HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 21, 2002 Council Meeting Agenda Monday, October 21, 2002 7:30 P.M. ii) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of October 7, 2002 (11) 1. DELEGATIONS Pat McNeil, Senior Vice President Nuclear Strategy & Support, and Pat O'Brien, Manager, Public Affairs, Ontario Power Generation, will present Council with their Quarterly Report. Larraine Roulston, Chair, Waste Reduction Committee, will address Council to request that the week of October 21-27, 2002 be proclaimed as Waste Reduction Week. (111) 1. 2. RESOLUTIONS PAGE To adopt the Planning Committee Report dated October 15, 2002. 1-3 To adopt the Committee of the Whole Report dated October 15, 4-5 2002. To receive Report to Council PD 50-02 regarding the Draft Principles on the North Pickering Land Exchange and Development - North Pickering Land Exchange Review Panel. To be circulated under separate cover To authorize various proclamations. 6-9 Council Meeting Agenda Monday, October 21, 2002 7:30 P.M. (IV) BY-LAWS Bwlaw Number 6041/02 Being a by-law to exempt Blocks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Plan 40M-2093, Pickering, from part lot control. By-law Number 6042/02 Being a by-law to exempt Lot 1, 2, 3 and 6, and Blocks 26, 33 and 34, Plan 40M-2089, Picketing, from part lot control. By-law Number 6043/02 Being a By-law to dedicate that part of the Road Allowance between Lots 8 and 9, Concession 5, Pickering, designated as Part 1, Plan 40R-21341 and those parts of Lot 8, Concession 5, Picketing, designated as Parts 3 and 4, Plan 40R-21341 as public highway. By-law Number 6044~02 Being a By-law to name that part of the Road Allowance between Lots 8 and 9, Concession 5, Picketing, designated as Part 1, Plan 40R-21341 and those parts of Lot 8, Concession 5, Pickering, designated as Parts 3 and 4, Plan 40R-21341 "Sideline 8". By-law Number 6045/02 Being a By-law to dedicate part of Lot 43, Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being Part 7, Plan 40R-11080, Pickering, as public highway. By-law Number 6046/02 Being a By-law to name that part of Lot 43, Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being Part 7, Plan 40R-11080, Picketing, "Goldenridge Road". 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-20 21-24 25 Council Meeting Agenda Monday, October 21, 2002 7:30 P.M. By-law Number 6047/02 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation - 905 Bayly St., 1915 Denmar Road, 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 1345 Altona Road, 1890 Valley Farm Road and 1330 Altona Road. By-law Number 6048/02 Being a By-law to adopt Amendment 10 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering (OPA 02-002/P) 26-27 28-41 (V) OTHER BUSINESS (VI) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW (VII) ADJOURNMENT RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the Report of the Planning Committee dated October 15, 2002, be adopted. CARRIED: MAYOR 2 Appendix I Planning Committee PC 2002-9 That the Planning Committee of the City of Pickering having met on October 15, 2002 presents its nineth report to Council: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 43-02 OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION OPA 02-002/P (CITY INITIATED: NORTHEAST QUADRANT REVIEW IMPLEMENTATION) AMENDMENT 10 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN NORTHEAST QUADRANT DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES 1. (a) That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-002/P, initiated by the City of Pickering, be APPROVED, as outlined in Appendix I to Report Number PD 43-02, to: · redesignate the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue from Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors to Urban Residential Area - Medium Density; · redesignate the properties along the south side of Sheppard Avenue, east of the Amberlea Creek tributary, from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential; · redesignate the 'old' Dunbarton School property from Other Designations - Urban Study Areas to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; · redesignate the properties lying east of the 'old' Dunbarton School property, south of Sehppard Avenue and west of the main Amberlea Creek tributary, from Urban Residential Area - Medium Density to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; · redesignate the interior lands located north of Kingston Road and east of Whites Road from Urban Residential Area - Medium Density to Mixed Use Areas- Mixed Corridors; and · delete policy 3.16 - Urban Study Areas: Old Dunbarton School policies; and · revise policy 11.8 - Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies with new policies addressing land use, transportation and environmental and storrnwater management matters; and That the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan be FORWARDED to City Council for enactment, as set out in Appendix I to Report Number PD 43-02; and -4- Appendix I Planning Committee PC 2002-9 3 2. (a) (b) That the revised Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, as set out in Appendix II to Report Number PD 43-02, be ADOPTED as the City's strategy for detailed land use, urban design, transportation and storrnwater in the Northeast Quadrant; and That the 1990 Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines in the Compendium Document to the Pickering Official Plan be DELETED in their entirety. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 47-02 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 13/02 591658 ONTARIO LIMITED LOTS 1-7 AND 10, PLAN M1040 (SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF SQUIRES BEACH ROAD AND BAYLY STREET) That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/02, be APPROVED, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Report Number PD 47-02, to expand the range of employment area related uses on the subject property, submitted by 591658 Ontario Limited, on lands being Lots 1-7 and 10, Plan M1040, (Parts 1-14 and 17-20, Plan 40R-18728), City of Pickering. That the Applicants' request to permit the parking areas to be treated with a. loose surface material be DENIED. