HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 08-0901 =_1P_NfEfl_ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 08-09 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF June 1,2009 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter PA SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP -2009-10 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/09 1752, 1762, 1764 Rosebank Road 1602 Autumn Crescent Foxwood Trail Part of Lots 1, 2, & 3, Plan 505 Part of Block 165, Block 166, Lot 67, 40M-1810 Part 1, 40R-19732, Part 1, 40R-20042, Part 2, 40R-20043 City of Pickering 1.0 'PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject properties are located on the west side of Rosebank Road, south of Foxwood Trail, north of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way (see Location Map, Attachment #1); - the subject properties have frontage on both Rosebank Road (approximately 160 metres) and Foxwood Trail (approximately 90 metres); - the owner owns the subject properties under four company names (see Section 6.3 — Company Principal) with a total combined lot area of 1.36 hectares; - the subject properties of 1752, 1762 and 1764 each support one detached dwelling and a number of accessory buildings on each of the three lots, whereas the remaining properties are currently vacant; - single and semi-detached residential uses are predominant throughout the area. Information Report No. 08-09 ,0 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL Page 2 the applicant has requested an amendment to the existing zones of "SY (Zoning By-law 4285/93), "S -SD -SA -1" (Zoning By-law 4286/93) and "S -SD -SA -2" (Zoning By-law 4508/94) to a harmonized zoning code which will allow for the creation of a maximum of 27 single and/or semi-detached dwellings on lots with frontages ranging from 7.5 to 16.5 metres; Pineview Lane and Autumn Crescent are proposed to be extended (see Attachment #2); the proposal includes the demolition of the three existing dwellings on 1752, 1762 & 1764 Rosebank Road; - the following chart outlines the development statistics for the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision: Proposed Lots 1 —12 (Single Detached) 0.480 ha Proposed Block 13 (Single and/or Semi -Detached) 0.520 ha Proposed Block 14 (City Road Widening) 0.037 ha Proposed 0.3 metre Reserve 0.004 ha Proposed 20 metre Road Allowance 0.361 ha Total Area 1.362 ha Maximum Net Residential Density (Dwellings per Net Hectare) 27 the applicant is proposing a range of single and semi-detached dwellings with lot frontages varying from 7.5 to 16.5 metres and the dwellings will face Autumn Crescent, Pineview Lane, or Foxwood Trail; residents may have received through a recent mailing a proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision showing a different lotting pattern, please see the plan subject of this application (see Attachment #2); the applicant has recently filed severance applications to the Durham Region Land Division Committee to sever and create 5 lots (labelled as Lots 8 to 12) out of the draft plan of subdivision, for properties fronting onto Foxwood Trail (Land Division Applications LD 062/09 to LD 067/09) (see Attachment #3). 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan the subject property is situated within the Urban System — Living Areas of the Durham Regional Official Plan, which are areas predominantly used for housing purposes, that allow for the provision of a full range of housing which will be developed in a cost-effective and efficient manner; Information Report No. 08-09 Page 3 03 the Durham Regional Official Plan designates Rosebank Road as a Type C arterial road, with vehicle speeds ranging between 50 to 60 kilometres an hour, having a right-of-way width ranging from 26.0 to 30.0 metres which predominantly serves intra -municipal trips; the applicant's proposal appears to meet the intent of the Durham Regional Official Plan; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan - the City of Pickering designates the subject properties Urban Residential — Low Density Areas within the Amberlea Neighbourhood; - these areas are primarily used for residential purposes with a maximum net residential density of 30 dwellings per net hectare (the applicant has . proposed a net residential density of 27 dwellings per net hectare); - the proposed lots comply with the density requirements of the City's Official Plan; - the Official Plan designates Rosebank Road as a Type C arterial road which are designed to carry lower volumes of traffic at