HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 25 2017 Page 1 of 8 Minutes/Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee October 25, 2017 7 pm Tower Room Attendees: K. Borisko J. Dempsey W. Jamadar B. Lai J. Van Huss C. Celebre, Principal Planner, Development Review B. George, Pickering Public Library L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: J. Calder D. Hazlett C. Sopher T. Reimer Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Introductions C. Celebre welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Approval of Minutes - September 27, 2017 Moved by K. Borisko That the minutes of the September 27, 2017 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 3. Business Arising from Minutes 3.1) Delegation to the Director C. Celebre noted that she would provide an overview of the comments received with respect to the delegation of authority to the Director at the November meeting. -Cd:Jof- p](KERJNG Page 2 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3.2) Heritage Workshop – October 28th C. Celebre had provided members with an electronic copy of the agenda for the October 28th workshop being held in Whitby. She asked that members confirm with her by Friday who would be attending. 4. New Business 4.1) Greenwood Church B. George provided a brief history of the Greenwood United Church, which will be closing in October. She stated that the first service was held in 1928, with it being an active Church ever since, and advised that the congregation would be merging with Mt. Zion. C. Celebre noted it is not designated or listed on the Heritage Register, and stated it is currently up for sale. A discussion period ensued with members inquiring about the potential for development, and what would happen if it is sold. It was also felt that given the amount of history involved with this Church, it should be considered for listing as soon as possible. C. Celebre noted she would speak with the Chief Planner regarding the possibility of conducting a study. 4.2) Heritage Permit Application - 3215 North Road C. Celebre provided an overview of the heritage permit application received for 3215 North Road to replace windows in an 1996 and 1987 addition with vinyl windows. She noted the property is located within the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District. C. Celebre stated that it was recommend that the applicant install aluminum clad wood which are more in keeping with the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District Guide. The applicant advised that the aluminum windows are C. Celebre to action Page 3 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) substantially more expensive than vinyl, and that her interpretation of the guide was that additions were not included. C. Celebre stated that in order to help cut down on the costs, it was being recommended that the applicant replace the street facing windows with wood or aluminum clad wood windows and vinyl for the side and rear windows. She also noted she would speak with Lindsey Reid with respect to finding suppliers to assist the applicant with quotes. Discussion ensued with the following comments being noted;  Applicant does not support this recommendation due to costs  House is further back from the street  How many windows face the street (3)  Has the Heritage Committee previously approved vinyl for any front facing windows  Any consequences for non-compliance Moved by J. Van Huss That the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee supports the window replacements for the 1987 and 1996 additions with wood or aluminum clad wood windows for street-facing windows and vinyl windows for side and rear windows. Carried Discussion ensued with respect to pursuing a grant program to assist with replacement/maintenance costs for residents in heritage homes. C. Celebre noted staff would need to research this and present a report to Council. C.Celebre recommended that this be placed on the 2018 workplan. 4.3) Cultural Heritage Report – Re Transport Canada proposed demolitions C. Celebre advised that Transport Canada had notified the City that 15 vacant structures in Brougham and surrounding are being proposed for demolition. She noted that staff had C. Celebre to action Page 4 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) determined 10 out of the 15 required a review based on their heritage status. She stated an analysis of the ten properties had been conducted, and provided Members with a memo outlining the proposed recommendations. She also noted that the information had been circulated to Community Services Department including the Pickering Museum Village for their input. C. Celebre stated that most of the properties have been heavily altered and are currently vacant. Discussion ensued with the following comments being noted;  Are all properties on lands designated for an airport or close to runways  What about Concession 6, as it is not located near the proposed airport  What are the timelines for responses to be in  If not tenanted, will they be demolished  Transport Canada wants to begin removal of structures in the Spring  C. Celebre will go back as soon as possible with Lindsey Reid, ERA for further investigation on 3795 Brock Road and 1619 Highway 7  Look into salvageable materials Further discussion ensued with B. Lai seeking clarification on what is included in documentation. He suggested it be expanded to include video documentation, as