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 44-02 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 05/02 RUNNYMEDE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1900 DIXIE ROAD (GLENDALE MARKET PLACE) (SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF DIXIE ROAD AND FINCH AVENUE) That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 5/02, be APPROVED, subject to conditions outlined in Appendix I to Report Number PD 44-02, to permit a temporary outdoor garden center in association with the existing food store, between April 1st to June 30th annually, and to permit an associated temporary reduction in the amount of required parking spaces, submitted by Runnymede Development Corporation, on lands being Block 1, Plan 40M-1591, City of Picketing. -5- Ci~ 0¢ RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the Report of the Committee of the Whole dated October 15, 2002, be adopted. CARRIED: MAYOR Appendix I Committee of the Whole COW 2002-10 5 That the Committee of the Whole of the City of Pickering having met on October 15, 2002, presents its tenth report to Council and recommends: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE REPORT CAO 06-02 BILL 148 "EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACT" That Council receive Report CAO 06-02 regarding Bill 148; and That Council endorse the attached (Clarington) resolution requesting the Federal and Provincial Governments to provide special emergency management funding for all municipalities that host nuclear facilities; and That this Report be circulated to the Ontario Minister of Public Safety and Security, the local Members of Parliament, the local Members of Provincial Parliament, the Region of Durham, all Durham area municipalities and the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities. Citq RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamations: "Waste Reduction Week" - October 21 - 27, 2002 "Block Parent Week" - October 20 - 26, 2002 "Child Care Workers Appreciation Day" - October 30, 2002 CARRIED: MAYOR Kearns, Debbie From: Sent: To: Subject: Van Staveren, Saida Friday, October 11, 2002 2:02 PM Kearns, Debbie FW: Proclamation for Block Parent Week 7 Would you please put this request on the Agenda for a proclamation. ..... Original Message ..... From: Andria McGowan [mailto:AMcGowan@Minacs.com] Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 1:27 PM To: Van Staveren, Saida Subject: Proclamation for Block Parent Week Dear Mayor Arthurs, My name is Andria McGowan and I am the Chair for the Ajax/Picketing Block Parent Program. October 20-26 is National Block Parent Week and with your permission, I would like to request that it be proclaimed in Picketing by allowing our Block Parent Flag to be raised at the Town Hall in recognition of the program for this week. We also have a proclamation for you to sign upon your approval. I understand that you are very busy, but if you have some time perhaps on October 21st, we could arrange a few moments that you could officially proclaim the week of Oct 20-26 to be National Block Parent Week. If it is not convenient for us to meet in person, I could arrange to have the proclamation sent to you to sign, so that we could keep a copy for our records. I would naturally return at the end of the week to retrieve our flag from the mast. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, Andria Andria J. McGowan Designated Trainer, CCA Minacs Worldwide Inc. ~915 Sandy Beach Road ?ickering, Ontario L1W 1Z5 1 (877)646-2279 Ext. #6561 email: amcgowan@minacs.com website: www.minacs.com 8 October 4, 2002 To Mayors and Councils: Ontario Division Canadian Union of Public Employees 305 Milner Ave.,~O9~ Scarborough, ON MIB 3V4 Suite 801 Tel: 416 299 9739 · Fax: 416 299 3480 · E-maih cupeont@web.net RECEIVED CITY OF PICKERING OCT ! 0 2002 CLERK'S DIVISION O C r 1 u 1002 CITY OF PIOKERING ImlI3KEI~IIN01, ONTARIO We are writing to ask that you endorse the proclamation of a day of recognition for the many people who work providing care to children in your community. Many of these workers (usually women) work for low wages and little recognition for the important work they do. They provide us with care for our children - an essential service. CUPE in cooperation with the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care is asking that October 30, 2002 be proclaimed as a recognition day in accordance with the attached resolution. Many groups are recognized by way of Municipal resolution. This recognition allows the community to recognize the work of these groups and to give support for the work that they do. A recent California study showed that child care generated $5.4 billion dollars of economic development. This development comes in the form of people employed in the child care industry and because the availability of child care allows parents to work. Ontario child care workers have an enviable reputation for providing high quality child care. They still work in an industry, which is under recognized. We hope that in some small way the official proclamation of a day of recognition for child care workers will provide recognition of these workers and to the importance of the work they do. We hope that your proclamation of this day of recognition will encourage and support a day of community recognition for child care workers. Please advise us of your participation in this activity. Yours sincerely, Sid Ryan President, CUPE Ontario c: SSWCC ma:OPEIU 491 "ONE STRONG VOICE" Patrick (Sid) Ryan Brian O'Keefe P~es~d~nt Secretary-Treasurer 9 Child OCTOBER 30th 2002 Care Workers Appreciation Day Resolution Whereas thirty years of research confirms the benefits of high quality child care for young children's intellectual, emotional, social and physical development and later life outcomes; and Whereas child care promotes the well-being of children and responds to the needs of parents, child care workers and the broader community by supporting quality of life so that citizens can fully participate