slower speeds, provide access to properties with a general right-of-way width between 26.0 to 30.0 metres; - the Plan designates Foxwood Trail as a Collector Road which is designed to provide access into individual properties, to other collector roads and to Type C arterial roads including automobiles, pedestrians, bicycles and transit with a right-of-way width ranging from 20.O to 22.0 metres; - the Plan designates Autumn Crescent (south of Foxwood Trail) and Pineview Lane as Local Roads which are generally designated to provide access to individual properties, to other local roads and collector roads with a right-of-way width of 20.0 metres in residential areas; - the Amberlea Neighbourhood Policies outlines proposed road connections for both Pineview Lane to extend easterly into Autumn Crescent and for Autumn Crescent to extend northerly into Foxwood Trail (see Attachment #4); - the subject properties are part of the Altona Forest Policy Area and the applicant will be required to provide the City with a Stormwater Report and a Construction Management Report; 3.4 Zoning By-law 3036 the subject properties are within three existing zone categories (see Attachment #5) • "SY — Zoning By-law 4285/86 (allows single detached dwellings, with a minimum lot frontage of 12.0 metres); • "S -SD -SA -1" — Zoning By-law 4286/93 (allows for either single or semi-detached dwellings or single attached (townhouses) dwellings, with minimum lot frontages ranging from 6.0 — 9.0 metres) and; • "S -SD -SA -2" — Zoning By-law 4508/94 (allows for either single or semi-detached dwellings or single attached (townhouses) dwellings, with minimum lot frontages ranging from 6.0 — 9.0 metres); Information Report No. 08-09 4.0 4.1 4.2 Page 4 04 the applicant intends to amend the existing zoning and create a harmonized zoning category to allow for a mixture of single and/or semi-detached dwellings only, with lot frontages ranging from 7.5 to 16.5 metres; - the applicant is proposing single detached dwellings along lots fronting Foxwood Trail and Pineview Lane, with a minimum frontage of 9.0 metres, and lots fronting Autumn Crescent (on the east side) are intended to be either singles, semis or a combination of the two built forms, with a minimum frontage of 7.5 metres for semis and 8.5 metres for singles (see Attachment #2); - there will be no lots fronting Rosebank Road; - the applicant has requested that all semi-detached dwellings be linked in whole or in part below grade. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments - none to date; Agency Comments Bell Canada - detailed comments will be available upon completion of a detailed review of the application(s) (see Attachment #6); Durham Catholic District - no objections, official comments will be sent School Board after May 11, 2009 (see Attachment #7); Enbridge Gas - no objections, the following conditions Distribution Inc. should be included in the subdivision agreement (see Attachment #8); Veridian Connections - no objections (see Attachment #9); Canada Post - no objections - mail delivery will be from a designated Community Mailbox (see Attachment #10); Rogers Cable - no concerns (see Attachment #11); Communications Inc. Hydro One - no objections (see Attachment #12); Information Report No. 08-09 4.3 Staff Comments Page 5 05 in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • to determine if there is a need for the proposed semi-detached units to be linked below grade to be compatible with the neighbourhood; • review all submitted studies/plans to ensure they comply with City standards; • if the Land Division applications (LD 062/09 to LD 067/09) are approved, City Staff will review the remaining parcels part of the Draft Plan of Subdivision to ensure they meet the density requirements of the City's Official Plan; • the applicant is required to provide a Stormwater Report and a Construction Management Report in support of the proposed development; • City Staff are working with the applicant to determine an appropriate front yard depth for the proposed dwellings on lots fronting Autumn Crescent in an attempt to encourage additional on-site parking availability; • for lots having less than 10.0 metre frontages, consideration will be given to limiting the garage width to a single car width to address compatibility with the neighbourhood and provide additional front facade of the building to the street; • City Staff will review the applicant's submitted sustainability statement to ensure the proposed development is sustainable in nature such as providing appropriate sidewalk connections, tree planting etc. