HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 06-19646/ DICKERING Report to Council Report Number: ENG 06-19 Date: June 24, 2019 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering Services Subject: Consultant Selection for Stormwater Management Facilities Asset Management Plan - Proposal No. RFP -3-2019 - File: A 1440 Recommendation: 1. That Proposal No. RFP -3-2019 — Stormwater Management Facilities Asset Management Plan, submitted by The Municipal Infrastructure Group Limited in the amount of $235,966.60 (HST included) be accepted; 2. That the total gross project cost of $332,082.00 (HST included), including the proposal amount, a contingency and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $299,050.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 3. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to fund the total net project cost of $299,050.00 by a transfer from the Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund; and 4. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: As part of the 2019 Current Budget, the Stormwater Management Facilities Asset Management Plan was approved as a project in the Water Resources & Development Services Consulting & Professional account. Request for Proposal No. RFP -3-2019 was issued on Wednesday May 1, 2019 and closed on Thursday, May 23, 2019. The Evaluation Committee consisting of staff from the Engineering Services Department, reviewed and evaluated the 5 proposals received using criteria outlined in the Terms of Reference. It is recommended by the Evaluation Committee that The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. (TMIG) be retained to undertake the Stormwater Management Facilities Asset Management Plan at a cost of $265,966.60 (HST included). It is also recommended that the total gross project cost of $332,082.00 (HST included), including the proposal amount, a contingency and other associated costs, and the net project cost of $299,050.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved. In accordance with Section 10.04 (c) of the Purchasing Policy, where the project cost of a consulting assignment is more than $50,000, the award is subject to the approval of Council. ENG 06-19 Subject: Consultant Selection for Stormwater Management Facilities Asset Management Plan Proposal No. RFP -3-2019 June 24, 2019 Page 2 Financial Implications: 1. Request for Proposal Amount Proposal No. RFP -3-2019 HST (13%) Total $208,820.00 27,146.60 $235,966.60 2. Estimated Project Costing Summary Proposal No. RFP -3-2019 Associated Costs Additional materials testing (provisional) Additional surveying (provisional) Contingency (12% ) Sub Total — Costs HST (13%) Total Gross Project Costs HST Rebate (11.24%) Total Net Project Costs $208,820.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 25,058.00 $293,878.00 38,204.00 $332,082.00 (33,032.00) $299,050.00 3. Approved Source of Funds Account Source of Funds Budget 2613.2392.0000 Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund $300,000.00 Total: $300,000.00 Required $299,050.00 $299,050.00 Net project costs (over) under approved funds $950.00 In 2019, the Stormwater Management Facilities Asset Management Plan was approved in the Water Resources & Development Services 2019 Current Budget Consulting & Professional account 2613.2392.0000, in the amount of $300,000.00. Discussion: The City owns and operates 20 stormwater management (SWM) facilities (Attachment #1). The majority of the facilities are relatively old and are subject to major repair and clean out requirements. The City does not currently have a comprehensive manual to assist in providing required maintenance for its SWM facilities. The Stormwater Management Facilities Asset Management Plan will be fulfilling all of the outstanding requirements from Ontario Regulation 588/17 for input into the City's overall Asset Management Plan, which is required to be completed by July 1, 2021. The scope of work for the Stormwater Management Facilities Asset Management Plan includes quantifying the existing ENG 06-19 June 24, 2019 Subject: Consultant Selection for Stormwater Management Facilities Asset Management Plan Proposal No. RFP -3-2019 Page 3 sediment volumes; determining the level of service for each SWM facility; identifying a short and long term maintenance plan and capital projects plan, based on an the overall SWM facility condition assessments of each component. The Plan will also include a full life cycle analysis and replacement cost assessment for the required maintenance tasks for each SWM facility. More specifically, the short and long-term maintenance plan and capital projects plan that has been chosen based on the highest priority, will serve many benefits, such as helping to safeguard public health, reduce flooding potential for public and/or private lands, improve water quality in the receiving creeks and demonstrate due diligence with respect to good asset management principles and practices. Request for Proposal No. RFP -3-2019 was issued on May 1, 2019 to obtain proposals to undertake the Stormwater Management Facilities Asset Management Plan. The Request for Proposal process closed on May 23, 2019, with five proposals submitted. The City received submissions from the following consulting firms: • AECOM Ltd. • GHD Ltd. • KSGS Engineering Corp. • The Greer Galloway Group Inc. • The Municipal Infrastructure Group Limited (TMIG) The proposals received were reviewed by the Evaluation Committee consisting of staff from the