in and contribute to the economic and social life of their community; and Whereas recent studies clearly show trained and knowledgeable child care workers are the most important element in quality child care, and further that good wages and working conditions are associated with higher job satisfaction and moral, lower staff turnover all of which predict higher quality care Therefore Be It Resolved that October 30th be designated "Child Care Worker Appreciation Day" in recognition of the Influence, Dedication and Commitment of child care workers to children, their families and quality of life of the community. October 3, 2002 To: From: Subject: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Bruce Taylor City Clerk Denise Bye Coordinator, Property & Development Services Part Lot Control By-Law - Danlu Holdings Limited - Blocks 4-10, inclusive, Plan 40M-2093 - File: P4101.224 The above-mentioned lands are being developed in accordance with the appropriate Subdivision Agreement and Zoning By-Law in such a manner to allow more than one dwelling unit to be constructed on each of the blocks referred to. Attached hereto is a location map and a draft by-law, enactment of which will exempt these lands from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act, thus permitting transfers of those units into separate ownership. This by-law is in the form usually used in such cases and is attached for the consideration of City Council at its meeting scheduled for October 21, 2002. DB:Ijm Attachment Copy: Manager, Current Operations Division Denise Bye THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to exempt Blocks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Plan 40M-2093, Pickering, from part lot control. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of section 50 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, the Council of the municipality may by by-law provide that section 50(5) of the Act does not apply to certain lands within a plan of subdivision designated in the by-law; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Section 50(5) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, does not apply to the lands described as follows: Blocks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Plan 40M-2093, Pickering. This by-law shall remain in force and effect for a period of one year from the date of the passing of this by-law and shall expire on October 21, 2003. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 21st day of October, 2003. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk P4101,224 11 12 SUBJECT AREA lEEK OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT LEGAL REPORT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DiVISiON 1:5,000 = OCTOBER 4 2002 PART LOT CONTROL FILE: P4101.224 BLOCKS 4-10. PLAN 40M-2093 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM October 15, 2002 To: Bruce Taylor City Clerk From: Denise Bye, Coordinator, Property & Development Services Subject: Part Lot Control By-Law Cougs (ValleyFarm) Ltd. Lots 1, 2, 3 and 6 and Blocks 26, 33 and 34, Plan 40M-2089 - File: P4101.225 The above-mentioned lands are being developed in accordance with the appropriate Subdivision Agreement and Zoning By-Law in such a manner to allow more than one dwelling unit to be constructed on each of the lots and blocks referred to above. Attached hereto is a location map and a draft by-law, enactment of which will exempt these lands from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act, thus permitting transfers of those units into separate ownership. This by-law is in the form usually used in such cases and is attached for the consideration of City Council at its meeting scheduled for October 21, 2002. DB:Ijm Attachments Denise Byb FINCH ROSEFIEI.~ AVENUE LANE BOUt. L='VARD FINCH AVENUE O CIRCLE ~T City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PLAN 40M-2089 LOTS 1,2, 3 AND BLOCKS 26, 33, 34 ..~ IDATE OCT 15, 2002 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6042/02 Being a by-law to exempt Lots 1, 2, 3 and 6, and Blocks 26, 33 and 34, Plan 40M- 2089, Pickering, from part lot control. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of section 50 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, the Council of the municipality may by by-law provide that section 50(5) of the Act does not apply to certain lands within a plan of subdivision designated in the by-law; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Section 50(5) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, does not apply to the lands described as follows: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 6, and Blocks 26, 33 and 34, Plan 40M-2089, Pickering. This by-law shall remain in rome and effect for a period of one year from the date of the passing of this by-law and shall expire on October 21, 2003. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 21st day of October, 2002. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk P4101.225 15 REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: PD 48-02 Date: October 7, 2002 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Road Naming/Road Dedication Part of Lot 8, Concession 5 and Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 8 and 9, Concession 5, Pickering, designated as Parts 1,3 and 4, Plan 40R-21341, Sideline 8 File: V0107; W2304; W2306 Recommendation: By-laws should be enacted to: dedicate those parts of Lot 8, Concession 5 and part of the Road Allowance between Lots 8 and 9, Concession 5, Pickering, designated as Parts 1, 3 and 4, Plan 40R-21341 as public highway; and name those parts of Lot 8, Concession 5 and Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 8 and 9, Concession 5, Pickering, designated as Parts 1,3 and 4, Plan 40R-21341 as "Sideline 8". Origin: Development Agreement dated August 1,2002. Authority: Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapters 297(1 ) and 210.111. Financial Implications: NIL 1.0 BackRround On August 1, 2002, Richard, Ramona and Isabel Annis entered into an Agreement with the City which provided for the upgrading of a