HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 34-02 012 Ûú¡ð~ REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CL 34.,02 Date: October 2,2002 From: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk Subject: Revised Application to Amend Certificate of Approval - Can-Sort Recycling Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue Recommendation: 1. That Clerk's Report CL 34-02 regarding a revised application by Can-Sort Recycling Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue, for an amendment to their Certificate of Approval No. A390421 be received. 2. That the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering continues to oppose the said application, as revised. 3. That the Director be again requested to hold a hearing under Section 32, Part V of the Environmental Protection Act regarding this application. 4. That a copy of Clerk's Report CL 34-02 be forwarded to the Director, Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch, Ministry of the Environment and Energy and to the Regional Municipality of Durham. Executive Summary: In a resolution passed on June 24, 2002. Council opposed an application by Can-Sort Recycling Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue, to amend its Certificate of Approval to convert to a transfer station, increase the tonnages received and removed from the site, accept residential waste and allow for outdoor storage of recyclables. Can-Sort Recycling has revised its application by deleting the outdoor storage and residential waste elements, however, staff still have serious concerns with respect to traffic that will be generated by the increased usage of the site. For this reason, staff recommend that Council continue to oppose the application as revised. Report CL 34-02 Date: October 2, 2002 013 Subject: Can-Sort Recycling Limited Page 2 Financial Implications: Not applicable Background: In a letter dated May 22, 2002, the Ministry of the Environment and Energy advised the City that it had received an application from Can-Sort Recycling Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue, to amend their Certificate of Approval to convert to a transfer station, increase the tonnages received and removed from the site, accept residential waste and allow for outdoor storage of recyclables. Council passed the following resolution at its regular meeting of June 24, 2002 with respect to this application: 1. That Clerk's Report CL 25-02 regarding the application by Can- Sort Recycling Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue, for an amendment to their Certificate of Approval No. A 390421 be received; and 2. That the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby opposes the said application. 3. That the Director be requested to hold a hearing under Section 32, Part V of the Environmental Protection Act regarding this application. 4. That a copy of Clerk's Report CL 25-02 be forwarded to the Director, Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch, Ministry of the Environment and Energy. In a letter dated June 28, 2002, the Regional Commissioner of Planning advised the Ministry of the Environment and Energy that the Region supports the above resolution primarily based on increased traffic generation at the Bayly Streetrroy Avenue intersection and requested the Ministry to have the applicant undertake a transportation study that addresses the potential impact of the facility expansion on the adjacent Regional Road system. In a letter dated August 26, 2002, the Ministry advised the City that Can-Sort had revised its application by deleting the outdoor storage and residential waste elements. The Director, Planning & Development and the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering have reviewed the revised application and their comments can be summarized as follows: 01.4 Report CL 34-02 Date: October 2, 2002 Subject: Can-Sort Recycling Limited Page 3 . Due to site area limitations, the current operation involves the Quartz Street road allowance as an integral part of its truck maneuvering activity. Any increase in waste volume for this operation will bring a corresponding increase in truck movements on Quartz Street. . The Region of Durham should be requested to review and comment on the capacity of the Bayly Streetrroy Avenue intersection and the impact of additional truck traffic. . The applicant should be requested to undertake a traffic impact study that will address the expected increase in traffic generated by the amendment in conjunction with other surrounding developments. . Although the applicant has indicated that tractor-trailers are pre-booked to avoid unnecessary delays and queuing on Quartz Street, the receiving of loads cannot be so easily controlled and a backlog could result in vehicles waiting on Quartz Street to be serviced. A representative of Can-Sort Recycling attended at the Council Meeting of September 17, 2002 to provide Members of Council with an overview of their application for amendment to the Certificate of Approval. I have attached to this Report a copy of their letter dated September 17, 2002 that was provided to Members of Council. In summary, staff continue to recommend that City Council oppose the application by Can-Sort Recycling Limited under such time as the City and the Region are satisfied that increased traffic generation at the Bayly Streetrroy Avenue intersection and vehicle maneuvering on Quartz Street are addressed. Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Letter from Region dated June 28, 2002 to MOEE Memo of the Director of Planning & Development dated September 27,2002 Memo of the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering dated Oct 1, 2002 Letter from Can-Sort Recycling dated September 17, 2002 Report to Council CL 25-02 Prepared I Approved I Endorsed By: /7 / ::f: ¿r'Bruce Taylor City Clerk é-- Report CL 34-02 Date: October 2, 2002 015 Subject: Can-Sort Recycling Limited Page 4 Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council It 016 The Regional Municipality of Durham. Planning Department 1615 DUNDAS ST. E. 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER WEST BUILDING P.O. BOX 623. WHITBY. ON L 1 N 6A3 (905) 728-7731 FAX: (905) 436-6612 www.regioF1.durham.on.ca A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning "SERVICE EXCELLENCE for our COMMUNITY" ATTACHMENT#--L TOREPORT#Cl 3tf-o 2- RECEIVED CITY OF PiCKERING. .JUL - 3 2002 June 28, 2002 Ms. Veronica Pochmursky Waste Evaluator Ministry of Environment & Energy Environmental Assessment & Approvals Branch 2 St. Clair Avenue West .. Toronto, Ontario M4V 1 L5 CLERK'S DIVISION Dear Ms. Pochmur~ky: Re: . Application for Amendment to Certificate of Approval A390421 Can~Sort Recycling Ltd. . 