as Appendix IV to Report Number PD 26-00; 6. That Council direct staff to hold a Statutory Public Information Meeting following Phase 2 to discuss potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan required to implement the recommendations of the "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1 — Phase 2 Report", as generally set out in Appendix V to Report Number PD 26-00 as amended by deleting Clause (m) and substituting therefore the following: (m) Proposals for bay -fill shall be considered only in cases where bay -fill represents the best environmental benefit to the watershed and when considering proposals for bay - fill, ensure the proposal is limited in scale, designed to facilitate waterfront public amenities and pedestrian access, and improves environmental conditions of Frenchman's Bay and its shoreline; and as further amended by deferring Clause (g) and Clause (h) for consideration in Phase 2 7. That Council direct staff to commence with the "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review — Part ", as per the Council -adopted Terms of Reference for the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review; and 8. That Council direct the City Clerk to forward a copy of Report Number PD 26-00 to the City's Waterfront Coordinating Committee, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and the Region of Durham. ATTACHMENT#L' TO INFORMATION REPORT# 11."-1 1 APPENDIX V TO REPORT NUMBER PD 26-00 POTENTIAL AMENDMENTS TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN (JUNE, 2000) 039 040 ATTACHMENT# 9 TO INFORMATION REPORT# i 1-(01 LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DETAILED REVIEW: PART 1 — PHASE 2 REPORT POTENTIAL AMENDMENTS TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN Certain formal amendments to the Pickering Official Plan are required to provide a strong policy foundation for the City's objectives for the area. The following potential amendments have been drafted based on the direction established by the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1 — Phase 2 Report. All potential amendments to the Official Plan will require a public consultation process separate from this Detailed Review, including a Statutory Piublic Information Meeting. City staff will initiate this process once directed to do so by Council. Potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan include: 1. Amend Schedule I — Land Use Structure, to redesignate the south-west corner of Liverpool Road and Annland Street (Avis) and the east side of Liverpool Road south of Wharf Street (Hilts) from Urban Residential Area — Low Density to Open Space System — Marina Areas. 2. Amend Schedule III — Resource Management, to reflect new mapping of the provincially significant "Hydro Marsh" wetland, which was recently revised. 3. Replace section 11.5 — "Bay Ridges Neighbourhood Policies" with the following: BAY RIDGES NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICIES 11.5 City Council shall, (a) recognize that the area generally situated south of Commerce Street stretching to the Lake Ontario shoreline, on either side of Liverpool Road, exhibits a unique mix of built and natural attributes that establishes the area as the "Liverpool Road Waterfront Node"; (b) promote the Waterfront Node as a boating, tourism and recreational area; (c) require that future development within the Waterfront Node capitalize upon these unique attributes, which include Frenchman's Bay, Lake Ontario, the Hydro Marsh, City parks, marine activities, and the historic Village of Fairport; (d) secure appropriate lands adjacent to Frenchman's Bay and Lake Ontario for the purpose of providing a publicly -accessible waterfront promenade along the water's edge, through acquisition, easements, conveyance, parkland dedication, or other appropriate mechanisms; (e) for lands within the Waterfront Node, require building forms and public space that are of a high quality design and theme, which combine to create a vibrant pedestrian environment; (f) notwithstanding Table 3 of Chapter 3, encourage a variety of uses within the Waterfront Node catering to the Pickering community and boating public by permitting marinas, yacht clubs, mooring facilities, marina supportive uses, residential, retail, commercial and office uses, as well as all uses permissible within Natural Areas and Active Recreational Areas designations; (g) notwithstanding section 11.5(f), for lands located within the Waterfront Node and within approximately 40 metres of the shoreline of Frenchman's Bay, restrict uses to those permissible within Natural Areas and Active Recreational Areas designations, as well as marinas, yacht clubs, mooring facilities, and marina supportive uses; (h) notwithstanding section 1L5(g), consider permitting residential, retail, commercial and office uses within approximately 40 metres of the shoreline of Frenchman's Bay, provided that detailed development applications demonstrate that, (i) the proposal enhances the sense of public realm along the water's edge; (ii) the proposal includes the provision of public piers, public squares or similar public activity areas, which are to be constructed at the applicant's cost; and/or (ill) any other matters identified by Council are addressed appropriately; (i) require that new residential development fronting Liverpool Road, south of Wharf Street, be designed and constructed in a manner such that ground floors facing the street can accommodate a range of uses including retail, commercial and offices; ATTACHMENT#..9.___TO INFORMATION REPORT# 11 ^ 0 k 041 (j) for development proposed within the Waterfront Node, consider requiring that proponents enter into agreements with the City regarding: (i) landowner funding for a control architect retained by the City to assist in the review of development proposals; (ii) accommodating public access to the water's edge; (iii) constriction and provision of public roads; and (iv) any other matters Council deems necessary; (k) with respect to the provision of parking within the Waterfront Node, consider: (i) permitting landowners to enter into long term agreements with other landowners respecting the provision of required parking; and (ii) accepting cash -in -lieu of required parking; (1) encourage opportunities to rejuvenate the historic Village of Fairport as a "lakefront village", and to this end, shall consider site-specific rezoning applications to permit in conjunction with the residential use, activities such as tea rooms, craft shops, art studios, and professional offices, provided that: (i) the scale of the ptoposed use is compatible with surrounding uses; (ii) appropriate off-street parking is available either on the lot or in nearby public parking areas; (iii) the exterior of the home retains its residential character; (iv) signage is discretely accommodated; and (v) any other matters identified by Council are addressed appropriately; (m) when considering proposals for bay -fill, ensure the proposal is limited in scale, designed to facilitate waterfront public amenities and pedestrian access, and improves environmental conditions of Frenchman's Bay and its shoreline; VARIATION TO EXISTING HO" (n) consider providing a municipal boat launch along Front Street near Commerce Street, or at the foot of Sandy Beach Road on the west side of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station; and EXISTING (o) encourage the use and operation of the Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail in a manner sensitive to the interests of the neighbouring residents, and provide local trail connections with the Waterfront Trail in appropriate locations.