HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 15-19DICKERING cdp Report to Executive Committee Report Number: PLN 15-19 Date: June 17, 2019 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Sustainable Pickering Year -in -Review File: D-7300 Recommendation: 1. That Report PLN 15-19 be received for information. Executive Summary: A Sustainable Pickering Year -in -Review has been created to provide a high level, reader -friendly summary to highlight awards, events, programs and projects. The document promotes the City of Pickering and our partners' effort and serves to inspire others to connect with us and get involved. Going forward, the Year -in -Review will be released annually in the first quarter. The Year -in -Review will be posted online and promoted through social media. Financial Implications: Not applicable. 1. Discussion The City of Pickering's award winning sustainability efforts span many areas of interest from energy, pollinators, waste, local food, sustainable development, community engagement, and more. City staff have developed a comprehensive set of tools to communicate these efforts including the website, social media, eNewsletters, events, Measuring Sustainability Report, Pickering 101, and presentations to external groups. In an era when our community members are busier than ever, it is important to utilize a variety of outreach opportunities. The Sustainable Pickering Year -in -Review provides a reader -friendly synopsis of activities and metrics where applicable. Attachment 1. 2018 Sustainable Pickering Year -in -Review PLN 15-19 June 17, 2019 Subject: Sustainable Pickering Year -in -Review Page 2 Prepared By: Chantal Whitaker, BESc (Hons), CSR -P Supervisor, Sustainability CW:Id Approved/Endorsed By: Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 6/1) Z.0/7 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised 2018 Sustainable Pickering Year -in -Review Sustainable PICKERING�1., pickering.ca/sustainable c+ �d DICKERING Table of Contents A Message from our CAO 1 Awards and Accolades 2 Enhancing the natural environment 3 Helping our pollinators 4 Engaging with our community 5 Reducing our waste 7 Becoming more energy efficient 8 Looking towards the future 9 Year -in -Review A Message from our CAO Page 1 1 am proud to present the City's first Sustainable Pickering, Year -in -Review for 2018. This opportunity allows us to showcase key sustainability highlights and accomplishments from 2018. Ensuring the long-term social, environmental, economic and cultural health of the City remains a corporate priority, and over time, our sustainability program has evolved to meet the growing needs of our organization and community. am proud to say that we are a recognized leader of many award-winning initiatives, and invite you to reflect on our collective achievements, and be inspired on how together, we are forging a path toward a more sustainable future. Tony Prevedel Chief Administrative Officer Year -in -RI Awards and Accolades Page 1 2 Smart Commute Gold Designation The City was awarded the Metrolinx Smart Commute Gold Workplace Designation for our efforts in promoting and supporting sustainable travel options for staff, such as carpooling and biking to work. Smart Commute Gold Designation Award Ea)Business Network Leadership Award The City received the Leadership Award from Ecobusiness Network for its dedication to environmental leadership and overall impact reduction within community. The City demonstrated leadership in sustainability through various initiatives such as coordinating the Pickering Farmers' Market, undertaking natural environment enhancements and other projects. Leadership Award from Ecobusiness Network Named World's Smart2l Communities of 2017 and 2018 Pickering was named a Smart2l Community for 2017 and 2018 by the Intelligent Community Forum. These awards recognized Pickering's commitment to creating a more connected, engaged, inclusive, and sustainable City. Pickering City Hall Lighting - Largest Savings Award The City proudly accepted the 'Lighting - Largest Savings Award' from Powering Up Durham. This award recognized a number of our sustainable initiatives including the conversion of over 7,000 streetlights to LED, as well as City facility lighting retrofits. Largest Savings Award from Powering Up Durham Year -in -Review Enhancing the natural environment Page I3 Take Pride in Pickering Tree Planting The City of Pickering, in partnership with Ontario Power Generation, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and Environmental Stewardship Pickering hosted two tree -planting events in Duffin Heights and the Waterfront Trail. 100 attendees joined together to plant 600 trees and pick up litter. Educational and interactive displays taught residents about the importance of conservation, biodiversity and keeping the community clean. Planting trees in Duffin Heights Picking up litter in Duffin Heights 20 -Minute Pickering Makeover Over 2,500 people participated in the 14th annual 20 -Minute Pickering Makeover to help beautify the community. Thank you to the many community groups, schools, businesses and residents that picked up litter from City streets and parks. Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Release The City of Pickering, in partnership with the Pickering Public Library, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, supported a salmon hatchery at the Central Library. Students and library patrons were able to observe and learn about the Atlantic salmon and the importance of biodiversity. The hatchery resulted in the release of 97 Atlantic salmon into Duffins Creek. Atlantic salmon hatchery at Pickering Public Library Year -in -Review Releasing Atlantic salmon into Duffins Creek by the Claremont Nature Centre Helping our pollinators Page I 4 Mayors' Monarch Pledge As part of the Mayors' Monarch pledge, the City provided garden training workshops to teach people how to maintain healthy pollinator gardens that are designated as Monarch Waystations. A Monarch exhibit was featured at both City Hall and the Pickering Museum Village. The City also helped prepare a butterfly -shaped garden in Claremont, which is now designated as a Monarch Waystation through the International Monarch Waystation Registry. Pollinator garden training session at Rick Hull Memorial Park Designated Monarch Waystation at Pickering Museum Village Whitevale Garden Project The City assisted the Whitevale Arts and Culture Centre with expanding a pollinator garden at their Centre using funds from the City of Pickering's Community Grant Program and the Retired Teachers Association Fund. City staff were able to assist with construction of the site, selection of plant material, a landscape plan, and planting. The garden is now designated as an official Monarch Waystation. Local Partnership to Enhance Pollinator Habitat Canada Bread Company Limited funded and planted 300 pollinator -friendly plants in Ernie L. Stroud Park through its Good Neighbour program, to help naturalize a previously mowed area and help local pollinator species. Dunbarton High school students helped plant the garden. Canada Bread Company Limited funds pollinator -friendly planting Year -in -Review Engaging with our community Page 1 5 Sustainable Pickering Day The 13th annual Sustainable Pickering Day, in partnership with the Pickering Town Centre, brought the community together to raise awareness about sustainability in Pickering. The event focused on local food, natural environment, and gardening. Over 400 visitors shopped the indoor Farmers' Market, and spoke with experts on gardening, trees and energy. They also had the opportunity to recycle unwanted garments and e -waste. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority's interactive booth at Sustainable Pickering Day Attendees speaking to City's energy expert at Sustainable Pickering Day Environment Day The City of Pickering, in partnership with Ontario Power Generation and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, celebrated Environment Day at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School. Over 100 students and parents enjoyed an educational, fun -filled day with nature -related crafts, an interactive display from Parks Canada, and the viewing of the award winning film, `Backyard Wilderness' to end the night. Pickering Farmers' Market The Pickering Farmers' Market provided an opportunity for residents to purchase fresh produce, baked goods, meats, and handcrafted jewelry from local farmers and businesses. The market helped support the local community, while encouraging healthy and environmentally friendly foods and goods. Residents enjoyed weekly live entertainment and themed event days such as Healthy Living, 55+, and Energy Awareness, and Mutts at the Market. Residents buying fresh produce at Pickering Farmers' Market Year -in -Review Engaging with our community Page 1 6 Enhancement project through Celebrating Sustainable Neighbourhoods program The Celebrating Sustainable Neighbourhoods program is about connecting with members of the community to spark a positive change - environmentally, socially or economically. In 2018, SoRo Good Neighbours won the $10,000 community enhancement prize and revitalized Rick Hull Memorial Park through interpretive signs, tables, pollinator plantings and trees. Dunbarton High School won the $3,500 runner- up prize and enhanced Alex Robertson Park and Ernie L. Stroud Park with interpretive signs about Shinrin-Yoku and invasive species. The City was proud to have the Hon. Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario take part in celebrating the outstanding contributions of its community members. Shinrin-Yoku interpretive sign at Alex Robertson Park Pickering Blooms Garden Celebration As part of the City of Pickering Blooms program, Pickering residents were invited to celebrate the art of gardening and a season of beautiful gardens in Pickering. Attendees were able to learn helpful tips on how to maintain a healthy garden. Pickering WI The Pickering 101 program provided an opportunity to present the City's sustainability efforts to participants, highlight opportunities to get involved, and help build a culture of community engagement. The program educated residents on how municipal government works and gave them an opportunity to build relationships with City staff. Pollinator garden, interpretive sign and reclaimed ash tree bench at Rick Hull Memorial Park Accessible tables with shade cover at Rick Hull Memorial park Year -in -Review Reducing our waste Dog Waste Diversion