1048 Toy Avenue, City of Pickering, Region of Durham MOEE Reference Number 4236-58NPJ3. . * Further to your circulation of May 22,"2002, we have reviewed the referenced. amendment application. The amendment.is to expand the Certificate of . Approval to convert to a transfer station, increase the tonnage received and removed from the site, accept residential waste, and allow for the outdoor storage of recyclables. The site is designated as "Employment Area" in the Durham Regional OffiCial Plan. Transfer stations, and industrial uses thatinvolve the storage of goods and materials are permitted within this designation. HoweVer, the increase in. tonnage for the site is a matter of concern. . The intersection of Toy Avenue and. Bayly Street is under Regional jurisdiction. We will require further detail with. respect to the anticipated increased levels of traffic generation.. Please have the applicant undertake a transportation study that addresses the potential. impact of the facility expansion on the adjacent Regional Road system. On June 24, 2002, City of Pickering Council adopted a resolution expressing its opposition to this application, arid requested a hearing.underSection 32; Part V of the Environmental Protection Act. The reasons for this opposition include. traffic, odour, vermin/animals and outdoor storage. The Region of Durham is in support of the City of Pickering resolution, and hereby requests a nearing under Section 32, Part V of the Environmental . Protection Act. .' . Yours truly, A.L:~fLc.l.p., RP.P. Co~mìssioner of Planning cc. Region of Durham Clerk City of Pickering Clerk @ 100% Post Consumer . ...2 MEMORANDUM 017 RECEIVED CITY OF PICKERING OCT - 1 2002 ATTACHMENT#-L TO REPORT#~ 3Cf- ð Ì- PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CLERK'S DIVISION September 27,2002 To: Bruce Taylor City Clerk From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: REVISION Amendment to The Ministry of Environment & Energy Certificate of Approval Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. 1048 Toy Avenue City of Pickering We have completed a preliminary review of the matter described above. It is our understanding that the applicant has modified its proposed amendment to the existing Certificate of Approval, by deleting the outdoor storage and residential waste elements of the proposal. Although the elimination of the outdoor storage component is desirable, any increase in waste volumes will intensify handling operations on the site. Our principal concern remains that, due to the functional limitations of the site area and extensive building coverage, limited area for vehicle manoeuvring is available. We understand that, due to site area limitations, the current operation involves the Quartz Street road allowance as an integral part of its truck manoeuvring activity. Any increase in waste volume for this operation will bring a corresponding increase in truck movements on Quartz Street. The use of Quartz Street for this purpose is inappropriate and will cause additional traffic conflict in the future when Quartz Street is extended to serve vacant industrial lands to the east. As a consequence, the Planning & Development Department does not support an increase in waste volume at Can-Sort Recycling's 1048 Toy Avenue site, as proposed in this modified amendment request. . L T:pr 'laylor\i\can-sort-revison-septO2.doc Copy: Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Fire Prevention Officer ATTACHMENT# 3 TO REPORT # CL 3"f-O"L -. -_. 018 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM October 1 , 2002 To: Bruce Taylor City Clerk From: Richard Holborn, P. Eng. Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: - Can-Sort Recycling 1048 Toy avenue - Application to Amend Certificate of Approval Please be advised that staff of the Municipal Property & Engineering Division have reviewed the application to amend the Certificate of Approval for Waste Disposal sites related to the Can-Sort Recycling Facility located at 1048 Toy Avenue, Pickering. Staff have also received and reviewed documentation submitted by Can-Sort Recycling dated September 17, 2002 supporting their application. Staff provide the following comments with respect to the application, specifically related to operational issues, as the request for outdoor storage and receiving of residential waste has been removed from the application. 1. The comment regarding increased traffic as outlined in the memo dated June 17, 2002 has not been satisfied. Currently, the Region of Durham does not have an existing traffic count for the intersection of Bayly Street and Toy Avenue. It is not known what the level of service for this unsignalized intersection is, nor whether traffic control signals are currently warranted. The Region of Durham should be requested to review and comment on the capacity of the intersection and the impact of the proposed additional truck- traffic. Bruce Taylor I-\T1ACHiV¡Eí\r¡ t¡..l TO REPORT# <:: t.. 3y... 0 October 1, 2002 01 9 Subject: Can-Sort Recycling -?. - . 1048 Toy Avenue Application to Amend Certificate of Approval Page 2 2. Can-Sort Recycling has provided background information on existing truck traffic and traffic generated when they had an emergency Certificate of Approval during the garbage strike. It has been indicated that the latter would reflect proposed traffic volumes under the amended Certificate of approval. Incoming traffic increased from 43 to 63 vehicles (47% increase) and outgoing traffic increased from five to seven (5-7) vehicles (40% increase) compared to the last six months of data. It should be noted that daily totals exceeded 90 vehicles on six of the 16 operating days during the Toronto garbage strike. City staff reviewed traffic operations on one morning during that time period and did report no adverse impact on roadway operating conditions at that time. The expected increase in traffic generated by the amendment in conjunction with other surrounding developments and increases in background traffic are significant enough to warrant that the applicant prepare a traffic impact study. 3. The documentation indicates that large trailers used to remove material actually back into the site from Quartz Street or from the vacant property on the south side of Quartz Street across from the site. This may function adequately now, but in the future, should Quartz Street be extended and/or the vacant property be sold, the movements on Quartz Street fronting the building will cause delays and potential safety hazards. 4. The applicant indicated that the tractor-trailers are pre-booked to avoid unnecessary delays and queuing on Quartz Street, and this commitment must continue. However, the receiving of loads cannot be so easily controlled and a backlog could result in vehicles waiting on Quartz Street to be serviced. RH:ds Copy: Director, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Planning & Development Supervisor, Traffic Engineering & Waste Management I: \MEM OS\8 y-law\Can -Sort. DOCOct -02 L\TTACHMEI\JT#_~ TO REPORT#"::':" 3L/-ð ~ 020 Date: To: September 17,2002 Council of the City of Pickering Can-Sort Recycling From: RE: Meetin!! with Pickerin!! Council to Discuss Amendments to C. of A. Following is an outline of proposed amendments to the Can-Sort C. of A.: Currently: -... Waste Disposal Site (Processing) ... Amend to: -... Waste Disposal Site (Processing/Transfer) Reason: revenue - Some waste loads cannot be processed because they contain no generating recyclables. SITE OPERATING PARAMETERS 4. Currently: - maximum amount of material stored on-site shall not exceed 400 tonnes Amend to: - maximum amount of material stored on-site shall not exceed 600 tonnes Reason: - An increase in incoming waste requires an increase in the storage capacity limit to accommodate a work stoppage due to equipment failure. 5. Currently: - site shall receive a maximum of300 tonnes of waste per day Amend to: - site shall receive a maximum of 400 tonnes of waste per day Reason: - The closure of the Keele Valley Landfill at the end of the year and increased development in Durham Region will result in more waste which must be handled by local waste transfer stations. 