HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 07-189 DICKERING Report to Executive Committee Report Number: FIN 07-18 Date: May 7, 2018 From: Stan Karwowski Director, Finance & Treasurer . Subject: 2018 Tax Rates and Final Tax Due Dates for all Realty Tax Classes, Except for Commercial, Industrial and Multi -Residential Realty Classes Recommendation: 1. That Report FIN 07-18 of the Director, Finance & Treasurer regarding the 2018 tax rates be received; That the 2018 tax rates for the City of Pickering be approved as contained in Schedule A of the By-law attached hereto; That the tax levy due dates for the Final Billing be June 27, 2018 and September 27, 2018 excluding the industrial, multi -residential and commercial realty tax classes; 4. That for the year 2018, the City shall levy upon designated Universities and Colleges an annual tax at the prescribed amount for each full-time student enrolled in the University or College, as determined by the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, payable on or after July 1st ; That the attached By-law be approved; That the Director, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary to comply with Provincial regulations including altering due dates or final tax rates to ensure that the property tax billing process is completed; That Council approve the filing of the following assessment appeals: 1801 010 038 19800; 1801 020 017 17300; 1801 020 017 27300; 1801 020 022 06700; 1801 020 022 06906; 1801 020 025 00100; 1801 020 025 04500; 1801 020 025 25610; and, FIN 07-18 May 7, 2018 Subject: 2018 Tax Rates and Final Tax Due Dates for all Realty Tax Classes, Page 2 Except for Commercial, Industrial and Multi -Residential Realty Classes That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Adoption of the above Recommendations and the attached By-law provides for the approval of tax rates required to raise the levy approved in the 2018 Current Budget of the City of Pickering and to levy taxes for School Boards and for the Region of Durham. This is for all realty tax classes except for commercial, industrial and multi -residential which will be dealt with later this year. Financial Implications: Adoption of the Recommendations and enacting the By-law will allow the City to bill the Final 2018 levy for all properties except for the industrial, commercial and multi -residential tax classes, which will be dealt with later this year. Passing of the By-law will assist the City of Pickering in meeting its financial obligations and reducing any borrowing costs. This levy also raises taxes for the Region of Durham and the School Boards. Discussion: The 2018 final tax billing process will consist of two separate components: 1. Residential and residential -related (farm, managed forest) properties; and, 2. Commercial, industrial and multi -residential realty classes. Later this year, a report will be presented to Council asking for Council's approval to bill the non-residential tax classes. The non-residential tax classes are subject to tax capping and Pickering's staff, in conjunction with the other lower tier municipal tax staff and the Region's finance staff, will be working on the tax capping calculations during the next few months. City's Net Tax Levy and Tax Rate Increase The City's 2018 budget provided for an average property tax increase of 2.49% and was adopted by Council through Finance Department Report FIN 03-18. The 2018 Council approved budget levy of $62,489,100 plus assessment growth of $740,000 translates into a total property tax levy of $63,229,100. The Region's tax increase for Pickering is 1.9% and the School Board increase is zero, resulting in a total average residential increase of approximately 1.8%. The property tax rates are calculated based on the budgets of both Pickering and Durham Region. The tax rate itself is defined under section 306 of the Municipal Act and it is to be calculated to eight decimal points. FIN 07-18 May 7, 2018 Subject: 2018 Tax Rates and Final Tax Due Dates for all Realty Tax Classes, Page 3 Except for Commercial, Industrial and Multi -Residential Realty Classes Tax Due Date Instalments Recommendation 3 sets the due dates for the payment of residential taxes at June 27, 2018 and September 27, 2018. For your reference, the table below lists the tax instalment due dates for residential properties for the last three years. Year 1st Instalment 2nd Instalment 2018 June 27, 2018 September 27, 2018 2017 June 28, 2017 September 28, 2017 2016 June 28, 2016 September 28, 2016 2015 June 25, 2015 September 25, 2015 Communication Strategy In addition to mailing the tax bills, the City will advertise the tax instalment due dates on the City's webpage, the Pickering News Advertiser and any other communication channels deemed appropriate by the Director, Finance & Treasurer, prior to each tax due date. Other Recommendations 2 and 3 provide for