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. - if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of Pickering in respect of the proposed plan of subdivision does not make oral submission at the public meeting, or make written submissions to the City of Pickering before the proposed plan of subdivision is approved or refused, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal. Information Report No. 08-09 -6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I Page 6 - list of, agencies that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report; • Noise Impact Study; • Tree Assessment and Inventory Plan; • Tree Preservation Plan; • Sustainability Statement; 6.3 Company Principal - the applicant of the subject property is Sernas Associates and the owner is David Brand in care of the following companies: • Brand Group of Co. (Block 165 — Foxwood Trail); • Cedaroak Development Corporation (1752 & 1764 Rosebank Road); • Keleck Investments (Pickering) Inc. (1762 Rosebank Road) and; • Parkmount Building Corporation (Part of Block165 & Block 166 — Foxwood Trail & 1602 Autumn Crescent). Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Lynda Taylor Manager, Development Review APPENDIX NO. i TO 07 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 08-09 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) Bell Canada (2) Durham Catholic District School Board (3) Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. (4) Veridian Connections (5) Canada Post (6) Rogers Cable Communications Inc. (7) Hydro One COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) none to date ATTACHMENT# -2-- TO I,`r^RMATr ON REPORT# QB-69— INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN PARKMOUNT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. SP -2009-10 & A 011/09 3 I LOT 18 PLAN 1 40M-1810 - ' FXWOODo A ' 40M-1810 - BLOCK 155 ——�--12 I 1II III 3 .AN i i0R 1973 II PART12 C .,... I I I rn3aY a,,, I I -R I I Co l rn o g ti o 7 I I — y upT,ar.w BLOCK 2J1 BLOCK ZVJ 11 LOCK 2 AN "BJmR`,45 R Pineview --------------- TRAIL BLOCK 166 9.0 9.0 10.4 4OM- 810 : as 10 r'i 11 n n 12 r, e�ioY n o �2i�e � f p 2 3 4 20.0 J I J J I I 20.0 --- ---- --------------------- n RLane(D -cm -------- �4---- BLOCK 22 BLaK 2 rn I 1 9.0 9.0 9.0 10.4 N Co 1 rn N p I i p 1 2 3 4 20.0 J I J J I I I I 7-Y TI T „„•Y -T--TPLAN140R-117291 I I I ^�• 71 62 1 L 0 A 631 Lon 641 Lon 651 L 0 A 66 Ia I� I� I� I� Im to I_ IN 1 oW la la la Ia to to IQ le IQ I BLOCK 13 Max. - 15 units Min.7.5m OR Min.8.5m Single Detached I PART 2, PLAN 40R-)� g- IPAPr IPAWT , 1qb 3` AM MIL SCALE COPIES OF DIE APPLICANT'S SUBMIUM PWI ME AVAIA E FDR NEWWD AF INE CNV OF PICKERINC PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. IMS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY ME CW OF PK'KERWG PLANNING & DEVELOPMEN)” DEPARTMENT, INFORM LION & SUPPoRI SERVICES, APRIL 29. MOS. ATTACHMENT# 3 TO 8� INFO« MATION REPORT# Q PROPOSED LOTTING PATTERN FOLLOWING LAND DIVISION APPLICATIONS LD 062/09 - LD 067/09 z Q m w cn O T THIS IMP WAS PRODUCED BY RIE CNY OF PICKERING PUNNING & MELOPMENT OEPARIMENr.. INFORMATION & SUPPORT SERNCES. M Y IZ. 2009. ATTACHMENT# TO WPORMATioN REPORT# 0A MAP 21 NEIGHBOURHOOD 11: AMBERLEA �- LEGEND - SYMBOLS HOOD CEM NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) BOUNDARY CEMETERY PLACE DETAILED REVIEW AREA -r OF WORSHIP PARK PUBLIC ELEMENTARY HISTORIC VILLAGE . SCHOOL SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ® PROPOSED SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL `P'pIP SEPARATE SECONDARY o 'SCHOOL CITY OF PICKERING P0,NNINC It DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT . JUNE. 3008 KLw1.MroME MUST Ir COITION COF O..0 CTION":TH°i"E NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS oma u'.m�us .wo THC ren. - APPEAR ON SCHEDULE i nir•vvvu� r'.¢b+1w GI w LI onlTlnwl E. r......1... 01.....,.. -1 IrHnn KI-:.J.l.... l.nnr C 10'1 ATTACHMENTO-.5-TO IWORMATION REPORT{# "09 2 ZONING CODES FOR SUBJECT PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING AREA SP -2009-10 & A 011/09 w 0 S -S D- Q SA -2 Li S4 S -SD - SA -2 w 0 S -SD- S3 < SA -2 1RP�� FOXWOOD PINEVIEW S -S D -SA -2 BY-LAW 4508/94 Al ITI IAAKI J -z) Q o. m z Q m cn 0 m 0 S1 THIS MAP WAS PBOOBCEO BY INF CNN OE PICKEBING PUNNING & D M<OPMENT OM" M£M. M'fGRAl9TlON & SuP r SER ES. MAY 12. 