6. Currently: - amount of residual waste generated ITom this facility shall not exceed 199 tonnes per day Amend to: - amount of residual waste generated ITom this facility shall not exceed 299 tonnes per day Reason: - Maximum allowable outgoing waste limit not requiring an Environmental Assessment. ATTACHtVlENTtt,ÏTOREPORT# c.L jlÍ-o 2.- - ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 021 (29) (a) Currently: - Once, every seven (7) days, the Company shall remove all waste and materials from the Site's tipping floor. Remove Condition Reason: - After the mess created by Ever Green Recycle Canada in 1997 this restrictive condition was added. We feel that Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. has proven over the last 5 years that we are capable of running an efficient clean waste processing facility and therefore this --condition should be dropped. ADDRESSING CITY OF PICKERING CONCERNS TRAFFIC ON TOY A VENUE The Operations & Emergency Services Dept. recommended that a trip generation and traffic assessment be conducted because they are concerned that an increase in traffic to our site would cause delays at the intersection of Bayly St. and Toy Ave. which may interfere with access to the Tim Horton's Donuts. Although we felt that the vehicles using our facility did not significantly impact on the traffic problem, at that intersection, we decided last week to conduct a survey. Over the same 12 hour span from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM we calculated that an average of 148 vehicles per hour entered Tim Horton's Donuts off of Toy A venue and 5 vehicles per hour entered the Can-Sort site. Even with an increase to 8 vehicles per hour we question whether an increase of 2% of Tim Horton's business, constitutes a major impact. We don't expect that development on Toy Avenue will now be frozen because of the current expansion of the gas station property next to Tim Horton's and the need to accommodate business development in the future. TRAFFIC FLOW AT CAN-SORT The Planning & Development Dept. has the opinion that our site currently functions at capacity. We feel that the site is under utilized. Therefore, there is a wide gap in how we both view the operation ofthe facility. Looking at this question mathematically, we can comfortably handle 5 vehicles at one time, 3 vehicles in the facility and 2 vehicles waiting to back up into the plant. The average turn around time yesterday for drivers to dump their loads was 9 minutes. Therefore, turning over 5 vehicles every 9 minutes results in 33 vehicles per hour. A great deal more than the 5 we currently service. ¡-¡TTACHMENT#...::LTO RE~ORT#~3t1- 01- 022 With very little notice Can-Sort was able to handle the additional waste caused by the Toronto Garbage Strike. In fact, when many transfer stations were struggling to keep up, we were receiving waste :fi:om haulers that detennined that our site was the best solution for keeping their operations moving. Attached is a letter :fi:om National Waste Services which claims that our site offers the best turn around time of all the tranfer stations in Durham Region. Also, drivers today signed a petition, which states that they don't experience line-ups and delays at our site. We invite your staff to come to our site and monitor traffic flow. I think they will find that the cooperation and experience of our staff and the waste haulers leads to a smooth functioning operation. ODOURS~ ANIMALS & OUTDOOR STORAGE In an effort to diminish the concerns of the City of Pickering, we asked the Ministry of the Environment to remove Residential Waste and Outdoor Storage :fi:om our Amendment Application. CONCLUSION In 1998 Can-Sort Recycling applied for changes to it's Certificate of Approval and was met by considerable opposition :fi:om the City of Pickering. We said that we are not Ever Green, the failed company that created a mess at the site, we were only the landlord. The overriding message :fi:om council at that time was that we can only support your development once you have established a track record by operating a good facility for the next few years. We feel that we have now paid our dues. We have spent money to upgrade our equipment, spent money on the facility by pouring 2 ft. thick concrete walls throughout the plant with bunkers for recyclables and increased staff to recycle more materials such as drywall. At the same time we were operating in compliance with C. of A. guidelines. We even managed to make peace with most of our neighbours by keeping our surrounding area clean and by controlling odours. This C. of A. Amendment Application was intended to allow us to operate within full compliance as Durham Region grows and to prepare for changes created by the closure of the Keele Valley Landfill. It is hoped that the City of Pickering can work with us so that we can operate a first rate facility to handle the waste management challenges of the future. rI \) ':J- r" J\ =1:1: ~ 0 0- W 0::: 0 ;\ :¡:ì:: , {£ :E :J.: U « I- 1- ':.:<:: C'f'5 ~:: :> VEHICLE COMPARISON BETWEEN CAN-SORT RECYCLING AND TIM HORTONS DONUTS Day Date Time Can-5ort Tim Horton's Weather Period Recycling Donuts Wednesda 0 222 Wednesda 6 214 Tuesda 2 221 Tuesda 5 142 Thursda 6 168 Wednesda 10 143 Monda 12 129 Monda 3 100 Tuesda 5 94 Tuesda 8 123 Wednesda 5 91 Thursda 0 128 62 1775 5 148 ATTACHI'1Ei\!T #...:!- TO REPORT #..!:.!:.. 3 ~ - 0'- 02lt CAN-SORT RECYCLING - VEHICLE STUDY March 1st to August 31st. 2002 (last 6 months} (not includinQ Toronto GarbaQe Strike influenced period from June 28th to July 15th) Definitions: Incoming Vehicles dump waste and recyclables into the facility Outgoing Vehicles haul waste to landfills and recyclables to end-users Date # of Incoming # of Outgoing Daily Totals Vehicles Vehicles 0 1-Mar 38 5 43 02-Mar 12 1 13 04-Mar 39 7 46 05-Mar 54 6 60 06-Mar 33 5 38 07 -Mar 36 6 42 08-Mar 30 5 35 09-Mar 10 0 10 11-Mar 51 8 59 12-Mar 40 5 45 13-Mar 41 6 47 14-Mar 43 3 46 15-Mar 55 5 60 16-Mar 10 0 10 18-Mar 42 6 48 19-Mar 40 9 49 20-Mar 34 7 41 21-Mar 38 2 40 22-Mar 31 4 35 23-Mar 9 0 9 25-Mar 47 6 53 26-Mar 36 4 40 27 -Mar 36 1 37 28-Mar 51 8 59 29-Mar 4 0 4 30-Mar 12 5 17 01-Apr 46 6 52 02-Apr 42 6 48 03-Apr 35 5 '40 04-Apr 45 5 50 05-Apr 38 6 44 ~.. . ;':, :': ,,~L, 1"0 REPORT # éL 31/- 0 ~ - 025 06-Apr 9 1 10 08-Apr 30 7 37 09-Apr 40 7 47 10-Apr 36 6 42 11-Apr 30 6 36 12-Apr 54 4 58 13-,t\pr 15 0 15 15-Apr 57 6 63 16-Apr 43 6 49 17 -Apr 50 5 55 18-Apr 58 5 63 19-Apr 55 5 60 20-Apr 19 0 19 22-Apr 53 6 59 23-Apr 44 6 50 24-Apr 52 7 59 25-Apr 53 6 59 26-Apr 46 6 52 27-Apr 16 0 16 29-Apr 64 7 71 30-Apr 35 6 41 01-May 52 6 58 02-May 44 7 51 03-May 37 5 42 04-May 17 0 17 06-May 69 4 73 07 -Mav 50 8 58 08-May 52 7 59 09-May 55 4 59 10-May 46 4 50 11-May 21 0 21 13-Mav 61 8 69 14-May 49 6 55 15-May 48 8 56 16-Mav 50 5 55 17 -Mav 36 6 42 18-Mav 17 0 17 20-Mav 4 1 5 21-May 67 4 71 22-Mav 49 3 52 23-Mav 55 5 60 24-May 55 6 61 25-May 31 4 35 27 -May 61 7 68 ¡\flACHI"jEi\n. L{ TO REPORT # <.L 3'1- OL.- .- 026 28-May 54 5 59 29-May 55 5 60 30-May 44 5 49 31-May 42 6 48 01-Jun 14 1 15 03-Jun 66 7 73 04-Jun 57 9 66 05-Jun 40 5 45 06-Jun 47 9 56 07-Jun 46 6 52 08-Jun 23 2 25 10-Jun 51 5 56 11-Jun 57 6 63 12-Jun 45 7 52 13-Jun 44 6 50 14-Jun 43 6 49 15-Jun 18 2 20 17 -Jun 57 5 62 18-Jun 35 5 40 19-Jun 46 8 . 