portion of Sideline 8 to City standards (Part of Part 1, Plan 40R-21341) and for the construction of a turning circle on those parts of Lot 8, Concession 5, designated as Parts 3 & 4, Plan 40R-21341, in order to provide legal frontage to their properties. Report to Council PD 48-02 Subject: Road Naming/Road Dedication Date: October 7, 2002 Page 2 17 As the road in Part 1, Plan 40R-21341 and the turning circle in Parts 3 & 4, Plan 40R-21341 have now been constructed to a standard satisfactory to the City and sufficient to allow public access, the road and the turning circle should be named "Sideline 8" and dedicated as public highway. Attachments: Road Dedicating By-law. Road Naming By-law. Location mapping/Site Sketch. Prepared By: Denise Byb Coordinator, Property & Development Services Approved / Endorsed By: Director, Planning & Development DB:td Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ' T~nV~s ~1: QuinrC.,/Chief ~dminis'tTa~e O~fi~er THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6043/02 Being a by-law to dedicate that part of the Road Allowance between Lots 8 and 9, Concession 5, Picketing, designated as Part 1, Plan 40R- 21341 and those parts of Lot 8, Concession 5, Pickering, designated as Parts3 and 4, Plan 40R-21341 as public highway. WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Picketing is the owner certain lands and wishes to dedicate them as a public highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Picketing HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: that part of the Road Allowance between Lots 8 and 9, Concession 5, Picketing, designated as Part 1, Plan 40R- 21341 and those parts of Lot 8, Concession 5, Picketing, designated as Parts 3 and 4, Plan 40R-21341 am hereby dedicated as public highway. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 21st day of October, 2002. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6044/02 Being a by-law to name that part of the Road Allowance between Lots 8 and 9, Concession 5, Picketing, designated as Part 1, Plan 40R- 21341 and those parts of Lot 8, Concession 5, Pickering, designated as Parts 3 and 4, Plan 40R-21341 "Sideline 8". WHEREAS, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Picketing dedicated those parts of Lot 8, Concession 5, designated as Parts 3 & 4, 40R-21341 and the Road Allowance between Lots 8 and 9, Concession 5, Picketing, designated as Part 1, Plan 40R-21341 as public highway under the jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of Picketing; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 210.111 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, the Council of a local municipality may pass by-laws for giving names to or changing the names of highways; and WHEREAS it is now desireable to name those portions of the dedicated highway as "Sideline 8". NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Picketing HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: that part of the Road Allowance between Lots 8 and 9, Concession 5, Pickering, designated as Part 1, Plan 40R- 21341 and those parts of Lot 8, Concession 5, Picketing, designated as Parts 3 and 4, Plan 40R-21341 are hereby named "Sideline 8". BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 21st day of October, 2002. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 19 SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ROAD DEDICATION - PART OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE ENGINEERING DIVISION BETWEEN LOTS 8&9, CON 5, BEING PART 1,40R-21341 & .~, PART OF LOT 8, CON 5, BEING PARTS 3&4, 40R-21341 1:10,000 SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 I: \MPondE\ Themaflc M~ppl~g \Mopa \P~l~D - Pl~nnl~g \ $1d~lne 8. dwg REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: PD 45-02 Date: October 7, 2002 21 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Road Naming/Road Dedication Lot 43, Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, (Being Part 7, Plan 40R-11080) Goldenridge Road Files: D8611/W2304.415/W2306A Recommendation: By-laws should be enacted to: 1. name that part of Lot 43, Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being Part 7, Plan 40R- 11800, Goldenridge Road, and; 2. dedicate that Part of Lot 43, Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, Part 7, Plan 40R-11800, Goldenridge Road as a public highway. Origin: Development Agreement dated April, 1988. Authority: Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapters 297(1 ) and 210.111. Financial Implications: NIL 1.0 Backqround In April 1988, the Town entered into an Agreement with James Herbert Carey for the development of 5 building lots. Clause #10 of that Agreement provided for the Transfer to the Town of the subject lands for future road purposes. As the construction of the roadway has now been completed and the name "Goldenridge Road" has been approved by City staff and the Region as the designated name for this newly constructed portion of roadway, it is necessary to enact by-laws to legally name and dedicate it as a public highway. Date: October 7, 2002 Report to Council PD 45-02 Subject: Lot 43, Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being Part 7, Plan 40R-11080 Page 2 Attachments: Road Dedicating By-law Road Naming By-law Location mapping/Site Sketch Prepared By: Denise )y~e Coordinator, Property &'Development Services Approved / Endorsed By: ~riel cCt~[~~~,P~)eve,o pment DB:td Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council --/~ . Thomas h,ef/~lm~mstr~e Offio~r 23 WELRUS STREET SPRUCE SUBJECT -- AREA DUNBARTON -- AVENUE OPEP,_&'r!oNs & E, MF..B. GENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PRO~=ERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION ROAD DEDICATION - PART LOT 43, REGISTRAR'S COMPILED PLAN 1051, BEING PART 7, PLAN 40R-11080 24 T~HE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERIN~,, _BY-LAW NO. 6045/02 Being a by-law to dedicate part of Lot 43, Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being Part 7, Plan 40R-11080, Picketing as public highway. WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Picketing is the owner of part of Lot 43, Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being Part 7, Plan 40R-11080 and wishes to dedicate it as a public highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Picketing HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Part of Lot 43, Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being Part 7, Plan 40R-11080, Picketing is hereby dedicated as public highway. