HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 24, 2016 Page 1 of 4 Minutes/Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Tuesday, May 24, 2016 6:00 pm Pickering Museum Village – Odd Fellows Hall Attendees: Tanya Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services Vince Plouffe, Supervisor, Facilities Operations Katrina Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Programs Joan De Gennaro, Clerk-Typist (recording secretary) Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Don Hudson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rose Ann Cowan, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Graham Lowman, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Karen Emmink, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Laura Coulter, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Greg Oakes, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation Regrets: Laura Drake, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee James Calder, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Pamela Fuselli, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome and Lower Site Walk About T. Ryce welcomed all in attendance. 2. Pizza Dinner Committee members enjoyed a pizza dinner in the Odd Fellows Hall while V. Plouffe reviewed some of the improvements made to the hall. 3. Approval of Agenda & Minutes Business Arising Motion: to approve the May 24th Agenda. Moved: P. Savel Seconded: R. Cowan Carried Page 2 of 4 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Amendment to the April 26th minutes to include dollar sign in the amendment to the March minutes. Motion: to approve the minutes of April 26th as amended. Moved: K. Emmink Seconded: R. Cowan Carried 4. Lower Site Walk About V. Plouffe took the Committee members on a walk about the lower site and discussed the work projects that have been completed, in progress, and upcoming. 5. CMOG Update Committee Members to review the five Policies and be prepared to provide input and endorse the policies at the June 14th meeting. 1. Collections Development and Management Policy 2. Conservation Policy 3. Research Policy 4. Programming and Interpretation Policy 5. Exhibit Policy K. Pyke reviewed the Pickering Museum Village Institutional Exhibition Plan for 2016 – 2021 and the Pickering Museum Village Social Media Plan for 2016 – 2018. These plans represent the Museum’s response to the Ministry of Culture’s 2016 Standards Reviews for the Exhibit Standard and the Community Standard. They will be submitted as part of PMV’s CMOG and standards review submission at the end of June. G. Lowman asked that the committee pass on their appreciation to E. Tayles and her steering committee members for their hard work on the PMV Institutional Exhibition Plan. Motion: to endorse the Pickering Museum Village Institutional Exhibition Plan 2016-2021 and Pickering Museum Village Social Media Plan for 2016 – 2018 as written. Moved: P. Savel Seconded: K. Emmink Carried Committee Members not able to attend on June 14 to submit questions or recommendations to T. Ryce via email for discussion at the meeting. Page 3 of 4 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 6. PMV Foundation Report G. Oakes – meeting last week – minutes to be distributed tomorrow. Members to submit questions to T. Ryce to send to G. Oakes. 7. Sub-Committee Reports Facility Improvements D. Hudson reviewed the minutes of the May 19th Facility Improvements Sub-Committee meeting. A general discussion on the Administration Building took place. Amended Motion: That the City be requested as part of its Facilities Asset Management Plan, to prepare a review of the various deficiencies associated with the Museum Administration Building and consider the cost of ongoing repairs and maintenance alongside the results of the ICCROM “Self-Evaluation Tool for Museum Storage” versus the benefit of a new administration building as soon as possible. Moved as amended by D. Hudson Seconded: R. Cowan Carried Collections  No report Volunteer Appreciation  There was no follow up to the VIV evening as the event was a success by all accounts.  July 15 deadline for Spirit Walk for nominations for the Governor General Award – recommend that they have an extra meeting to meet the submission deadline.  Suggested that a member of the Volunteer Community be add to the Volunteer Recognition Sub-Committee. Museum staff to proceed with Collections self- evaluation for Administration building to support Corporate Facilities Asset Management Plan data collection and reporting. 8. New Business and Adjournment Motion: to request Bingo funds in the amount of $24,725.00 + HST to cover the cost of replacing the roof of Odd Fellows Hall from the Pickering Museum Village Foundation. Moved: G. Lowman Seconded: P. Savel Carried Page 4 of 4 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Motion: to adjourn the meeting. Moved: L. Coulter Seconded: K. Emmink Carried Next Meeting: June 14, 2016 7:00 pm - Main Committee Room Meeting Adjourned: 9:30 pm Attachments: PMV Institutional Exhibition Plan 2016 – 2021 PMV Social Medial Plan 2016 - 2018 Copy: Director, Culture & Recreation Clerks