54 20-Jun 46 6 52 21-Jun 48 5 53 22-Jun 15 1 16 24-Jun 55 6 61 25-Jun 52 6 58 26-Jun 62 8 70 27-Jun 67 7 74 16-Jul 62 6 68 17 -Jul 61 6 67 18-Jul 59 10 69 19-Jul 50 7 57 20-Jul 20 5 25 22-Jul 59 6 65 23-Jul 37 6 43 24-Jul 61 6 67 25-Jul 48 6 54 26-Jul 50 5 55 27 -Jul 10 3 13 29-Jul 64 5 69 30-Jul 56 7 63 31-Jul 68 7 75 01-AuQ 49 6 . 55 02-Auq 36 6 42 03-AuQ 17 2 19 C';;, ..S_.TO REPORT#- C L J f{- 0«- 027 05-AUQ 12 1 13 06-AuQ 63 5 68 07 -AuQ 52 6 58 08-AuQ 53 6 59 09-AuQ 48 4 52 10-AuQ 17 1 18 12-Aug 59 5 64 13-AuQ 51 7 58 14-AuQ 60 6 66 15-Aug 51 6 57 16-AuQ 45 5 50 17 -Aug 14 2 16 19-AuQ 48 7 55 20-AuQ 59 8 67 21-AuQ 63 7 70 22-Aug 47 10 57 23-Aug 43 7 50 24-AuQ 20 2 22 26-AuQ 57 6 63 27 -AuQ 54 7 61 28-AuQ 60 6 66 29-Aug 57 10 67 30-AuQ 57 7 64 31-AuQ 14 1 15 Averages: 43 5 48 Þ,TTACHME!\JT#~ TO REPORT # CL 1\f~ G'£- - 028 CAN-SORT RECYCLING - VEHICLE STUDY June 28th to July 15th. 2002 (Period of Time Influenced by Toronto Garbage Strike) Definitions: Incoming Vehicles dump waste and recyclables into the facility Outgoing Vehicles haul waste to landfills and recyclables to end-users Date # of Incoming # of Outgoing Daily Totals Vehicles Vehicles 28-Jun 77 4 81 29-Jun 19 0 19 01-Jul 10 2 12 02-Jul 99 8 107 03-Jul 67 9 76 04-Jul 83 13 96 05-Jul 95 9 104 06-Jul 32 3 35 07-Jul 0 2 2 08-Jul 105 9 114 09-Jul 73 8 81 10-Jul 83 9 92 11-Jul 91 10 101 12-Jul 68 8 76 13-Jul 26 5 31 15-Jul 80 6 86 Averages: 63 7 70 '\ 1 O-N ~},/ ~4, ( .' N "',. ~!"" .. /",Ô' -<:1 '" >;)// ':IJ' >\Wç s )u ú'\, ' /:::.'" ¡",,"...,(~ E . S i-\fTJ,CH¡.'iE\'\j? .i'i..,~...'rOREPORT#~ )V~ 0'1...- NATIONAL WASTE SERVICES September 17, 2002 Council of the City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LlV 6K7 RE: Traffic at Can-Sort We have been dealing with Can Sort Recycling for over three years, and drop off approximately 10 loads of waste per day. In all that time we have never experienced any delays. The staff is very courteous in assisting our drivers to offload our trucks, preventing any delays. We believe that Can Sort has the best turn around time in the Durham Region. Yours truly, \ 1 ~Jt, Danny Ardellini President. 029 ~ +:+ DISPOSAL SERVICES +:+ RECYCLING PROGRAMS +:+ SERVICE EVALUATIONS +:+ PRICE SAVINGS +:+ 1605 FELDSPAR COURT. PICKERING. ONTARIO L 1 W 3R7 TEL: (905) 831-6297 FAX: (905) 831-3258 TOLL FREE: 1-888-681-1174 LI #~~.:, ")l/- DÌ- '"'0 n- o ~ Day: ~ I fAr 504- '-1 Date: 5'epl. /7/02.- Can-Sort Recycling is a well run waste processing facility that allows me to dump my loads without experiencing lineups and delays: No. Com pany Name Sianature 1 (.J- PA-~ 2 j¿ r7 tJ /? /'P- v ; y .z áÌ;i; ù. 5 ~JpjL-i )ø'-,2~ .~, ;/f" 6 Vl ? 4;-' 1? ;(~ (It f 7 Ill, to S . ,t?r? B /~ 8 ')/.. w.S. :.-:scP"ír. w~ 9 J..lf)AK D\SPO~L t=:~~~ QJElA~D 10 -:)1; Ç' ?k.'j h/i! 11 E.w ¡..",. ~ I GuV\(IPYi7fL <c; ~d) ."t(J 12 ,q~ ~?c,4e<,;. ð/ ~ j/ 13 C'Ñ- ¡:! ~e8.-æ [yju;{) ~,J OíJS,¿.;.,,' ~ : l1Oy~ Eð!T~~;¡ 1¡j;¡;fitZ ~' 16 /1;>' 4, "i; C7'~"" /1/Ït:ir-/}t"/.:;./,,,,- . 17 ILÇcC', ~\1)JJ\J1< - 4; :S ~\J¿(,-f'.:JJJ ";'---, 18 / '... -J - ¿ '7 /,' Ii"} /2,. ~'~~-1.fl ¿¿'.::.trçr">I1"",,,/ ' '",," (' 19 .]);f'.'¿'7 ú""£ £v~/'.~-'..h'76r),r;r / !¡qN!::. ¡-//f_L 20 21 22 23 24 25 .. " , " " ., 5- ," "'>"""'V""f:f;" <:: L 3'1- cY"'1.- ~' " ,",('i,'(;,.(','l-¡\\"¡¡I:,\\\", ",,!t:i\;::¡~t';h', "-.---.. J.ú¡"~ ",."."".~" ",-",..,,- I , REPORT TO COUNCIL 031 FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMlvI City Clerk DATE: June 18, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: CL 25-02 SUBJECT: Application fur Amendment to Certificate of Approval - Can-Sort Recycling Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Clerk's Report CL 25-02 regardIDg the application by Can-Sort Recycling Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue, for an amendment to their Certificate of Approval No. A390421 be received. 2. That the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby opposes the said application. 3. That the Director be requested to hold a hearing under Section 32, Part V of the Environmental Protection Act regarding this application. 4. That a copy of Clerk's Report CL 25-02 be forwarded to the Director, Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch, Ministry of the Environment and Energy. ORIGIN: Letter ftom Ministry of the Environment and Energy dated May 22, 2002 advising of application to amend Certificate of Approval by Can-Sort Recycling Limited AUfHORITY: Section 32 of the Environmental Protection Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Ministry of the Environment and Energy has advised the 'City that Can-Sort Recycling . Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue, has made application to amend their Certificate of Approval to convert to a transfer station, increase the tonnages received and removed ftom the site, accept residential waste and allow for outdoor storage of recyclables. The Director, Planning & Development and the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering recommend that Council oppose this application. Report to Copncil CL 25~Gf!,;.\C¡"¡¡'II:'c. L L :Jf ~o"1- ..-f.. 1'0 RI:.:¡)OKf # _Date: June 18,2002 .' 0:32 Subject: Can-Sort Recycling Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue Page 2 BACKGROUND: Please find attached to this Report a letter :trom the Ministry of the Environment and Energy dated May 22, 2002 advising that they have received an application :trom Can-Sort Recycling Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue, to amend their Certificate of Approval No. A390421 to convert to a transfer station, increase the tonnages received and removed :trom the site, accept residential waste and allow for outdoor storage of recyclables. Attached to the letter is a more detailed summary of what is being requested by Can-Sort Recycling Limited. Also attached to this Report is a memorandum :trom the Director, Planning & Development wherein it is noted that the current site currently experiences functional restrictions with respect to truck traffic and that the amendment provides for outside storage whereas the current site plan recognizes that all activity at this site would be contained witJlln the existing building. Based on these concerns, the Director has recommended that Council oppose this application. Also attached to this Report is a memorandum :trom the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering indicating that the proposed amendment would have a major impact on traffic on Toy Avenue and Quartz street and also a major impact on businesses using the intersection of Toy Avenue and Bayly Street. The addition of residential waste would create problems for the area businesses due to odours and animals. In 1998, Can-Sort Recycling Limited made application to amend the same Certificate of Approval to increase the maximum metric tonnage of solid non-hazardous waste received per day :trom 150 to 750 metric tonnes, increase the site storage of waste :trom 250 to 1,000 metric tonnes and to accept solid non-hazardous institutional waste. Council strenuously opposed this application in 1998 and I have attached four resolutions that were passed by Council in 1998 setting out its objections. Based on the foregoing, I would again recommend that Council oppose this current application to amend the Certificate of Approval submitted by Can-Sort Recycling Limited and request that a Hearing be held under the Environmental Protection Act as noted in the letter dated May 22, 2002 :trom the Ministry of the Environment and Energy. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Site Maps Letter :trom Ministry of the Environment and Energy dated May 22, 2002 Memorandum :trom the Director, Planning & Development dated June 17, 2002 Memorandum :trom the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering dated June 17,2002 Four resolutions passed in 1998 opposing Can-Sort's application to amend its Certificate of Approval 5. Prepared By: ~L- Æ3ruce Taylor, City Clerk Report to Col D.cil CL 25-q2{ :¡ ) .u, ~. L D~t7:... ~e 18,2002 "," ",<C' L- Page 3 033 Subject: Can-Sort Recycling Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue Attachments Copy: Director, Planrùng & Development Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ,. ATTACHMENT#~TOREPORT#£.. 3'7- 01- O:~,1 0 cr (:I >- :J: 0 .ÌŸ « I- z 0 0 cr (:I )0- J: BAYLY '" ~ '" '" " c '" '" 0 ÌŸ ~ z 0 Town of Pickering ~RKW"Y . ~ \ ~ SUBJECT PROPERTY :¡; OJ .. w '" :; 0 11/ BAYLY STREET ,. ~ c '" Ii i :r " ~ '" 11/ ... '" ;; 0 III Planning Department 1'. IV . ATTACHMENT#~TOREPORT# cc 3'1-02- .- O:~5 10 J ([ ~~ <J F GL'-J-..'f'oo,.~\'"2... --.,' ~ ~ i ATTACHMENT# ;j-TOREPORT#~3'r - 0"2- MAY 22 2002 14:52 FR EAAS 4163147166 TO 99054200515 P.01/01 O:~6 Ministry of EnvIronment and I!nergy Environmental Assessment and ApprovAls Branch F\oQr 12A . 2 St Clair Ave W Toromo ON M4V 1L5 Fax: 41&-314-M52 Telephone: (416) 314-t1316 MlnlalÌlN de l'Envlrannement et de 'énergle Direction des evaluations ét des . aulorisatlonl enllironnamentales Étage12A 2wSt Clair 0 Toronto ON M4V 11.5 Télécopieur: 416-314-8452 Téléphone; (416) 314-8316 @ Ontario May 22,2002 Clerk City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Ll V 6K7 Dear SirlMadam: Re: Appliution for Approval of W ute Disposal Sites 1048 Toy Avenue. City of Pickering"Region81 Municipality of Durham MOEE Reference Number 4236-58NPJ3 The Ministry of ~vironmentand Energy has received an application from Can-Sort Recyclìng Ltd to amend their Certificate of Approval No. A390421. The application seeks approval to convert to á~transfer gtation, increase the tonnages received and removed from the site, accept residential 'waste and allow for outdoor storage of recyclables, It is requested that the City make comments with respect to the application. In lieu of a Councíl Resolution, please ensure the report is signed and dated by the Commissioner 9fWorks or equivalent. Please respond directly to the undersigned by June 28, 2002. . As you are aware, the Director has the discretion wider Section 32, Part V of the Environmental Protection Act (EP A). to hold a public hearing regarding applications for waste disposal facilities. Municipalities or affected members of the public have the right to request that the Director consider calling a hearing with respect to any application submitted under Part V of the EP A. Any submissions in this regard must be accompanied by valid reasons and supporting technical justification. Please refer file number 4236-58NPj3 in all related correspondence. If yOIl have any questions regarding the above, please contact me at 416-314-8316, Y OUtS tmly, ¡ U~ . pgc,\~~ Veronica Pochmursky ) Waste Evaluator c: District Manager, MOEE York-Durham Chuck Kunc, Can-Sort Recycling Limited S ATTACHMENT#_.__.TO REPORT#~ 3i;. 01... CAN-SORT RECYCLING LIMITED . PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR A WASTE DISPOSAL SITE NO. A390421 APPENDIX D: OPERATIONS REPORT Following is a breakdown of site maintenance and operations at Can-Sort Recycling: . Can-Sort Recycling accepts solid non-hazardous industrial, commercial & industrial waste and recycIables from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Friday and 7:00 am to 1:00 pm Saturday. ~ Amendment would pennit acceptance of residential waste. . Each morning the Plant Manager conducts a visual inspection of the plant and the site. . When a vehicle anives at the site it is weighed and infonnation on the hauler is entered on the Weighscale Ticket, such as Customer,. Hauler, Truck No., License No., Vehicle Size and Vehicle Type. . The Spotter determines what the hauler is dumping before directing the driver to dump the load on the tipping floor or in one of the bunkers. . The Spotter visually inspects the load for hazardous waste. If such waste is found in the load, it would be immediately reloaded back on the vehicle. . The Material Type is entered on the Weighscale Ticket, the vehicle is weighed and . the driver signs the ticket authorizing that all information is correct. . Source separated recyclables are dumped in the designated bunkers. . Recyclables spotted in the mixed waste piles on the tipping floor are hand picked and dumped in the bunkers. . A 644H John Deere Loader is then used to push residual waste into the waste pile. . Amendment would pennit residential waste and mixed waste identified on the tipping floor as lacking suitable recyclables, to be transferred into the waste pile tòr shipping to landfills. . Recyclables in bunkers are loaded into 40 eu.yd. bins and tarped in the plant before being weighed and hauled to end-users. . . Amendment would allow full bins of sorted clean recyc1ables to be covered and placed outside, within the perimeter of the fenced site, to await shipment. The location of the bins is indicated on the previous page. . Open top trailers back into a pit where a 270L John Deere Excavator lsused to load the waste. ~ Trailers are untarped and tarped inside the facility. . Troilers are weighed before and after being loaded todetennine the weight of waste they.will be carrying. Infonnation regarding the shipper, hauler and destination of the waste is entered on a Manifest or Bill of Lading. . . Scalehouse staff is responsible for filling out Incoming and Outgoing Tally Sheets to confinn that we operate within tonnage limits. . Toward the end of the day a general cleanup of the plant., site, scalehouse, washrooms and maintenance room is conducted, including sweeping the HOOfS. A more intensive cleanup takes place on the weekend when there is little vehicle traffic. o:r7 ..;>-rc",-,\.. ¥v~ t,:;'r '¡;".' \,'~f..C>'.l ';"J'-'. ç\(.'.V'-'h" .,. O:~8 f.\TT ACHMEf\JT if,I.,. TO REPORT #..9:.-. .'3 f. 0"2.- "'. . Amendment, to remove Condition (29) (a), would permit a neat waste pile on the floor, so that waste would be available for the next trailer. . Facility is equipped with one odour control system complete with twenty spray nozzles, operating at a liquid flow rate of 15.6 millilitres per second. exhausting into the atmosphere through two exhaust fans each with a volumetric flow rate of 8.5 actual cubic metres per second through a louve, having an exit diameter of 1.07 metres, located at 9.5 metres above grade and 1.5 metres below the roof. . If a particularly odourous load arrives we load it immediately into Ii trailer if one is in the pit or we manually increase the spray duration and bury the load until the next trailer is available. . Lloyd's Pest Control resets traps once a: month to control vennin. APPENDIX D: DRAINAGE . If the sprinkler system is required to put out a fire, a hotdíng tank is located in the facility to accept this liquid. Can-Sort Recycling would then hire a MOE licensed liquid industrial waste processor to pump out the tank. . . The floor of the facility contains 6 inches of poured concrete. . Outside the site is entirely covered in asphalt with a poured concrete curb around the perimeter. ** TOTAL P~3E.03 *" ATTACHME¡\n"#-.?