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 21st day of October, 2002. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6046/02 Being a by-law to name that part of Lot 43, Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being Part 7, Plan 40R-11080, Picketing "Goldenridge Road". WHEREAS, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Picketing dedicated that part of Lot 43, Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, designated as Part 7, Plan40R-11080 public highway under the jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of Picketing; and WHEREAS, pursuant to section 210.111 of the Municipal Act, R.S,O. 1990, chapter M.45, the Council of a local municipality may pass by-laws for giving names to or changing the names of highways; and WHEREAS it is now desireable to name that portion of the dedicated highway as Goldenridge Road. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Picketing HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Part of Lot 43, Registrar's Compiled Plan 1051, being Part 7, Plan 40R-11080, Picketing is hereby named "Goldenddge Road". BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 21st day of October, 2002. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 25 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERIN(': .BY-LAW NO. 6o47/02 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation - 905 Bayly St., 1915 Denmar Road, 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 1345 Altona Road, 1890 Valley Farm Road and 1330 Altona Road.) WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(I) of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality; and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CiTY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the following persons be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Picketing I order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as: a) 905 Bayly Street, 1915 Denmar Road, 1310 Fieldlight Blvd. and 1345 Altona Road: Don Sunny-Guy b) 1890 Valley Farm Road: Andre Gorley Doug Shearer Jonathan Strange Rob Scott c) 1330 Altona Road: Peter Alves Kenneth Leversuch William Casey Darren Little David Diaz Eshantha Guneratna The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. These appointments shall expire upon the persons listed in section l(a) ceasing to be employees of Authorized Parking Only Ltd. or upon Authorized Parking Only Ltd. ceasing to be an agent of 905 Bayly St., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., or 1345 Altona Road, or in section l(b) ceasing to be employees of Intercon Secudty Ltd. or upon Intercon Security Ltd. ceasing to be an agent of 1890 Valley Farm Road, or in section 1(c) ceasing to be employees of Direct Services Limited or upon Direct Services Limited ceasing to be an agent of 1330 Altona Road, or upon whichever shall occur first. --2-- 27 BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 218t day of October, 2002. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 28 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM October 15, 2002 To: From: Subject: Bruce J. Taylor City Clerk Catherine Rose Manager, Policy Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan (Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-002/P) City-initiated: Northeast Quadrant Review Implementation Part of Lots 27 & 28, Range 3, B.F.C. (Lands Generally Bounded by Whites Road, Sheppard Avenue and Kingston Road) City of Pickering On October 15, 2002, Planning Committee considered Planning & Development Report PD 43-02. The Report recommended that: (1) Council approve Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 02-002/P to revise various land use designations within the Northeast Quadrant Review Area, revise the policies for the Woodlands Neighbourhood as they affect the Northeast Quadrant Review Area, and delete policies for a Study Area within the Northeast Quadrant Review Area; and (2)Council enact a by-law to adopt Amendment 10 to the Picketing Official Plan. A draft by-law for the enactment of Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan has been prepared and is attached for the consideration of City Council at its meeting scheduled for October 21, 2002. A Statutory Public Meeting was held for this application on August 8, 2002. Please note that this by-law may be given all three readings at the October 21,2002 Council Meeting provided Council adopts the recommendation_ of Planning Committee... The purpose and effect of Amendment 10 to the Picketing Official Plan is to: · redesignate the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue from Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors to Urban Residentia. I Area - Medium Density; Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan October 15, 2002 Page 2 29 redesignate the properties along the south side of Sheppard Avenue, east of the Amberlea Creek tributary, from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential; redesignate the 'old' Dunbarton School property from Other Designations - Urban StudyAreas to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; redesignate the properties lying east of the 'old' Dunbarton School property, south of Sheppard Avenue and west of the main Amberlea Creek tributary, from Urban Residential Area- Medium Density to Mixed Use Areas- Mixed Corridors; redesignate the interior lands located north of Kingston Road and east of Whites Road from Urban Residential Area - Medium Density to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; and delete policy 3.16- Urban Study Areas: Old Dunbarton School polices; and revise policy 11.8 - Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies with new polices addressing land use, transportation and environmental and stormwater management matters; If you require further assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at extension 2038. I concur that this by-law be considered at this time: ir:ector,~ & Development CLPJjf G mg~or theaslAm ec, dment~M emoToClerkFo rwarding DraffA dopfi ngBy.lawt o Co uncil Attachment ~~,.._~' ,/~~...- Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6~8/02 . Being a By-law to adopt Amendment 10 to the Official Plan for the City of Picketing (OPA 02-002/P) WHEREAS pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.p. 13, subsections 17(22)and 21(1), the Council of the Corporation of the City of Picketing may by by-law adopt amendments to the Official Plan for the City of Picketing; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 17(10) of the Planning Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has by order authorized Regional council to pass a by-law to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; AND WHEREAS on February 23, 2000 Regional Council passed By-law 11/2000 which allows the Region to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; AND WHERERAS the Region has advised that Amendment 10 to the City of Picketing Official Plan is exempt from Regional approval; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Amendment 10 to the Picketing Official Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", is hereby adopted; 2. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward to the Regional Municipality of Durham the documentation required by Procedure: Area Municipal Official Plans and Amendments; 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2! day of October 2002. MAYOR WAYNE ARTHURS CLERK BRUCE J. TAYLOR Exhibit "A" to By-law AMENDMENT 10 TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 10 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: LOCATION: BASIS: The purpose of this amendment is to: · redesignate the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue from Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors to Urban Residential Area - Medium Density;, · redesignate the properties along the south side of Sheppard Avenue, east of the Amberlea Creek tributary, from Urban Residential Area - Low Density Residential to Urban Residential Area - Medium Density Residential; · redesignate the 'old' Dunbarton School property from Other Designations - Urban Study Areas to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; · redesignate the properties lying east of the 'old' Dunbarton School property, south of Sheppard Avenue and west of the main Amberlea Creek tributary, from Urban Residential Area - Medium Densily to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; · redesignate the interior lands located north of Kingston Road and east of Whites Road from Urban ResidentialArea - Medium Densilyto Mixed Use Areas- Mixed Corridors; and · delete policy 3.16 - Urban Study Areas: Old Dunabarton School polices; and · revise policy 11.8 - Woodlands Neighbourhood Policies with new polices addressing land use, transportation and environmental and stormwater management matters; The subject lands are approximately 12.9 hectares in size, and are generally bounded by Kingston Road, Whites Road, and Sheppard Avenue, Part of Lots 27 and 28, Range 3, B.F.C. The Northeast Quadrant Review has resulted in a renewed vision for the further growth and 'evolution of the Northeast Quadrant. The proposed Woodlands Neighbourhood Polices and revised Northeast Quadrant Guidelines establish a comprehensive framework for guiding private development and investment within the quadrant, while ensuring a sensitive 'fit' to the existing neighbourhood context. As well, the framework provides direction and guidance for the reorganization of the built and natural environments that promotes the transformation of this section of Kingston Road into a more vibrant 'mainstreet'. Page 2 Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Northeast Quadrant 33 ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1. Amending Schedule ! - Land Use Structure by redesignating lands as follows: · the south-east corner of Whites Road and Sheppard Avenue from Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Condors to Urban Residential Area - Medium Density; · the properties along the south side of Sheppard Avenue, east of the Amberlea Creek tributary, from Urban Residential Area - Low Density Residential to Urban Residential Area - Medium Density Residential,. · the 'old' Dunbarton School property from Other Designations - Urban Study Areas to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; · the properties lying east of the 'old' Dunbarton School property, west of the main Amberlea Creek tributary, and south of Sheppard Avenue, from Urban Residential Area - Medium Density to Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors; and · the interior lands located north and east of Whites Road and Kingston Road from Urban Residenlial Area - Medium Densily to Mixed Use Areas -Mixed Corridors, as illustrated on Schedule 'A' attached to this Amendment; Revise policy 11.8 - Woodlands Neigbbourbood Policies, by retaining the existing sections (a), (b) and (c), renumbering existing section (e) as (d), and adding new subsections (e) through (g) as follows: "11.8 City Council shall, (a) in the established residential areas along Highbush Trail, Old Forest Road, Rosebank Road and Sheppard Avenue, encourage and where possible require new development to be compatible with the character of existing development; (b) encourage the introduction of uses and facilities into the neighbourhood that complement and support secondary school students and activities; 34 Page 3 Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Northeast Quadrant (c) despite Table 6* of Chapter Three, establish a maximum residential density of 55 units per net hectare for lands located on the north side of Kingston Road that are designated Mixed Use Areas and abut lands developed as low density