HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 02-10Information Report ReportNumber: 02-10 For Public Information Meeting of Date: March 1, 2,010 In Accordance with the Public Meeting Requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter PA Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment—A 19/09 Commercial Focus Advisory Services 2055 Brock Road (Part of Lot 18, Concession 2) City of Pickering 1.0 Property Location and Description the subject lands are located on the east side of Brock Road directly north of Duffins Creek (north of Finch Avenue) and are approximately 5.2 hectares in area (see Location Map — Attachment #1); one vacant, detached, one storey brick dwelling currently occupies the site. The structure is proposed to be demolished in the course of the development of the site; the surrounding land uses are: north - Pickering Islamic Centre and agricultural land; south - West Duffins Creek and large lot detached residences on the north side of Finch Avenue; west - Brock Road, two storey detached houses on a local road parallel to and facing Brock Road, and Brock Ridge_Community Park; east - East Duffins Creek and valleylands. 2.0 Applicant's Proposal - the applicant has requested to amend the zoning by-law to permit a three storey commercial building and a 13 unit, three storey live/work townhouse building as a first phase of the development on the lands (see Applicant's Submitted Plan —Attachment #2); - the proposed commercial building is to be located adjacent and parallel to Brock Road, while the.live/work units are to be located to the interior of the site; - the density of the residential component and the coverage (floor space index) for the proposed commercial building cannot be determined until ownership tenure and future ownership parcels are established; - surface parking for 106 cars plus 13 individual garage spaces have been proposed; - access to the site would be from a new collector road (currently privately owned); Information Report No. 02-10 Page 2 10 the current proposal for the second phase of development includes a four storey apartment building and three townhouse structures located to the east of the Phase 1 lands; the subject rezoning application applies only to the first phase of the proposed development. 3.0 Official Plan and Zoning 3.1 Provincial Growth Plan Places to Grow (the Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe) requires intensification of land uses within municipalities' built boundaries; the required review of the Pickering Official Plan (to bring it into conformity with Places to Grow) may result in changes to the prescribed densities', and other policies pertaining to the subject and other adjacent properties; 3.2 Durham Regional Official -Plan - the Regional Plan designates the subject property "Urban System - Regional Corridor and Major Open Space Area"; - "Regional Corridors" are to be planned and developed as mixed-use areas, including residential, commercial and service areas with higher densities; - the predominant use of lands designated in the "Major Open Space Areas" is to be conservation and agricultural uses; - the proposal appears to comply with the Durham Regional Official Plan; 3.3 Pickering Official Plan the City of Pickering Official Plan designates the northwest portion of the subject properties as "Urban Residential Area — Medium Density" (Brock Ridge Neighbourhood). The eastern and southern portions of the subject lands. are designated as "Natural Area"; - "Urban Residential Area — Medium Density" (Brock Ridge Neighbourhood) areas are intended for residential uses, home occupations, limited offices serving the area, and limited retailing of goods and services serving the area; community, cultural and recreational uses; and compatible employment and special purpose commercial uses serving the area; medium density permits development over 30 units and up to 80 units per net hectare; the Brock Ridge Neighbourhood Plan designates a new collector road in the location as shown on the proposed site plan for this application; a floor space index for commercial uses in a residential designation is not identified; the proposal will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Pickering Official Plan during the further processing of the application; Information Report No. 02-10 3.4 3.4 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Duffins Precinct Development Guidelines Page 3 11 the Compendium Document to the Pickering Official Plan contains development guidelines affecting the lands. Through the rezoning and site plan approval process the proposal will be reviewed to ensure overall conformity with the principles contained within the Duffins Precinct Development Guidelines; the guidelines envision multi -unit, multi -floor buildings for the site. The northwest corner of the subject site is intended to establish a strong building presence along Brock Road, recommending the construction of buildings of between four and eight storeys, and to frame the entry point into the precinct at this location; a potential location for a storm water management pond is identified at the east side of the subject lands; Zoning. By-law 3036 - the subject property is currently zoned "G"— Greenbelt; - the existing zoning is intended for parks and park -related activities and facilities, forestry, reforestation, conservation activities and agricultural uses; - detailed site review concluded that a portion of the subject lands would be appropriate for development as a part of the comprehensively planned Duffins Precinct; - an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to allow the development of the proposed development; - the applicant has requested an appropriate zone that would permit the proposed development. Results of Circulation Resident Comments - none received in response to the circulation to date; Agency Comments none received to date; City Department Comments Development Control comments will be provided after an up-to-date Duffins Precinct, Southern Lands, Environmental Servicing Plan has been submitted for review; 4.4 Staff Comments - an Environmental Master Servicing Plan Phase II Report for Duffins Precinct was prepared in 1999. The report did not receive approval from the TRCA, and is now considered out of date due to subsequent policy changes and the final determination of the full extent of the East