HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 19, 2006I Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair Pat Dunnill Rose Cowan Bill Utton Bill Weston Paul Savel William Gosse Julie Oakes, Bloomers & Britches John Edmonds, Backwoods Players Lindsey McKenna, Stepping in Thyme Harold Quinton, Gas & Steam Barn Crew Leader Steve Reynolds · Marisa Carpino ~ 4qndy Smiles :rina Pyke Item/. Details & Discussion & Conclusion Ref#· (summaryof discussion) 1. Welcome Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Advisory Committee Meeting Thursday, October 19, 2006 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Action Items I Status (include deadline as aoorooriate) .. Laura Laura welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Approvals All AQQroval of Agenda a) Motion Moved by Rose Cowan Seconded by Bill Utton • That the minutes from May 30, 2006 meeting be approved CARRIED AQQroval of Minutes b) Motion 7.0 should say PMV Foundation AGM (not PMV Foundation Review) Moved by Bill Litton Seconded by Bill Weston Page 1 Item/ Ref# 3. Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) • That the Minutes from the May 30, 2006 meeting be approved as amended Achievements & Dreams a) Backwoods Players (John Edmonds) President *Report submitted & distributed • Group is in its 5th year CARRIED • Receiving positive responses from public & organizations • 2 -6 schools coming to school nights for Spirit Walk which is a significant increase to previous years • Looking to strengthen our relationship with other groups (i.e. Parkwoods & Act. Co.) • Looking for increased storage space for stock of costumes b) Gas & Steam Barn (Harold Quinton) Crew Leader *Report submitted & distributed • 22 active volunteers • Accumulated 2000 volunteer hours in last year • Crew are at site every Tuesday evening and Saturday • Storage and display space is an issue • Steam-Up and Fall Family Festival were very successful events (great turn out). The crew had 15 different displays available for these events • 300 pieces we want to build and restore • Have long range plan to build an addition (heated workshop space) so they can do work in winter • Potential is there to have items working throughout the site. Opportunity to do education programs, can take small items to outside location to promote Steam Barn/Museum c) Bloomers & Britches (Julie Oakes) * Report submitted & distributed • Reported 2 new gardens this year, pumpkin patch and broom corn batch. • Started landscaping around Redman House • Bought 3 new benches • Had 2 new members this year • Turn under is scheduled for this Saturday • At that time, they will make decisions on their donations Costume committee: • Now have group of knitters and crocheters • Would like to do outreach. Public find it interesting For the future: they would like to try to have accurate Action Items I Status (include deadline as aoorooriate) All Page 2 Item/ Ref# 4. Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) costuminQ for volunteers of all sizes. d) Stepping in Tyme -Lindsey McKenna * Report submitted & distributed • Been in operation for 1.5 years • Goal is to develop dances appropriate to 19th Century • Increased number of dances to 15 • Performed at several events • Steady core group of 20 people, use Redman House as ballroom • Dancers are working on their own costumes • Building a library of dance info to be available to staff for reference • Have 2 dedicated musicians committed to the volunteer group Future goals: . • Increasing our knowledge, adding to our repertoire of dances • Seeking new members • Doing more outreach Motion Moved by Pat Dunnill Seconded by Bill Weston • That the volunteer groups be congratulated and commended for their outstanding work. CARRIED Action Items I Status (include deadline as aonrooriate) Committee Reports All a) Gas & Steam Barn Addition * Report submitted & distributed • Harold reviews plans • Plan to build 25' x 50' heated workshop to sustain volunteer crew through winter months • Need 200 amp electrical service • Need improved lighting • Need to install industrial racking for storing artifacts • Require forklift • THS (Totten Simms Hubicki) have volunteered to do working drawings for addition • Projected cost approx. $85,000 for addition • Bill Utton recommends natural gas to heat • Bill Weston confirmed that a tax receipt for $7,500 for donation of forklift to Foundation (to be given to Steam Barn) • Pat Dunnill will connect with contractor he knows to see if they would be willing to do foundation work for Pat to complete. Steam Barn addition. Page 3 