HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 05-19P1C Cdy ([RiNG Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CAO 05-19 Date: March 4, 2019 From: Tony Prevedel Chief Administrative Officer Subject: City Centre Project: Project Management and Preliminary Engineering Services - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council approve the hiring of Sabourin, Kimble & Associates Ltd. to provide project management services and undertake the necessary preliminary engineering services associated with the City Centre. Project, in accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.03 (c) as the assignment is above $50,000.00; 2. That City staff be authorized to continue negotiations with Sabourin, Kimble & Associates Ltd. in order to finalize a consulting agreement that is in a form satisfactory to the Chief Administrative Officer; 3. That the total gross project cost of $500,000.00 (plus HST) be approved for this assignment; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the net project cost from Capital Budget account 5203.1902.6500; 5. That staff be authorized to enter into discussions with Ontario Pension Board Reality Inc., the owner of Pickering Town Center to cost share the above noted project cost; and 6. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: With the closure of Sears retail stores across the Country, in particular at the Pickering Town Centre (PTC), and the relocation of the movie theatres to the west side of the mall, staff have been in discussions with Ontario Pension Board (OPB) Realty Inc., in regards to the redevelopment of the east side of the PTC property which will allow for the development of residential and non-residential uses that would fit within the context of the City's vision for intensifying the City Centre. The unique opportunity to integrate a number of distinct, private and public interests in a cohesive manner would create a landmark destination that would transform the downtown core and uplift Pickering's identity. The combination of a dense and walkable residential community that encompasses a commercial node, brand new municipal facilities, and a central public realm will transform Pickering City Centre. In order to move forward with this project, staff need to initiate the necessary preliminary engineering design tasks and project management work for the City Centre. CAO 05-19 March 4, 2019 Subject: City Centre Project: Project Management and Preliminary Engineering Services Page 2 Sabourin, Kimble & Associates Ltd. has extensive experience in managing large scale projects and undertaking the necessary engineering design work for a project of such magnitude. It is a company that is very familiar with the various provincial and regulatory requirements applicable to this project. In accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.03 (c) where the professional service assignment is expected to be above $50,000.00 and the initiating Director intends to acquire the services without going through a competitive process, Council approval is required to engage a firm for a professional services assignment. Financial Implications: This cost is initially funded from the Rate Stabilization Reserve. Staff will explore the option of determining if part of these costs could be attributed to a specific City Centre capital building project that in -turn would translate into partial subsidy from development charges. Any possible DC funding would reduce the draw from the Rate Stabilization Reserve. Discussion: With the City's ongoing partnership with the ownership group for the Pickering Town Centre, the Pickering City Centre project is set to be an opportunity the provides a long-term direction for the City. It is the result of the City's visioning exercise completed in 2012 that outlined the various concepts and ideas for the future of Pickering's City Centre. In working with OPB Reality Inc., the City Centre vision will be dynamic and yet accommodating to the future growth opportunities that will come before the City in the coming years. During the 2018 budget process, funds were included and presented for the design and construction of the proposed new Seniors/Youth Centre, plus soft costs to determine and set the City facility operational requirements, identify building design criteria, system requirements, performance levels and other deliverables. Aside from City funded construction and soft costs in Phase 1, OPB Reality Inc. is also planning on including the construction of the following: A condominium tower along The Esplanade South , and 2 condominium towers, a hotel and retail space on their own property. In order to accommodate project timelines set out by City staff and senior officials from OPB Reality Inc., the City plans to initiate the review and assessment of the engineering work involved with the City Centre Project. At the request of City staff, Sabourin, Kimble & Associates Ltd. submitted a proposal for project management and preliminary engineering services for the City Centre Project, dated February 12, 2019 (Attachment #1). The proposal provides a detailed scope of services to be provided for both project management and preliminary engineering services. Sabourin, Kimble & Associates Ltd. and Municipal Engineering Solutions offer a joint venture solution for project management collectively bringing over 70 years of expertise to the project. The firm of Sabourin, Kimble & Associates will provide preliminary engineering services specifically related to municipal services such as sanitary sewer, water supply, and stormwater management and drainage, including capacity analysis and municipal service relocations to accommodate proposed development. CAO 