development; (d) accommodate futmeimptovem~ to Sheppatd Avenue and Rosebank Road within the existing 20 metre road allowance, except at intersections where additional road allowance width may be need to provide vehicular turning lanes; (e) to provide direction for land use within the lands covered by the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines; (i) further its objective of transforming Kingston Road into a "mainstreet" for Picketing by requiring the placement of buildings to provide a strong and identifiable urban edge, the construction of some multi-storey buildings, and the provision of safe and convenient pedestrian access; accordingly, for the lands designated Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridor, City Council shall require, (A) buildings to be located close to the street edge, with the minimum specified percentage of their front walls required to be located within build-to-zones to be established in the implementing zoning by-laws for each site; (B) all buildings to be a minimum of two storeys in height, and require maximum building heights to be established in the implementing zoning by-law considering compatibility matters such as yard setbacks, building orientation and massing, adequate access to sunlight and privacy for existing residential development; (C) commercial development to provide second storey functional floor space, with the minimum percentage of their gross floor area to be provided in second (or higher) storeys to be established in the implementing zoning by-laws for each project; (ii) require new development to establish bm~lings on Whims Road and Sheplratd Avenue close to the street edge, with the front doors facing the street, with a specified percentage of their front walls required to be located within build-to-zones to be established in the implementing zoning by-law for this site; Table 6 is attached to this Amendment for information purposes only; it does not constitute part of the Amendment. Page 4 Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Northeast Quadrant (0 (iii) restrict the height of the Sheppard Avenue elevation of new dwellings fronting Sheppard Avenue to a maximum of two storeys; (iv) require a minimum of four functional storeys for the Whites Road elevations of new dwellings fronting Whites Road; (v) recognize the existing low density development on SheppardAvenue, and to this end, require the design of new residential or commercial development to be compatible with existing development with respect to such matters as building heights, yard setbacks, building orientation and massing, access to sunlight, and privacy; (vi) despite Table 10' of Chapter Three, establish a maximum residential density of 55 units per net hectare for lands located within the area governed by the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines that are designated Urban Residential - Medium Density, in light of their location abutting lands developed as low density development; (vii) despite ll.8(e)(vi) above, and Table 10' of Chapter Three, permit residential development below the minimum residential density of 30 units per net hectare for lands on the south side of Sheppard Avenue; (viii) despite sections 3.6(b)*, 3.9(b)* and 15.38', and Tables 5* and 9* of Chapter 3, prohibit the development of any new gas bars, automobile service stations, or car washes for lands designated Mixed Used Area . Mixed Corridors or Urban Residential - Medium Density; and (ix) despite section ll.8(e)(i)(C), the requirement for second storey functional floor space is not mandatory for existing or future vehicle dealerships and on the Hayes Line Properties Inc. lands, being Part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broke Front Concession, City of Picketing; to provide direction for transportation matters within and around the lands covered by the Northeast Q~mcLrant Development Guidelines, (i) support shared access points between properties along Kingston Road, in consultation with the Region of Durham; (ii) promote the reduction of traffic speeds and improvement of pedestrian safety along Sheppard Avenue by implementing pavement markings and other measures, and considering "traffic-calming" techniques following the adoption of a City policy; 3 ~O Page 5 Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Northeast Quadrant Tables 5, 9 and 10 and sections 3.6(b), 3.9(b) and 15.38 are attached to this Amendment for information purposes only; they do not constitute part of the Amendment. (iii) require vehicular access, by means of easements from Delta Boulevard to Whites Road, and from Delta Boulevard easterly across the Mixed Corridor lands located east of the 'old' Dunbarton School site; (iv) require pedestrian access, by means of easements or public wal~ays, from Delta Boulevard through the 'old' Dunbarton School site with connections to Sheppard Avenue and Kingston Road, where appropriate; (g) to provide direction for environmental and stormwater management' matters respeciing the Amberlea Creek tributary that flows through lands covered by the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, (i) support the principle of piping the Amberlea Creek tributary that flows through the Northeast Quadrant lands, and recognizing the interests of landowners within the Northeast Quadrant on whose lands Amberlea Creek tributary flows to pipe that tributary, and the position of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to work with the City and landowners to implement a stormwater management strategy, which will ultimately result in the piping of the Amberlea Creek tributary through the Northeast Quadrant lands; (ii) require any developer of lands within the Northeast Quadrant proposing to pipe or relocate the Amberlea Creek tributary to; (A) submit an environmental / stormwater management report, to the satisfaction of the City and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, which must demonstrate how the proposal is consistent with the broader stormwater management strategy resulting in a significant net environmental benefit to the watershed; (B) obtain