the levying of all tax rates on all classes of property, except for the non-residential properties. For non-residential properties, the property taxes will be billed at a later date because the "claw back" percentages have not yet been determined. Staff will bring a separate report to Council for the non-residential billing in June. Staff's preliminary estimate for the final non-residential tax due date is September 27, 2018. Recommendation 4 provides for the levying of an annual tax for institutions designated under section 323 of the Municipal Act. In the fall of 2013, the Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities implemented a new enrolment system for colleges which resulted in the Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology being reported under the City of Pickering. Each year the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing provides a listing of institutions and their respective capacity figures as of December 31st of the prior year. The Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities prescribes the amount to be levied for each full-time student enrolled in the college. The institution is billed directly, and levies are payable on or after July 1st each year. It is estimated that the gross billing under recommendation 4 is approximately $9,750. Changes to the Billing Schedule Recommendation 5 will allow the Director, Finance & Treasurer some latitude, limited by Provincial legislation, in effecting whatever changes may be necessary in order to ensure that the taxes are billed properly and in a timely fashion. Recommendation 5 will be used FiN 07-18 May 7, 2018 Subject: 2018 Tax Rates and Final Tax Due Dates for all Realty Tax Classes, Page 4 Except for Commercial, industrial and Multi -Residential Realty Classes only if required to meet Provincial legislative requirements, such as the requirements in subsection 343(1) of the Municipal Act that property owners must have at least twenty- one days notice to pay their taxes. A further report to Council will be prepared if there is any substantial change proposed to the billing of the final taxes. Assessment Appeals Recommendation 7 is seeking council approval to file assessment appeals for eight commercial/industrial properties. These appeals are mainly due to the assessment to sale price ratio (ASR). In other words, the combined assessed value of the properties is $12.2 million and the total of the recent safe prices is $21 0 million. Staff are asking the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), as a first step, to investigate these discrepancies. These appeals are rooted in the principle of tax fairness from the perspective that every property owner should pay their fair share of property taxes. Fairness means in this situation that existing inequity by paying less than fair share is corrected through the assessment appeal. Attachments: 1. By-law to Establish the 2018 Tax Rates and Final Instalment Due Dates for All Realty Classes Except Non -Residential Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Mike Jones Stan Karwowski Supervisor, Taxation Director, Finance & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P. Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 4-6/13,, W18 AE ACM The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. Being a by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required to be raised by taxation for the year 2018 and to establish the Tax Rates necessary to raise such sums and establish the final due dates for the residential, pipeline, farm and managed forest realty tax classes. O i OSTM ► 07 Whereas it is necessary for the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering, pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c25, as amended, to pass a By-law to levy a separate tax rate on the assessment in each property class; and, Whereas the property classes have been prescribed by the Minister of Finance under the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990, ch.A.31, as amended and its Regulations; and, Whereas it is necessary for the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering, pursuant to the Municipal Act, to levy on the whole ratable property according to the last revised assessment roll for The Corporation of the City of Pickering the sums set forth for various purposes in Schedule "A", for the current year; and, Whereas the Regional Municipality of Durham has passed By-law 05-2018 to establish tax ratios, By-law 07-2018 to adopt estimates of all sums required by The Regional Municipality of Durham for the Durham Region Transit Commission, By-law 08-2018 to set and levy rates of taxation for Regional Solid Waste Management, and By-law 06- 2018 to set and levy rates of taxation for Regional General Purposes and set tax rates on Area Municipalities; and, Whereas the Province of Ontario has provided the 2018 education