2009. ATTACNMENT##_1o__TO RECEIVED '"-ORMATIONMPORT# .bob APR 2 9 2009 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING DE AFtTMENTpMENT Development & Municipal Services Control Centre Floor 5, 100 Borough Drive Scarborough, Ontario M1P 46+12 Tel: 416-296-6291 'Poll -Free: 1-800-748-6284 Fax: 416-296-0520 April 27, 2009 City of Pickering Planning Department 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Attention: Ashley Yearwood Dear Sir/Madam: RE: Draft Plan of Pineview Lane Your File No: Bell File No: Subdivision SP -2009-10, A 11/09 44329 v Thank you for your letter of April 17, 2009 requesting comments on the above - referenced application. The Draft Plan of Subdivision has been internally circulated to our engineering staff for detailed review and to determine Bell's specific requirements. Please be advised that Bell Canada will be issuing comments upon completion of a detailed review of the application(s). Should you have any questions please contact Janice M. McConkey at 416296-6430. Yours truly Jvgn L hapelle, MC P, RPP t Mal ager - Development & Municipal Services, Ontario A 13 ATTACHMENT 7 Y® ��o��G D15 iRI�pSP 1 4 ��^1�ATION REPORT#� yo Durham Catholic District School Board a g RECEIVED April 24th 2009 Ashley Yearwood Planner Planning & Development Department City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario. L1V 6K7 APR 3 0 2009 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT RE: DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION SP -2009-10 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 11/09 PARKMOUNT BUILDING CORP. PART OF LOTS 1, 2, & 3, PLAN 505 BLOCKS 165, 166, LOT 67,40M-1810 PART 1, 40R-19732, PART 1, 40R-20042, PART 2,40R-20043 CITY OF PICKERING Please note that the above noted Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment Application will be forwarded to the Durham Catholic District School Board's Board of Trustees on May 11 th 2009 for consideration. The Board of Trustees' official comments will be sent to your department after May 11th 2009 Planning staff at the Durham Catholic District School Board currently have "NO OBJECTION" to the above noted plan & application. Please notify me if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely yours, Jody D Assistant Planner, Durham Catholic District School Board Telephone: 905-576-6707 1-877-482-0722 ext. 2211 C.c. Gerry O'Neill, Manager Planning & Admissions :jd 650 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario L1J 7C4 Tel 905 576-6150 Toll Free 1 877 482-0722 www.dcdsb.ca Paul Pulla B. Sc., B. Ed., MSc. Ed. Director of Education ! Secretary I Treasurer ATTACH MENT k -22 -To q INFORMATION REPORT# 2 -d APRIL 24, 2009 ASHLEY YEARWOOD PLANNER CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING CIVIC COMPLEX PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. ONE THE ESPLANADE PICKERING ON L1V 6K7 Dear Sirs: 15 ENBRIDGE . ENBRIDGE GAS DISTRIBUTION INC. 500 Consumers Road North York ON M2J 1138 Mailing Address P.O. Box 650 Scarborough ON M1 5E3 RECEIVED APR 3 0 2009 PLAY OF PKERING NNINNG & DEVE OPPMENT DEPARTMENT RE: DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISON SP -2009-10 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 11109 PARKMOUNT BUILDING CORP. PART OF LOTS 1, 2, & 3, PLAN 505 BLOCKS 165, 166, LOT 67,40M-1810 PART 1, 40R-19732, PART 1, 40R20042, PART 2 40R-20043 CITY OF PICKERING Enbridge Gas Distribution requests that the following conditions be included in the subdivision agreement: The developer is responsible for preparing a composite utility plan that allows for the safe installation of all utilities, including required separation between utilities. 2. Streets are to be constructed in accordance with composite utility plans previously submitted and approved by all utilities. 3. The developer shall grade all streets to final elevation prior to the installation of the gas lines and provide Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. with the necessary field survey information for the installation of the gas lines. 4. It is understood that the natural gas distribution system will be installed within the proposed road allowance. In the event that this is not possible, easements will be provided at no cost to Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. 