-_rOREPOt{f~.£:...31 o~ 0:39 PLANNJNG & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM June 18,2002 To: Bruce Taylor City Clerk . From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Application for Amendment to The Ministry of Environment and Energy Certificate of Approval No. A390421 Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 1048 Toy Avenue City of Pickering This Department has completed an initial review of the above-noted matter. It is our understanding that the applicant seeks Ministry approval to increase the amount and type of waste. processed on-site, and to add outdoor storage of recyclables as a permitted activity. Based on this understanding and our concerns respecting functionality of the site, it is recommended that City Council oppose the applicant's request for revision to the Ministry of Environment and Energy's Certificate of Approval pertaining to the subject site. Increased processing limitations for the site will1ikely increase truck traffic to a site that currently has several site function restrictions. The large size of the building in relation to the lot area, severe limitation of on-site maneuvering space, substantial truck traffic and periodic occurrences of unapproved outdoor storage all contribute to the opinion that the site currently functions at capacity. Based on the limited information available for review respecting the proposal, we cannot provide support for any expansion in use of the facility. 040 Bruce Taylor June 18, 2002 ATTACH f-! Ei\rnz 2- TO REPORT # c¿:!~ o£.- Page 2 I am not aware of any pre-consultation between the applicant and the City respecting this proposal, certainly not with the Planning & Development Depar1ment. It is possible that further discussions between the City and the applicant could provide a better understanding of the application and lead to a more positive Depar1mental response. Revisions to the approved site plan and / or proposed site operations could potentially bring some level of support for elements of the applicant's request. The proposal may also require a peer review from a consultant well versed in waste management matters, to assist Council in formulating its position. . The following comments are provided for your consideration. Proposal Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. has applied for an amendment to the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE) Certificate of Approval which is applicable to the waste processing, recycling and transfer facility that operates at 1048 Toy Avenue (there are two buildings on the property at 1048 Toy Ave. - this certificate pertains to the portion of the site and the building that fronts on the north side of Quartz Street). A map identifying the location of the site in question is attached. The CUlTent certificate of approval, which wasòriginally issued in 1992 and revised in 1998, permits Can-sort to process commercial and industrial non-hazardous waste (primarily construction waste), to remove recyclables such as scrap metals, cardboard and. wood. Residual waste, once the recyclables are removed, is then shipped to approved landfills. The CUlTent request is generally to increase the amount and type of waste processed on- site, and to add outdoor storage of recyclables as a permitted activity. Planning & Development Staff are not aware of any restrictions on the source of the residential waste proposed to be processed on site. It is our understanding that the proposal may be to accept waste from any source within the Province. City Council has previously expressed concerns respecting a Pickering facility accepting waste from outside Pickering / the Region of Durham. It is our understanding, from information obtained from the Ministry of Environment and Energy WEB site and discussions with Ministry Staff that the proposed amendments to . the CUlTent Certificate of Approval are as follows: :1 ~r~' - . Bruce Taylpr June 18,2002 ATTACHt"1ENT#__.¿=:TO REPORT C-L 3'1.01.... 041 . Page 3 _lIfØìl~. maximum waste received and shipped per maximum waste received and shipped per d~ æy -300 tonnes -400 tonnes maximum on site storage at anyone time maximum on site storage at any one time of solid unprocessed waste, processed of solid unprocessed waste, processed material and residual waste material and residual waste -400 tonnes -600 tonnes all residual waste and recovered recyclable to permit outdoor storage of clean / sorted material to be stored within enclosed recyclables, III covered bins (10 bins buildings proposed) * -waste disposal site (processing) ~to convert to a transfer station (processing terminology refers to a (transfer station terminology refers to 299 maximum of 199 tonnes of waste leaving tonnes of waste leaving the site) the site) permitted to accept: soil non-hazardous commercial and industrial waste (excludes hazardous waste, liquid industrial waste, pathological waste, agricultural waste, processed organic waste, domestic waste, and hauled storage) -in addition to material cUITently permitted to be accepted to add residential waste ** Hours of operation Monæy to Saturday 6:00 am. To 6:00 p.m. Hours of operation Monday to Saturday 6:00 am. to 6:00 p.m. * Discussious with the MOE Ministry considering limiting outdoor storage to 3 covered bins (not 10 as suggested by applicant) and materials that are allowed to be stored outdoors to be restricted to cardboard metal and wood. ** Discussions with the MOE Ministry cönsidering capping amount of residential waste permitted to be received on site at 160 tonnes per day Requesting all residential waste to be removed by 6:00 p.m. daily (no overnight storage). Bruce- Taytor ATTp\ C H f'¡P,;-:ri.f. June 18, 2002 042 Page 4 Official Plan and Zoning The property is located in the Brock Industrial Area within an area designated General Employment Area by the Pickering Official Plan. Warehousing, storage of goods and materials; waste transfer and recycling, waste processing, and freight transfer uses are pennitted in the General Employment Area. The CUITènt use ofthe property, and the proposèd changes to the use which would rèsult from the requested amendments to the Certificate of Approval, conform to the policies of the Pickering Official Plan. The property is zoned "MC-ó" - Associated Industrial by Zoning By-law 2511, as amended by By-law 2234/86. This zoning pennits manufacturing or industria1 uses, as well as warehouses and distribution depots, light manufacturing plants for the processing of goods and materials, and outdoor storage in any yard, except the front yard, só long as the area used for outdoor storage does not exceed 30 percent of the area of the lot. The current use of the property, and the proposed changes to the use which would result from the requested amendments to the Certificate of Approval, comply with the applicable zoning by-law. . Site Plan There is cUITently an approved site plan, S35/88 (R 95), which governs the subject property. The approved site plan allows for trucks to access and exit the site in an orderly manner based on traffic flow information available at the time of site plan