HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 22 2017Page 1 of 5 Minutes/Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee November 22, 2017 7 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: K. Borisko J. CalderD. HazlettT. ReimerC. Sopher J. Van HussC. Celebre, Principal Planner, Development ReviewL. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: J. Dempsey W. JamadarB. George, Pickering Public LibraryB. Lai Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Introductions C. Celebre welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Approval of Minutes -October 25, 2017 Moved by J. Van Huss That the minutes of the October 25, 2017 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 3. Business Arising from Minutes 3.1) Transport Canada Lands Update C. Celebre provided members with a brief overview of the discussions that had taken place at the October meetingwith respect to the proposed demolition of 15 properties, 10of which had been determined by staff for review. She Page 2 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) advised that the documentation had been circulated to Community Services for review and comment as well. As a result of their feedback, the following five were identified as being of interest for further review: 1) 3795 Brock Road C. Celebre noted that during further inspection of this property, a stone outbuilding was located. This was not part of the demotion request, as is currently being leased. C. Celebre noted that Community Services had expressed an interest in this structure and it will be determined if it will be evaluated at this time. 2) 3720 Sideline 22 C. Celebre noted that Community Services had expressed interest in this property and had requested further information and there may be an interest in salvaging stone material. 3) 1619 Highway 7 C. Celebre advised that all buildings were proposed for demolition on this property including a building that appears to be a workshop. She noted that Community Services had shown an interest in this building and request further historical research. 4) 3555 Mowbray C. Celebre noted there was a possibility that this could be a timber frame or log construction, and that the Museum may be of interest. She noted ERA would be doing further destructive investigation in order to determine the construction of the building. 5) 1050 Highway 7 C. Celebre noted that further research would be conducted on this property along with additional documentation and sketches. She noted a possibility of salvaging the stone. Page 3 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) She also noted that Transport Canada had advised there was no interest in retaining any of these buildings. The City has retained ERA to visit the sites and to prepare further historical evaluation and building documentation. She will provide the conclusions to Community Services and the Heritage Committee. C. Celebre stated that working with Community Services through this process has allowed for input and ideas that have been very valuable. 3.2) Greenwood Church C. Celebre provided members with an update on the Greenwood Church, noting that she would discuss this further with C. Rose, Chief Planner, in order to determine the possibility of pursuing a review of the Church for listing. A brief discussion ensued with respect to the possibility of de-commissioning, re-purposing as a private residence, as well as any groups that may have an interest in it. 3.2) Delegation By-law Update C. Celebre provided members with an update on the proposed delegation by-law and comments received to date. She noted that the general consensus from the Committee at the September meeting of the Heritage Committee was support for Option 3. This option would allow for the delegation of minor heritage permit applications to go directly to staff, and that those considered major would come before the Heritage Pickering Committee for consultation. Through the aid of a power point presentation, she outlined the various minor vs major topics as considered by other area municipalities. Discussion ensued among members with respect to what should be considered minor, as well as the amount of detail to include. It was noted that with more detail, it would be easier to work with in areas such as windows and lighting. She also noted members could refer to the City of Kingston as well as Peterborough as good examples in making their determinations. The following points were noted for consideration; C. Celebre to action All members to action Page 4 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate)  Notify Committee of decisions by staff on permits of a minor nature  Importance of pursuing grants available to help alleviate costs to residents  Timing for applicants – could encourage more people to come forward by reducing the wait times  Need to be controlled/monitored  Encourage the use of qualified professionals/proper materials  Need to look into enforcement  Should be well detailed C. Celebre to draft proposed by-law along with Lindsey Reid, and forward electronically to members for their review and comment in January. C. Celebre also to look into the term “Council Decision” as noted on the flow chart in Option 3. 3.3) Update on Whitby Workshop Members provided an update on the workshop held in Whitby on October 28th. Those that were in attendance noted is was well done and very informative. C. Celebre to action 4. New Business 4.1) 2018 Schedule of meetings It was the consensus of the Members present to continue with the meeting schedule, being the 4th Wednesday of each month. 5. Other Business 5.1) Designation By-laws Update C. Celebre advised that the appeal period had ended for the Notice of Intent to Designate for 940 Whitevale Road, 615 Whitevale Road and 1200 Whitevale Road and no appeals had been received. The designation by-laws will now be coming forward to Council for final approval. 5.2) Permit Application C. Celebre advised there may be a heritage permit application coming in and would advise members of the need to hold a meeting in December. C. Celebre to advise Page 5 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 6. Next Meeting – TBD Meeting Adjourned: 8:25 pm Copy: City Clerk