tax rates for the realty classes; and, Whereas sub section 342(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c25, as amended, permits the issuance of separate tax bills for separate classes of real property for 2018; and, Whereas an interim levy was made by the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering (pursuant to By-law 7601/18 before the adoption of the estimates for the current year); Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. For the year 2018, The Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "City") on April 10, 2018, approved Council Report FIN 07-18 and corresponding schedules and attachments as presented, resulting in a taxation levy of $63,229,100. By-law No. Page 2 2. For the year 2018, the City shall levy upon the Property Classes set out in Schedule "A", the rates of taxation as set out in Schedule "A", for the City of Pickering, the Region of Durham and for Education purposes on the current value assessment as also set out in Schedule "A". Where applicable, taxes shall be adjusted in accordance with Bill 140, as amended and its Regulations. The levy provided for in Schedule "A" shall be reduced by the amount of the interim levy for 2018. 4. The Tax Levy due dates for the Final Billing be June 27, 2018 and September 27, 2018 for all classes excluding the non-residential tax classes (commercial, industrial and multi -residential). 5. The Treasurer is hearby authorized to accept twelve monthly electronic payments commencing January 1st and ending December 1st inclusive. Failure by the taxpayer to pay any one monthly part payment, will invoke the late payment charges as outlined in the Municipal Act and confirmed by the City through By-law every year. 6. The Treasurer is hearby authorized to accept twelve monthly electronic payments commencing January 8th and ending December 8th inclusive. Failure by the taxpayer to pay any one monthly part payment, will invoke the late payment charges as outlined in the Municipal Act and confirmed by the City through By-law every year. 7 The Treasurer is hearby authorized to accept twelve monthly electronic payments commencing January 16th and ending December 16th inclusive. Failure by the taxpayer to pay any one monthly part payment, will invoke the late payment charges as outlined in the Municipal Act and confirmed by the City through By-law every year. 8. For the year 2018, the City shall levy upon designated Universities and Colleges an annual tax at the prescribed amount for each full-time student enrolled in the university or college, as determined by the Minister of Training, Colleges, and Universities, payable on or after July 1st in accordance with section 343 of the Municipal Act. 9. If any section or portion of this By-law or of Schedule "A" is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, it is the intent of Council for The Corporation of the City of Pickering that all remaining sections and portions of this By-law and of Schedule "A" continue in force and effect. 10. This By-law comes into force on the date it is passed. By-Iaw No. Page 3 By-law passed this 14th day of May 2018. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk 63,229,1001 2018 Budget Tax Levy RTC Property Class - Taxable Schedule A - 2018 Calculated Tax Rates 2018 City Region Education Total Pickering Region Education TOTAL Phase-in Assessment Tax Rate Tax Rate Tax Rate Tax Rate Billing Billing Billing BILLING RT Residential 13,796,370,716 0.00349006 0.00633998 0.00170000 0.01153004 48,150,162 87,468,714 23,453,830 159,072,706 RD Residential-Educ only (Legion) 761,000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00170000 0.00170000 0 0 1,294 1,294 FT Farm 163,401,475 0.00069801 0.00126799 0.00042500 0.00239100 114,056 207,191 69,446 390,693 TT Managed Forest 4,347,455 0.00087252 0.00158501 0.00042500 0.00288253 3,793 6,891 1,848 12,532 PT Pipelines 29,017,500 0.00429068 0.00779436 0.01090000 0.02298504 124,505 226,173 316,291 666,968 MT Multi -Residential 131,660,677 0.00651420 0.01183358 0.00170000 0.02004778 857,664 1,558,017 223,823 2,639,504 NT Multi -Residential (New Construction) 0.00383907 0.00697398 0.00170000 0.01251305 0 0 0 0 CT Commercial 925,163,790 0.00506059 0.00919298 0.01077055 0.02502412 4,681,875 8,505,012 9,964,523 23,151,410 CU Commercial - Excess Land 8,466,920 0.00404847 0.00735438 0.00861644 0.02001929 34,278 62,269 72,955 169,502 CX Commercial Vacant Land 54,979,500 0.00404847 0.00735438 0.00861644 0.02001929 222,583 404,340 473,728 1,100,651 07 Commercial (New Construction) Full 59,868,492 0.00506059 0.00919298 0.01077055 0.02502412 302,970 550,370 644,817 1,498,156 XU Commercial (New Construction) Exc Land 4,708,426 0.00404847 0.00735438 0.00861644 0.02001929 19,062 34,628 40,570 94,259 XX Commercial (New Construction) Vacant - 0.00404847 0.00735438 0.00861644 0.02001929 0 0 0 0 5T Shopping Centres 644,178,108 0.00506059 