approval. The building on the site is quite large in comparison to the lot area. This design recognized the applicant's proposal to contain all activity within the building, with most all remaining site area utilized and required for truck manoeuvring. Consequently, despite the fact that limited outdoor storage is permitted by the zoning by-law, the site plan did not îdentify or permit any outdoor storage bins. The subject site currently exhibits functional restrictions. The site cannot contain all vehicle activity associated with the operation. Currently the operation requires that trucks back up on Quartz Street (a City public street), to enter the building and load material. An increase in the waste processing limits may require queuing of trucks on Quartz Street, resulting in traffic and environmental problems. Further, the large coverage of the building on the lot leaves very limited area for the provision of buffering from adjacent uses. The Certificate of Approval issued by the MOEE establishes limitations on site activities. Any expansion to the amount of material received, shipped, processed and / or stored on- site will increase site activity on a sitè that is already very confined. . . "; :, -.,. Bruce Tay~or --- A..rTr\CH¡'!Ei\¡T:~. _S Tn p..D(";I'T'" c¿ 3.Ý. 0'1 -,.". "-', ' .' ,,'-, ~, t1-.-~_._: ..;> June 18, 2002 Page 5 04a Ministry staff advised that the City may request an extension of time to respond to the requested revision to the Certificate of Approval applicable to the site. However, the Ministry may not consider such a request if it results in a significant time delay. NC/jf ".,'~I=_"""'" Attachments Copy: Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering , ; ~,-- !:I_CJ:._.3-"; - 0 1.-. 044 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES. MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DMSION MEMORANDUM June 17,2002 To: Bruce Taylor. City Clerk From: Richard Holbom Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: Application for Amendment to Certificate of Approval Can-Sort Recycling Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue. This is in response to your memo dated June 5, 2002 requesting comments on Can-Soft's application for the Ministry of the Environment to amend their certificate of approval to: 1.) convert to a transfer station 2.) increase tonnages received and removed from the site 3.) accept residential waste 4.) allow for outdoor storage ofrecyclables The Municipal Property & Engineering Division provides the following comments on their application. The increase of tonnages and conversion to a transfer station indicate that truck traffic to and from the site, using Quartz Street and Toy Avenue will increase. Delays at the intersection of Toy Avenue and Bayly Street, which is unsignalized, will cause traffic impacts for other businesses on the street and may interfere with access to the Tim Horton's on the comer of Toy Avenue and Bayly Street. A trip generation and traffic impact assessment is required to be submitted for review to detennine if the amendment can be supported, and if improvements are required in the form of traffic signals or otherwise. . .:: ..' "-,. """"""",',',"""",1,"",'" ',~, 'r"',""¡:;'.""""r"ct-2,"'¡' 01.- i\¡ f.Þ\""hh,:,', r "",....:l._,'¡{.., ,'\d"UI'" 'H<----.?f- Bruce Taylor Subject: Application fòr Amendment to Certificate of Approval Can-Sort Recycling Limited, 1048 Toy Avenue June 17, 2002 Page 2 045 It is our interpretation that the existing Certificate of Approval allows for 300 tomes of waste to be accepted per day, 199 tonnes of waste to be removed per day and 400 tonnes of storage at anyone time. Outside bin storage is not allowed. The amendment is to add 100 tonnes of incoming waste daily and 200 tonnes of onsite storage. The application is not clear on whether an increase of waste removal is being applied for, and what fonn the outdoor storage will take and what amount will be stored outdoors. Additional infonnation is required in order to comment on this aspect. It should be noted that the site is small (0.80 hectares) and traffic flow through the site is limited and difficult. A .revised site plan to indicate the flow of traffic and site storage location (s) is required before any increases can be supported Due to the proximity and nature of surrounding businesses, the addition of residential waste is not recommended. Issues due to odours, animals etc. will be apparent and will affect neighbouring properties. Outdoor bin storage was removed :lÌ"om the 1998 application to the Ministry of the Environment for a Certificate Approval due to concerns frOllthe City of Pickering. Due to the size of the site, and its configuration with adjacent properties, the outdoor storage is still not appropriate. ~~, ¡ ivision Head, Municipal Property & Engineering RBI gm Copy: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services :¡: ~'!""j¡;b."~O'jj- ----L" ,if. ".,.--.- ~'" 1\":1" 1/\1 #'::;;~~I -0 '-- 046 Resolution #84/98 Passed on Åpri120. 1998 Moved by Councillor Holland Seconded by Councillor Dickerson WHEREAS Can-Sort Recycling Ltd., has a history of non-compliance with Town by- laws, it's zoning and site plan restrictions and with Pro,yinciallegislation at it's :fucility located at 1048 Toy Avenue occurring both under its direct management and under Ever Green Recycle Canada Inc. while Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. still owned the subject property and held the license for operations of the :fucility; and WHEREAS as a result of non-compliance the Ministry of Environment charged Can-Sort with failure to store, sort and process waste material in a proper manner and Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. pled guilty in March of 1995; and WHEREAS inaletter dated June 16, 1997 ftomD.R Crump, Director, Central Region for the Ministry of Environment indicated that the Certificate of Approval for A39O421 for 1048 Toy Avenue was suspended because of concern on his part that "the continued use of the building at this site, and in particular the possible collapse of the roof ofthe building, may endanger the health or safety of the people who would ordinarily be using the building in the course of operating the waste processing síteand would make it difficult to deal with any waste at the site in accordance with the requirements ofthe Provisional Certificate of Approval"; and WHEREAS non-compliance is still continuing on the property of 1048 Toy Avenue and currently and historically has resulted in undue hardships on adjacent businesses and residents; and WHEREAS Can-Sort Recycling has made application to the Ministry of Environment on April 1, 1998 to amend the Provisional Certificate of Approval for a Waste Disposal Site No. A390421 to increase the maximum Metric Tonnage of solid non-hazardous waste received per day ftom 150 to 750 under A5 of the MOE Certificate of Approval, the on site storage of waste ftom 250 to 1,000 Metric Tonnes under A4, and to accept solid non- hazardous institutional waste; and WHEREAS the Brock West Landfill site was recently closed and residents have expressed strenuous objection to importing waste ftom Metro Toronto or other communities; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the C;orpomtion of the Town of Pickering expresses its opposition in principle to Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. application to amend the Provisional Certificate of Approval for Waste Disposal Site No. A390421 for operations at 1048 Toy Avenue; and ..../2 ¡] " J '1 ., 'T': ':;'YiC",.: (- ,',,", -:J ".. # ._::.L3~ 0 '2-. 