05-19 March 4, 2019 Subject: City Centre Project Project Management and Preliminary Engineering Services Page 3 Sabourin, Kimble & Associates Ltd. has extensive experience and in-depth knowledge with the complexity of servicing, required studies and approvals for municipal projects of such magnitude. They have been involved in the project management of the Pickering Innovation Corridor for the past 9 months, and have developed a strong relationship with key staff members at the City of Pickering. As time is of the essence, staff are recommending that a total gross project cost of $500,000.00 (plus HST) be approved by Council for this assignment. Attachments: 1. Proposal for Project Management & Preliminary Engineering Services — Pickering City Centre Project — Sabourin Kimble & Associates Ltd. dated February 12, 2019 CAO 05-19 March 4, 2019 Subject: City Centre Project: Project Management and Preliminary Engineering Services Page 4 Prepared By: J Approved/Endorsed By: f FiaztJad Ec.D., CEcD, MPM Manager, Economic Development & Strategic Projects FJ:mjh Ri and Hol.orn, P.Eng. 'rector, Engineering Services Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Finance & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 17 SKA SABOURIN KIMBLE & ASSOCIATES LTD. CONSULTING ENGINEERS February 12, 2019 FILE: PROMO#3088REV City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Attention: Mr. Fiaz Jadoon Manager, Economic Development & Strategic Projects Dear Mr. Jadoon, 110 Old Kingston Road Ajax, Ontario L1T 2Z9 Phone: (905) 426-9451 SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR: PROJECT MANAGEMENT & PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING SERVICES PICKERING CITY CENTRE PROJECT Pursuant to our recent discussions, we are pleased to provide you with the following proposal for our project management and preliminary engineering services for the proposed City Centre redevelopment project. As discussed, we propose to assist the City of Pickering with the various municipal engineering elements outside the building walls, including coordination of associated sub -consultants. We understand that other project leaders will be responsible to coordinate the building designs including architecture, innovative building technologies, etc. Furthermore, we understand that the overall project leaders will be responsible for the coordination of all of the P3 aspects of the project including legal agreements, funding models, etc. We propose that the project management for this project be carried out by the joint venture team of Sabourin Kimble & Associates Ltd. and Municipal Engineering Solutions. Mr. Richard Sabourin, P. Eng. (a 35 year resident of the City of Pickering) and Mr. John Bourrie, P. Eng., collectively bring over 70 years of project management and engineering expertise to this project. Furthermore, Messrs. Sabourin and Bourrie have been extensively involved in the project management of the Pickering Prestige Employment Lands/Kubota project in the Seaton Employment Lands Innovation Corridor for the past eight months and as such, have developed a strong working relationship with all departments and all levels of staff at the City of Pickering. Finally, both these individuals have strong 1 teams supporting their roles, particularly in the municipal engineering and stormwater management fields, both of which bode well for the understanding of, and contacts with, all other required ancillary consultants that will be required for this project. We propose that the preliminary engineering, under the direction of the project managers, be carried out by Sabourin Kimble & Associates Ltd. SKA have over 30 years of consulting experience in municipal engineering and stormwater management, including some 250 projects within the City of Pickering and Region of Durham. The lead project managers at SKA are Krista Boyce, P. Eng. and Ryan Sabourin, P. Eng., and both individuals have a wealth of experience working in the City of Pickering. PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES: The detailed scope of services, as with most project management roles, will remain fluid throughout the duration of the project as it takes life. However, we feel the following work program will be necessary for the initial stages of the project. 1. Meet with the client and all associated stakeholders to establish reporting protocol and project timelines. 2. Meet with the client and project team leaders and any team members retained to date to establish and understand the exact requirements for the project, and subsequently confirm and finalize the project management requirements with the City. Review and summarize in detail all of the required ancillary disciplines that the project will require for its successful completion; including but not necessarily limited to, environmental consulting, transportation engineering, surveying services (legal and topographical), geotechnical engineering, electrical engineering, acoustical engineering, landscape architecture, etc. 4. Meet with the client and project leadership team to discuss and finalize the terms of reference for the above -referenced disciplines. Many of these sub -consultants may have already been contacted/retained, however, SKA/MES can assure the City that they have strong working relationships with virtually every company practicing in these areas and are receptive to working with any of them. 2 5. If required, based on the terms of reference, solicit proposals from various companies in each of the disciplines required for this project. 