Duffins Creek valleylands; Information Report No. 02-10 Page 4 12 City and TRCA staff have identified the need for an updated Environmental Servicing Plan (ESP) for Duffins Precinct. The Terms of Reference for the ESP report for the southern lands of Duffins Precinct is currently being reviewed. Rezoning of any lands within the precinct is considered premature until the ESP has been endorsed by both the City and the TRCA; in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff.for further review and consideration: • whether the new ESP will necessitate the provision of a stormwater pond on the site and/or the potential need for increased stormwater retention within the Phase 1 area of the subject lands; • the determination of required ownership parcels and tenure; • determination of the timing of the conveyance and payment for the required collector road and services;. whether cost sharing agreements are required for the new ESP, provision of the stormwater management facilities; and construction of services and the collector road; • whether the proposed width of the live/work units is adequate for the proper functioning of the commercial component of live/work units; • whether a road widening is required for Brock Road; • the Pickering Islamic Centre is currently experiencing difficulties as a result of insufficient on-site.parking spaces that may require special consideration when considering the function and adequacy the parking volumes and layout for the proposed development; • determination that the resultant mix of uses permitted on the subject property is compatible, viable and sensitive to existing surrounding development, including traffic, noise, level of activity, scale and intensity of the uses, and provides appropriate buffering and protection of the East and West Duffins Creeks and valleylands, while not negatively impacting on abutting properties, or traffic conditions; • identification of coordination issues with the design and construction of the Phase 2 lands; • the identification of site plan/design concerns including the layout, fire access, parking volumes and areas, ingress/egress, pedestrian accessibility, traffic generation and patterns, amenity spaces; and landscaped areas and features; and • consideration of resident and neighbouring owner concerns; and. • evaluation of the application in terms of its level of sustainable development components. Information Report No. 02-10 Page 5 13 5.0 Procedural Information - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting,; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; - if you wish to.be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 Other Information 6.1 Appendix No..I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have comments'on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received - copies of the plans and studies listed below are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: Conclusions summarized here are for information purposes only. Further review and stafflagency comments are still required; Planning Justification Report including Sustainable Development review (comments required from City and Region staff) • concludes that the proposal satisfies the intent of the Provincial and City planning policies and represents good planning. It also outlines the provision of a variety of small-scale sustainability initiatives. Staff may recommend additional initiatives through the course of more detailed review; - Environmental Report (comments required from TRCA, City and Region Engineering) • confirms that the proposed development has addressed the immediate natural heritage issues associated with the subject properties and. . Environmentally Significant Areas and that impacts from the proposed development are nominal and can be readily mitigated through standard measures; Traffic Study (comments required from City and Region Engineering) • concludes that the access as located within the proposed development is acceptable and that small delays will be experienced by left turning outbound traffic but that northboundand southbound through traffic on Brock Road will be unaffected. Potential impacts on upstream and downstream signalized intersections will be negligible; Information Report No. 02=10 Page 6 Stages 1 and 2 Archaeological Assessment (comments required from City and Region staff) • confirms that although no archaeological remains were found in the Phase 1 area of the subject properties, this phase area falls within a 50 metre buffer zone around an area in which a number of archaeological fragments were found and is considered to have high cultural heritage , value. Monitoring by a licensed archaeologist is recommended for areas requiring grading or excavation that may extend below the limits of the existing filled area on the site. A Stage 3 excavation of one --metre test units is recommended for lands located within Phase 2; Functional Servicing Report (comments required from City and Region Engineering) • finds that the existing Brock Road sanitarysewer and watermain are available to service the site. Stormwater management for the site will include quantity and quality controls through the construction of a storm sewer that will discharge to the West Duffins Creek, on-site detention, the use of 'an oil/grit separator and an infiltration strategy; Preliminary Site Plan; (comments required from City and Region Engineering); Preliminary Elevations; (comments required from City and Region Engineering); 6.3 Company Principal the owner of the subject property is 2143087 Ontario Ltd. (Palwinder Singh Verraich); Commercial Focus Advisory Services (Stephen Fagyas) is the applicant. P. Isa Jm s, MCIP, RPP PIann I IJ:ld Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development ,1 Ca herine Rose, MCIP, kPP Manager,Policy g Residents and Landowners (1) . none received to date Commenting Agencies (1) none received to date Commenting City Departments (1) Development Control Appendix No. I to Information Report No. 02-10 ATTACHMENT #—LTO 16 INFORMATION REPORT# Qk o 1�1111111111� � �� �` 0 111111 11111 �•S:Slf •S:o•:::::::::1*0 �:�:::❖:❖:❖:•3::❖:� �iiiii• °i°i°ii°ii �iiii°O .. . . � •i°ii°ii°i .°•••• �:�:�:�:44000000p4�•pOppO°:•�°c ••••,ems � 0�0°OHO°00�•�O•p0000p0•-� � C _ c Q m E U U) a) N O U N a-0 rn CL Q o ° rn r ° o Q LL ami CL ° a� 0E C O o U .E w c ATTACH'MEdT#? TO Ips=crs;,?,!uliDw ptpoRT# 022-jQ