0.00919298 0.01077055 0.02502412 3,259,921 5,921,916 6,938,153 16,119,990 5U Shopping Centres Excess Land 143,000 0.00404847 0.00735438 0.00861644 0.02001929 579 1,052 1,232 2,863 ZT Shopping Centre (New Construction) 35,377,243 0.00506059 0.00919298 0.01077055 0.02502412 179,030 325,222 381,032 885,284 ZU Shopping Ctr Exc Land (New Construction) 85,300 0.00404847 0.00735438 0.00861644 0.02001929 345 627 735 1,708 DT Office Building 82,759,485 0.00506059 0.00919298 0.01077055 0.02502412 418,812 760,806 891,365 2,070,983 DU Office Building Excess Land - 0.00404847 0.00735438 0.00861644 0.02001929 0 0 0 0 YT Office Building (New Construction) - 0.00506059 0.00919298 0.01077055 0.02502412 0 0 0 0 GT Parking Lot 416,000 0.00506059 0.00919298 0.01077055 0.02502412 2,105 3,824 4,481 10,410 HT Landfill - 0.00383907 0.00697398 0.01081305 0 0 0 0 IT Industrial 146,211,314 0.00762578 0.01385286 0.01340000 0.03487864 1,114,975 2,025,445 1,959,232 5,099,652 IT Industrial (New Construction) 9,499,601 0.00762578 0.01385286 0.01090000 0.03237864 72,442 131,597 103,546 307,584 IU Industrial Excess Land 1,555,935 0.00584669 0.01062074 0.01027378 0.02674121 9,097 16,525 15,985 41,608 IX Industrial Vacant Land 11,976,943 0.00584669 0.01062074 0.01027378 0.02674121 70,025 127,204 123,048 320,278 JU Industrial Excess Land (New Construction) 1,986,700 0.00584669 0.01062074 0.00835703 0.02482446 11,616 21,100 16,603 49,319 LT Large Industrial 53,799,500 0.00762578 0.01385286 0.01340000 0.03487864 410,263 745,277 720,913 1,876,453 LU Large Industrial - Excess Land 1,615,400 0.00584669 0.01062074 0.01027378 0.02674121 9,445 17,157 16,596 43,198 KT Large Industrial (New Construction) 14,360,000 0.00762578 0.01385286 0.01090000 0.03237864 109,506 198,927 156,524 464,957 KU Large Ind Excess Land (New Construction) - 0.00584669 0.01062074 0.00835703 0.02482446 0 0 0 0 -1 Farmland Awaiting Development - 0.00261755 0.00475499 0.00127500 0.00864754 0 0 0 0 Total Taxable 16,182,710,480 60,179,109 109,320,285 46,592,568 216,091,962 Property Class - Payments in Lieu RF Residential 143,023,950 0.00349006 0.00633998 0.00170000 0.01153004 499,162 906,769 243,141 1,649,072 RP Residential - Tax Tenant 44,025,320 0.00349006 0.00633998 0.00170000 0.01153004 153,651 279,120 74,843 507,614 RG Residential -General 65,242,531 0.00349006 0.00633998 0.00000000 0.00983004 227,700 413,636 0 641,337 RH Residential - Full Shared PIL 245,100 0.00349006 0.00633998 0.00170000 0.01153004 855 1,554 417 2,826 FF Farm 110,996,700 0.00069801 0.00126799 0.00042500 0.00239100 77,477 140,743 47,174 265,393 FP Farm -Tax Tenant 34,306,594 0.00069801 0.00126799 0.00042500 0.00239100 23,946 43,500 14,580 82,027 CF Commercial Full 124,386,987 0.00506059 0.00919298 0.01077055 0.02502412 629,472 1,143,487 1,339,716 3,112,675 CH Commercial Full - Shared PIL 39,280,320 0.00506059 0.00919298 0.01077055 0.02502412 198,782 361,103 423,071 982,955 CP Commercial Full -Tax. Tenant 2,359,750 0.00506059 0.00919298 0.01077055 0.02502412 11,942 21,693 25,416 59,051 CG Commercial General 48,003,204 0.00506059 0.00919298 0.00000000 0.01425357 242,925 441,292 0 684,217 CV Commercial Full - Excess Land 1,647,550 0.00404847 0.00735438 0.00861644 0.02001929 6,670 12,117 14,196 32,983 CW Commercial General Excess Land 1,833,900 0.00404847 0.00735438 0.00000000 0.01140285 7,424 13,487 0 20,912 CZ Commercial Gen -Vacant Land 2,822,000 0.00404847 0.00735438 0.00000000 0.01140285 11,425 20,754 0 32,179 CI Commercial - Vacant Land Shared PIL 150,500 0.00404847 0.00735438 0.00861644 0.02001929 609 1,107 1,297 3,013 DH Office Building Full -Shared PIL 18,483,900 0.00506059 0.00919298 0.01077055 0.02502412 144,145 261,852 306,787 712,785 IH Industrial Full -Shared PIL 15,632,805 0.00762578 0.01385286 0.01340000 0.03487864 119,212 216,559 209,480 545,251 IP Industrial Full -Tax Tenant 273,050 0.00762578 0.01385286 0.01340000 0.03487864 2,082 3,783 3,659 9,524 IK Ind. Excess Land -Shared PIL 9,353,175 0.00584669 0.01062074 0.01027378 0.02674121 54,685 99,338 96,092 250,115 IQ Ind. Excess Land Tax Tenant PIL 249,950 0.00584669 0.01062074 0.01027378 0.02674121 1,461 2,655 2,568 6,684 11 Industrial Vacant Land Shared PIL 2,910,000 0.00584669 0.01062074 0.01027378 0.02674121 17,014 30,906 29,897 77,817 LK Large Ind. Excess Land -Shared PIL 1,596,800 0.00584669 0.01062074 0.01027378 0.02674121 9,336 16,959 16,405 42,700 LI Large Ind. Water Intake -Shared PIL 9,769,600 0.00762578 0.01385286 0.01340000 0.03487864 74,501 135,337 130,913 340,750 L5 Large Ind. Generating Station - Shared PIL 29,848,500 0.00762578 0.01385286 0.01340000 0.03487864 227,618 413,487 399,970 1,041,075 LN Large Ind. Non -Gen Stn -Shared PIL 40,376,800 0.00762578 0.01385286 0.01340000 0.03487864 307,905 559,334 541,049 1,408,288 Total PILS 756,818,986 3,050,000 5,540,572 3,920,669 12,511,242 Grand Totals 16,939,529,466 63,229,108 114,860,858 50,513,237 228,603,203