6. Complete a cursory review of the Krosno Creek watershed study prepared by TMIG, as well as their preliminary stormwater management report and strategy for the subject lands. Work with TMIG, the City and other team members to incorporate TMIG's stormwater management findings and recommendations, for the City Centre, into the overall municipal servicing strategies and municipal services upgrades and/or relocations for the proposed City Centre redevelopment project. 7. Meet with the assembled project team on an as required basis to discuss the project, its requirements, its timelines, etc. 8. In conjunction with the project team leaders and the various team members, prepare preliminary project cost estimates for any and all project components. Submit, present and discuss same with the client on an as required basis. 9. Liaise with all stakeholders regarding the necessary site preparations such as building demolitions, services relocations/decommissioning, etc. '10. If required, coordinate and/or prepare any required site preparation drawings and documents. Review these with the client and if necessary, assist with a tender call for this work. 11. Meet with all required approval agencies, with the client, applicable team leaders and members as required/warranted to discuss the project, identify the full requirements for development, etc. 12. If necessary, coordinate all associated study requirements in support of the project, including submission and follow-up with all required approval agencies. 13. Assist the client with the initiation of all required detailed design works, including coordination of all SPA requirements and agency approvals. 3 We propose to undertake this initial work program on a time spent basis. We estimate that the project will require the following involvement of the principals: Richard Sabourin - 10 hours per month John Bourrie - 50 hours per month We propose to discount our Standard Hourly Rates for this project to the following rates: Richard Sabourin - $225.00 per hour John Bourrie - $200.00 per hour As such, for budgeting purposes, we envision a monthly allowance of $12,250.00 + $250.00 in disbursements, or $12,500.00, which equates to an annual allowance of $150,000.00. Lastly, we anticipate about a two year involvement for the initiation of this project, therefore a budget of $300,000.00 would be appropriate. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING SERVICES: We propose to undertake the following preliminary engineering tasks at the outset of the project in order to ascertain what the exact detailed design requirements will be. 1. Conduct a detailed site visit to provide detailed familiarization with the site topography and grading, existing structures within the project limits, drainage and boundary conditions, existing municipal services, etc, 2. Obtain and review all pertinent background information, drawings and documents associated with the development of the project such as legal surveys, topographical maps and surveys, soils reports, municipal services and roads drawings, master drainage plans and/or reports, and all concept drawings generated to date associated with the proposed redevelopment plans. 3. Liaise with the Project Managers to ascertain the exact requirements for the development project, including municipal•water supply, sanitary drainage, storm drainage and stormwater management. 4 4. Meet with the City of Pickering and Region of Durham to discuss the municipal engineering requirements for the project. 5. Based on the ultimate land uses provided by the project team leaders, if necessary, carry out water supply and/or sanitary sewer capacity analyses to ensure that all elements of the project can be accommodated. If resulting from this study there are water supply constraints and/or downstream sanitary sewer capacity constraints, provide a report with recommendations regarding the necessary improvements/upgrades. Meet with the Region of Durham to discuss this report and its findings and secure the Region's concurrence with the recommendations. 6. Review the Pickering City Centre Stormwater Management Strategies, Final Report, April 2015 prepared by TMIG as it relates to the stormwater management requirements for the development. Make recommendations to the client and stakeholders regarding the proposed stormwater management strategy(ies) for the project. 7. Based on the finalized site plan(s), advise the client on any requirements for municipal services relocations to accommodate the proposed development. We propose to undertake this component of the project on a Time Spent Basis at our Standard Hourly Rates, duly appended to this proposal. For budgeting purposes, we suggest a budget of $100,000.00 would be appropriate for this component of the project. Other Disciplines: While it is virtually impossible at this early stage of the project to set budgets for any of the other potentially required disciplines, we recommend that the City budget an initial allowance of $100,000 to start the process of retaining other disciplines in 2019. Ultimately, we would anticipate that the total budget required for other disciplines would be approximately $500,000 for a project of this nature. As the project progresses, we will work with the City to identify the other disciplines required as well as firm up their scope of work and required budget. In closing, we trust you will find this proposal comprehensive enough for your requirements at this time, however, if you have any questions, comments or further requirements, we are certainly available to discuss them in greater detail at your convenience. 5 Finally, we look forward to working with you on this very exciting opportunity. Yours very truly, SABOURIN IMBLE & OCIATES LTD. Richard T. Sabourin, P. Eng. RTS/jm cc: Municipal Engineering Solutions Attention: Mr. John Bourrie, P. Eng.