047 --2-- TIIAT the Chief Building Official in conjunction with the Town of Pickering's By-Law Enforcement Officers report back to Council with respect to the current status of compliance with the approved site plans, current zoning restrictions and with respect to property standards by May 19, 1998 and that the report be circulated to the individuals receiving a copy of this resolution; and THAT the Town Clerk request that the :tvfinistry of Environment review the operation by Can-Sort Recycle Ltd. of the waste disposal site - processing at 1048 Toy Avenue, Pickering, pursuant to MOE Certificate of ApprovalA390421, to determine whether or not that Site is being operated in accordance with that certificate particularly with respect to sections A3, A4, AS, A6, B9, B12, B15, B16, E23 ofthe Certificate of Approval; and THAT this resolution be forwarded to: 1. Mr. GeoffCarpentier, Supervisor, Waste Section, Ontario Ministry of Environment The Honourable Norm Sterling, M.inister of Environment Roy Wilshire, President, Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. 2. 3. CARRIED ;;......[.. \jI;:P'O"¡Y"# c:. L 31. c)L- I ,... \I -..-- 048 Resolution #96/98 Passed on May 19. 2002 Moved by Councillor Holland Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Report to Council PW 12-98 regarding Can-Sort Recycling Ltd., 1048 Toy Avenue be received for information and forwarded to: 1. Mr. GeoffCarpentier, Supervisor, Waste Section, Ontario MIDistry of . Environment. 2. The Honourable Norm Sterling, Minister of Environment. 3. Mr. Roy Wiltshire, President, Can-Sort Recycling Ltd; and That the Council of the Corporation ofilie Town of Pickering hereby reiterates its opposition to the application made by Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. to amend the Provisionàl Certificate of Approval A390421 for a waste disposal site as set. out in Resolution #84/98 passed on April 20, 1998. CARRIED "',~~ 5 ,¡ ,III,', e , ..¡,., f"""T~,"'HME1\,"T .,~,r ' "'II H<1'- .1, \'1, -:',,2_..., REPORT #.{CJ'f C)"l-- 04!J Resolution #119/98 Passed on June 22. 1998 Moved by Councillor Holland Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That the letter :fi:om the Ministry ofEnvironment dated May 4,1998 advising that it has received an application :fi:om Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. for an amendment to the Provisional Certificate of Approval fur a Waste Disposal Site (Processingffransfer) :fucility at 1048 Toy Avenue, Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 be received; and That the Council of the Town of Pickering opposes the application for business expansion through revision,to the Certificate of Approval; and That the Council of the Town of Pickering requests a hearing under the Environmental Protections.Act. CARRIED i,,('T'\'.'W'r.1:::~crf ,i:; S-- ," ,1'\1.... ,,-,. "...-..,.,- ¡"t:~"'D~' ',1 CL <")..<.1 - 0"2- \d"\.Jr\ ~'"--,..".._...J I f .... ") )J\. , Resolution #169/98 Passed on Aul!ust 4. 1998 Moved by Councillor Holland Seconded by Councillor Dickerson WHEREAS the Town of Pickering, area businesses and residents have suffered :from continuous viohitions by Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. of their Site PIan agreement, zoning requirements and property standards req\1Írements both during their direct management and while they owned and held the Certificate of Approval for the site located at 1048 Toy Avenue; and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering has opposed an expansion of the Certificate of Approval A390421 by Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. as the site currently is not able to operate witllln existing municipal requirement and an expansion would exacerbate tMt problem; and ' WHEREAS in a letter dated July 29, 1998, :IÌ"om Ellen Reed; Senior Approvals Officer for the Ministry of the Environment, the Town of Pickering was notified that Can-Sort's Recycling Ltd. application for increased tonnage was approved and that the request by Pickering Council fur a Environmental Assessment was rejected; and WHEREAS the Ministry of the Environment has not consulted with the Town in any way about the application or its impact upon the municipality; and WHEREAS the only meeting that did take place between Ministry of the Environment officials and a Town official, namely Councillor Mark Holland, occurred not as a result of an invitation but rather because Councillor Holland was informed by a third party that Ministry officials would be in the area; and WHEREAS the Certificate of Approval for Can-Sort Recycling Ltd. was issued one business day before Council was given an opportunity to comment upon the decrease in requested tonnage by Can-sort when Ministry officials knew that the matter was coming before Council on August 4, 1998; and WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Pickering has endorsed a motion calling for increased autonomy over waste and waste related issues within its municipality and that the motion was endorsed or is being considered by municipalities across the GTA; and WHEREAS a process which does not involve or seem to in anyway consider the concerns and/or positions oflocal councils and area residents with respect to the issuance or revision of a Certificate of Approval is flawed and is in dire need of revision; ..../2 " ,. ; ,~~. H¿J'3 . "'-"ACHMEi\'--" "- P\ ¡ I . i .1 ! H...L... tOL- --2-- 051 NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby declares its continuing opposition to the CUlTent or any increase in tonnage at the Can-Sort facility and that the Ministry of the Environment be advised that the Provincial commitment with respect to the "willing-host" principal has been made a mockery of by Ministry staff; and TIIAT the Council declares its strenuous objection to the Certificate of Approval process as it does not consider local concerns or impacts and requests that the Ministry of the Environment amend the process to make it more democratic; and TIIAT Janet Ecker, M.P.P. meet with Council, at a mutually acceptable time, to discuss the Certificate of Approval process and advise of what action, if any, she can take to make the process responsive to local concerns; and TIIAT further to the motion passed by Pickering Council and subsequently adopted by the Towns of Richmond Hill, Markham, East Gwillimbury, the Municipality öfClarington, City ofBrampton and the Townships of King and Uxbridge, the Corporation of the Town of Pickering requests that the Association of Municipalities (AMO) formulate a position on waSte and waste reJated issues and coordinates a province wide action plan to ensure that local concerns are heard and considered; and THAT this motion be distributed to: . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Norm Sterling, Minister ofthe Environment Association of Municipalities Janet Ecker, M.P.P. (Durham West) Mike Harris, Premier of the Province of Ontario AI Leach, Minister of Municipal Affu.irs Environment Critic for the Official Opposition Environment Critic for the NDP CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yes: Councillors Brenner. Dickerson, Holland. Johnson, Pickles, Ryan and Mayor Arthurs .