HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 26, 2018c/, DICKERING Minutes/Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee June 26, 2018 6:00 pm Pickering Museum Village — Redman House Attendees: T. Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services V. Plouffe, Manager, Facilities Capital Projects K. Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Operations L. Coulter, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee L. Drake, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee G. Oakes, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation G. Lowman, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee P. Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee G. Strange, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee P. Fuselli, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee D. Hudson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee R. Cowan, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee B. Welsh, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee D. Poole, Clerk -Typist (recording secretary) Absent: Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome T. Ryce called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. 2. Approval of Minutes and Agenda Minutes of the April 24, 2018 meeting were revised. Motion: to approve the minutes of the April 24, 2018 meeting as revised Moved: P. Savel Seconded: L. Drake Carried Motion: to approve the agenda Moved: R. Cowan Seconded: L. Drake Carried Page 1 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3. Site Walk About V. Plouffe provided the committee with an overview of the various projects that are, and will be, occurring throughout the museum. Information was provided regarding the work that will be undertaken by the consultant for the new Pickering Heritage & Community Centre. 4. Review of Action Items No outstanding items. 5. Sub Committee Reports Collections: P. Savel reviewed activities and proposed two motions. Motion 1: That the PMV Advisory Committee approves accessioning into the core collection eight original pieces of historical artwork from the Fothergill family, including five portraits of the Fothergill Family and three watercolour nature studies painted by Charles Fothergill. Moved: P. Savel Seconded: L. Drake Carried Motion 2: That the PMV Advisory Committee approves accessioning into the core collection items from the Dunbar Coach House, the Frenchman's Bay Grain Elevator and the Cherrywood Brick Factory, donated by John Sabean of the Pickering Township Historical Society. Moved: P. Savel Seconded: L. Coulter Carried P. Savel would like to acknowledge the efforts of the Pickering Township Historical Society for recent assistance with acquisitions. Page 2 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Volunteer Recognition: G. Lowman requested to have M. Maxwell schedule a meeting during the summer. G. Lowman requested an update regarding the camera donation. Motion: having conducted an extensive review of current market rates for staffing and hourly labour remuneration and benefit costs, across the broad spectrum of tasks performed by volunteers at the Village, the VRC hereby advocates the adoption of a rate more reflective of the average drawn from that study. We recommend that the hourly rate of $25.00 be henceforth applied to all future evaluations of total hourly work performance when assessing volunteers' fiscal contribution to the City of Pickering on behalf of the Museum Village. Moved: G. Lowman Seconded: L. Drake Carried Foundation No report this month. K. Pyke to follow up with M. Maxwell. K. Pyke to follow up with staff. 6. Strategic Plan Update K. Pyke advised that the Strategic Plan was approved by City Council at the meeting on Monday, June 25, 2018. Regarding Ministry Standards Review for this year, the two standards under review were Collections Management (last page of Accession Register, recent Object Catalogue Record, and latest signed Donor Form) and Governance (current, approved Strategic Plan). Submissions are ready to go. K. Pyke sent thanks to the Strategic Planning Steering Committee for their efforts. Page 3 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 7. Budget Review T. Ryce advised that staff have until the end of October to request changes to the budget submission for 2019. V. Plouffe advised that ongoing building works are occurring through capital projects. Staff are requesting new equipment for the museum, rather than hand-me-downs from other departments. This will improve their longevity and help eliminate the artificial perception of the museum as having frequent needs. 8. New Business G. Lowman requested that the museum have its own website. T. Ryce advised that staff will put forward a request to IMT for a PMV web address. Discussion ensued about summer meetings regarding the new Heritage and Community Centre. Motion: that meetings be held on July 24th, 2018 and August 28th, 2018 in the Main Committee Room at City Hall. Moved: G. Lowman Seconded: L. Drake Carried G. Strange requested to have information from the consultant ahead of meetings to allow sufficient time for review and preparation. G. Lowman brought forward a concern regarding an article in the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser whereby the information contained within the article was not reflective of the photograph provided. T. Ryce noted that the photograph selected was that of the writer, that the City has no control over what is selected following an interview. That the City receives excellent coverage of the museum from the News Advertiser. K. Pyke noted that while not ideal, the photo is not completely inaccurate. Staff to request pickeringmuseumvillage.ca through IMT T. Ryce to review. V. Plouffe to provide to the committee members. Page 4 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 9. Adjournment & Next Meeting Motion: to adjourn Moved: P. Savel Seconded: L. Drake Next meeting is scheduled to take place in the Main Committee Room at City Hall at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, July 24th Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 pm Copy: Director, Community Services Clerk Page 5 of 5