16 ATTACHMENT#k-3—TO INFORMATION REPORT; Enbridge also requests that the owner/ developer contact our Regional Sales Development department at their earliest convenience to discuss installation and clearance requirements for main, service and metering facilities. Yours truly, Tony Ciccone Manager, Network Analysis Distribution Planning (416)758-7966 (416) 758-4374 ' FAX TC: ATTACHMENME— I r� nq ^,9r:TION REPORT#_J.LLZ.L,I. RECEIVED Vag A f'ERIDr ,1 AT C o N N5 C Tlff0UNVs APR 3 0 2009 CITY PICKERER G PLANNING NG & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW y OJECT NAME: Paskmmut Building Corporation E—PRADDRESS/PLAN: Pitteview Lane (Part of Lots 1, 2, & 3 –Blacks 165,166, Lot 67) MUNICIPALITY: Pickering REP NO.: SP -2009-10 &A 11/09 SUBMISSION DATE: April l7, 2009 The following is an overview of the general tequirements the Applicant is larely, to meet in order to obtain a complete electrical power supply system m this site and within the site where subdivision in some foam is involved. The comments below axe based on pteliminaryinfennation only =,I= subject to revision. In all cases Veddiam's standard Conditions of Service document sets out the requbements, terms and conditions for the provision of electric s'cswice. This review does not constitute an Offer to Connect. 1. Electric service is currently available on the road allowance(s) directly adjacent to this property. Servicing will be from Foxwood Trail, Pincview, Lane and Autumn Crescent and Veddiais supply voltage will b. at 27.6 W. 2. An Expansion will be requited. Vcddian's existing distribution facilities must be extended on the proposed road aaowance and/or upgraded in order to reach this project Within residential developments as such expansions are underground. 3. Individual metering for each unit is required. 4. A high voltage dissect buried ducted loop underground cable system is required from the designated supply point(s) at Foxwood Trail, Pineview Lane and AUh= Crescent In a tranafomner IOcatinR(s) ora the property, all at the Applicant's cost 5. The Applicant must male direct application to Veddisa for electrical servicing as soon as possible. A written, faxed or email request will permit Vcridian to begin the work necessary to identify specific requirements and arrangements and related work for this project, and to malcc an Offer to Connect. 'Ilse applicant is cautioned that tenders, contracts, or work they may initiate print to obtaining an Offer to Concert ficin Veridian may create conflicts with the tout. of and details of the electrical servicing set out in the Offer to Connect for which VeAdinn can bear no responsibility. 6. A Servicing Agreement must be signed with Veridian in order to obtain servicing for this site. 7. The electrical installation(s) from the public mad allowance up to ale service entrance and all metering arrangements most comply with Veddiares requirements and specifications and may also be subject to the requirements of the Mectrieal Safety Authority. , 8. Prior to obtaining a building permit, die Municipality may require the Applicant to provider evidence of having obtained and acapted an Offer to Connect. 17 AITACHh4[ENT#2_.ro 18 INFORMATION REPORTO 0 9. Laudseaping, specifically tees, siambs, other should be located/relocated away from Vcridiaes transformer to avoid interference with equipment access. - 10. Verdian evil, not attend scheduled City of picketing DART Meeting for this Development 11. Veridian has no objection to the proposed developmeat Please direct the.9ppbcsnt to contact Vcridim as soon as servicing is cone phated. Municipality, please forvrud a copy of first submission deil design to Veddian. Please not. that an Offer to Connect must be completed at least six (6) months prior to the required electrical servicing data Technical Representative: Fred Raininger, C.E.T. Telephone; Ext 3255 PP/df P:\dfriazell\Development Application Rcview\Piekeriug\2009\Patkmount Building Corporation - Pineviea Iane.doc Page Z of 2 Form #EC0002 Veudian Connections Development Application Review Rev. Date —July 15, 2008 ATTACHMENTf#112 TO ,-.� INFORMATION REPOW## Q(�� 19 Delivery -Planning PH (416) 285-5385 1860 Midland Ave FX (416) 755-9800 Scarborough On M 1 P 5A1 May 1, 2009 City of Pickering Planning & Development Department RECEIVED 1 The Esplanade Pickering On L1V 6K7 MAY 0 1 2009 CITY OF PICKERING Attention: Ashley Yearwood PLANNING 8 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision S -P-2009-10 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/09 Parkmount Building Corp. Part of Lots 1, 2 & 3, Plan 505 Blocks 165,166, Lot 67,40M-1810 Part 1, 40R-19732, Part 1, 4011-20042, Part 2, 40R-20043 City of Pickering Dear Ashley, Tfnank you for the opportunity to comment on the above noted plan. As a condition of draft approval, Canada Post requires that the owner/developer comply with the following conditions: - The owner/developer agrees to include on all offers of purchase and sale, a statement that