appropriate approvals and permits from public review agencies; and (C) satisfy any required compensation under the Fisheries Act; and (iii) ensure that development proposals are undertaken in a manner that does not adversely impact downstream water quality and quantity through the use of on-site controls and / or financial contributions to a downstream stormwater facility if necessary; and (h) to provide additional direction on implementation matters for lands covered by the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, Page 6 Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan -.Amendment for the Northeast Quadrant 37 = (i) through the use of the holding provisions of the Planning Act, require where necessary, proponents to enter into agreements with the City, Region and other agencies as appropriate, respecting various development related matters including but not limited to: entering into cost sharing agreements between each other where mutual shared access is necessary; providing or exchanging easements over lands where necessary; payment of study costs; and providing contributions to the cost of a downstream stormwater management facility, if necessary." Delete in its entirety, section 3.16, Urban StudyArea: Old Dunbarton School policies, which policies identify that City Council shall, following the results of an appropriate land use, transportation and design study, establish appropriate land use designations and policies for the subject lands by amendment; and, renumber remaining sections accordingly. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. City.initiated: Northe~t Quadran{ A~ea OPA 02-002/P September 27, 2002 SCHEDULE /,/ [ ~ ,'~ REDESIGNATE FROM 'MIXED USE AREAS-MIXED 'Z'~ ~ ~ CORRIDOFL.q" AND ff.JRBAN RESIDENTIAL ,,SHEPPARD AVENUE .,/_!_ _ : : SC'm~.nU/.J~ ! TO THE LAND USE STRU~ PICKERING OFFICIAl PLAN o...:~., s,~.oE sYSTE. E..-OY.E.T · ?,~:~: NATURAL AREA..S ~ PRESTIGE: EMPLOYMENT ~1~ CONT~OLLE:D ACCESS ARF_.A~ AREAS i --'--i ~ LOCAL NOD£$ I I ~c~ ~ COMIdUNiTY NODES j "-'" Page 7 Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Northeast Quadrant 38 Selected Policy Extracts from the Pickering Official Plan Referred to in Amendment 10 Provided for Information Purposes Only- Not Part of Potential Amendment ' :TABLE 5 i LocalNodes i Residential; ':' Retailing of goods and services generally serving the needs of the surrounding neighbourhoods; Offices and restaurants; Community, cultural and recreational uses. Community Nodes~ i All uses permissible in Local Nodes, at a larger scale and intensity, and setwfng a broader area. Mixed Corridors All uses permissible in Local Nodes and Community Nodes, at a scale and intensity equivalent to Community Nodes; . ~ Special purpose commercial uses. Downtown Core i All uses permissible in Local Nodes and Community Nodes, at the igreatest scale and intensity in the City, serving City-wide and regional levels; i Special purpose commercial uses. 3.6 City Council, (a) ...; (b) may zone lands designated Mixed Use Areas for one or more purposes as set out in Table $, and in so doing will apply appropriate performance standards, restrictions and provisions~ including those set out in Table 6; 39 Page 8 Amendment 10 to the Pickering Official Plan - Amendment for the Northeast Quadrant Selected Policy Extracts from the Pickering Official Plan Referred to in Amendment 10 Provided for Information Purposes Only- Not Part of Potential Amendment Minimum . ~ Maximum Floorspace Index Subcategory (in total building i floorspace divided ................................................. ~ ................................................................................... .- Local Nodes i over 30 and up to and up to and including 10,000 i up to and including i including 80 i 2.0 FSI Communitv i over 80 and up to and up to and including 20,000 up to and including Nodes ' including 140 2.5 FSI Mixed over 30 and up to and determined by site-specific ! up to and including Corridors including 140 zoning i 2.5 FSI Downtown over 80 and up to and up to and including 300,000 up to and including Core including 180 3.0 FSI TABLE 9 Designation i other policies of this Plan, will be detailed in zoning by-laws.) Urban Residential Residential uses, home occupations, limited Areas offices serving the area, and limited retailing of goods and services serving the i area; Community, cultural and recreational uses; Compatible employment uses, and compatible special purpose commercial uses serving the area. Page 9 Amendment 10 to the Picketing Official Plan - Amendment for the Northeast Quadrant 4O Selected Policy Extracts from the Pickering Official Plan Referred to in Amendment 10 Provided for Information Purposes Only - Not Part of Potential Amendment 3.9 City Council, (b) may zone lands designated Urban Residential Areas for one or more purposes as set out in Table 9, and in so doing will apply appropriate performance standards, restrictions and provisions, including those set out in Table 10; Residential Area: Subcategory [ ' i Low Density Area i up to and including 30 i Medium Density Area i over 30 and up to and including 80 i High Density Area i over 80 and up to and including 140 15.38 Within the urban area or within a rural hamlet, City Council may approve a site specific zoning by-law with appropriate provisions and restrictions, to permit a retail gasoline outlet in any land use designation except Open Space - Natural Areas, provided, (a) the retail gasoline outlet maintains the goals, objectives and policies of this Plan; (b) the retail gasoline outlet obtains access from an arterial road as identified on Schedule II; (c) the retail gasoline outlet is not located.adjacent to or opposite a school; (d) the number of retail gasoline outlets is limited to a maximum of two outlets within 100 metres of any intersection; and (e) the retail gasoline outlet will not adversely affect the safe and convenient movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. City of Pickering · · NORTHEAST ~1 m m ilii~ Planning & Development Department QUADRANT REVIEW AREA IDATE SEPT. 16, 2002