Program As of 2018, the Dog Waste Diversion Program was available in 16 parks across Pickering. A total of 5.2 tonnes of dog waste was collected and delivered to a facility that converted it into electricity, heat, and nutrient dense fertilizer. Dog waste diversion station in Millennium Square Household Hazardous Waste and Electronic Waste Collection During the 2018 collection event, in partnership with the Region of Durham, Pickering residents dropped off 10.49 tonnes of electronic and hazardous waste, free of charge. Residents were also able to drop off non-perishable food items for the local food bank. Page 1 7 Compost Giveaway In partnership with the Region of Durham, Pickering hosted its annual compost giveaway. At this popular event, 1,100 residents were able to pick-up free compost made from the organics collected through Durham's curbside green bin and yard waste programs. Battery Recycling Program This program allows residents to drop off their batteries at the Pickering Recreation Complex, Pickering Central Library, George Ashe and East Shore Community Centres. The batteries are stored and then picked up to be responsibly recycled. Batteries collected at Pickering Recreation Complex Milk Bag recycling program Pickering's staff -driven Milk Bag program collects clean milk bags from Pickering staff for delivery to local community groups that collect, weave, and send completed bed mats to poverty-stricken areas throughout the world. Year -in -Review Becoming more energy efficient Page 1 8 Street Light Conversion to LED The City of Pickering converted over 7,000 streetlights to Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting, through its light conversion project. The new street lights consume less energy, have a longer lifetime, and offer increased safety. A $642,282.35 cheque was presented to the City from Veridian as part of the Save on Energy Rebate program. The City will also save $690,000 per year in combined electricity and maintenance costs. LED streetlights initiative Encouraging Residential Participation The City's energy conservation initiatives align with its' Corporate Energy Management Plan. Actions have resulted in financial savings, as well as a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. However, upon learning of the limited residential participation in the utilities' energy and money saving programs, the City partnered to develop and implement a comprehensive promotional strategy to increase awareness to households, including low-income. Energy Retrofit Projects As part of Pickering's commitment to energy efficiency, LED lighting retrofits were completed in three Pickering facilities: Pickering Recreation Complex, Pickering City Hall, and the Eastshore Community Centre. The Pickering Recreation Complex also added building automation systems and upgraded their boilers to help save energy. New Electric Vehicles & Charging Stations The City added two electric vehicles to our fleet as well as four electric vehicle charging stations. Benefits of the new electric vehicles include improved air quality, cost savings, low maintenance, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Electric vehicle charging stations City of Pickering electric vehicle at charging station Yea r -in -Review Looking towards the future Measuring progress towards sustainability The Measuring Sustainability Report updated statistics on key indicators of sustainability in the City. A total of 52 indicators were grouped into five categories of Healthy Environment, Healthy Economy, Healthy Society, Responsible Development, and Responsible Consumption. These measurements help drive future progress in meeting our evolving sustainability objectives. Durham Community Climate Adaptation Plan Pickering joined in the development of the Durham Community Climate Adaptation Plan to help Durham Region identify the impacts of climate change and how these changes relate to the vulnerability of specific areas in the region. The Region of Durham, local municipalities, and other organizations are now participating in program implementation. 2017 Measuring Sustainability Report Reporting on key indicators of sustainability in Pickering Measuring Sustainability Report Page 1 9 Durham Community Energy Plan Pickering participated in the development of a Durham Community Energy plan. The plan strives to improve energy efficiency, reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, while encouraging green energy solutions at the local level. This will establish groundwork for future growth and development, energy generation, delivery and use. The plan is expected to be complete in late 2019. In 2019, the City of Pickering will continue its longstanding commitment to create a more sustainable community. Join us on the journey to become one of the most sustainable cities in Canada. There are many fun and inspiring ways to make Pickering a better place environmentally, socially and economically. To learn how you can get involved visit: pickering.ca/sustainable Year -in -Review We welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions. Please contact the City's Sustainability staff at sustainability@pickering.ca. Alternate formats available upon request at 905.683.7575 or customercare@pickering.ca. Year -in -Review