advises the prospective purchaser that mail delivery will be from a designated Community Mailbox. - I he owner/developer will be responsible for notifying the purchaser of the exact C mmunity Mailbox locations prior to the closing of any home sale. The owner/developer will consult with Canada Post Corporation to determine sutable locations for the placement.of Community Mailbox and to indicate these Iodations on the appropriate servicing plans. THe owner/developer will provide the following for each Community Mailbox site and include these requirements on the appropriate servicing plans: -An appropriately sized sidewalk section (concrete pad) as per municipal standards, to place the Community Mailboxes on. ATfAf.HMENT�p€ ILM 20 v;- 77, gl+.T OW REPORT# 08-C Any required walkway across the boulevard, as per municipal standards. i -IAny required curb depressions for wheelchair access. i -iThe owner/developer further agrees to determine and provide a suitable temporary Community Mailbox location(s), which may be utilized by Canada Post u�ntil the curbs, sidewalks and final grading have been completed at the permanent Community Mailbox locations. This will enable Canada Post to provide mail delivery to the new residences as soon as the homes are occupied. �hould you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at the above mailing address or telephone number. Sincerely, Debbie Greenwood Delivery Planner Canada Post O ROGERS May 4, 2009 ATTACFlMENT#-ZLTO INFORWTIONR PORT# L Oct City of Pickering Planning & Development Department One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Attention:. Ms. Ashley Yearwood 21 Rogers Cable Communications Inc. 301 Marwood Drive Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1J4 Tel. (905) 579-1601 Fax(905)433-1774 RECEIVED MAY 0 8 2009 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMEW DEPARTMENT RE: DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION SP -2009-10 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 11/09 PARKMOUNT BUILDING CORP. PART OF LOTS 1, 2, & 3, PLAN 505, BLOCKS 165,166, LOT 67,40M-1810 PART 1, 40R-19732, PART 1, 40R-20042, PART 2,40R-20043 ROGERS PROJECT P090637 IN THE CITY OF PICKERING Dear Ms. Yearwood, With respect to the above mentioned project, please be aware that Rogers has no concerns or comments at this time. Rogers will be participating in the Pineview Lane (SP -2009-10) development with our telephone and other cable services. Please keep Rogers informed of any changes in this development. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you for your. cooperation. Sinc rely, Bernie Visser System Planner (905)436-4136 BV/ek Encl. WIRELESS • DIGITAL CABLE • INTERNET • HOME PHONE • VIDEO • PUBLISHING • BROADCASTING ATTACHMENT#�To 2.2 INFORMATION REPORT# -09 Caq 0� _ A IL C E M N,AY 1 1 2099 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Department 905.470.4617 . Facsimile - 905.420.7648 Try - 905.420.1739 plan&devl@cityofpickering.com April 17, 2009 Hydro One Networks Inc. Real Estate Services, Land Use Planning P.O. Box 4300 Markham, ON L3R 5Z5 Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Canada L1V61(7 Direct Access 905.420.4660 Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 dtyofpickering.com + ptunv/r &ae.e(alor�d,! (pl�Ctf rr� 405 - Li 2-0 - 0515 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP -2009-10 Zoning. By-law Amendment Application A 11/09 Parkmount Building Corp. Part of Lots 1, 2, & 3, Plan 505, Blocks 165, 166, Lot 67, 40M-1810 Part 1, 40R-19732, Part 1, 40R-20042, Part 2,40R-20043 City of Pickering We are circulating this new application for your review and comments. We respectfully request your response within 60 days. If your comments are for refusal or deferral of the application, please provide your justification for your position. If your comments are for approval of the application,, please provide a list of any conditions of approval, as well as comments on any matters related to the application Please find the following attached: 2 copies of the draft plan, full size; and, 1 copy of the application form. Please call me at extension 2913, if you have any questions. Your ruly yY � :2 Planner l AY:jf J:NyaomOOTPIen of euMlvWan1Ze091.9P Z W P10�EEe�ca1 ApDlltalbnl(]) Attachments MLc�0 4 2.009 Dale: _ We hdre ravi d the application concerning this subdivlsion/condomintum proposal. Hydro One has NO 0&IEC".Oil in principle to the proposed plan as presanlly Hid out. Please be advised that no further correspondence is required concerning this Inc. I altra Giunta