not everything can be captured in text. Discussion continued with respect to the costs involved, how the editing and archiving would be completed, as this can be very time consuming. It was the consensus of the Members present to support the proposed staff recommendations for the 10 properties with the inclusion of video documentation. The proposed recommendations for the 10 properties are noted as follows: C. Celebre to action Page 5 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3795 Brock Road – Vacant House 1. Given that in ERA’s opinion that the house is generally in sound condition, it is requested that Transport Canada engage a new tenant. If this is not possible, mitigation measures may include documentation, including video documentation (this ERA report) of the structure as well as the salvage of building attributes for reuse; and 2. Furthermore, it is recommended that ERA further investigate and document the stone outbuilding adjacent to the barns (not part of the demolition request). 4235 Brock Road - Barn Given that the barn is collapsed and in a deteriorated state, there appears to be limited salvage opportunities. Staff do not object to the removal of the structure. 4750 Brock Road – Vacant House 1. Given that in ERA’s opinion that the house is generally in sound condition (except for water and rodent issues), it is requested that Transport Canada repair the house and engage a new tenant. If this is not possible, mitigation measures may include documentation, including video documentation (this ERA report) of the structure as well as the salvage of building attributes for reuse; and 2. Furthermore, it is recommended that further investigation related to the sawmill that once occupied this site be undertaken. 1050 Highway 7 – Vacant House 1. Given that in ERA’s opinion that the house is generally in sound condition, the preferred option would be to repair the rear portion and engage a new tenant for the house. If this is not possible, mitigation measures may include documentation, including video documentation (in the ERA Page 6 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) report) of the structure as well as the salvage of building attributes for reuse; and 2. Furthermore, it is recommended that ERA further investigate and document, including video documentation of the rear portion of the house as its construction suggests that it dates to the early to mid-1800’s The work may include historical research and on-site analysis to better determine the age of the building, completing measured drawings of the building and full photo and video documentation. 4585 Sideline 20 - Barn Given that the barn is collapsed, there appears to be limited salvage opportunities. Staff do not object to the removal of the structure. 3720 Sideline 22 – Vacant House Given that in ERA’s opinion that the house is generally in fair condition, the preferred option would be to repair and engage a new tenant for the house. If this is not possible, mitigation measures may include documentation, including video documentation (as in the ERA report) of the structure as well as the salvage of building attributes for reuse. 1619 Highway 7 – Vacant House, Barn and Shed 1. Given that in ERA’s opinion that the house is generally in sound condition, the preferred option would be to repair and engage a new tenant for the house. If this is not possible, mitigation measures may include documentation, including video documentation (this ERA report); and 2. Furthermore, it is recommended that ERA further investigate and document the two-storey outbuilding/workshop. The work may include historical research and on-site analysis to better determine the age of the building, completing measured drawings of the building and full photo and video documentation. Page 7 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3530 Mowbray Street – Vacant House The preferred option would be to repair and engage a new tenant for the house. If this is not possible, mitigation measures may include documentation, including video documentation (this ERA report). 3555 Mowbray Street – Vacant House Due to the configuration, size and date of construction of the structure, it is recommended that ERA further investigate the structure to determine if the structure is possible log construction. This would require undertaking destructive investigation (remove interior or exterior finishes) to verify. Permission from Transport Canada is also required. 3575 Mowbray Street – Vacant House Given that in ERA’s opinion that the house is generally in sound condition, the preferred option would be to repair and engage a new tenant for the house. If this is not possible, mitigation measures may include documentation, including video documentation (this ERA report) of the structure as well as the salvage of building attributes for reuse. C. Celebre to bring forward to Transport Canada 5. Other Business 6.1) Tom Thompson Property B. Lai provided an update with respect to the possible designation of the Tom Thompson property. He advised Members that he had met with Mr. Carson’s daughter with respect to the potential designation of the property. She had indicated that the timing was off for her to continue these discussions at this time, but had agreed to meet again at a future date. B. Lai advised that he would follow up. B. Lai to action 7. Next Meeting – November 22, 2017 Page 8 of 8 Meeting Adjourned: 8:25 pm Copy: City Clerk