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Ref# (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as aooropriate) Motion Moved by Bill Litton Seconded by Paul Savel • That the plans presented by Harold Quinton be approved CARRIED b) Education Program Report (Katrina Pyke) *Report submitted & distributed Rose Cowan advised: • Every Board has a new teacher day in early September . This would be a great place to promote Museum's outreach • Rose offered to attend with outreach staff to provide testimonial from a teacher's perspective • Rose says bussing . is a limitation to teachers booking trips -huge cost for bussing · • Rose says classes are limited to 2 trips per school year -another limitation c) Special Events (Mandy Smiles) *Report submitted & distributed (2006 Event Participation Summary) *Submitted & distributed 2007 event list (proposed) • Durham Historical Fair is not included in the proposed list. (April 2007) • Tapestry will be a free event next year and will take place on Saturday instead of Sunday • Paul would like to get a price for a stage for Museum/City Paul to complete. events. (instead of borrowing trailer from Ajax). Ajax delivered stage late for 2006 event. d) Collections Report (Katrina Pyke) * Report submitted & distributed e) Foundation/Fundraising (Pat Dunnill) • Big thanks to everyone who helped the Foundation out for the Fall Family Festival • It was a tremendous success with over 1000 attendees • Foundation hopes to begin Hotel Restoration in August 2007. Question will be how much will be done. • Pat asked Bill Weston: 1) For info on how much the Foundation has contributed to the Hotel Restoration Project Bill to provide to Pat Page 4 Item I Details & Discussion & Conclusion Ref# (summary of discussion) 5. so far 2) How much cash does the Foundation currently have on hand and 3) How much additional money does the Foundation expect to have by end of 2007 • Steve Reynolds needs this information f) Facilities (Katrina Pyke) * Report submitted & distributed Review of 2006 Capital Projects 2006 Capital Marisa provided an update on the status of Museum 2006 capital work. Outstanding items include the replacement of the log on the log house (can't find a service provider), repair of chimney (work will compromise the integrity of the house so it will not be completed) and lastly the access ramp from the Admin. Building to the stairs. • Need City engineers to design ramp. They have been tied up now. If they can't do it -it will go to outside people • Hotel Restoration funds will be carried over to 2007 budget Budget Presentation 2007 Budgets (Steve Reynolds) *Draft 2007 capital budgets distributed a) Steve clarified maximum contribution from the City for Hotel Restoration would be $250,000 ($200,000 proposed in 2007, $50,00 carry over from 2006) Steve will reword 2007 budget proposal to show total $250,000 from City b) Bill Utton recommends putting gravel down under boardwalk for drainage c) Laura asked where we are with sliders on Museum sign promoting upcoming events. Motion Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Pat Dunnill • That the proposed 2007 Capital Budget be approved as presented CARRIED Draft 2007 operating budget distributed • 2 new accounts created (Program Supplies and Vehicle Repair & Maintenance) Action Items I Status (include deadline as aooropriate) and Steve Marisa Steve Marisa to follow up with Tanya and Scott Booker to get status on that Page 5 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Ref# (summary of discussion) Motion Moved by Pat Dunnill Seconded by Paul Savel • That the 2007 draft operating budget be approved as presented CARRIED 7. New Business • Laura reminded Committee that Committee is up for reappointment after the election. Look for it in November • If you know people who have skills in program revenue generation, encourage them to sign up to become member of new advisory committee • Laura reminded members to complete survey mailed out with May's minutes. Tapestry event for 2007 • Paul will chair, Laura, Marisa, Katrina and Rose Cowan • Marisa and Paul will connect to set up first planning meeting in January 2007 l'l Next Meeting • Thursday, February 15, 2007 -7:00 pm in the Main Committee Room 9. Adjournment Laura declared the meeting adjourned Meeting Adjourned: 10:20 pm I Copy: Chief Administra'tive Officer City Clerk 0:\2006 OES Records\A-2100 Municipal Council, Commillees & Boards\A-2100-006-05 Museum Advisory Commitlee\Minules. Oclober 19 2006 (final).doc Action Items I Status (include deadline as aooropriate) All Marisa to email document to Bill Gosse and Pat Dunnill All Laura Page 6