Engineering Services Department. Proposals were evaluated based on the consultant's experience on similar projects, their understanding of the project, proposed work plan and deliverables, project team overview, quality of their references, quality of their proposal and their pricing. TMIG received the highest average score (Attachment #2) and best met the City's needs in completing the Stormwater Management Facilities Asset Management Plan. References for TMIG have been reviewed and are deemed acceptable by the Division Head, Water Resources & Development Services. The City's Health & Safety Policy form, and a current Clearance Certificate issued by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board have been submitted to the City by TMIG. The Certificate of Insurance has been reviewed by the Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit and is deemed acceptable. Upon careful examination of all proposals and relevant documents received, the Engineering Services Department recommends the acceptance of Proposal No. RFP -3-2019 submitted by TMIG to prepare the Stormwater Management Facilities Asset Management Plan in the amount $235,966.60 (HST included). It is also recommended that the total gross project cost of $332,082.00 (HST included), including the proposal amount, a contingency and other associated costs, and the net project cost of $299,050.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved. ENG 06-19 June 24, 2019 Subject: Consultant Selection for Stormwater Management Facilities Asset Management Plan Proposal No. RFP -3-2019 Page 4 Attachments: 1. Stormwater Management Facilities Location Map 2. Supply & Services Memorandum dated June 4, 2019 Prepared By: (, gidaVadCA--'0 Irina Marouchko, P.Eng. Senior Water Resources Engineer 6)r--/yAcl Marilee Gadzovski, M.Sc. (Eng.), P.Eng. Division Head, Water Resources & Development Services Ray Rorigues Manager, Supply & Services MG:mjh Approved/Endorsed By: Ric r and Holborn, P.Eng. D' ector, Engineering Services Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Finance & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer y�i�tp L-4 r � / V Attachment 1 to Report # ENG 06-19 ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT P. lac,E1 Pena Huegasoy rD Taunton Road a r Jr 'fit to) C;l „/ PICKERING Attachment 2 to Report # ENG 06-19 Memo To: Richard Holborn June 4, 2019 Director, Engineering Services From: Ray Rodrigues Manager, Supply & Services Copy: Administrative Assistant, Engineering Services Division Head, Water Resources & Development Services Subject: Proposal No. RFP -3-2019 Stormwater Management Facilities Asset Management Plan Closing Date: Thursday, May 23, 2019 - File: F-5300-001 Further to memo dated May 23, 2019, 5 proposals proceeded to Stage II evaluation. The Evaluation Committee, consisting of City Staff from Engineering Services, conducted independent evaluations of the proposals. A summary of average scores is completed and a copy is attached. In accordance with Item 2.5 Stage IV — Ranking and Contract Negotiations, all scores from Stage II and Stage III have been added together, the proponents have been ranked based on their total scores, and may be selected to enter into contract negotiations. The Evaluation Committee has confirmed that contract negotiations will not be required. The Municipal infrastructure Group Ltd. is the highest ranking proponent with a submitted upset limit of $208,820.00 plus HST. A budget of $300,000 was provided to Supply & Services for this procurement. If the recommendation to award exceeds the budgeted amount, refer to Financial Control Policy Item 11 for additional instructions. In accordance with Part B. Material Disclosures, Item 1, as a pre -condition of award, the selected proponent, The Municipal infrastructure Group Ltd. will be required to provide the following documents for review: a) A copy of the City's Health & Safety Regulations form (currently dated and signed); b) Copies of Confined Space Training Certificates for any employee who might be required to perform work in confined spaces; and c) A certificate of insurance completed by the Company's agent, broker or insurer (City form is attached); Please advise if we are to proceed with this task. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 10.04, where written proposals are obtained by the Manager in accordance with procedures set out in Section 06 and funds are available in the approved budget: (c) An award over $50,000 is subject to the additional approval of Council. Please include the following items in your Report to Council: 1. if Items (a) and (b) noted above are acceptable to the Co-ordinator, Health & Safety or designate, if required; 2. if Item (c) is acceptable to the Manager, Budgets & Internal Audit; 3. any past work experience with the highest ranking proponent The Municipal infrastructure Group Ltd. including work location; 4. the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; 5. the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; 6. Treasurer's confirmation of funding; 7. related departmental approvals; and 8. related comments specific to the project. Upon receiving Council's approval, an approved requisition will be required to proceed. Do not disclose any information to enquiries during this time. The Proponents will be advised of the outcome in due course. If you require further information, please feel free to contact me or a member of Supply & Services. RR attachments - 1 RFP -3-2018 Page 2 of 2